April/June 20 No. 46 Nisan/Iyar//Sivan 577 - Moriel Ministries

April/June 20 No. 46 Nisan/Iyar//Sivan 577 - Moriel Ministries

April/June 20 No. 46 Nisan/Iyar//Sivan 577 - Moriel Ministries


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KGB. Among The John Birch Society’s membership<br />

were a number of conservative Evangelicals<br />

who theologically viewed modern Israel as<br />

of prophetic importance eschatologically.<br />

The absolute villain in the eyes of The John<br />

Birch Society was the Council on Foreign Relations,<br />

and not the Jews. While many would interpret<br />

many of the positions of The John Birch<br />

Society as conspiratorial in nature, its ethos was<br />

simply anti-communism and not anti-anyone or<br />

anything else. It was not a racist or an anti-Jewish<br />

organization.<br />

Many of the views of The John Birch Society<br />

were historically vindicated and became mainstream<br />

in the 1990s when the official policy of<br />

the Reagan and Thatcher governments and the<br />

pontificate of John Paul II was that the betrayal<br />

of Eastern Europe by the West at Yalta needed<br />

to be reversed. The heirs of the conservative<br />

thinking of this era are popularly referred to<br />

as neo-conservatives, or neo cons and include<br />

many politically and fiscally conservative Jews<br />

in their ranks including Richard Perle, Ben<br />

Stein, Bernie Goldberg, and William Krystol. To<br />

falsely ascribe positions to authors or members<br />

of organizations which they themselves never<br />

adhered to is pseudo-academic fraud.<br />

3) For the record, the leadership of The<br />

ACLU is in the hands of Anthony Romero, an<br />

Italian American; he is not a Jew. The nemesis<br />

and opponent of the ACLU is the ACLJ headed<br />

by constitutional lawyer Jay Sekulow, who is<br />

a Jew (and a believer in Jesus). Although both<br />

Timothy Geithner and Hank Paulson (Secretary<br />

of Treasury under George W. Bush) are not<br />

Jews, the two most visible and high-profile outspoken<br />

arch opponents of the Federal Reserve<br />

and the Goldman Sachs-led banking establishment<br />

are without doubt TV and radio commentators<br />

Michael Savage and John Stossel, both of<br />

whom are Jews.<br />

4) In his anti-Jewish Hollywood tirade,<br />

“Anonymous” overlooks the non-Jewish powers<br />

in Hollywood such as Hollywood’s founder<br />

Cecil B. De Mille, and its biggest producer in<br />

financial terms, George Lukas. He overlooks<br />

the long list of very major non-Jewish film makers<br />

such as Oliver Stone, Francis Ford Coppola,<br />

Martin Scorsese and non- Jewish studio bosses<br />

such as David Putnam, to say nothing of Hollywood’s<br />

most successful script writers such as<br />

Mario Puzo (The Godfather) and David Chase<br />

(The Sopranos).<br />

Neither does he mention the politically conservative<br />

Jewish filmmakers in Hollywood<br />

such as David Zucker and Jerry Bruckheimer,<br />

nor outspoken, politically conservative Jewish<br />

actors such as Adam Sandler, Jason Alexander<br />

(from Seinfeld), and James Caan.<br />

He of course ignores the fact that the moral<br />

crusader against homosexual activism and Hollywood<br />

pornography is the very Jewish Louis Sheldon,<br />

founder of The Traditional Values Coalition<br />

(and also a staunch believer in Jesus, saved from<br />

an ultra-orthodox religious Jewish background).<br />

5) The vitriol of “Anonymous” about Jewish<br />

control of the media likewise overlooks the<br />

fact that from William Randolph Hearst to Ted<br />

Turner, to Rupert Murdoch, to the Bancroft family<br />

(former owners of Dow Jones and The Wall<br />

Street Journal) America’s largest news media<br />

dynasties are not Jewish. This includes Gannett,<br />

America’s largest newspaper chain. And let’s<br />

not forget politically conservative journalists<br />

and editorialists such as David Horowitz in the<br />

USA, and Melanie Philips in the UK.<br />

6) “Anonymous” goes on about Al Dager and<br />

Christians in Lebanon. He is evidently unaware<br />

that with the break up the French Empire, Lebanon<br />

was to be the Arab Christian country apportioned<br />

by France with a Druse and an Islamic<br />

minority, while Moslem Arabs were to receive<br />

Syria. The very week this is being written, however,<br />

radical Islamic Hezbollah, backed by Syria<br />

and Iran, wrestled power, once again pushing<br />

Lebanese Christians into the minority position.<br />

When the Moslems drove the Lebanese Christians<br />

out of the Marjeyoun area of Lebanon it<br />

was Israel who absorbed the Christian Lebanese<br />

refugees, TV commentator Brigitte Gabriel<br />

among them. From the Islamic assassination of<br />

President Bachir Gemayel to the murder of presidential<br />

hopeful Rafic Al-Hariri, to the present<br />

moment, the Christian population of Lebanon,<br />

like the Christian populations of Egypt, Iraq,<br />

and Sudan, has had to struggle endlessly for<br />

their very survival against Islamic oppression.<br />

7) Lastly, we absolutely agree with Al Dager<br />

that Talmudic Judaism, Islam, and nominal<br />

Christianity are all antichrist religions. But opposing<br />

Islam does not make Al a hater of Moslems,<br />

nor do unscriptural expressions of Christianity<br />

make Al an opponent of true Christianity<br />

or of Christians. Neither does opposing Talmudic<br />

Judaism make us or Al enemies of the Jews.<br />

(Jacob Prasch)<br />

Gratitude from a former anti-Semite to the<br />

<strong>Moriel</strong> team . . . .<br />

Dear Mr. Prasch and the team at <strong>Moriel</strong>,<br />

Recently I read an article from <strong>Moriel</strong>s “Be<br />

