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MINISTRY OF <strong>LABOUR</strong> & EMPLOYMENT<br />

<strong>REGIONAL</strong> <strong>LABOUR</strong> <strong>INSTITUTE</strong><br />

Directorate General Factory Advice Service & Labour Institutes<br />

Vyavsayik Swasthaya Aur Suraksha Bhawan,<br />




(Academic Session- 2013-14)<br />

Last date for accepting duly filled-in application forms by The Head of Office, Regional Labour<br />

Institute, Sarvodaya Nagar Kanpur-208 005, is 10 th May 2013. Application received<br />

after this date will not be considered.<br />

Instructions to Candidate<br />

1. Please furnish all information in full.<br />

2. Attach separate sheets wherever<br />

the space provided in the form is<br />

inadequate.<br />

3. Attach self attested copies of<br />

certificates & testimonials in<br />

respect of age, qualification &<br />

experience.<br />

4. Before sending the filled-in<br />

application form, please go through<br />

the prospectus & ensure<br />

compliance to the checkpoints<br />

given in the end of the form.<br />


1. Name in full<br />

(In capital letters & as per High<br />

School or equivalent certificate)<br />

2. Father’s Name<br />

3. Date of Birth<br />

4. Place of Posting in the present<br />

Job.<br />

(Attach a certificate from your present employer)<br />


5. Postal Address<br />

(For correspondence)<br />

6. Address of employer<br />

(Sponsoring / Permitting authority)<br />

Pin Code:<br />

Telephone Numbers with STD code:<br />

Residence:<br />

Office:<br />

Mobile No:<br />

Email:<br />

Pin code:<br />

Office phone no. with STD code:<br />

Fax No with STD code:<br />

Mobile No:<br />

Email :<br />

7. Permanent Address<br />

Pin Code:<br />

Telephone No. with STD code :<br />

Mobile No:<br />

8. Are you a member of SC/ST/Ex-<br />

Army/OBC/NT/VJ?<br />

If so give particulars<br />

(Attach self attested certificate issued<br />

within six month by competent<br />

authority)<br />


9. Details of Academic Qualifications.<br />

(High School, S.S.C or equivalent & onwards examinations passed. Attach self attested copies of all the<br />

certificates and mark sheets)<br />

Sr.<br />

No,<br />

Name of<br />

Examination Passed<br />

Name and Address<br />

of<br />

School,<br />

College/Institute<br />

University<br />

/ Board<br />

Date &<br />

Year of<br />

Passing<br />

Class/Div<br />

ision<br />

Obtained<br />

Mark’s<br />

Obtained<br />

with<br />

Percentage<br />

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8<br />

Subjects<br />

10. Details of experience (in chronological order). Attach self attested copies of the certificates.<br />

Sr<br />

No.<br />

Name and Address of<br />

Organisation where<br />

employed (starting from first<br />

employment & ending with<br />

present employment)<br />

Designation<br />

and<br />

pay<br />

Employment Period<br />

Give exact dates<br />

From<br />

To<br />

Employment<br />

Duration<br />

Indicating Years,<br />

months and days<br />

Nature of Duties<br />

(Enclose self<br />

attested copies of<br />

the certificates )<br />

1 2 3 4 5 6<br />

11.Total experience (From first employment up to 30 June 2013):……….Year ……Months……..days<br />

12. Give the details , if you have earlier applied at this institute for this course.?<br />

13. Any other information which the applicant desires to give in support of his candidature.:<br />


14. Hostel accommodation: Required / Not required (Women hostel is not available)<br />

15. Declaration by the candidate<br />

I hereby declare that information furnished in the application is true and correct to the best<br />

of my knowledge and belief and that no material information has been willfully suppressed by me.<br />

