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Spring 2012<br />

Subj/Crse CRN Days Beg Time End Time Room Units Instructor Dates<br />

ADJU 1 - Intro to the Admin of Justce<br />


History and philosophy of administraton of justce in America. Descripton of system and identfcaton with various sub-systems. Role expectatons and<br />

interrelatonships, theories of crime, punishment, and rehabilitaton. Ethics, educaton, and training for professionalism in the system. Grades: Opton (A-F), P/NP<br />

Degree Applicable Credit. Major, Area of Emphasis, and Gen Ed Applicable. UC/CSU (CAN AJ 2)<br />

ADJU 1 40423 M ONLINE<br />

3.00 units Beshears, M.<br />

January 09 - March 09<br />

ADJU 15 - Legal Aspects of Correctons<br />

Historical framework, concepts and precedents that guide correctonal practce. Correctons environment, civil rights of prisoners and responsibilites of<br />

correctons staf. Grades: Opton (A-F), P/NP. Degree Applicable Credit. Major Applicable. CSU<br />

ADJU 15 40426 M ONLINE<br />

3.00 units Bingham, G.<br />

January 09 - March 09<br />

ADJU 18 - Fund. of Probaton and Parole<br />

Overview of the history and philosophical foundatons of probaton and parole. Organizaton and operatons of probaton. Issues and problems relatng to the<br />

presentence report, determinate versus indeterminate sentencing, role of the probaton and parole ofcer, legal decisions afectng probaton and parole practce.<br />

May be taken as Sociology 18 credit granted for one course only. Grades: Opton (A-F), P/NP. Degree Applicable Credit. Major Applicable. CSU<br />

ADJU 18 40427 M ONLINE<br />

3.00 units Bingham, G.<br />

March 19 - May 18<br />

ADJU 2 - Prin/Proc of the Justce Sys<br />

Role and responsibilites of law enforcement, judicial, and correctons segments within the administraton of justce system. Examinaton of each sub-system and<br />

the relatonship each segment maintains with its system members. Grades: Opton (A-F), P/NP. Degree Applicable Credit. Major Applicable. CSU<br />

ADJU 2 40421 M ONLINE<br />

3.00 units Beshears, M.<br />

January 09 - March 09<br />

ADJU 2 40474 T 1800 2050<br />

B1<br />

3.00 units Harpole, R.<br />

January 09 - May 18<br />

ADJU 3 - Concepts of Criminal Law<br />

Historical development, philosophy, and consttutonal provisions of criminal law. Defnitons and classifcatons of crime, and their applicaton to the<br />

administraton of justce system. Legal research, study of case law, methodology, and concepts of law as a social force. Grades: Opton (A-F), P/NP. Degree<br />

Applicable Credit. Major and Area of Emphasis Applicable. UC/CSU (CAN AJ 4)<br />

ADJU 3 40475 R 1800 2050<br />

B1<br />

3.00 units Harpole, R.<br />

January 09 - May 18<br />

ADJU 4 - Legal Aspects of Evidence<br />

Origin, development, philosophy and consttutonal basis of evidence. Consttutonal and procedural consideratons afectng arrest, search and seizure and kinds<br />

and degrees of evidence and rules governing admissibility. Judicial decisions interpretng individual rights and case studies. Grades: Opton (A-F), P/NP. Degree<br />

Applicable Credit. Major Applicable. CSU (CAN AJ 6)<br />

ADJU 4 40422 M ONLINE<br />

3.00 units Beshears, M.<br />

March 19 - May 18<br />

ADJU 5 - Comm Relatons of Jus Sys<br />

Roles of administraton of justce practtoners and their agencies. Inter-relatonships and role expectatons among various agencies and the public. Professional<br />

image of the system and the development of positve relatonships between system members and the public. Grades: Opton (A-F), P/NP. Degree Applicable<br />

Credit. Major and Area of Emphasis Applicable. UC/CSU<br />

ADJU 5 40425 M ONLINE<br />

3.00 units Lozano, F.<br />

January 30 - April 06<br />

ADJU 6 - Concepts of Enforcement Svcs<br />

Theories, philosophies, and concepts related to the role expectatons of the line enforcement ofcer. Patrol, trafc, and public service responsibilites and their<br />

relatonship to the administraton of justce system. Grades: Opton (A-F), P/NP. Degree Applicable Credit. Major Applicable. CSU<br />

ADJU 6 40476 TR 1000 1115<br />

B1<br />

3.00 units Harpole, R.<br />

January 09 - May 18<br />

ADJU 7 - Principles of Investgaton<br />

Principles of all types of investgatons utlized in the justce system. Dealing with the public, handling crime scenes, interviews, evidence, surveillance, follow-up,<br />

technical resources and case preparaton. Grades: Opton (A-F), P/NP. Degree Applicable Credit. Major Applicable. CSU (CAN AJ 8)<br />

ADJU 7 40424 M ONLINE<br />

3.00 units Beshears, M.<br />

March 19 - May 18<br />

12/1/11, 10:13 am<br />


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