English - Agricultural Meteorology Division

English - Agricultural Meteorology Division

English - Agricultural Meteorology Division


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<strong>Agricultural</strong> <strong>Meteorology</strong> <strong>Division</strong><br />

Weather and Agriculture<br />

Indian agriculture has, for centuries, been solely dependant<br />

on the weather and the vagaries of the monsoon in particular.<br />

Uncertainties of weather and climate pose a major threat to<br />

food security of the country. Extreme weather events like<br />

heavy rains, cyclone, hail storm, dry spells, drought, heat<br />

wave, cold wave and frost causes considerable loss in crop<br />

production every year. An efficient use of available climatic<br />

resources, besides soil & water resources, minimizes the<br />

adverse effect of extreme weather and makes benefit of<br />

favourable weather. Weather services provide a very special<br />

kind of inputs to the farmer as advisories that can make a<br />

tremendous difference to the agriculture production by taking<br />

the advantage of benevolent weather and minimize the<br />

adverse impact of malevolent weather.<br />

Government of India<br />

Ministry of Earth Sciences<br />

India Meteorological Department<br />

Collaborating agencies under IAAS<br />

<strong>Agricultural</strong> <strong>Meteorology</strong> <strong>Division</strong>,<br />

India Meteorological Department, Pune<br />

Weather Service to Agriculture<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

State <strong>Agricultural</strong> Universities (SAU)<br />

Indian Council of <strong>Agricultural</strong> Research (ICAR) and its<br />

Research Institutes<br />

Indian Institute of Technology<br />

State and Union Departments of Agriculture<br />

Prasar Bharati and other media (Radio, TV and Print)<br />

In order to provide direct services to the farming community<br />

of the country an exclusive <strong>Division</strong> of <strong>Agricultural</strong><br />

<strong>Meteorology</strong> was set up in 1932 under the umbrella of India<br />

Meteorological Department (IMD) at Pune with the objective<br />

to minimize the impact of adverse weather on crops and to<br />

make use of favourable weather to boost agricultural<br />

production.<br />

The major activities of the <strong>Division</strong> are:<br />

• Technical Assistance<br />

• Research & Development<br />

• Services<br />

• Human Resource Development<br />

Network of Observatories<br />

The <strong>Division</strong> of <strong>Agricultural</strong> <strong>Meteorology</strong> maintains and<br />

provides technical support to a wide range of Agromet<br />

Observatories from where different kinds of data on agromet<br />

parameters are generated.<br />

Integrated Agromet Advisory Services<br />

To meet the farmer’s need in real-time and to have a state-ofart<br />

Agromet Advisory Service (AAS), Integrated Agromet<br />

Advisory Service in the country involving all the concerned<br />

organizations viz., Indian Council of <strong>Agricultural</strong> Research<br />

(ICAR), Ministry of Agriculture (Centre & State), State<br />

<strong>Agricultural</strong> Universities (SAUs) and other agencies has been<br />

started from April 2007.<br />

Central <strong>Agricultural</strong> Meteorological Observatory (CAgMO)

IMD’s Central <strong>Agricultural</strong> Meteorological Observatory located<br />