If at any stage it is found that I do not fulfill the eligibility requirements, have used fraudulent<br />

means to secure admission, have made false or incorrect statements or my qualifying examination<br />

is not recognised by the Board of Technical Education, U.P, then I shall not be allowed to appear<br />

at the interview, complete admission formalities, or if in any case already admitted, my admission<br />

shall be cancelled and my application/certificates/documents and the fee paid shall not be<br />

returned. I also undertake that after my admission to the course. I shall complete the requisite<br />

attendance, projects and term work during the period of the course.<br />

Date:<br />

Place:<br />

Signature of the candidate<br />


(Either ‘A’ or ‘B’ of the formats given below should necessarily be completed by the employer of the<br />

organisation where the candidate is employed and which is sponsoring or permitting the candidate for this course)<br />


Shri ……………………………………………. holding the post of------------------------------- --------- in this<br />

organisation is hereby sponsored to attend the POST-DIPLOMA COURSE IN INDUSTRIAL SAFETY<br />

during the academic year 2013-2014. The application for admission in the prescribed form, duly filled<br />

in, has been verified and is forwarded herewith.<br />

Shri ……………………………………………………………………………………… is working in this<br />

organisation …………………………………….. w.e.f. ……………………………………….<br />

Place:<br />

Date:<br />

……………………..<br />

……………………..<br />

Signature of the Sponsoring Authority,<br />

Name, Designation & Address<br />

Seal of Sponsoring Authority<br />

Office Ph. no. with STD Code :<br />

(Mobile No.) :<br />

Fax No.:<br />

E-mail.:<br />


OR<br />


Shri ……………………………………………. holding the post of------------------------------- --------- in this<br />

organisation is hereby permitted to attend the POST-DIPLOMA COURSE IN INDUSTRIAL SAFETY<br />

during the academic year 2013-2014. The application for admission in the prescribed form, duly filled<br />

in, has been verified and is forwarded herewith.<br />

Shri ……………………………………………………………………………………… is working in this<br />

organisation …………………………………….. w.e.f. ……………………………………….<br />

Place:<br />

Date:<br />

……………………..<br />

……………………..<br />

Signature of the Permitting Authority,<br />

Name, Designation & Address<br />

Seal of Sponsoring Authority<br />

Office Ph. no. with STD Code :<br />

(Mobile No.) :<br />

Fax No.:<br />

E-mail.:<br />


(Please ensure the followings before sending your application form)<br />

1. Whether you have written your name in the application form in the same manner as is shown in your High School or equivalent<br />

certificate?<br />

2. Since only those who are presently employed & possess requisite qualification & experience are eligible to apply, please check<br />

whether your employer, sponsoring you to do this course, has signed your application form along with his legible seal & full<br />

address? If not, then a certificate from your present employer clearly mentioning that you are permitted to do this course should<br />

be enclosed.<br />

3. Whether you have enclosed self attested copies of your high school certificate & degree / diploma certificates along with their<br />

mark sheets as well as experience certificates (showing the duration & nature of the experience)?<br />

4. Whether original certificates of high school, degree / diploma are in your safe custody? These will have to be produced before<br />

admission. Admission will not be given based upon the provisional certificates.<br />

5. Whether you have enclosed equivalence certificate for the basic minimum qualification required for the course? (This is<br />

ughter<br />

necessary only for those candidates who claim that the examination passed by them is equivalent to the basic minimum<br />

qualification.)<br />

6. Whether you have signed in your application form?<br />

******<br />

*******<br />



Hkkjr ljdkj]<br />

Je ,oa jkstxkj ea=ky;<br />

{ks=h; Je laLFkku dkuiqj<br />

(dkj[kkuk lykg lsok vkSj Je laLFkku egkfuns'kky;)<br />

O;kolkf;d LokLF; vkSj lqj{kk Hkou]<br />

loksZn; uxj] dkuiqj & 208 005<br />

'kS{kf.kd o"kZ 2013&2014<br />

vkS|ksfxd lqj{kk ds iksLV fMIyksek ikB~;dze esa izos'k ds fy, vkosnu i=<br />

iw.kZ #Ik ls Hkjk vkosnu i= bl izdkj Hkstsa fd og dk;kZy;k/;{k] {ks=h; Je laLFkku] loksZn; uxj] dkuiqj<br />

