1909 - The Hong Kong General Chamber of Commerce

1909 - The Hong Kong General Chamber of Commerce

1909 - The Hong Kong General Chamber of Commerce


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~ong<br />

!&nng<br />

®cntral Qllyamhtr <strong>of</strong>

REPORT<br />

OF THE<br />


Of' TH E<br />

<strong>Hong</strong>kong <strong>General</strong> Charr1ber <strong>of</strong> <strong>Commerce</strong><br />

FOR THE.<br />

Year ending 31 st December, <strong>1909</strong>,<br />

P RESE:\'l'ED TU THE i\lE ~l B EllS<br />

AT TH E<br />



Printctl Joy tile ~outh China illuruing I'u,L, Limitml.<br />



Committee and Sub-Committees ...............................,..................................... ~<br />

llembers <strong>of</strong> the <strong>Chamber</strong>.......................................................................................... 5<br />

Ofllce • ·~ <strong>of</strong> the Rouglw ng <strong>General</strong> <strong>Chamber</strong> <strong>of</strong> Comnw•·

[5]<br />

COMMITTEE, 1910.<br />

Hox. l\fR. E. A. HEWETT, Chairmnn.<br />

Hox. Mu. "\Y . J. tll:U~ i':\f'O~, l' ire- ~ ~fR . D . R. LAW<br />

·Chai·rman<br />

Mlt. E . SHELLIM<br />

::\IR. A. BABINGTON I l\IR . .J. R. ]\f. SMITH<br />

.)lR. J. '"> BA.ND~W I )IR. H. A. SIEB~ T<br />

!\In. J. 1,\. C. BONNAR , i\IR. H . E . TOJ\IT\ Tl'IS<br />

MH. K A. l\1. \VILLIAMS, Ser.retary.<br />

::\fn. J. W. C. BOKNAR<br />

ill n. J. W . BANDOW<br />

~lR. D. R. LA\Y<br />


T HE YH 'E- CHAIR~L\ X<br />


Mn. H. A. SIERS<br />

l\1 n. E. S HELLUl<br />

Mn. H. E. TO.MKINS<br />


1 ~JR. FERD. BORNEl\lA~ K<br />

2 1'\JR C. P. CRATER,

[ {) l<br />

LIST OF MfMBERS,-Continlled.<br />

1:1 1 ~r r.ssRR. WALLE.:\[ & Co.<br />

82 ., ,,.l~X DT & Co.<br />

8::1 ~. HARJ{Y \YJCKfKU & Co.<br />

80 , VF.HNO:\" & :-:'rYTII 1 84, .. Y\' EX HOP H OXG<br />

77 :\£F.:::sRs. H. RKOTT & c ').<br />

78 , 80.\.l{E::i & Co.<br />

79 :-3TE\L\ ltT<br />

I<br />

llRO:O:.<br />

~<br />




86 A SIATIC PETRO LEli:.\I Co., Vrn. 0 1•' LO~DON<br />



89 CAX.\. DJAN P.\ ClFlC UATL\L\.Y CO:'IIPA:\'Y, LL\JITEJ><br />

90 CA:\'TOX I XSUBAXCE Ol'rf C'E, LL\IlTED<br />


!J2 CHJXA I~XPORT, LI!POl:T AND 13.\NK Co.<br />

~3 CHlXA FIRE J XSl'R.\ l'\CI·: COiiiPAXY, LDfiTED<br />

!)4 CHIXA & J.\PAX TELEl'llOXE & E LECTRIC Co., LTn.<br />



\.17 CHJ~A t->l'GAR REFTl\'1~0 COlllPANY, LIMITED<br />

98 CHl'X 0:\ l'' J[{E 1NSl'HA:\CE CO:'IJPANY LIMITED<br />

~9 C O:\fP.\.(~~JE DEH :'lfEbS.WERIES 1\f.ARJTDl ~~S<br />

l OO DAY[]) :-!A S~OOX & COl\1 £'.\ XY, Lil\fiTE])<br />

101 DEUT:-\('llE A::H.\.TI::iCHE BA~K<br />

102 DOD\\'ELL & COJIPA~Y , LIMITED<br />


104 FlHE 1:\SUR.\ ::\CE AS:-\OCI.ATION OF HOX GKO~G [Co., LTD.<br />

10.i GHEE~ i SLAND CE\1 EXT CO~IP .\ X \', LDflTEl><br />

lOH II.\MlH'lW-AMEHlKA LL\'IE<br />

107 H. PlUCE & Co., LTn.<br />

108 HOLL\ND-CITINA TRAJ>J~(l Co.<br />

109 l-10\'UKOXG, CA NTOX & :\IACAO S TEA~IB O.\ T CO:IfP.\.XY,<br />

110 HO:\OKOXCi & CHINA G.A:-: CmLP.\NY, L1'MTE!> (LDllTEJl<br />

lll HOXwick .. .. ... . H. L. Dalrymple .. . . E . George.<br />

1879 \V. Kcsll'ick .. ..... . H. H. ~elson . . . . . . E. Gcorgc.<br />

1880 W . Kc:;wick ........ H. H. Nelson ....... E. George.<br />

1881 W. K esll'ick .... ... 1'. Ryrie ...... ... ... E. George.<br />

1882 F . B. John~'Jil..... H. L. Dalrymple ... : E. Georgr .<br />

1883 1h .. . ... A. P . l\IacE11cn . . .... F. H enderson .<br />

18!!1 E. :\fa ckinto~h .. .. . : J . .f. Ke~>ll'il'k ....... F. Hendcr.son .<br />

1892 E. :\lackinto,h... . .J. J. KC'swick . . . . . . Adam Lind, Aciill[l<br />

1893 J. J. Keswick 1.... 1\. U. Wood........ F. Hend er~o n.<br />

18\.)4 J . . J. Kswick ....... R. C. W ilcox.<br />

i::>ir Thoma :-: Jackson C. :::'. oilarl1 ...... . . JL C. \·\'ilcox.<br />

C. S. ~harp .. . ..... E. A. Hewett . ... ... A. R. Lowe.<br />

E. A. He1wtt . D. R . Law. . . . . . . . . .\.. R. Low e.<br />

E . A. H cwett ...... D. R. Law . . . . ... . .. A. R. Lo\\'e.<br />

E. A. H cwett . . . . . . A. li. \Yoocl. .... . .. A. H. Luwe.<br />

E. A. Hell'ett . ...... ~\ .G. \\'ood . . . A. R . !.owe.<br />

E. A. Hewett . . . . . A. U. Wood........ A. R. Lowe.<br />

E. A. H cwett . . ..\.G. Wood.. . .. .... E . A. l\1. '1\ 'illitLm ~.<br />

E. A. l:Iewett . . . . . .1. I{, l\1. Smith. . . . . . E. A. l\1. \\' illiams.<br />

E. A. H ewett . . . . . J. R. M. Smith .... . . A. R . Lowe, A('tinu.

[8]<br />


Dale <strong>of</strong> I<br />

}:;lection.<br />

JSU-!<br />

HI:Jt1<br />

l!JOO<br />

l!JOO<br />

. Name <strong>of</strong> R eprescntatitoe. How Elected .<br />

1884 I T homas Jack>on ..................... Elected 2nd January.<br />

1~ Alexander Palmer MacEwen ...1<br />

1flected 27th Apr il, l\{r. Jackson.on kavc.<br />

1887 Alexander Palmcr MacEwen ... 1 Elected 17th September, on retirement <strong>of</strong><br />

l\lr Jack~o n .<br />

1B8S Bemly;he Lavtun ... .............•. E lected 22nd Ma.y, Mr. hlacEweu on lea Vxanon " ' hitehcad ..<br />

H erLert ::imit·h ...................... ..<br />

J ohn Thurburn ... ... .............. .<br />

Eleetetl 18th J une, (;n re8ignatiou <strong>of</strong><br />

~ r . H . Smith.<br />

l!JO l Tlwlll:t" lit•lldt•r ,;on Whitehead .. Returnli'd from ka,·c, l~th .Tu l ~· , 1001.<br />

.I!JO:l I Robert f.Tordon Slil•wtm ........... Eledt•d 5th June, Mr. W hit Member, and seconded by another, and elected at<br />

th~> Annual <strong>General</strong> l\-teeti11gs by a majority <strong>of</strong> the votes<br />

<strong>of</strong> tho M embers there present entitled to vote. Thcv<br />

may also be elected by the Committee in t.he interval<br />

bPtween such Annual <strong>General</strong> :Meetings, but subject to<br />

CQn.J.rJl,ation at the next Annual <strong>General</strong> l\Ieeting .<br />

•<br />

V. <strong>The</strong> business and funds <strong>of</strong> the <strong>Chamber</strong> shall be Mah;~l.(e·<br />

managed by the Committee.<br />

went.<br />

VI. 'J'ho Committet' shall co11sist <strong>of</strong> lea .Members,<br />

t o Le elected aL the Annual Meeting 0f the <strong>Chamber</strong>,<br />

and. shall hold Office for one year. Vat..:ancies occurring<br />

dunng the year shall be filled up by the Committee.<br />

<strong>The</strong> Committee shall ent.er npon <strong>of</strong>fice as soon as<br />

t.he Annual Meeting has been held, and shall remain in<br />

<strong>of</strong>fice until their report and accounts have been acccptPd<br />

and passed by tho <strong>Chamber</strong> aud their successors assulllo<br />


Cu!UllllLtcc<br />

~feeling ~.<br />

~ul.J-CumntiLlees.<br />

Account•.<br />

[lU]<br />

At their first meeti11g the new Committee shall<br />

elect a Chairman and Vice-Chairman, who shall hold<br />

<strong>of</strong>fice for the year.<br />

VII. In lh e eveut <strong>of</strong> the R epresentative <strong>of</strong> the<br />

<strong>Chamber</strong> <strong>of</strong> Commer ce in the Legislative Council not.<br />

being a member <strong>of</strong> t.he Committee, he shall, ex <strong>of</strong>ficio,<br />

have a seat on the Committee.<br />

VIll. <strong>The</strong> Commiltee shall meet at least once 1\<br />

mollth (on such day as may be fixed) for the transactioll<br />

<strong>of</strong> business, and at other times when summou(·d by t.ho<br />

Chairman, or in his absence by the Vice-Chail'man.<br />

<strong>The</strong> proceedings to be !aid on the table for the inspcct.wn<br />

<strong>of</strong> members, subJect to such regulations as t ht•<br />

Commiltee may consider expedient. In case <strong>of</strong> the<br />

non-attendance <strong>of</strong> the Chairman and Vice-Chairwan a<br />

•·hairman shall be chosen by the Members <strong>of</strong> the Co;n­<br />

!Jlitteo present.<br />

IX. A t l\feetings <strong>of</strong> the Committee, four l\1etnlwrs<br />

:Jha!l form a

F.xpu\l')ion <strong>of</strong><br />

) h•IH )H'r.<br />

AI ter·n tlon<br />

or nnle~.<br />

[12]<br />

A..XII. In case the conduct <strong>of</strong> any :;'vfember shall in<br />

the opinion <strong>of</strong> the Committee be injurious to the character<br />

o1· interests <strong>of</strong> the <strong>Chamber</strong>, the Committee may,<br />

after due enquiry, and after opportuni! y <strong>of</strong> making his<br />

defence has been afforded to su~h l\lember, pass a Resolnhcn<br />

for the expulsion <strong>of</strong> such Member from the<br />

<strong>Chamber</strong>, "and such Resolution shall take effect after<br />

it has been communicated to the Members, and beeu<br />

paP-sed a~ a <strong>General</strong> l\Ieeting by a majority <strong>of</strong> uot less<br />

than two-thirds <strong>of</strong> these nresent and nualified t o vote at<br />

snch Meeting. - -<br />

XXIII. <strong>The</strong> Hnles <strong>of</strong> the <strong>Chamber</strong> shall not be<br />

repealed, added to, or altered except by a majority <strong>of</strong><br />

~f embers present at. a <strong>General</strong> M eel ing (called for that<br />

pnrpose) and after at least te.1 days' notice has been<br />

given <strong>of</strong> the proposed changes.<br />

XXIV. <strong>The</strong> Rules aud By-law;; shall be printed<br />

and?. copy there<strong>of</strong> shall be fnrni~hed to every :\fe!llhrr.<br />

p~ -1<br />

BY-LA "-s.<br />

(CoNI<br />

Chamb,•r, or for Certificates for any Commercial<br />

watt er~, by the .i.ssne <strong>of</strong> t elegr·aphic or other informa.tion<br />

o~ !!;encr(l] inter est , and by voluntary gifts and contribuhonR<br />

e1ther in money, maps, books or anything which<br />

may be useful lo the Society.

[10]<br />

t;or1'e~)lon < :.<br />

In~ :l JHI<br />

.\rJ,iu·ntlun<br />

t'o tnmittc t·~ .<br />

Appoint.<br />

ment <strong>of</strong> ont.<br />

8iclP. Al'hi·<br />

fl''l tHlin~' undecided.<br />

In cases <strong>of</strong> disput shall ne)! arhitrat•·<br />

npcm nol' t oJw anv cc,r•·t, i!!rf'91 ed t iu·t·l'in be a l\feml>fl'<br />

<strong>of</strong> tltf' <strong>Chamber</strong>.<br />

XI. Tn the event <strong>of</strong> any question as lo the construction<br />

or application <strong>of</strong> these By .. Ja\\':3, the <strong>General</strong><br />

Committee sl1all have power to decide the same, submitting<br />

lhe matler to the next <strong>General</strong> .:.\f et>ting <strong>of</strong> the<br />

<strong>Chamber</strong> for its final decision,<br />

4. In the case <strong>of</strong> a Ballot, ScrutiHC'ers to he appointed<br />

by the .Meeting.<br />

hancl~d<br />

!'i. In the caso <strong>of</strong> a Ballot, a voting paper to h~<br />

to t>ach Member entitled to vote attendi 1<br />

1g th~<br />

.:\f.rt>bug, _and when the Poll takf's place the Yotitw<br />

pa.pers, Wlth the ~larn rs <strong>of</strong> the Selected can'didates fillc~<br />

1<br />

~1, ~o be placed m a receptacle (to be indicated by tlte<br />

9h~Ir:ffian <strong>of</strong> the M eet.ing) at the place <strong>of</strong> Ballot. t.!to<br />

~\ut.me ers (or S:cretary) to r egister the names ~f tlw<br />

o ers a~ t.lre vot.mg papers are so deposited.<br />

6 1\.fl f'j' a C'a r l l l J<br />

~" ·o. · , ·· ll< IC a e w.~ H'C'Il proposed :.111d Order ot<br />

~ciC ~?ed, ME-m hers 111ay sprak to tj10 proposal before th speeches.<br />

"' eenng.<br />

e<br />

. 7. Wl1 en all the Candidates have been proposed attd<br />

sncouc 1 cd<br />

'<br />

t<br />

.<br />

l1e ('<br />

Jan<br />

d'<br />

IC<br />

1<br />

a<br />

t<br />

cs m ay addre~s '·Ita M t . .<br />

l·ho or I • · 1 · 1 . " " ee mg m<br />

th ~r < "tt. 111 w uc 1 their names havo bceu submitted to<br />

e 11 ec It:g.

Caoc <strong>of</strong><br />

CfJIIalit,,· ul<br />

YOll'~.<br />

[lG]<br />

:-\. Tlu·rcafl t•r 110 fu rlhrr atld r cs~es 111rty be tni~tle ,<br />

and tlw B

[181<br />



1'o be chrugNl to B uyer :.wd Seller.<br />

BANK-<br />

<strong>Hong</strong>kong & :Shanghai .... $1.50<br />

Nationttl Bank <strong>of</strong> China, Ld. 33c.<br />


Canton .......... . ....... $1.00<br />

China Fire . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 501'.<br />

China Traders' . . . . . • . . . . . :iOc.<br />

H ongkong Fire . . ....... $1.00<br />

North China. . . . . . . . . . . . . 75c.<br />

Union.. . .............. $2.0()<br />

Yangtsze ............ . .... $l.OG<br />

LAND & Bur LDINGS-<br />

H.K. Land Investment . . . . · 50c.<br />

Humphreys' Estate . . . . . . . IOc.<br />

Kowloon Land Investment . 35c.<br />

\Y est Point Building . . . . . . 35c.<br />

H O'l'ELS- .<br />

H ongkohg Hotel. . . . . . . . . . GOc.<br />

STE.~MS H IPS-<br />

<strong>Hong</strong>kong, Canton & i\Jacao<br />

China & Manii:L... . . . . . .<br />

25c.<br />

20c.<br />

Indo·China Preferred... . . .<br />

Do. Deferred. . . . . .<br />

35e.<br />

25c.<br />

Douglas S. S. Co.......... 3!ic.<br />

Star .Ferry . . . . ... . . . . . . . . . . 25c.<br />

Do. new issue . . . . . . 15c.<br />

Shell Transports . . . . . . . . . .<br />

Union Water Boitt Co . . . . .<br />

25e,<br />

15c.<br />

MIXl NG-<br />

Charbonnages . . . . . . . . . . $1.50<br />

Chinese )lining & Engineering................<br />

.. 201·.<br />

Raubs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . l01·.<br />

DocKs, ' VHARVES & Gooowxs­<br />

Shanglmi Doc.;k:; . . . . . . . . . . · 75c.<br />

<strong>Hong</strong>kong ami Wh:tmpoa<br />

Dock . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 50c.<br />

International. .. . . . . . . . . . . !iOt·.<br />

Laou-Knng-l\Iow . . . . . . . . . 50c.<br />

So ye hce . ..... _...........!1>1.50<br />

IIongkrmg Cotton..... . . . !Oc.<br />


"Sew Amoy Dock. . . . . . . . . . 20c.<br />

<strong>Hong</strong>kong and Kowloon<br />

Wharf. . ... . ........ .. 50c.<br />

<strong>Hong</strong> Kew Whan-es .. ." ... ·*l.iiO<br />

CoTTox l\In.r.s-<br />

Ewo..................... :iOc.<br />


China Sugar. . . . . . . . . . . . .<br />

Luzon Sugar . . . . . . . . . . . . .<br />

Ml3(' f:LLAXEOUi:i-<br />

:iOc.<br />

25r·.<br />

Bell's Asbestos....... ..... lOt·.<br />

Campbell, )Joorc & Co . . . . :!Oc:.<br />

Chin:~. Borneo . . . . . . . . . . .<br />

China Light & Power......<br />

lOc.<br />

lOc.<br />

China ProYidents........ .. IOc.<br />

Da.iry Farm . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ~Or.<br />

(ieorge Feml"ick & Co...... 20c:.<br />

Urecn Island Cements . . . . 15c.<br />

<strong>Hong</strong>kong Electric. . . . . . . . liic.<br />

<strong>Hong</strong>kong Gas Co . . . . . . . 50c.<br />

<strong>Hong</strong>kong Ice Co . . . . . . . . 7or.<br />

H ongkong Rope. . . . . . . . . .<br />

H ongkong Tram \\"ttys. . . . .<br />

25c.<br />

lOc.<br />

1 .angkat.s . . ... . .. ... ..... $2.00<br />

United Asbestos . . . . . . . . . . lOc.<br />

Do. Founder" .. H.OO<br />

\\"atkius . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . lOc.<br />

Watson & Co., .\. S. . . . . . . 15c.<br />

\\'illiam Powcll . . . . . . . . . . lOc.<br />


A !ham bra ..... .. . .. . .... .:j;l.OO<br />

l'hilippine Trust . . . . . . . . . . !Oc.<br />

When the Prices <strong>of</strong> Stocks liuctuat.c the 1'arift" is subject to alteration as follows:-<br />

Pre•enJ TarijJ: Stock T'al>anctioued ur tho <strong>Chamber</strong><br />

<strong>of</strong> <strong>Commerce</strong>.)<br />

.1/JATTE,)' <strong>of</strong> the Yfal'~V<br />

[19]<br />

(;eneral .l!eetili!J; <strong>of</strong> the HoKGKOKG·<br />

GE~ER.u ... CHA::\IBER OF CmnfERCE, held in the old CHAMBER<br />

OF C'OMi\IERCE Ro0,\1, CITY HALL, on Monday, the 31st<br />

Jnnw:u;r, 1910, nt 4 p.m., for the pUI7Jose <strong>of</strong> receiving the<br />

Re]JOrt <strong>of</strong> the Committee twd pa:-;sing the Secretary's<br />

Accounts tor tbe J"fWl' endiug 31st Decl'mber, <strong>1909</strong>.<br />

/'resent :-<br />

lion. i\ !1·. K A. flEWE'l'"l' (Clw.iruwu), Hon. illr. \\'. J.<br />

GHEI:'HON. Messrs. A. JL\BHIGTOK, Jo11x W. BANI>OW, J. W. C.<br />

Ho:--, with your permission,<br />

take them a~ read.<br />

As will be apparent from the Report, the <strong>Chamber</strong> has had, as<br />

usual, to consider a number <strong>of</strong> important questions during the past<br />

twelve months, but as most <strong>of</strong> these are old questions which have already<br />

been so fully d-;alt with on previous occasions, there is not much to add<br />

to what has f • ..

[20]<br />

bil;!ies <strong>of</strong> obtaining employment in thf' Far F.ast. To these I havf'<br />

invariably given the same reply. A fully qualifled pr<strong>of</strong>essional man, if<br />

prepared to live on his own resources for a time, may eventually secure a<br />

good footing in the East, but on general principles T believe it will be<br />

agret.d. that there is little chance <strong>of</strong> any one with an ordinary business<br />

training finding it worth while to come to this part <strong>of</strong> the world­<br />

" r-eeking," as the expression is. <strong>The</strong>re are, <strong>of</strong> course, as we wel) know,<br />

a few instances which might be pointed to, but these· are the exceptions,<br />

whi0h prove no rule can be absolutely infallible. Under ordinary circumstances<br />

it is better for a man not to come " seeking," rather that Le<br />

should ~ut hirJJself in touch with the employers at home, and thus, if<br />

hP. r.o desires, work his way out to the East, and so make his career. If<br />

thir; were better understood in Europe, I believe a good deal <strong>of</strong> disappointment<br />

and failure would be averted.<br />

<strong>The</strong> next point in our Report is the revision <strong>of</strong> the Custom Tariff<br />

<strong>of</strong> Japan. <strong>The</strong> whole question is so complex, and may be <strong>of</strong> so farreaching<br />

a character, that the Committee felt t.hat, as a Committee, thev<br />

could not fully deal with the matter, and therflfore decided the best<br />

method <strong>of</strong> doing so was to at once circulate the correspondence for the<br />

information <strong>of</strong> members, thus giYing them an opportunity <strong>of</strong> putting<br />

their views before the Committee should they desire any special action<br />

taken in the matter.<br />

This was accordingly done, but up to the present the Committe9<br />

have not been approached by any merchants engaged in this branch <strong>of</strong><br />

our trade, and we can only suppose therefore no exception eau be taken<br />

to the New Tariff.<br />

During the year under review, the Committee has fdt called upon<br />

lo protest against the undue imposition <strong>of</strong> quarantine against <strong>Hong</strong>kong<br />

under the circumstances as then prevailed. While the protest made had<br />

no immediate effect, we can only trust that it has directed the attention<br />

<strong>of</strong> the Authorities in surrounding territories to the very great hindrance<br />

to trade which must result from all formr. 0£ quarantine, and to, wo<br />

hope, induce them to exercise greater caution in making unnecessary<br />

restrictions in this direc~ion.<br />

As you are already aware, the quest.ion <strong>of</strong> wireless telegraphy has<br />

b:!en prominently brought to our notice during the past few months.<br />

ThiD is not a matter which requires any special emphasising. <strong>The</strong> advisability,<br />

I may say, the absolute necessity, for a properly equipped station<br />

in the Colony must be a!Jparent to us all. Such a station ~hould, I cousider,<br />

havo a range <strong>of</strong> at. leas(, l ,!300 milrs. This woulcl enable 11s to<br />

communicate direct with Singapore, Kohc, Calcutta, the Philippine",<br />

and other points in the East which are in direct tradal connection with<br />

[21]<br />

HonJlkong. While it is not the province <strong>of</strong> the Ch11mber <strong>of</strong> <strong>Commerce</strong><br />

to push the interests <strong>of</strong> any individual business concern, it appears that<br />

we should no lunger be dependent upon H.M.. service for our wire!es~<br />

~ ~ aJhn, but that one should be erectE'd independeutly <strong>of</strong> the Navy, and<br />

iu order to make this thoroughly efficient and self-supporting, it should<br />

be conducted as a commercial undertaking, and not as a Govemment<br />

concern. Of course, the usual conditions would have to be imposed to<br />

preserve sovereign rights and control in time <strong>of</strong> war.<br />

As regards shipping, this must, <strong>of</strong> course, always be a matter <strong>of</strong><br />

the grea\·.est moment to this Colony. During the year several questione<br />

in relation to our shipping trade have arisen, viz., the proposed Continuous<br />

Certificate <strong>of</strong> Discharge for Chinese Seamen, Proposed Light ou<br />

Kapsing Island, Blowing <strong>of</strong> Steam \Vhistles in the H arbour, Regulations<br />

Goveruing the Quarantine Station at Laichikok, and Typhoon Signal<br />

Station at Tsat Tsze Mui. <strong>The</strong> Government has in each case considered<br />

the view !JUt forward by the Committee on these points, and while som"<br />

aro still under cousideration, in most cases has adopted the view as<br />

expressed bj the <strong>Chamber</strong> and their practical advisors.<br />

t~lf'<br />

With regard to the proposal to issue <strong>Hong</strong>kong Goverrlinent notes,<br />

Committee have no objection to urge; it is reasonable that such an<br />

ifer Lo tht' casual, T may say,<br />

the 11nthin killfr manner in which, at very shorl. not.ice Bank R oiirla~"<br />

ha,ve been Lhrust U!>On us. I r~;gret that. during thf' y;ar under revi~w<br />

we have had again to complain <strong>of</strong> this. It seems incredible that certain

[22]<br />

Government Officials do not appear to realise the great dislocation to<br />

trade and general in0onvenience ,_,hich may result from suddenly declarin!r<br />

a certain day as .i Bank IToliday in this Colony when the day is a<br />

fnll working day with our immrdiale neighbours in China, Japan, the<br />

Philippines, To:tgkin and elsewhere. 'rhe question has now been formally<br />

brought to the no ice <strong>of</strong> the Secretary <strong>of</strong> State for the Colonies, and wo<br />

trust we will have no further cause for complaint on this score<br />

We have had the question <strong>of</strong> interference on behalf <strong>of</strong> the China<br />

Authorities in our Opiulll trade so prominently befnre us that I cannot<br />

add much to what has already been stated over ancl over again at our<br />

~ . nnual Meeting. As you are all aware, the Canton Aut.horities, in what<br />

we believe to be not only gross violation <strong>of</strong> our treaty rights but also in<br />

direct defiance <strong>of</strong> instructions from the Central Government., have again<br />

attemiJt.ed to check this branch <strong>of</strong> our trade. Not, we believe, with any<br />

sincere desi:::e to carry out the greater control <strong>of</strong> the trade as set forth<br />

in what now mav be called the Onium Policy <strong>of</strong> the Government, but in<br />

order to create ~ local Governme1;t Monopoiy to enri0h the Officials and<br />

their friends at the expense <strong>of</strong> bona-fide and old-established traders.<br />

<strong>The</strong> published correspondence on this subject as set forth in our<br />

RAport is yet one more instance <strong>of</strong> the trickine~s a"ld bad faith <strong>of</strong> u<br />

certain class <strong>of</strong> ,Chinese 0-lftcial against which we and our pn:decessors<br />

have so <strong>of</strong>ten been called upon to prot.est to the utmost. It is vc1 v<br />

gratifying to be able to specially refer to the manner in \Vhich the ques·<br />

tion has been taken up by the late Acting Consul <strong>General</strong> and present<br />

C'Jnsul <strong>General</strong> at Canton and by H.M:. :Minister in Peki"lg.<br />

I fee! sure that while you will have read with muc:h interest. the<br />

published correj>pondence on Currency, you will excuse me from ~:n.ying<br />

anything on the subjed, as this, as matters now stand, could ouly be a<br />

l'e!)etition <strong>of</strong> what has been s0 <strong>of</strong>ten affirmed at onr Annual Meetings.<br />

I am afraid, Gentlemen, this will have !'roved a somewhat colourless<br />

Report, but it is not. easy t o find new things to say <strong>of</strong> so many old<br />

and almost threadbare questions, questions which, however, still call for<br />

snch careful watching, and unless kPpt well to the fore may result in<br />

s;erious loss to our Colony and its trade.<br />

<strong>The</strong> last item with which I propose to deal is that <strong>of</strong> the accounte.<br />

<strong>The</strong>se I am glad to say show a decidedly healthier condition, due entirely<br />

to the fos~erin~r care <strong>of</strong> our Secretary, who has given the matter his most<br />

~erious attentt'ou, and has reduced. expenditure to the lowest possible<br />

limit.. At our la~.t :Merting T st.ated that it might. be npcessary h) mak

Mr. J. Owca Hugh~s seconded.<br />

Carried unanimously.<br />

[2±]<br />

On the motion <strong>of</strong> the Chairman, seconded by ~1r . J .. R. M._ Smi~h,<br />

'1 1 nt1· on <strong>of</strong> the following firms to mcmbersh1p was confiuned .­<br />

c<br />

Meosrs<br />

1e e ev<br />

<strong>The</strong> Honcrkong Electric Co., Lt<br />

d<br />

.,<br />

M<br />

. essrs. .<br />

Th<br />

e<br />

H<br />

o<br />

ngkong<br />

.<br />

&<br />

• h~ ·Sl F t "' Ltd Messrs <strong>The</strong> China & Mamla Steamsh1p Cu.,<br />

C m a 10e ac ory' ·' · B t & c M ssrs<br />

Ltd. Messrs. <strong>The</strong> Vacuum Oil Co., Messrs. Cruz, as o o.~ . e ·<br />

H euser, ' Eb enus · & Co ., • J\lessrs . · <strong>The</strong> Marine Insurance AssocliJ.twn <strong>of</strong><br />

<strong>Hong</strong>kong, and Messrs. <strong>The</strong> Yuen Hop <strong>Hong</strong>.<br />

<strong>The</strong> Chairman thanked the members for having ele~ted himself and<br />

his coileagues On tlle new Committee, and also for the1r a_ttendanc ~ at<br />

the meet-ing.<br />

<strong>The</strong> proceedings then terminated.<br />

[25]<br />

Report <strong>of</strong>' ·tile <strong>General</strong> Committee <strong>of</strong>' tbe H oNGKONG- GEKERAL<br />

CHAMBER OF COMMERCE. fo r the Yenr ending 31&t December,<br />

<strong>1909</strong>, presented to tbe Members at the Annunl Meeth1g,<br />

held in the C'ity Hall, on Monday, tbe 81st .January, 1910.<br />

Several questions <strong>of</strong> interest have engaged the attention <strong>of</strong> your.<br />

Committee during the past year.<br />


It has, unfortunately, been found impossible to send a representa·<br />

tive to vVashington to give evidence before the United States Monetary<br />

Commission: (Appendix A.)<br />


To the question <strong>of</strong> the Government as to whether the <strong>Chamber</strong> con·<br />

Ridered any opening existed for Indian labour, indentured or unindentul·ed,<br />

and whether Indian immigration should be encouraged by passage<br />

facilities and grants <strong>of</strong> land, the Committee replied that, in their<br />

opinion, the market requirements were at present amply met by the<br />

supply <strong>of</strong> native labour. (Appendix B.)<br />


A Committee <strong>of</strong> foreign residents in -Japan formed under the<br />


[2G]<br />


<strong>The</strong> <strong>Chamber</strong> 's support was requested to a scheme by an American<br />

Company for the e~tabl ishm ent <strong>of</strong> a commercial wireless telegraph<br />

station in the Colony .<br />

<strong>The</strong> matter is s~ ill receiving the attention <strong>of</strong> t he Committee.<br />

(Appendix F .)<br />


CHINB::r:::; SEAMEN.<br />

A pro: osal by the H arbour Master that continuous certificates <strong>of</strong><br />

db char:re should be issued to Chinese seamen was opposed by the Cham·<br />

ber am! eventually allowed to drop. (Appendix G.)<br />


26TH SEPTEMBER, 1906.<br />

<strong>The</strong> Committee upon having the matter referred to them, were not<br />

in favour <strong>of</strong> the Colony's adherence to the above Convention. (App endix<br />

H .)<br />



<strong>The</strong> views <strong>of</strong> the <strong>Chamber</strong> on a scheme framed by the Board o!<br />

Finance for reorganising the finances <strong>of</strong> the Chinese Empire were<br />

requested by Government.<br />

<strong>The</strong> Committee replied that the scheme was too far reaching for<br />

them to pr<strong>of</strong>fer an exhaustive criticism but expressed the <strong>Chamber</strong>'s<br />

sympathy toward any prosposals calculated to confer benefit upon the<br />

people <strong>of</strong> China. (Appendix I .)<br />


A petition to the Harbour Master by Masters <strong>of</strong> rivevernor<br />

(Appendix K.)<br />

[27]<br />


<strong>The</strong> Government's proposal to issue Notes on the lines <strong>of</strong> the<br />

zystem adopted by the Straits Governmentn was referred to the <strong>Chamber</strong> .<br />

After correspondence had passed between the Government and the<br />

<strong>Chamber</strong> a draft Bill entitled an " Ordinance to provide for the issue<br />

::J;; Gove::-nment P aper Currency " was submitted.<br />

This Ordinance ·is at present being considered by your Committee<br />

"'ho ar0 obtaining the views <strong>of</strong> the Banks thereon. (Appendix L.)<br />


A d,·aft Bill entitled an Ordinance to establish Limited Partnerships<br />

was submitted to the Committee who have expressed a desire to<br />

consider the views <strong>of</strong> the <strong>Hong</strong>kong Law Society thereon. (Appendix<br />

~ .)<br />

THE PATENTS A.MENDMENT ORDI NANCE <strong>1909</strong>.<br />

This Ordinance was circulated among the Members 0f the <strong>Chamber</strong><br />

and was very carefully considered, together with suggested amendments<br />

by the Law Society and a memo;:andum by the Crown Solicitor, by your<br />

Committee who saw nothing objectionable therein. (Appendix N.)<br />


<strong>The</strong> Programme <strong>of</strong> the Con~ress and Exhibition in connection with<br />

tbe cultivation and preparation <strong>of</strong> Fibres was courteously forwarded to<br />

the <strong>Chamber</strong> by the Consul-<strong>General</strong> for the N etherlandrl.<br />

Your Committee considered it unlikely that any local firms would<br />

participate in the E xhibition as the I ndustry concerned did not at<br />

present interest the Colony. (Appendix 0.)<br />


In reply to the query <strong>of</strong> the Colonial Secretary th~ Committee did<br />

not consider that commercial int erests in the Colony were likely to be<br />

adversely affect ed by the Tariff. (Appendix P.)<br />



Your Committee protested against the sudden change <strong>of</strong> programmE.<br />

m connection with t he Birthday Celebrations which caused so much'<br />

inconvenien:e to the mfn·cant ile community.<br />

A copy <strong>of</strong> the <strong>Chamber</strong>'s letter has been forwarded to the Secretary<br />

<strong>of</strong> State for the Colonies by H is Excellency the Governor. (Appendix Q )<br />

•<br />

[28]<br />


Considerable correspondence has passed between the <strong>Chamber</strong>, the<br />

Government and Sir John Jordan with reference to the attempt on the<br />

part <strong>of</strong> the Canton Government to impose regulatio~s on the sale <strong>of</strong><br />

opium, wh.ich are considered to be an infri.1gement <strong>of</strong> exi~ting treaties.<br />

<strong>The</strong> earlier stages <strong>of</strong> this subject are coutained in last year's report.<br />

Several lelegrams have passed between the <strong>Chamber</strong> and R.B.M.'~<br />

Minister at Peking and every possible step has been taken towards the<br />

protection <strong>of</strong> the interests <strong>of</strong> the British Opium Merchants, but the<br />

matter is not yet satisfactorily settled. (Appendix R.)<br />


Certain correspondence has passed between the <strong>Chamber</strong> and the<br />

Bradford <strong>Chamber</strong> concerning some dissatisfaction with the finding <strong>of</strong><br />

Arbitrators and Surveyors in the East upon references dealing with<br />

alleged inferiority in the quality <strong>of</strong> worsted, woollen and cotton goods<br />

delivered.<br />

<strong>The</strong> matter had the careful 0onsideration <strong>of</strong> your Committee<br />

(Appendix S.)<br />


No Annual Report could be considered complete without some<br />

reference to our " Hardy Annuc.l."<br />

A communication has been received from the Tientsin <strong>Chamber</strong> in<br />

which this <strong>Chamber</strong> was invited to join issue with the Tientsin, Shanghai,<br />

Hankow, Tsintau, Newchwang, London and Manchester <strong>Chamber</strong>s<br />

in an attempt to secure some improvement in the situatwn.<br />

Your Committee sigr.ified their readiness to take part in any such<br />

concerted action and are at present awaiting a communication as ·<br />

what form such action shall take. (Appendix T .)<br />


Your Committee approved <strong>of</strong> the amended regulations under Se~tion<br />

23 <strong>of</strong> the Merchant Shipping Ordinance, No. 10 <strong>of</strong> 1899.<br />

This tS a satisfactory result <strong>of</strong> correspondence which passed betwee:1<br />

the Government and tne <strong>Chamber</strong> during 1908. (Appendix V.)<br />


<strong>The</strong> <strong>Chamber</strong> was approached by the Singapore <strong>Chamber</strong> wit..h r\lference<br />

to alleged spurious marking a1:-l labelling <strong>of</strong> Indian Yarns.<br />

Upon enquiry it was found that these malpractices did not obta1n<br />

in the <strong>Hong</strong>kong Market. (Appendix W.)<br />


Considerable correspondence has been received arrent the abovu<br />

mentionfld Exhibition. Your Committee did not consider that an<br />

R.ppeal t.o the publi-:: would meet with sufficient support. (Appendix: X.)<br />

[29]<br />


OF THE EMPIRE, <strong>1909</strong>.<br />

It was much regretted by your Committee that they were unable<br />

to arrange for a delegate to this important Congress held at Sydney ,n<br />

September last. (Appendix V.)<br />


A Petition addressed to Government by Masters <strong>of</strong> Vessels pointing<br />

out that typhoon signals could not be seen by vessels seeking the shelt.eL·<br />

<strong>of</strong> Kowloon Bay, and requesting that duplicate signals ba hoisted on the<br />

Hill behind the N ,J, 1 Dock at Kowloon, was forwarded to the <strong>Chamber</strong><br />

for comment.<br />

<strong>The</strong> <strong>Chamber</strong> supported the Mast ers, and se.::ured tht: co-operation<br />

<strong>of</strong> the <strong>Hong</strong>kong & Whampoa Dock Co., Ltd., who <strong>of</strong>fer to allow Government<br />

to erect a Signal Station on their Hill, and are a1so prepared, if<br />

necessary, to work it free <strong>of</strong> charge. (Appendix Al.)<br />

TRADE MARKS BILL, <strong>1909</strong>.<br />

A draft Bill entitled an Ordinance to Amend the La.w Relating tu<br />

Trade Marks was considered by a Sub-Committee chosen from the<br />

<strong>General</strong> Committee.<br />

<strong>The</strong> draft was carefully considered by the Sub-Committee and<br />

various amendments suggested by them.<br />

Certain <strong>of</strong> the <strong>Chamber</strong>'s recommendations have been given effect<br />

to in the Bill as now passed. (Appendix A3.)<br />


<strong>The</strong> Hon. ,Mr. E. A. Hewett, Mr. J. R. M. Smith, H on. Mr. W. J<br />

Gresson, Messrs . .a. Babington, John \V. Bandow, J. vV. C. Bonnar.<br />

D. R. Law, E. Shellim, H. A. Siebs and H. E. Tomkins served on th~<br />

Committee throughout. t.he year.<br />


<strong>The</strong> number <strong>of</strong> Members on the roll is 14.0, consisting <strong>of</strong> 20 indivi<br />

duals and 120 firms. During the year Messrs. McGregor Bros. & Gow.<br />

M~ssrs. <strong>The</strong> Stock Milling Company, and Messrs. W. S. Bailey & eo:<br />

rcsJgned. Messrs. P. B. Petit & Co. and Messrs. Tata Sons & Co. retired<br />

from hu~iness . . <strong>The</strong> fol~owing firms we!'e elected to Membership in <strong>1909</strong><br />

and their electiOn requ1res the confirmation <strong>of</strong> Members at the Annual<br />

Hceting :-<br />

.Messrs. <strong>The</strong> <strong>Hong</strong>!{ong Electric Co., Ltd.<br />

~Iessrs. <strong>The</strong> <strong>Hong</strong>kong & China Shoe Factory, Ltd.<br />

Me~qrs. <strong>The</strong> China & Manila Rteamship Co., Ltd<br />

l\Iessrs. <strong>The</strong> Vacuum Oil Company.<br />

Messrs. Cruz Basto & Company.<br />

Messrs. Heuser, Eberius· & Company.<br />

l\fessrs. <strong>The</strong> :Ma.rine Insurance Association <strong>of</strong> <strong>Hong</strong>l;ong.

l<br />

[30]<br />


<strong>The</strong> Committee arn glad to be able to report that·for the firsr t!m!O<br />

iu four years the accounts <strong>of</strong> the <strong>Chamber</strong> show a small surplus.<br />

·-<br />

"'<br />

_,<br />

....<br />

~<br />

<strong>The</strong> strict.P.st economy has been exercised, and s:.tbstantial redu:!·<br />

tions are lobe noted in such items as " Servants' \Vages," ·· Printing<br />

Advertising and Stationery," " Telegrams," &c.<br />

<strong>The</strong> Committee consider that Working Expenses have now beeJJ<br />

reduced to bed-rock.<br />

c[<br />

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DR. Income and Expenditure Account for the Year ended 31st December, <strong>1909</strong>.<br />


To R~nt.~-O ffice and Telephone, &c.<br />

,. f;r;eretary's Salar y ......... .. ... , .. ........................ .<br />

Clerk's Salary ............................................... .<br />

, Ser nl.nt,;' 'V age .; ............................................ .<br />

, Audit Fees ................................................. ..<br />

, :Jifn.rket l{eport -C.J;t <strong>of</strong> P uhlication ................ ..<br />

,. Annual Report :-1908--Co~t over Estimate ........ .<br />

, , <strong>1909</strong>-Agreed Cost . .............. .. .<br />

,. Fees paid to Surveyors .................................. ..<br />

Booh and Newspapers ............................ ........<br />

, Printing, Stationery ami Advertising ..................<br />

, P<strong>of</strong>itages and l'ett.ies .......................................<br />

,<br />

Telegr:un" ............. ............ ... .... .. ................ ..<br />

Depreciation on Furniture, &c., at. 20" I 0<br />

on $435.78<br />

, Legal Expenses .. ... .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. . ,.. .. .. .. .. .. . .. .. .<br />