at Pune, is equipped with a wide range of instruments for<br />

measurement of agrometeorological parameters like<br />

evaporation, soil temperature, soil moisture, radiation fluxes,<br />

dew, microclimatic profiles, besides routine meteorological<br />

observations. The observatory also serves as the testing<br />

ground for new instruments and experimental techniques.<br />

There are 264 agromet observatories in the country to record<br />

agrometeorological parameters.<br />

Pan Evaporimeter<br />

Evapotranspiration (ET) in<br />

plant environment is measured<br />

by means of lysimeters at 42<br />

stations. This helps to<br />

determine the water<br />

requirements of crops. There<br />

are 9 volumetric and 33<br />

gravimetric ET observatories.<br />

219 USA open pan evaporimeters<br />

are installed to record evaporation.<br />

Lysimeter<br />

Types of AAS Bulletins<br />

AAS Bulletins are issued from three levels:<br />

National Levels by National Agromet Advisory Service<br />

Centre, Agrimet <strong>Division</strong>, IMD,Pune.<br />

State Levels by State Agromet Service Centre at Regional<br />

Meteorological Centre/Meteorological Centre (23)<br />

District Level by Agromet Field Units (130)<br />

District level Agromet Advisory bulletins are issued for the<br />

farmers, State Level Composite AAS Bulletins are for State<br />

level planners e.g. State Crop Weather Watch Group (CWWG)<br />

and other users like Fertiliser industry, Pesticide industry,<br />

Irrigation Department, Seed Corporation, Transport and other<br />

organisations which provide inputs in agriculture and National<br />

Agromet Advisory Bulletin are primarily targeted for national<br />

level planners e.g. CWWG, Department of Agriculture &<br />

Cooperation, Ministry of Agriculture, New Delhi and also<br />

communicated to all the related Ministries (State & Central),<br />

Organizations, NGOs for their use.<br />

Network of stations under IAAS<br />

There are 43 soil moisture recording stations. Soil moisture at<br />

different depths (7.5, 15, 30, 45, 60 cm) of the soil is recorded<br />

from 43 stations to formulate irrigation scheduling of crops.<br />

Dew Gauge<br />

Beside rainfall, dewfall is one of<br />

secondary source of moisture<br />

available to the crops. It plays<br />

significant role in plant growth<br />

particularly in arid and semi arid<br />

regions. Total 76 stations are<br />

recording dew observations.<br />

The data recorded in the above mentioned observatories are<br />

being utilized for operational services such as advising the<br />

farmers through Agromet Advisory Services. Besides a<br />

number of organizations utilize the data for research, irrigation<br />

and water resources planning, management of drought, flood<br />

etc.<br />

Network of SMC UNITS(23)<br />

It is proposed to install 127 Agrometeorological Automatic<br />

Weather Stations (AWS) at Agrometeorological Field Units<br />

(AMFU’s) located at State Agriculture Universities (SAUs),<br />

institutes of Indian Council of Agriculture Research (ICAR),<br />

Indian Institute of Technology under Integrated Agromet<br />

Advisory Services (IAAS). Installation of Agro-AWS is also<br />

under consideration in all the Krishi Vigyan Kendras (KVK) in<br />

the country.<br />

Network of AMFU STATIONS(130)<br />

Main features of AAS bulletin :<br />

Significant past weather<br />

Quantitative weather forecast for next five days.<br />

Advisories for farming community<br />

AWS at Mailam (Tamil Nadu)<br />

2<br />

Joint Meeting at SAMC for preparation of State Composite bulletin

Broad Spectrum of Agromet Advisories<br />

Sowing/ transplanting of kharif crops based on onset of<br />

monsoon<br />

Sowing of rabi crops using residual soil moisture<br />

Fertilizer application based on wind condition<br />

Delay in fertilizer application based on intensity of rain<br />

Prediction of occurrence of pest and disease based on<br />

weather<br />

Propylactive measures at appropriate time to eradicate pest<br />

and diseases<br />

Weeding/Thinning at regular interval for better growth and<br />

development for crop.<br />

Irrigation at critical stage of the crop.<br />

Quantum and timing of irrigation using meteorological<br />

threshold.<br />

Advisories for timely harvest of crops<br />

District Level AAS based on Medium Range<br />

Weather Forecast<br />

IMD has started issuing quantitative district level (612<br />

districts) weather forecast upto 5 days from 1 st June, 2008.<br />

The products comprise of quantitative forecasts for 7 weather<br />

parameters viz., rainfall, maximum and minimum<br />

temperatures, wind speed and direction, relative humidity and<br />

cloudiness. In addition, weekly cumulative rainfall forecast is<br />

also provided. IMD, New Delhi generates these products<br />

based on a Multi Model Ensemble technique using forecast<br />

products available from number of models of India and other<br />

countries. These include: T-254 model of NCMRWF, T-799<br />

model of European Centre for Medium Range Weather<br />

Forecasting (ECMWF); United Kingdom Met Office (UKMO),<br />