&208 005 dks 10 ebZ 2013 rd izkIr gks tk, A nsjh ls izkIr vkosnu i=kas ij fopkj ugh fd;k tk,xkA<br />

izkfFkZ;ksa dks vuqns'k<br />

1- d`i;k lHkh lwpuk;sa iw.kZ:i esa nsaA<br />

2- izi= esa fn;k x;k LFkku ;fn vi;kZIr gks rks vyx ls 'khV yxk;sa A<br />

3- vk;q] ;ksX;rk ,oa vuqHko ds laca/k esa Lo % izekf.kr izek.k i= ,oa vU; nLrkostksa dh izfr;ka layXu djsaA<br />

4- izi= Hkstus ls igys fooj.k if=dk dk v/;;u dj ysa rFkk izi= ds var esa fn, x, tkap<br />

fcUnqvksa dk ikyu lqfuf'pr dj ysaA<br />

QksVks<br />

1- iwjk uke<br />

(cM+s v{kjksa esa rFkk gkbZ Ldwy vFkok<br />

led{k izek.k i= ds vuqlkj)<br />

2- firk dk uke<br />

3- tUe frfFk<br />

4- orZeku lsok esa fu;qfDr dk LFkku<br />

(bl lanHkZ esa vius fu;std dk izek.k i=<br />

layXu djsa )<br />


5- Mkd irk (i= O;ogkj ds fy,)<br />

6- fu;ksDrk dk irk<br />

(izk;kstd@vkKk iznkrk vf/kdkjh)<br />

fiudksM%<br />

VsfyQksu ua0 ,l-Vh-Mh- dksM ds lkFk%<br />

vkokl%<br />

dk;kZy; %<br />

Ekskckby ua0%<br />

bZ&esy %<br />

fiudksM%<br />

dk;kZy; dk VsfyQksu ua0 ,l-Vh-Mh- dksM lfgr%<br />

QSDl ua0 ,l-Vh-Mh- dksM lfgr %<br />

Ekskckby ua0%<br />

bZ esy %<br />

7- LFkk;h irk<br />

fiudksM%<br />

VsfyQksu ua0 ,l-Vh-Mh- dksM lfgr%<br />

Ekskckby ua0%<br />

8- D;k vki vuqlwfpr<br />

tkfr@tutkfr@HkwriwoZ lSfud@<br />

vks0ch0lh0@,u0Vh0@oh0ts0<br />

ds lnL; gSaA<br />

;fn gk¡] rks fooj.k nsa rFkk l{ke vf/kdkjh<br />

}kjk 6ekg ds Hkhrj fuxZr fd;k x;k<br />

Loizekf.kr izek.k&i= layXu djsaA<br />


9- 'kSf{kd fooj.k<br />

gkbZ Ldwy@,l-,l-lh- ijh{kk vFkok led{k vkSj mlds ckn dh ijh{kkvksa ds izek.ki=ksa ,oa vadrkfydkvksa dh Loizekf.kr izfr;k¡ layXu<br />

djsaA<br />

Ø-<br />

LA-<br />

ijh{kk tks mRrh.kZ dh<br />

Ldwy] dkyst@ laLFkk<br />

dk uke ,oa irk<br />

fo'ofo|ky;@cksMZ<br />

mRrh.kZ<br />

djus dh<br />

frfFk ,oa<br />

o"kZ<br />

izkIr<br />

Dykl@Js.kh<br />

IzkIrkadksa dk<br />

izfr'kr<br />

fo"k;<br />

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8<br />

10- vuqHko dk fooj.k (dzekuqlkj)A izek.ki=ksa dh Lokizekf.kr izfr;ka layXu djsa A<br />

