alternative lecture notes - Rational points and algebraic cycles

alternative lecture notes - Rational points and algebraic cycles

alternative lecture notes - Rational points and algebraic cycles


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15. August 20 (Schlank)<br />

Let k be a field with char k ≠ 2. Let a, b ∈ k × . Let X be the variety x 2 − ay 2 =<br />

b. Let U be the variety defined by t 2 = a, s 2 = b, z 2 − aw 2 = s. Define U → X by<br />

(s, t, z, w) ↦→ (z 2 + aw 2 , 2zw). In fact, this is a torsor under the dihedral group of order 8,<br />

acting by (s, t, z, w) ↦→ (−s, −t, tw, z/t) <strong>and</strong> (s, t, z, w) ↦→ (s, −t, z, w). Let X := ¯π 0 (Č(U)) ∈<br />

Γ k -Set ∆op . The first obstruction lives in H 2 (Γ k , π 1 (X)).<br />

Let us now discuss some constructions related to group cohomology, as a warmup. Let G<br />

be a finite group. Let E be a G-simplicial set such that E ∼ ∗ <strong>and</strong> G acts freely on E. (All<br />

groups act on the left.) Then<br />

{<br />

0, if n ≠ 1<br />

π n (E/G) =<br />

G, if n = 1.<br />

Example 15.1. If G is a set with free G-action, then the simplicial set cosk 0 (L) consisting<br />

of powers of L is G-free <strong>and</strong> ∼ ∗. Also, cosk 0 (L) is Kan.<br />

Example 15.2. Take L = G. Define EG := cosk 0 (G) <strong>and</strong> BG = EG/G.<br />

Let 1 → K → L → M → 1 be a short exact sequence of finite groups. Then<br />

{<br />

0, if n ≠ 1<br />

π n (EL/K) =<br />

K, if n = 1.<br />

Also, M acts on EL/K. Is (EL/K) hM ≠ ∅? This holds if <strong>and</strong> only if the obstruction o 1 ∈<br />

H 2 (M, π 1 (EL/K)) = H 2 (M, K) is 0 (if o 1 is 0, then all the higher obstructions automatically<br />

vanish). Claim: o 1 = 0 if <strong>and</strong> only if there is a section M → L.<br />

(EL/K) hM = Map der<br />

M-SSet(∗, EL/K). Here EL/K is fibrant. Replace ∗ by EM, which is<br />

cofibrant. We compute maps from EM to EL/K levelwise.<br />

.<br />

M × M × M −→ K\L × L × L<br />

M × M −→ K\L × L<br />

M −→ K\L<br />

By connectedness, we may assume that the last map sends e to e <strong>and</strong> hence m to m ∈<br />

M = K\L. The next map is M-equivariant <strong>and</strong> respects end<strong>points</strong>. By M-equivariance, it<br />

suffices to say where (e, m) goes for each m; say it maps to (l 1 , l 2 ). Here l 1 ∈ f −1 (e) = K<br />

<strong>and</strong> l 2 ∈ f −1 (m). Because we are taking the quotient by K, we may assume l 1 = e.<br />

Define γ(m) := l 2 . This is a section of sets M → L, <strong>and</strong> we claim that it is a section<br />

of groups. To extend to level 2, it is enough to specify the values on (e, m 0 , m 0 m 1 ) since<br />

the map is M-equivariant. We may suppose it maps to (e, l 0 , l 2 ) where f(l 0 ) = m 0 <strong>and</strong><br />

f(l 2 ) = m 0 m 1 , because of compatibility with vertices. Let p be the map EM → EL/K<br />

we are trying to describe. For compatibility with level 1, we need p(e, m 0 ) = (e, l 0 ), so<br />

l 0 = γ(m 0 ); <strong>and</strong> p(e, m 0 m 1 ) = (e, l 2 ), so l 2 = γ(m 0 m 1 ); <strong>and</strong> p(m 0 , m 0 m 1 ) = (l 0 , l 2 ), so<br />

m 0 p(e, m 1 ) = (l 0 , l 2 ), so m 0 (e, l 1 ) = (l 0 , l 2 ) so (γ(m 0 ), γ(m 0 )l 1 ) = (l 0 , l 2 ) in K\L × L <strong>and</strong><br />

γ(m 0 ) = l 0 , so l 2 = γ(m 0 )l 1 .<br />


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