National Centre for Environmental Prediction (NCEP), USA<br />

and Japan Meteorological Agency (JMA).<br />

The products are disseminated to Regional Meteorological<br />

Centres and Meteorological Centres of IMD located in<br />

different States. These offices undertake value addition to<br />

these products and communicate to 130 AgroMet Field Units<br />

(AMFUs). It is proposed to prepare and publish the AAS<br />

bulletins for all the districts by December 2009.<br />

The district level agromet advisory service is multidisciplinary<br />

and multi-institutional project. For this, IMD organized District<br />

Agromet Advisory Service meeting in each of the state of the<br />

country inviting the officers/ scientists and all the stakeholders<br />

with objectives to create appropriate information generationcum-dissemination<br />

mechanism as well as extension<br />

mechanism at district level for communicating the agromet<br />

advisory to the farmers.<br />

Dissemination of Advisories<br />

Dissemination of Agromet advisories is done through:<br />

1. All India Radio (AIR) and Doordarshan<br />

2. Private TV and radio channels<br />

3. Newspaper<br />

4. Internet<br />

5. ICAR and other related Institutes / <strong>Agricultural</strong> Universities /<br />

Extension network of State / Central Agriculture Departments<br />

6. Krishi Vigyan Kendras<br />

7. Advisories are delivered to the end users without any delay.<br />

8. Interactive tuning of advisories with the farmers / managers as<br />

frequently as possible.<br />

9. It is disseminated in <strong>English</strong> and local languages / dialects and<br />

is easily understandable by farmers.<br />

Outreach of advisories at District/Block/Village level<br />

Linkages between Districts <strong>Agricultural</strong> Offices (DAOs) and<br />

AMFUs level are being developed for effective dissemination of<br />

advisories at district, block and village levels.<br />

Extension of Advisories<br />

Extension wing of the State Departments of Agriculture, State<br />

<strong>Agricultural</strong> Universities, Indian Council of <strong>Agricultural</strong><br />

Research Institutes are working for application of the advisories<br />

in the farmer’s fields.<br />


Feedback & Awareness of Agromet Service<br />

In order to improve the quality of the agromet advisory services,<br />

regular direct interactions are being made by the AMFUs with the<br />

farmers, AMFUs, State AAS units and Agrimet <strong>Division</strong> are<br />

regularly participating in Kisan Melas farmer’s gathering etc to<br />

interact with the farmers personally and collect the feedback from<br />

farmers. Roving seminars are being organized in different States<br />

by AMFUs to create awareness about usefulness of<br />

weather/climate information, agromet advisory services among the<br />

farming community.<br />

Crop Yield Forecasting<br />

A need for quantitative crop yield forecast outlooks has been felt<br />

for quite sometime. A beginning towards its realization has been<br />

made by undertaking a study of past crop yield in relation to<br />

meteorological parameters, principally rainfall and temperature.<br />

Based on these studies quantitative crop yield forecast formulae<br />

have been developed for 22 sub divisions in the country for<br />

kharif rice and 9 sub divisions for wheat. The tentative forecast<br />

for crop yield is being issued every month during the crop<br />

season using this methodology.<br />

Research & Development<br />

From the inception the Agrimet <strong>Division</strong> is working on research<br />

and development programmes to strengthen the operational<br />

agrometeorological services in the country.<br />

Microclimatic Study<br />

The study of microclimate of crops was one of earliest<br />

investigation to be taken by the <strong>Agricultural</strong> <strong>Meteorology</strong> <strong>Division</strong><br />

in Pune since 1932. The subject of micro-climates received<br />

intensive attention and significant contributions have been made in<br />

this field of research. Research activity in the field of<br />

microclimatology was carried out extensively by various personnel<br />

from IMD as well as others. Systematic observations on the<br />

characteristic micro-climates of the air layers close to the ground<br />

in the open and inside various crops have been recorded, and a<br />

large volume of micro-climatological data collected.<br />

Agroclimatic Classification<br />

In order to bring out agricultural potential of a region, its<br />

agroclimatic classification has to be made Considerable work has<br />

been done on agroclimatic classification. Agroclimatic zones have<br />

been delineated using Thornthwaite moisture availability index<br />

and other methods. Penman method has been used to estimate<br />

evapotranspiration of about 230 stations located in India. These<br />

estimates are used to compute water balance of these stations in<br />

India and ultimately agroclimatic classification.<br />

Adverse weather phenomena<br />

The <strong>Agricultural</strong> <strong>Meteorology</strong> <strong>Division</strong> has made a detailed<br />