, Bad Debts written otf:-Keutcr::> ........................ , 18.GR<br />

:.\Iarket }{eport .. .. .........<br />

43.3il<br />

Office Boy..................... 5.00<br />

$<br />

] ,261 10<br />

:~.000.00<br />

1,20(1.00<br />

391>.50<br />

50.00<br />

179.25<br />

640.00<br />

::: INCOME.<br />

5,91)7 .60 11 .,<br />

706.0!) "<br />

"<br />

81!).~.) 11<br />

:100.00 "<br />

250.96<br />

316.05<br />

:n4.63<br />

45.14<br />

87.15<br />

::10.00<br />

67.01<br />

-----<br />

8,933.88<br />

, H.ILAXCE--8Ultl'J.ljS OF JN('O~n; 0\'.ER EXPENPI- ~----­<br />

'1TUE 'L'HAS:-Ftmwm To B .\1, \ NV.J·: l::iti i·: J·:r ..... ,<br />

!i4.61<br />

l $<br />

By Members' Subscriptions:-<br />

en<br />

(1)<br />

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(1Q ()<br />

123 Firms at S50 each ..............................<br />

21 Individuals at $20 each ........................ ,<br />

Market Rerort Sales .................................... I<br />

Sundry Fees Collected .;·.... ........ .. .·.. ·....·.. ·· ....·I<br />

Annual Report Book, Sale.~ ... ........................<br />

Interest:-<br />

I<br />

H ongkong Hotel Debentures.~ .. ..................... .<br />

H ongkong Club Debentures ................. · .. · .. · .. · 1<br />

IIongkong & Shanghai Hank--Current Account .<br />

~<br />

/<br />

..., s:o<br />

~ CO:<br />

...........<br />

Vl 0<br />

s:: ....<br />

~­<br />

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4:!o.oo 1<br />

---,<br />

480.00<br />

480.00<br />

:1:1.48<br />

I<br />

I<br />

-I ,---<br />

I<br />

8,!J98.4tl ,,<br />

--r~<br />

I<br />

I<br />

CR.<br />

$<br />

6,570.00<br />

91!).51<br />

510.00<br />

!).50<br />

!J!J:l.48<br />

8,!J!J8.4!J<br />

~ ~- - -<br />

-:-:<br />

Balance Sheet at 31st December, <strong>1909</strong>.<br />

~====================~====~======~============-========~==~======<br />


SLJNURY CRf:PITOH~ .. ......... ...... .' ............................ .<br />

l'txsaci.E RocK FusD:-<br />

At 31st De~ embe r, 190l:) ................................. , 5,517.87<br />

Ann Intere,t on:-<br />

7 H ongkong H otel () 0 / ehentu rc~ .........<br />

Hougknng & Shanghai .Hank Cnrrent .\;'c.<br />

Fixed Deposit with Ilongkong & Shanghai'<br />

210.00<br />

7.'W<br />

Bank <strong>of</strong> fil.SOO at -H 0 i 0<br />

per annnml<br />

1012/ 0!l to :nn:!,09 ..................... ~ __ 71_:.:_!<br />

liONt~KON(; .\SI> S ILAXOIL\ 1 B.IXK :- I<br />

C'a_..;h overdrawn on Current Account .............. .<br />

HJo:~tmn: "~· ·cot;;.;T:-<br />

I<br />

AI :)h

---------<br />


___ ;:-=-.:=:--.:....___=_- --- ----

3<br />

UNITED S'lATE~<br />


March 12th, <strong>1909</strong>.<br />

Washington, D.C.<br />

Dear Sir,-! have returned to Washington six weeks later than I<br />

had anticipated, and so have only now received your letter <strong>of</strong> the lOth<br />

<strong>of</strong> December and the Repor-t <strong>of</strong> the <strong>Chamber</strong>, for which I am much<br />

obliged.<br />

<strong>The</strong> evidence taken by the Commission for t.he next three months<br />

will be for the most part banking and currency, the Exchange evidence<br />

will O

Colonial Sec~·elary's Office,<br />

<strong>Hong</strong>kong, 20th April, <strong>1909</strong>.<br />

Sir,- ·With reference to your letter <strong>of</strong> the 18th ultimo, I am directed<br />

to inquire what conclusion your Committee has arrived at on the subject<br />

<strong>of</strong> the inquiries made in the letter from this d•:partment No. 1723/ 09 <strong>of</strong><br />

the 15th ultimo.-I am, &c.,<br />

<strong>The</strong> Secretary, <strong>Chamber</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Commerce</strong>.<br />

C. CLEMENTI, for Colonial Secretary.<br />

<strong>Hong</strong>kong <strong>General</strong> <strong>Chamber</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Commerce</strong>,<br />

Hon~kong, 27th April, <strong>1909</strong>.<br />

Sil',--1 have the honour to reply to your letter (No. 1723/ 09) <strong>of</strong> the<br />

15th March, <strong>1909</strong>, requesting an expression <strong>of</strong> opiui-:m fro1~1 this <strong>Chamber</strong><br />

a~ to whether any opening exists for the employment oi Indian laboL'.''<br />

in this Cdohy, and whether facilities with regard Lo pas&age. and jn·ovisic·n<br />

<strong>of</strong> laud snould be given to encourage Indian immigration.<br />

My Committee, hc:ving C"onsulted sevt'ral emplc.yers <strong>of</strong> labour, have<br />

been inform.ed that tlwre is no opening fer I ndian labour, indentured or<br />

unindentured. In fact, there are IndiaHs in the Colony at prescnt who<br />

cannot find employment.<br />

My Committ-ee consider that mar~r.;t requirements are amply met,<br />

at present, by the supply <strong>of</strong> native labour.- I have, &c .,<br />

Hou. :Mr. F. H. May, C.M.G., Colonial Secretary.<br />

c<br />


E ..\. M:. WIT,LTAMS, Secretatr.<br />


Intemational T:J.ri'ff Revision C( mmitt ee,<br />

Yokohama, 7th May, <strong>1909</strong>.<br />

<strong>The</strong> Prosirlent, tha <strong>Chamber</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Commerce</strong>, <strong>Hong</strong>kong.<br />

Sir,- ,Ve haYc the honour to inform you t 1Jat a Committee, selected<br />

from the foreizn busiuE>~'> firh~'~ res:r.l.ent. in Japan, has been f'Jl'!l1PO nnder<br />

the above title. Its objec't is ! o watch the interests <strong>of</strong> the foreign traders<br />

in general and <strong>of</strong> resident strangerA, in connection with the revision <strong>of</strong><br />

the Customs Tariff <strong>of</strong> Japan, consequent upon the expiry <strong>of</strong> the Present<br />

Treaties in August·, 1911, notice <strong>of</strong> which has already been <strong>of</strong>ficially givetl<br />

by the Japanese Authorities.<br />

This Committee has been inaugurated and formed under the auspices<br />

<strong>of</strong> the Yokohama Foreign Board <strong>of</strong> Trade, and is therefore representative<br />

<strong>of</strong> the largest business interests <strong>of</strong> the Country, and <strong>of</strong> quite an<br />

International character. It counts among it.s members British, German,<br />

American, French, Swies, Austrian, Dutch, Australian, Swedish, N orwe·<br />

gian, Russian and other representatives.<br />

<strong>The</strong> present Tariff is, in the case <strong>of</strong> many ar ticles <strong>of</strong> import, <strong>of</strong> a<br />

hi;&hly protective nature, and there is every indication that national<br />

sentiment favours an increase in the import duties, tending especially<br />

towards shutting out many foreign articles and substituting for them<br />

articles <strong>of</strong> native make. In the circumstanco; it appears to be <strong>of</strong> Yital<br />

;mportance that foreigners int.erested iu the import trade <strong>of</strong> Japan,<br />

including doubtless several members <strong>of</strong> your <strong>Chamber</strong>, should use all tl:c><br />

means at their disposal t o represent in the proper qnarters their own<br />

interests, and those <strong>of</strong> thP countries to which they belong. With this<br />

c,l>~ect in view we would venture to suggestr-<br />

(l) That your Chambe1· should put before the Fureigu Office oi your<br />

Country, or other proper authority, your ideas and s uggestim:~<br />

regarding any change in the Tariff between your Country and<br />

Japa.:u.<br />

(2) That you should send us a shor t statement showing the principal<br />

articles in respect <strong>of</strong> which you consider an increase in the<br />

present scale <strong>of</strong> duty would be injurious to t he trade in general,<br />

together with auy reasons and arguments which you may be<br />

able to advance in support <strong>of</strong> your position, and a11y othet<br />

particulars which you may consider to be useful.<br />

W o would rC:Jspedfully re>q ue:;t that your comlllunications should, if<br />

convenient to you, be written in the English language, or have an<br />

English translation attached, as t his language is most widely understood<br />

and used by all foreigners here in their intercourse with each other atld<br />

the Japanese.<br />

<strong>The</strong>re is e·,·ery reason to believa that the J apanese will push their<br />

views by all diplomatic and peaceful means. It is therefore our desire<br />

that the suppor t given to foreign trade interests here, shall be as prompt<br />

and efTecti\'e as possible, and we reguest you to assist us by equipping

c<br />

your Uome Government with the most accurate information enabling<br />

t hem to support to the fullest extent their Country's trade with Japan,<br />

and by any other meo.ns in your power to co-operate with us to tho samo<br />

end.-,Ve are, Sir, your obedient servants,<br />

Fur the Internatic·nal Tariff Revision Committee,<br />

T. C. DA VIS, Chairman.<br />

7<br />

c<br />

desire that the <strong>Chamber</strong> should deal with the matt.rr, tl1e Committoc<br />

will be pk ased t-o place the views <strong>of</strong> such Members o0fore the [nt.::rnational<br />

Tarifi R.evision Committee.- ! am, &c.,<br />

I c the Members <strong>of</strong> the<br />

<strong>Hong</strong>kong <strong>General</strong> <strong>Chamber</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Commerce</strong>,<br />

E. A. M. WILLIAl\lS, Secretary.<br />

<strong>Hong</strong>kong <strong>General</strong> CLamber <strong>of</strong> <strong>Commerce</strong>,<br />

0bh June, <strong>1909</strong>.<br />

Sir -I have the honour to acknowledge the receipt <strong>of</strong> your letter<br />

nt 7th ifa.y, <strong>1909</strong>, addressed t0 the Chairman, in which you inform t_his<br />

· Ch~mbcr <strong>of</strong> the formation <strong>of</strong> a Colllmittcf' selected fru11 the fon1gu<br />

busiuess ilnn-.; 1·esident in Japan under the title <strong>of</strong> · · <strong>The</strong> Iutcrnatioual<br />

Tarifi' ltevis!.un ComllliLtee."<br />

Yom letter is now receiving the -attentio.1 <strong>of</strong> wy Co.mmittee.- 1<br />

am, &c.,<br />

T. C. Davis, Esq., Cha~rn.an,<br />

<strong>The</strong> International Tariff R.edsion Committee,<br />

Yokohama Foreign Board <strong>of</strong> Trade,<br />

Yokohama.<br />

E . A . M. WlLLTA MS, Secretar y .<br />


<strong>Hong</strong>kong <strong>General</strong> <strong>Chamber</strong> <strong>of</strong> C'ommercc,<br />

St. George's Buildings,<br />

<strong>Hong</strong>kong, 4th July, <strong>1909</strong>.<br />

Gentlow.en, - TLe enclosul c·opy <strong>of</strong> a letter, receivNl by th~ <strong>Hong</strong>~{~ l!g<br />

<strong>General</strong> Ch2.mbcr <strong>of</strong> <strong>Commerce</strong> from the Internati01:al _Tanff R.evlfno:<br />

C -01nnu·t•"ce o f t,_ ue Yokohama Forei "' ~t n Board , <strong>of</strong> Trade, 1 ~ cucnlated . amonb .<br />

tl le M ern b ers o f th e Chanlber w;tl1 - · the ;dea - that those whose mtcrests .<br />

r:re likely to bfl affected by the New Tariff may take the steps for the1r<br />

protection therein suggested.<br />

l t is ron~idered thnt indiddual ncti

8<br />

D<br />

<strong>The</strong> degree <strong>of</strong> prosperity which your City attains i& directly<br />

proportioned to the · extent <strong>of</strong> the conservation and right use <strong>of</strong> all<br />

natural resources which are tributary to your City.<br />

Those resources, such as soil, water, forests, minerals and ways<br />

for transportation (from which are derived the food, clothing and means<br />

for shelter for the people, and the ra.w materials and the power for<br />

uso in your factories) although situated at · a greater or lesser distance<br />

fro)m your City, are in the last analysis, the mater:als <strong>of</strong> which your<br />

City is composed, and the means by which your City is maint ained .<br />

It is, therefore, <strong>of</strong> fh:st importance to your people, and in the<br />

highest. interests <strong>of</strong> your City that your organization shall through th~<br />

Consen·ation Congress, bring to bear upon the conservation and the<br />

right use <strong>of</strong> natural resources, that superior intelligence, experience and<br />

energy which generally characterizes the commercial bodies <strong>of</strong> this<br />

country in their dealings with practical questions.<br />

We trust, therefore, that at your earliest opportunity you will<br />

notify the Washington Conservation Association <strong>of</strong> the name and<br />

11.ddress <strong>of</strong> the alternate whom your organization has appointed.<br />

Thanking you for the very important sen·ice which you render to<br />

the First National Conservation Congress, as well as to your City, we<br />

are.--Yours very respect.f\llly,<br />

Seattle Chmnber oi <strong>Commerce</strong>,<br />

C. B . YAUDELL, Secretary<br />

Washingtl,ln Conservation Association,<br />

R. \V. Donglas.<br />

Secretary, <strong>Chamber</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Commerce</strong>, Rongkong, Cl1i11a.<br />

<strong>Hong</strong>kong <strong>General</strong> <strong>Chamber</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Commerce</strong>,<br />

24th August, <strong>1909</strong> .<br />

Str,-1 have the honour to acknowledge the receipt <strong>of</strong> your letter<br />

':If the 3rd ultimo, inviting the appointment <strong>of</strong> a Special Delegate from<br />

this <strong>Chamber</strong> to the First National Conservation Congress <strong>of</strong> the<br />

United ·'states <strong>of</strong> America to be held at Seattle on the 26th, 27th and<br />

28th Augnst, 190B.<br />

Your letter w a.~ rrceivf'd on the 19th <strong>of</strong> this month-- nnfortunat

10<br />

•<br />

11<br />

<strong>Hong</strong>kong <strong>General</strong> <strong>Chamber</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Commerce</strong>.<br />

<strong>Hong</strong>kong, 3rd July, <strong>1909</strong>.<br />

Sir,-I am directe~ by my Committ.ee to address you on the su?j.ect<br />

<strong>of</strong> the Quarantine Restrictions imposed by Shanghai on ves~els arnvmg<br />

from Hougkong. For the same reasons as were advanc~d _m m! letter<br />

<strong>of</strong> the 1st instant in reference to tl1e Quarantllle R estnct10ns Imposed<br />

by Singapore on this Colo11y, my Committee co_n~ider that no ~dequate<br />

reason exists for the act.ion <strong>of</strong> the Port Authonttes <strong>of</strong> Shanghai.<br />

My Committee, in respectfully calling the attention <strong>of</strong> His<br />

Excellency the Governor to this hardship, feel rlSS~r:ct that prompt<br />

action would result in the removal <strong>of</strong> t.lw Restnct10ns whiCh are<br />

1: r.necessary hampering the Shipping <strong>of</strong> the Port, and would therefo~e<br />

beg that His Excellency the Goveruor will be good enough to c?mmun~cate<br />

with His Brittanic Majesty's Consul-<strong>General</strong> at Shanghai on this<br />

subject.- I have, &c.,<br />

Hon. Mr. A. M. Thomson, Colonial Secretary.<br />

E. A. M. WILLIAMS, Secretary.<br />

Colonial Secretary's Office,<br />

<strong>Hong</strong>kong, 7th July, <strong>1909</strong>.<br />

Sir -I am directed to acknowledge receipt <strong>of</strong> your letters <strong>of</strong> 1st and<br />

2rd ins~ant on the subject <strong>of</strong> the imposition <strong>of</strong> quarantine restrictions<br />

at Shanghai and Singapore on arrivals from <strong>Hong</strong>kong and -~ state that<br />

telegraphic representations have been made to the authontles at both<br />

ports in the sense desired in your lctters.-I am, &c.,<br />

C. CLEMENTI, for Colonial Secretary.<br />

<strong>The</strong> Secretary, <strong>Hong</strong>koug <strong>General</strong> <strong>Chamber</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Commerce</strong>.<br />

Colonial Secretary's Office,<br />

<strong>Hong</strong>kong, 5th July, <strong>1909</strong> .<br />

Sir -With re;ference to my letter No. 1563/09 <strong>of</strong> the 5th instant<br />

I am di~·ected to inform you that I am·in receipt <strong>of</strong> a telegram from the<br />

Colonial Secretary <strong>of</strong> the St.raits Settlements dated Lhe 6th instant<br />

expressi-ng regret that at present the quarantine against H ougkong at<br />

Singapore cannot be reduced_-I ~m, &c.,<br />

C. CLEMENT!, Colonial Secretary.<br />

P.S.- Since writing above I have received enclosed telegram from<br />

His Britannic Majesty's Consul-<strong>General</strong> at Shanghai.<br />

<strong>The</strong> Secretary, <strong>Chamber</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Commerce</strong>.<br />

Your telegram <strong>of</strong> 5th July. Quarantine consists <strong>of</strong> inspection <strong>of</strong><br />

vcssellasting for in no case more than one hour. Quarantine authorities<br />

co!lsider inadvisable to reduce this slight precaution as long as cases <strong>of</strong><br />

pla;ue reported at H ongkong.<br />

<strong>Hong</strong>kong Gene.!"a! <strong>Chamber</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Commerce</strong>,<br />

(Sd .) WARREN.<br />

<strong>Hong</strong>kong, 8th July, <strong>1909</strong>.<br />

Sir,- I have the honour tc acknowledge with many thanks the<br />

receipt <strong>of</strong> your letter <strong>of</strong> 7th instant (No. 1563/ <strong>1909</strong>).<br />

My Committee barn therefrom that the Government. <strong>of</strong> Singapor

12<br />

My Committee trust that some steps may be taken by His Excellency<br />

the Governor towards securing the removal <strong>of</strong> the vexatious quarantine<br />

measures by Ports notified under Notification 502 <strong>of</strong> the Government<br />

Gazette <strong>of</strong> the 13th instant.-! am, &c.,<br />

Hon. Mr. A. M. Thomson, Colonial Secretary.<br />

E<br />

E. A. M. WILLU.MS, Secretary.<br />

13<br />

p<br />

mendat ion to the Government, to grant the licence asked for.<br />

Thanking you iu advance for any interest you ltlay bestow upon 0ur<br />

application, and with assurances <strong>of</strong> the highest esteem.-We remain,<br />

Sir, yours faithfully,<br />


<strong>The</strong> Honourable, <strong>The</strong> Chairman <strong>of</strong> <strong>Chamber</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Commerce</strong>,<br />

<strong>Hong</strong>kong.<br />

Colonial Secretary's Office,<br />

<strong>Hong</strong>kong, 24th August, <strong>1909</strong>.<br />

Sir,-In reply to your letter <strong>of</strong> 20th instant, I am directed to inform<br />

you that His Excellency proposes to await the issue <strong>of</strong> clean bills <strong>of</strong><br />

health before making representations to the various ports imposing<br />

quarantine restrictions against <strong>Hong</strong>kong. <strong>The</strong> last case <strong>of</strong> plague<br />

occurred on 18th instant, and the date <strong>of</strong> issue, unless any further case<br />

is reported m the meantime, will therefore be Saturday next.-I am<br />

&c.,<br />

A. M. THOMSON, Colonial Secretary.<br />

<strong>The</strong> Secretary, <strong>Hong</strong>kong <strong>General</strong> <strong>Chamber</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Commerce</strong>.<br />

F<br />


<strong>Hong</strong>kong, October 15th, <strong>1909</strong>.<br />

Sir,-We have the honour to address your goodself and the gentlemen<br />

<strong>of</strong> the <strong>Chamber</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Commerce</strong> on the subject <strong>of</strong> wireless telegraph<br />

installation for the Colony and to submit, for your consideration and<br />

approval, a copy <strong>of</strong> lhe l.'.pplication we are this day tendering to the<br />

Colonial Secretary. \Ve also enclo~e a copy <strong>of</strong> the Wireless Telegraph<br />

Act <strong>of</strong> 1903 and a copy <strong>of</strong> letter under date <strong>of</strong> the 14th instant,<br />

addressed to the American Vice Consul-<strong>General</strong> In Charge, by the<br />

Colonial Secretary.<br />

Your attention id respectfully directed to the importance <strong>of</strong> ;ln<br />

enterprise such as we rropose to the commercial welfare <strong>of</strong> the Colony<br />

14<br />

F<br />

at our own expense a station equal in power to their N ew Yor k !.'tat.ion<br />

and capable <strong>of</strong> communication wiLh Yokohama and Shanghai on the<br />

North and with Singapore on the South.<br />

Upon receipt <strong>of</strong> a favourable reply to this application we would<br />

have the necessary equipment forwarded here and the station installed<br />

without loss <strong>of</strong> time.<br />

Thanking you in advance for an early consideration <strong>of</strong> our application,-We<br />

remain, Sir, yours faithfully,<br />


<strong>The</strong> Honourable, <strong>The</strong> Colonial Secretary, <strong>Hong</strong>kong.<br />

R eply may be addressed to us care <strong>of</strong> American Consulate <strong>General</strong>,<br />

<strong>Hong</strong>kong.<br />

Colonial Secretary's Office,<br />

<strong>Hong</strong>kong, 14th October , <strong>1909</strong>.<br />

Sir,-In reply to your letter <strong>of</strong> th~ 6th instant, I am directed to<br />

inform you that no special conditions have as yet been prescribed with<br />

regard to applications for licences under Ordinance No. 7 <strong>of</strong> 1903, and<br />

I am to suggest that the best course will be for any intending applicant<br />

to forward to this <strong>of</strong>fice in writing full details <strong>of</strong> his proposed wireless<br />

tele;:.ra.phic installation fo.1· LllC consideration d th is Govcmm(\ul.. Such<br />

applications will be subject to the a:):woval <strong>of</strong> the Secret ary d Sl~tt" for<br />

the Colonies.- ! am, &c.,<br />

<strong>The</strong> American Vice ConsL:l <strong>General</strong> in Charge.<br />

F. H. MAY, Colonial Secretary.<br />

ORDINANCE N o. 7 OF 1903.<br />

An Ordinance to authorise and re!tulate the esla bE~hmcnt<br />

and u ~e <strong>of</strong> installations for the purpose <strong>of</strong><br />

w ll'eless Telegraphy.<br />

Henry A. Blake,<br />

Governor.<br />

11th July, 1903.<br />

Be it enacted by the Governor <strong>of</strong> <strong>Hong</strong>kong, with the<br />

advice and consent <strong>of</strong> the Legislative Council<br />

there<strong>of</strong>, as follows :<br />

:;hort lt tit•.<br />

l'owcr to<br />

Cl 0 \'Pl"llOl" t O<br />

licence<br />

hl8tnllut iona.<br />

P roilibi tiuu<br />

., fllnllct·n ~e

J6<br />



Colonial Secretary's Office,<br />

<strong>Hong</strong>kong, 30th January, <strong>1909</strong>.<br />

Sir,-1 am directed to forward for the observations <strong>of</strong> your <strong>Chamber</strong><br />

a copy <strong>of</strong> a letter addressed to this Government with enclosures in<br />

original regarding the granting <strong>of</strong> continuous certificates <strong>of</strong> discharge to<br />

(;hineso Seamen.<br />

2. I shall be glad if the onclosures may be retumed.-I am, &c.,<br />

F. H. MAY, Colonial Secretary.<br />

<strong>The</strong> Secretary, <strong>Hong</strong>kong <strong>General</strong> <strong>Chamber</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Commerce</strong>.<br />

17<br />

G<br />

and one in pr<strong>of</strong>ile. J attach a cancelled form- one <strong>of</strong> those issued at<br />

home-with an amended front sheet, such as I suggest should be employed<br />

here.<br />

6. I suggest that these forms should be used only for ships on the<br />

Home run, at present, as until the Chinese understand them, there<br />

would be considerable difficulty in using them in the East. On the<br />

Home run most <strong>of</strong> the difficulties do not exist, and the new form would<br />

be <strong>of</strong> great use at Home ports, more especially in view <strong>of</strong> the " Language<br />

Test." ·<br />

7. If these forms are approved and instituted, it will be advisable<br />

that similar forms be used at otheF Far Eastern ports in order that there<br />

may be uniformity, and also that their full value may be obtained, for<br />

they would lose much <strong>of</strong> their usefulness if restricted to but one port.-<br />

1 have, &c.,<br />

B. R. H. TAYLOR, Harbour Master.<br />

<strong>The</strong> Honourable the Colonial Secretary.<br />

Harbour Department,<br />

<strong>Hong</strong>kong, 19th January, <strong>1909</strong>.<br />

Sir,-1 ha.vo the honour to make the following representations:-<br />

2. In the year 1900 the Board <strong>of</strong> Trade instituted a form <strong>of</strong> " Continuous<br />

Discharge Certificate " to be issued only in Home Ports. <strong>The</strong><br />

instructions on the subject are contained in Board <strong>of</strong> Trade (Marine<br />

Department) Circular No. 41 Colonial <strong>of</strong> August, 1900. In that<br />

circular, a copy <strong>of</strong> the preamble to which I attach, it will be seen that<br />

it was evidently intended to extend the use <strong>of</strong> these new forms at some<br />

future date.<br />

3. So far as we, in this Colony, are concerned, I think that the<br />

time has now arrived for us to issue a somewhat similar form in the case<br />

<strong>of</strong> Chinese seameu signing on and being discha1·ged in the Colony, in<br />

ships on the Home run.<br />

4. <strong>The</strong> new forms now issued at Home have proved most useful.<br />

<strong>The</strong>y prevent a man from " sinking " unfavourable reports-in · fact,<br />

contain a virtual history <strong>of</strong> his sea service.<br />

5. In order to adapt the system to Chinese, it will be necessary for<br />

their photographs to be attached. My experience has shown me that a<br />

single, full face, or three-quarter face, photograph is not sufficient for<br />

irleuti.6 ~ation: there should therefore be tw" t>hotographs, one full face<br />

<strong>Hong</strong>kong <strong>General</strong> <strong>Chamber</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Commerce</strong>.<br />

<strong>Hong</strong>kong, 18th March, <strong>1909</strong>.<br />

Sir,-I have the honour to inform you that my Committee have<br />

now considered your letter <strong>of</strong> 30th January, <strong>1909</strong> (No. 483 / <strong>1909</strong>),<br />

regarding the granting <strong>of</strong> Continuous Certificates <strong>of</strong> Discharge to Chinese<br />

Seamen.<br />

A similar system has been in force for some years with regard to<br />

British Seamen, and my Committee understand !.hat while the benefits<br />

conferred by this innovation are doubtful, it gives rise to considerable<br />

trouble to employers, and has not resulted in the good anticipated when<br />

the scheme was inaugurated.<br />

As applied to Chinese, the similarity <strong>of</strong> name so <strong>of</strong>ten found, and<br />

the difficulty <strong>of</strong> identification even when the Certificate bears a photograph,<br />

makes the scheme in the view <strong>of</strong> my Committee impracticable.<br />

Another aspect <strong>of</strong> such a system on the China Coast would be a<br />

decided disadvantage to British Shipping in obtaining labour, and my<br />

Committee are, therefore, unable to support the proposal put forward<br />

by the Harbour Master, which, if adopted, would in their opinion<br />

increase the cost and difficulty in securing good seamen, without conferring<br />

any benefit upon the shipowner in return.-! have, &c.,<br />

Hon. Mr. F . H. May, C.M.G., Colonial Secretary.<br />

E. A. M. WILLIAMS, Secretary.

18<br />

G<br />

Colonial Secretary's Office,<br />

<strong>Hong</strong>kong, 25th March, <strong>1909</strong>.<br />

Sir,-:-With reference to your letter <strong>of</strong> the 18th instant, I am<br />

directed to state that the question <strong>of</strong> the granting <strong>of</strong> Continuous Certificates<br />

<strong>of</strong> Discharge to Chinese Seamen will be allowed to drop.<br />

* I shall be glad if you will be so good as to return the enclosures<br />

in my letter <strong>of</strong> the 301 h ultimo.- I am, &c.,<br />

:B'. H. MAY, Colonial Secretary.<br />

<strong>The</strong> 8ecretary, the <strong>Chamber</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Commerce</strong>.<br />

r.· Enclosures since received.<br />


26th SEPTEMBER, 1906.<br />

Colonial Secretary's Office,<br />

H ongkong, 26th February, <strong>1909</strong>.<br />

Sir,--! am directed to forward a copy <strong>of</strong> a despatch addressed to<br />

this Government by the Secretary <strong>of</strong> State for the Colonies together<br />

with a copy <strong>of</strong> the Memorandum referred to therein, and to enquire<br />

whether your <strong>Chamber</strong> are <strong>of</strong> the opinion that this Colony should<br />

adhere to the International Convention <strong>of</strong> the 26th September, 1906.<br />

2. I shall be glad if the memorandu111 may be retumed.- I am,<br />

&c.,<br />

F. H . MAY, Colonial Secretary.<br />

lhe Secretary, <strong>Hong</strong>kong Goneral <strong>Chamber</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Commerce</strong>.<br />

Downin.(;! Street,<br />

21st January, <strong>1909</strong>.<br />

Sir,-I have the honour to refer to Lord Elgin's Circular despatch<br />

<strong>of</strong> the lOth April, 1907,. transmitting a memorandum on the International<br />

Conference on Labour Regulation held in Beme, in September,<br />

1906, and to inform you that His Majesty's Government have now<br />

adhered to the International Convention <strong>of</strong> 26th Sept•nnber, 1906,<br />

19<br />

(}<br />

respecting the prohibition <strong>of</strong> the use <strong>of</strong> White Phosphorus in the<br />

manufacture <strong>of</strong> matches.<br />

2. <strong>The</strong> text and translation <strong>of</strong> this Convention were annexed to<br />

the memorandum enclosed in ~he despatch under reference.<br />

3. I am to enquire whether you desire that the Colony under your<br />

Government should adhere to this Convention.- ! have, &c.,<br />

CREWE.<br />

<strong>The</strong> Officer Administering the Government <strong>of</strong> .......... .. .. ......... .<br />

<strong>Hong</strong>kong <strong>General</strong> <strong>Chamber</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Commerce</strong>,<br />

<strong>Hong</strong>kong, 24th March, <strong>1909</strong>.<br />

Sir,-I am directed to reply to your letter <strong>of</strong> 26th F ebruary, <strong>1909</strong>,<br />

(No. 3699/ 190i) fr.rwarding a copy <strong>of</strong> a despatch addressed to the<br />

Government by the Secretary <strong>of</strong> State for the Colon ies and enquiring<br />

whether this <strong>Chamber</strong> supports the adherence <strong>of</strong> the C0lony to the<br />

International Convention <strong>of</strong> the 26th September, 1906. .<br />

My Committee do not consider that restrictive measure!! <strong>of</strong> thi!<br />

nature should apply to a Colony emp!oying Asiatic labour. In their<br />

opinion the labourer in this Colony is relatively better <strong>of</strong>f than his<br />

European confrere and it would be time enough f~r the Colony to adopt<br />

protective measures when it can be shown that labour is unjustly treated<br />

by employers. <strong>The</strong> troubles facing a local employer <strong>of</strong> labour are<br />

already great enough without unnecessa rily adding thereto.<br />

For lhese reasons my Com111ittee regret that they cannot support<br />

the adherence <strong>of</strong> the Colony to the Convention .<br />

I beg lo return the memorandum as rt>quested.-I have, &c.,<br />

lion. ~Jr.<br />

F. H. 1\fa.y, C.M.G., Colonial Secn•tary.<br />

E. A . .M . \VILLIA.l\lS, Secretary.<br />

Colonial Secretary's Office,<br />

lToJ1gkong, 13th April, <strong>1909</strong>.<br />

Sir,- -With reference to your letter <strong>of</strong> the 24th <strong>of</strong> March I am<br />

dirt>cted to point. oul to yon that. the partil'nlar questi0n which was<br />

rl'ferred to in the despatch <strong>of</strong> the Secretary <strong>of</strong> State <strong>of</strong> the nst <strong>of</strong>

20<br />

H<br />

January last, transmitted in my letter <strong>of</strong> the 26th <strong>of</strong> F ebruary, w ~:. s<br />

whether this Colony should adhere to the International Convention <strong>of</strong><br />

26th September, 1906, respecting the prohibition <strong>of</strong> the use <strong>of</strong> White<br />

Phosphorus in the manufacture <strong>of</strong> matches.<br />

It is on that question that this Government desires to obtain the<br />

opinion <strong>of</strong> the <strong>Chamber</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Commerce</strong>.- ! am, &c.,<br />

<strong>The</strong> Secretary, <strong>Chamber</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Commerce</strong>.<br />

F. H. MAY, Colonial Secretary.<br />

<strong>Hong</strong>kong <strong>General</strong> C~amber <strong>of</strong> <strong>Commerce</strong>,<br />

<strong>Hong</strong>kong, 14th April, <strong>1909</strong>.<br />

Sir,-I am in receipt <strong>of</strong> your letter <strong>of</strong> 13th instant (No. 3699 j 1907),<br />

on the subject <strong>of</strong> the adherence <strong>of</strong> this Colony to t~ ·. e Int ernational<br />

Convention <strong>of</strong> the 26th September, 1906.<br />

Will you be good enough to again forward me the Despatch <strong>of</strong> the<br />

Secretary <strong>of</strong> State and the Memorandum, both accompanying your letter<br />

to me <strong>of</strong> the 26th February, so that my Committee may be enabled to<br />

express an opinion on that portion <strong>of</strong> th~ Convention which has special<br />

reference to the prohibition <strong>of</strong> the use <strong>of</strong> White Phosphorus in the manufacture<br />

<strong>of</strong> matches.-! have, &c.,<br />

Hon. Mr. F . H . May, C.M.G., Colonial Secret ary.<br />

E. A . M . WILLIAMS, Secretary.<br />

Colonial Secretary's Office,<br />

H ougkong, 15th April, <strong>1909</strong> .<br />

8ir,- In reply to your letter <strong>of</strong> the 14th instant , I am directed to<br />

forward herewith the copy <strong>of</strong> the despatch <strong>of</strong> the Secretary <strong>of</strong> St ate and<br />

the memorandum in quostion. I shall be glad if both documents may<br />

be returned to me in due course.-! am , &c.,<br />

<strong>The</strong> Recretary, <strong>Chamber</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Commerce</strong>.<br />

C. CLEMENT!, for Colonial Secretary.<br />

21<br />

H<br />

<strong>Hong</strong>kong <strong>General</strong> <strong>Chamber</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Commerce</strong>,<br />

Hon~kong , 27th April, <strong>1909</strong>.<br />

Sir,-I am now directed to reply to your letter (No. 3699 / 07) <strong>of</strong><br />

the 13th inst.ant in which the Government desires the opinion <strong>of</strong> the<br />

<strong>Chamber</strong> as to whether or not this Colony should adhere to the Inter·<br />

national Convention <strong>of</strong> the 26th September, 1906, respecting the prohibition<br />

<strong>of</strong> the use <strong>of</strong> White Phosphorus in the manufacture <strong>of</strong> matches.<br />

My Committee consider that, for precisely the same reasons as<br />

were advanced by the R epresentatives <strong>of</strong> the Imperial Government for<br />

the non-adherence <strong>of</strong> Great Brittain on this point, this Colony should<br />

not adhere to the Convention.<br />

As pointed out in the memorandum accompanying your letter it<br />

has been proved that the evils traceable to the use <strong>of</strong> White Phosphorus<br />

in the manufacture <strong>of</strong> m atches can be successfully suppressed by<br />

regulation.<br />

<strong>The</strong>re appears, therefore, no adequate justitication for the adopt ion<br />

<strong>of</strong> measures calculated to hamper trade.<br />

My Committee desire to thank His Excellency the Governor for<br />

referring t.his matter to them.--I have, &c.,<br />

Hon . Mr. F . H. May, C. M .G., Colonial Secretary.<br />

E. A . M . WILLIA l\TS, Secretary.<br />

I<br />



Colonial Secretary's Office,<br />

H ongkong, 1 Uh February, <strong>1909</strong> .<br />

Sir,- I am directed to forward the enclosed t.ranslation <strong>of</strong> a scheme<br />

framed by the Board <strong>of</strong> Finance for reorganizing the finances <strong>of</strong> the<br />

Chinese Empire and to request the observations <strong>of</strong> your <strong>Chamber</strong><br />

tl!ereon for the information <strong>of</strong> H is Majest.y's Minister at Peking .--I<br />

am, &c.,<br />

F. R. MAY, Coloni~~,J Secretary.<br />

<strong>The</strong> Se-:retary, <strong>Chamber</strong> <strong>of</strong> Comrro.rce.

Regulation ~<br />

22<br />

I<br />

<strong>of</strong> the Board <strong>of</strong> Finance for the Adjustment <strong>of</strong><br />

Chinese Finances.<br />

Summarised Translation.<br />

Regulations I. and II., sections 1-4, provide for the establishment<br />

in Peking. under the Board <strong>of</strong> Finance <strong>of</strong> a Financial Counci!<br />

(Ch'ing-li Ts'ai-cheng Ch'u) and in each ·pr~v ince <strong>of</strong> a Financial Bureau<br />

(Ch'ing-li Ts'ai-cbeng Chu).<br />

<strong>The</strong>se departments will be responsible for clearing <strong>of</strong>f all out-standing<br />

~ccounts: and for preparing st.a.temf'nts <strong>of</strong> a1l income and expenditure,<br />

m readmess for making E:sbimates for the whole Empire <strong>of</strong> future<br />

revenue and expendihtre, and for rendering an account annually <strong>of</strong> fn~<br />

previous year's financ~.<br />

<strong>The</strong> Council in Peking will circulate to the Provincial Bureaux the<br />

necessary forms to be filled in, and will propart> from them , wher<br />

returned, a general statAment <strong>of</strong> revenue ?.nd mmenditurP. <strong>The</strong> Chief<br />

Jf each Provincial Bureau shall be tht> Pro,;incial Tr~>:Jsnrer. with<br />

'l.SIIist.:J.nt. dirE>ctorR cho~pn fr()m amcm~st thfl Taotais, but there will be<br />

t.wo Snporil'ltenrlents (Chienli-kua,n) in each Bureau, appointed by the<br />

Board <strong>of</strong> Finance.<br />


24<br />

I<br />

If Provincial estimates shew a deficit, the Viceroy or Governor will<br />

make arrangements with the Board <strong>of</strong> Finance for obtaining supplementary<br />

funds.<br />

A U public departments in Peking wiil, from the be2inning <strong>of</strong> the<br />

2nd year <strong>of</strong> Hsuan T'ung, make estimates for the following year, ~ .. Jd<br />

present them to the Board in the 5th month <strong>of</strong> tne y~l\r .<br />

'l:he revenue and expenditure under the direct control <strong>of</strong> the Board<br />

itself will be similarly estimated and submitted to th~ Throne in a<br />

Memorial.<br />

From· the 2nd year <strong>of</strong> Hsuan T'ung (1910) the Board will submit.<br />

all estimates for .;he Imperial approval within l:.wo months <strong>of</strong> their<br />

receipt. Such portions <strong>of</strong> them as come under the heading <strong>of</strong> local<br />

government expenditm>~ shall be referred to the Provincial Assemblies<br />

for their decision : and the complete estimates shall be submitted to<br />

them for examination.<br />

From the commencement <strong>of</strong> the 3rd year <strong>of</strong> Hsuan T'ung (1911)<br />

ail <strong>of</strong>ficial rP.venue and expenditure throughout the Empire shall be<br />

managed in this manner by estimates.<br />

In any heading <strong>of</strong> expenditure, no sum can figure beyond tl1e fixed<br />

total, nor can money be taken from one headmg and applied to another.<br />

Supplementary funds must be obtained by arrangement between the<br />

Provincial authorities and the Board. ·<br />

Regulation VI. (Sections 23-26) .-Annual statements <strong>of</strong> the<br />

previous years' accounts will be sent in to the Board by the Provincial<br />

Financial Bureaux from the 4th year <strong>of</strong> Hst...tn T'ung, during the first<br />

half <strong>of</strong> the year.<br />

In these annual statements Imperial and local accounts will b9<br />

differentiated.<br />

Public departments m Peking will make similar returns, from the<br />

same date.<br />


I<br />

<strong>Hong</strong>kong GeMral <strong>Chamber</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Commerce</strong>,<br />

<strong>Hong</strong>kong, 7th April, <strong>1909</strong>.<br />

•<br />

Sir,- Iu reply to your letter <strong>of</strong> 11th February,,l909 (No. 5778 /04),<br />

requesting the o!>servations <strong>of</strong> t.he Ch~mber regardmg a ~cheme framed<br />

by the Board <strong>of</strong> Finance for the reorganising <strong>of</strong>, the _Fmances <strong>of</strong> the<br />

Chinese Empire, I am directed lo state that my Comm1tt~e do not feel<br />

in a position to criticise exhaustively ~o large and far-reacl.1ng a scheme.<br />

but the centralisation <strong>of</strong> control, whlch seems to be the essence o~ the<br />

new Regulations, would be an i~p?rtan~ step forward, and greatly<br />

assist in the birth <strong>of</strong> a purer admm1stration.<br />

Needless to say my Committee are entirely sympathetic to_wards<br />

any proposals calculate

:lO<br />

.r<br />


Re Light on K apsing Island.<br />

<strong>The</strong> proposal <strong>of</strong> the Government to place a light on the Bunqansiah<br />

Rock as a guide through the Kap Shui Moon, and the opinion<br />

that it would furnish more protection to navigation than a light on<br />

the lower end <strong>of</strong> Rap Sing Island is not lih ly to find endorsement<br />

1 rnongst those who are practically affected by it.<br />

Wh1li> agreeing in the abstract that a l•ght on Bunsansiah nock<br />

would be a good thing, and welcomed as pointin

32<br />

J<br />

hesitation in saying that the ot• ly safe guide through Capsiugrnuu Pass<br />

is a light un Kapsing Island. A Light on Bunsansiah Rock intended<br />

as a guido through th0 P ass, would o'tly incrt!ase the existing danger.<br />

<strong>Hong</strong>kong <strong>General</strong> <strong>Chamber</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Commerce</strong>,<br />

T. H. C'HRISTIE.<br />

27th April, <strong>1909</strong>.<br />

Sir,-I have the houout to acknowledge thc receipt <strong>of</strong> your ietter<br />

<strong>of</strong> thP. 29th March, <strong>1909</strong>, (No. 8824/1904) in reply to mine <strong>of</strong> the 18th<br />

id~m ha.ving reference to the institution <strong>of</strong> a light on the Southern end<br />

<strong>of</strong> Kapsing Island.<br />

My CCJmmittee having consulted the principal Shipping Companies<br />

interested wit.h regard to the counter proposition <strong>of</strong> the Government<br />

that a light on Bunsansiah Rock would better serve the purpose <strong>of</strong><br />

furnishing a leading light for the Kapsaimun, the

34<br />

J<br />

<strong>Hong</strong>kong, Canton and ~Iaeao Steamboat Co., Limited.<br />

Proposed Light<br />

Kap Sing Island.<br />

<strong>Hong</strong>kong, 14th May, <strong>1909</strong>.<br />

Sir,- In reply to your inquiries, t he general opuuon <strong>of</strong> our Commanders<br />

is that the most suitable situation for the li.ght would be on<br />

t.he Southern eud <strong>of</strong> K ap Sing Island at an elevation <strong>of</strong> 30 feet above<br />

High Water.<br />

Light.- Bright, occultiug, <strong>of</strong> Sixt.h ordrr, visihl& for Five miles<br />

on a clear night.<br />

StrucLure.- Similar to :Ma-Wan Island light house. This would be<br />

(.Onsidered a good distinctive mark in· fog during day t ime.<br />

FoO' Signal.- Bell, worked automatically, as m use on t he Iron<br />

Barrier .. near "\Vhampoa.. Tn fog or thick r ain sound would. be a safer<br />

wamini than the <strong>of</strong>f chance <strong>of</strong> seeing the str ucture <strong>of</strong> the hght .. tower.<br />

I recommend this suggestion to the cousideratio11 <strong>of</strong> your conumttee.­<br />

I am, &c.,<br />

E. A. M. Williams, E sq., Srcretary,<br />

<strong>Chamber</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Commerce</strong>.<br />

W. E . CL AR.KE, Secretary.<br />

H ougkong <strong>General</strong> <strong>Chamber</strong> oi <strong>Commerce</strong>,<br />

15th May, <strong>1909</strong>.<br />

f) ear Sir,- I beg to acknowledge the receipt <strong>of</strong> _Y~ Ur lett~r. <strong>of</strong><br />

vesterday's date in whicl1 you set forth the general. opunon ob~aln.mg<br />

" fl.mougs t tl · Hl C'uu1u1attdrs <strong>of</strong> vom· v essA]s n t he subJect <strong>of</strong> t.he ltlshtu-<br />

< • • - •<br />

tion <strong>of</strong> a light 011 K:tp Bi11g Island, <br />

liarbour.<br />

<strong>The</strong> object <strong>of</strong> this regulation is to coritrol tbe<br />

unnecessary blowing <strong>of</strong> steam whistles in t he<br />

In the original regulations published simultaneously with t ho<br />

IJrdinance·, the regulations ran as follows:-<br />

" 9. No Steamship when at a~chor, near or lying <strong>of</strong>f the P raya,<br />

'.' oJ· when moored< to or waiting at auy wharf or landing-place,<br />

' ' shall use the steam-whistle, nor shall such steamship, when<br />

" under way, use the st,eam-whistle, except for the purpose o£<br />

" giving necessary JJ otice <strong>of</strong> he.r approach towards any other<br />

" vesse l. ' ~<br />

. .<br />

" 10. No steamship when enlering o1' feaving the Harbour, or<br />

" when at a n cl~or ·t herein, shall use her steam-whistle, except<br />

. " for the purpose <strong>of</strong> navigation or to avoid collision . <strong>The</strong>< use<br />

" <strong>of</strong> sucl1 RtPa111-whistle for any other purpose is hereby pro­<br />

" )libit ecl,' ·

37<br />

K<br />

<strong>The</strong>se regulatwns were amended by the " Government Gazette " <strong>of</strong><br />

the 20th March, 1908, page 342, and the following regulation was substituted<br />

for the two above quoted.<br />

" 21. No steamship shall use her steam-whistle exc~pt for the<br />

" purposes <strong>of</strong> navigation as laid down by His Majesty's Orders<br />

" in Council in Articles 15, 28 and 31 <strong>of</strong> the Collision<br />

" Regulations."<br />

TJ:1e effect <strong>of</strong> the present regulation is that, unless a steamship<br />

blow he:r whistle when in the waters <strong>of</strong> this Colony strictly for the<br />

purposes <strong>of</strong> regulations 15, 28 and 31 <strong>of</strong> the regulations for preventing<br />

collisions at sea, a nuisance is committed for which the Master can be<br />

fined.<br />

\V e are given to understand it is t.he invariable practice <strong>of</strong> seamen<br />

both in the waters <strong>of</strong> this Colony and in other crowded anchorages,<br />

and possibly even in the open sea, to give a warning on the whistle,<br />

<strong>of</strong> a steamship's approach to small craft whose presence or .::ourse might<br />

C"n'1·esent.<br />

·E. A. M:. WILLTAl\fS, Secretary.<br />

1, Des Vrenx Road,<br />

<strong>Hong</strong>kong, 11th August, <strong>1909</strong> .<br />

Dear Sir,--We beg to acknowledge receipt <strong>of</strong> yom lrtter <strong>of</strong> the 7th<br />

inst.ant.<br />

We hav~ a~ways understood from Captains <strong>of</strong> ships, and generally,<br />

I hat the wlustlmg regul2-tions as originally framed worked quite satis-<br />

1':-tctodly. <strong>The</strong>y are as follows:-<br />

" 9. No s t eam~hip when at anchor near or lyinrr <strong>of</strong>f the Praya<br />

" 1 b '<br />

or w 1en UIOOred to or waiting at any wharf or landing-pla-:oc·,<br />

" shall use t he steam-whistle, nor shall sur.h steamship when<br />

" U~l d . er way, use the .:;team-whistle, except for the purpose ' <strong>of</strong><br />

gtvmg necessary nohce <strong>of</strong> her approach towards any othl31'<br />

" vessel."<br />

" 10. No steamship when entering or leaving the Harbour or<br />

" wh(·ll at anchor therein, shall use het· steam-whistle, except for<br />

'' t be pnrpose <strong>of</strong> navigation er to avoid collision. <strong>The</strong> use <strong>of</strong><br />

, . " snc~1 steam-whistle for any other purpose is hl'reby prohibited."<br />

lhoy w11l be found in table l\f <strong>of</strong> the Sr.hrdule to the Ordin11.nce as<br />

Lt was originally enacted.

