April/June 20 No. 46 Nisan/Iyar//Sivan 577 - Moriel Ministries

April/June 20 No. 46 Nisan/Iyar//Sivan 577 - Moriel Ministries

April/June 20 No. 46 Nisan/Iyar//Sivan 577 - Moriel Ministries


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<strong>Moriel</strong> Israel<br />

Editorial<br />

It’s Been Raining Here<br />

Passover has just finished here, and we thank<br />

God indeed for the rainfall that we have had<br />

here. It was totally undeserved considering the<br />

sinful state of the nation, and it was a welcome<br />

blessing to a water starved country like Israel.<br />

Rain here is rarely drizzle like in Europe. In fact<br />

its a fairly violent affair with very loud thunder<br />

and spectacular electrical storms. It is easy to<br />

see why the Psalmist exclaimed when he saw<br />

the glory of God in His creation: “the voice of<br />

the LORD is upon many waters, the God of<br />

glory thunders... the voice of the LORD is powerful,<br />

the voice of the LORD is full of majesty”<br />

Just recently we returned from a trip down to<br />

Eilat. The desert is a strange place indeed, and<br />

at times breathtakingly beautiful as the light<br />

and shadow change the rocks in hue throughout<br />

the day. (It’s also probably the only place in Israel<br />

where you can get some peace and quiet.)<br />

Being in Israel is like living in a Bible Encyclopedia.<br />

You get to see things that enhance your<br />

understanding of the Scriptures right in front of<br />

your own eyes. On a little jaunt into the desert,<br />

we visited one or two of the camping sites of<br />

the Children of Israel before they crossed the<br />

Jordan river. It was a very hot day, and as we<br />

stood there in the heat our guide was explaining<br />

to us about the species of Acacia tree that<br />

we stood under, that in some cases its roots<br />

could go down to 150 feet below the surface,<br />

where it could reach the water even in the driest<br />

summers. Israel, unlike, for example, the U.K<br />

(where it rains nearly all the time) enjoys rain<br />

only on a seasonal basis. This is particularly so<br />

in the Aravah (from a Hebrew word meaning<br />

“dry”) desert, where the rivers too are seasonal.<br />

In the rainy season these river beds (Hebrew:<br />

Nahal, Arabic wadi) can be raging torrents,<br />

washing away roads, bridges and anyone foolish<br />

or unfortunate enough to be caught in their<br />

path. The sky may be blue and cloudless overhead,<br />

but it may have rained in the mountains<br />

miles away and the unsuspecting hiker will<br />

know nothing until a raging flood some metres<br />

deep comes racing down the wadi smashing<br />

them against its rock walls and carrying them<br />

off. People die every year from not taking heed<br />

to the warnings. This has something to teach us<br />

too. In Isaiah 59:19 in the context of the LORD<br />

marching forth in judgement we read:<br />

“And so shall they fear the name of the<br />

LORD from the West and from the Rising<br />

of the Sun (the East) His glory, for He (i.e.<br />

the LORD, or “it” meaning His judgment<br />

both are possible renderings from the Hebrew),<br />

shall come like a pent up river which<br />

the Spirit of the LORD drives along.”<br />

This reminds how vitally important it is that<br />

we know the times and seasons and be watchful<br />

to avoid being swept away. That day should not<br />

overtake us like a thief if we remain awake (see<br />

1Thess. 5:1-6, and in Luke 21, Jesus commanded<br />

us to watch for the signs of His coming and<br />

when we saw certain things we would know<br />

that the season of our redemption draws nigh.).<br />

During the dry season the surface river water<br />

dries up and the only water is deep underground.<br />

Only trees that have deep roots can survive.<br />

This illustrates for us the need to be rooted<br />

and grounded in the LORD and His Word to<br />

survive in a hostile enviroment.<br />

“Blessed is the man that trusteth in the<br />

LORD, and whose hope the LORD is. For<br />

he shall be as a tree planted by the waters,<br />

and that spreadeth out her roots by the<br />

river, and shall not see when heat cometh,<br />

but her leaf shall be green; and shall not<br />

be careful in the year of drought, neither<br />

shall cease from yielding fruit.”<br />

May we be deep-rooted and fruitful for Him.<br />

Our Prayer Needs – General<br />

It will not have escaped anyone’s notice that<br />

the political environment around Israel is becoming<br />

increasingly more unstable and hostile.<br />

We may be seeing the beginnings of Islamic<br />

radicalisation of our immediate neighbours<br />

with whom we have enjoyed at least a cessation<br />

of hostilities (if nothing more) for many years.<br />

Coupled with this we have the distinct possibility<br />

of a violent “Palestinian” state being forcibly<br />

created by the UN (Unwanted Nuisance)<br />

on part of our territory, leaving us with borders<br />

that offer us no strategic depth in case of an outbreak<br />

of hostilities, -something that is certain to<br />

happen if such a state is created, as it will quickly<br />

be filled with Iranian-backed terror groups,<br />

and an unrestricted flow of munitions for them<br />

to use against us. We also face a Europe that<br />

grows ever more inimical as each day passes,<br />

and an America that is a broken reed governed<br />

by a weak and useless president who seems like<br />

some kind of Islamic stooge, bent on destroying<br />

the very nation he governs, so the chances<br />

of help from over there are slim indeed. War is<br />

not a pleasant prospect, particularly as here in<br />

Nahariya, we are almost right next to the border<br />

and in <strong>20</strong>06 the town was plastered by Katyusha<br />

rockets. Thankfully in the past we have had<br />

very few casualties. Mostly these things have<br />

made a lot of noise, damaged buildings and<br />

upset the dog, but if they land near you in the<br />

open or hit your car (or some of the older buildings<br />

with thin walls) with you in it, they will kill<br />

you.. The Hizbullah have spent the last 5 years<br />

however upgrading their arsenal with new and<br />

better toys which do far more damage, so the<br />

next war could get very nasty indeed here on<br />

the border. (Of course if this “Palestinian” terror<br />

state is created EVERYONE will be near the<br />

border.) Please pray for us, both nationally, and<br />

locally here in Nahariya for wisdom and protection.<br />

While we may be seeing the possible<br />

lining up of the nations against Israel portrayed<br />

in Ezekiel 38, 39, this is not some theoretical<br />

debate about prophecy for us, here in the Land.<br />

It’s very real and people will die.<br />

Congregation<br />

Because of some recent difficulties, we felt<br />

<strong>June</strong> <strong>20</strong>11 • <strong>Moriel</strong> Quarterly 25

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