examination and prepared suitable diagrams of the<br />

frequencies of occurrence of various adverse weather<br />

phenomena (like hail storms, frosts, etc.) that affect growing<br />

crops, extremes of temperature met with in summer and<br />

winter, estimated evaporating power of the atmosphere etc.<br />

Such diagrams help to show how often the farmer may be<br />

called upon to mitigate the effects of adverse weather<br />

phenomena by resorting to possible protective measures like<br />

artificial heating, use of wind brakes etc.<br />

Vine affected by frost<br />

at Nasik<br />

Wind break of jowar stalks<br />

in vine garden<br />

Cropping patterns<br />

By analyzing the rainfall records of 2000 stations for 70 years, the<br />

periods and amounts of “assured rainfall” have been worked out<br />

for various regions particularly in the dry farming tract of India. The<br />

length of dry spells and wet spells during the monsoon, drought<br />

proneness and agro-climatic classifications have also been<br />

studied with climatological data. This information is helpful in<br />

choosing appropriate crops for various regions, determining the<br />

most favourable growing seasons for rainfed crops and selecting<br />

drought tolerant crop strains.<br />


Sowing dates<br />

Optimum dates for sowing have been determined for the States of<br />

Maharashtra, Rajasthan, Gujarat and Madhya Pradesh, by using<br />

daily rainfall data from 1901 onwards. Such information helps in<br />

deciding the best period for sowing operations, water conservation<br />

measures and evolution of appropriate cropping patterns.<br />

Water use management<br />

Considerable research has been done on the weather conditions<br />

conducive to outbreaks of crop pests and disease like paddy<br />

stem borer, jowar shoot fly, cotton bollworm, sugarcane borers,<br />

groundnut tikka, potato beetle and wheat rusts. The results help<br />

to organize timely crop protection measures with optimum use of<br />

expensive chemicals. The desert locust breeding and invasion<br />

has been extensively studied in relation to soil and weather<br />

conditions.<br />

Drought Studies<br />

Even in those parts of the country where irrigation facilities exist,<br />

the crop production can be maximized by better scheduling of<br />

irrigation. Scarce resources can be economically used by providing<br />

water to crops when it is known to be most beneficial. For this,<br />

precise water requirements of crops at various growth stages are<br />

being studied through field experiments and regular lysimeter<br />

measurements of evapotranspiration.<br />

Remote sensing applications<br />

Satellite remote sensing techniques have been used for acreage<br />

estimation of jowar. Spectral response of crops at various growth<br />

stages and states are studied to help crop identification. Soil<br />

moisture studies using micro-wave remote sensing technique were<br />

made.<br />

By analyzing rainfall data since 1875, the probability of<br />

occurrence of drought in various parts of India has been worked<br />

out. Different parameters like water availability, soil moisture<br />

stress, aridity index have been studied. Droughts are monitored<br />

by deriving aridity anomalies on a fortnightly basis in the kharif<br />

season and weekly basis in the northeast monsoon season over<br />

the southern peninsula.<br />

Crop weather analysis<br />

Theoretical models of crop weather relationship enable to<br />

understand, quantitatively, the role played by weather elements on<br />

crop growth and yield. Variability of soil moisture and soil<br />