We would· recommend that the Shipping Members <strong>of</strong> your Committee<br />

make enquiries <strong>of</strong> their Captains as to whether the regulations<br />

as quoted above are not satisfactory, or whethe1· they would suggest &.11:-·<br />

amendments.<br />

It will probably be clear to your cJommittee that it is the views <strong>of</strong><br />

the Captains themselves which are really important on a point like this.<br />

- \Vo have, &c.,<br />

E. A. M. Will\ams, Secretary,<br />

H ongkong <strong>General</strong> <strong>Chamber</strong> <strong>of</strong> C'o1r1merc.e.<br />


<strong>Hong</strong>kong <strong>General</strong> <strong>Chamber</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Commerce</strong>,<br />

<strong>Hong</strong>kong, ~9th September, <strong>1909</strong>.<br />

•<br />

Sir,-I am directed by my Committee to address you on the su~jqct<br />

<strong>of</strong> Regulation No. 21 <strong>of</strong> Table " M " <strong>of</strong> the Merchant Shipping Consolidation<br />

Ordinance No. 10 <strong>of</strong> 1899 and its relation to the ('Ontrol <strong>of</strong><br />

nuisances caused by 1. he unnecessa-ry blowillg <strong>of</strong> st ram whistlrs in the<br />

Harbour.<br />

• . <strong>The</strong> effect <strong>of</strong> the present regulations is, that unless the steamship<br />

blow her whistle when in the waters <strong>of</strong> the Colony strictly for the purpose<br />

<strong>of</strong> regulaLions 15, 28 and 31 <strong>of</strong> the regulations for preventing<br />

~olliflion at sea, a nuisance is comm.i.tted for which the Master can be<br />

fined.<br />

My Committee are given to undersl:an·! it is the invariable practice<br />

<strong>of</strong> seamen, both in the waters <strong>of</strong> this Colo>1v and in other crowded<br />

n.nchorages, to give a warning on the wJ.,·.,ue <strong>of</strong> a steamship's approach<br />

lo small craft, whose presence or coul"'" u•\JO:ht comtituLe danger cit11er<br />

to themselves or to the steamship. ·<br />

This warning is necessary from -stearc.ers approaching their buop<br />

or wharves under their own way and thus nndet· little control. ·<br />

Still more is it required in a Harbour congested with small craft<br />

:end subject· to the infl~ence <strong>of</strong> tides: . .. . .<br />

· · Under regulation No.: 21, as at pr.esent fi-a1iled, a steamship cannot<br />

dopt the c.ustomary method <strong>of</strong> warning small craft withouL being liabla<br />

to r:onviction for a uuis11.uce.<br />

On the assumption that the giving <strong>of</strong> LhB.se warniugf> is in accordance<br />

with the ordinary practice <strong>of</strong> seamen, Regulation 21 would also<br />

seem to be contrary to regulation No. 6 <strong>of</strong> Table " M " which reads:­<br />

" 6. All vessels irrespective <strong>of</strong> size shall, whether in a fairway<br />

" or not, observe the International Collision R egulations, and<br />

" no vessel whatever shall anchor in any <strong>of</strong> the fairways ;"<br />

and likewise to regulation No. 29 for preventing collision at sea.<br />

Tho ·result <strong>of</strong> enquiries made <strong>of</strong> l\fasters <strong>of</strong> Vfls~els through th•·<br />

Shipping Members <strong>of</strong> my <strong>Chamber</strong>, is tl1e unanimous opinion that, it:<br />

order to prevent accident to small craft and possible lo s~ <strong>of</strong> life, the usr<br />

<strong>of</strong> steam whistles in the Harbour to warn native boats <strong>of</strong> tlw approael:<br />

<strong>of</strong> a steamer is an absolute necessity, and it is considered t.hat tbc case<br />

would be met by a reversion to the regulations, as originally framed,<br />

a copy <strong>of</strong> which is annexed.<br />

My CommiLtee trust that His Excellency lhe Governor may giYc<br />

this matter his consideration and that be may see his way to make a<br />

much-needed reform.-I have, &c.,<br />

H on. :Mr. A. hl. Thomson, Colonial S ecret~ry .<br />

E. A. M. WILLIAMS, Secretary .<br />

Regnlations Nos. 9 and 10 in T able " .M " <strong>of</strong> the Schedulr<br />

to the Ordinance as it was originally enacted .<br />

" fl. No Steamship when at anchor near or lying <strong>of</strong>f t.he Pn1ya,<br />

" or when moored to or waiting at any wharf or landing· pia

40<br />

K<br />

<strong>of</strong> R.egulation No. 21 <strong>of</strong> Table " .M " <strong>of</strong> the :M prc ~1ants _Shippi11g Consolidation<br />

Ordinance No. 10 t>f 1899, which has for 1ts obJect. the c?ntrol<br />

<strong>of</strong> nuisances caused by the unnecessary blowing <strong>of</strong> steam wh1stles m the<br />

Harbour.-I have, &c.,<br />

~fe bsrs .<br />

Deacon , Looker & Deacon, Pn'SC:'nt.<br />

E . A . ~I. WILLIA:MS, Secretary .<br />

Colonial Secretary's O:ftkc,<br />

<strong>Hong</strong>kong, 8th November , 1 ~0 !1 .<br />

Sir,- I am directed to ackuowledge the receipt <strong>of</strong> your lett er <strong>of</strong> ~1w<br />

29th <strong>of</strong> last September, and to enGlose h_erewith ~ copy <strong>of</strong> a r eg~Ilabon<br />

made by His Excellency the Gvvernor m Counc1l o~ . t.he 4th mst ant<br />

un d er sec t lOll . 2~ v (4) <strong>of</strong> Ordinance No · 10 <strong>of</strong> 1899, g1vmg effect to the<br />

recommendation made by your Committ ee:-I am, &c.,<br />

<strong>The</strong> Secretary, <strong>Chamber</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Commerce</strong>.<br />

:F. H. :MAY, Colonial Secretary.<br />

No. 702.<br />

Regulation made hy the Gowrnor-in -Couucil under Sub-sect..ion 4.<br />

<strong>of</strong> Section 25 <strong>of</strong> the :Merchant Shipping Ordinance, 1899,<br />

(Ordinance No. 10 <strong>of</strong> 1899), this 4th day <strong>of</strong><br />

November, <strong>1909</strong> .<br />

R l t. No 21 under the heading '' Steam Whistles ' ' in<br />

egu a lOll • ' . • · 1899<br />

Table M in the Schedule to the :Merchant Sluppmg Ordmance, ,<br />

l by' t.he Governor-in-Council on t.he 4th day <strong>of</strong> F ebruary, 1908,<br />


42<br />

• L<br />

(2) This matter was last under consideraLion in 1899, when the<br />

GoyernmenL decided to await, lhe result <strong>of</strong> the experiment iu Lhe Straits<br />

Settlements, w bi·~h appears lo have been attended by a cer tain measure<br />

<strong>of</strong> :m t:t:c~s .-1 am, &c.,<br />

}". il. MAY, Colonial SecreLary.<br />

<strong>The</strong> Chairman <strong>of</strong> <strong>Chamber</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Commerce</strong> .<br />

<strong>Hong</strong>kong <strong>Chamber</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Commerce</strong>,<br />

27th ]day, <strong>1909</strong>.<br />

Sir,-With reference to your letter <strong>of</strong> the 15th April, <strong>1909</strong> (No.<br />

3641 / 08), on the question <strong>of</strong> the proposed Introduction in this Colony<br />

oi a Government Note Issue on the lines <strong>of</strong> the system already adopted<br />

in the Straits Settlements, I have the honour to point out that the<br />

information now before my Committee is not sufficient to enable them<br />

to form an opinion as to the proposal, and I would beg to be furnished<br />

with more details so as to enable my Committee to go fully into the<br />

question.<br />

<strong>The</strong> more important poiuts upon which my Committee would like<br />

to be informed are :-<br />

1. <strong>The</strong> general lines which it is proposed to .dopt.<br />

2. <strong>The</strong> arrangements for exchanging Dollars into Not es and v iCe<br />

versa.<br />

a . \Vhether the Government will have their owu treasuries<br />

and staff for working the issue.<br />

b . If not, what alternative system have !hey in view ?<br />

3. To wltat l'XI

.........<br />

L<br />

I. <strong>The</strong> issue <strong>of</strong> papers for legal tender excluding sub. coin.<br />

2. <strong>The</strong> redemption <strong>of</strong> such paper on presentation in legal tender.<br />

3. <strong>The</strong> storage <strong>of</strong> the coin tendered for notes with the proviso that<br />

as soon as the limit <strong>of</strong> safety is ascertained by practice a portion <strong>of</strong> the<br />

c:Jin will be invested in gold securities.<br />

4. It is understood th~t the Banks in the Colony will accept the<br />

notes and that therefore any one wanting notes for coin or vice versa<br />

will be accommodated at the various Banks always w1th the proviso that<br />

the Treasury is ready to do so in case <strong>of</strong> trouble.<br />

5. <strong>The</strong> question <strong>of</strong> the Government. having its own Treasury is a<br />

subsidiary one. Possibly it may be necessary to build a Treasury if<br />

no one <strong>of</strong> the Banks will Lire a vault. or und P-r takc the issue and<br />

redemption <strong>of</strong> the notes.<br />

6. It is estimated that the revenue would be benefited to the<br />

extent <strong>of</strong> the difference <strong>of</strong> 1 per cent. note duty '?.nd 3~ per cent. interest<br />

on the inv9·lment <strong>of</strong> .·,:.H <strong>of</strong> the bullion deposits.<br />

On present data <strong>of</strong> excess issues <strong>of</strong> notes by the <strong>Hong</strong>kong and<br />

Shanghai and the Chartered Banks it is estimated that at least<br />

$8,000,000 Government Notes would be required by the Community;<br />

leavin~ out <strong>of</strong> account the fact that notes are so scarce at the present<br />

day as to make a difference <strong>of</strong> 3} per cent. between them and the legal<br />

tender.<br />

Taking the above flgnre :--<br />

$R,OOO,OOO a.t, l per cent •. Stamp Dut.y,iJ;RO,OOO .<br />

$,1,000,000 at. 3~ per cent.. interest= $140,000.<br />

l)ifTere11ce in favour <strong>of</strong> rf'vf'nnc $G0,000. Exprnses arc estima.tcd<br />

at $15,000 p.a., leaving a net increase <strong>of</strong> revenue <strong>of</strong> $45,000.<br />

It should however be distinctly understood that the suggestion<br />

for the issue <strong>of</strong> Government Notes was madf' not on account <strong>of</strong> the<br />

necessity <strong>of</strong> increasing revenue but almost solely on account <strong>of</strong> the<br />

fact that for some years t,here has been a difference between Rank<br />

Notes and legal tender am01mting to as much as 3 ~ per cen t. and also<br />

that Government is responsible for the fnrnislting <strong>of</strong> a convenient<br />

currency.<br />

5 / 6/09 ..<br />

A. M. THOMSON, Colonial Treasurer.<br />

45<br />

L<br />

H ongkon!> <strong>Chamber</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Commerce</strong>,<br />

28th June, <strong>1909</strong>.<br />

Sir,-In reply to the enquiry in your letter <strong>of</strong> 11th June, <strong>1909</strong>,<br />

(~o. ~641 /1 908) I am now directed to state that my Committee see no<br />

obJeCtiOns to a Government N·ote Issue provided such an issue does<br />

n~t mean a loss <strong>of</strong> Revenue to the Colony or an increased expenditure<br />

w1thout ~ ~onsequen t ~nd equivalent increase <strong>of</strong> R evenue and providrd<br />

the cond1twns <strong>of</strong> the 1ssue are such as to in no way hamper the trade<br />

<strong>of</strong> the Colony.<br />

With regard to the Memorandum <strong>of</strong> the H on. the Colonial Treasurer<br />

dated 5th June, <strong>1909</strong>, and f'rtclosed in your letter above referred<br />

to, my Committee are <strong>of</strong> opinion, in t.he ca~e <strong>of</strong> a Government Note<br />

Issue, that the issue and redemption· <strong>of</strong> the notes should be undertaken<br />

by the Government, that Governmf'nt Officials should be in charge<br />

t.here<strong>of</strong> and that the coin and/or securities held against. the circulation<br />

should remain in the hands and be entii·ely under the control <strong>of</strong> the<br />

Goven •. ment. It would t herefore be necessary for the J0vt:rnment to<br />

arrange for a Department to issue and redee;n the notes and t.) have<br />

a treasury <strong>of</strong> its own.<br />

<strong>The</strong> Colony occupies the position <strong>of</strong> a financial centre for the<br />

Southern Provinces <strong>of</strong> thf; Empire <strong>of</strong> China, and ]are-e amounts in hard<br />

dollars are· therefore liable to be imported or export;d suddenly. Shipments<br />

<strong>of</strong> several lacs <strong>of</strong> dollars at one time are <strong>of</strong> frequent occurrence<br />

and it is on record that only some three yf'ars ago one ~teamer brought.<br />

$24 lacs wh1le more recently $15 lacs were export-ed in one stf'amer<br />

It may consequently be inferred that consider~b le va1·iation will tak ~<br />

place in the amount. <strong>of</strong> notes in circttlahon: i11 fact. the difft>rell•'f'<br />

Let.ween t.he highPst. a1Hl lov,Pst avPrage mnnlhlv anwunt <strong>of</strong> H

4P.<br />

L<br />

held a

Dt:nomtnn ..<br />

tion and fO l'lll<br />

<strong>of</strong> note1o1,<br />

:'\ ut~·• t o he<br />

lt•.:>tl t !'H!lCI'.<br />

A pplicnUo n<br />

<strong>of</strong> cc)itt recci , ..<br />

.,()In CX•<br />

dwuge for<br />

note.<br />

L<br />

(3) <strong>The</strong> holder <strong>of</strong> a currency note shall be entitled<br />

to obtain on demand during the usual banking h~urs at<br />

lhe <strong>of</strong>fice <strong>of</strong> t.he Commissioners paym ent in current coin<br />

<strong>of</strong> the amount expressed in the not e ; but it shall be<br />

lawful for the Commissioners to require a person when<br />

presenting not es to accept such current coin as the Commissioners<br />

may tender pTovided that nothing in this<br />

sect ion shall ent.itle the Commissioners to requir e su ch<br />

person to accept subsidiary silver coin in excess <strong>of</strong> the<br />

sum for which such subsidiary silver coin is legal tender.<br />

5 .- (1) Currency notes may be for the following<br />

denominations, namely 011,e dollar, five dollars, ten<br />

dollars, twenty dollars, fifty dollars, one hundred dollars<br />

and any multiple <strong>of</strong> one hundred dollars and the amount<br />

<strong>of</strong> noles <strong>of</strong> each denomination shall be such as may be<br />

fixNl by the Commissioners with the approval <strong>of</strong> a. Secre­<br />

Lary <strong>of</strong> Slate.<br />

(2) Currency nole5 shall be in such form ~ud <strong>of</strong><br />

sw:h d eHigu and piintr.d from such plate and on suca<br />

paper o.nd bo aut.henticated in such manner (w.hetiier hy<br />

the signatures <strong>of</strong> the Commissioners for the time being<br />

oi f acsimiles <strong>of</strong> the signatures or otherwise) as w~y le<br />

approved by the Secretary <strong>of</strong> State.<br />

(3) <strong>The</strong> plate sbaJl. be pr epar ed .:.nd kept and ll;e<br />

notes printed, issued and cancelled under such ''C'gulat<br />

ions as a Secretary <strong>of</strong> State m1ty make for the pnrpv5e<br />

<strong>of</strong> preventing fraud and improper issue.<br />

6.- A currency note shall be legal tender in H ong·<br />

kong <strong>of</strong> the amount expressed th er c~n HCept A lender.<br />

by the

Cost <strong>of</strong><br />

remiuUng to<br />

lJc made gout!<br />

frunt (~ent.·rul<br />

Hen .. •uue.<br />

ln"e~ tm c n t<br />

p urtlo n ut'<br />

:\otc Guarautl'e<br />

Fund.<br />

50<br />

L<br />

l'ro~ided always that where such appro\·al has been<br />

given the Commissioners <strong>of</strong> Currency shall not be bound<br />

to sell any <strong>of</strong> the securities forming the investment. por·<br />

tion <strong>of</strong> the Fund by r eason <strong>of</strong> the coin portion <strong>of</strong> the<br />

Fund falling below the fixed proportion <strong>of</strong> the Fund in<br />

collSoq uence <strong>of</strong> the reminting <strong>of</strong> any part ther e<strong>of</strong>.<br />

(2) All coi)ts t.he result <strong>of</strong> the reminting <strong>of</strong> any part<br />

<strong>of</strong> the coin portion <strong>of</strong> the Fund shall on being received<br />

from His Majesty's IvJmt be forthwith placed in Coin<br />

Iteserve for the ordinary purposes <strong>of</strong> the Currency Notes<br />

Issue. Provided always that the Commissioners may<br />

exchange them or any part <strong>of</strong> them for an equivalent<br />

value <strong>of</strong> other coins which for the time being are legal<br />

tender in the Colony, and it shall be lawful for the Commissioners<br />

for this purpose to hold in any part <strong>of</strong> the<br />

Colony such amount <strong>of</strong> coin as remained as aforesaid as<br />

to them shall see_m fit.<br />

(3) <strong>The</strong> ·cost <strong>of</strong> such remiuting as aforesaid and all<br />

charges in connection t herewith including any loss <strong>of</strong><br />

silver caused by the said reminting and any difference in<br />

the way· <strong>of</strong> loss between the nominal Yalnc <strong>of</strong> coin ori·<br />

ginally taken from the coin portion <strong>of</strong> the Fund to be<br />

rcmiuted as aforesaid and the nominal value <strong>of</strong> the new<br />

coins actually received back from His Majesty's Mint<br />

shall be made good to the Commissioners from the<br />

<strong>General</strong> Revenue <strong>of</strong> the Colony.<br />

( 4) In the event <strong>of</strong> the reminting <strong>of</strong> any part <strong>of</strong><br />

the coin portion <strong>of</strong> the Fund as aforesaid the monthly<br />

ah!!tracts oublished in the " Gazette " by the Commissioners<br />

in. accordance with section 11 <strong>of</strong> this Ordinance<br />

shall include and show separately in the statement <strong>of</strong> the<br />

coin portion <strong>of</strong> the Note Guarantee Fund the nomina!<br />

value <strong>of</strong> the com taken out to be reminted.<br />

Investment and Depreciation Fund.<br />

9.-(1) <strong>The</strong> investment portion <strong>of</strong> the Note<br />

Guarantee Fund mn.y be invested in Indian Goverume11.t<br />

securities and such securities <strong>of</strong> the Government <strong>of</strong> the<br />

United Kingdom or <strong>of</strong> the Gc·vernment <strong>of</strong> any British<br />

Colony other than <strong>Hong</strong>koug or in such other sec~ities<br />

as mav from time to r,lJfltJ be approved <strong>of</strong> by a Secretary<br />

<strong>of</strong> Stai~ .<br />

(3) All such investments shall if made in Englu ... c!<br />

be made in the joint names <strong>of</strong> the Crown Agents for !he<br />

Colonies and <strong>of</strong> such other <strong>of</strong>ficers or persons as a Secretary<br />

<strong>of</strong> State sh:dl appoint as Trustees ·on behalf <strong>of</strong> the<br />

Commissioners. I nvestments made in India in 1 n1~:a"<br />

Government securit,ies shit 1l be made in the name~ <strong>of</strong> ! he<br />

Commissioners.<br />

(3) <strong>The</strong> securities shall be applicable for 1· he pyment<br />

<strong>of</strong> cnrrency notes and for no other purposes<br />

(4) <strong>The</strong> income derived from secnritic:; shall bl!<br />

applied:-<br />

(n) in paying t.he e::.penses <strong>of</strong> and incidental to<br />

the execution <strong>of</strong> this Ordinance; and<br />

(b) subject to the provisions <strong>of</strong> section 10 and<br />

section 11 here<strong>of</strong> in the payment <strong>of</strong> the net<br />

balance after the payment <strong>of</strong> the said<br />

expenses to a Depreciation Fund.<br />

10.-(1) A separate account shall be kept <strong>of</strong> the<br />

Depreciation Fund and the income <strong>of</strong> the Fund shall be<br />

invested by way <strong>of</strong> accumulation so as to form part <strong>of</strong><br />

the Fund, but save as aforesaid or as is otherwise expressly<br />

provided by this Ordinance the Depreciation<br />

Fnnd shall form part <strong>of</strong> the investment portion <strong>of</strong> the<br />

Note Guarantee Fund and the provisions <strong>of</strong> this Ordinance<br />

sha.ll apply thereto accordingly.<br />

(2) Whenever the Governor satisfies a Secretary <strong>of</strong><br />

State that the Depreciation Fund is not less than ten<br />

per cent. <strong>of</strong> !l1e investment portion <strong>of</strong> the Note<br />

Guarantee Fund and that any depreciation <strong>of</strong> market<br />

value below the cost price <strong>of</strong> the securities forming the<br />

investment part <strong>of</strong> Guarantee Fund has been made good<br />

and t.hat it is unnecessary for the present to increase the<br />

Depreciation Fund he may order the annual payment to<br />

t.he Dopreciat.ion Fund <strong>of</strong> the said net balance to be<br />

discontinued and the said net balance to be paid to the<br />

general1·evenue <strong>of</strong> the Colony. If at any time thereafter<br />

the Governor is <strong>of</strong> opi11ion that it is necessary to increase<br />

thr. Deprrcia!iou Fnnd thP Governor may order that. the<br />

whole <strong>of</strong> or any part <strong>of</strong> the said net. balance shall be<br />

again paid into the Dep1·eciation Fund .<br />

51<br />

L<br />

ne,>r~~bltl ou<br />

l 'u u

ArconlltR or<br />

( ~OlHHll1'1~iniH."l':'3 .<br />

•<br />

52<br />

L<br />

Accounts and EJ ~1aid out <strong>of</strong> t.he<br />

)£eneral revenu0 o-f the Colony.<br />

P enalties.<br />

Ml<br />

L<br />


~nnltr IOJ'<br />

l iHYitJ~<br />


56<br />

T.<br />

Bv a!l issue <strong>of</strong> GovC'rnmenL eurrency notPs, to l!.'l<br />

large ~~~ amount as demanded, wit.h_ a full guarantc~,<br />

lhe present inconvcnicucc d a sctn·c1t.y <strong>of</strong> 1ssne. an~ a<br />

preu;ium on bank notes will be removed and an Im­<br />

-:>rovement in the currency effected .<br />

C. MCI. MESSER, Tr~· an;rer.<br />


Attor11ey <strong>General</strong>'s <strong>Chamber</strong>s,<br />

<strong>Hong</strong>kong, 24th September, 1!)119.<br />

Dear Sir,-During my alJscnce from the Colony Sir Henry Berkeley<br />

draHed a Bill to est:lblish Limited Partnerships here.<br />

It introduces with slight local modifications the provisions <strong>of</strong> the<br />

Limit·,ed Partnerships Act l!l07 and its object is explained in the<br />

l\Iemorandum attached to the draft Bill.<br />

I forward herewith a copy <strong>of</strong> the drdt fc>r th~ consideration <strong>of</strong><br />

your Chameer and I shall be plea~ed to con!er with you he1~eaftcr on<br />

any amendments or suggestrons whiCh your <strong>Chamber</strong> may ha' e to <strong>of</strong>fer<br />

on it.-Yours faithfully,<br />

<strong>The</strong> Honourable Mr. E. A. Hewett,<br />

President <strong>of</strong> the <strong>Chamber</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Commerce</strong>.<br />

!';hort T itiL'.<br />

(I·: d. i c. 2-1<br />

~. 1.<br />

A<br />

BILL<br />

entitled<br />

W. REES-DAVIEJ .<br />

An Ordinance, to Establish L imited Partnerships.<br />

BE it enacted by the Governor <strong>of</strong> H ongkong, wit~1 .<br />

t;he advice and consent <strong>of</strong> the Legislative Council<br />

l here<strong>of</strong>, as follows :-<br />

1.-This Ordinance may be cited as the Limited<br />

Partnershil?s Ordinance, <strong>1909</strong>.<br />

:u<br />

2 .-In the construction <strong>of</strong> this Ordinance the follvwing<br />

words anc expressious shall have the meanings<br />

respectively assigueci to them in this section, unless<br />

there be something in the subject or context repugnant<br />

to such constr uction :--<br />

" F irm ", " finn name ", and " business " have<br />

the same mertning as in the Partnership Ordinance, 18:37.<br />

'' <strong>General</strong> Partner " shall mean any partner who is<br />

not a limited partner as defined by this Ordinance.<br />

" Registrar <strong>of</strong> Companies " shall mean the <strong>of</strong>ficer<br />

appointed for the registration <strong>of</strong> Companies under tb<br />

Companies Ordinance, 1865.<br />

" <strong>The</strong> Cour t " shall mean the Supreme Court.<br />

" Full nanw " shall, in the case <strong>of</strong> a person wlw<br />

CMTies on business in more than one name, include all<br />

the names in which such person carries on bueiness.<br />

3.-(J.) F rom and after the commencement <strong>of</strong> this<br />

Ordinance limited partnerships may be formed in the<br />

manner and subject to the conditions by this Ordinance<br />

provided.<br />

(2) A limited partnership shall not consist, in the<br />

case <strong>of</strong> a partnership canying un the business <strong>of</strong> banking,<br />

<strong>of</strong> more than ten per sons, and, in the case <strong>of</strong> any<br />

other partnership, <strong>of</strong> more thau twenty persons, and<br />

must consist <strong>of</strong> one or more persons called 'general partners,<br />

who shall be liable for all debts and obligations<br />

vf the firm, and one or more persons to be called limited<br />

partners, who shall at the tiwe <strong>of</strong> ent,ering into such<br />

partnership contribute thereto a sum or sums as capit al<br />

or p r oper ty valued at a stated amount, and who shall<br />

not be liable for the debts or obligations <strong>of</strong> the firm<br />

beyond the am'vunt so contributed.<br />

(3) A limited partner shall not during the continuance<br />

<strong>of</strong> the partner ship, either directly or indirectly,<br />

draw out or receive back any part <strong>of</strong> his contribution,<br />

and if he does so draw out or receive back any such<br />

part, shall be liable for the debts and obligations <strong>of</strong> tLe<br />

firm up to the amount so drawn out or received back.<br />

57<br />

Jnterpret•itlou<br />

uf terin-,.<br />

Il.i . s. 3 .<br />

Or,liuatH'&<br />

~o. J <strong>of</strong> 897.<br />

(Jr,linanct?<br />

:\o. l <strong>of</strong> 1%>.<br />

DPtiniiion<br />

und t •on~<br />

• lltntion o f<br />

llml t"'l<br />


59<br />

M<br />

~I<br />

fl€~istra.t-luu<br />

<strong>of</strong> limited<br />

partne•·AhiJ><br />

required.<br />

lb. $. 5.<br />

.\1 odilicatlu u~<br />

<strong>of</strong> general<br />

law In case <strong>of</strong><br />

limited<br />

p ai· tuer~ hIps,<br />

IIJ . s. 6.<br />

Ordinance •<br />

Xo. 1 <strong>of</strong> 181i5.<br />

(4) A body corporate may be a limited partner.<br />

4 .-Enry limited parl;nership must be n 1gistered<br />

as such in accord:!nce with the p:·oyisions <strong>of</strong> tl:is<br />

Ordinance:, or in default there<strong>of</strong> it shall be deemed to<br />

be a general partnership, and every limited partner<br />

s ha 11 be dee:n ed lo be a ge11 era l part,ucr.<br />

5 .-(1) A limited partner shall not take par\· in t,he<br />

management <strong>of</strong> the partnership business, and shall not<br />

ha Ye power to bind the firm :<br />

Provided that. 2 limiteo partner may ];.y hi:1·se·r rship Ordinance, 1897, and the rules <strong>of</strong> equitj~<br />

11nd <strong>of</strong> common law applicable t'0 partnerships, except<br />

s~ . far as they are inconsistent with the express pro­<br />

VJ.SlOns <strong>of</strong> the last mentioned Ordinance, shall apply t"o<br />

lim it.ed partnerships.<br />

7.- <strong>The</strong> registration <strong>of</strong> a l1mit.ed partnership shall<br />

be effected by sending by registered post or delivering<br />

to the Registrar <strong>of</strong> Companies a statement signed by<br />

the partners containing the followi11g particulars:-<br />

(a) <strong>The</strong> firm name ;<br />

(b) <strong>The</strong> general nature <strong>of</strong> the business;<br />

(c) <strong>The</strong> principal place <strong>of</strong> business;<br />

(d) <strong>The</strong> full name <strong>of</strong> each <strong>of</strong> the partners;<br />

(e) <strong>The</strong> term, if any, for which the partnership<br />

is entered into, and the date <strong>of</strong> its commencement<br />

;<br />

(f) A statement that the partnership is limited,<br />

and the descri9tion <strong>of</strong> every limited partner<br />

as such;<br />

(g) <strong>The</strong> sum conh·ibut E>d by each limited partner<br />

and whether paid in cash or how otherwise.<br />

Law a~ to<br />

private<br />

p n rtnersh i i><br />

ton~ iy<br />

~nl.Jj • to<br />

this cllnlln<br />

ce.<br />

7 Ed. 7 e. 24<br />

s. 7.<br />

Manuet• and<br />

p n r ticnlnrs<br />

<strong>of</strong> registration<br />

IIJ. s. 8.

60<br />

jf<br />

61<br />

:\1<br />

RP!!;iHh'l\tiOU<br />

or ehnng«'F: 1n<br />

pllrtuer~hip<br />

l b . . ments<br />

fil t>d f.y t-he R egistrar •<strong>of</strong> Com!>anies, and there shall be<br />

paid f0r each such inspection a fee <strong>of</strong> one dollar: and<br />

::t nv person may req uire a certificate <strong>of</strong> the registration<br />

<strong>of</strong> a limited partnership, or a copy <strong>of</strong> or extract from<br />

any rl'gistererl statemt>nt. to be certified by the Registrar<br />

<strong>of</strong> Companil's, and there shall be paid for such certificate<br />

<strong>of</strong> rPgistration, certified copy, or extract such feee<br />

as the Court may ~>.ppo.int, , not exceeding ~ 1 for the<br />

r.ertificaLe <strong>of</strong> registrahon, and not exceeding t.hirty ct>ntP<br />

for each folio <strong>of</strong> seventy-t.wo words.<br />

(2) A certificate <strong>of</strong> registration, or a copy <strong>of</strong> ·or<br />

extract from any statemen'; registered under this Ordinance,<br />

if duly ccriified to bl~ a true copy under the hand<br />

<strong>of</strong> Lhe Rer,istrar 0£ Companies or one <strong>of</strong> the D·:pntr<br />

n !'gistrars (whom it shall n11t be necessar y to prove to<br />

be t.he R egistrar or Deputy E.egistrar) shall, in all legal<br />

p roccruings. civil or criminal, and in all cas~s I' h:l.t~)·<br />

ever , l'·l Hlet:;Yed in c·vidence.<br />

Mal;tug f1tl•e<br />

l'ct.nrns to hP<br />

Tlllf.lr14?"menn.<br />

our.<br />

lb. ·'· 1 :!.<br />

Re,:riRtrn r<br />

to lile<br />

~tntemen t<br />

nntl IF~Rne<br />

CPrt i tlcn te <strong>of</strong><br />

l'f'J.dstrntiCHl.<br />

Jb. s. 1.'t.<br />

Regl8ter n.nrt<br />

Judex to<br />

be l;ept.<br />

'"· 8. 1-1.<br />

Ju- j)e!' LlOil <strong>of</strong><br />

~t:ltf•TllPUtK<br />

J't-'gisterE;\fl ,<br />

JIJ. "· Ill

Powers <strong>of</strong><br />

Oo\·ernor-in ..<br />

Council In<br />

make rul~~ .<br />

111. s . 17.<br />

f:ommenrr­<br />

Hleut <strong>of</strong><br />

n rrnty Registrars and<br />

other <strong>of</strong>ficers <strong>of</strong> act.'! by this Ordinance<br />

required to be done by th R e~istrar vf<br />

Companies.<br />

(d) <strong>The</strong> forms to be used for the purposes <strong>of</strong> thi9<br />

Ordinance.<br />

(!>) <strong>General</strong>ly t.he condnct and regulation <strong>of</strong> registration<br />

under this Ordinance and a11y<br />

matters incidental thereto.<br />

16.- This Ordinance shall come into operation on<br />

the first day <strong>of</strong> January, 1910.<br />

Memorandum.<br />

<strong>The</strong> object, <strong>of</strong> this measure is to introduce into tl1ie<br />

Colony, with the necessary local modifications, the provisions<br />

<strong>of</strong> the Limitrd Partnrrships Act, 1907.<br />

In the case <strong>of</strong> Li Po K~m ~nd Li Po Ynng v. Li<br />

Ling Shi and Lo Tsnng Pak (~. H .K.L.R. 170) the<br />

Chief Justice, referri11g to the Partnership Ordinancf!,<br />

1897, said:-" ............... this is an Ordinance passed in<br />

1897 by the l'ocal L Pgislature, and 1 can only hold, there<br />

bein,. no reference from end to end to Chinese customs,<br />

that it was the deliberate intention to ignore the Chinese<br />

cnstoms <strong>of</strong> partnership. \Vhether this was wise or<br />

unwise is not for me to say. But I must point out to<br />

the Government the extreme danger <strong>of</strong> reproducing<br />

English legislation bodily into the Colonial statute<br />

book 1<br />

wiLhout at least considering the question how it<br />

may affect the customs <strong>of</strong> the large bodv <strong>of</strong> Chinese whc<br />

are legislated for." It is quite true th~t it may be sairl<br />

uf this Bill that. it is, in its main features, the same 3,<br />

a recent English Act; but it is equally true that, unlike<br />

the Partnership Ordinance, 1897, it is introduced, after<br />

due consideration <strong>of</strong> its probable effect on t.he. corn.<br />

m unity as a who1e, with the special end in view <strong>of</strong> brin (T.<br />

ing the Partnership law <strong>of</strong> the Colony into harm 01~·<br />

with Chinese ideas.<br />

. T~e Chinese, who invest their savings very largely<br />

1~ busmess firms and participate in the pr<strong>of</strong>its in proportion<br />

t'o the amount <strong>of</strong> their investments, have always<br />

regarded as a hardship the provision <strong>of</strong> the existin"" law<br />

that ~he re_cl'ipt ~.Y a person <strong>of</strong> a share in the pr<strong>of</strong>ts <strong>of</strong><br />

a ?usmess 1s, subject to certain reservations, prima faci~<br />

ev1dence that he is a partner in the business; with tl;~?<br />

result that in the event <strong>of</strong> liability or in the event <strong>of</strong><br />

~an krup tcy eve~·y obstacle is opposed to the investigatwn<br />

<strong>of</strong> the affa1rs <strong>of</strong> a firm, and it is a matter <strong>of</strong> the<br />

utmost difficulty in many cases to disc·over who· the<br />

partners are.<br />

. It is hoped Lhat the provlSlons <strong>of</strong> this Ordinanco<br />

whwh render a limited partner liable only for th~<br />

amount <strong>of</strong> money which he has invested in the b ·<br />

'Jj . d . . USlllE'~~,<br />

Wl m uce the reg1stratwn <strong>of</strong> the names <strong>of</strong> partners and<br />

<strong>of</strong> the amount <strong>of</strong> capital invested.<br />

63<br />

_ji<br />


'<br />

Attorney-<strong>General</strong>.<br />

H ongkong <strong>General</strong> <strong>Chamber</strong> <strong>of</strong> Commer e-e,<br />

11th November, <strong>1909</strong>.<br />

24th Si~,-I 11ave now the hoJ:our to state, in reply to your letter <strong>of</strong><br />

, ·. ::S~p tmll ~e!' <strong>1909</strong>, covcnng a draft Bill to establish Limited<br />

~~L.tJ ~et~ l ups ~u Lhe Colony, that my Committee s~::e nothing objection­<br />

1<br />

e m "le dlaft so cour teously submitted to them.