alert” newsletter in which you were rejoicing for<br />

the lives that the Lord had touched through your<br />

ministry. I just wanted to add to them my own<br />

deep gratitude for the impact that your ministry<br />

has had on my life.<br />

<strong>No</strong>t only was I an anti Semite, but a very active<br />

anti Israel campaigner and promoter of the<br />

interfaith agenda. Your writings and teachings<br />

have been a powerful vehicle that helped me<br />

shed off all the lies and twisted truths that I had<br />

held onto and in ignorance and self promotion,<br />

had pushed onto others but more than that, has<br />

led me to the Lord and resulted in my being born<br />

again and set free from great darkness.<br />

I have attended teaching days were I have<br />

had a chance to speak to you and tell you personally<br />

but each time I was overwhelmed with<br />

shame and turned away. I regret that now. Rather<br />

than go through the whole testimony again<br />

I am sending also a copy of an article that was<br />

used by Paul Wilkinson and his Pastor Andrew<br />

Robinson of Hazel Grove FULL Gospel<br />

Church whom I believe you know. I apologize<br />

if you have all ready seen it. Paul and his Pastor<br />

have been a great source of strength and guidance<br />

to me and I am very grateful to them for<br />

their help and encouragement. They truly are<br />

uncompromising faithful Brothers in the Lord!<br />

I remember when the Lord began to convict<br />

through His word as I poured over the scriptures<br />

concerning Israel and the Jews, a lady gave me<br />

some tapes from <strong>Moriel</strong> to listen to. Though I<br />

was a professing Christian I still held onto replacement<br />

theology and anti Semitic views. On<br />

the cover was a symbol of menorah and the star<br />

Letters & Comments – Continued<br />

of David and I felt incensed to even look at it<br />

and had no intention of listening to them thinking<br />

them to be just the ranting of yet another deceived<br />

Israel supporter feeding into the Zionist<br />

propaganda machine. (That was how my mind<br />

worked at the time.) They sat there for weeks<br />

until one day I was dusting and knocked one off<br />

the shelf and thought “maybe I will just listen to<br />

one whilst I do the housework. That way I won’t<br />

waste my time listening to them but rather get<br />

stuff done at the same time.” How arrogant and<br />

self assured I was! Well all I can say is that the<br />

dusting did not get done and I sat there arguing<br />

with you but but soon shut up when I checked<br />

out the Word! Well...the hooks were in and afterwards<br />

much time was spent listening, reading<br />

and watching your teachings and those of<br />

other ministries concerning Israel, the Jews, Interfaith<br />

and replacement theology. All the while<br />

the Lord was doing a work in my heart … and<br />

without my knowing It, I was being drawn to the<br />

truth and bought into the Light! Well the rest as<br />

they say, is HIS-tory! :)<br />

Mr. Prasch I do believe that when our works<br />

are tested on that great and fearful day there will<br />

be for you a great weight of glory wrought when<br />

He tests them by fire in which our Lord will be<br />

well pleased. I do not think you really know how<br />

much the Lord has used you or how grateful I<br />

and many others like me are to the Lord for doing<br />

such a mighty work in and through you and<br />

those in your ministry. You simply do not know<br />

who is listening or who’s heart is being opened.<br />

Recently, I bought a copy of “The Daniel<br />

Project” and I wish I had seen this film long ago!<br />

It would have saved me a lot of pain! I pray that<br />

the Lord will use it mightily to speak to many<br />

lost, deceived and lukewarm souls. It not only<br />

is a powerful vehicle for bringing those who do<br />

not know or believe but I believe it will be very<br />

persuasive and hopefully instrumental in changing<br />

the hearts of believers who are taken in my<br />

replacement theology or who have anti-Semitic/<br />

anti Zionist views. I am sure that had I seen it<br />

long ago I might have been delivered of the lies<br />

much earlier.<br />

Hmmm… I wonder if Mr. Sizer would like a<br />

copy? Just a thought!<br />

I pray for your continued good health and<br />

for the Lords protection over you, your ministry<br />

and that of your family. I pray that He will lead<br />

you, guide you, empower and equip you to bring<br />

the Good news of Jesus Christ to all who will<br />

hear and to use you to bring light and truth into<br />

His Church so that when the day of His coming<br />

is at hand many who have heard your teaching<br />

will not be caught unawares or in deception! I<br />

praise God for You and all those like you who<br />

fearlessly and boldly proclaim the TRUTH!<br />

May the Lord bless you and your loved ones<br />

this day and always my Brothers and Sisters in<br />

Christ Jesus. May the Lord bless, keep and make<br />

His face shine upon al the Saints at <strong>Moriel</strong>!<br />

With much love and gratitude in our Lord<br />

Jesus Christ,<br />

T G <<br />

Love suffers long and is kind; love does not<br />

envy; love does not parade itself, is not puffed<br />

up; does not behave rudely, does not seek its own,<br />

is not provoked, thinks no evil; does not rejoice in<br />

iniquity, but rejoices in the truth; bears all things,<br />

believes all things, hopes all things, endures all<br />

things. Love never fails – 1 Corinthians 13:4-8<br />

<strong>June</strong> <strong>20</strong>11 • <strong>Moriel</strong> Quarterly 33

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