temperature and the contribution of dew have been studied in<br />

relation to crop growth. Fluctuations in weather with regard to crop<br />

factors like leaf area index, stomatal resistance, crop coefficient,<br />

and dry matter production have been studied. Energy balance of<br />

the crop canopy for cereals and legumes are being worked out. A<br />

number of crop weather calendars were prepared based on crop<br />

weather studies. Crop growth simulation models (DSSAT) are<br />

being used to develop crop weather relation as well as crop yield<br />

forecasting.<br />

Crop protection<br />

Dry Land Farming<br />

The area having annual rainfall between 40-100 cm and<br />

practically with no irrigation facilities is known as dry farming<br />

tract. Dry farming tract comprise 87 districts and is spread over<br />

Haryana, Punjab, Rajasthan, Gujarat, Uttar Pradesh, Madhya<br />

Pradesh, Maharashtra, Andhra Pradesh, Karnataka and<br />

Tamilnadu. Extensive research was carried out on assessment<br />

of short period rainfall probability, compilation of frequency,<br />

duration and intensity of dry and wet spells, assessment and<br />

seasonal and diurnal variation of meteorological parameters,<br />

derivation of agroclimatic zones and sub-zones.<br />

Pest Observation in experimental fields of <strong>Agricultural</strong> University<br />


Training Programmes in the <strong>Division</strong><br />

Following training programmes for national and international<br />

training for Agromet Observers, University Teachers /<br />

Departmental officers & foreign personnel are regularly<br />

arranged in the <strong>Division</strong>.<br />

Delineation of zones (A, B, C, D) of similar peak rainfall period and<br />

areas (I, II, III) of average rainfall receiving during the period.<br />

Weather and Phenology of Crops<br />

Phenology is the science which deals with the recurrence of<br />

the important phases of animal and vegetable life in relation<br />

to the march of seasons during the year. The dates of<br />

manifestation of phytophase constitute an integral of climatic<br />

effects as they take into account the weather over past<br />

periods and also the weather at the moment. Studies were<br />

made to observe the effect on climatic factors on the<br />

flowering, fruiting and maturity of four trees i.e., mango,<br />

neem, tamarind and babul. The observations were taken<br />

about 200 phenological stations located in the <strong>Agricultural</strong><br />

Farms, Soil Conservation Centre and Meteorological<br />

Stations.<br />

Agrometerorological observations with state of art<br />

instruments<br />

A number of experiments using portable photosynthesis system,<br />

infra-red thermometer, portable leaf area meter, dew point<br />

generator and dew point microvoltmeter were conducted at<br />

College of Agriculture, Pune during rabi season on impact of CO 2,<br />

photosynthetically active radiation (PAR), temperature and relative<br />

humidity on the rate of photosynthesis and other parameters like<br />

transpiration, stomatal conductance, etc., in field crops like maize,<br />

jowar, safflower, sunflower, mustard and soybean<br />

1. Foreign Trainees’ course of 6 months duration.<br />

2. Agromet Core course of 3 weeks duration for teachers &<br />

scientists of <strong>Agricultural</strong> Universities / Institutes.<br />

3. Observers course of 3 weeks duration for recording<br />

observation.<br />

4. Departmental Trainees (Grade ‘A’ officers) – courses of 10<br />

months duration in <strong>Agricultural</strong> <strong>Meteorology</strong>.<br />