65<br />

'l'hey would, however, a1)preciate very much an opportunity <strong>of</strong> ccrtsidering<br />

any views which may have been, or -are to be, expressed by L]Je<br />

<strong>Hong</strong>koug Law Society.-I am, &c.,<br />

E. A. M. WILLIA.:JrS, Sccreta.ry.<br />

<strong>The</strong> Hon. Mr. W . Rees-Davies, Acting Chief Justice.<br />

2.-Sect.ion 2 <strong>of</strong> the Principal Ordinance IS hereby<br />

n.mcnded<br />

(a) by the substitution <strong>of</strong> t he words " United<br />

Kingdom " for t he word " England " in the<br />

fifth line <strong>of</strong> sub-section (1).<br />

Am(~n 1lF=<br />

:-'l't..: ti Oll 2 ltf<br />

t he l'r i u\'ip n l<br />

O r cl iuara·t· .<br />

~nu cl litu te,;<br />

"Uulted<br />

1\:iug'd um"<br />

for '' Elt"'­<br />

laud · ·. ~<br />

N"<br />

TLE PATENTS AVI:ENDMENT ORDINANCE <strong>1909</strong>.<br />

Colonial SGcretary's Office,<br />

<strong>Hong</strong>kong, 17th July, 19(•;,,<br />

Sir,- I am directed ·to transmit for the consideration <strong>of</strong> your Committee<br />

the enclosed copy <strong>of</strong> a Bill entitled an Ordinance to Amend the<br />

Patents Ordinance, 1892, which has beei1 read a first and second time<br />

by the L('gislative Council <strong>of</strong> this Colony, together with a copy <strong>of</strong> a<br />

letter from the <strong>Hong</strong>kong Law Society, dated the 6th instant, ~nd a<br />

copy <strong>of</strong> a mem·orandum, dated the 12th instant, by the Crown Solicitor,<br />

\\ hose suggestions are acceptable to the Law Society.<br />

2. His Excellency the Governor will be glad to know whether your<br />

Committee concurs in these amendments.-I am, &c.,<br />

<strong>The</strong> Secretary, <strong>Chamber</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Commerce</strong>.<br />

~hort title<br />

and cont:truction.<br />

A. M. THOMSON, Colonial Secretary.<br />

A<br />

BILL<br />

entit led<br />

An Ordinance to Amend tl1e Patents Ordinance, 1892.<br />

BE it enacted by the Governor <strong>of</strong> <strong>Hong</strong>kong, with<br />

the advice and consent. <strong>of</strong> the LegislatiYe Council there<strong>of</strong>,<br />

as follows :-<br />

1.-This Ordinance may be cit ed as the Patents<br />

Amendment Ordinance, <strong>1909</strong>, and it shall be read and<br />

construed as one with the Patents Ordinance, 1892,<br />

hereinafter called the Principal Ordinance.<br />

(b) by the repeal ·<strong>of</strong> sub-section (2) aud the substitution<br />

therefor <strong>of</strong> the following:-<br />

" (2) Every such petition shall be accompanied<br />

by the original L etters Pat en t,<br />

granted for the said invention in the<br />

United Kingdom or by a cert ified copy<br />

<strong>of</strong> t he same and also by a certified copy<br />

<strong>of</strong> the complet E> specification filed -.m the<br />

petition for L etters Paten~ for the said<br />

invention in the United Kingdom."<br />

(e) by the insertion at the beginning <strong>of</strong> sub·<br />

section (3) <strong>of</strong> the following words:-<br />

" E very such petition shall be further<br />

accompanied by a declaration which m

66<br />

67<br />

~<br />

A tn~u nd <strong>of</strong> the P rincipal Ordinance :-<br />

" 12. Where an application for the grant <strong>of</strong><br />

Letters Patent in respect <strong>of</strong> an invention has<br />

bee-n accepted, whether provisionally or absolutely,<br />

the Governor may, if he shall consid<br />

er it expedient. so to do, direct that the<br />

invention may during the period between the<br />

date <strong>of</strong> such ap!Jiication and the datr <strong>of</strong> the<br />

grant. <strong>of</strong> such Letters Pate11t be used and<br />

published in the Colony without prejudice<br />

to the Letters Patent to be ~ranted for tl1e<br />

invenl.iotl.<br />

Hen>ca.tlon o!<br />

Patent in t he<br />

Unltefl KinK­<br />

Ilom tHHlet·<br />

~ection 27 uot<br />

toHrtecta<br />

patent lu<br />

Uougkong<br />

unless not<br />

workP.d in<br />

Hougkong.<br />

Limitation""<br />

to l't!VOnl.tion<br />

In 1 l nngkong.<br />

Pl'(Wt .. tl lll'e to<br />

olJt a iu<br />


08<br />

X<br />

" 13. Where the owner <strong>of</strong> an invention which is<br />

to be used and published in this Colony states<br />

his intention <strong>of</strong> applying for tlw grant <strong>of</strong><br />

Letters Patent for the said invention in the<br />

United Kingdom with the intent thereafter<br />

to apply for the grant <strong>of</strong> Letters Patent fvr<br />

the said invention in this Colony, t.he<br />

Governor may, if he shall consider it expedient<br />

so to do, direct that the invention<br />

may for such reasonable period as he shall<br />

think :fit be used and published in the Colony<br />

without prejudice to thE' Letters Patent to<br />

be gra.ntPt1 for the invention."<br />

Objects and Reasons.<br />

S3ction 2 (a). <strong>The</strong> words " United Kingdom " are<br />

substituted for the word " England " here and elsewhere<br />

throughout the Ordinance. <strong>The</strong> alteration is<br />

advisable and in section 5 (2) " United Kingdom " must.<br />

be read.<br />

Section 2 (b). <strong>The</strong> practice is to require an <strong>of</strong>fice<br />

copy <strong>of</strong> the specification and Letters Patent granted in<br />

England. This practice is n:ot in t,on~ormity with tbA<br />

Ordi11ance and it has from time to time been objected<br />

to. <strong>The</strong> new section sanctions this practic

iO<br />

N<br />

In <strong>Hong</strong>kong all revo-:ations, except in the rare<br />

c ~res in which the registered owner may desire to have<br />

his own Letters Patent revoked, shonld oe the l!ULjPct<br />

<strong>of</strong> petition to the Court ..<br />

As <strong>Hong</strong>kong is not a large place there seems no<br />

necessity to empower the Court to grant compulsory<br />

lic~nces, nor is such nect;ssity likely to arise.<br />

Patents may be revoked in England for various<br />

causes, none <strong>of</strong> which, it is possible, would hold gvod in<br />

this Colony, and it would therefore be manifestly urifair<br />

to revoke patents solely on the ground that they have<br />

been revoked in England.<br />

<strong>The</strong> new sub-section gives the Cvurt power to revoke<br />

a patent on pro<strong>of</strong> being given that circumstances<br />

exist in this Colony in regard to an invention similar to<br />

those which lead to the revocation <strong>of</strong> a patent in England.<br />

Section 8. Proposed sections 12 and 13. If an<br />

inventiun is used and published without the protection<br />

<strong>of</strong> Letters Patent, whether with or without the COJ1!'PJ1t<br />

<strong>of</strong> the inventor, the inventor loses his right to claim<br />

Letters Patent.<br />

It happens from time to time-there was a ca~e<br />

recently-that a man brings an invention ready for sale<br />

in the <strong>Hong</strong>kong market and applies for L etters Patent<br />

hf're. Owing to some informality the matter has t.:> be<br />

rderred to England for further documents. and the<br />

owner can in the meantime put his goods in the market<br />

only at his own risk.<br />

<strong>The</strong>se sections are founded on section 4 <strong>of</strong> the Eng·<br />

lish Act with modifications rendered necessary by th€<br />

local circumstances.<br />

Section 12 allows provisional protection in a case,<br />

e.g. when the papers are not in order.<br />

Section 13 extends provisional protection to an inventor<br />

who makes an invention in the Colony and is<br />

exposed to the 1isk <strong>of</strong> haviug his invention discovered<br />

and copied, and so <strong>of</strong> losing his rights, during the<br />

period necessary for him to apply for and obtain Lelten<br />

Paten~ in EughnJ and thereafter in IIongkong.<br />

71<br />

<strong>The</strong> Incorporated Law SocietY <strong>of</strong> liongkon"·<br />

. "'<br />

6th July, <strong>1909</strong>.<br />

~ir,-With reference to your two letters No. 7981/08 dated resp.ecLively<br />

the 18th and 26th June, <strong>1909</strong>, I am directed by my Comnuttee<br />

and have the honour to return Lo you Lhe Bill entitled an Ordinance<br />

to amend the Patents Ordinance for 1892.<br />

. My Co~1mittee have very carefully and thoroughly gone through<br />

thP Draft, B1ll aud have the honour to Sllbmit the altt'l'ations and additions<br />

as made in the Copy <strong>of</strong> the Bill enclosed.<br />

<strong>The</strong> alteration in Clause 4 Section (2) the word~ it:scrted make the<br />

meaning clearer .<br />

Claus~ 12 my Committee consider that the word " Lodged " is<br />

nwre applicable l han the word " Accepted " as they understand that<br />

tho Provisional protection is meant to apply between the time the<br />

application for the grant <strong>of</strong> letter Patent is submitted and its acceptance.<br />

Clause 13 my Committee consider should be substituted by s·,)rne<br />

clauso such as that submitted in type herewith and numbered 13 and<br />

14 as my Committee consider that the clause " 13 " as drawn in the<br />

Draft Bill is unworkable.--1 have, etc.,<br />

P. M. HODGSON, Hon. Secretary.<br />

<strong>The</strong> Hon. Mr. A. 1\f. Thomson, Acting Colonial Secretary.<br />

Alteratwns Suggested by the H ougkong Law Society.<br />

In Sub-section (2) <strong>of</strong> Section 4 insert the words<br />

" for letter patent there granted " after the word<br />

" Kingdom " in the 4th line there<strong>of</strong>.<br />

In Sub-section (12) <strong>of</strong> Section 8, for the words<br />

" accepLed, whether provisionally or absolutely," sub·<br />

stitute the word " lodged " in the 3rd line there<strong>of</strong>.<br />

Substitute for Sub-section (13) <strong>of</strong> Section 8 the<br />

following Sub-sections numbered (13) and (14).<br />

13. It shall be lawful for the owner <strong>of</strong> an inven<br />

tion (wnich is to be used and publishrd ill<br />

this Colony) to petition !.he Governor fur<br />

provisional protection in respect <strong>of</strong> the said

12<br />

X<br />

inYention pending the grant <strong>of</strong> Letters<br />

Patent Lhercfor, and the Governor may, if<br />

he shail consider it expedient so to do, direct<br />

that the invention may for such reasonable<br />

period as he shall thi11k fit be used and<br />

published in the Colony without prejudice to<br />

the L etlers Patent to be granted for the<br />

invention.<br />

14. Every such last mentioned petition shall be<br />

accompanied by a specification describing the<br />

n~.ture <strong>of</strong> the innntion, and shall also be<br />

s<br />

!) and 10 <strong>of</strong> Sect.i'vn 5 (1) are objectionable, as it is<br />

impossible to foresee that every amendment <strong>of</strong> the<br />

Patent Law in the United K ingdom will be desirable in<br />

<strong>Hong</strong>kong.<br />

2 .-One <strong>of</strong> the objects <strong>of</strong> the amendments <strong>of</strong> the<br />

Pat.~nts Ordinance is to e r~.ble an applicant to obtain<br />

f'TI)visional protection if for any reason he cannot obtain<br />

an immediate grant.<br />

His imm

74.<br />

Any suggestion for its amendment should be forwarded to me at<br />

!,he ear1icst possible moment.- ! am, &c.,<br />

To the Members <strong>of</strong> the<br />

<strong>Hong</strong>kong <strong>General</strong> <strong>Chamber</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Commerce</strong>.<br />

E. A. :M. WILLIAMS, Secretary.<br />

<strong>Hong</strong>kong, 7th August , <strong>1909</strong>.<br />

Sir -I have now the honour to state that your letter (N·o. 7981 1 /08),<br />

dated I7th July, <strong>1909</strong>, on the subject <strong>of</strong> a Bill entitled an Ordinance<br />

to amend the Patents Ordinance, 1892, and the suggested amendments<br />

<strong>of</strong> the <strong>Hong</strong>kong Law Society and Memorandum by the Crown Solicitor,<br />

dated 12th July, have been considered by·my Con:mittee.<br />

2. My Committee see nothing to · object to i~ the amendmen t~<br />

covered by the Ordinance as altered by the Law SoCiety.<br />

3. I am to ask you to be good enough to convey the thanks <strong>of</strong> my<br />

Committee to H is Excellency the Governor for referring this maLter to<br />

them.-I have, &c.,<br />

Hon. Mr. A. M. Thomson, Colonial Secretary.<br />

E. A. M. WILL IAMS, Secretary.<br />

0<br />


IN 1911.<br />

Colonial Secretary's Office,<br />

<strong>Hong</strong>kong, 27th October, <strong>1909</strong>.<br />

Bir,-I am directed to transmit for t he consideration <strong>of</strong> .your Cha.m·<br />

ber the enclosed copy <strong>of</strong> a letter dated the 25th instant from ~he C~n~ul­<br />

<strong>General</strong> for the Nether lands, together with the enclosures m ongmal<br />

which I am to request you to be good envugh to return at your C

76<br />

0<br />

<strong>Hong</strong>kong <strong>General</strong> <strong>Chamber</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Commerce</strong>,<br />

12th November, <strong>1909</strong>.<br />

Sir -With reference to v·our letter <strong>of</strong> the 28th October, <strong>1909</strong>, and<br />

enclosu:es thereto, on the subject <strong>of</strong> the Congress and Exhibi-tion to be<br />

held at Sourabaya, Java, in 1911, I beg to inform you that at present<br />

the cultivation and preparation <strong>of</strong> Fibres do not find a place among the<br />

industries <strong>of</strong> this Colony and it is therefore unlikely that any local firm<br />

will participr.te in that Exhibition.<br />

My Committee desire me to express their thanks to you for y~ur<br />

courtesy in forwarding them the p:·ogramme and other papers relabve<br />

to this matter, and also to express the hope that the exhibition will be<br />

a .... unqualified success.-! have, etc.,<br />

<strong>The</strong> Com:ul for the Nether lands,<br />

Present.<br />

E. A. M. WILLIAMS, Secretary.<br />

<strong>Hong</strong>kong <strong>General</strong> <strong>Chamber</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Commerce</strong>,<br />

12th November, <strong>1909</strong>.<br />

Sir,-With reference to your letter <strong>of</strong> the 27th Octobf'r, <strong>1909</strong> (No.<br />

7019/<strong>1909</strong>) and enclosures, relative to the Congress and Exhibition to<br />

be held in Sourabaya, Java, in 1911, I beg to inform you that a let.ter<br />

on this subject was addressed to this <strong>Chamber</strong> by the Consul for the<br />

Netherlands on t,he 25th ultimo.<br />

I aow take pleasure in enclosing, for your information, a copy <strong>of</strong><br />

my reply to the Nether lands' Consul.<br />

<strong>The</strong> enclosures to your letter <strong>of</strong> 25th ultimo are returned herewith<br />

as requested.-! have, et.c.,<br />

E. A. M. WILLIAMS, Secretary.<br />

Hon. Sir Francis H. May, K.C.M.G., Colonial Secretary.<br />


Colonial Secretary's Office,<br />

Rongkong, 30th April, <strong>1909</strong>.<br />

S)r,-I am din'ctcd to transmit for the considerati011 <strong>of</strong> your Committ&e<br />

the enclosed copy <strong>of</strong> a circnlar despatch from Lord Crewe dated<br />

77<br />

p<br />

the 16th <strong>of</strong> last March and t·o inquire whetl.er any commercial interests<br />

in this Colony are likely w be adversely affected by the propo~ed<br />

tariff.- ! have, &c.,<br />

F. H. MAY, Colonial Secretary,<br />

<strong>The</strong> Secretary, Chambe:t <strong>of</strong> <strong>Commerce</strong>.<br />

16th March, <strong>1909</strong>.<br />

Sir,- I have the honour to transmit., for your information, a copy<br />

<strong>of</strong> the proposed now French Customs Tariff.<br />

Should there be any commercial interests in the territory under<br />

your administration likely to be adversely affected by ~he proposed<br />

tariff, I shall <strong>of</strong> cor.:se be glad to consider whether any represent.aticn<br />

should be made to the French Government ·on the particular subject.-<br />

1 have, etc.,<br />

CREWE.<br />

<strong>Hong</strong>kong <strong>General</strong> <strong>Chamber</strong> <strong>of</strong> C:.jmmerce,<br />

<strong>Hong</strong>kong, 26th May, <strong>1909</strong>.<br />

Sir,-- ! have now the honour to re! 1y to your letter <strong>of</strong> 30th April,<br />

<strong>1909</strong> (No. 2658/<strong>1909</strong>) having reference tt prop·osed New French Customs<br />

Tariff.<br />

After consideration my Committ.ee do not Re"' that. Commerc.ial<br />

interests in this Colony are likely to be a

78<br />

Q<br />

My Committee felt that H.E. the Governor should be acquainted<br />

with the views exnressed at this meeting on the matt er, because it is so<br />

fully rec·ognised that anything affecting the commercial well-being <strong>of</strong> the<br />

Colony receives most sympathet ic consideration at his hands .<br />

I am, therefore, to ask you to be good enough to place this letter<br />

before His Excellency.<br />

My Committee consider that the recent action <strong>of</strong> the Secretary <strong>of</strong><br />

State in delaying the issuing <strong>of</strong> instructions for the non-observance <strong>of</strong><br />

His Majesty's birthday, until so near the date, was unfortunate.<br />

It has been represented to my Committee that in many cases the<br />

sudden change <strong>of</strong> programme upset the business ar rangements, and in<br />

general caused considerable inconvenience.<br />

<strong>The</strong> date fixed for the obsequies <strong>of</strong> the late Empress Dowager d<br />

China was well known some weeks ago, and it therefore s·eems to my<br />

Committee that if His Majesty's Birthday Celebrations were to be postponed,<br />

the commercial community should have received earlier noti:fication.-<br />

I have, &c. ,<br />

E. A. M. WILLIAMS, Secretary.<br />

Hon. Sir Henry May, K.C.M.G., Colonial Secretary.<br />

Colonial Secretary's Offici!,<br />

<strong>Hong</strong>kong, 16th November, <strong>1909</strong>.<br />

Sir,-I am directed to acknowledge the receipt <strong>of</strong> your letter <strong>of</strong> the<br />

13th instant. on the subject <strong>of</strong> the postponement <strong>of</strong> the celebration in<br />

<strong>Hong</strong>kong <strong>of</strong> His Majesty's Birthday, and to infor m you that a cop~ <strong>of</strong><br />

your letter has been forwarded to the SecTetary <strong>of</strong> State for the Colomes.<br />

- I have, &c.,<br />

<strong>The</strong> Secretary, <strong>Chamber</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Commerce</strong>.<br />

F. H. MAY, Colonial Secretary.<br />


At a Meeting <strong>of</strong> the Committee held ·on the 23rd September, <strong>1909</strong>,<br />

it was decided to forward t.U.e following telegram to Sir John Jordan,<br />

ILM.'s Minister at Pe1,ing :-<br />

79<br />

R<br />

" ln consequence <strong>of</strong> representations made by British Opium I

80<br />

R<br />

A most important fact, to which we beg to draw your attention, is<br />

that the Indian Government have given the Chinese Government m'Ost<br />

practical support by definitely reducing shipments <strong>of</strong> opium from India<br />

to China, and in the course <strong>of</strong> a few years this trade will entirely cease,<br />

therefore these vexatious regulations <strong>of</strong> the Chinese Government are<br />

absolutely unnecessary as far as the trade in foreign opium is concerned,<br />

and we must conclude that they are being imp:>sed by them in order to<br />

derive financial advantage from the situation.<br />

<strong>The</strong> fact that for a considerable time the Kwang Tung Authorities<br />

have with impunity been infringing the Treaties and ignoring the promise<br />

given to the British Minister by the Wai-Wu-P u, has led to these<br />

obstructive regulations being enforced in ot-her dist ricts, and complaints<br />

have been received from Hoihow, Nam Hung and vVutiu to the effect<br />

that m'onopolies are being established, and in Wutin (Fokien Province)<br />

the importation <strong>of</strong> Foreign Opium has been prohibited.<br />

Only recently Sir Edward Grey, the Secretary <strong>of</strong> State for Foreign<br />

Affair$, stated in Parliament that while he is prepared to give legitimate<br />

support to the Chinese Government, the Treaties must be firmly adhered<br />

to. We maintain that the British Government have given t he Chinese<br />

practical pro<strong>of</strong> <strong>of</strong> their desire to co-operate with them by reducing the<br />

yearly import <strong>of</strong> foreign opium into China, and in consideration <strong>of</strong> this<br />

generous arrangement t he Chinese should on their part abide by the<br />

Treaties and by their U{ldertaking.<br />

'V e trust the <strong>Chamber</strong> will bring the strongest pressure to bear on<br />

the various Authorities concerned with a view <strong>of</strong> protecting the opium<br />

trade during the. few years ?eft before it totally ceases. This protection<br />

is, we think, rightly due to British Merchants, who are within a brief<br />

period compelled to give up a trade in which they have been engaged for<br />

the past seventy or eighty years.-We have the honour to be, Sir, your<br />

obedient servants,<br />


E. Shellim, Manager.<br />

E. D. BASSOON & CO.<br />

S. J. DAVID & CO.<br />

E. PABANEY.<br />


H. M. H. NE:M:AZEE,<br />

By his attor ney, H . A. Shirazi.<br />

F. P. TALATI.<br />

M. H. E. ELLIAS.<br />


Copy<br />

Viceroy Yuau t'v Mr. F ox.<br />

81<br />

Canton, ~ept. ember 17th, <strong>1909</strong>.<br />

Sir,- With reference to your desp::ttch to my predecessor, dated the<br />

~7 t h August, <strong>1909</strong>, on the subject <strong>of</strong> the new regulations for t.he limitation<br />

<strong>of</strong> the sale <strong>of</strong> raw opium, stating that yon had learnt that the<br />

Opium Prohibition Bureau had suddenly, without warning, arrested the<br />

manager <strong>of</strong> the Ch'uan .Fu Ch'eng raw opium sh·op in the Hsiug Lnng<br />

Street, you requested that a careful enquiry might be made into the<br />

circumstance.<br />

On receipt <strong>of</strong> your despatch the Acting Viceroy H u i11structed the<br />

Bureau to make an enquiry and report, and a note was at the same time<br />

~cut to you in reply. <strong>The</strong> <strong>of</strong>ficials <strong>of</strong> the Bureau state that, by the order<br />

<strong>of</strong> t.he late Viceroy Chang, dated F ebruary-March, it became their duty<br />

Lo issue licenses to shops selling raw opium and to individual buyers.<br />

This procedure was in accordance with the regulations submitted to the<br />

Throne by the Government Council and approved . A proclamation was<br />

j,;sued at t h" time, and all raw opium dealers were sumnroned to the<br />

Bureau and commanded to observe the regulations. <strong>The</strong> statEment that<br />

no war ning was given is therefore difficult to understand.<br />

Tho raw opium shops, however, while pr<strong>of</strong>essing acquiesecnce,<br />

secretly ignored the regulations, with the result that very few people<br />

took out buying licenses. For several months past, with a reckless<br />

indifference to instructions, the· dealers have been illicitly selling opium<br />

in this way. <strong>The</strong> Bureau had discovered that ten or more <strong>of</strong> the raw<br />

opium shops had been obeying the regulations, and were willing to carry<br />

ou'. these precautionary measures, but two sh·ops, the Ch'uan F u Ch'eng<br />

and the Ch'un Fu H sing, relying on their comparatively large capital,<br />

had attempted to monopolise the trade. <strong>The</strong>ir arrest by the Polic€.<br />

<strong>of</strong>ficials was supported by conclusive pro<strong>of</strong>, and the sentence imposed ou<br />

them to stop business, which was reported to and approved by the Acting<br />

Viceroy Hu, was a measure <strong>of</strong> ex ceptional clemency. <strong>The</strong> man Liang<br />

Hsi H on, who was arrest~d, was the manager <strong>of</strong> t.he shop in question,<br />

and the intention <strong>of</strong> t ..he P olice was· merely to obt.ain from him the license<br />

<strong>of</strong> the shop for cancellation, when he would be releast>d. <strong>The</strong> owner <strong>of</strong><br />

the shop, however, in a reckless manner was making delays, and<br />

remained in hiding. <strong>The</strong> measures that had been taken were those laid<br />

down by the regulations for the punishment <strong>of</strong> recalcitrant raw opium<br />

~hops, and were in nJ wa.v. the concern <strong>of</strong> foreigners.

82<br />

R<br />

'i'ho ra.w opium shops numbered over twenty, and all were carrying<br />

on t heir business as usual. No dislocation was being caused to the trade<br />

<strong>of</strong> either Chinese or foreign opium merchants.<br />

Tbo <strong>of</strong>tlcials <strong>of</strong> the Bureau further remarked that the Imperial<br />

commands for the prohibition <strong>of</strong> opium had been in force for three years<br />

and that confirmatory edicts had repeatedly been received. <strong>The</strong> whole<br />

nation had received t,hese edicts in an obedient spirit , and the Foreign<br />

Powers were unanimous in their sympathetic assistance. It was therefore<br />

their dut.y to carry out Uwir instructiolls wich the utmost energy,<br />

for the whole principle <strong>of</strong> controlling opium would be defeated, were<br />

individuals to be allowed to buy ·opium without a license or opium dealers<br />

to sell to such persons. It would also be impossible to second in a<br />

worthy manner the friendly assistance <strong>of</strong> foreign kindly-disposed<br />

Powers.<br />

\Vith regard to the increase in p,·ice <strong>of</strong> prepared opium, there was<br />

no violatiou <strong>of</strong> the terms <strong>of</strong> the Chefoo Convention, as the price was<br />

increased (i.e., a tax: levied) after the opium had been imported and the<br />

packages opened.<br />

In June-July <strong>of</strong> this year the British Cousul-<strong>General</strong> had forwarded<br />

a translation <strong>of</strong> a memorandum drawn up by the Governor <strong>of</strong> B.ougkong<br />

on the subject <strong>of</strong> the prevention <strong>of</strong> the smuggling <strong>of</strong> opium iuto <strong>Hong</strong>kong.<br />

<strong>The</strong> Govenw1· stated that it was beyond the wit <strong>of</strong> man to devise<br />

a. satisfactory method <strong>of</strong> stopping the smuggling <strong>of</strong> opium into <strong>Hong</strong>lw11g<br />

for U1e reason that the price o.f opium in llongkong and the Straits 'was<br />

many times higher 11lan in t..he 8out.h <strong>of</strong> China. lf it was desired to<br />

stop Lhis traffic and thereby fulfil the promise contained in Chiua'tJ<br />

undertaking with <strong>Hong</strong>kong, l·he only possible method was to-raise the<br />

price <strong>of</strong> opium in China and bring it to a level with the price obtaining<br />

Ill <strong>Hong</strong>kong. <strong>The</strong>re would then I.Je no pr<strong>of</strong>it attaching to the smuggling<br />

into Uougkong. lf, therefore, me:::.sures cculd be taken to secure tb;~<br />

increased price, the prevention <strong>of</strong> t.he smuggling traffic would meet with<br />

success, and the ass1stauce would be rendered bot.h to their efforts to<br />

stop consumption and to the revcuue <strong>of</strong> China.<br />

This, the Bureau observed, was a really intelligent and far-seeing<br />

exposition <strong>of</strong> principle, from which it was obvious that an increase lH<br />

the price <strong>of</strong> prepared opium did n·ot involve a breach <strong>of</strong> treaty, auu<br />

would have the effect <strong>of</strong> stopping the smuggling <strong>of</strong> opium into I:.fongkong.<br />

<strong>The</strong> p1·esent deliberations on their opium policy were being conduc~ed<br />

on the lines <strong>of</strong> the Governor <strong>of</strong> <strong>Hong</strong>kong's expression <strong>of</strong> opinion, and<br />

would not cause dislocation either to Chinese or foreign opium traffic.<br />

I have t.he honour to communicate the report <strong>of</strong> the Opium Pro.<br />

hibition Bureau for your informat.iou and avail, &c.<br />

(Seal <strong>of</strong> Viceroy.)<br />

83<br />

R<br />

<strong>Hong</strong>kong <strong>Chamber</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Commerce</strong>,<br />

30th September, <strong>1909</strong>.<br />

Sir,-I beg to confirm my telegram <strong>of</strong> 23rd instant sent through the<br />

Ho11gkong and l?hanghai Banking Corporat.ion, as follows:-<br />

" In comequence <strong>of</strong> reprcsc'ntalions made by British Opium<br />

" Finns, <strong>Hong</strong>koug <strong>Chamber</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Commerce</strong> bring t·o You;:­<br />

" Excellency's notice the fact that Chinese Officials in Kwang­<br />

" tung are again imposing regulations complained <strong>of</strong> in our tele­<br />

" gram 24th September bst and which we were informed in<br />

" your despatch to Governor, <strong>Hong</strong>kong, dated 5th February<br />

" would apply to 11.

84<br />

8;)<br />

\V e trust, therefore, that Your Excellency will be good enough tr<br />

again take the matter up with the W ai-wu-pu and with the same happy<br />

result that ,. );tended your efforts last Autnmn.-I have, &c.,<br />

EDBERT A. HEWETT, Chairman.<br />

His Excellency Sir John Jordan, K.C.JYI..G:, . - .<br />

H.l\L's Envoy Extraordinary and Mm1ster Plempotent1ary,<br />

Peking.<br />

P.S.-Since writing the above I have received a letter from the<br />

<strong>Hong</strong>kong Govemment which gives your cable reply t'u the<br />

<strong>Chamber</strong>'s telegram.<br />

I would ask you to accept the best thanks <strong>of</strong> the <strong>Chamber</strong><br />

for your prompt action towards the protection <strong>of</strong> British<br />

Trade.<br />

Sir John Jordan dated 29th instant--a reply to a ca~e despatched by<br />

this <strong>Chamber</strong> on the 23rd instant.<br />

It was my Commit.tee's intentivn, as is their invariable custom, to<br />

forward a copy <strong>of</strong> the latter t elegram together with a copy <strong>of</strong> the confirmatory<br />

letter to Sir J ohn Jordan to His Excellency the Governor, but<br />

before writing H.B.M.'s Minister it was necessary to await a lett.er from<br />

the Opium Merchants which it was desired to include. This letter did<br />

not reach the <strong>Chamber</strong> until the eve <strong>of</strong> yesterday.<br />

My Committee trust that H is Excellency will und.erst.and that this<br />

is the reason why earlier notice was not given .him <strong>of</strong> the intention <strong>of</strong><br />

the Committee <strong>of</strong> this <strong>Chamber</strong> to communicate with H .B.M.'s Minister<br />

at Peking on thi& important question.-1 have, &c.,<br />

E . A. M. WILT~IAMS ,<br />

Hon. Mr. A . M. Thom.son, Colonial Secretary.<br />

Secretary.<br />

Colonial Secretat/s Office,<br />

30th September, <strong>1909</strong>.<br />

Sir,-1 am directed to inform you that His Excellency the Governor<br />

is in rrceipt <strong>of</strong> a telegram from Sir J. Jordan dated the 29th instant to<br />

the following effect:-<br />

In reply to the telegram communicated through the <strong>Hong</strong><br />

kang and Shanghai Bank yesterday the following to the <strong>Hong</strong>kong<br />

<strong>Chamber</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Commerce</strong>:<br />

" Slrong representations against the action complained <strong>of</strong><br />

" were ~ddressed on September 16th to the Chinese Government<br />

" whv were requested to telegraph to the Vicerdy <strong>of</strong> K wangtung<br />

'' to put a stop to it.''<br />

2.-I shall be glad to be supplied with a copy uf the telegram<br />

referred to by Sir John Jordan.- I am, &c.,<br />

<strong>The</strong> Secretary, <strong>Chamber</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Commerce</strong>.<br />

A. M. THOMSON, Colonial Secretary.<br />

Hon!.::kong <strong>Chamber</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Commerce</strong>,<br />

1st October, <strong>1909</strong>.<br />

Sir,- I have tltf' honour to acknowledge your letter dated 30th.<br />

Septentber, <strong>1909</strong>, ir1 which you forward a copy <strong>of</strong> the telegram from<br />

Colonial Secretary's Office,<br />

7th October, <strong>1909</strong>.<br />

Sir,-I am directed to acknowledge the receipt <strong>of</strong> yc,ur letter <strong>of</strong> the<br />

1st instant, and to forward for the information <strong>of</strong> your Committee the<br />

enclosed copy <strong>of</strong> a despatch from H is Excellency the Governor to His<br />

Britannic Majesty's Acting Consul-<strong>General</strong> at Canton dated the 25th<br />

ultimo, together with the Consul-<strong>General</strong>'s reply dated the 29th ultimo.<br />

-I am, &c.,<br />

<strong>The</strong> Secretary, <strong>Chamber</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Commerce</strong>.<br />

Government House,<br />

F . H . MAY, Colonial Secretary.<br />

H ongkong, 25th September , <strong>1909</strong>.<br />

Sir,-1 have the honour to acknowledge receipt <strong>of</strong> your despatch<br />

dated September 22nd addressed to Sir J . J m·dan, which I have duly<br />

forwarded to Peking.<br />

I observe that His Excellency the Vir;eroy in his letter to you which<br />

forms an enclosure in your despatch-refers at some length to my communication<br />

to you No. 2292/1908 <strong>of</strong> t.he 4th <strong>of</strong> last June, a tn rdation<br />

<strong>of</strong> which you had been good enough to send him, and quotes me in support<br />

<strong>of</strong> his policy <strong>of</strong> placing such restrichons on Forr.ign Opium 3S shall<br />

raise its p r i~e in Cant.on.

86<br />

R<br />

I have learnt from you verbally that you emphatically P.ointed ·out<br />

to His Excellency that my remarks applied solrh to Natwe Grown<br />

Onium, and that in ordP-r to n1ake this perfectly c1!!ar you had in the<br />

tr~nslation sup.plicd to him inserted the word " Native " before Opinm<br />

in the third nnagraph concoivin~ however that it may be advisable that<br />

I ~hould m,·;elf also rvint out thr.t Hi:> Ex

88<br />

lt<br />

merce ·on the subject <strong>of</strong> the restrictions now being impo:;ed on the foreign<br />

~pium trade in Kwangtung, and informs me that no change has taken<br />

place in the situation.<br />

I enclose a copy <strong>of</strong> a letter from Mr. Consul-<strong>General</strong> J amieson which<br />

conftrms lhe statement, that in spite <strong>of</strong> the assurance received from Sir<br />

J. Jordan through the <strong>Hong</strong>kong Government dated 29th Seplember,<br />

to the effect that strong representation had been made to the \Vai-wu-pu<br />

on the 16th September and that they had been requested to telegraph<br />

the necessary instructions to Canton, nothing has been done so far as<br />

the local Authorities are concerned.<br />

\Vhether such instructions were ultimately sent or not we have no<br />

means <strong>of</strong> knowing, but no action has been taken; the local Authorities<br />

apparently sheltering themselves under the not uncommon plea <strong>of</strong> illhealt.h<br />

<strong>of</strong> the Viceroy; Mr. Fox informed me two days ago that nothing<br />

had been done to remove the grievance complained <strong>of</strong>.<br />

I would therefore suggest that a second telegram be despatched to<br />

Sir J. Jordan ou lhe following lines :-<br />

" Referring to our telegram <strong>of</strong> 23rd September and your<br />

'' reply to <strong>Hong</strong>kong Government 29th September, the position<br />

'' remains unchanged, nothing is being done; unless restriction<br />

" removed Chinese dealers must either go out <strong>of</strong> business or<br />

" submit themselves to the terms <strong>of</strong> the Government monop·oJists,<br />

" contrary to our Treat,y Rights detrimental to om trade."<br />

To lhe :Members <strong>of</strong> lhe Committee,<br />

<strong>Hong</strong>kong <strong>General</strong> <strong>Chamber</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Commerce</strong>.<br />

EDBERT A. HEWETT, ChainMn<br />

H.B.M. Consulate <strong>General</strong>,<br />

Canton, October 9 Lh, <strong>1909</strong>.<br />

Gentleman,- 1 am iu receipt <strong>of</strong> your letLer ~~r ye ~: Lerday's daLe,<br />

enquirin~ whether or not,, as a resulL <strong>of</strong> represen tations made by His<br />

Majesty's Minister to the Chinese Government, any steps have been<br />

taken to release the partner in the Chuen Fook Cheong <strong>Hong</strong>.<br />

In reply I beg to state that, so far as I am aware, nothing has been<br />

done in the matter.<br />

89<br />

For l!Ollltl Lilllc past Hi:; Excellency the Go\·emor-Geueral has bcclJ<br />

seriously indisposed and unable to attend to public business. So so·on,<br />

however, ~s I can o?taiu access to him, I shall take au early opportunity<br />

<strong>of</strong> re-openmg the dJscussion.-I am, &c.,<br />

Messrs. David Sassoon & Co., Ltd., <strong>Hong</strong>kong.<br />

J. W. JAl\.fiESON, Consul-<strong>General</strong><br />

Telegram to Sir John Jordan dated 15th October, <strong>1909</strong>.<br />

" " Referring to our telegram <strong>of</strong> 23rd September and your<br />

" reply_ to <strong>Hong</strong>kong Government 29th September position<br />

remams unchanged nothing is being done unless restriction<br />

" removed Chinese dealers must either go ·out <strong>of</strong> business or sub­<br />

" mit themselves to the terms <strong>of</strong> the Government monopolists<br />

" ccmb ary tc treaty rights detrimental to our trade."<br />

"HEWETT, Chairman."<br />

Colonial Secretary's Office,<br />

26th October, 1 CJ09 .<br />

. . Sir,-:-I am directed to inform you that His Excellency the GovPrnor<br />

IS tn r('Cel~t <strong>of</strong> a telegram from Sir J. Jordan dated the 23rd instant to<br />

t bu followmg effect:-<br />

" Telegram from the <strong>Chamber</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Commerce</strong> <strong>of</strong> October the<br />

" 15th."<br />

" "Pra~· info1:m <strong>Chamber</strong> that H.M.'s Consul-<strong>General</strong> at Can­<br />

" to~ has beo3n mstructed to make further r epresentations to the<br />

" :Vtceroy and that I am awv,iting the result before again moving<br />

m the matter here."<br />

2.--I shall be glad to be supplied with a copy <strong>of</strong> the telegram<br />

referred to by Sir John Jordan.--I am, &c.,<br />

Tho Secretary, <strong>Chamber</strong> <strong>of</strong> ComJ~erce.<br />

F. H. MAY, Colonial Secretary.

Uougkong Gei~eral<br />

90<br />

H<br />

<strong>Chamber</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Commerce</strong>,<br />

26th October, <strong>1909</strong>.<br />

Sir,-I have the honour to acknowledge receipt df your letter <strong>of</strong><br />

2Gth October, <strong>1909</strong> (No. 6854/ 1908) relat.ive to the t elegram despatched<br />

l•y the <strong>Chamber</strong> on October 15th to Si!' J ohn Jordan.<br />

I regret very much that I have not before sent you a copy <strong>of</strong> the<br />

tdcgnun referred to and hasten to do so with t.his.- I am &c. ,<br />

Hon. :Mr. F. H. May, C.M.G., Colonial Secretary.<br />

E. A. M. WILLIAMS, Secretary.<br />

<strong>Hong</strong>kong <strong>General</strong> <strong>Chamber</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Commerce</strong>,<br />

18th November, <strong>1909</strong>.<br />

Yo11r Exce1lency,- I am directed to convey to Your Excellency the<br />

thanks <strong>of</strong> my Committee for so prompt.ly and clearly stating the case<br />

for the Merchants in connection with the quest ion <strong>of</strong> the Opium Prohibition<br />

in Canton.<br />

(2.) My Committee regret to note that, I~otwith st.anding the effor t~<br />

<strong>of</strong> Your Excellency and <strong>of</strong> Mr. Acting Consul-Gener al Fux and Mr.<br />

Consnl-<strong>General</strong> J amieson t.he situation has not changed and can only<br />

be viewed with alarm by British Merchants.- 1 have, &c.,<br />

E. A. J\L W1LLIAMS, Secretary .<br />

His Excellency Sir John Jordan, K.C.M.G. ,<br />

H.M.'s Envoy Extraordinary and Minister P lenip'otentiary,<br />

Peking.<br />


Exchange, Bradford, llt.h May, <strong>1909</strong>.<br />

Dear Sir,-This <strong>Chamber</strong> has bad under consideration the important<br />

question <strong>of</strong> claims made by Buyers in t.he Eastern Markets in respect<br />

<strong>of</strong> alleged inferiority in the quality <strong>of</strong> Worsted, Woollen and Cotton<br />


R<br />

to His Britann1c Majesty's Consul at <strong>Hong</strong>kong, and to inquire what<br />

action your Commiti:.ee advises should be taken with respect to this<br />

couununication.- I am, &c.,<br />

<strong>The</strong> Secretary, Cham '~J er <strong>of</strong> <strong>Commerce</strong>.<br />

C. CLEMENTI, fo1· Colonial Secretary.<br />

Honakona ., ., <strong>General</strong> <strong>Chamber</strong> <strong>of</strong> CommercP,<br />

<strong>Hong</strong>kong, 16th June, <strong>1909</strong>.<br />

Sir - I have to acknowledge your letter <strong>of</strong> t.he 11th instant (No.<br />

3856/ H}09) transmitting a copy <strong>of</strong> .a le~ter from the Bradfo1·~ <strong>Chamber</strong><br />

<strong>of</strong> <strong>Commerce</strong> ·on the subject <strong>of</strong> Arb1tratwns and Surveys on Piece Goods.<br />

This <strong>Chamber</strong> has also received a similar letter from the Bradford<br />

<strong>Chamber</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Commerce</strong> and it is now under the consideration <strong>of</strong> my Co~mittee.<br />

I shall take much pleasure in forwarding you a copy <strong>of</strong> the would much like to know the procedurl\ <strong>of</strong> your<br />

<strong>Chamber</strong> as to npp(,int:neut <strong>of</strong> Arbit rators and Surveyors so t.hat t~ey<br />

may see in what particulars WC' differ and if necessary t.hat we may bnng<br />

onrselvPs into line with you.<br />

Any information you can g1ve me on this point will be mnch<br />

appreciat.cd.- I am, &c.,<br />

E. A. M. WILLIAMS, Se crctar~'·<br />

<strong>The</strong> Secretary, Bombay <strong>Chamber</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Commerce</strong>, Bombay,<br />

H3<br />

s<br />

<strong>Hong</strong>kong <strong>General</strong> <strong>Chamber</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Commerce</strong>,<br />

2nd July, <strong>1909</strong>.<br />

Dear Sir,-! am directed to reply to your letter <strong>of</strong> 11th May, <strong>1909</strong>,<br />

in which you express the dissatisfaction existing among Export ers <strong>of</strong><br />

\Yorsted, ·woollen and Cotton Goods whose product has been the subject.<br />

matter <strong>of</strong> dispute between themselves and Eastern Buyers.<br />

My Committee do not know in what particulars the system adopted<br />

by the Bombay <strong>Chamber</strong> differs from that ·<strong>of</strong> the local <strong>Chamber</strong> but<br />

have written for details and upon their receipt will give the mattH<br />

their further consideration.<br />

I am to state that my Committee have had full confidence in the ·<br />

abilit.y <strong>of</strong> the Arbitrators and Surveyors elected by them from t.ime to<br />

time and cannot but believe that the en or <strong>of</strong> judgment is wit.h the<br />

exporters <strong>of</strong> the cargo in dispute.<br />

If the Bradford <strong>Chamber</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Commerce</strong> can bring a clear case to<br />

the notice <strong>of</strong> my Committee showing that they are justified in animadverting<br />

against the decisions <strong>of</strong> our local Surveyors, in the manner<br />

t.hey have done, my Committee will thoroughly enquire into the<br />

matter.- ! am, &c.,<br />

E. A. M. WILLIAMS, Secretary.<br />

<strong>The</strong> Secretary, Bradford <strong>Chamber</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Commerce</strong>, Bradford,<br />

Hougkong <strong>Chamber</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Commerce</strong>,<br />

2nd July, <strong>1909</strong>.<br />

Sir,·--With reference to my letter <strong>of</strong> the 16th June, <strong>1909</strong>, I have<br />

now the honour to hand you herewith a copy <strong>of</strong> this <strong>Chamber</strong>'s reply to<br />

the letter received from t he Bradford <strong>Chamber</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Commerce</strong> on the<br />

snhjPct r,f Arbitrat.ions and Surveys on Piece Goods. -T am, &c.,<br />

Hon . Mr. A . l\J . Thmnson, Colonial Secretary.<br />

E . A. M. WTLLTA).I S, Secretary.<br />

Colonial Secretary's Office,<br />

IIongkong, 7th ,July, <strong>1909</strong>.<br />

Sir· ---T am dirC'ctcd to acknowledge wit h Lhanks receipt <strong>of</strong> your<br />

],•Her o'r Lite ~ nd in ~ tunt , encl.osing copy <strong>of</strong> a reply to 01e Bradford

9-t.<br />

95<br />

<strong>Chamber</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Commerce</strong>'s letter on the subject <strong>of</strong> Arbitrations and<br />

Surveys on Piece Goods.-I am, &c.,<br />

C. CLEMENT!, £01· Colonial Secretary.<br />

Thc- Ser.rdary, H ongkong <strong>General</strong> <strong>Chamber</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Commerce</strong>.<br />

'!'he <strong>Chamber</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Commerce</strong>,<br />

Bombay, 16th J uly, <strong>1909</strong>.<br />

Dear Sir,-In reply to your letter dated 30th J une, reg ar~ing t he<br />

procedure adopted by this <strong>Chamber</strong> with refere n~e to the appomtment<br />