Ø-<br />

la-<br />

laxBu dk uke ,oa irk tgka ij izfrHkkxh dk;Zjr<br />

gS (izFke jkstxkj ls 'kq# djrs gq, orZeku jkstxkj<br />

rd)<br />

in ,oa osru<br />

vof/k<br />

frfFk;ksa lfgr<br />

dqy dk;Zkof/k<br />

o"kZ] eghukas ,oa<br />

fnuks esa<br />

dk;Z dh izo`fRr<br />

(nLrkostksa dh Loizekf.kr<br />

izfr;ka layXu djsa)<br />

ls rd<br />

1 2 3 4 5 8<br />

11- dqy vuqHko (izFke jkstxkj ls 30 twu 2013 rd) -------- ----o"kZ --------------ekg --------------- fnu<br />

12- D;k vkius blds iwoZ laLFkku esa dHkh bl ikB~;dze ds fy, vkosnu fd;k gS ?<br />

% fooj.k ns<br />

13- vU; dksbZ lwpuk tks fd mEehnokj viuh<br />

mEehnokjh ds leFkZu esa izLrqr djuk pkgrk gSA%<br />

14- gksLVy fuokl pkfg, vFkok ugha (laLFkku esa efgyk Nk=kokl dh lqfo/kk miyO/k ugha gSA)<br />


15- izkFkhZ }kjk ?kks"k.kk<br />

tgk¡ rd eq>s Kkr ,oa fo'okl gS bl izkFkZuk i= esa nh x;h lwpuk,a lR; vkSj Bhd gSA esjs }kjk tku&cw>dj dksbZ lwpuk<br />

fNikbZ ugha x;h gSA ;fn fdlh Hkh Lrj ij ;g ik;k tkrk gS fd eSa okafNr ;ksX;rk,a ugha j[krk gwa ;k eSaus izos'k ikus gsrq >wBs nLrkost<br />

;k oDrO; xyr fn, gSa ;k esjh izos'k gsrq U;wure 'kS{kf.kd ;ksX;rk izkfof/kd f'k{kk ifj"kn] m-iz- }kjk ekU; ugha gS rks eSa lk{kkRdkj ls]<br />

nkf[kys dh vkSipkfjdrkvksa ls oafpr dj fn;k tkÅaxkA ;k vxj eq>s fdlh Hkh izdkj ls izos'k fey Hkh tkrk gS rks esjk izos'k fujLr<br />

ekuk tk,xk vkSj esjs }kjk tek fd, x, izkFkZuk i=@izek.k i=@nLrkost o 'kqYd okil ugha fd, tk,axs A eSa izos'k gksus ij ikB~;dze<br />

vof/k ds e/; esa vko';d mifLFkfr;k¡] izkstsDV~l ,oa VeZ odZ dks iwjk djus dh Hkh ftEesnkjh ysrk gw¡A<br />

fnukad :<br />

LFkku :<br />

izkFkhZ ds gLrk{kj<br />

izk;kssftr vFkok vuqwefr nsus okys vf/kdkjh dk izek.k i=<br />

(fuEufyf[kr izk:i ^d* vFkok ^[k* dks fu;ksDrk }kjk vko';d :i ls Hkjk tk, ;fn laxBu }kjk mEehnokj dks izk;ksftr fd;k<br />

x;k gks vFkok vuqefr nh xbZ gks )<br />

(d) izk;kssftr vH;fFkZ;ksa ds fy, izek.k i=<br />

bl laxBu ds Jh ---------------------------------------------------- --------------tks------------------------------------------- ds in ij<br />

dk;Zjr gSa dks vkS|ksfxd lqj{kk ds iksLV fMIyksek ikB~;dze ds 'kSf{kd l= 2013&2014 esa izos'k gsrq izk;ksftr fd;k x;k gS<br />

rFkk izos'k gsrq izkFkZuk i= fu/kkZfjr izi= esa fof/kor Hkjk gqvk ,oa lR;kfir djds vxzlkfjr fd;k tkrk gSA<br />

Jh -------------------------------------------------------------------- bl laxBu esa fnukad ------------- --------------ls dk;Zjr gSaA<br />