5. On the job training for advanced(revised) meteorological<br />

course trainees<br />

6. Basic Agromet course of 3 weeks for Departmental<br />

candidates<br />

7. Refresher course of 2-3 weeks for Departmental/non –<br />

departmental Officers<br />

So far 729 Agromet Observers, 43 University Teachers /<br />

Departmental officers & 72 foreign personnel have been<br />

trained in <strong>Agricultural</strong> <strong>Meteorology</strong>.<br />

Future Programme<br />

Proposed modes of dissemination<br />

Dissemination through Common Service Centres (CSC) by<br />

DIT<br />

1. Department of Information Technology (DIT) is planning to<br />

develop ICT facilities for the benefit of the citizens, especially<br />

those in rural & remote areas. 1,00,000 CSC will be set up at<br />

village level shortly to provide all possible services. Among<br />

others, Agromet services will also be provided through the<br />

CSCs.<br />

2. Ministry of Agriculture is already operating "<strong>Agricultural</strong><br />

Technology Management Agency (ATMA)" project in several<br />

districts on the line of NGO concept.<br />

Observation with leaf Area<br />

Meter<br />

Dew Point Generator<br />

Dew Point Microvoltmeter<br />

Microvoltmeter<br />

3. It is also planned to provide AAS link to Village Knowledge<br />

Centers at taluka level that have already been opened by<br />

M.S. Swaminathan Research Foundation & Alliance for<br />

providing the need based information at village level.<br />

4. Under Integrated Agromet Advisory Service (IAAS)<br />

scheme, IMD is exploring to tie up with different public and<br />

private organizations to use IVR and SMS technology which<br />

are already working in dissemination of agricultural<br />

information to the rural village.<br />


Fasal Project<br />

Crop yield forecasting under FASAL (Forecasting <strong>Agricultural</strong><br />

output using Space, Agrometeorology and Land based<br />

observations) project with greater accuracy in collaboration with<br />

Department of Space & Department of Agriculture and<br />

Cooperation is proposed to be implemented with the following<br />

objectives.<br />

Development of national / state / district level multiple crop<br />

yield forecast for major crops.<br />

Crop yield forecast would be issued at mid season (F1) and<br />

pre-harvest stages (F2) of crop<br />

A number of crop yield forecast models would be developed<br />

and made operational after validation<br />

Generation of Agromet products<br />

Efforts are on to make agromet advisory more users’ oriented and<br />

adequate steps are being taken to develop customized<br />

information and service to the farmers. Special initiative has taken<br />

to generate agromet products for pesticides application fertilizer<br />

application, application of Irrigation etc. from weather, crop, soil,<br />

remote sensing data etc. using GIS platform and high power<br />

computing system. The project is being implemented in<br />

collaboration with Met France International (MFI)<br />

Economic Impact of AAS<br />

Department of Science & Technology (DST) launched a project in<br />

2003 to study the Economic Impact of AAS of NCMRWF. The<br />

project was given to 15 AAS units Duration was 3 years covering<br />

3 kharif and 3 rabi seasons. National Centre for <strong>Agricultural</strong><br />