<strong>of</strong> Arbit rators, I have pleasure in enclosing herem a copy <strong>of</strong> t? e rules<br />

and regulations gover ning all disput es submitted to the Comn~ 1ttee . .I<br />

may m~nti0n that surveyors for private surve!s are not appom ted : Jt<br />

is only when both par ties to a dispute submit separate statemen~s <strong>of</strong><br />

. their case direct that arbitration is undertaken and ar. award g.I~eJJ.<br />

Both parties must also express their willingness to abide by the declSJon.<br />

'Vhen surveyors, who a.re appointed by thf' disputants .themselve~ .<br />

are unable t.o agree, the matter can be refene.J to the Conumt.tee <strong>of</strong> tlm<br />

<strong>Chamber</strong> for an Umpire's decision.<br />

In sending you the enclosed pamphlet, ~ would e~p r ess ~he hope<br />

t.hat it will prove <strong>of</strong> practical utility and furmsh you with the mfor ma·<br />

tion you desire to obtain.-Yours faithfully,<br />

J. B. LESLTE IWGE RS, Secretar y.<br />

Tho Secretary,<br />

<strong>Hong</strong>koug <strong>General</strong> <strong>Chamber</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Commerce</strong>, <strong>Hong</strong>ko!Jg.<br />

--.....<br />

H ongkong <strong>General</strong> <strong>Chamber</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Commerce</strong>,<br />

<strong>Hong</strong>kong, 5th August, <strong>1909</strong>.<br />

Drar Sir,-I beg to acknowledge the receipt .<strong>of</strong> y.our reply to m)<br />

letter <strong>of</strong> the 30th J nne, <strong>1909</strong>, in reference to Ar b1t.rahons .and Surveys<br />

011<br />

·p<br />

l· f'CP<br />

,..<br />

\o OO<br />

d d lo ~x})l'f'~s the than lrs <strong>of</strong> my Conmnl tPe for the><br />

~. all r · · ·<br />

nsrfnl i nform:tt i\\Jl conLained Lherein.-I fLtn . &c.,<br />

Tlw Secretary,<br />

HomlHty <strong>Chamber</strong> <strong>of</strong> Comm('rce, B·ombay.<br />

E . A. M:. WTLL1Al\f8, Secretary.<br />


Tieutsin <strong>General</strong> <strong>Chamber</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Commerce</strong>,<br />

Tientsin, 28th June, Hl09.<br />

Sir ,-I have the honour to invite the co-operation <strong>of</strong> yqur Cl1amher<br />

on the Currency Qnest.iou, which is a matter <strong>of</strong> vital interest to all the<br />

commercial communities in China.<br />

<strong>The</strong> qurst.ion has again been brought vividly befvrc this <strong>Chamber</strong><br />

by the wholesale depreciation <strong>of</strong> the local currency, and matters have<br />

l'C'achcd an impasse.<br />

I n inviting your co-operation you will perhaps allow me to explain<br />

in some detail the present situation <strong>of</strong> the local currency.<br />

<strong>The</strong> fineness <strong>of</strong> the local <strong>Hong</strong>ping Hua Pao sycee is supposed to<br />

be .992, and the shoes are so stamped, but no control has for some time<br />

been exercised over the melting shops, and the touch has deteriorated<br />

to anything round about .965.<br />

I n February, 1908, the Commissioner <strong>of</strong> Customs issued a notifica­<br />

Lion (vide pp. 49/50 <strong>of</strong> our 1908 Year Book) that owing to the<br />

deterioration <strong>of</strong> sycee an extra 2 per cent. would be imposed on all<br />

duties. I t was not until September, 1908, after much agitation, that<br />

this i))~gal charge was done away with, but we were unable to induce<br />

the Chinese Authorities to acknowledge their liability for the currency<br />

in spite <strong>of</strong> the fact that all melting shops were required to hold licenses<br />

from them.<br />

Since Lhat date a ·so-called melting fee <strong>of</strong> 8 per cent. has been<br />

charged on all duties, and we have, up to the present, been unable to<br />

secure t he abolition <strong>of</strong> this impositio11.<br />

No steps ha ye been taken to recall the debased sycee, nor efficiently<br />

control t.he issue <strong>of</strong> new shoes. A proclamation was issued by the<br />

H aikuau Tao in March, 1908 (vide p. 142 <strong>of</strong> our 1908 Year Book),<br />

which ordered the meltil1g shops to issue sycee <strong>of</strong> .992 fineness, but this<br />

proclamation has been a dead letter. <strong>The</strong> position, then, is this: That<br />

the former curr ency <strong>of</strong> debased sycee, lower than .992, which formed<br />

t lu' ourre11cy <strong>of</strong> the port, has been demouetised, and that no effective<br />

sll1j>!; ha\·e been taken to replace same by another currency. This Il

96<br />

'P<br />

On the 18th inslan!-, a ~pecial meeting <strong>of</strong> members <strong>of</strong> this <strong>Chamber</strong><br />

was held, and a long resolution was adopted demanding .that the debased<br />

sycee shall be recalled, replaced and remelted, and that an efficient<br />

cont.rol <strong>of</strong> all sycee melted in future slJOuld be maintained. I have the<br />

honour to send you under separate cover copies <strong>of</strong> correspondence, and<br />

<strong>of</strong> !..he minutes <strong>of</strong> the meeting referred to.<br />

<strong>The</strong> Committee was instructed to invite the co-operation <strong>of</strong> the<br />

other <strong>Chamber</strong>s in China, and I feel coufident in layi!lg the facts before<br />

your Committee that they will welcome the opportunity to co-operate<br />

with us in urging the Diplomatic Corps iu Peking to insist on the longpromised<br />

reform <strong>of</strong> the currency being carried into effect. <strong>The</strong>re is a<br />

strong feeling in this <strong>Chamber</strong> that we can go on writ.ing despatches<br />

intem1inably wit-hout producing any· effect, and, as ·one speaker pointed<br />

out at our recent meeting, the foreign community have a very powerful<br />

lever in the payments they make to the Customs. If our united representations<br />

again bear no fruit. it might be worth considering whether<br />

combined action <strong>of</strong> all the <strong>Chamber</strong>s in the manner indicated would be<br />

advisable.<br />

<strong>The</strong> minutes, which I am forwarding to you, will, I think, give an<br />

idea <strong>of</strong> the serious financial situation here, and, as the agent <strong>of</strong> one <strong>of</strong><br />

U1e Banks pointed out, breaki11g point may be reached at any moment.<br />

I feel confident. in approaching your <strong>Chamber</strong> t.lmt we shall have<br />

your full support in another united endeavour to secure the l0ngpromised<br />

currency reform.<br />

\Ve are communicating iu the above sense with the <strong>Chamber</strong>s <strong>of</strong><br />

<strong>Commerce</strong> at Shanghai, Hankow, Tsintau, Ncwchwang, London, and<br />

Manchester, and I feel hopeful that if we unite in taking firm action<br />

we shall be able, UI1.de1· the 11ew Chinese regime, to secure the desired<br />

reform.-! have, &c.,<br />

W. E. SOUTHCO'l'T, Chairman.<br />

<strong>The</strong> Chairman, <strong>Chamber</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Commerce</strong>, <strong>Hong</strong>kung.<br />

<strong>Hong</strong>kong, lOth August, <strong>1909</strong>.<br />

Sir,--1 have now the hon01ir to reply to your letter dated 28th<br />

June, <strong>1909</strong>, on the question <strong>of</strong> Currency Reform in China.<br />

My Committee are fully prepared, as they have always been, to<br />

take part in any concerted action having for its l)bject the improvement<br />

<strong>of</strong> the present deplorable state <strong>of</strong> fl..ffairs to which you call attention.<br />

Tt is presumed that the present endeavour will take the form <strong>of</strong> a joint<br />

97<br />

T<br />

Memorial, a 1~d my Committee will be glad to receive a draft <strong>of</strong> it in due<br />

course.-I have, &c.,<br />

E. A. l\1. WILLIAMS, Secretary.<br />

\V. E. Soutllcott, Esq.,<br />

Chairman, Tientsin <strong>Chamber</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Commerce</strong>, TieJJtsin.<br />

"U<br />



23rd October, <strong>1909</strong>.<br />

Sir,-I am directed to transmit for the information <strong>of</strong> your Committee<br />

the enclosed tables relating to the Goods Tariff and P assenger<br />

Tariff charged by the Yimnan R ailway Company .<br />

2. <strong>The</strong> reduction <strong>of</strong> freight on manufactured goods <strong>of</strong> French or<br />

Indo-Chinese origin (such as Cotton Yarns from the Tonkin Mills) conveyed<br />

from Haiphong to Mengtsze is now ~10 per ton instead <strong>of</strong> $5 as<br />

formerly, and is equivalent to a preference <strong>of</strong> about 20 per cent. on the<br />

0rdinary tariff. This reducti·on is only given when goods are sent by<br />

l,l'uck-loads <strong>of</strong> at least 5 tons.-I am, &c.,<br />

F. H. 1\

98<br />

N ole.-If Lhc Company's liabiiit.,y only extends to that part <strong>of</strong> the<br />

jouruey which lies through Toukin and not to Yunau, these tates ar e<br />

40 cents per ton less.<br />

<strong>The</strong> rates given above arc at present subject to a sur tax <strong>of</strong> ten per<br />

cent.<br />

In the above table 1-fongtze refers W the l'i-che-tchai station for<br />

lhat town.<br />

Miscellaneous goods with uo stipulation as t o quantity and wit:~<br />

full liability <strong>of</strong> the Company.<br />

From H aiphong to ~ [ungt;-;e.<br />

From H aiphong to Amichou.<br />

From H a noi to l\lon gtze.<br />

'From Hanoi to Ami ~h o u.<br />

t ~1at<br />

Note.-<br />

town.<br />

Yarying according to IHI.ture<br />

$<br />

per ton.<br />

34.07<br />

36.32<br />

30.43<br />

32.68<br />

<strong>of</strong> goods from<br />

to<br />

$<br />

per ton.<br />

90.49<br />

96.34<br />

80.48<br />

86.33<br />

In the above tables Mougtze refers to the Pi-che-tchai for<br />


bt 2nd 3rd<br />

cla:-s cl a~;; class<br />

$ $ $<br />

Haivhong tu Mon;;tzc (P i-chc-tchai). 32.99 22.72 12.88<br />

Haipbong to Ami~;hou. 35.92 24.75 1-1.01<br />

4th<br />

class<br />

$<br />

3.0!i<br />

4.32<br />

99<br />

u<br />

H ongkong <strong>General</strong> <strong>Chamber</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Commerce</strong>,<br />

H ongkong, 26th October, <strong>1909</strong>.<br />

Sir,- I have to acknowledge the receipt <strong>of</strong> your letter ·<strong>of</strong> the 23rd<br />

instant (No. 3427 / 1908) transmitting copies <strong>of</strong> tables relating to the<br />

Cvods and Passenger Tariff <strong>of</strong> the Yunnan R ailways.<br />

My Committee desire me to thank you for your courtesy in forwarding<br />

these for their information,-! am, &c.,<br />

E. A. M. WILLIAMS, Secretary.<br />

H0n. Sir Henry May, K.C.M.G., Colonial Secretary.<br />


<strong>Hong</strong>kong <strong>General</strong> Cham her <strong>of</strong> <strong>Commerce</strong>,<br />

H ongkong, 16th March, <strong>1909</strong>.<br />

Sir,.-I have the honour to state in reply to your letter <strong>of</strong> 2nd<br />

F €Lruary, <strong>1909</strong>, on the subject <strong>of</strong> the Quarantine Station at Laichilwk<br />

i.lHtl my ConiHlit.tt-e approve <strong>of</strong> the amended regulations nndt-r St-cbon<br />

~!:3 u pPr cenl. owing to i,hr lowness <strong>of</strong> exchange.<br />

All the rates are given in .Frencb doll ars (" piastres d~ commerce ") <strong>of</strong><br />

w}.ich the <strong>of</strong>ficial rate <strong>of</strong> exchange is at prt-seut (M ay <strong>1909</strong>) 1 dollar=<br />

Francs 2.40, or about two shillings. It. is understood that when the<br />

dollar rises to francs 2.60 this surtax will' be abolished.<br />

<strong>The</strong> ton referred to in the above tables is the ton cf 1,000 kilo·<br />

grammes.<br />


<strong>Chamber</strong>. <strong>of</strong> <strong>Commerce</strong> and Exchange,<br />

Singapore, 22nd October, <strong>1909</strong>.<br />

Dear Sir,-For sometime nuw this <strong>Chamber</strong> has been receiving<br />

complaints from Merchants interested in the Yarn Trade, concerning<br />

the spurious marking and labelling <strong>of</strong> Indian Y arns, which practice,<br />

it is alleged, is very detrimental to the trade in English full reeled antl<br />

properly designated Yarn.s.

lOO<br />

\Y<br />

In the month <strong>of</strong> June 1907, a Sub-Committee was appointed by<br />

r.his <strong>Chamber</strong> to test various importations <strong>of</strong> the Yarn in question, and<br />

t.he result <strong>of</strong> these tests, together with the correspondence exchanged<br />

blltween this <strong>Chamber</strong> and other <strong>Chamber</strong>s concerned, will be seen in<br />

'lppendix '· H " <strong>of</strong> 1907 report sent to you to-day.<br />

It will be seen from this correspondence that the matter has already<br />

been forcibly represented to the Indian Government by the Bombay<br />

<strong>Chamber</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Commerce</strong> but with negative results in so far that the<br />

Yarn still continues to 'be exported from India, and further complaints<br />

<strong>of</strong> the trouble it is causing amcng European firms have again been<br />

received by this <strong>Chamber</strong>.<br />

It has been decided therefore, to approach the <strong>Hong</strong>kong and<br />

Shaw>hai Merchants and to find out, if possible, if the trouble is the<br />

same.,in their markets as it is here. If so, and with the consent <strong>of</strong> the<br />

above merchants, it is propased to address a general appeal from the<br />

threP. <strong>Chamber</strong>s to the Manchester <strong>Chamber</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Commerce</strong>. It is, in the<br />

·oninion <strong>of</strong> t~is <strong>Chamber</strong>, a matter which vitally concerns the British<br />

s~inners, and if the Manchester <strong>Chamber</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Commerce</strong> can be induced<br />

to take the matter up a11d a'-'t in conjuncti·on with the three <strong>Chamber</strong>s<br />

already mentioned, and with the Bombay <strong>Chamber</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Commerce</strong>, there<br />

i ~ nol much douht that the pressure that could be brought to bear upon<br />

the Indian Authorities would be such that it would be impossible for<br />

them to ignore it.<br />

·My Committee therefore invite your consideration <strong>of</strong> these facts<br />

with a view to prospective joint action should the circumstances appear<br />

to justify the same.-Yours faithfully,<br />

<strong>The</strong> Sef'retary,<br />

A. M. SKINNER, Secretary.<br />

<strong>Hong</strong>kong <strong>General</strong> <strong>Chamber</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Commerce</strong>, <strong>Hong</strong>kong.<br />

(Enclosure.)<br />

At the request <strong>of</strong> the <strong>Chamber</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Commerce</strong>, to consider an application<br />

from Messrs. Brinkmann & Co., on the question <strong>of</strong> Short-Reeled<br />

Bombay Yarns, the f-:>llowing Sub-Committee met at the Offices <strong>of</strong> the<br />

Borneo Company, Limited, at. 2.30 p.m. on Monday, 11th October:<br />

Present:-<br />

H. A. Low, Esq., <strong>of</strong> Messrs. Adamson, Gilfillan & Co., Ltd.<br />

E. A. Brown, Esq., <strong>of</strong> Messrs. Brinkmann & Co.<br />

F. Hilton, Esq., <strong>of</strong> <strong>The</strong> Borneo Company, Limited.<br />

101<br />

Mr. Bt•own asked if the <strong>Chamber</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Commerce</strong> could not take up<br />

the question <strong>of</strong> Bombay short-reeled Yarns again, and after some discussion<br />

it was decided to ask the <strong>Chamber</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Commerce</strong> to address the<br />

<strong>Hong</strong>kong and Shanghai <strong>Chamber</strong>s <strong>of</strong> <strong>Commerce</strong> and find out if the<br />

importation <strong>of</strong> false yarns from Bombay has interfered in any way with<br />

the importations <strong>of</strong> genuine English Spun Yarn into their respective<br />

markets; the intention being that these three ports shoufd unitedly<br />

represent the matter strongly to the Manchester <strong>Chamber</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Commerce</strong>.<br />

<strong>The</strong> Sub-Committee suggest that a copy <strong>of</strong> the col'l'esp·ondence and<br />

tests in Appendix H. Pages 66 to 76 <strong>of</strong> 1907 Report, made by the previous<br />

Sub-Committee, be forwarded to the above <strong>Chamber</strong>s <strong>of</strong> <strong>Commerce</strong>.<br />

It is requested when these replies are received that they may be<br />

-submitted to the Committee for further consideration and action.<br />

Singapore, 11th October, <strong>1909</strong>.<br />

<strong>Hong</strong>kong <strong>General</strong> <strong>Chamber</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Commerce</strong>,<br />

H. A. LOW,<br />

E. A. BROW~;,<br />

F. RILTON.<br />

<strong>Hong</strong>kong, 29th December, <strong>1909</strong>.<br />

Dear Sir,-I am now able to reply to yom letter dated 22nd<br />

October, <strong>1909</strong>, concerning the alleged spurious marking and labelling <strong>of</strong><br />

Indian Yarns.<br />

I enclose you a copy <strong>of</strong> the report <strong>of</strong> 1\fr. W. N. Flemming, <strong>of</strong><br />

Messrs. Jardine, Matheson and Co., Ltd., to whom Lhe matter was<br />

referred by my Committee.<br />

It would appear from snch report that l his market is not afft:cted.­<br />

I am, &c.,<br />

Alex. G. Gunn, Esq.,<br />

E. A. M. WILLIAMS, Se~,;re-tary<br />

Secretary, Singapore <strong>Chamber</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Commerce</strong>, Singapore.<br />

<strong>Hong</strong>kong, 29th December, L!.IOO.<br />

Dear Sir,- With reference to the letter from the Singapore <strong>Chamber</strong><br />

<strong>of</strong> <strong>Commerce</strong>, dated 22n

the tests made for counts and lengths <strong>of</strong> three samples <strong>of</strong> well-known<br />

Bombay yarns:--<br />

David Sassoon's " L ucky Orange," lO's Mule (3 !tanks), 850, 879, 876<br />

yards, average counts lO's.<br />

S. J. David's "Sphinx," 10's Ring (5 hanks), 847, 852, 804, 819 and<br />

818t yards, average counts 9.8's.<br />

Lakhmidass Khimji, " 7 Boys in three," lO}'s Ring (2 hanks), 830t<br />

and 845 yards, average counts 10.3's.<br />

From enquiries made I am quite satisfied that the same malpracti;--es<br />

do not obtain here as are apparently prevalent in Singapore.<br />

Competition here is too keen, the Bombay Mills have too much tc .<br />

k·se and too little to gain to at.tempt any spurious labelling:<br />

It would appear that this spurious labelling <strong>of</strong> B.or,~bay Y ~:n i! is<br />

>:onfin ~·d to higher counts, say from 24's upwards-_:W s IS t !,e .ngh~t<br />

count <strong>of</strong> Bombay Yarn imported into this Market.-! nm, &c.,<br />

\V. N. FLEM\fi:f:ITG<br />

·1 n>h e .. ;o:.,!:;n· , t ary, ITOJ1gkoJlg J ,_ r~·,,_aJ Jll:le t• <strong>of</strong>. Commrrcr. H vn::.__•b'!lg_.<br />

~<br />


Colonial Secretary's Office,<br />

<strong>Hong</strong>kong, 28t-h June, <strong>1909</strong>.<br />

Sir,-- I am directed by His Excellency the Governor to refer the<br />

enclosed copy <strong>of</strong> a letter from the Commissioner <strong>General</strong> ·o~ the J apau­<br />

British Exhibition for the consideration <strong>of</strong> your Commtttee and to<br />

inquire whether in the opinion <strong>of</strong> your Committee tltis Colony should<br />

participate in the ~xh ibition.-I am, &c.,<br />

<strong>The</strong> Secretary, <strong>Chamber</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Commerce</strong>.<br />

A. M. THO:MSON, Colonial Secretary.<br />

28th May, <strong>1909</strong>.<br />

s·r 1 -I have the nleasure to inform you that an arrangement has<br />

been c0 ;1cluded betwee1; His Excellency Mr. Kato, Ambassador <strong>of</strong> Jap a 1~<br />

at the Court <strong>of</strong> St. James, on behalf <strong>of</strong> the Emperor and Government.<br />

103<br />

X<br />

<strong>of</strong> t J,a~ E111pire and thJ Authori!.ies <strong>of</strong> t-he " White City " for holding<br />

fin Ex!Jibition at Shepherd's Bush exclusively confined to the Arts,<br />

)~f a n ufactures and Prorlucts <strong>of</strong> the Japanese and British Empires, conJmoncing<br />

on May 3rd, 1910, and remaining open for about six months.<br />

This will be the first occasion upon which Japan has brought hdore<br />

the people <strong>of</strong> the United Kingdom, and the Westem World generally,<br />

the vast resources <strong>of</strong> that Empire, and the Government <strong>of</strong> His I mperial<br />

Majesty h~tve made arrangements, financial and Administrative, for<br />

making their display thoroughly large and n'present.ative.<br />

<strong>The</strong>n'\ are many grave reasons, political and commercial dosely<br />

affecting the future happiness and prosperit-y <strong>of</strong> this nation why the<br />

participation <strong>of</strong> the Colonies and Dependencies <strong>of</strong> this Empire should<br />

be upon a scale <strong>of</strong> equal magnitude and comprehensiveness.<br />

I t is absolutely necessary that the people <strong>of</strong> Japan should be bound<br />

by the tie <strong>of</strong> mutually pr<strong>of</strong>itable commerce and enlightened self-interest<br />

with the Yarious British Colonies, and that our allies should realize the<br />

, extent to which their wants, in the shape <strong>of</strong> either necessaries or<br />

luxuries, can be supplied from the Colonies <strong>of</strong> the British Empire, the<br />

more especially as J apan is by far nearer to many <strong>of</strong> them than to any<br />

i:>ther country inhabited by persons <strong>of</strong> European origin.<br />

For this reason, and for many others, I venLure to express a hope<br />


X<br />

~ fv Committee ga,·c f his matter their constderation at a Monthly<br />

1\f e

10(:;<br />

X<br />

'l'he millions who visited the Franco-British Exhibition reached the<br />

White City with the greatest ease and comfort. It is in the centre <strong>of</strong><br />

a network <strong>of</strong> tramways and omnibus routes, which afford m eans <strong>of</strong> communication<br />

with all parts <strong>of</strong> London and its suburbs.<br />

<strong>The</strong> 'principal entrance, which is within 15 minutes' ride <strong>of</strong> the<br />

City <strong>of</strong> London, immediately adjoins the Shepherd's Bush Station <strong>of</strong> the<br />

Central London Railway, and connects with the Uxbridge Road Station<br />

<strong>of</strong> the West London, London and North-w· estern and Great Western<br />

Railways, whilst the Shepherd's Bush Station <strong>of</strong> the London and South<br />

\Vestt>rn Railway is close by.<br />

<strong>The</strong> \Vood Lane entrance is connected directly with the terminus<br />

<strong>of</strong> the Central London Railway and the Station <strong>of</strong> the Metropolitan and<br />

Great Western Railway which links Hammersmith to Aldgate. Favourable<br />

arrango>ments for the conveyance <strong>of</strong> passengers and exhibits will be<br />

made with all the lines <strong>of</strong> Railway by which travellers. reach L ondon<br />

from the Continent, and frequent excursion trains will run direct to the<br />

Exhibition.<br />

<strong>The</strong> Great Stadium, in which the Olympic Games were held in 1908,<br />

is adjacent to the Exhibition. This structure accommodates more than<br />

100,000 people; and affords t·o each an uninterrupted view <strong>of</strong> athletic<br />

contests.<br />

<strong>The</strong> high standard <strong>of</strong> music which delighted millions at the Franco­<br />

British Exhibition will be maintained by a large number <strong>of</strong> famous<br />

bands.<br />

<strong>The</strong> Garden Club, which numbers several thousands <strong>of</strong> distinguished<br />

members, will next yrar, as at present, be the centre <strong>of</strong> the social life<br />

o!' the Exhibit.ion.<br />

Diplomas for Grand Prizes, Diplomas <strong>of</strong> Honour: and Diplomas for<br />

Gold, Silver and Bronze Medals, will be granted to Exhibitors. <strong>The</strong>y<br />

are to be awarded by a special jury, consisting <strong>of</strong> a large number <strong>of</strong><br />

recognised experts in their special branches, which will be selected by<br />

the Japanese Government and the British Committee <strong>of</strong> the Exhibition.<br />

<strong>The</strong> Postal, Telephonic, Telegraphic and Banking arrangements<br />

within the grounds will be thoroughly satisfactory.<br />

It has been decided, in order to give intending exhibitors an opportunity<br />

<strong>of</strong> making a display worthy <strong>of</strong> the occasion, to allot space as far<br />

as possible almost immediately after application, and in the case <strong>of</strong><br />

C'ollective exhibits early in August.<br />

107<br />

X<br />

<strong>The</strong> dignity <strong>of</strong> this Exhibition, as in the case <strong>of</strong> its predecessors,<br />

will be maintained by keeping the amusement.s in a separate part <strong>of</strong> the<br />

grounds.<br />

<strong>The</strong> Tariff <strong>of</strong> space will be as follows:-<br />

<strong>The</strong> uniform price <strong>of</strong> 6 j - per square foot (includin~ one<br />

frontage in all classes with the exception <strong>of</strong> Agricultural Implements,<br />

Furniture, Carriages, Autom·obiles and other exhibits<br />

requiring large m·eas <strong>of</strong> space).<br />

<strong>The</strong> charge for more than one frontage will be 10/- per foot<br />

for each additional .frontage. ·<br />

Minimum charge for individual exhibits, £20.<br />

, , collective , £10.<br />

Application forms and the regulations <strong>of</strong> the Exhibition as well as<br />

terms for ·outdoor spaces and concessions will be forwarded to intending<br />

exhibitors by applying to<br />

<strong>The</strong> Secretar~·, .Japan·Briti~h Exhibit.ion, 1910,<br />

<strong>The</strong> Exhibition Offices,<br />

<strong>The</strong> Great White City,<br />

Shepherd's Bush, London, W.<br />

Reprint from "'l'he Times," London, J uly 12th, <strong>1909</strong>.<br />

<strong>The</strong> Japanese section <strong>of</strong> the Japan-British Exhibition to be held at<br />

Shepherd's Bush, which will be ope~ from May 3. to t.he end <strong>of</strong> October<br />

next year, promises to be most interesting as well as instructive. <strong>The</strong><br />

Imperial Japanese Commission recently appointed for the purpose in<br />

Tokio has for its honoraTy president his Imperial Highness PrincrJ<br />

Sadanaru Fushimi, who brought an important mission to the King from<br />

the Em per or in 1907, and for president Baron Oura, Minister for<br />

Agriculture and <strong>Commerce</strong>. It has also enlisted the services <strong>of</strong>. such<br />

distinguished <strong>of</strong>ficials as Baron M . Matsudeira vice-president who is a<br />

r.1e1~1ber ')f the H~use <strong>of</strong> Peers and gained mu~h valuable ex;erience ~t<br />

l.he St . Louis Exposition <strong>of</strong> 1904, and Mr. Hikojiro Wada, Commissioner-<strong>General</strong>,<br />

who recently came over to this r1ountry, and holds a<br />

similar position with regard t'o the Grand Exhibition to be held in Tokio<br />

a few years hence. Count Mutsu, until lately a member <strong>of</strong> the, Japanese<br />

Embassy here, is remai11ing in this country for the e'thibition in the<br />

capacity <strong>of</strong> a commissioner.<br />

<strong>The</strong> idea <strong>of</strong> an Anglo-Japanese Exhibition in L ondon is a very<br />

popular one with onr al!ies, and ~11 the departments <strong>of</strong> the Japanesl')

108<br />

X<br />

Government-the Imperial household, war, navy, home affairs, finance,<br />

.communications, education, agriculture and commerce, rail-ways, &c.­<br />

are vying with one another ro make a notable display, and signs are not<br />

lacking that thei1· sanguine hopes will be more than rea1ized.<br />

<strong>The</strong> Japanese section will be divided into 18 groups, that is to say,<br />

those relating to (1) education, (2) fine arts, (3) liberal arts, ( 4) mechanical<br />

engineering, (5) electricity, (6) civil engineering and transportati·ou,<br />

(7) agriculture, (8) horticulture, (9) forests, sport, fishing, &c., (10)<br />

aliment.at.ion, (11) mines and metallurgy, (12) decoration and furnishing,<br />

(13) textiles, (14) chemical industries, (15) various industries, (16) social<br />

economy, (17) colonization, (18) armament, &c.<br />

As will be expected, however, the most fascinating part ·<strong>of</strong> the great<br />

exhibition will be its section <strong>of</strong> art. A special committee, under the<br />

ehairmanshin <strong>of</strong> 1\fr. Masaki, President <strong>of</strong> the Tokio Fine Art Academy,<br />

supported by such distinguished connoisseurs as Marquis Inouye, the<br />

veteran statesman, Mr. Takashi Masuda, a great collector, and Baron<br />

Makino who is the late Minister 'Of Education and ex-Ambassador to<br />

Austria: are organizing an exhibition <strong>of</strong> ancient as well as modern arts.<br />

As there are very few oonortunities, even in Japan, <strong>of</strong> witnessing really<br />

~ood exhibitions -<strong>of</strong> this kind, the rare and valu::tble specimens <strong>of</strong> ancient<br />

;rt being mainly in the pr·ssession <strong>of</strong> noblemen's families or •<strong>of</strong> collectors<br />

and very seldom shown in public, the display in the Fine Arts Palace at<br />

the " White City " will be unprecedented, and will afford experts in<br />

this conntry a very unique oppo~·tunity for studying Japanese Art.<br />

<strong>The</strong>re will be verv interesting exhibits coming from Korea, from<br />

the Japanese Concessi~ns in Manchuria, and fr\)m Formosa.<br />

<strong>The</strong> following may give some idea <strong>of</strong> the exhibits by the different<br />

Government Departments :-Models <strong>of</strong> the Imperial wild duck hnnting<br />

grounds, model <strong>of</strong> Todaiji Temple at Nara, the ancient capital <strong>of</strong> ~apan;<br />

..,Jans showing harbour improvements at Yokohama and Kobe ; umforms,<br />

~rmour, weapons, &c., used by the armies <strong>of</strong> Japan and historically<br />

arrancred fro~ the 16th centurv down to the present day; models <strong>of</strong> t.be<br />

battl; ground at Port Arthur ;-models <strong>of</strong> Japanese men-<strong>of</strong>-war, shvwing<br />

the development <strong>of</strong> the last half century; exhibits showing the different<br />

stacres <strong>of</strong> educational institutions; examples <strong>of</strong> means <strong>of</strong> communication,<br />

dis;layed according to different peri.ods; models 'r?f ships o~ ~ifferent<br />

ages, those <strong>of</strong> Japanese railway engmes and carnages; exh~b~ts from<br />

Kwangt.ung Province: horticulture, fishing, forestry, and mmmg pror!ucts,<br />

in which .T a pan is rich ; exhibits from the .T apanese Red Cross<br />

8nciety, on A <strong>of</strong> t,llf' most rxtensivll and best. equipped organi~ati~ns ',)f<br />

the kind in the world; bc~tulifnl specimens <strong>of</strong> Japanrse l exhL:>. wdus-<br />

109<br />

X<br />

tries, costumes, models, and pictures, &c., showing the change <strong>of</strong> fashions<br />

in different periods, &c.<br />

<strong>The</strong> local prefectural authorities, public bodies, and companies are<br />

also keenly interested in making a creditable display, and several imp·ortant<br />

cities have organized societies for arranging their exhibits, exp~nding<br />

large sums <strong>of</strong> money for that purpose. Even single individuals<br />

WI!l .rank amongst them as very extensive exhibitors. For example,<br />

?lhkunoto, the well-known pearl producer, alone, is taking a space<br />

amounting to some 15,000 square feet. Regarding the apportionment<br />

<strong>of</strong> the buildings at the " White City " secured by the Japanese authorities<br />

for their exhibits, considerably over one-third <strong>of</strong> the extensive space<br />

will be assigned to the exhibits <strong>of</strong> the various Government Departments,<br />

a similar portion being devoted to the exhibits <strong>of</strong> individuals and companies.<br />

<strong>The</strong> Japanese gardens wiil naturally be a special feature <strong>of</strong> th~><br />

exhibition . Skilled experts in this line will come over to this countrv<br />

from Japan for that purpose, and ·will repl\Jtluce in the grounds <strong>of</strong> th~<br />

Jxhibition t.ypical Japanese gardens.<br />

<strong>Hong</strong>kong <strong>General</strong> <strong>Chamber</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Commerce</strong>,<br />

<strong>Hong</strong>kong, 15th September, <strong>1909</strong>.<br />

Sir,-I have to acknowledge, with thanks, the receipt <strong>of</strong> your letter<br />

<strong>of</strong> the lOth August last, and to state that the contents there<strong>of</strong> have<br />

been brought to the attention <strong>of</strong> my Committee.- ! have, &c.,<br />

Charles J. Kiralf:>:, Esq,,<br />

S lCretary, J apan-British Exhibition.<br />

E. A. 1\f. WILLIAl\fS, Secretary.<br />

Colonial Secretary's Office,<br />

<strong>Hong</strong>kong, 14.th September, <strong>1909</strong> .<br />

Sir,-With reference to your letter <strong>of</strong> the 1st <strong>of</strong> last July I a.m<br />

directed to transmit for the information <strong>of</strong> your <strong>Chamber</strong> the enclosed<br />

copy <strong>of</strong> a letter from Mr. Kiralfy dated the 12th ultimo.-! am, &c.,<br />

<strong>The</strong> Secretary, <strong>Chamber</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Commerce</strong>.<br />

C. CLEMENT!, for Colonial Secretary.<br />

August 12th, <strong>1909</strong>.<br />

Sir,- Jn continuation <strong>of</strong> my previous correspondenc.e, I do myself<br />

the honour to inf01;m you that since my last. communication the propoeal

110<br />

X<br />

b hJld a Japanese.Exhibiti.on at the " White City," Shepherd's Bush,<br />

next year has met with unqualified approval from all classes both in this<br />

country and Japan.<br />

His Royal Highness, Prince Arthur <strong>of</strong> Connaught, has accepted<br />

the position <strong>of</strong> Honorary President <strong>of</strong> the Exhibition, and in view <strong>of</strong><br />

His Royal Highness' historical Garter Miesion to Japan three years<br />

ago, no conjunction could be happier.<br />

<strong>The</strong> Duke <strong>of</strong> Norfolk--the premier Duke and Earl Marshall <strong>of</strong><br />

England- has agreed to act as President., and His Majesty the Kin{,",<br />

with characteristic solicitude for everything that makes for the extension<br />

<strong>of</strong> British Trade and with keen appreciation <strong>of</strong> our Allies in the<br />

Far East, sent to His Royal Highness, who presided at the Inaugural<br />

Banquet <strong>of</strong> the Exhibition, the following message:-<br />

" I understand you will preside this evening at a dinn(,r<br />

" given in connection with the propc·sed Anglo-J apanese<br />

" Exhibition next year. International Exhibitions in these<br />

" days largely depend on private support, and I hope that the<br />

" Japanese and British people will come forward and promote<br />

" an undertaking which has for its obj,,et an increase in the<br />

" commel'cial prOS!)erity <strong>of</strong> both c c·u~:!xiE-s a::d uniting st.ill<br />

" closer the bonds <strong>of</strong> fellowship which already exiot betweeeu<br />

" them."<br />

His Imperial Majest.y, the Emperor <strong>of</strong> Japan, als·o sent a telegram<br />

as follows :--<br />

" I take advantage <strong>of</strong> the occasion to tender my congratu­<br />

" lations to yonr Royal Highness and to those who join you i11<br />

" celebrating the instituti9n <strong>of</strong> the Anglo-Japanesc Exhibition,<br />

" and to express my sincrte wishes for the complete success <strong>of</strong><br />

" the undertaking ".<br />

IT is Excellency the Japanese Ambassador 011 this occasion said<br />

hd felt confident that the Exhibition would confirm the friendly<br />

sentiments and woti!d greatly help the comme;·cial relations between<br />

the two countries, and spoke d th.c i nten~e intrrrst taken in the<br />

Exhibition by thr pruplP <strong>of</strong> J apan a11d <strong>of</strong> the large su111 <strong>of</strong> money vott d<br />

for it by the Imperial Diet.<br />

<strong>The</strong> J,ord :Mayor <strong>of</strong> Lond·on pledged h:s c•fficial an

1i2<br />

X<br />

2. I shall be obliged if you will return the mclosures to Mr.<br />

kiralfy's letter in due course.- ! am, &c.,<br />

<strong>The</strong> Secretary, <strong>Chamber</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Commerce</strong>.<br />

C. CLEM:EN1'I, for Colonial Secretary.<br />

London, 2nd September, <strong>1909</strong>.<br />

Sir,-Following on my previous C'orrespondence in reference to the<br />

Japa.n-British Exhibition at Shepherd's Bush in 1910, I now have<br />

pleasure in enclosing a reprint <strong>of</strong> the proceedings at the Inaugural<br />

Banquet at which H.R.H. Arthur <strong>of</strong> Connaught presided, and at<br />

which messages from His Majesty the King and the Emperor <strong>of</strong> Japan<br />

were read; also a reprint <strong>of</strong> the article which appeared in the " Times "­<br />

<strong>of</strong> July 12th.<br />

A Colonial Committee is being formed, with Sir John A. Cockburn<br />

as Chairman, for the organisation <strong>of</strong> the Colonial Section <strong>of</strong> the<br />

Exhibition. and I trust you will bring to bear the great influence you<br />

possess in disseminating information with regard .to the ~xhibition a~d<br />

in furthering an object so imp·ortant from the pomt <strong>of</strong> v1ew <strong>of</strong> Colomal<br />

<strong>Commerce</strong>, as well as the World's peace.-I have, &c.,<br />

His Excellency the Governor <strong>of</strong> <strong>Hong</strong>kong.<br />

C. J. KIRALFY.<br />

<strong>Hong</strong>kong <strong>General</strong> <strong>Chamber</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Commerce</strong>,<br />

<strong>Hong</strong>kong, 2nd October, <strong>1909</strong>.<br />

Sir,-I have to ·acknowledge the receipt <strong>of</strong> your letter <strong>of</strong> yesterday's<br />

date (No. 4259/<strong>1909</strong>) covering a copy <strong>of</strong> a letter and enclosures from<br />

Mr. Kiralfy relative to the Japan-British Exhibition.<br />

I thank you on behalf <strong>of</strong> my Committee for your courtesy in<br />

forwarding these for their information.-! am, &G.o<br />

Hon Mr. A.. M. Thomson, Colonial Secretary.<br />

E. A. M. WILLIAMS, Secretary.<br />

113<br />

X<br />

Colouial Secretary's Office,<br />

29th November, <strong>1909</strong> .<br />

Sir,-- With reference to your letter <strong>of</strong> the 2nd ultimu I am dir~ctej<br />

to transmit for the informn.tion <strong>of</strong> your <strong>Chamber</strong> the attached copy <strong>of</strong><br />

a lett er from I\Ir. Kiraliy, dr.ted tl:c 28!-.h t~ lt imo ., with its enclosures.<br />

2. I shall be obliged if you will return the enclosures to Mr<br />

Kiralfy's letter in due course.-! am, &c.,<br />

C. CLEMENT!, for Colonial Secretary.<br />

Toe Secret.ary, <strong>Chamber</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Commerce</strong>.<br />

Japan'-British Exhibition,<br />

London, 28th October, <strong>1909</strong><br />

Sir, - In continuation <strong>of</strong> my previous correspondencE- I have now<br />

t.he pleasure to forward you the Prospectus <strong>of</strong> the Japan-British Exhibi·<br />

t.ion. toget her with copies <strong>of</strong> letters from P1·ince Arthur <strong>of</strong> Connaught<br />

and the Duke <strong>of</strong> Norfolk, t he H onorary P resident and President.<br />

From a perusal <strong>of</strong> t hese documents it will be seen ~ tat the Exhibi<br />

tion has the approval and support <strong>of</strong> King Edward VII., <strong>of</strong> His Imperial<br />

Majesty the Emperor <strong>of</strong> Japan, and <strong>of</strong> the Governments 11f both Nations.<br />

<strong>The</strong> display made by the Japanese Government and its various State<br />

Departments will be magnificent and cornpr·ehensive, and will show both<br />

tlD ancient civilisation <strong>of</strong> that Empire and the progress during the last<br />

half cent.ury which has made it one <strong>of</strong> the Great Powers t<strong>of</strong> the \Vorld.<br />

Thus there will not only be a complete collection <strong>of</strong> the uniforms, armour<br />

a1.d weapons <strong>of</strong> the old Saumari, but models <strong>of</strong> modern .Japanese men·<br />

<strong>of</strong>-war, locomotives and machinery ; specimens <strong>of</strong> ancient art side bv<br />

side with representations <strong>of</strong> modem docks and harbours. <strong>The</strong> loc~l<br />

prefectural and municipal authorities, public bodies and private indivi.<br />

duals are likewise making large di;;plays, and the Japanese Nobles are<br />

contribut ing from their l:'alaces some <strong>of</strong> the finest specimens <strong>of</strong> J a panes~<br />

art, ancient and modern. Such an Exhibition will attract millions oi<br />

visito1·s, not only from the United L.ingdom but from all parts <strong>of</strong> t lw<br />

civilised world.<br />

One-half the space in the Buildings and GrouuJs <strong>of</strong> lhe Great<br />

\V hite City has been secured by tile Japanese Government; the othe1.'<br />

moiety has been reserved for the various Communities ,. hich make up<br />

the British Empire. <strong>The</strong> magnitude and importance <strong>of</strong> the J apa.nese

0<br />

114<br />

X<br />

dis 11<br />

lay is shown most clearly in the letters <strong>of</strong> Prince .Arthur and .th ~<br />

Duke <strong>of</strong> Norfolk. It is for the Govemments anli people <strong>of</strong> the Umte·.<br />

"y · d aud its allied N at.ions Canada, Australia, New 7-ealand and<br />

1<br />

.1\.ULg .0 111 t · ~.<br />

the Colonies- Con 3 titutionn.l and Crown-to make ever~ exer ton .o<br />

ensure lhat the Sections <strong>of</strong> the E xhibition and Grounds as&1g1~ed to t-hem<br />

0<br />

116<br />

y<br />

rtotice that th

118<br />

y<br />

TT ongk.mg (irnn.d Clw.mloer <strong>of</strong> Cont mere•·,<br />

R ongkong, 9th June, <strong>1909</strong>.<br />

Dear Sir,-1 have to acknowltdge the receipt <strong>of</strong> your letter <strong>of</strong> 30th<br />

April. <strong>1909</strong>, on the subject <strong>of</strong> the forthcoming Congress <strong>of</strong> <strong>Chamber</strong>s<br />

<strong>of</strong> <strong>Commerce</strong> <strong>of</strong> the Empire t.u b e held in Sydney this year , and to state<br />

tha:; the matters r eferred to ther ein will receive the early attention <strong>of</strong><br />

my Commi~tee.-I am, &c.,<br />

Kenric B. MUt·ray, Esq.,<br />

E. A. M. WILLIAMS, Secretary.<br />

Secretary, London <strong>Chamber</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Commerce</strong>, L ondon.<br />

