GURPS - Magic.pdf

GURPS - Magic.pdf

GURPS - Magic.pdf


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These spells are concerned with food and drink. A meal, for purposes<br />

of these spells, is equal to a pound of food. None of these spells will turn<br />

living beings (or the undead) directly into food; they can’t be used in<br />

combat.<br />

Test Food<br />

Information<br />

Lets the caster know if a substance is good to eat. The spell tells<br />

nothing about taste or nutrition; it detects poisons, dangerous decay, or<br />

foreign objects (razor blades in fruit). It does not check for magic on food.<br />

Cost: 1 to test a single meal or a single bottle of wine; 3 per hex to<br />

check all the food and drink in a 1-hex area.<br />

Item: Staff, wand or jewelry. Energy cost to create: 100.<br />

Preserve Food<br />

Regular<br />

Keeps any organic material from spoiling, drying out, etc. Very useful<br />

for travelers!<br />

Duration: 1 week.<br />

Cost: 2 per pound of food, plus 1 to maintain.<br />

Prerequisites: Sterilize, Test Food.<br />

Item: (a) Staff, wand or jewelry. Energy cost to create: 200. (b) Chest<br />

or sack; always on; contents of the chest are preserved indefinitely. Energy<br />

cost to create: 20 for every pound of food to be held (round up).<br />

Seek Food<br />

Information<br />

Lets the caster determine the direction, distance, and general nature of<br />

the nearest significant source of food. Use the long-distance modifiers (p.<br />

10). The food found will be wholesome, but not necessarily appetizing -<br />

e.g., edible insects. Any known sources of food (such as those delicious<br />

insects) may be excluded if the caster specifically mentions them before<br />

beginning.<br />

Cost: 2.<br />

Item: A forked stick. Energy cost to create: 300.<br />

Decay<br />

Regular<br />

Makes food rot away immediately and become worthless (it can be<br />

saved if a counterspell is cast, or Purify Food is cast, within a minute).<br />

Cost: 1 per meal destroyed.<br />

Prerequisite: Test Food<br />

Item: Staff or wand. Must touch subject food. Energy cost to create:<br />

100.<br />

Purify Food<br />

Regular<br />

Removes foreign objects, poisons, and decay, and renders food fit to<br />

eat. Will work only on an edible or formerly-edible item - and if the whole<br />

item is unwholesome, the spell will remove all the unwholesomeness and<br />

leave nothing.<br />

Cost: 1 per pound of material to be purified.<br />

Prerequisite: Preserve Food or Decay.<br />

Item: Staff, wand or jewelry. Must touch subject food. Energy cost to<br />

create: 400.<br />

Poison Food<br />

Regular<br />

Introduces a physical poison into food. This poison can be detected by<br />

Test Food, and remains indefinitely. Anyone eating the poisoned food<br />

must make a HT roll. On a successful roll, they merely feel sick and lose 2<br />

HT. On a failed roll, they will be seized by painful stomach cramps and<br />

lose 1d+1 HT immediately; they will be at -3 for all skills or spells until<br />

the lost HT is restored.<br />

Cost: 3 per meal.<br />

Prerequisite: Purify Food, Decay.<br />

Item: Staff or wand. Must touch subject food. Energy cost to create:<br />

600.<br />

Cook<br />

Regular<br />

Turns raw ingredients into a finished meal. Produces only simple fare<br />

(stews, etc.) and only as wholesome as the ingredients. No cooking-fire is<br />

necessary; the spell provides the heat.<br />

Cost: 1 per meal.<br />

Time to cast: 5 seconds.<br />

Prerequisite: Test Food, Create Fire.<br />

Item: A pot which will cook any food placed within it, at no energy<br />

cost to the user. Requires about a minute to cook. Size of the pot does not<br />

matter, but each pot can be used only a limited number of times daily.<br />

Energy cost to create: 30 per meal per day (i.e., a pot which would cook 3<br />

meals per day would have an energy cost of 90 to create).<br />

Create Food<br />

Regular<br />

Turns any nonmetallic substance into edible food. The more edible the<br />

starting substance, the better; this spell will make rocks edible, but not<br />

tasty!<br />

Duration: Permanent.<br />

Cost: 3 per meal created if the starting substance is totally inedible, or<br />

2 if the starting substance is plant material of some kind.<br />

Time to cast: 30 seconds.<br />

Prerequisite: Cook, Seek Food.<br />

Item: (a) Wand, staff, or jewelry; usable only by a mage. Must touch<br />

material to be turned into food. Energy cost to create: 600. (b) A pot, as<br />

described for Cook, which will turn anything placed inside into a cooked<br />

meal. Energy cost to create: 200 per meal per day.<br />

Ferment<br />

Regular<br />

Causes accelerated fermentation in any matter which can be fermented.<br />

Primarily used to make beer, ale, and wine quickly, but will also<br />

cause bread to rise rapidly. The fermentation process will finish in a single<br />

hour (or one minute for bread).<br />

Duration: 1 hour (1 minute for bread).<br />

Cost: 1 per pint of liquid or loaf of bread. Cannot be maintained.<br />

Time to cast: 10 seconds.<br />

Prerequisites: Decay.<br />

Item: A small keg which works at no energy cost to the user, but only<br />

works a limited number of times per day. Energy cost to create: 50 per<br />

gallon of size, for each time/day the item is usable. Example: a 10 gallon<br />

keg that works twice per day costs 1,000 energy to create.<br />


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