April/June 20 No. 46 Nisan/Iyar//Sivan 577 - Moriel Ministries

April/June 20 No. 46 Nisan/Iyar//Sivan 577 - Moriel Ministries

April/June 20 No. 46 Nisan/Iyar//Sivan 577 - Moriel Ministries


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Danny Isom<br />

Will The World End?<br />

Thus says the LORD, “Let not a wise man boast of his wisdom, and let not the mighty man boast of his might,<br />

let not a rich man boast of his riches; but let him who boasts boast of this, that he understands and knows Me,<br />

that I am the LORD who exercises loving kindness, justice and righteousness on earth; for I delight in these<br />

things,” declares the LORD. ( Jeremiah 9:23–24) giving no cause for offense in anything, so that the ministry<br />

will not be discredited, but in everything commending ourselves as servants of God… (2 Corinthians 6:3–4a)<br />

I am not a prophet, but as a Bible-based believer I make the 100% safe prediction that nothing predicted by<br />

Harold Camping and company will come true for any date they set. But what we will experience, and have<br />

already experienced, is incredible damage to the Body of Christ where its credibility and witness is concerned.<br />

If there is a more suitable poster child for giving offense and discrediting the ministry rather than being commended<br />

as a servant of God than Camping and company, I don’t know who to nominate. And even worse is the<br />

effect that this “crying wolf” is having on the unsaved who, when they need it most, are being desensitized to the Gospel in general and the<br />

true specific signs pointing to the return of Christ.<br />

It was not just a colossal waste of time and money that the deceived squandered; it is not just their personal reputations and witness that<br />

are called into question, but every true believer and maintainer of biblical truth has to live with the consequences. If you’re a Christian, don’t<br />

laugh at what was so obviously a folly of the flesh; weep at what has been done to the name and message of Christ.<br />

Will those subscribing to and following Camping’s nonsense repent of their error and forsake the deception they have so fervently proclaimed?<br />

Let’s look at history.<br />

Even Camping’s own website admits that in 1992 he published a book titled 1994? pointing to that being the final date. What happened<br />

when that prediction failed? He simply set another date! (This is what date-setters always do.) His website explains, “Important subsequent<br />

biblical information was not yet known, so this book was incomplete. Mr. Camping warned there may be something he overlooked, therefore<br />

the question mark was prominently placed on the title.”<br />

(I guess that’s what you call a “safety net”.) It goes on to state, “In the nineteen years since 1994? was written, the biblical evidence for<br />

<strong>20</strong>11 has greatly solidified. Today there is no longer any question”. (So much for a “safety net” this time.)<br />

His website also categorically answers the self-posed question, “What if May 21 ends and nothing occurs?” with, “The Biblical evidence<br />

is too overwhelming and specific to be wrong.” How much do you want to bet that we will once again be told that “Important subsequent<br />

biblical information” is to blame just as it was in 1994 when they adjust for the new “final” date?<br />

My point is that there will be no repentance, no admission of error, no change in direction—they will simply set another date without<br />

regard for the continued and multiplied damage to the name of Christ and the witness of the faithful who never subscribed to Camping’s<br />

poison in the first place.<br />

The saddest fact of all is that Camping and his ministry would disappear almost overnight if people stopped sending the donations that<br />

keep this madness fueled. How I weep for the waste of dollars contributed by so-called Christians which have done nothing but harm and<br />

discredit the Gospel. This is not being accomplished through outside enemies of Christianity such as Muslims or atheists, but within the<br />

walls of the church!<br />

I wish I could be angry enough to overcome my grief—not grief over Camping being wrong, but my grief over the tens of thousands of believers<br />

he has deceived, and the hundreds of thousands (perhaps millions) of non-believers he has desensitized to, or outright driven from, the Gospel.<br />

That Sunday, the day after Camping’s prediction failed, the world was laughing; true followers of Christ everywhere should be in mourning.<br />

In Him,<br />

Danny Isom<br />

The False Teacher Who Cried Wolf<br />

<strong>June</strong> <strong>20</strong>11 • <strong>Moriel</strong> Quarterly 15

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