LFkku ---------------------<br />

fnukad ---------------------<br />

(dk;kZy; VsfyQksu ua0,l-Vh-Mh- dksM ds lkFk):<br />

eksckby ua0:<br />

izk;kstd vf/kdkjh dk gLrk{kj uke q]in ,oa irk<br />

izk;kstd vf/kdkjh dh eksgj<br />

QSDl ua-:<br />

bZ&esy:<br />

vFkok<br />


([k) vuqwefr izkIr vH;fFkZ;ksa ds fy, izek.k i=<br />

bl laxBu ds Jh ---------------------------------------------------- --------------tks------------------------------------------- ds in ij<br />

dk;Zjr gSa dks vkS|ksfxd lqj{kk ds iksLV fMIyksek ikB~;dze ds 'kSf{kd l= 2013&2014 esa gsrq ikB~;Øe djus dh vuqefr<br />

nh tkrh gS rFkk izos'k gsrq izkFkZuk i= fu/kkZfjr izi= esa fof/kor Hkjk gqvk ,oa lR;kfir djds vxzlkfjr fd;k tkrk gSA<br />

Jh ------------------------------------------------- bl laxBu esa fnukad ----------------------- --------------ls dk;Zjr gSaA<br />

LFkku ---------------------<br />

vuqefr iznku djus okys vf/kdkjh dk gLrk{kj uke q]in ,oa irk<br />

fnukad --------------------- --------------------------------------------<br />

vuqefr iznku djus okys vf/kdkjh dh eksgj<br />

(dk;kZy; VsfyQksu ua0,l-Vh-Mh- dksM ds lkFk):<br />

eksckby ua0:<br />

QSDl ua-:<br />

bZ&esy:<br />

tk¡p lwph<br />

(d`i;k vkosnu i= Hkstus ls igys fuEu fcUnq lqfuf'pr dj ysa)<br />

1- D;k vkius vkosnu i= esa viuk uke mlh izdkj fy[kk gS tSlk fd vkids gkbZLdwy vFkok led{k izek.k i= esa n'kkZ;k gqvk gS\<br />

2- pwafd dsoy ogh O;fDr tks bl le; dk;Zjr gS rFkk okafNr 'kS{kf.kd ;ksX;rk ,oa vuqHko j[krs gSa] bl ikB~;Øe dks djus ds fy,<br />

;ksX; gSa A blfy, ;g lqfuf'pr djsa fd vkids fu;ksDrk @izk;ksftr djus okys vf/kdkjh us viuh Li"V eksgj o irs ds lkFk<br />

vkosnu i= ij gLrk{kj fd;s gSa ;fn ugha rks vius fu;ksDrk ls bl vk'k; dk izek.k i= layXu djsa fd og vkidks bl<br />

ikB~;Øe dks djus dh vuqefr nsrs gSa A<br />

3- D;k vkius gkbZLdwy vFkok led{k o okafNr fMxzh @ fMIyksek izek.k i=ksa o vadrkfydkvksa ,oa vuqHko izek.k i=ksa (vuqHko dh<br />

vof/k o dk;Z dh izd`fr n'kkZrs gq,) dh izfr;ka Loizekf.kr dj vkosnu i= ds lkFk layXu dh gS \<br />

4- D;k gkbZLdwy] fMxzh@fMIyksek ds ewy nLrkost vkids ikl lqjf{kr j[ks gSa \ ;g vkidks izos'k ls igys fn[kykus gksaxsA izos'k<br />

izksfotuy izek.k i=ksa ds vk/kkj ij ugha fn;k tk,xkA<br />

5- D;k vkius ikB~;Øe ds fy, vko';d cqfu;knh ;ksX;rk ds led{k ;ksX;rk dk izek.k&i= layXu dj fn;k gS (;g mu vH;fFkZ;ksa<br />

ds fy, vko';d gS tks muds }kjk mRrh.kZ dh xbZ ijh{kk dks U;wure cqfu;knh ;ksX;rk ds led{k gksus dk nkok djrs gSaA)<br />

6- D;k vkius vkosnu i= ij gLrk{kj dj fn, gSa\<br />

********<br />


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