<strong>The</strong> Secretary, <strong>Chamber</strong> ~f<br />

Oxford Court., Cannon St reet, L ondon, E.C.,<br />

<strong>Commerce</strong>.<br />

July 9( h, <strong>1909</strong>.<br />

September 16tb­<br />

'rhnrsday<br />

Septemoer 17t.h­<br />

F rida.y ..<br />

Septem her ltlth­<br />

~aturday<br />

iHi<br />

l<br />

Congre:ss to meet for I.Jusiness all day.<br />

8 p.m. - Banquet to DelegatEs giveu by the Sydney<br />

<strong>Chamber</strong> <strong>of</strong> Culllnlt'rcc in F\nlnev<br />

To"·n Hall. • ·<br />

Congress tu meol fur busine~~.<br />

8 p.m.- Con\'crsazione arranged by t,hc Sydney<br />

<strong>Chamber</strong> <strong>of</strong> Comlllercc in ~ydney<br />

Tmm H 1tll.<br />

Closiug wurk <strong>of</strong> Cungre~"·<br />

Afternoon Garden Party given by the<br />

Govcmor-Geneml to Delegates.<br />

~eptcmber 18th tu 2:Jrcl - Yisits to Newcastll', Country Districb<br />

H arbour and Coa,tal Hesorts, places<br />

<strong>of</strong> interest in \'a.rious parts <strong>of</strong> ~ew<br />

:5outh Wales, Public Works, Factorie:s,<br />

Y:tl'ious '!'ours will be arranged, each<br />

Delegate selecting snch '£ours a• will<br />

be most interesting.<br />

( Vnccwt Dat~s, as abot•e, m!ty be filled in at a Inter period.)<br />

Dear Sir,-Confirming my circular letter <strong>of</strong> April 30th last, I have<br />

pleasure in handing you h erewith, a copy d the final Programme ·<strong>of</strong><br />

Resolutions to be submitted to the Congress, c0:1taining, :tlso, the Hulcs<br />

<strong>of</strong> Procedure, Lists <strong>of</strong> the Honorary Officers, Organising Committee,<br />

<strong>Chamber</strong>s invited to participate and Delegat.es <strong>of</strong>ficially nominated.<br />

Definite details <strong>of</strong> the business and social arrangements <strong>of</strong> the Congress<br />

have now r eached me. <strong>The</strong>y are as follows:-<br />

September 14th­<br />

Tncsday<br />


Oct., 1VCUJ.<br />

Friday 8th ..<br />

t;a turday Htb<br />

ound11.y lOLl!<br />

~i onday 11th<br />

and<br />

Tttosday lit h<br />

Wednesday 3th ..<br />

120<br />

y<br />


Garden Party n.ncl R ~··eptiua at Vict,rwia Parte<br />

Evening-Concert by Unil·ersity Student:;.<br />

Visit to .Moouta and \Va.l laroo j,, connection wit h<br />

the Copp

Cliftun Uanlens HotL·l<br />

y<br />

Ceu tre <strong>of</strong> City .. Ea,ch persvn, 12~. tu l•j,,; ['t' r<br />

dny.<br />

Gent re <strong>of</strong> City . . E

124<br />

Saturday, His Excellency the Governor "' has under consideration tha<br />

advisability <strong>of</strong> appointing Monday, the 27th instant, ltJ be a Publir.<br />

Holiday instead <strong>of</strong> Sunday, the 26th instant, and Friday, the 31st<br />

instant, to be a Public Holiday in lieu <strong>of</strong> the two half holidays lost on<br />

the 25th instant and t he l st proximo.<br />

2. I shall be glad to learn the views <strong>of</strong> your Chambe1· with respeci.<br />

to this proposaL<br />

3. Chinese New Y ear's Day falls on Thursday, the lOth February.<br />

and, as it is usual for the day after Chinese New Year's Day to be kept<br />

as a holiday as well as the New Year's Day itself, I am to<br />

inqnire whether you have auy objection to F:.·iday, the 11th February.<br />

being appointed a public holiday.-I am, &c.,<br />

<strong>The</strong> Secretary, <strong>Chamber</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Commerce</strong>.<br />

F. H. MAY, Colonial Secretary.<br />

<strong>Hong</strong>kong <strong>General</strong> <strong>Chamber</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Commerce</strong>,<br />

15th December, <strong>1909</strong>.<br />

Sir,- My Committee have given consideration to your lettP-r <strong>of</strong> tlw<br />

lOth December, <strong>1909</strong> (No. 1/09), and I have now the hr.nour to reply<br />

t J.eret.o as follows :-<br />

My Committee approve the 27th December as a public holiday, bu~<br />

sugge s ~ Monday, the 3rd January, instead <strong>of</strong> Friday, the 31st December,<br />

to compensate for the loss <strong>of</strong> two half holidays caused by 25th D

126<br />

A 1<br />

<strong>Hong</strong>konG Genera! <strong>Chamber</strong> <strong>of</strong> Co:nmerce,<br />

<strong>Hong</strong>kong, 30th December , <strong>1909</strong>.<br />

Sir,- I have now the honour to reply to your letter (No. 10119/ 06)<br />

dated lOth November, <strong>1909</strong>, relative to a suggr:sted signal station at<br />

Tsat Tsze Mui.<br />

My Committee cousider Lhat the erection <strong>of</strong> a signal station which<br />

could be easily seen by the considerable number <strong>of</strong> vessels which usually<br />

seek the shelter <strong>of</strong> Kowloon Bay at the approach <strong>of</strong> a typhoon , would be<br />

useful to the masters <strong>of</strong> vessels, and would be compar;;>,tively inexpensive<br />

to Government.<br />

<strong>The</strong>y are not, however, in favour <strong>of</strong> 'fsat Tsze Mui as a site for such<br />

station, and suggest the hill behind the N o: l Dock <strong>of</strong> the <strong>Hong</strong>kong<br />

and VVhampoa Dock Co., L td., as being a more approp riate spot, and<br />

within easier view <strong>of</strong> the sheltering vessels.<br />

To assist the Government they have approached the H ongkong and<br />

\Vhampoa Dock Co., L td., who will he pleased to grant a free site on<br />

the hill in question and also to allow a member <strong>of</strong> their staff to work the<br />

signals. <strong>The</strong> siguals and 11ece5sa1·y gear ·will, <strong>of</strong> Cc''Hsn., l:e 1;npplied by<br />

Government.<br />

·with regard to the last !Jant~r2. ph, m y Co;TJlllt ~ee c:ns!der that ;t<br />

would be better were a GoYcr mnc'rt sen ant f>laccd in charge <strong>of</strong> the<br />

Station signals, for the C0mpany would nn'· ~ua1Jy ci.i

128<br />

A 3<br />

(b) As r gards Cla use 39, p.p . 7.- TlH' Sub-Committee uphold tl1e<br />

position taken up by the Committee o1 the <strong>Chamber</strong> <strong>of</strong> C"m-<br />

. merce in their letLer to t he Colonial Secretary dated 23rd<br />

October, 1908, to the effect that " R egistration does n"t<br />

" confer a right. Rights are conferred by usage. R egisrrn­<br />

" tion is only one <strong>of</strong> a number <strong>of</strong> safeguards to such rights."<br />

(c) R nle 28, p.p. l :l.-" H earings."<br />

" Six months."<br />

" Three months" to read<br />

(<br />

clauses having been passed except Sections 19, 21, 22, 28, 42, 43 and 44<br />

which were held over for further consideration.<br />

I have now received the enclosed lett-er from the Colonial Secretary<br />

in which h e deals with these sections and sets forth the final proposals <strong>of</strong><br />

the Government.<br />

A special meet-ing was arranged by Rib Excellency for the con·<br />

8ideration <strong>of</strong> the Bill , at which were present the Attorney <strong>General</strong> (Sir<br />

H enry Berkeley), the Crown Solicitor (Mr. Bowley), the Chairmen <strong>of</strong><br />

the Law Society, <strong>of</strong> the <strong>Chamber</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Commerce</strong>, and <strong>of</strong> the China Associa~ion,<br />

and Mr. Cousland.<br />

You will observe from the Colonial Secretary's letter that whib<br />

<strong>The</strong> Governor has accepted some <strong>of</strong> our suggestions, others have been<br />

rejected.<br />

1 under f;t.and His Excellency wishes the Bill to pass its third read.<br />

iug Lo-morrow, but it appears to me thnt in view <strong>of</strong> the importance <strong>of</strong><br />

the Bill we sh ould hare further time to consider the::;e amendments , as<br />

1tot only should we discuss thelll in Colllmiltee, but it may be desirabl~<br />

to submit th em to a.ll the members <strong>of</strong> the <strong>Chamber</strong>.<br />

l propose, therefore, in Lue Conned to-morrow to ~xplain this to<br />

His Excellency, and ask t hat Lhe Bill be left in Committee.-Your<br />

obedient servant,<br />

<strong>The</strong> Me m hers <strong>of</strong> the Committee,<br />

<strong>Hong</strong>kong <strong>General</strong> <strong>Chamber</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Commerce</strong>.<br />

EDBERT A. HEWETT, Chairman.<br />

Colonial Secretary's Office,<br />

Trade Marks Bill, <strong>1909</strong>.<br />

9th November, <strong>1909</strong>.<br />

Sir,-I am directed to inform you that since the last meeting <strong>of</strong> th,<br />

Legislative Council the proposed amendments to this Bill have received<br />

His Excellency's careful consideration, with the result that His Excellency<br />

has decided to invite the Comm:.t-tee on the Bill to transpose Sections<br />

21 and 22 and to substitut e a new Section, i11 the form enclosed,<br />

for Section 21 (22 on the second reading).<br />

His Excellency has also decided to ask the Committcle to delete th~<br />

proviso to Section 38, and to substitut e a new Section, in the form<br />

enclosed, for Section 43.<br />

His Excellency regrets that he is unable to adopt, these Section:i<br />

(21, originally 22, 38 and 43) in the form in which they were submitted<br />

by the Honourable the Attorney-<strong>General</strong> after conferenca with voursell<br />

and the Honourable Mr. Murray Stewart and the President <strong>of</strong> the Law<br />

Society, on account <strong>of</strong> the negotiations now pending between His<br />

Majesty's Government and the Emperor <strong>of</strong> Japan for a Convention for<br />

the mutual protection <strong>of</strong> British (including <strong>Hong</strong>kong) and J a panes ..<br />

Trade Marks in China, which render it impossible to allow discrimination<br />

between Trade Marks registered in a British country <strong>of</strong> origin and<br />

those registered in a foreign country <strong>of</strong> origin:<br />

His Excellency is also <strong>of</strong> opinion that if the propriet.or <strong>of</strong> a British<br />

or foreign Trade Mark has not only not registered his mark in <strong>Hong</strong>kong<br />

but has also not opposed an application to register a rival mark, and h2-'i<br />

not used his own mark iu the <strong>Hong</strong>kong Market for five yea.rs, it i!!<br />

unreasonable (in the absence <strong>of</strong> proved fraud) to preclude a Hougkom;<br />

Merchant from registering or retaining on the Register his mark<br />

although similar to the unregistered British or foreign mark.<br />

A five years limit, has therefore been introduced into Section 43.<br />

whilst cases <strong>of</strong> fraud can be dealt with und et' Section 42.

130<br />

A n<br />

Section 38, as it will stand after the deletion <strong>of</strong> the 1roviso, will h'!'<br />

1d~>utical with the provisions <strong>of</strong> t.he English ·Act, whilst Sections 21<br />

toriginally 22) and 43 are framed with a view to affording the greatest<br />

possible protection to Trade Marks registered in the ;;ountry (be it<br />

British or foreign) from which the goods originate.<br />

All the other amendments agreed upon at t.he conference above<br />

rcf('ITed to have been introduced into :.he Bill.<br />

His Excellell CY proposes to ask the Conunit.toe to deal wiLl! thd<br />

remainder <strong>of</strong> the Bill, aud the Council to pass t-he Bill through ib fu:.al<br />

st11.ges on Thursday next, in order that the present session o"i Couu~il<br />

may be closod.-T am, &c.,<br />

<strong>The</strong> H onourable Mr. E. A, Ilowett,<br />

Section 21.<br />

Chairmau, <strong>Chamber</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Commerce</strong>.<br />

F. H. MAY, Colonial Secretary.<br />

(1) the Registrar may refuse to register any trad,:,<br />

mark if it is proved t.o his sati~fact~on by the person<br />

opposing t.he applicatiou for 1·cgisl ration i.hat such mark<br />

is identical wit.h, or so nearly re~.embles as to be calculat-ed<br />

to deceive, any trade mark whi('h ;s already registered<br />

(in respect <strong>of</strong> goods <strong>of</strong> the same description e,s<br />

those in respect. <strong>of</strong> which r egistration ir. <strong>Hong</strong>kong is<br />

applied for) in a country or place from ,vhich goods <strong>of</strong><br />

that description originate.<br />

l'rovided always that no application to registe.<br />

shall be refused undt-r this Section in the following<br />

cases:-<br />

(a) If tlic proprietor <strong>of</strong> the other tnde mark con<br />

t•Pnt~ t.o the rgistr;J.Hou iu <strong>Hong</strong>kong <strong>of</strong> th~<br />

aJ>plicanL'o t.r:tdo lllark; or<br />

Prutcttl"n<br />

<strong>of</strong> lll(tt'k~<br />

reglstereu in<br />

country <strong>of</strong><br />

origin.<br />

131<br />

A 3<br />

(L) If the applicant. proves that. hP or l1is prde<br />

cessors in business have in <strong>Hong</strong>kong in con·<br />

nection with such goods as aforesaid continuously<br />

used the trade mr.rk, the registration<br />

<strong>of</strong> which is applied fol', from a data<br />

anterior to the date <strong>of</strong> the registration <strong>of</strong><br />

the other trade mark in 311-::h couutry or<br />

place <strong>of</strong> origin; or<br />

(c) Unless the opponent gives an undertaking to<br />

the satisfaction <strong>of</strong> the Regist.rar that- he will.<br />

w'ithin three mou•hs from the giving <strong>of</strong> tit'l<br />

notice <strong>of</strong> opposition apply for registra.tion in<br />

<strong>Hong</strong>kong <strong>of</strong> the trade mark so registered<br />

in the cotmh'y or place <strong>of</strong> ongin, and wtll<br />

take all necessary steps to comple~,e sucb<br />

registration.<br />

(2) In any case arising under this Section Lho;J<br />

Hegistrar may require the parties to apply to the Court<br />

for an order under the next following Section, and if<br />

either part.y fails to so apply within a reasonable time<br />

lo be fixed by the Registrar, the applic~tion or oppositwn<br />

(as the case may be) <strong>of</strong> the par~,y in default shall b('<br />

·.!ismissed by the Rflgistrar.<br />

Section 4.3.<br />

(l) <strong>The</strong> Court may, on the applic,ltion in writint<br />

made within seven years from the registration <strong>of</strong> .•l<br />

trade mark in <strong>Hong</strong>kong by any person aggrieved by<br />

such registrat:.ion, remove such trade ntark from th

(o.)<br />

(b)<br />

132<br />

A 3<br />

If the proprietor <strong>of</strong> Hie ot_her _trade mark consented<br />

to the registratlOn m <strong>Hong</strong>kong <strong>of</strong><br />

the first-mentioned trade mark; or<br />

If the proprietor <strong>of</strong> the trade mark r_egistered<br />

. <strong>Hong</strong>kong proves that he or hls prede­<br />

~~ssors in business have conti~uously u~ed<br />

such trade mark in <strong>Hong</strong>kong m connectiOn<br />

with such goods as aforesaid f~om ~ date<br />

an t enor . t o the date <strong>of</strong> the registratiOn <strong>of</strong><br />

the other trade mark in the wuntry or place<br />

<strong>of</strong> origin; or<br />

Unless the applicant proves either tha~<br />

within<br />

(c) the five years immediately prece~mg ~he<br />

making <strong>of</strong> the application under this Sect~ou<br />

there has been bona-fide user in connectiOn<br />

with such goods as aforesaid. in <strong>Hong</strong>kong<br />

f the trade mark registered m the country<br />

0 . 1 .<br />

or place <strong>of</strong> origin or that the speCla Clrcum.<br />

stances <strong>of</strong> the trade account for s~ch no~user<br />

or that the trade mark so registered ;n<br />

the country or place <strong>of</strong> or~gin was. first regis.<br />

tered there within the hke penod <strong>of</strong> fiv.e<br />

years, and in either event gives an u~der.·<br />

taking to . the satisfaction <strong>of</strong> the Regu;trar<br />

that he will within three months _from ~he<br />

making <strong>of</strong> the application under thls Sectwrr_<br />

apply for registration in <strong>Hong</strong>kong <strong>of</strong> the<br />

trade mark so registered in the country or<br />

place <strong>of</strong> origin, and will take all nnecessary<br />

steps to complete such registration.<br />

(2) In any case arising under this s.ection t.he Cour~<br />

. t ad <strong>of</strong> removing the mark regtstered m <strong>Hong</strong>.<br />

may, ms e h . t t' f th}<br />

kong from the register, permit t e regis.-ra Ion o . ,·<br />

other mark under the provisions <strong>of</strong> SectJon 22 <strong>of</strong> th. s<br />

Ordinance.<br />

(S) All applications under this. ~ec~ion<br />

head ill open Court in Original Junsdlctlon.<br />

shall be<br />

1sa<br />

A fl<br />

Rongkong Geueml <strong>Chamber</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Commerce</strong>,<br />

<strong>Hong</strong>kong, 22nd November, <strong>1909</strong>.<br />

8iJ ,-A.t a. Special Meeting <strong>of</strong>

184<br />

A 3<br />


I<br />

No. 40 <strong>of</strong> <strong>1909</strong>.<br />

to amend the Law rehi ing to Trade<br />

"'fhe R egister" shall mean the register <strong>of</strong> lra.dJ<br />

marks kept under the provisioi1s <strong>of</strong> this<br />

Ordinance : · ·<br />

A "registered trade mark" shall mean a trade<br />

mark which is actually upon the register:<br />

Short tltl~.<br />

~ ~d\1'. 7 c.<br />

l:i •. I.<br />

F. D. L ugard,<br />

Governor.<br />

[ 1 Ot.b December, <strong>1909</strong>.]<br />

BE it enacted by the Governor <strong>of</strong> J:f ongkong, with<br />

the advice and consent <strong>of</strong> the Legislative Council there<strong>of</strong>,<br />

as follows:-<br />

I.-This Ordinance may be cited as the Trade<br />

Marks Ordinance, <strong>1909</strong>.<br />

"Prescribed" shall mean, in relation to proceedings<br />

before the Court, prescribed by rules <strong>of</strong><br />

. court, and, in other cases, prescribed by this<br />

Ordinance or the Rules thereunder:<br />

"<strong>The</strong> Court" shall mean the Supreme Court and<br />

includes a. Judge <strong>of</strong> the Supreme Court<br />

sitting separately in Court o· in Cha.mbera<br />

and in Original or Summary J urisdict~on :<br />

"<strong>The</strong> Tribunal" shall mean the Govenlor, the<br />

Court or the Registrar.<br />

Definitions.<br />

Seal.<br />

Oefinltlnn~<br />

/IJ . .

Int~peetlon <strong>of</strong><br />

and extract<br />

fl•om regl~tcr.<br />

IIJ. ~. 7.<br />

136<br />

A 3<br />

the provlSlons <strong>of</strong> sections 36 and 41 <strong>of</strong> this Ordinance<br />

the validity <strong>of</strong> the original entry <strong>of</strong> any trade mark<br />

upon the register so incorporated shall be detennined<br />

in accordance with the Ordinance in force at the date <strong>of</strong><br />

such entry, and such trade mark shall retain its original<br />

date., but for all other purposes it shall be deemed to b~<br />

a trade ~nark registered under this Ordinance.<br />

7 .--<strong>The</strong> register kept under this Ordinance shall<br />

during <strong>of</strong>fil,)e hours be open to the inspection <strong>of</strong> thd<br />

public, subject to such regulations as may be prescribecl;<br />

and certified copies, sealed with the seal <strong>of</strong> the Office <strong>of</strong><br />

the Registrar, <strong>of</strong> any entry in any such register shall be<br />

given to any person requiring the same on payment <strong>of</strong><br />

the prescribed fee.<br />

R egistrable Trade Marks.<br />

137<br />

A ;:~<br />

PrtJvidcd always Lh .. t an .<br />

c•r I\ ords 1 tt . " ' y speclal or rilst iHctivr wor 1<br />

' r Cl, llltmcral or c 0 ' b' t. .<br />

Hnmerals used. a t .. ' ·11<br />

ma 1 011 <strong>of</strong> leU Ns vr<br />

' s a Iade mark b .. tl I'<br />

preaecessors in 1' us 1· b . .) le "PP 1cant or hi 1<br />

J ncss efore tl t' ·<br />

August, one tltousa d . 1 '· . ·le Hl'.'Leenth day <strong>of</strong><br />

1 · h 11<br />

etg- 1" hundred cl<br />

\\' uc has continued L . b an . seventy-five<br />

form or with ;dd .,_. o ' e used (either in its original<br />

" •lLlOUS or alteratio L<br />

;dl'ecLing the iJcntity f t' . ns no". substaniiall\'<br />

(J . o lle same) down ' th d<br />

le appbcation for reg'o'<br />

lvll<br />

.<br />

a<br />

t.<br />

eo . e ate ot'<br />

1011 ~h;.d ] b . t b<br />

a t ra d e mar k under t] ·,, 0 · l: • ' .e regis .ra le as<br />

· " 11·' Hmance f ·t ·<br />

registered in the Unit~ d Kin · ' ' 1 1 IS already<br />

before the said date. . gdom a.s an old mark used<br />

For the purposes <strong>of</strong> this s. t' , , ·- . .<br />

mrau r.danted to d;~t. . l

AtlvcrtiKement<br />

<strong>of</strong><br />

t'~?;i"t. t·tttlon.<br />

JIJ, a. 13.<br />

138<br />

A i~<br />

(2) In the case <strong>of</strong> an application for registration <strong>of</strong><br />

a trade mark under section 9 (5) which does not f~tll<br />

within the descriptions in section 9 (1), (2), (3) or (1.)<br />

the Registrar shall refer the application to the Goverr:or<br />

or to the Court, at the option <strong>of</strong> the applicant, for an<br />

order thereon.<br />

(3) Subject to the provisions <strong>of</strong> this Ordinance tl~t><br />

Registrar ma.y refuse an application, or may accept It,<br />

~bsolutcly or subject to conditions, amendments, or<br />

,modifications.<br />

(4) In case <strong>of</strong> any such refusal or condition~\<br />

(l.Cceptance the Re.gistmr sball, if requirccl by the apph ·<br />

cant, state in wr.iting and communicate to t~e applicant<br />

the grounds <strong>of</strong> his decision and the maLe:·I~ls used by<br />

him in arriving at the same, and such dt.-CISlOn shall J:,a<br />

subject to appeal to the Governor ~r ~he Court ~t t1l'<br />

option <strong>of</strong> the applicant. <strong>The</strong> Tnbm.:-al shall, If required,<br />

hear the applicant and the Regt3tra~, and shall<br />

make an order determining whether, and subJect to what<br />

conditions, amendments, or modi-fications, if any, th3<br />

application is to be accepted.<br />

(5) Appeals under this section shall be heard on<br />

the materials so stated by the Registrar. to have been.<br />

used by him in arriving at his decision, and no f:ut~er<br />

grounds <strong>of</strong> objection to the acceptance <strong>of</strong> th~ apphcahon<br />

shall be allowed to be taken by the Registrar, oth. s. H.

I<br />

140<br />

A 3<br />

141<br />

A g<br />

shall be allowed to be t:tken by the op!Jonent or the<br />

Rogistt ar other than thoEe ~>bted by the opponent as<br />

herein-above provided, except by leave t,f the Tribuu shall make such other disclaimer as the Tribunal may<br />

consicler needful for the purpose <strong>of</strong> defining his rights<br />

\lllder Sl!r:'.h registration: Provided always that no disclaimer<br />

upon the register shall affect any rights <strong>of</strong> the<br />

proprietor <strong>of</strong> a trade mark except such as arise out <strong>of</strong><br />

the registration <strong>of</strong> the trade mark in resr..ect <strong>of</strong> wbicu<br />

the disclaimer is made.<br />

•<br />

!<br />

:<br />

I<br />

I<br />

J)i:-:t·lnlnu.·r~.<br />

:. Eel"~. 7 c<br />

15 ~ l.'i.<br />

(9) In any apy>

142<br />

A"3<br />

A 0<br />

Hiv:tl dnlln•<br />

to l·lentical<br />

ntnrko,:.<br />

TIJ "· ~0.<br />

l't•tltt\t•tinn nf<br />

ma rlo~:io:. t't•gi.-4~<br />

ter.->tl i r1<br />

l'OUHtl',\" O!<br />

orig-In.<br />

20.-Where each <strong>of</strong> several persons claims t.o be<br />

proprietor <strong>of</strong> the same trade mark, or <strong>of</strong> nearlv identical<br />

trade marks in respect <strong>of</strong> the same goods or description<br />

<strong>of</strong> goods, and to be registered as such propriP.tor,<br />

the Registrar may refuse to register any <strong>of</strong><br />

them until their rights h~:we been determined by the<br />

Court, or have been settled by agreement in a manner<br />

approved by him or on appeal by the Court.<br />

?.1.- <strong>The</strong> R

144<br />

A ~<br />

145<br />

A 3<br />

~w;·j, .. <strong>of</strong><br />

t i'HdP IUaJ'I,;-,<br />

111. 1-i. -~n.<br />

Onli nancC' he rlE>emcd to be also a usE-r <strong>of</strong> such regi~t,..recl<br />

trade mHks belonging to the same proprietor as il<br />

rontail'~.<br />

26.- When a pf'rson claiming to be the pmprieto~<br />

0f ~everal trade marks for the same desc. iptior: <strong>of</strong> goorlJ<br />

which, while resembling each other in the material<br />

particulars there<strong>of</strong>, yet difl'0r in re~pect <strong>of</strong>-<br />

29 .-<strong>The</strong> R egistrar shall, on a.ppli..:ation made by<br />

the regi ~tered proprietor <strong>of</strong> a trade m,n·k in ~he pre·<br />

scribed manner and within the prescribed period, renew<br />

the registration <strong>of</strong> such trade mark for a period<br />

<strong>of</strong> fourteen years from the expiration <strong>of</strong> the original<br />

registration or <strong>of</strong> the last renewal <strong>of</strong> registration, aa<br />

the case may be, which date is herein termed " Lhc<br />

expiration <strong>of</strong> the last registration."<br />

neu('wnl or<br />

l'f';.;'IStl'H tion.<br />

lb. ~. ~\).<br />

As~iP:Jll.lll'Ht,<br />

nnd -Ub\Cl' <strong>of</strong><br />

n~socia tcd<br />

t ra.Ue HLO.l'I\ R.<br />

11!, "· 27.<br />

(a) statements <strong>of</strong> the goods for which they ar3<br />

respectively nsed or proposed to be 1Ped; or<br />

(b) statements or number, pricl', quality, or<br />

names <strong>of</strong> places; or<br />

(c) other matter <strong>of</strong> a non-distinctive cha.ractl'r<br />

which does not substantially affect the iden ·<br />

tity <strong>of</strong> the trade mark; or<br />

(d) colour;<br />

seeks to register such trade marks, they may be regie<br />

tered as a series in one registration. All t.he trade<br />

marks in a series <strong>of</strong> trade marks so registered shall ba<br />

deemed to be, and shall be registered as, associated<br />

trade marks.<br />

:.17.-Associated trade marks sh::tll be assignable or<br />

transmissible only as a whole and not separately, hut<br />

t.hcy shall for all other purposes be deemed to have been<br />

registered as separate kade marks. Provided that,<br />

,;here under Lhe provisions <strong>of</strong> this Ordinance user <strong>of</strong> a<br />

registered trade mark is required to be proved for any<br />

purpose, the Tribunal may, if and so far as it shall<br />

lhink right, accept user <strong>of</strong> an associated registered trade<br />

mark, or <strong>of</strong> the trade mark with addiVous or alterations<br />

not substantially affecting its identity, LS an equivalent<br />

for such user.<br />

:30.-At the presct·ibcd time Lefore the exp iration<br />

<strong>of</strong> lhe last registration <strong>of</strong> '' trade mark "he Rrgistrar<br />

shall send notice in the prescribed manner to the regisicred<br />

proprietor at his re gis~cred address <strong>of</strong> the date<br />

at which the existing regisLration witl expire and the<br />

conditions as to payment <strong>of</strong> fees und ~ therwise upon<br />

which a renewal <strong>of</strong> such registration may be obtained<br />

and if, at the expiration <strong>of</strong> the time prescribed in ih11.t<br />

behalf, such co:1ditions have not been duly complied<br />

with, the Regis ~.rar may remove such trade mark from<br />

the register, subject to such condition i)f any), as to<br />

its resLoration to the register as may be prescri~ed.<br />

31.--Where a trade mark has bean removed from<br />

the register for non-payment <strong>of</strong> the fe~ for renewal,<br />

such trade mark shall, nevertheless, for the purpose .)r<br />

any application for registration during one yeg.r lJext<br />

after the date <strong>of</strong> such removal, be deemed to be

146<br />

A 3<br />

(3) Cancel the entry oi a trade mark on th

148<br />

149<br />

\<br />

I<br />

Power <strong>of</strong><br />

registered<br />

proprietor.<br />

lb. s. 38.<br />

Rights <strong>of</strong><br />

proprietor o!<br />

tra.de mark.<br />

Ib. "· 39.<br />



i52<br />

A B<br />

tions to the contrary, but, in any case in which he shall<br />

think it right so to do, the Registrar or the Governor<br />

may (with the consent <strong>of</strong> the parties) take evidenre<br />

viva voce in lieu <strong>of</strong> or in addition to evidence by declaration.<br />

Any such statutory declaration may in the co.se<br />

<strong>of</strong> appeal be used before the Court in lieu <strong>of</strong> evidence<br />

by affidavit, but if so used shall have all the incidents<br />

and consequences <strong>of</strong> evidence by affidavit.<br />

In case any part <strong>of</strong> the evidence is taken viva voce<br />

the Registrar or the Governor shall in respect <strong>of</strong> requiring<br />

the attendance <strong>of</strong> witnesses and taking evidence on<br />

oath be in the same position in all respects as a Special<br />

Referee <strong>of</strong> the Supreme Court.<br />

tion 3c this Onlinance), shall have prower to review<br />

any decision <strong>of</strong> the Registrar relating to the ~ntry in<br />

-:,~nestion or the correction sought to ,b~ mru~<br />

55.-Where by this Ordinance any act has to b:~<br />

dune by or to any person in connection with a trade<br />

mark or prol)Osed trade mark or any procedure relating<br />

thereto, such act may under and in accordance with<br />

rules made under this Ordinance be done by or to an<br />

agent <strong>of</strong> such party duly authorised in the prescribe>(l<br />

manner.<br />

Rules.<br />

n .x:ogu!tiou<br />

<strong>of</strong> age11t•.<br />

JIJ. M. 5[1.<br />

Sealed copies<br />

t be<br />

e\hletH.'P.<br />

IIJ. s. r.o.<br />

Cerllicnte <strong>of</strong><br />

Uegt~tt·ar tu<br />

he P\"idellCC.<br />

liJ. "· 51.<br />

51.-Printed or written copies or extracts <strong>of</strong> Ol'<br />

from the register, purporting to be certified by the<br />

Registrar unde~· his seal, shall be admitted in evidence<br />

in all courts, and in all proceedings, without further<br />

pro<strong>of</strong> or production <strong>of</strong> the originals.<br />

52.-A certificate purporting to be 11nder ~he hand<br />

<strong>of</strong> the Registrar as to any entry, matter, or thing whicb<br />

he is authorised by this Ordinance, or rules made ther~;­<br />

u!:der, to make or do, shall be prim:.t facie evidence <strong>of</strong><br />

the entry having been made, and <strong>of</strong> the ccntents there<strong>of</strong>,<br />

and <strong>of</strong> the matter or thing having be~n done or not<br />

done.<br />

56. - (1) Subject to the provisiontl <strong>of</strong> this Ordmance<br />

tho Governor-in-Council may from time to time make<br />

eu~h rules, pre~cribe such forms and ge!lerally do such<br />

thmgs as he thmks expedi.ent--<br />

(a.) For regulating the practice under this Ordinance:<br />

(h) For c:assifyiuJl. goods for the purposes <strong>of</strong><br />

registration <strong>of</strong> trade marks:<br />

(c) For making or requiring duplicates <strong>of</strong> trade<br />

marks and other documents:<br />

l'O\\'t•r <strong>of</strong><br />

GoYernor-in­<br />

L;ounc!! to<br />

tua.ke ruJPt~.<br />

lb. ~. tiO.<br />

Exerci~e <strong>of</strong><br />

t!iscrctlon;try<br />

power by<br />

Registrar.<br />

IIJ. s. 53.<br />

Powers and Duties <strong>of</strong> Registrar <strong>of</strong> Trade Marks.<br />

53.- Where any discretionary or other power is<br />

given to the Registrar by this Ordinance or rules mada<br />

thereunder, he shall not exercise that power adversely<br />

to th.e applicant for registn:.tion o: the registered pro·<br />

prietor <strong>of</strong> the trade mark in question without (if duly<br />

required so to do within the prescribe l time) giving<br />

such applicant or registered proprietor an opportunity<br />

<strong>of</strong> being heard.<br />

(d) For secu.ring and regulating the publishi 11 g<br />

and selhng or distributing, in such ma 11 uer<br />

as the Governor-in-Council thinks fit <strong>of</strong><br />

copies <strong>of</strong> trade marks and ot.ber docum:nts .<br />

(e) <strong>General</strong>ly, for regulating the business <strong>of</strong> the<br />

o~ce in relation to trade marks and all.<br />

thmgs by this Ordinance placed under the<br />

direction or control <strong>of</strong> the Registrar.<br />

Appeal from<br />

Reglstnw.<br />

]IJ. A. 54.<br />

54.-Except where expressly given by the provisions<br />

<strong>of</strong> this Ordinance or rules made thereunder there<br />

shall be no appeal from a decision <strong>of</strong> the Registrar<br />

otherwise than to the Governor, but the Court, in dealing<br />

with any question <strong>of</strong> the rectification <strong>of</strong> the register<br />

(including all applications under the prvvisions <strong>of</strong> sec·<br />

(2) Rules made under this section shall, whilst in<br />

fo~ce, be. <strong>of</strong> the same effect as if they were contained in<br />

tlus Ordmance.<br />

(3) Any r~les ma~e in pursuance <strong>of</strong> this section<br />

shall be forthwith pub!Ished in the " Gazette."

154<br />

Hi5<br />

A 3<br />

A 3<br />

Fees.<br />

ll Jo;tlw. 7.<br />

c. 15 ~. 61.<br />

1-;tanu.'lt'rl·<br />

lzo.tivn<br />

trade mnrh•.<br />

Tb. R. 62.<br />

Fatstftcatlou<br />

o! entr lee In<br />

rllglster.<br />

lb. P . 00.<br />

Penalty on<br />

fal• ely<br />

rep re~entlng<br />

n. trade mark<br />

n8 refl,'ls te1·ert.<br />

Tb . • • 61.<br />

Fees.<br />

57 .-<strong>The</strong>re shall be paid in respect <strong>of</strong> apphcation-;<br />

and registration and other matters unJer this Ordinance<br />

such fees as may be prescribed by f:he Governor-in<br />

Council, and a list <strong>of</strong> such fees shall forlhwit.h be pub·<br />

lished in the " Gazette."<br />

Special Trale Marks.<br />

59.-W'here any association or person undertake~<br />

the examination <strong>of</strong> any go~ds i1: re3pect <strong>of</strong> origin<br />

malerial, mode <strong>of</strong> manufacture, quality, accuracy, or<br />

ot.her characteristic, and certifies the result <strong>of</strong> surh<br />

examination by mark used upon or in connection with<br />

st:ch gooC.l;, the Governor-in-Council may, if he shall<br />

judge it to be to the public advantag1. penmt such<br />

association or pers:m to register such mark as a traiL<br />

mark in respect <strong>of</strong> such goods, whether or nol. such<br />

e~o:0i~.t i on or p e:::5on be a tr:::.ding ~.ssoc1ation or trader<br />

or possessed <strong>of</strong> a goodwill in connec~ion with suet.;<br />

examination and certifying. 'Vhen so registered such<br />

t.rade mark shall be deemed in all respecrq to be 'l. r ee: i~tercd<br />

trade mark, and such association a: perSO!l to bo<br />

the proprietor there<strong>of</strong>, save that such trade mark shall<br />

be transmissible o1· assignable only by permission <strong>of</strong> the<br />

Governor-in-Council.<br />

Offences<br />

r;g .- If any person makes or causes to be nud~ a<br />

false entry in the registc:.r kept under t.ll!s Ordinance ?:<br />

a ~" t iling falsely purporting to be a copy <strong>of</strong> an mtry \ n<br />

any such register, or produces or t.enders or causes to<br />

be produced or tendered in evidence any such writing,<br />

knowmg the entry or writing to be false, he shall be<br />

guilty <strong>of</strong> a misdemeanour.<br />

60.-(1) Any person who represents a trade mark<br />

as registered in H ongkong which lb not so shall be liable<br />

for every <strong>of</strong>fence on summary conviction to a fine not<br />

exceeding fifty dollars.<br />

(2) A person shall be deemd, ior t be purposes <strong>of</strong><br />

this Ordinance, to represent that a trade mark is registered<br />

in <strong>Hong</strong>kong, if he uses in connection w~th the<br />

trade mark t he words " registered in <strong>Hong</strong>ko~g," ·or<br />

156<br />

167<br />

A3<br />

Passed the Legislative Council <strong>of</strong> <strong>Hong</strong>kong, thi~<br />

9th day <strong>of</strong> December, <strong>1909</strong>.<br />

C. CLEMENT!,<br />

Clerk <strong>of</strong> Councils.<br />

Assented to by His Excellency the Governor, the<br />

10 .. }1 day <strong>of</strong> December, <strong>1909</strong>.<br />

F. H. MAY,<br />

Colonial Secretary.<br />

Fees.<br />

3.--Tbe fees to be paid in pursuance <strong>of</strong> the Ordinance<br />

shall be the fees specified in the First Schedule to<br />

these Rules. Such fees shall be paid by adhesive stamps<br />

to be cancelled by the Registrar.<br />

Forms.<br />

4.-<strong>The</strong> forms herein referred to are the foi:ms<br />

contained in the Second Schedule to these R ules, and<br />

such forms shall be used in all cases to which they are<br />

applicable, and shall be modified as directed by tlu•<br />

Re!::istrar to meet other cases.<br />

Forms.<br />

Published in the Government Gazette <strong>of</strong> the 7th Janum·y,<br />

1910, Government i.Vot~(ication No. 6.<br />

Rules made by the Governor-in-Council under the<br />

provisions <strong>of</strong> Section 56 <strong>of</strong> the Trade Marks Ordinan c:~,<br />

<strong>1909</strong> (Ordinance No. 40 <strong>of</strong> <strong>1909</strong>), this 5th day 11f<br />

