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Spring 2012<br />

Subj/Crse CRN Days Beg Time End Time Room Units Instructor Dates<br />

PSYC 1 - Intro to Psychology<br />


Consideraton of the development of psychology, sensaton and percepton, learning and memory, motvaton and emoton, state of consciousness, stress, health<br />

and adjustment, abnormal behavior and psychotherapy, sex roles and sexual behavior. Grades: Opton (A-F), P/NP. Degree Applicable Credit. Area of Emphasis and<br />

Gen Ed Applicable. UC/CSU (CAN PSY 2)<br />

PSYC 1 40161 TR 1000 1115<br />

B18<br />

3.00 units Jelly, J.<br />

January 09 - May 18<br />

PSYC 1 40355 M ONLINE<br />

3.00 units Roberts, K.<br />

January 09 - March 09<br />

PSYC 1 40391 M ONLINE<br />

3.00 units Shields, A.<br />

January 09 - April 27<br />

PSYC 1 40392 M ONLINE<br />

3.00 units Shields, A.<br />

January 09 - April 27<br />

PSYC 1 40577 MW 1800 2050<br />

IRWIN<br />

3.00 units Dust, K.<br />

January 09 - March 09<br />

PSYC 1 40598 MW 1800 2050<br />

IRWIN<br />

3.00 units Dust, K.<br />

March 19 - May 18<br />

PSYC 11 - Human Sexuality<br />

Human anatomy, physiology, and behavior as related to sexual reproducton, including fertlizaton, pregnancy, childbirth and birth control. Consideraton will also<br />

be given to genetcs, homosexuality, sexually transmited diseases, and sexual intercourse and response. May be taken as Biology 11 - credit granted for one<br />

course only. Grades: Opton (A-F), P/NP. Degree Applicable Credit. Area of Emphasis and Gen Ed Applicable. UC/CSU<br />

PSYC 11 40136 M ONLINE<br />

3.00 units Sage, B.<br />

January 09 - March 09<br />

PSYC 11 40138 MW 1000 1115<br />

S4A<br />

3.00 units Sage, B.<br />

January 09 - May 18<br />

PSYC 11 40155 M ONLINE<br />

3.00 units Jelly, J.<br />

February 21 - April 27<br />

PSYC 11 40157 M ONLINE<br />

3.00 units Jelly, J.<br />

March 19 - May 18<br />

PSYC 11 40159 TR 1500 1615<br />

B18<br />

3.00 units Jelly, J.<br />

January 09 - May 18<br />

PSYC 11 40576 TR 1500 1750<br />

IRWIN<br />

3.00 units Dust, K.<br />

January 09 - March 09<br />

PSYC 11 40669 M ONLINE<br />

3.00 units Sage, B.<br />

March 19 - May 18<br />

PSYC 13 - Sport Psychology<br />

An introducton to sport psychology as well as an overview of sport psychology factors such as motvaton, communicaton, imagery, management of psychic<br />

energy, stress management, relaxaton, goal setng, and the implementaton of psychological skills testng (PST). May be taken as Physical Educaton Lecture 1 -<br />

credit granted for one course only. Grades: Opton (A-F), P/NP. Degree Applicable Credit. Area of Emphasis Applicable. CSU<br />

PSYC 13 40150 M ONLINE<br />

3.00 units Grossman, D.<br />

March 19 - May 18<br />

PSYC 13 40358 M ONLINE<br />

3.00 units Howard, R.<br />

March 19 - May 18<br />

PSYC 14 - Intro to Drug/Alcohol Studies<br />

A historical perspectve on drug/alcohol abuse, its impact on the individual, the family, the community, and society. Defnitons of use, abuse, and addicton as well<br />

as the disease concept of addicton. Efectveness and economics of various models of treatment and rehabilitaton. May be taken as Sociology 14 - credit granted<br />

for one course only. Grades: Opton (A-F), P/NP. Degree Applicable Credit. Area of Emphasis and Gen Ed Applicable. UC/CSU<br />

PSYC 14 40291 M ONLINE<br />

3.00 units Faulkenberry, D. January 30 - April 06<br />

PSYC 15 - Intro to Guidance & Counseling<br />

A survey of the guidance process, communicaton, functons of counseling, and various counseling theories. Introducton to the whole guidance process.<br />

Integrated approach to basic helping skills utlizing theory, practce, and case applicaton. Development of skills needed to establish efectve helping relatonships.<br />

May be taken as Sociology 15 - credit granted for one course only. Grades: Opton (A-F), P/NP. Degree Applicable Credit. Area of Emphasis and Gen Ed Applicable.<br />

CSU<br />

PSYC 15 40328 M ONLINE<br />

3.00 units Smith, J.<br />

March 19 - May 18<br />

PSYC 2 - Develop Psychology<br />

Theories, research methods and fndings concerning physical, cognitve and psychosocial development of the individual from concepton through the entre life<br />

span. Grades: Opton (A-F), P/NP. Degree Applicable Credit. Area of Emphasis and Gen Ed Applicable. UC/CSU<br />

PSYC 2 40356 M ONLINE<br />

3.00 units Roberts, K.<br />

January 30 - April 06<br />

PSYC 2 40591 MW 1300 1550<br />

IRWIN<br />

3.00 units Dust, K.<br />

March 19 - May 18<br />

PSYC 33 - Marriage and Family<br />

Human relatonships in antcipaton of, preparaton for, and partcipaton in marriage. Social change as it afects marriage and family life. Psychological and sexual<br />

aspects and implicatons which make for success or failure in marriage. May be taken as Sociology 3 - credit granted for one course only. Grades: Opton (A-F),<br />

P/NP. Degree Applicable Credit. Area of Emphasis and Gen Ed Applicable. UC/CSU<br />

PSYC 33 40144 M ONLINE<br />

3.00 units Howey, D.<br />

January 30 - April 06<br />

PSYC 33 40645 MW 1800 2050<br />

S11<br />

3.00 units Howey, D.<br />

January 09 - March 09<br />

12/1/11, 10:13 am<br />


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