GURPS - Magic.pdf

GURPS - Magic.pdf

GURPS - Magic.pdf


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Resist Pain<br />

Regular<br />

The subject becomes temporarily impervious to pain. He may ignore<br />

Spasm and other pain-causing spells. He cannot be stunned in combat, and<br />

does not lose DX when wounded, or slow down when his HT is reduced to<br />

3. However, he does not gain any actual resistance to injury - only to the<br />

pain it causes.<br />

Duration: 1 minute.<br />

Cost: 4 to cast; 2 to maintain.<br />

Prerequisite: Pain, Magery 2.<br />

Item: Any item. Affects wearer only. Energy cost to create: 800.<br />

Alter Visage<br />

Regular; Resisted by HT<br />

Changes the subject’s face as the caster wills. Any new organs added<br />

(e.g., extra eyes) will not really function. Other than that, any change is<br />

possible. If the caster is trying to duplicate an existing face, he is at -1 if he<br />

does not have the model (or a good picture) available; if he is not too<br />

familiar with the model, -2 or worse.<br />

This spell cannot be used to injure the subject. Mages do not get an<br />

automatic IQ + Magery roll to realize someone is under this spell.<br />

If this spell or Alter Body (below) is used to permanently improve a<br />

PC’s looks, the GM should require them to pay the appropriate character<br />

points for the improvement!<br />

Duration: 1 hour unless made permanent. May be removed by Alter<br />

Visage, Alter Body or Remove Curse.<br />

Cost: 4 to cast, 3 to maintain. May be made permanent, as an<br />

enchantment, for an energy cost of 40.<br />

Time to cast: 1 minute.<br />

Prerequisite: 8 Body Control spells, and either Shapeshifting or<br />

Perfect Illusion.<br />

Item: Any, but usually clothing or jewelry. Gives wearer a new face,<br />

pre-set by the caster. Energy cost to create: 1,000.<br />

Alter Body<br />

Regular; Resisted by HT<br />

As for Alter Visage, except that the subject’s entire body (e.g., skin,<br />

hair, limbs) may be altered. The subject’s general form cannot change:<br />

humanoids stay humanoid. No extra limbs, wings, etc., may be added.<br />

Simpler additions are possible (non-prehensile tails, horns, hooves), but<br />

the subject will be unfamiliar with them, and may suffer penalties to DX<br />

until a suitable adjustment period (GM’s decision) has passed. The<br />

subject’s mass must remain the same; basic stats do not change.<br />

Duration: 1 hour unless made permanent. May be removed by Alter<br />

Body or Remove Curse.<br />

Cost: 8 to cast, 6 to maintain. May be made permanent, as an<br />

enchantment, for an energy cost of 200.<br />

Time to cast: 2 minutes.<br />

Prerequisite: Alter Visage.<br />

Item: Any, but usually clothing or jewelry. Gives wearer a new<br />

appearance. pre-set by the caster. Energy cost to create: 4,000.<br />


Sense Life<br />

Information; Area<br />

Tells the caster if there is any life in the subject area, and gives a<br />

general impression (on a good roll) of what kind. Caster can also specify<br />

he is looking for a specific sort of life; plants, elves, redheaded girls, or a<br />

named person who the caster knows.<br />

Base Cost: ½ (minimum 1).<br />

Item: Staff, wand or jewelry. Energy cost to create: 80.<br />

Sense Foes<br />

Information; Area<br />

Tells the caster if the subject has hostile intent, and what the degree of<br />

hostility is. Can be cast on one person, or a whole area. If cast over an<br />

area, it will only detect that someone is hostile, without telling who.<br />

Base Cost: 1 (minimum 2).<br />

Item: Staff, wand or jewelry. Energy cost to create: 200.<br />

Sense Emotion<br />

Regular<br />

Lets the caster know what emotions the subject is feeling at the<br />

moment. Works on any living being, but not much use except on intelligent<br />

creatures! Will also tell how loyal the subject is to the caster (see<br />

Loyalty, p. B195).<br />

Cost: 2.<br />

Prerequisite: Sense Foes.<br />

Item: Staff, wand or jewelry. Energy cost 300.<br />

Truthsayer<br />

Information; Resisted by IQ<br />

Tells whether the subject is lying or not. May be cast in two ways: (a)<br />

to tell whether the subject has told any lies in the last five minutes; (b) to<br />

tell whether the last thing the subject said was a lie. May also give an<br />

indication of how great the lie is. If caster is not touching subject,<br />

calculate range as for a regular spell.<br />

Cost: 2.<br />

Prerequisite: Sense Emotion.<br />

Item: Crown, helmet or other headgear. Energy cost 500.<br />

Compel Truth<br />

Information; Resisted by IQ<br />

The subject becomes unable to lie, though he may keep silent, or tell<br />

partial truths (this must be roleplayed). The spell does not force him to<br />

volunteer information; he merely cannot make any statement he believes<br />

to be untrue.<br />

Duration: 5 minutes.<br />

Cost: 4 to cast, 2 to maintain.<br />

Prerequisite: Magery 2, Truthsayer.<br />

Item: Torc or heavy necklace; wearer cannot lie. Energy cost 600.<br />

Mind-Reading<br />

Regular; Resisted by IQ<br />

Lets the caster read the subject’s mind. Works on any living thing, but<br />

is most useful on intelligent creatures. Detects only surface thoughts (what<br />

the subject is thinking at that moment). The subject is not aware his mind<br />

is being read, except in case of a critical failure. Modifiers: -2 to skill if<br />

caster does not know the subject’s native language; -2 if subject is of a<br />

different race; -4 or more if subject is totally alien!<br />

Duration: 1 minute.<br />

Cost: 4 to cast; 2 to maintain.<br />

Time to cast: 10 seconds.<br />

Prerequisite: Truthsayer.<br />

Item: Crown, helmet or other headgear. Usable only by a mage.<br />

Energy cost 1,000.<br />


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