January, 1910.<br />

Classification <strong>of</strong> Goods.<br />

5.-For the purposes <strong>of</strong> trade marks registration<br />

and <strong>of</strong> these Rules goods are cl:ssified in the manner<br />

appearing in the Third Schedule hereto.<br />

If any doubt arises as to what class any particular<br />

descript.ion <strong>of</strong> goods belongs to, the doubt shall be deter·<br />

mined by the R egistrar.<br />

CJa-.Jiicntlop<br />

or goo!h.<br />

Preliminary.<br />

Documents.<br />

Pa·diminnl'y<br />

lnterprt tr\1 !on.<br />

I.- <strong>The</strong>se Rules may be cited as the Trade Marks<br />

Rules 1910 and they shall come into operation on the<br />

1st day <strong>of</strong> April, 1910.<br />

Interpretation.<br />

2.-Ttl the construction <strong>of</strong> these Rules any words<br />

herein used the meaning <strong>of</strong> which is defined in the<br />

Trade Marks Ordinance <strong>1909</strong> shaH have the meaning<br />

therein assigned to them.<br />

" <strong>The</strong> Ordinance" shall mean the Trade Marks<br />

Ordinance <strong>1909</strong>.<br />

" Agent " shall mean an agent duly authorised to<br />

the satisfaction <strong>of</strong> the Registrar.<br />

" Old Mark " ·shall mean a trade mark whicp is<br />

registered in. the United Kingdom as a mark which was<br />

used by the owner or his predecessors in business before<br />

the 18th August, 1875,<br />

6.--Subject to any other directions that may be<br />

given by the R egistrar , all applications, notices,<br />

counter-st atements, papers having representations<br />

affixed, or other documents requil'ed by the said Ordin­<br />

:mc(\ or by these Rules to be left with or sent to the<br />

Registrar shall be upon foolscap paper <strong>of</strong> a size <strong>of</strong><br />

approximately 13 inches by 8 inches. and shall have on<br />

the left hand part there<strong>of</strong> a margin <strong>of</strong> not less than one<br />

inch and a half. .<br />

7 .-Any application, statement, notice, or other<br />

document authorised or re~uired to be left, made or<br />

given at the Office <strong>of</strong> the Registrar, or to or with the<br />

Registrar, or with or to any other _!)erson, may be sent.<br />

through the post by a registered prepaid or <strong>of</strong>ficial-paid<br />

letter; any document so sent shall be deemed to have<br />

been delivered at the time when the letter containin~<br />

the same would be delivered in the ordinary com~e <strong>of</strong><br />

post, and in proving l?UCh eervice or sending, it shall bt><br />

sufi\cient to prove that the l':'~~er was properly addt·es~ e q<br />

Documents.<br />

Senloe or<br />


108<br />

159<br />

An<br />

A 3<br />

Atbling anv person easily<br />

to :find the place <strong>of</strong> businet:s <strong>of</strong> the person whose addresR<br />

is given.<br />

When a nerson does not reside in a town with<br />

streets. the R egistrar m1y rPouire the address to includ~<br />

all iudi('ations which he think~ Pecessary for such purpose<br />

so far :~ c; it can be obtained .<br />

When an aonlicaut resides in' a t0wn where thert~<br />

a.re streets, the ~ddress given shall include the namP r'<br />

the street. and the number in the street or name <strong>of</strong><br />

pr~mises. ;f any.<br />

9 ·---Everv annlicant for the regist ration <strong>of</strong> r.ny<br />

trwle mark, ~nd. ~very opponent t o such registr

Arms <strong>of</strong> City,<br />

etc.<br />

160<br />

A 3<br />

14.- Where a representation <strong>of</strong> the arms or<br />

emblems <strong>of</strong> any city, borough, town, place, society,<br />

body corporate, or institution appears on a mark, the<br />

applicant shall, if so required, furnish the Registrar<br />

with a consent from such <strong>of</strong>ficial as the Registrat may<br />

consider ent1tled to give consent t o the use <strong>of</strong> such arms<br />

or emblems.<br />

A 3<br />

Such statutory declaration or affidavit must be<br />

made by the applicant iu person subject to l·he provisions<br />

<strong>of</strong> Rule 85 (d) (e).<br />

18.-In the case <strong>of</strong> an application for the registration<br />

<strong>of</strong> an old mark there shall be furnished a certificate<br />

<strong>of</strong> the registration <strong>of</strong> the mark in the United Kingdo111,<br />

whereto shall be affixed a copy <strong>of</strong> the mark.<br />

Applicati\lH<br />

for o1d mark.<br />

RejJreseuhttions<br />

<strong>of</strong> ivlng<br />

persons or<br />

person•<br />

recently deau.<br />

15.-Where the names or representations <strong>of</strong> living<br />

persons appear on a trade mark, the Registrar .h~ll, if<br />

lle so re

162<br />

A 3<br />

163<br />

A 3<br />

s~ries o( trade<br />

ma..rks.<br />

23.-When application is made for the i'egistratioi'l<br />

<strong>of</strong> a series <strong>of</strong> trade marks a representation <strong>of</strong> each trade<br />

mark <strong>of</strong> the series shall be affixed to Form No. 1.<br />

If the applicant does not object to such conditions,<br />

amendments, or modifications, he shall forthwith notify<br />

the Registrar in writing.<br />

Tra.nslitera·<br />

Lion and<br />

translation.<br />

24.-When a trade mark contains a word or words<br />

in other than Roman characters or in a language other<br />

than English, the Registrar may ask for an ex.act transliteration<br />

or translation there<strong>of</strong>, and, if he so requires ,<br />

such transliteration or translation shall be indorsed on<br />

the application, such indorsement being signed by the<br />

applicant or his agent.<br />

30.-<strong>The</strong> decision <strong>of</strong> the Registrar at such hearing<br />

as aforesaid shall be communicated to the applicant in<br />

writing, and if the applicant objects to such decision he<br />

may within one month apply upon Form No. 3 requitring<br />

the Registrar to state in writing the grounds <strong>of</strong> his<br />

decision and the materials used by him in arriving at<br />

the same.<br />

Registrar to<br />

state ground•<br />

<strong>of</strong> decision on<br />

reque•t.<br />

Acknowledgment<br />

<strong>of</strong><br />

~tppllcation.<br />

Seaich.<br />

Procedure on Receipt <strong>of</strong> Applicatiou.<br />

2~.-0n or after receipt <strong>of</strong> the application the<br />

Registrar shall furnish the applicant with an acknowledgment<br />

there<strong>of</strong>.<br />

26.-Upon receipt <strong>of</strong> au application for registration<br />

t.he Registrar shall cause a search to be made amongst<br />

the registered marks and pending applications for t.he<br />

purpose <strong>of</strong> ascertaining whether there are ou record any<br />

marks for the same goods or description <strong>of</strong> goods identical<br />

with the mark applied for or so nearly resembling<br />

it as to be calculated to deceive.<br />

31.-<strong>The</strong> Registrar may call on an applicant to<br />

insert in his application such disclaimer as the Registrar<br />

may think fit, in order that the public generally<br />

may understand what the applicant's rights, if his mark<br />

is registered, will b~;~. An order <strong>of</strong> the Registrar under<br />

this rule shall be subject to appeal to the Governor or<br />

the Court at the option <strong>of</strong> the applicant.<br />

Advertisement.<br />

32 .- Every application when accepted shall be<br />

advertised by the applicant once a month in the<br />

" Gazette " for a period <strong>of</strong> three month~.<br />

Discluiruers<br />

Advertisement<br />

<strong>of</strong> Appllc~tt.lon .<br />

Acceptauce.<br />

Objectioue,<br />

27 .-If after such search and a consideration <strong>of</strong> the<br />

application the Registrar thinks there is no objection to<br />

the mark being re~.ristered, he may accept it absolutely<br />

or subject to conditions, amendments, and modifications<br />

which he shall communicate to the applicant in writing.<br />

28.-If after such search and consideration <strong>of</strong> the<br />

application any objections appear, a stateml\nt <strong>of</strong> these<br />

objections shall be sent to the applicant i!"£ writ.ing, and<br />

unless within three months the applicant applies for a<br />

hearing he shall be deemed to have withdrawn his application.<br />

V no representation <strong>of</strong> the trade mark is inserted<br />

in coU,nection with the advertisement <strong>of</strong> an application<br />

the applicant shall supply a detailed description <strong>of</strong> the<br />

trade mark, and shall state in the advertisement that a.<br />

representation <strong>of</strong> the trade mark is deposited for inspection<br />

in the <strong>of</strong>fice <strong>of</strong> the Registrar.<br />

33.- Wben an application relates to a series <strong>of</strong><br />

trade marks the Registrar may, if he thinks fit, direct<br />

th:~ applicant to insert with the advertieement <strong>of</strong> the<br />

application a statement <strong>of</strong> the manner in respect <strong>of</strong><br />

which the several trade marks differ from one another.<br />

A'hertisement<br />

<strong>of</strong> series.<br />

29.-If the Registrar accepts an application subject<br />

to any conditions, amendments, or modifications, and<br />

the applicant objects to such conditions, amendmentR,<br />

or modifications, the applicant shall within three months<br />

from the date <strong>of</strong> the communication notifying such<br />

acceptance apply for a hearing, and if he does not do so<br />

be shall be deemed to have withdrawn his application.<br />

Opposition to Registration.<br />

34.- Any person may within a period not exceeding<br />

three months from the date <strong>of</strong> the first advertisement<br />

<strong>of</strong> au application for registration <strong>of</strong> a trade mark give<br />

notice in writing to the R egist.rar <strong>of</strong> opposition to the<br />

re~istration. Such notice shall be in Form No. 4, and<br />

Opposition.<br />

Notlco <strong>of</strong><br />


164<br />

165<br />

A.3<br />

Counterstntement.<br />

EviJ.(•nco iu<br />

!;Juppori. <strong>of</strong><br />

opposition.<br />

Evidence in<br />

support <strong>of</strong><br />

arplicnt!on.<br />

Evldeoce in<br />

~{\ply by<br />

opponent.<br />

£hall contain a statement <strong>of</strong> the grounds upon which the<br />

opponent objects to the registration. Such notice shall<br />

be accompanied by a duplicate which the Registrar sha1l<br />

forthwith send to the applicant.<br />

.3"5.-Within one month from the receipt <strong>of</strong> such<br />

dunlicate the -aunlicant shall send to the Registrar a<br />

co~nter-stateme~t in Form No. 5 setting out the grounds<br />

on which he relies as supporting his application. <strong>The</strong><br />

annlicant shall also set out what facts, if any, alleged<br />

i~. the notice <strong>of</strong> opposition he admits. Such counterstatement<br />

shall be accom!lanied by a duplicate, which<br />

the Registrar shall forthwith send to the opponent.<br />

36.·..-_Within one month from the receipt <strong>of</strong> such<br />

(lnnlicate t-he onnonent shall forward to tho Registrar<br />

~n~h evidence b~ .way <strong>of</strong> statutory declaration as he may<br />

d.PJlire to addu~e in support <strong>of</strong> his opposition. Sucl1<br />

stat.utorv declaration sh~ll be accomp·a~ied by a duplicate,<br />

which the Registrar shall forthwith send to the<br />

applicant.<br />

37 .-Within one month from the receipt <strong>of</strong> such<br />

duolicate the aoulicant shall forward to the Registrar<br />

sn~h evidence by way <strong>of</strong> statutory declaration as he<br />

desires to adduce in support <strong>of</strong> his application. Such<br />

statutory de"~aration shall be accompanied by a duplicate,<br />

which the Registrar shall forthwith send to the<br />

opponent.<br />

38.-Within fourteen days from the receipt <strong>of</strong> such<br />

statutory declaration the opponent may forward to the<br />

Registrar evidence by way <strong>of</strong> statutory declaration in<br />

renlv. Such evidence shall be confined strictly to<br />

m~tters in reply. Such statutory declaration shall re<br />

accompanied by a duplicate, which the Regist rar shall<br />

fc·rthwith forward to the applicant.<br />

40.-Where there are exhibits to declarations filed<br />

in an opposition, copies or impressions <strong>of</strong> such exhibits<br />

shall be sent to the other party on his request, or, if<br />

such copies or impressions cannot conveniently be<br />

furnished, the originals shall be sent to the Office, so<br />

that they may be open to inspection. <strong>The</strong> original<br />

exhibits shall be produced at the hearing unless 'the<br />

Registrar otherwise directs.<br />

41.-Upon completion <strong>of</strong> the evidence the Registrar<br />

shall give notice to the parties <strong>of</strong> a date when he will<br />

hear the arguments iu the case. Such appointment<br />

shall be for a date at least fourteen days after the date<br />

<strong>of</strong> the notice, unless the parties consent to a shorter<br />

notice . Within seven days from the receipt <strong>of</strong> such<br />

notice both parties shall file Form No. 6. A par ty who<br />

receives such notice and who does not, within seven days<br />

from the recei!-Jt there<strong>of</strong>, give notice on Form No. 6<br />

Lhat he intends to ~ppear, may be treated as not<br />

rll'~i ring to be heard, and the Registrar may act accordingly.<br />

42.-Where in opposition proceedings any extension<br />

<strong>of</strong> time is granted to any party, the Registrar may<br />

thereafter, if he thinks fit, without giving the said<br />

party a hearing, grant any reasonable extension <strong>of</strong><br />

time to the other party in which to take any subsequent<br />

step.<br />

43.-Where a party giving notice <strong>of</strong> opposition<br />

neither resides nor carries on business in the Colony,<br />

the Registrar may call upon him t o give a security in<br />

such form as the Rf>gistrar may deem sufficient for the<br />

costs <strong>of</strong> the proceedings before the R egistrar, for such<br />

amount as to the Registrar may seem fit, and at any<br />

st.age in such opposition may require further security<br />

to be given at any time before giving his decision in<br />

the case.<br />

N O!l-Completion.<br />


]6()<br />

167<br />

A 8<br />

A 3<br />

,I<br />

Entl'\. on<br />

regi~iel'.<br />

AS>oeint.NI<br />

W:lfki,<br />

Death <strong>of</strong><br />

applicant<br />

he fore<br />

rf'gistl'nt.ion.<br />

Ce.difi1'atf' <strong>of</strong><br />

rcgi'itrat ion.<br />

If after fourteen days from the datq when such notice<br />

was sent the registration is not completed, t he application<br />

shall be deemed to be abandoned, but the Registrar<br />

may with such notice, where the applicant lives at a<br />

distance, give a further time after such fourteen days<br />

for the completion <strong>of</strong> such application.<br />

Entry on the Register .<br />

45.- As soon as may be after the expiration <strong>of</strong> one<br />

week from the dat.e <strong>of</strong> the last advertisement in the<br />

" Gazette " <strong>of</strong> any application, the Registrar shall,<br />

oubject to any opposition and the determination there<strong>of</strong>,<br />

and upon payment d the prescribed fee on Form No. 7,<br />

enter the trade mo.rk in the register. <strong>The</strong> entry <strong>of</strong> a<br />

trade mark on the re!tister shall give the date <strong>of</strong> the<br />

registration, the goods in re~ pect <strong>of</strong> which it is registered,<br />

and all r>articularR named in section 4 <strong>of</strong> the<br />

Ordinance, and such other !Jarticnlars as t he Registrar<br />

may deem necessary.<br />

46.- Where a mark is registered as associated with<br />

any other mark or marks the Registrar shall note upon<br />

the register in connectio11 with such mark the numbers<br />

<strong>of</strong> the marks with which it is associated, and shall also<br />

note U~)Oll the re;rister in connection with each <strong>of</strong> t.he<br />

aswciated lJ ~arks the number <strong>of</strong> the newly rAgisterecl<br />

w~rk as being an associated mark with each <strong>of</strong> them.<br />

4 7 .- In case <strong>of</strong> the death <strong>of</strong> any applicant for a<br />

trade mark after the date <strong>of</strong> his application and before<br />

the trade mark a!l9lied for has been entered on the<br />

register, the Registrar, after the expiration <strong>of</strong> the prescribed<br />

period <strong>of</strong> advertisement , may, on being satisfied<br />

<strong>of</strong>the ap!Jlicant's death, enter on the register, in place<br />

<strong>of</strong> the name <strong>of</strong> such deceased applicant, the name,<br />

address and description <strong>of</strong> the person owning the goodwill<br />

<strong>of</strong> the business, on such ownership being proved to<br />

the satisfaction <strong>of</strong> the Registrar.<br />

48.-Upon the registration <strong>of</strong> a trade mark the<br />

Registrar shall issue to the applicant a certificate in t.be<br />

'Form No. 8.<br />

Assignment.<br />

49.-<strong>The</strong> R egistrar may on request made joiuUy<br />

by a registered proprietor <strong>of</strong> a mark and the pers~n to<br />

whom he has assigned such mark, together with the<br />

goodwill <strong>of</strong> the business concer ned in the goods for<br />

which it has been registered, register the assignee as<br />

proprietor <strong>of</strong> the mark. Such application shall be in<br />

Form No. 9. If the R egistrar so require, the assignee<br />

shall furnish a decla1·ation in F o1·m No. 10.<br />

50.--\Vhere no such joint request is made, any<br />

person who has become entitled to a registered trade<br />

mark by assignment, transmission, or other operation<br />

<strong>of</strong> law, may request the Registrar to enter his name in<br />

the register as proprietor <strong>of</strong> such trade mark. <strong>The</strong><br />

request shall be on Form No. 11, and such request shall<br />

contain the name, address, and description <strong>of</strong> the person<br />

claiming to be entitled to the trade mark, hereinafter<br />

called the claimant.<br />

51.-Together with such request the claimant shall<br />

forward a case stating full particulars <strong>of</strong> the assignment,<br />

t ransmission, or other operation <strong>of</strong> law by virtue<br />

<strong>of</strong> which -he claims to be entitled to be entered in the<br />

register as proprietor <strong>of</strong> the trade mark, so as to show<br />

the manner in which and the person or persons to ~horn<br />

the trade mark has been assigned or transmitted, and<br />

so as to show fur ther that it has been so assigned or<br />

transmitted in connection with the goodwill <strong>of</strong> the busi­<br />

Hcss concerned in the goods for which the trade mark<br />

has been registered.<br />

52.-Such request shall in the case <strong>of</strong> an individual<br />

be made and signed by the claim~n t, and in the case <strong>of</strong><br />

a firm or partnership by one m· more members <strong>of</strong> such<br />

firm or partnership, and in t hlil case <strong>of</strong> a body corporate<br />

shall be signed by a director or by the secretary or other<br />

prin~ipa,l <strong>of</strong>ficei <strong>of</strong> 5',lCh body corporate.<br />

53.-Where the Registrar shall determine that the<br />

case sets out particulars such as entitle the claimant to<br />

? e r~gist~red ~s proprietor <strong>of</strong> such trade mark, he may<br />

In h1s d1screhon C'all upon the claimant to furnish a<br />

statutory declaration in For m No. 12 vc1·ifying the<br />

.T oi nt reque,t<br />

for entry <strong>of</strong><br />

a~sigument .<br />

Reque.t tor<br />

entry <strong>of</strong><br />

assignment<br />

by subsequent<br />

proprietor.<br />

Ca.se accow ..<br />

panying<br />

reque ~t .<br />

Signature <strong>of</strong><br />

reque~t .<br />

Statutorr<br />

declaration<br />

in support<br />

<strong>of</strong> request.

i68<br />

A 3<br />

several statements in the case and declaring that the<br />

particulars given comprise every material fact and document<br />

affecting the proprietorship <strong>of</strong> the trade mark<br />

claimed by such request.<br />

Advertlsen1 e nt<br />

<strong>of</strong> nonopaylllt n1.<br />

I' ro<strong>of</strong> <strong>of</strong> title.<br />

Indonemeut<br />

<strong>of</strong> "'sigmuent<br />

on certificate<br />

<strong>of</strong> rogistru.tion.<br />

54.- In any case the Registrar may call on any<br />

person who desires to be registered as proprietor <strong>of</strong> a<br />

trade mark for such pro<strong>of</strong> or additional pro<strong>of</strong> <strong>of</strong> t itlc<br />

and <strong>of</strong> the existence and ownership <strong>of</strong> such goodwill as<br />

aforesaid as the Registrar may require for his satisfaction.<br />

55.- <strong>The</strong> Registrar shall, at the request <strong>of</strong> a person<br />

who has become entit.Jed to a registered trade mark by<br />

assignment, transmission, Ol' other operation <strong>of</strong> law,<br />

made upon Form No. 13, indorse upon the originai<br />

certificate <strong>of</strong> registration a statement <strong>of</strong> the altera ~iv,.<br />

in the proprietorship <strong>of</strong> the mark.<br />

60.-Where after one month from such ad t'<br />

ment such fees have not been paid the R . t ver Isere<br />

th ' egts rar may<br />

m?ve. e mark from the register as on the date <strong>of</strong> ,<br />

expu·atwn <strong>of</strong> the last registration, but may upon ~~e<br />

m.ent <strong>of</strong> the renewal fee unon Form N 14 t p ) -<br />

with the additional fee upo~ the For ~ 1,7 ogether<br />

0<br />

the mark to th<br />

e register<br />

·<br />

If<br />

.<br />

satisfied<br />

m<br />

that ·<br />

't . , rE:stcre<br />

to d d<br />

.<br />

1 IS JUSt SO<br />

. o, an upon such conditions as he m"y think fit t<br />

Impose. "' o<br />

Remonl <strong>of</strong><br />

trade mark<br />

frou1 register<br />

.1\enc\ral <strong>of</strong><br />

rc~;istratlon.<br />

X otlticatlon<br />

<strong>of</strong> receipt <strong>of</strong><br />

rcn ~~'-,• al f~f'!,<br />

Notice before<br />

removal <strong>of</strong><br />

t rade mark<br />

from register.<br />

Renewal.<br />

56.-A.t any time not more than six month& before<br />

the expiration <strong>of</strong> the last registration <strong>of</strong> a trade mark<br />

any person may leave at the Office a fee for the renewal<br />

<strong>of</strong> the registration <strong>of</strong> the mark upon Form No. 14.<br />

Such person shall indorse upon such form his name and<br />

address, and before taking any further step the Registrar<br />

inay require such person t furnish within five days<br />

an authority to pay such fee signed by the registered<br />

proprietor, and if such person does not furnish such<br />

a.uthority, may return such fee and treat. it as not<br />

received.<br />

57 .-When he does not require such authority, the<br />

Hegistrar shall, upon receipt <strong>of</strong> such fee, communicate<br />

with the person paying the fee, or at his dis()retion wit.h<br />

the registered proprietor at his registered addresE,<br />

stating that the fee has been received and that the<br />

registration will in due course be renewed.<br />

58 .-At a date not less than three months and not<br />

more than four months before the expiration <strong>of</strong> the last<br />

registration <strong>of</strong> a mark, if no fee upon Form No. 14 has<br />

been received, the Registrar shall send to the registered<br />

proprietor at his registered address a notice in the<br />

Form No. 15.<br />

61.-Where a trade mark h<br />

the reu~ster<br />

the Registrar shall c~usee~: ~em oved fro~l<br />

the register a record <strong>of</strong> such removal and ef.etnhtered m<br />

there<strong>of</strong>. o · e cause<br />

62.-Upon the renewal f · .<br />

that effect shall be sent to t~ a re~Istrahon a n?tice to<br />

his registered address and the registered propnetor at<br />

tised in the " Gazett~." e renewal shall be adver-<br />

63.-<strong>The</strong> Registrar shall t h<br />

registered proprietor mad ' a t e request <strong>of</strong> the<br />

upon the original certific:t:~~nr:g~r: ~o. 18, indorse<br />

mark a statement that the mark h Isbra IOdn <strong>of</strong> a trade<br />

as een uly renewed.<br />

b<br />

Alteration <strong>of</strong> Address.<br />

64.-Every registered r . t<br />

who alters his address sh~l o~n ~hor .;~ a trade mark<br />

Registrar to insert the new dd or Wl apply to the<br />

the Registrar shall nlttr th a r.ess on the .register' and<br />

e register accorctmgly.<br />

Discretionary Power.<br />

. 65 .-Before exercisin d' .<br />

giVen to the R . t g any Iscretwuary power<br />

egis rar by the Ord.<br />

any person, the R e ist , , . mance adversely to<br />

g l ar so all, lf so required , h eat .<br />

Romovol <strong>of</strong><br />

mark from<br />

rcglst~r.<br />

Notice an1<br />

advertisement<br />

<strong>of</strong> rene,-~1.<br />

1 udor;en:wut<br />

<strong>of</strong> renewal ou<br />

certificate <strong>of</strong><br />

regl•tration.<br />

Allcration ot<br />

ftddress In<br />

register.<br />


Application<br />

for hearing.<br />

Notice <strong>of</strong><br />

hearing.<br />

Not!ficatio.n<br />

<strong>of</strong> dccioion.<br />

Application<br />

under<br />

section 23.<br />

Itegiblrar to<br />

enquire and<br />

172<br />

171<br />

A 3<br />

e:~b>eosin(l<br />


174<br />

115<br />

A3<br />

tolt,tice or<br />

~ca l <strong>of</strong> <strong>of</strong>fic~r<br />

ta.kin;r<br />

dcclnr~ttlon<br />

tu prove<br />

i!'IC)f.<br />


176<br />

A 3<br />

'2. On applicatiou to Registrar :;o state grounds<br />

<strong>of</strong> decision and materials used, under<br />

section 11 (3)-Form No. 3 ..... ... ... ... ... . 5.00<br />

6. \Jn notice <strong>of</strong> opposition for each application<br />

opposed, by opponent-Form No. 4 ...... 10 00<br />

J . On filing a counter-statement in answer to a<br />

notice <strong>of</strong> opposition, by the applicant for<br />

each application opposed-Form No. 5 . . . 5.00<br />

5. On the hearing <strong>of</strong> each opposition, by applicant<br />

and by opponent respectively-Form<br />

No. t3 ........ ..................................... 10.00<br />

6. For registration <strong>of</strong> a trade mat·k for one or<br />

more articles included in one class-Form<br />

No. 7 ........... .. ................................ 10 00<br />

7. For registration <strong>of</strong> a series <strong>of</strong> trade marks<br />

for one or more articles included in one<br />

class--Form No. 7.<br />

For the first mark ................... : .. ..<br />

For every other mark <strong>of</strong> series ...... .<br />

3. Upon each entry in the register <strong>of</strong> a mark <strong>of</strong><br />

a note that the mark is associated with a<br />

newly registered mark ....................... .<br />

9. On application to register a subsequent proprietor<br />

in cases o'f assignment or transmission<br />

<strong>of</strong> a single mark-Form No. ::)<br />

Ol' 11 ........................................... ..<br />

10. On application to register a subsequent propriet..or<br />

<strong>of</strong> more than one mark standing in<br />

the same name, the devolution <strong>of</strong> title<br />

being i.dent.ical in each case-Form No. 9<br />

or 11 .<br />

For the first mark ...................... ..<br />

For every other mark ...... . ·.· ........ .<br />

11. On application for indorsement <strong>of</strong> assignment<br />

or transmission on certifi;·ate o!<br />

registration-Form No. 13 ................ .<br />

l2. On application to change the name <strong>of</strong> a proprietor<br />

<strong>of</strong> a single mark where there has<br />

been no alteration in the proprietorchip ...<br />

13. On application to change the name "'f a proprietor<br />

<strong>of</strong> more than one mark R!anding<br />

in the same name, the change bemg the<br />

aame in each case-<br />

10.00<br />

2.50<br />

1.00<br />

10.00<br />

10.00<br />

1.00<br />

3.00<br />

2.50<br />

i77<br />

A 3<br />

For the first mark .. ... .. .. .. .. . 2.50<br />

For every other mark .. .. .... .. ....... 50<br />

14. a. For first renewal <strong>of</strong> registration <strong>of</strong> a<br />

mark registered prior to the 22nd August,<br />

1898-Form No. 14 ......................:...<br />

2.5ll<br />

b. For second and subsequent renewals <strong>of</strong><br />

registration <strong>of</strong> a mark re3istered £rior to<br />

the 22nd August, Hl98, and for J enewal<br />

<strong>of</strong> registration <strong>of</strong> a mark register~d on or<br />

after the 22nd August, 189/:l-l

178<br />

A3<br />

27. For certificate <strong>of</strong> Registrar <strong>of</strong> registration <strong>of</strong><br />

a series <strong>of</strong> marks for the purpose <strong>of</strong> obtaining<br />

registration abroad .. ... ... .. .... .. .. 5.00<br />

~. For certificate <strong>of</strong> Registrar other tha.t certificate<br />

under section 16 or certifieate <strong>of</strong><br />

registration to be used in legal proceedings<br />

or for the purpose <strong>of</strong> obt

fl\11~ 17. Form No. 2.<br />

lM<br />

A 3<br />


I, A.B. <strong>of</strong><br />

do solemnly and sincerely declare as folhws :-<br />

1. To the best <strong>of</strong> my knowledge and belief I (a)<br />

have the rirrht to the exclusive UM <strong>of</strong> tl;le trade mark<br />

r<strong>of</strong>erred to in my application dated the day <strong>of</strong><br />

19<br />

2. Such' trade mark has been used by me (b) in<br />

respect <strong>of</strong> the goods mentioned in my (c) application<br />

since<br />

(or) 2a. Such trade mark has not hither~o bee!l<br />

used by me (b) in respect d the goods mentione.l in my<br />

a?Plica.tion, but it is my (c) intention so to use it forthwith.<br />

3. To the best <strong>of</strong> my knowledge and belief the said<br />

trade mark has (d) been registered in (e) in the flame 0f<br />

in respect <strong>of</strong> the same or ~;milar goods as<br />

t·hose in respect <strong>of</strong> ~hich registration is J:ow sought.<br />

And I make this solemn declaration conscientiously<br />

believing the same to be true and by virtue <strong>of</strong> the provi·<br />

sions <strong>of</strong> the Statutory Declarations Act H'35. (f).<br />

Declared at<br />

this day <strong>of</strong> ) 19<br />

Before me,<br />

A.B.<br />

(a.) Insert "I solely" or "I jointly with A.B., or<br />

the company as the case may be."<br />

(b) Or "my firm" or "my company" as the ea•e<br />

may be.<br />

(c) Or "my firm's" or ' 'my company's" as the ease<br />

may be.<br />

(d) Or "has not been registered els~where" aa the<br />

r-ase may be.<br />

(e) Here state cou~try or countries in which regiiitered.<br />

(f) This paragraph is not required when the<br />

declaration is made neither in <strong>Hong</strong>kong nor in the<br />

United Kingdom.<br />

181<br />

A 3<br />

)Tote.- When this declaration is made by a per11on<br />

who does 11ot understand the English language, the<br />

requirements <strong>of</strong> the Statutory Declarations Ordinanc.;<br />

1893 must be complied with, when the declaration is<br />

made in H ongkong, and if made elsewhere a proper<br />

clause must. be added.<br />

Form No. 3.<br />

Fee No. 2.<br />


Request for Statement <strong>of</strong> Grounds <strong>of</strong> Decision<br />

under Section 12 (4).<br />

. You are hereby requested under sub-section 4 <strong>of</strong><br />

section 12 <strong>of</strong> the Trade Marks Ordinance <strong>1909</strong> and rule<br />

30 made thereunder to state in writing the grounds <strong>of</strong><br />

your decision, dated the day <strong>of</strong> 19 .. aft~r<br />

t.he hearing on the day <strong>of</strong> 19 , and the<br />

materials used by you in arriving at such cecision.<br />

(Signed)<br />

Dated the day <strong>of</strong> 19<br />

To the Registrar <strong>of</strong> Trade Marks,<br />

<strong>Hong</strong>kong.<br />

Form No. 4.<br />

Fee No. 3.<br />


Notice <strong>of</strong> Opposition to Application fo.r Registration<br />

(To be accompanied by an tmstam:r-ed duplicate.)<br />

In the matter <strong>of</strong> an Application No<br />

by<br />

<strong>of</strong><br />

I (here state full name and address) hereby give<br />

~otice <strong>of</strong> my intention to oppose the registration <strong>of</strong> the<br />

trade mark advertised under the above number for Class<br />

in the Gazette <strong>of</strong> the day <strong>of</strong> , 19<br />

<strong>The</strong> grounds <strong>of</strong> oppo~ition are a.:; follows:­<br />

(Signed)<br />

Dated the day <strong>of</strong> 19<br />

Address for Service :­<br />

To the Registrar <strong>of</strong> Trade Marks,<br />

<strong>Hong</strong>kong.<br />

Hnle 80.

Form No. 5.<br />

Fee No. 4.<br />

182<br />

A 8<br />

TRADE MARKS ORDINANCE, <strong>1909</strong>.<br />

Form <strong>of</strong> Counter-Statement.<br />

Form No. 7.<br />

Sir,<br />

Fee No. 6 or 7.<br />

188<br />

A 3<br />

TRADE MAH.KS ORDINANCE, <strong>1909</strong>.<br />

Fee for Registration <strong>of</strong> a Trads Mark.<br />

1lu!c 45.<br />

(To be accompanied by an unstamped duplicate.)<br />

I,<br />

In tLe matter <strong>of</strong> an Opposition<br />

to Application No.<br />

the applicant for the above trade mark, her.eby givu<br />

llfJtice that (·he following are the grounds 011 wh1ch I rely<br />

as snpport.i ng my application:-<br />

I admit the following al!egc.tions iJ• the notice •>f<br />

opposition :-<br />

(Signed)<br />

Dated the day <strong>of</strong> 19<br />

To the Regiutrar <strong>of</strong> Trade Marks,<br />

<strong>Hong</strong>kong.<br />

With reference to your letter No.<br />

tho<br />

, I hereby transmi!:. the prescribed fee<br />

for registra.tiou <strong>of</strong> the Trade Mark No . in Class .<br />

I am,<br />

Sir,<br />

Your obedient servant,<br />

(Signed)<br />

Dated the day <strong>of</strong> 19<br />

To the Registrar <strong>of</strong> Trade Marks,<br />

<strong>Hong</strong>kong.<br />

Form No. 8.<br />

To<br />


Certificate <strong>of</strong> Registration unde1· Section 17.<br />

<strong>of</strong><br />

Hulo 48.<br />

ll.nlc -11.<br />

Form No. 6.<br />

Fee No. 5.<br />

TRADE MARKS ORDINANCE, <strong>1909</strong>.<br />

Form <strong>of</strong> Applhation for Hearing by the Registrar in<br />

Cases <strong>of</strong> Opposition.<br />

Sir,<br />

1u reply to your Notice No. dated the<br />

stating that you will hear the arguments in the casu<br />

<strong>of</strong> Opposition to Application No. on the<br />

day <strong>of</strong> , 19 , I beg to say that I intend<br />

to appear before you on that date.<br />

To the Registrar <strong>of</strong> Trade Marks,<br />

<strong>Hong</strong>kong.<br />

I am, etc,<br />

I hereby certify t h :.~.t the trade mark (a specimen<br />

<strong>of</strong> which is hereunto an!texed) was dul,r advertised in<br />

the Gazette and ·has been re~istered in- your name in<br />

0lass , in respect <strong>of</strong> the following goods :-<br />

Witness my hand this day <strong>of</strong> , 19<br />

(Seal <strong>of</strong> .Registrar's Office.)<br />

Office <strong>of</strong> Registrar <strong>of</strong> Trade Harks,<br />

1Iongkong. ·<br />

Form No. 9.<br />

Fee No. 9 or 10.<br />

Registrar.<br />

TRADE MARKS ORDINANC1', 190.-l.<br />

Joint Request by Registered Proprietor and Assignee<br />

to regiGter the Assignee as subsequent Proprietor<br />

<strong>of</strong> a Trade Mark.<br />

. We (a)<br />


184<br />

A 3<br />

the Gazette and has be~n registered in your nalil~ in<br />

<strong>of</strong> (b)<br />

and (c)<br />

<strong>of</strong> (d)<br />

hereby request, that the name <strong>of</strong> (c)<br />

carrying on business as (e)<br />

at (d)<br />

may be entered in the Register o! 1'r~de tvt.1rks M<br />

proprietor <strong>of</strong> the Trade Mark No.<br />

To the Registrar cf Trade Marks,<br />

<strong>Hong</strong>kong.<br />

(a) Name <strong>of</strong> R egistered Proprietor.<br />

(b) Address , ,<br />

(c) Name <strong>of</strong> Assignee.<br />

(d) Address ,<br />

(e) Trade o1· business <strong>of</strong> Assignee.<br />

(f) Signature <strong>of</strong> Registered Proprietor.<br />

(g) Signature <strong>of</strong> Assignee.<br />

(f)<br />

(g)<br />

Form No. 10.<br />

TRADE MARKS ORDINANCE, <strong>1909</strong>.<br />

Form <strong>of</strong> Declaration (only to. be furnished when re<br />

quested by Registrar) by Assig.n.ee iu suppor-t <strong>of</strong><br />

Form No. 9.<br />

I (a)<br />

<strong>of</strong> (b) .<br />

do hereby solemnly and sincerely declarP. th~t the tradA<br />

mark No. in Class has been asstgned to m~<br />

by (c)<br />

<strong>of</strong> (d)<br />

together with the goodwill <strong>of</strong> the business concerne.i in<br />

the goods for which it has been registered, and that t<br />

have accepted such assignment. . .<br />

( ) And I make this solemn declarl'lhon conscientious!;<br />

believing the same to be true anc1. by virtue <strong>of</strong><br />

the provisions <strong>of</strong> the Statutory Declarations Act, 1835<br />

(Signed)<br />

Declared a.t<br />

t.his day <strong>of</strong> ' 19<br />

Before me (f)<br />

185<br />

.·\ B<br />

(a) Name <strong>of</strong> Assiguoe.<br />

(b) Addres3 ,<br />

(c) Name <strong>of</strong> Assignor.<br />

(d) Address ,<br />

(P,) Th;s par!tgraph is not required wnen the declara·<br />

tion is made neither in <strong>Hong</strong>kong nm· in t,ha<br />

United Kingdom.<br />

(f) Signature and t.itle o1 Authority.<br />

Note.- When the declaration is mu'\., oy a person<br />

who does not understand the English language, tLe<br />

requirement;; <strong>of</strong> t-he Statutory DcclaraL1t ns Or.iinanc!<br />

1893 must be complied with, when th~ declaration ie<br />

made in <strong>Hong</strong>kong, and if made else\'there a propet'<br />

clausu must be added.<br />

Porm. No. 11.<br />

Fee No. 9 or 10.<br />

TRADE MARKS ORDINANC~, <strong>1909</strong>.<br />

l~equest to enter Name <strong>of</strong> Subsequent Proprietor ol<br />

Trade Mark upon the Regi3ter.<br />

I, (a)<br />

hereby request that you will enter (b)<br />

uam~<br />

(c) in the Register <strong>of</strong> Trade Marks as proprietor<br />

<strong>of</strong> the trade mark No. in Class<br />

(d)<br />

entitled t.o t.he said trade mark ani!<br />

to the goorhvill <strong>of</strong> the business concerne,l in the goods<br />

with respect to which the s~id trade mark is registered.<br />

Accompanying this r·equest is a statement <strong>of</strong> (eJ<br />

case.<br />

(Signed)<br />

bated the day <strong>of</strong> 19<br />

To the Registrar <strong>of</strong> Trade Marks,<br />

<strong>Hong</strong>kong.<br />

(a) 0~ We. HeTe insert name, addre!ls, and destJrir.<br />

t10n.<br />

(b) My or our.<br />

(c) Or names.<br />

(d) I am or We are.<br />

(e) My or Our.<br />


18S<br />

187<br />

A 3<br />

A 3<br />

Rule 53.<br />

Form No. 12.<br />

TRADE MARKS ORDINANCr), <strong>1909</strong>.<br />

Form <strong>of</strong> Declaration (only to be furnished when re<br />

quested by Registrar) in support oi. Statement <strong>of</strong><br />

Case accompanying Form No. 11.<br />

I, <strong>of</strong><br />

do hereby solemnly and sincerely declare Lhat the particulars<br />

set out in the statement <strong>of</strong> case, Px.hibit markecl.<br />

and left by me in connection with J;l1Y request to<br />

be registered as subsequent proprietor <strong>of</strong> the trade mark<br />

No. , in Class , are true and comprise every<br />

m~terial fact and document affecting the proprietorship<br />

<strong>of</strong> the said trade mark as above claimed.<br />

(a) And I make this solemn declaration conscientiously<br />

believing the same to be true, and by virtue <strong>of</strong><br />

the provisions <strong>of</strong> the Statutory Declarations Act, 1835.<br />

this<br />

DeclaJ·ed at<br />

day <strong>of</strong><br />

' 19<br />

Before me,<br />

To the Registrar <strong>of</strong> Trade Marks,<br />

(Signed)<br />

..._~<br />

Form No. 13.<br />

Fee No. 11.<br />

TRADE MARKS ORDINANCE, <strong>1909</strong>.<br />

F ee for Indorsement <strong>of</strong> Assignment or ·rransmission Jll<br />

Certificate <strong>of</strong> Registration.<br />

Sir,<br />

I hereby transmit the_ prescribed fee for the in<br />

dorsement upon the annexed certificate <strong>of</strong> registratio:1<br />

<strong>of</strong> the assignment (a) <strong>of</strong> Trade Mark No. , i.(l<br />

Class<br />

(Signed)<br />

Dated the day <strong>of</strong> 19<br />

To the Registrar <strong>of</strong> Trade Marks,<br />

<strong>Hong</strong>kong.<br />

(a) Or transmission, as the case may be.<br />

F orm No. 14.<br />

Fee No. 14 or 15.<br />


Rule fi9.<br />

Rule 60.<br />

Rule 63.<br />

Form No. 16.<br />

188<br />

A 3<br />

Fee Wo. 16.<br />

'fRADE MARKS ORDINANCE, <strong>1909</strong>.<br />

Additional Fee <strong>of</strong> ;j-5 to accompany Renewal Fee (Form<br />

No. 14), within One .M:onth after Advertisement<br />

<strong>of</strong> Non-Payment <strong>of</strong> Renewal Fee.<br />

Sir,<br />

I hereby transmit the additional fee <strong>of</strong> $5 (together<br />

with l!.,orm No. 14) for the renewal <strong>of</strong> the registration<br />

<strong>of</strong> the Trade Mark No. in Class<br />

Dated the day <strong>of</strong> 19<br />

To the Registrar <strong>of</strong> Trade Marks,<br />

<strong>Hong</strong>kong.<br />

N.B.- This Form must be indorsed with the name and<br />

address <strong>of</strong> the person transmitting i.be same.<br />

Form No. 17.<br />

Pee No. 17.<br />

TRADE MARKS ORDINANCE, <strong>1909</strong><br />

Restoration <strong>of</strong> Trade Marks where Removed for<br />

Non-payment <strong>of</strong> Fee.<br />

(To accompany F orm No. 14.)<br />

Sir,<br />

I hereby t.ransmit the additional fee <strong>of</strong> $10 for<br />

restoration to the Rrgister <strong>of</strong> Trade Mark No.<br />

in Class<br />

(Signed)<br />

Dated the day <strong>of</strong><br />

19<br />

To the Registrar <strong>of</strong> Trade Marks,<br />

<strong>Hong</strong>kong.<br />

N.B.- This Form must be indorsed with the name and<br />

address <strong>of</strong> the person transmitt;ng t he same.<br />

Form No. 18.<br />

F ee No. 18.<br />

TRADE MARKS ORDIN ANCL, <strong>1909</strong><br />

Fee for Indorsement <strong>of</strong> Renewal on Certificate <strong>of</strong><br />

Registration.<br />

Sir,<br />

I hereby transmit the prescribed fee for the in.<br />

d,orsement upon the annexed certific!l.te <strong>of</strong> regisLratiou<br />

189<br />

A 3<br />

<strong>of</strong> the renewal <strong>of</strong> Trade Mark No. in Class<br />

