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13.2 Temperature Scales 455<br />

13.2 <strong>TEMPERATURE</strong> <strong>SCALES</strong><br />

Thermometers measure temperature by exploiting some property of matter that is temperature-dependent.<br />

The familiar liquid-in-glass thermometer relies on thermal expansion:<br />

the mercury or alcohol expands as its temperature rises (or contracts as its<br />

temperature drops) and we read the temperature on a calibrated scale. Since some materials<br />

expand more than others, these thermometers must be calibrated on a scale using<br />

some easily reproducible phenomenon, such as the melting point of ice or the boiling<br />

point of water. The assignment of temperatures to these phenomena is arbitrary.<br />

The most commonly used temperature scale in the world is the Celsius scale. On<br />

the Celsius scale, 0°C is the freezing temperature of water at P = 1 atm (the ice point)<br />

and 100°C is the boiling temperature of water at P = 1 atm (the steam point).<br />

In the United States, the Fahrenheit scale is still commonly used (Fig. 13.2). At<br />

1 atm, the ice point is 32°F and the steam point is 212°F, so the difference between the<br />

steam and ice points is 180°F. The size of the Fahrenheit degree interval is therefore<br />

smaller than the Celsius degree interval: a temperature difference of 1°C is equivalent to<br />

a difference of 1.8°F:<br />

° F<br />

∆T F = ∆T C × 1.8 (13-1)<br />

° C<br />

Since the two scales also have an offset (0°C is not the same temperature as 0°F) conversion<br />

between the two is:<br />

T F = (1.8°F/°C) T C + 32°F<br />

(13-2a)<br />

T C = T F – 32°<br />

F<br />

<br />

(13-2b)<br />

1.8°F/<br />

° C<br />

The SI unit of temperature is the kelvin (symbol K, without a degree sign). The<br />

kelvin has the same degree size as the Celsius scale; that is, a temperature difference of<br />

1°C is the same as a difference of 1 K. However, 0 K represents absolute zero—there<br />

are no temperatures below 0 K. The ice point is 273.15 K, so temperature in °C (T C ) and<br />

temperature in kelvins (T) are related.<br />

T C = T – 273.15 (13-3)<br />

Equation (13-3) is the definition of the Celsius scale in terms of the kelvin. <strong>Table</strong> <strong>13.1</strong><br />

shows some temperatures in kelvins, °C, and °F.<br />

Celsius<br />

100°C<br />

50°C<br />

0°C<br />

–40°C<br />

The freezing and boiling<br />

temperatures of water<br />

depend on the pressure.<br />

Fahrenheit<br />

212°F (Steam<br />

200°F point)<br />

150°F<br />

100°F<br />

50°F<br />

32°F (Ice point)<br />

0°F<br />

–40°F<br />

Figure 13.2 The Fahrenheit<br />

and Celsius temperature scales.<br />

<strong>Table</strong> <strong>13.1</strong><br />

Some Reference Temperatures in K, °C, and °F<br />

K °C °F K °C °F<br />

Absolute zero 0 –273.15 –459.67<br />

Lowest transient temperature<br />

achieved (laser cooling) 10 –9<br />

Intergalactic space 3 –270 –454<br />

Helium boils 4.2 –269 –452<br />

Nitrogen boils 77 –196 –321<br />

Carbon dioxide freezes<br />

(“dry ice”) 195 –78 –108<br />

Mercury freezes 234 –39 –38<br />

Ice melts/water freezes 273.15 0 32.0<br />

Human body temperature 310 37 98.6<br />

Water boils 373.15 100.00 212.0<br />

Campfire 1,000 700 1,300<br />

Gold melts 1,337 1,064 1,947<br />

Lightbulb filament 3,000 2,700 4,900<br />

Surface of Sun; iron<br />

welding arc 6,300 6,000 11,000<br />

Center of Earth 16,000 15,700 28,300<br />

Lightning channel 30,000 30,000 50,000<br />

Center of Sun 10 7 10 7 10 7<br />

Interior of neutron star 10 9 10 9 10 9

456 Chapter 13 Temperature and the Ideal Gas<br />

Example <strong>13.1</strong><br />

A Sick Friend<br />

A friend suffering from the flu has a fever; her<br />

body temperature is 38.6°C. What is her temperature<br />

in (a) K and (b) °F?<br />

Strategy (a) Kelvins and °C differ only by a shift of<br />

the zero point. Converting from °C to K requires only the<br />

addition of 273.15 K since 0°C (the ice point) corresponds<br />

to 273.15 K. (b) The °F is a different size than the<br />

°C, as well as having a different zero. In the Celsius<br />

scale, the zero is at the ice point. First multiply by<br />

1.8°F/°C to find how many °F above the ice point. Then<br />

add 32°F (the Fahrenheit temperature of the ice point).<br />

Solution (a) The temperature is 38.6 K above the ice<br />

point of 273.15 K. Therefore, the kelvin temperature is<br />

T = 38.6 K + 273.15 K = 311.8 K<br />

(b) First find how many °F above the ice point:<br />

∆T F = 38.6°C × (1.8°F/°C) = 69.5°F<br />

The ice point is 32°F, so<br />

T F = 32.0°F + 69.5°F = 101.5°F<br />

Discussion The answer is reasonable since 98.6°F is<br />

normal body temperature.<br />

Practice Problem <strong>13.1</strong> Normal Body<br />

Temperatures with Two Scales<br />

Convert the normal human body temperature (98.6°F) to<br />

degrees Celsius and kelvins.<br />


Most objects expand as their temperature increases. Long before the cause of thermal<br />

expansion was understood, the phenomenon was put to practical use. For example, the<br />

cooper (barrel maker) heated iron hoops red hot to make them expand before fitting<br />

them around the wooden staves of a barrel. The iron hoops contracted as they cooled,<br />

pulling the staves tightly together to make a leak-tight barrel.<br />

Recall that the fractional length change (strain) caused by a tensile or compressive<br />

stress is proportional to the stress that caused it [Eq. (10-4)]. Similarly, the fractional<br />

length change caused by a temperature change is proportional to the temperature change,<br />

as long as the temperature change is not too great. If the length of a wire, rod, or pipe is<br />

L 0 at temperature T 0 (Fig. 13.3), then<br />

∆ L<br />

= a ∆T (13-4)<br />

L<br />

0<br />

T 0<br />

T > T 0<br />

L 0<br />

Figure 13.3 Expansion of a<br />

solid rod with increasing<br />

temperature.<br />

L<br />

∆L<br />

where ∆L = L – L 0 and ∆T = T – T 0 . The length at temperature T is<br />

L = L 0 + ∆L = (1 + a ∆T) L 0 (13-5)<br />

The constant of proportionality a is called the coefficient of thermal expansion of<br />

the substance. It plays a role in thermal expansion similar to that of the elastic modulus<br />

in tensile stress. If T is measured in kelvins or in degrees Celsius, then a has units of K –1<br />

or °C –1 . Since only the change in temperature is involved in Eq. (13-4), either Celsius or<br />

Kelvin temperatures can be used to find ∆T; a temperature change of 1 K is the same as<br />

a temperature change of 1°C.<br />

As is true for the elastic modulus, the coefficient of thermal expansion has different<br />

values for different solids and also depends to some extent on the starting temperature<br />

of the object. <strong>Table</strong> 13.2 lists the coefficients of thermal expansion for various solids at<br />

room temperature (20°C).

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