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<strong>EEC</strong> <strong>MASTERCLASS</strong> <strong>IN</strong><br />
<strong>COLORECTAL</strong> <strong>SURGERY</strong><br />
08–10 April 2013<br />
21–23 October 2013<br />
<strong>EEC</strong> Paris, FrancE<br />
<strong>IN</strong>TRODUCTION<br />
The Ecole Européenne de Chirurgie invites you to<br />
participate in a laparoscopic colorectal masterclass.<br />
Prof. Brice Gayet<br />
Head of the Department of<br />
Medical and Surgical Digestive<br />
Diseases, Institut Mutualiste<br />
Montsouris, Paris, and director<br />
of the masterclass on colorectal<br />
surgery at the <strong>EEC</strong><br />
The rapid growth in diagnostic techniques and the<br />
treatment of medical diseases make the ongoing<br />
education of surgeons essential. Increasingly,<br />
surgeons must exercise their profession by<br />
defining quality criteria in order to gain their<br />
patients’ confidence and to justify their fee scales.<br />
The assurance of quality and safety is a criterion<br />
increasingly demanded by patients, who are now<br />
better informed, and by private as well as public<br />
health-care administrators responsible for the funding<br />
and reimbursement of health-care expenditure. In<br />
order to ensure optimal quality of surgical practice in<br />
France, in Europe and around the world, it appeared<br />
essential to create a school of surgery designed<br />
to provide periodic retraining (every five years) of<br />
surgeons right from the beginning of their specialist<br />
practice.<br />
The Ecole Européenne de Chirurgie combines<br />
academics and health-care system professionals in a<br />
joint project of retraining in knowledge and practical<br />
skills adapted to the demands of maximum medical<br />
quality.<br />
The programme deals with the laparoscopic<br />
technology applied to the complexity of a colorectal<br />
operation. It includes practical instructions, the<br />
execution of colorectal resection on fresh human<br />
cadavers under the direction of the course faculty, and<br />
interactive live sessions.<br />
This masterclass is designed for digestive surgeons<br />
who already have experience in laparoscopy and open<br />
colorectal surgery.<br />
Faculty<br />
Course Directors<br />
Prof. Brice Gayet<br />
Prof. Thierry Perniceni<br />
Invited speakers<br />
Prof. Brice Gayet<br />
Prof. Thierry Perniceni<br />
Dr Christine Denet<br />
Dr Patrick Laurent<br />
Sylvie De Palma<br />
Françoise Deschamps<br />
Dr Christophe Louvet
Agenda<br />
Day One Day Two<br />
10.00 a.m.<br />
Welcome and introduction<br />
10.15 a.m.<br />
· Laparoscopic organisation<br />
· Anaesthetic considerations<br />
· Patient positioning<br />
· Instrumentation<br />
· Trocar insertion<br />
12.00 p.m.<br />
Patient preparation and post-op care<br />
02.00 p.m.<br />
Colectomies (video)<br />
04.00 p.m.<br />
Coffee break<br />
04.30 p.m.<br />
Chemotherapy and hepatic metastases<br />
05.30 p.m.<br />
Anatomy of the rectum<br />
07.30 p.m.<br />
End of day one<br />
08.00 p.m.<br />
Dinner<br />
09.00 a.m.<br />
Rectal cancer<br />
· Proctectomy and total mesorectum excision<br />
(video)<br />
· Sphincter preservation<br />
11.00 a.m.<br />
Personal surgical training on fresh cadaver<br />
· Splenic flexure mobilisation<br />
· Vascular pedicles<br />
· Left and right colic and rectal resection<br />
· Nerves location<br />
· Rectal prolapse<br />
05.00 p.m.<br />
End of day two<br />
Day Three<br />
09.00 a.m.<br />
Live demonstration in the operating theatre<br />
04.00 p.m.<br />
Complications, tricks and pitfalls of coloprotectomy<br />
and their management<br />
05.00 p.m.<br />
End of the training course and departure<br />
GENERAL <strong>IN</strong>FORMATION<br />
Registration and registration fee<br />
Please contact your local OLYMPUS representative.<br />
Training location<br />
Ecole Européenne de Chirurgie<br />
45, rue des Saints-Pères<br />
75006 Paris, France<br />
Hotel Information<br />
We have arranged a hotel in Paris and will provide you<br />
with the details before the beginning of the training<br />
course.<br />
12/12 · OEH<br />
Postbox 10 49 08, 20034 Hamburg, Germany<br />
Wendenstrasse 14–18, 20097 Hamburg, Germany<br />
Phone: +49 40 237 730, Fax: +49 40 23773 647<br />