Admiralty Charts & Publications
Admiralty Charts & Publications
Admiralty Charts & Publications
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<strong>Admiralty</strong> <strong>Charts</strong> & <strong>Publications</strong><br />
Recommended Retail Prices (UK RRP * )<br />
Effective from 3 rd November 2011<br />
Navigational <strong>Charts</strong><br />
Standard Nautical <strong>Charts</strong> numbered 1 to 4999, including International <strong>Charts</strong>, and UKHO<br />
reproductions of Australian, New Zealand and Japanese <strong>Charts</strong><br />
Thematic <strong>Charts</strong><br />
£ 22.80 each<br />
Instructional <strong>Charts</strong> £ 4.95 each<br />
Meteorological <strong>Charts</strong> £ 4.95 each<br />
Anti-Piracy Planning Chart, Routeing <strong>Charts</strong>, Gnomonic <strong>Charts</strong>, Hydrographic Practice and<br />
Symbols, UK Practice and Exercise <strong>Charts</strong>, Magnetic Variation <strong>Charts</strong>, Territorial Sea<br />
Baseline <strong>Charts</strong>, Bathymetric <strong>Charts</strong> and Miscellaneous Thematic <strong>Charts</strong><br />
Reference <strong>Publications</strong><br />
£ 11.30 each<br />
Mariner's Handbook NP100 £ 54.80<br />
IALA Maritime Buoyage System NP735 £ 7.15<br />
Paper Chart Maintenance Record NP133A £ 27.35<br />
Catalogue of <strong>Admiralty</strong> <strong>Charts</strong> and <strong>Publications</strong> NP131 £ 26.55<br />
Symbols and Abbreviations Used on <strong>Admiralty</strong> <strong>Charts</strong> NP5011 £ 11.30<br />
<strong>Admiralty</strong> Guide to ENC Symbols used in ECDIS NP5012 £ 20.00<br />
<strong>Admiralty</strong> Guide to the Practical Use of ENCs NP231 £ 50.00<br />
How to Keep your <strong>Admiralty</strong> <strong>Charts</strong> Up-to-Date NP294 £ 11.30<br />
Routeing and Voyage Planning <strong>Publications</strong><br />
Ocean Passages for the World NP136 £ 56.00<br />
<strong>Admiralty</strong> Distance Tables NP350(1), (2), (3) £ 28.65 each<br />
<strong>Admiralty</strong> Sailing Directions NPs 1-72 £ 54.80 each<br />
<strong>Admiralty</strong> List of Lights NPs 74-85 £ 29.25 each<br />
Supplements (Sailing Directions & Distance Tables) £ 7.45<br />
<strong>Admiralty</strong> List of Radio Signals<br />
NPs 281((1) & (2)), 282,<br />
283((1) &(2)), 285, 286((1), (2),<br />
(3), (4), (5), (6), (7))<br />
£ 41.70 each<br />
ALRS Vol 4, Meteorological Observation Stations NP284 £ 28.00<br />
Routeing Guides £ 22.80 each<br />
Tidal <strong>Publications</strong><br />
<strong>Admiralty</strong> Manual of Tides NP120 £ 27.35<br />
<strong>Admiralty</strong> Tidal Handbook NP122(1), (2), (3) £ 12.45 each<br />
<strong>Admiralty</strong> Tide Tables NPs 201-204 £ 27.35 each<br />
<strong>Admiralty</strong> Tidal Stream Atlases<br />
NPs 209, 218-222, 233, 249-<br />
257, 263-265, 337<br />
£ 10.05 each<br />
Co-Tidal Atlases NPs 214 & 215 £ 10.05 each<br />
Tidal <strong>Charts</strong> £ 11.30 each<br />
Tidal Harmonic Constants (European Waters) NP160 £ 11.30 each<br />
Dover, times of High Water and mean ranges NP164 £ 1.35
<strong>Admiralty</strong> <strong>Charts</strong> & <strong>Publications</strong><br />
Recommended Retail Prices (UK RRP * )<br />
Effective from 3 rd November 2011<br />
Celestial <strong>Publications</strong><br />
The Nautical Almanac NP314 £ 39.20<br />
Rapid Sight Reduction Tables NP303 (1), (2), (3) £ 29.90 each<br />
Sight Reduction Tables for Marine Navigation NPs 401 (1) to (6) £ 28.65 each<br />
Astronomical <strong>Charts</strong>, Plotting Diagrams and Sheets £ 7.15 each<br />
Star Finder and Identifier NP 323 £ 12.45<br />
The Star Almanac for Land Surveyors NP 321 £ 17.85<br />
The Astronomical Almanac GP100 £ 49.20<br />
Astronomical Phenomena GP200 £ 11.30<br />
Notices to Mariners<br />
Annual Summary of Notices to Mariners NP247 (1), (2) £ 5.60 each<br />
Weekly Notices to Mariners and (Weekly Notices to<br />
Mariners)<br />
Cumulative List of Notices to Mariners issued at six<br />
monthly intervals<br />
Miscellaneous <strong>Publications</strong><br />
£ 2.20 each<br />
NP234A/B £ 2.50 each<br />
Folio Cover for <strong>Charts</strong> NP713 £ 22.80<br />
Ships’ Boats’ charts NP727 £ 42.25<br />
For Digital Products and Services pricing, please visit<br />
* UK RRP means UK Recommended Retail Price in Sterling (GB Pounds) and excluding local taxes (where<br />