(Signed)<br />

Dated the day <strong>of</strong> 19<br />

To the Registrar <strong>of</strong> Trade Marks,<br />

<strong>Hong</strong>kong.<br />

Form No. 19.<br />

Fee N~. 30.<br />

TRADE MARKS ORDI NANCE, <strong>1909</strong>.<br />

Applicat ion to permit an Appcrtionment <strong>of</strong><br />

Trade J'.i[arks.<br />

In the matter <strong>of</strong> the R egistere

Class 2.<br />

.<br />

190<br />

A B<br />

Chemical substances used for agri .<br />

cult ural, horticultu1 al, vett'rinary,<br />

and s~nitary purposes.<br />

Class 3.<br />

Chemical substances prepared fo·:<br />

use in medicine and pharmacy.<br />

Class 4.<br />

Raw or partly prepared ve15etabl ~.<br />

animal, and mineral substance·l<br />

used in manufactures, not in .<br />

eluded in other classes.<br />

Class 5<br />

Unwrought and partly wrought<br />

metals used iu mauufacture.<br />

I'·;-<br />

Such as-<br />

Artificial mauure.<br />

Cattle medicint:!S.<br />

Deodorisers.<br />

Vermin destroyers.<br />

Such as-<br />

Cod liver oil.<br />

Medicated articles.<br />

Patent medicine~ .<br />

Plasters.<br />

Rhubarb.<br />

Such as-<br />

Resins.<br />

Oils used in manufactures and<br />

not included in other cla~:s~3 .<br />

Dyes, other t han min~>ral.<br />

Tanning substances.<br />

Fibrous substances (~>.g . , coHon<br />

hen}p, flax, jute).<br />

Wool.<br />

Silk.<br />

BristlPs.<br />

Hait·.<br />

Feathers.<br />

Cork.<br />

Seeds.<br />

Coal.<br />

Coke.<br />

Bone.<br />

Sponge.<br />

Such as-<br />

Iron and steel, pig or cast.<br />

Iron, rough.<br />

, bar and rail, including<br />

rails for railways.<br />

, , bolt and rod.<br />

, sheet, and bo!J.r1<br />

armour 1Jatelj.<br />

hoop.<br />

"<br />

Class 6.<br />

Machinery <strong>of</strong> all kinds, and parts <strong>of</strong><br />

machinery, excep·J agricultur al<br />

and horticultural machines in<br />

eluded in Class 7.<br />

Class i .<br />

Agricult ural and hodicultural ma ·<br />

chinery, and parta <strong>of</strong> such ma<br />

chincry.<br />

Class 8 .<br />

Philosophical instrumE:nts, scientifi.:<br />

instruments, and apparatus for<br />

useful purposes. Instruments and<br />

apparatus for teaching.<br />

Class 9 .<br />

Musical instruments.<br />

Class 10.<br />

Horological instruments.<br />

191<br />

A 3<br />

Lead, pig.<br />

·, rolled .<br />

sheet.<br />

Wire. "<br />

Copper.<br />

Zinc.<br />

Gold, in ingots<br />

Such as-<br />

Steam engiues.<br />

B::Jilers.<br />

Pneumatic machines<br />

Hydraulic machines.<br />

Locomotives.<br />

Sewing machines.<br />

Weighing machines.<br />

Machine tools.<br />

Mining machinery.<br />

Fire engines.<br />

Such as­<br />

Ploughs.<br />

Drilling machines.<br />

Reaping machines.<br />

Thrashing machines.<br />

Churns.<br />

Cyder presses.<br />

Chaff cutters.<br />

Such as-<br />

Mathema.tic&l instrum

Class 11.<br />

192<br />

A 3<br />

Instruments, apparatus, a.nJ coHtrivo.nces,<br />

uot medicated, for sur·<br />

gical or curative 1Jurposes, or in<br />

relation to the hc1.lt.h <strong>of</strong> meu '-lf<br />

animals.<br />

Class 12.<br />

Cutlery and edge tools.<br />

Class 13.<br />

Metal goods not included ir. other<br />

cla.sses.<br />

Cbss 14.<br />

Goods <strong>of</strong> precious mJtals (ittclncling<br />

aluminium, nickel, l1titaunia<br />

metal, &c.) and jewellery, and<br />

imitat.ions <strong>of</strong> su::h goo~~ and<br />

jewellery.<br />

Glaas.<br />

Chss 15.<br />

Class 16<br />

Porcelain and eartheaware.<br />

Such as­<br />

Bandages.<br />

Friction gloveo.<br />

Lancets.<br />

Fleams.<br />

Enemas.<br />

Such as-­<br />

Knives.<br />

Forks.<br />

Scissors.<br />

Shears<br />

Files.<br />

Sa.ws.<br />

Such as­<br />

Anvils.<br />

Keys.<br />

Basins (metal).<br />

Needles.<br />

Hoes.<br />

Shovels.<br />

Corkscrews.<br />

Such as­<br />

Plate.<br />

Clock cases £<br />

such metals.<br />

8heffield and other pia tcd goods.<br />

Gilt and ormolu work.<br />

Such as-<br />

Window a1:~ pla.te glass.<br />

Painted glass.<br />

Glass mosaic.<br />

Glass beads.<br />

Such as-<br />

China.<br />

Stoneware.<br />

Terra Cotta.<br />

Statuary porcelain.<br />

'riles.<br />

:a ricks.<br />

Class 17.<br />

.\otanufactu res from mmeral arlll<br />

other substancco for building or<br />

decoration.<br />

Class 18<br />

Enginceriug, archi·.;ectural<br />

building contrivances. '<br />

and<br />

Class lJ.<br />

Arms, ammunition ani stores not<br />

;ncluded in Class' 20.<br />

Class 20.<br />

Explosive substances.<br />

Class 2 l .<br />

Na,·al architectural c.:>nlriva;.tces an:!<br />

naval equipments t

A 3<br />

195<br />

A B<br />

Class 23.<br />

(a) Cotton yarn.<br />

(b) Sewing cotton.<br />

Class 24 .<br />

Cot.ton piece goods <strong>of</strong> all kinds.<br />

Class 25.<br />

Cotton goods not included in Classes<br />

23, 24, or 38.<br />

Class 26.<br />

Linen and hemp yarn and thread.<br />

Class 27.<br />

Linen and hemp piece goods.<br />

Class 28<br />

Linen and hemp goods not included<br />

in Classes 26, 27 and 50.<br />

Class 29.<br />

J ule yarns and tisslles, and ot.her<br />

art.i~les made <strong>of</strong> jute not included<br />

in Class 50.<br />

Class 30.<br />

Silk, spun, thrown, or sewing.<br />

Silk piece goods.<br />

Class 31.<br />

Class 32.<br />

other silk goods not inc'Iuded iu<br />

Classes 30 and 31.<br />

Class 33.<br />

Yarns <strong>of</strong> wool, worsted, or hair.<br />

Class 34.<br />

Cloths and stuffs <strong>of</strong> wool, worste\ 1<br />

or hair.<br />

Such as-<br />

Cotton shirtings.<br />

Long cloth.<br />

Such as­<br />

Cotton lace.<br />

Cotton braids.<br />

Cotton tapes.<br />

:<br />

Class 35.<br />

Woollen and worsted and hair goods<br />

not included in Classes 33 and 34.<br />

Class 33.<br />

Carpets, :floor-cloth, and oil-cloth.<br />

Class 37.<br />

Leather, skins unwrought and<br />

wrought, and articles made <strong>of</strong><br />

leather not included in other<br />

classes.<br />

Class 38.<br />

Articles <strong>of</strong> clothing.<br />

..<br />

Class 39<br />

Paper (except paperhangings), stationery,<br />

and bookbinding.<br />

Class 40<br />

Goods manufactured from indiarubber<br />

and gutta-percha not included<br />

in other classes.<br />

Class 41.<br />

F'qrniture and upholstery.<br />

Such as- ­<br />

Drugget.<br />

Mats and matting.<br />

R ugs.<br />

Such as-·<br />

Saddlery.<br />

Harness.<br />

Whips.<br />

Portmanteaus.<br />

Furs.<br />

Such as-<br />

H ats <strong>of</strong> all kind:~ .<br />

Caps and bonnet.'!.<br />

Hosiery.<br />

Gloves.<br />

Boots and sl:oes.<br />

Other ready-made clothing<br />

Such as­<br />

Envelopes.<br />

Sealing wax.<br />

Pens (except gold pens).<br />

Ink.<br />

Playing cards.<br />

Blotting cases.<br />

Copying presses.<br />

Such as-<br />

Paper hangings.<br />

Papier mac!le.<br />

Mirrors.<br />


Class 42.<br />

Substances used as food, or as ingred<br />

ients in food.<br />

Class 43.<br />

Fermt>ntell liquors and spirils.<br />

Hl6<br />

A 3<br />

Class 44.<br />

~[ineral and aerated waters, natural<br />

and artificial, including ginger<br />

beer.<br />

Class 45.<br />

Tobacco, whether manufactured or<br />

unmanufactured.<br />

Class 4.6.<br />

Seeds for agriculturai and horticul ­<br />

tural purposes.<br />

Class 47.<br />

Candles, common soap, detergents:<br />

illuminating, heating, or lubricating<br />

oils; matches, and starch<br />

blue, and other pre}?arations for<br />

laundry purposes.<br />

Such as­<br />

Cereals.<br />

Pulses .<br />

Olive oil.<br />

Rups.<br />

Malt.<br />

Dried fruits.<br />

Tea.<br />

Sago.<br />

Salt.<br />

Sugar.<br />

Preserved meats.<br />

Confectionery.<br />

Oil cakes.<br />

Pickles.<br />

Vinegar.<br />

Beer clarifier3.<br />

Such as­<br />

Beer.<br />

Cyder.<br />

Wine.<br />

Whisky.<br />

Liqueurs.<br />

Such as-<br />

WasLing )JOI\der·.<br />

Benzine cc1'ns.<br />

..<br />

,<br />

Class 48.<br />

197<br />

A 3<br />

PcrfumHy (including loilet ,.rt.icles<br />

praparat.ious for the teeth and<br />

hair, and perfumed soap).<br />

Class 49.<br />

Games <strong>of</strong> all kinds and sporting<br />

articles not included in other<br />

classes.<br />

~lisc &llaneous-<br />

Class 50.<br />

(1.) Goods manufactured from<br />

ivory, bone or wood, not illeluded<br />

in other elasses.<br />

(2.) Goods manufactured frmt.<br />

gtraw or grass, not included ill<br />

other classes.<br />

(3.) Goods manufactured from<br />

aHimal and vegetable substances,<br />

uot included in other<br />

classes.<br />

(·L) Tobacco pipes.<br />

(5.) Umbrella~;, walking sticko .<br />

brushes and combs.<br />

(6.) Furniture cream, plato<br />

powder.<br />

(7 .) Tarpaulim, tents, rick<br />

cloths, rope, twine.<br />

(8.) Buttons <strong>of</strong> all kinds other<br />

than <strong>of</strong> precious metal or imita.<br />

t ions there<strong>of</strong>.<br />

(9.) Packing and i.wse <strong>of</strong> all kinds<br />

(10.) Goods not included iu t ha<br />

f on·goi 11 g cl asses.<br />

Council <strong>Chamber</strong>, 5th January, 1910.<br />

Such as--<br />

Billiard tables.<br />

Roller skatl'S.<br />

Fishing ueis an:1 liucs.<br />

Toys.<br />

Such as-<br />

Coopez.3' Wl!lCS .<br />

C. CLE:l\HmTT, .<br />

Clerk <strong>of</strong> Com1cil~.

199<br />




- ---- -·------- --<br />

F ortnight ending<br />

YH.<br />



203<br />


Prices <strong>of</strong> .Bar Silver in London,<br />

Rates <strong>of</strong> Exchange in <strong>Hong</strong>hong, and Banh <strong>of</strong><br />

England Rate~ <strong>of</strong> Discount, for the years<br />

1&77 to <strong>1909</strong>.<br />

B. .u~ SrLvgn I~<br />

LON DON.<br />

ExcHANGE IN<br />

HoNGKO.'IG.<br />

\V mE.<br />



LoNDON.<br />

i Highest I Lowest Highest 1 Lowest Highest Lowest<br />

~;7-:;-- 1 58~- 33~--4 3}.{ - ,- 3 :~ ---:---~--<br />

1878 55~ 49% 3 11 3 5 6 2<br />

1879 53H 48% 4 17:l: 3 5" 5 2<br />

1880 52% G1% 40~ 37%' 3 2~<br />

1831 53 50% 3 97l: 3 7% 5 2~<br />

1882 52~ 50 3 9% Blfi% 6 3<br />

1883 517l: 50 1 6' 3 8%' 317 5 3<br />

1884 51% 49~ 3 8%' 3 G7l: 5 2<br />

1885 50 46% 3 7 3 3%' ;) 2<br />

1886 4:7 42 B 4%' 2 11% 5 2<br />

1887 47~ 43X 3 47l: 3 0% 5 2<br />

1888 4±-/ "6' 41% 3 1% 2 11% 5 2<br />

1889 44% 41H 3 2% 2 11% l1 2~<br />

1890 54% 43% 3 lO}i 3 0% 6 3<br />

1891 48%' 43~ 3 5 3 0~ 5 2~<br />

1892 ±3%' 37% 3 0% 2 8% 3)~ 2<br />

1893 38H 30% 2 8% 2 2% 5 2~<br />

189± 31% 27 2 1 3~ 1 11~ 3 2<br />

18!:>5 - 31-h- 27-f1> 2 2;~ 111X 2 2<br />

1896 31/s- 29% 2 2%' 2 1~ 4 2<br />

1897 29-H 23% 2 l% 1 9% 4 2<br />

1898 28% 25 ] 11% 1 9% 4 2~<br />

1899 29 26% . 111% 1 10% 6 3<br />

1900 30~ 27 2 l)i ] 11}4 6 3<br />

1901 29-/ll' 25 2 1 1 9% 6 3<br />

1902 ::&6 21-H 1 10% ] G% 4 3<br />

1903 28~ 21-i-t 110H 1 6% 4 2%<br />

1904 2R-/ll' 24-f.- 1 11-/ 6· 1 8% 4 3<br />

1905 30-f.- 27 y\ 2 1~ 1 91-l 4 2~<br />

1906 33~ 29 2 3tt 2 o~ 6 3M<br />

1907 32-fll' 2-!{~r 2 3, 5 ll- 1 9~ 7 4<br />

1908 27 y 6 - 22 1 11 X 1 8 6 2%<br />

<strong>1909</strong> 24i 23-(t; 1 9% 118% 5 2%

,,<br />

,,<br />

204<br />


I.-Shipping.<br />

<strong>The</strong> total <strong>of</strong> the Shipping· entering- and clearing at Ports in<br />

the Colony durinO'<br />

0<br />

the ve1r <strong>1909</strong> amounted to 527,:280 Yess~ls<br />

V<br />

<strong>of</strong> 34: 830 8±5 tons \\'hich comr)ared with that for 1908, shows<br />

a decrease ' ' in numbers <strong>of</strong> ' 4:,832 vessels, with an increase in tonhage<br />

<strong>of</strong> 215,604 tons.<br />

!<br />

I<br />

3. 'l'lle anH·a.ge tonnage <strong>of</strong> iwliviclual Ocean vessels Yisitiug<br />

the pol't has slig;htl.r decreasetl--fl'om 2,448·6 tons to 2,390·4<br />

tons. 'l'hut <strong>of</strong> British vessPls has remained stationary-2.594 as<br />

agaiust 2,093-"·hile that ol' Foreign Yessels has dect·eased from<br />

2,309·H to 2,200·3 tons.<br />

In this connection it is interP:'lting to notH that during the<br />

past twenty ,reat·::~ the average tonnage <strong>of</strong> Ocean vessels dsiting<br />

the Colony has risen from 1,1H2·3 ton" to 2,R90·4 tons.<br />

i<br />

11<br />

[ I<br />

Of this total, 43,794 \'e:ssels uf 2:J,.H5,125 ton:> wm'e engaged<br />

in foreio·n trade and were

"11,<br />

',l<br />

'<br />

I<br />

206<br />

5. This table shows an inrrease in British Oceau Shipping <strong>of</strong><br />

207 ships <strong>of</strong> 230,657 net register tons or <strong>of</strong> 5·3 per cent. in<br />

numbers a nd 3 per cent. in tonnage, which points t o a continuance<br />

<strong>of</strong> the revhal <strong>of</strong> t raJe noted in my report for 1908. T he<br />

i'mprovemeut has been continuous throughout the yeat·.<br />

British Hirer Steamers have decreased IJy 466 shi ps <strong>of</strong><br />

585,728 tons, or 7·4 per cent. in Humbers and 13 per cent. in<br />

tonnage. 'l'his is due to t he loss <strong>of</strong> two large steamers, t he<br />

" Powan " a nd " Yingking" which ran for hi:tlf <strong>of</strong> 1908; t o the<br />

withdra wal <strong>of</strong> two sma ller steamers, the " H oi F:lang" and<br />

" Kwong F a t," and to the laying up, dur·ing three months <strong>of</strong><br />

<strong>1909</strong>, <strong>of</strong> a nother small steamer, the "Tak Hing. ··<br />

Foreig n Ocean v~>ss e l s have incl'eased IJy 186 ships <strong>of</strong><br />

4:60,072 tons, ot· 4:·5 per cent. in nnmbers an

I<br />

208<br />

I<br />

lt<br />

\<br />

Thus::-<br />

- --------<br />

I Xo. <strong>of</strong> Times i<br />

Steamers. J entered. I Tot!tl Tonnage.<br />

I JUl\ . HlO!J. ! 1908.1<strong>1909</strong>. I 1!108. <strong>1909</strong>.<br />

----~- S=1er~ 1 -3:~ --~3 l 1 -1~!12~ -;03~ 13 , 7-30,92~ : :3,;1\ 4,57 ~<br />

Briti~h l<br />

1<br />

I 2<br />

E'ailiug ... 7 5<br />

1<br />

JU 7 · 1,697 17,683<br />

I<br />

7<br />

117,789<br />

Belgian<br />

Chinese ....<br />

Corean ... .. .... . ,<br />

Danish<br />

.... . .... ...<br />

Dutch ............ .<br />

French .. .. . .. . .... .<br />

German ...... . . . .<br />

Italian ... ..<br />

Japanese ...<br />

Norwegian ..... .. . . .<br />

Purtugnesr ... . ... . . .<br />

Russian<br />

Swedish<br />

15<br />

129<br />

.j.<br />

!)3<br />

~9<br />

5<br />

7<br />

:!4 I<br />

i<br />

1<br />

51<br />

11 I<br />

:J2<br />

108 1<br />

2 I<br />

.)<br />

5<br />

1<br />

229<br />

15<br />

1('9<br />

745<br />

12<br />

181<br />

b7<br />

J 3<br />

11<br />

24<br />

232 I<br />

I<br />

1: I<br />

Jo5 I<br />

2,903 1<br />

291,416 j<br />

3J,2ll I<br />

201,014 1 207,1 90<br />

J 48 2SH,::!2 262.4.)9<br />

I<br />

735 ,!,188 lOO 11,1 i6,322<br />

11<br />

I<br />

9-!,28d<br />

290,936<br />

796<br />

31,42()<br />

:11i,470<br />

4H3 I,0-19,ii40 ' ,283,330<br />

I<br />

212 I 192,278 2:!7,341<br />

\H I 2:3,487 36,927<br />

3J,:l26 19,51)4<br />

l~,U\!9 53,7:!6<br />

'<br />

OCEAN SHIPPING, <strong>1909</strong>,-ARRIVALS.<br />



-~<br />

~ No. ~ ~ ! No.l ~ ; ~ ! .<br />

No.l ~ I ~ ~<br />

~ ~ ~ ~ 1 ~ 1 ~ . ~ : ~ ~ ~ ~<br />

- '------------------ 1 --------<br />

1 I 78 1 7~ I 206,711 1 ~06,711 781 78 I IH,699 I:H,G99 tsr. l 15r, I ~::8,. 1 10 I ~~s.uo<br />

i li ~~~ 1 m:~g~ m:g~~ ~~ 1 i:~ : ~?:~~ i ~~:~~~ ~~ ~ ~~~ 1 ~!~·.~~~ ¥~~:~~~<br />

88,~6 1 ::;:;,H-t 4-'> too 113,846 :i75,3:H :1<br />

1<br />

I 284 t:;z.~oJ I 928,828<br />

4 ~G 104<br />

r. s 1 43 1 1!,616 69,695 14 84 4:J,z:Jo 259,380 2'2 132 51,846<br />

5 ! 18 90 42,9!9 1 tH,59.i 26 I 1:JO 99,!5! ! 49!i,755 ' 220 I 14~,070 710,:!50<br />

329,076<br />

7 I 6 42 11,087 77,609 15 I 105 ~87,86?1) I 201 7-17 °1 147 :l9,90S 279,351l<br />

s j 7 56 1 o, 7:!7 .<br />

85,S9G 1~ I+J ., , , . :J01:2u 25 200 4S,390 387,1211<br />

9 14 126 27,122 1 244,09S 20 180 29,024 ''lil 216 ~4 :!1)\i I 56,146 505, ~14<br />

10 15 t5o 32,556 j s:~.;,ooo 12 120 13,746 i:li :46~ 21 z;o I 46,:un 463,0211<br />

11 1<br />

1 6 66 14,791 162,701 I , 55 5,79G ~:j 7.j0 ll I 121 20,587 2'26,457<br />

12 z 24 2,412 28,944 I a ::G ., ·•s- 21:444 r, Ho I 4,699 56,:Jsx<br />

~ ~ I a !19 3,ussj 51,844 s 104 to'iitl3 1 1·12,.3!9 11 141 u,9.)1 1 194,16><br />

14 1 14 1,045 H,6'JO ... :. I I 14 J,Q4,; 14,61q<br />

15 ~ 45 3,696 55,440 1 15 ::,246 1 4~ ,G9 U 4 60 I 6,942 104,):10<br />

16 3 48 3,431 J4,896 I 16 ::,087 4~ ,39~ 4 64 ~ ,51~ 104,288<br />

171 1 17 1,418 I 24,10> 4 GS 4,3:19 7:l,7G8 ,; 85 5,757 07,8r.9<br />

18 1 ts t,OH<br />

tS,8~6 :1 54 2.841 1 .;1,1::8 ~ 12 :l,88S 69,984<br />

19 a 5i 3,511 1 lit.i,709 ·J 57 ., tn·J ;)·:,~03 fi tl-t IJ,34l1 120,517<br />

20 . 1 20 1,424 ~8,480 :) 60 ~ ;471 69,420 I I MO 4,895 97,900<br />

21 ... ·-- 22<br />

1 · -- I 21 I 989 1 ·>o 769 1 21 I 989 20,769<br />

22 1 i-.21-5 1 2s,no 1 22 299 1 -6:57~ ~ 44 t,~H s:J 308<br />

23 ~ 48 4o ~.~10 155<br />

~~·J~~ ~ 46 1,510 ~4.no ; 92 a,s20 ~~:~~~<br />

~~<br />

• •· • ~ 1 ~~ ~ .~~~ · i~:m I ~~ 3·t1~ 16,150<br />

26 5 1 __ ao I 7,06! 183,586 2 52 J,6:l9 l 42,614 7 !82 8,700 2'l6,200<br />

28 I ... l 28 1,222 ~4 , 216 I l 28 1,222 34 216<br />

29 1 29 l ,3i6 ~9,n4 I 29 z_1I47 1 20,706 2! I 58 2,070 60:0~0<br />

31 ... ... 1 ~I ., 6,727 :)! 217 6,727<br />

34 3 102 3,813 !29,642 . l 34 1,536 52,224 I I ~~.)60 5,349 181,866<br />

35 2 10 2,862 99,820 1 --·1 . 2t I 2,852 99.820<br />

36 ... ... .. I ... 1 "3s 1,~:;9 1 4S,20! 36 1,3 ~9 48,201<br />

~7 ... ... ... .. 1 1 1 37 1 ,177 1 43,549 ::7 1,111 43,54n<br />

38 . · ... ...<br />

5 -- 8 -. I .. 007 ~. 1 38 t ,4G8 . o-5,784 1 1 ::s 1,468 55,784<br />

43 I {3 1,349 ' ... 21~ I { :j 1,349 58,007<br />

•• 1 44 1,332 59,488 I '"I ... I ... 4946 I 1,352 1 59,488<br />

. 8 2 ! 96 2,700 I 129,600 ... ... ... ... 2,700 129,600<br />

91 1 1 91 636 57,876 1 .., . . .. . .. I 91 I 63R 5i,R76<br />

l r l I<br />

c: g - ~-~--- :--~-~-- ,-- 1--,- 1-- -- i---<br />

~ l,"' I<br />

'·"" I "'·"" ~<br />

'·'»,m ~~· ' '·'" '"·"'' ' '.~~."' j '"' I '""' I '·'"·'"'I''m.'"<br />

I<br />

11<br />

United J Steamers<br />

Stntee I Bailing ...<br />

];J li 38 42 1 2l:i.280 211,327<br />

1 . . 1 . . tl09 ..<br />

• I<br />

------------ ---·---- -- ~-----,-----<br />

SA lLING S HIPS.<br />

ToT.U..... I 745 704 3,991 4,198 l7,-t:i:LH.i817,796,376<br />

-----<br />

.<br />


•<br />

I-<br />

f,<br />

I•<br />

t!<br />

:"<br />

I~<br />

ri<br />

~ ;<br />

~'<br />

'I',<br />

.<br />

:<br />

11<br />

I<br />

~<br />

210<br />

<strong>The</strong> 336 British 1·essels carried 3,592 British Officers and 14<br />

Foreign Officers, thelatter consisting <strong>of</strong> 11 U.S.A. , 2 Norwegians<br />

and 1 Dutch . Thus t he proportion <strong>of</strong> Foreign Officers se rving in<br />

British ves::;els was 0·±:.3°j 0<br />

comprising 3 Nationalities. A dem·ease<br />

<strong>of</strong> 0·01 °j 0<br />

with a dey the prentlcuce uf<br />

typhoons <strong>of</strong> late years.<br />

J{oroseue Oil. - Decreases n.re showu in all cl

,.<br />

I<br />

t<br />

1'1<br />

I!<br />

l<br />

i<br />

11<br />

212<br />

Boiled b.r Opium F n.t•tuer, .. . ... ...<br />

... J ,04J che8ts.<br />

~pur io us Opium destroyed, .. . ... ... ... 31 , .<br />

Exported during the year, .. . ... ... . .. 35, t>3ti<br />

----<br />

'l'otal, ... 37,033 ) '<br />

:Stock remaining on 31st Decem l>er, 190U, 4,509 ,<br />

Of the several varieties <strong>of</strong> opium exported, l\Iallm decreased<br />

hy 348 chests, or 6·1 per cent., P atna by 1,67± chests, OL'<br />

7·8 per cent ., Bena.res by 1,228 che8ts, or 12·6 per ce11t.,<br />

Persian by -:1:10 chests, or 13 per cent., while no rrurkish<br />

opium was either impor ted or exported, and Cllinese opium<br />

has never formed any apprecialJle part <strong>of</strong> the t rade <strong>of</strong> t he<br />

Colony. It. is obvious from t he above figures that the supply<br />

does not meet the demand, as 1,300 more chests \reru<br />

disposed <strong>of</strong> t han were imported. China took 02·4 per cent.<br />

<strong>of</strong> the exports.<br />

Imports <strong>of</strong> Co mpounds <strong>of</strong> Opium iu c re n~ed, as compared<br />

with 1908, by 2,543 lb., or 23·83 per cent ., a.ud exports by<br />

1,613 lb., or 19.56 per cent., while the amount which remained<br />

in the Colony for consumption increased by 930 lb., or 38·1 per<br />

cent. Imports <strong>of</strong> .Morphia showed a n increaHe <strong>of</strong> 356 llJ., or<br />

5.06 per cent. Imports and exports <strong>of</strong> Cocn.ine were recorded for<br />

the first time and for the period h·om April 22ncl t o 31st<br />

December showed 68 lb. imported and 12lb. exported.<br />

Suga.I'.- 'l'be imports <strong>of</strong> sugar shows a considerable increase<br />

<strong>of</strong> 89,766 tons, or 36 per cent. 'l'his a rticle is peculiarly liable<br />

to sudden fluctuations and the increase may ue due to increase<br />

<strong>of</strong> stocks owing to favourable prices. ·<br />

Besides t he auove item~:: I propose t.> ::;ay a few worJs ou t hu<br />

suuject <strong>of</strong> others, which, from t he figures a t my disposal, appca1·<br />

to have experienced considerable increases or decrease~ during<br />

the past year.<br />

"<br />

213<br />

repot·ts ha Ye been more accnmte. 'l'he actual increase is clue to •<br />

t he great impt•oyement in the trade, the figures for <strong>1909</strong> beiug<br />

g t'Nttly in exceAs <strong>of</strong> any <strong>of</strong> those ror the previous four years.<br />

Plour.-'rhe total reported impor ts <strong>of</strong> tlom during the year<br />

nmonnted to 58,583 tons as against 91,312 tons in 1908, a<br />

decrease <strong>of</strong> 35.8 per cent. <strong>The</strong> decrease is due to the fact,<br />

noted last yea.r, that direct shipments to coast ports are now·<br />

rnarle. Another disposing cause for the decrease is t he fact t hat<br />

the SltFl.nghn i flour mills, which obtain their l'aw material locally,<br />

a r·e IJ Ow successfully eompet ing with America,n flour at the coast<br />

ports :-Foochow, Amoy, Swatow, &c., [Wd an~ e,·en sending<br />

l hmugh cn.rgoPR to Ca11ton.<br />

Rioe.-Jn spi t·e <strong>of</strong> a hopeful outlook last year, Rice has failed<br />

to come uack to its prerious figure. I t has again declined from<br />

721,25-:1: tons to 541,078 tons, or 23 per cent. 'rhis is dne to a<br />

pnrtial failure <strong>of</strong> the crops in Cochin Chiua, and to t he fact that<br />

JHany cargoes <strong>of</strong> rice from Saigon have been sent direct to coast<br />

ports, without touching, much less transhipping, at H ongkoug.<br />

11. <strong>The</strong> totnl 1·eported Imports during· the year amounted to<br />

+,195,968 tons as against -!,169,8:)6 in 1908, an increase <strong>of</strong><br />

0. G 0 I o· Export s also show an increase, from 2,102,837 tons to<br />

2,239, 731 tons or 6.5°1 ; 0<br />

and 'l'ransit Cat·go increased from<br />

a .372,093 tons to 3,991,347 tons or 19°/ 0 , but for the reason<br />

gi vt>n these figures are not reliable.<br />

'J'Ii e numbet· and t onnage <strong>of</strong> ships <strong>of</strong> .European construction<br />

carrying crt l'go for import and in t.nmsit compru·ed. with t he<br />

pt·eyions yea.1· wn.A as follows:--<br />

I<br />

1908.<br />

1\109. INCREASE. DECREASE.<br />

--,-- ---·1-- - - - -'----<br />

Nt, .... ~= ~-~;-~ -..-.-~ --.-..-

'!!. I I I ;.._ "J.J rf!<br />

•• 00 . ,.- -<br />

so ~o ~ ro ~ I .s: :. = · · .,s ~<br />

a: ·:- cc -li '·' _o """" 1"\l -- r:r_. I -li<br />

· i1l ::: a: :;:, •- '-' c ..;. I c c t.: -.r..<br />

~ ~ iZ ~ "J. s; 17'1 C\1 I 1 .~ . r- 0 I ..-<br />

~ 0 ~ ~ I . -t ,..... I --t' ~- ·- ~<br />

~ ~- r-1 ....., ~ --t' c::; l- c: L': I 1::-<br />

~ ~ I ! o ~· c I .-~ ~ - c~ i .-<br />

- ~<br />

:,t~ ' , ;:: ~ j ("'";'" ~r._, 1 3<br />

a -.:; ·- ---<br />

1<br />

r-' r-1 I ~~ r- ,..... 1 C'l<br />

...,. c I ,... :<br />

I ......, 7)<br />

. • if.. c. .-<br />

0 ::: S t- -::: c-1<br />

c.~ ;:::,...<br />

cc et<br />

7:. X. -<br />

:--: - Y. ~- ~ · ~<br />

c:::: tf1 I I • I -<br />

,_..: .<br />

~ .'! ...., I /"f. 11 J.l<br />

Z; _- I ~ :i ;i ~ I er: ~ •.<br />

::... ·X: ,___ ___ :.: - • E-< -<br />

10 0 S? I I I ..;:;: :. - 11 ""<br />

~ c. ...,. I I :;;, ~ I ..., 0 z 11 c cr.<br />

..... .... I ._.;, t- C\l '· ~ •• ~ I ;.: ~ ~<br />

..... ~ E ,.... '" I .... 7:. ~ .... I' • ., ~ . ~ ~ 1) "" I c.. ' .... -- •<br />

> ~ .,.. .,.<br />

...., :) "':'1 ....; I<br />

I<br />

0 - - ~ -=-<br />

·- cC ~ •:!) t- ...:::: :.0 1"":1 .... I -+ ~ t- 'I!<br />

.- Cll I c:-: .-: ~! I .....<br />

....<br />

~"::1<br />

::: I<br />

.<br />

I - . ·•<br />

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~ 0:: I : 11 I<br />

.p - • . , ' ' - '<br />

~ - ~· ...,.<br />

Q.) o... ·· r-c ... c:! roe ~ cd<br />

...c: t:; - ~ o e ~ .... ; '='= ~<br />

~ g I c:0 :<br />


_.._, _<br />

::...<br />

- ~ -' 0<br />

(j) ........<br />

::CJo<br />

:.... o . ..;<br />

~ .... c-:-. ,_<br />

0 ,_<br />

0) '='l l-<br />

.,_.~ 0~<br />

A l? ~<br />

-:-f ""~ - ~ ~<br />

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::-.J.Io "" I ..... """'<br />

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I. "'"<br />

~ ""' cd ..,.; o;/j<br />

-o - U) Ill<br />

a ::;:; :::l ::...<br />

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<br />

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I ·.=-<br />

C')<br />

..... ,_<br />

-o o :n ro o" '"' o" ,_- ,_-<br />

·-<br />

........ ro ,.., ,_ ,.,<br />

~ a as ~ 1:£ .... I<br />

1:'1 ..: .,.<br />

- "" eo<br />

I .,.,<br />

== I 1<br />

~ .::: .....<br />

tJ<br />

~ B g :: ~<br />

a<br />

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~~<br />

;;<br />

tJ<br />

> ~ r.oo ~ ,..<br />

tJ ::: C'l<br />

Q; , i:; given to t he nearest 1,000 tons only:-<br />

British Ocean-going,<br />

.Foreign Ocean-going, .... ..<br />

British River Steamers, .. .<br />


...... ~<br />

!."'•<br />

..., -· ...,<br />

"..,<br />

"'<br />

~ "'<br />

......<br />

~<br />

~ , "'<br />

~<br />

,..., "'<br />

c g. ~<br />

~ rr, ... '" ..,<br />

00<br />

"' "'<br />

v v<br />

~<br />

~ ~<br />

1='-<br />

'< '<<br />

~<br />

b;j t:d<br />

0 0 '"'"<br />

10 10<br />

,.. .,.. t:d<br />

0<br />

.'!!;. ~ 10<br />

~<br />

-'!!..-<br />

218<br />

'l'he principal increases are under LiglJt Dues, $2,497.69;<br />

Light Dues, 8pecial Assessment in respect <strong>of</strong> the l\longkoktsui<br />

Typhoon Refuge, $90,337.67 ; Junk Licences, $3,838.05 ; Fees<br />

for Storage <strong>of</strong> Explosives, $2,637.73; l\Iedical Examination <strong>of</strong><br />

Emigrants, $7,567.25; Examination <strong>of</strong> Masters, &c., $237.50;<br />

and Sunday Cargo W Ol'king Permits. $600. <strong>The</strong> falling <strong>of</strong>f in<br />

Revenue comes uHder the headi ng~ :-<br />

Engagement and Discharge <strong>of</strong> Seamen, $1,032.GO; Sugar<br />

Certificates and Permits, $550; Fines, $430.35 ;<br />

Steam-launch Licences, &c., $369.75; SuiTey <strong>of</strong><br />

Steam-launches, $330 ; Chinese Passenger Ship<br />

Licences, $270; Sale <strong>of</strong> Printed Fo1'mt~. $127 ; and<br />

Registry Fees, $106.<br />

*<br />

;:,<br />

;.:-<br />

g<br />

~<br />

s.<br />

r<br />

~<br />

-<br />

,; ,.,<br />

.-.<br />

s<br />

()<br />

"...<br />

"'<br />

~<br />

~<br />

if.<br />

.,,<br />

~<br />

.....<br />

s<br />

c<br />

::::;<br />

"'<br />

I<br />

•<br />

17. 'l'he expenditure <strong>of</strong> the Haruour 1Jepat·tmeHt for <strong>1909</strong><br />

was $169,672.04 including $3,204 ~pecially expended on Buoys<br />

and the Crown Agents' charges for December. 1908, but not<br />

including the Crown Agents' charges for Decem bet·, 190&. Compared<br />

with 1908, this shows an increa.se <strong>of</strong> $6,092.5(1 or 3·5 per<br />

cent.<br />

4. -Steam-launches.<br />

18. On the 31st December, there we1·e 2!J t Stea.m-launclJe:'l<br />

(including 9 Motor Boats) employed in the Har bour, <strong>of</strong> these,<br />

137 were licensed for conveyance <strong>of</strong> passengers, &c., 136 were<br />

privately owned, 14 were the property <strong>of</strong> the Governmeut and 4<br />

belonged to the Imr .. erial Government in charge <strong>of</strong> the Military<br />

:\ ut.horities.<br />

Sixteen Masters' Certificates \Yere suspemled for incompetency<br />

or negligence in the perfo rmance <strong>of</strong> their dut.ies, 3 for 6<br />

months, 1 for 3 months, 6 for 2 months, and 6 for lmouth ; one<br />

Master's Certificate was cancelled and one Master was cautioned.<br />

rrhree Engineers' Certificates were suspended, 1 for 6 months, 1<br />

for 3 months and 1 for 2 months.<br />

Six hundt·ed and forby-one (6±1) engagemeu bs and fi\re<br />

hundred and seventeen (517) discharges <strong>of</strong> Mnsters a nd Engineer~<br />

were made during the year.<br />

As in 1908, seven (7) stm:un-launches were permitted to<br />

carry Arms, &c., fot· theit· protect.ion ag·ainst pirate;3. No ne1v<br />

permits were grant.ed.

5.-Emigration and Immigration.<br />

J 9. Seventy-seven t housand four hundred and t hirty<br />

(77,±30) Emigrants left <strong>Hong</strong>kong for various places during the<br />

year J 909. Of t hese 52,92H were carried in British ships and<br />

24,507 in Foreign ships. <strong>The</strong>se figures show an increase, compared<br />

with those for 1908, <strong>of</strong> 6,34:9 (or 8·93 "/.), which may be<br />

accounted for Ly the 1·eturn <strong>of</strong> the business to normal conditions,<br />

and to the resumption <strong>of</strong> emigTation to Banka and Billit on.<br />

It may be wdl to note t,he increasing proportion <strong>of</strong> Emigrants<br />

·Carried in Foreign Ye::;sel::;. This appears to be due t o the increasing·<br />

numbers going to Uawaii, who can only travel in 'Cnited<br />

States ships, aB ~Y e ll as to the resumption <strong>of</strong> emigrat ion t o the<br />

Dutch lndies, which is carried in Dutch vessels.<br />

One hundred and forty-four thousand eight hundred aud<br />

twenty-one (14±,821) returniug emigrants are reported to ha,-e<br />

been brought t o <strong>Hong</strong>kong from the several places t o which they<br />

had emigrated, eithet· from t his Colony or from Coast Ports, ns<br />

against 107,809 iu 1908. Of these 109,G33 arrived in British<br />

Ehips, and 35,188 in Foreign ships.<br />

6.-Registry, &c., <strong>of</strong> Shipping.<br />

20. During t he yea r, 1G ships were registered nuder t he pro­<br />

Yisions <strong>of</strong> the Imperial Merchant Shipping Act, a nd 3 CPJ·t,ificates<br />

<strong>of</strong> Registry were cancelled. J 28 Documents. &c. , \H'I P dealt with<br />

in connection with t he Act, the fees on which amounted to $593<br />

($699 in 1908).<br />

7.--Marine Magistrate's Court.<br />

21. 'l'hree huudred a11d three (303) ca ses were heanl in t he<br />

~larine Magist rate'sf;ourt (325 i11 1!)08). Breach o f t he Ha rbour<br />

Regulations, Disobe_ying the lawful orders <strong>of</strong> the H a r bour Master,<br />

:Neglecting to exhibit lig·h t s, Faili11g t o obsen 'e t he Rules <strong>of</strong> the<br />

Road, Using t.he ~ t eam-whiBtles for other purposes t hnn for<br />

Navigation a nu cnrryinp,: excess <strong>of</strong> passeugers were t he pri ncipal<br />

<strong>of</strong>fences.<br />

a.-Marine Court.<br />

(Under Section 19 <strong>of</strong> Ordina nce 10 <strong>of</strong> 1899)<br />

22. 'l'he following Courts ha ,.e bren held during t he year:­<br />

On the J Ot.h August, <strong>1909</strong>, inquiry into clmrges <strong>of</strong><br />

~liscouduc t on the part <strong>of</strong> the Uaster (Alexander<br />

~elson SE>n.ton), numhflJ' <strong>of</strong> who~e Cert.ificat P <strong>of</strong> Com-<br />

•<br />

•<br />

221<br />

peteucy is 13± 7, Hon g~wng, and the )late ~ \\'illiam<br />

J ames H a nion), nuntbeJ• <strong>of</strong> whose Cer t ifica te <strong>of</strong> Competency<br />

i:'l 034381, Lei Lh , <strong>of</strong> t he Bdti!'h S team~h i p<br />

,..,'hiu On, Official .\lumber 126987 <strong>of</strong> Hougkoug.<br />

'l'he result was that the C:om-t onlered t he .\fat~> ·!'<br />

( 'e1'titi.cate t o be suspended for two .vea rs.<br />

011 t he ~ th day <strong>of</strong> October, 1H09, inq uir.v into clinrgl:':::<br />

o.f :'IIIsconduct on lhe part <strong>of</strong> the t hird B ng·ineer (H. 1 r.<br />

~ · Prp;uson), n umber o f whose Certificate <strong>of</strong> l'om pet enc.'·<br />

JS 33341 <strong>of</strong> Glasg o w, <strong>of</strong> t he B l'it ish Stea.m:;hip f}er :-;i:l<br />

Oflicial number R-U64 <strong>of</strong> Liverpool.<br />

'<br />

l'he third E nginePJ·'s Certificate was ;o; n F: p,~mle

2 ~ :&<br />

For Steamships not excee d' mg 60 tom•, uHder Hection 37 <strong>of</strong><br />

Ord inance ~ o . 10 <strong>of</strong> 1899:-<br />

Candicln.tes. P nssed. Failed.<br />

------------------ - - - --<br />

3G 4<br />

Ji'or \ lnster, ...... ,............ .............................. 28 1<br />

For f.:ngineer .... , ..... ,. ...... .... ... ... .. ........... ... .. . 1-<br />

0 4<br />

-- --<br />

--<br />

5<br />

T ot n.l, ...... ·· ····...................· - -·------<br />

!O.- Examination <strong>of</strong> Pilots.<br />

( Under Ol·dinance t-:o. 3 <strong>of</strong> 1D04. ) .· ,,.<br />

• • L' P ilot's Cer tificate was held dlll tllt-.<br />

2-1. One Examm atJOn f not used as It . , eh case~'> were refunded.<br />

l Sunday a nd t he fees m su<br />

t le d nder t his head a mounted to ~29 , 200<br />

<strong>The</strong> Revenue co11ecte u<br />

. $28' 600 in 190 B.<br />

ns agam s t , .<br />

12.-New T erritoues.<br />

Fleven t h yeai<br />

, <strong>of</strong> British Administration.<br />

·<br />

' . . . cl t t h e H a rboue Deparltuent., su<br />

'l'lle Outstat ions a ttache <strong>of</strong> tlle work allottf>d to t hem,<br />

. cl to p er orm . h<br />

in n n mber , have contn~n e Por t C'learanceR, rermitg, &c., a ve<br />

a nd during t he y ear Licences,<br />

l1eeu lSSU . ed by t hem as follows:- <strong>1909</strong> . 1 !108.<br />

Chenng Ch a;u opened<br />

Tai O "<br />

'l'ai P o .,<br />

J)eep Bay<br />

"<br />

Sai Kung<br />

"<br />

Lo ng Ket ' 1<br />

1899 - 11,002 9,14()<br />

1899 5,143 4,!'101<br />

1900 -<br />

1901 -<br />

1902 -<br />

l 90 rl -<br />

6,811 6,271<br />

2,45H 4,882<br />

2,040 4,628<br />

4,350 3,580<br />

---- - -<br />

31,80 4 3il,408<br />

223<br />

T l111 RPvenue collected by this Department from the ~ew<br />

TenitorieH dur ing 19.09 was ~25,10 :! .50 as Colllpared with<br />

$22.008.05 in 1908<br />

J3.- Commercial Intelligence, Board <strong>of</strong> T rade.<br />

27. Thit·ty-nine (39 J letters 1\'Ct'e received during- the Jear<br />

fro nr firru s n od ind ividuals, principally in Great Oritain, asking<br />

for iufomw.tion upon various poi nLs iu conuection with theit·<br />

businel:ls, req nesting- me to place them in communication with<br />

local firms, o t· t o o btain local agent.s for the sale <strong>of</strong> tl1ei J· goods,<br />

o r submitting sa111 ples or p l'ice lists. ,\ly replies have been as full<br />

ns the inful'lnatio n anc~ time at my disposal per mitted, and my<br />

negctiatiom; h ~tve, I u nderstand, been productive, in many cases,<br />

<strong>of</strong> desired pffects.<br />

l4. -<strong>General</strong>.<br />

28. During· the year t.he Harbour Departmeut has had the<br />

misfonuue to lose, by death, two valuable <strong>of</strong>ficers, Mr. Botelho,<br />

1st Cler k, Harbom Office, and Mr. Watson, 1st Clerk, Mercantile<br />

:\ hwine Office. <strong>The</strong> fo 1·mer had been 38 years iu the Office, and<br />

hud proved himself invaluuble.<br />

In l::leptember t he I mports and Exports Sub-depai-tment was<br />

temporarily sepnl'atecl from the Harbou1· Depat·tment, and the<br />

sta ff la rgely increased to dea l more especially with the Liquor<br />

trade in the Colony . <strong>The</strong> repol't <strong>of</strong> thiR Suu-Dt>partrnent is<br />

annexed- Annexe B.<br />

On the 1st August. two new lights were exhibitetl in the<br />

.Har uom·, one FixPd Red on the Cust Rock Buoy, and one- Red<br />

with wh ite sectot·- fiashing· o n the summit <strong>of</strong> the hill behind Chinsal-tsni<br />

Point. T his latter was desio·ned to utilise the lenses <strong>of</strong><br />

the old Cnpe Coll ioson Light, and is ;f the oth order.<br />

Arrangements are in progress for t.he exhibition <strong>of</strong> another<br />

new light un TC.t,p Sing Island, which it is hoped will be displayed<br />

t his yea.r (1910). It will also be <strong>of</strong> the 6t h order, and will be<br />

made d ist.inclive. A fog signal will possihly be added.<br />

.H ARBOUR 0PF I C I~,<br />

1st MH.r ch, 191 0.<br />

BASIL 'fAYLOR, Commandel', R.N ,<br />

Htv·bour Mnster, &c.

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