Economics & Policy Research (NCAP) was given consultancy for<br />

preparing concept note, questionnaire, methodology and final<br />

review of the reports prepared by the AAS unit/NCMRWF. It is<br />

observed that farmers could save significant loss of crop and<br />

made their farming profitable by using the AAS. It is being<br />

planned to extend such studies for more number of years and<br />

more number of stations under IAAS.<br />

Network of stations that carried out the Economic Impact study<br />

Generation of Advisories for New Sectors<br />

A large number of farming systems are not adequately addressed<br />

by the existing AAS. Hence, there is a strong need to develop<br />

suitable products for these sectors and incorporate them in the<br />

advisory bulletins. Advisory for Horticultural Crops, livestock,<br />

wasteland and forest fires, post harvest and storage.<br />

Establishment of fast communication system<br />

It is proposed to create a state of art telecommunication system<br />

for inter-linking National HQ of Agro-met Advisory Services with<br />

SAMC, AMFUs. The telecommunication system will be capable to<br />

transfer imageries, weather charts, products and bulletins in all<br />

weather situations. It is proposed to include Virtual Private<br />

Network (VPN) Service in the present system. The VPN is<br />

capable to allow free flow of information and quick data transfer.<br />

Launching of comprehensive programme on R & D<br />

Department of Science & Technology (DST) had been funding<br />

research projects in Agrometeorology with focus on crop-weather<br />

modeling, impact of climate variations and change on agriculture<br />

and also in support of weather-based agromet advisory services.<br />

After the formation of Ministry of Earth Sciences (MoES), this<br />

programme has now been transferred from DST to MoES/IMD.<br />

The scheme would be operated in different phases in IMD as well<br />

as collaborating organizations/institutes.<br />

Being the nodal office IMD would give projects to different<br />

agricultural universities/institutes and in turn the outputs of the<br />

study would be used for generation of agromet products for the<br />

crop and location specific agromet advisories<br />

Proposed Training for Agromet Advisory Services<br />

A number of training programmes will be organized for those who<br />

are directly and indirectly involved in the AAS’ These are:<br />

1. Weather forecast based AAS to Technical Officers<br />

2. Crop/ P&D models and Decision Support System<br />

3. NWP based local weather forecast techniques<br />

4. Use of Remote Sensing and GIS in AAS<br />

5. Outreach Programme<br />

6. Provision of adequate training for the end-users<br />

Agri-insurance<br />

The weather is the greatest adversary as farmers face floods,<br />

drought, pests, disease, and a plethora of other natural disasters<br />

while raising the crops. Crop insurance, which has been<br />

functioning for quite some time in India, is a risk management tool<br />

that farmers can use. The sector is still evolving and not highly<br />

developed. Hence, there is scope for further improvement. Efforts<br />

are being made to generate meteorological requirements for agriinsurance<br />

in consultations with the concerned organizations.<br />

Organisation of Roving Seminars<br />

It is proposed to organize one day Roving Seminar on Weather,<br />

Climate and Farmers in different agro-climates of the country to<br />

sensitize farmers about the weather and climate information and<br />

it’s applications in operational farm management. The seminar is<br />

proposed to be organized jointly by India Meteorological<br />

Department (Ministry of Earth Sciences), Indian Council of<br />

Agriculture Research and State <strong>Agricultural</strong> Universities. Local<br />

NGOs and other stake holders may also be roped in this occasion<br />

depending upon the local needs and interests.<br />


Use of Remote Sensing techniques in preparation of<br />

Agro-met Advisory<br />

It is of utmost importance to enhance the quality and usefulness<br />

of the agro meteorological services utilizing the data received<br />

from Remote Sensing Satellite like IRS. Many agencies viz.,<br />

Space Applications Centre (SAC), Ahmedabad, National Remote<br />

Sensing Agency (NRSA), Hyderabad etc., have developed<br />

techniques based on Remote Sensing for crop acreage and yield<br />

estimation, crop condition assessment of major crops and<br />

assessment of drought conditions in some selected states during<br />

kharif season. It is proposed to use remote sensing data in<br />

agromet service through collaboration with Department of Space.<br />

Technical Assistance<br />

The <strong>Agricultural</strong> <strong>Meteorology</strong> <strong>Division</strong> has been providing<br />

assistance to various <strong>Agricultural</strong> Universities & State<br />

Departments of Agriculture & <strong>Agricultural</strong> Research Institutes to<br />

set up a Agrometeorological Observatory within the agricultural<br />

farm by way of selection of sites, testing & standardization,<br />

installation, repairing & periodical inspection of meteorological<br />

instruments.<br />

The collaborating universities/institutes supply the Agromet data to<br />

IMD. Data received from Agromet Observatories are scrutinized,<br />

tabulated & transferred on magnetic tapes for archival. The same<br />

are being supplied to the research workers & other interested<br />

parties as & when requisitioned.<br />

Publication<br />

The <strong>Division</strong> has brought out following nine publications.<br />

1. Weekly Rainfall Probability for Selected Stations of India<br />

(Vol.I and II):<br />

2. Crop Weather Calendars<br />

3. Weekly Potential Evapotranspiration over India:<br />

4. Dew Deposition over India<br />

5. Normals of Agroclimatic Observatories in India<br />

6. Evaporation Maps of India<br />

7. Agroclimatic Atlas of India<br />

8. Evapotranspiration<br />

9. Evaporation Data of Observatories in India<br />

Besides, there are about 500 research papers published from this<br />

<strong>Division</strong> in National and International Journals.<br />

Editorial Team :<br />

Dr. L. S. Rathore, Dr. R.P. Samui, Dr. N. Chattopadhyay<br />

Published by<br />

<strong>Agricultural</strong> <strong>Meteorology</strong> <strong>Division</strong>, India Meteorological Department, Shivajinagar, Pune – 411 005.<br />

Tel. Fax : (020) 25535953 / 25512022 / 25512023<br />

Website : www.imdagrimet.gov.in<br />

Emails : agrimet_pune@yahoo.com and agrimet_information@yahoo.com<br />


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