Jorhat - Agricultural Meteorology Division

Jorhat - Agricultural Meteorology Division

Jorhat - Agricultural Meteorology Division


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Report of Farmers' Awareness Programme for <strong>Jorhat</strong> AMFU Unit<br />

A 2 days Farmers' Awareness Programme on, "Climate Change & Agroadvisories "<br />

was organised by the Department of Agrometeorology, Assam agricultural University on 16 th<br />

and 17 th March,2010. The seminar was sponsored jointly by India Meteorological Department<br />

under Ministry of Earth Sciences, Government of India and Central Research Institute for<br />

Dryland Agriculture (ICAR). Besides agricultural scientists, media person and 110 farmers<br />

participated in the Awareness Programme.<br />

The inaugural session started with the welcome by Dr.L.K.Hazarika, Dean,<br />

Faculty of Agriculture, AAU, <strong>Jorhat</strong>. In his address, Dr Hazarika highlighted the<br />

contributions of the AAU in varietals development related to pulses, oilseeds, jute, wheat and<br />

boro paddy to the farmers. Dr. Durgeswar Das, DPGS and Dr. S.N.Dutta, ADE, Directorate<br />

of Extension of Assam <strong>Agricultural</strong> University also addressed the farmers on the<br />

occasion.<br />

Dr K.K.Nath, Prof. and Head cum Principal Nodal Officer of the Agromet Advisory<br />

Service, AAU, Joraht unit explained in length about the objective of the Awareness<br />

Programme. He informed the house that the overall goal of the Awareness Programme was to<br />

make farmers more self reliant in dealing with weather and climate issues that affect<br />

agricultural production on their farms and to increase interaction between the fanners and the<br />

Agro-meteorological service providers. He also narrated briefly about, the importance of<br />

agro-advisory service in the context of changing weather scenario in Assam. The inaugural<br />

session ended with vote of thanks by Dr(Mrs) P.G. Khanikar, Associate Prof., Dept of<br />

Agrometeorology. The programme was anchored by Dr. Seuji Neog, Associate Prof., Dept. of<br />

PBG.<br />

There will a plan for distribution of Rain gauge among the farmers. But due to lack of<br />

reaching the rain gauge in proper time, it was not possible to distribute the rain gauge in the meeting.<br />

It will distribute among the progressive farmers of different block of jorhat through the Programme<br />

Coordinator of KVK.<br />

In the technical session Dr KK Nath delivered a lecture on "Farmers Awakening to<br />

Changing Climate." He dealt in length about different issues related to global warming and<br />

agricultural practices. He discussed about strategies to be adopted by the fanners in aberrant<br />

weather condition. He appealed to the farmers to look for every single opportunity amidst<br />

unfavorable weather condition to maintain/increase the level of their farm production. He further<br />

stressed the importance of weather based agro-advisories in farm management.<br />

In the post lunch session, Dr P Neog, Asssociate Professor, BNCA, Biswanath Chariali<br />

elaborated on the economic importance of agro-advisory bulletins to the fanning community<br />

with concrete examples. He explained the need of medium range weather forecast and how to<br />

look for forecasts provided by the India Meteorological Department online using internet<br />

facility.<br />

Dr. J. Deka, Prof., Dept of Agromony, AAU delivered a lecture on “Climate Change<br />

and Agriculture”. He describes how the climatic risk like flood, drought etc. affects the<br />

agriculture. He also describes the remedial measures of these risks.<br />

Dr. Deep Jyoti Rajkhowa, Prof., Dept of Agronomy, AAU delivered a talk in 2 nd day<br />

on the impact of climate change on weed management. He described how the weed control<br />

will difficult in changed climatic scenario.

Dr. Bipul Sarmah, Prof., Dept of Extention Education, AAU delivered a talk in 2 nd day<br />

on the role of farming community in changed climatic scenario. He discussed about the<br />

changing the cropping pattern along with the changed climate.<br />

There was also a very interesting interactive program with the farmers. Some<br />

progressive farmers put many intelligent queries to the experts and, on their part, the<br />

experts satisfied the farmers regarding their queries.<br />

Feedbacks from the farmers were also collected through supplying questionnaires<br />

to them. The format of the questionnaires is attached herewith as Annexure I. Opinion of<br />

the farmers observed in the feedbacks is summarized and presented below:<br />

As many as 67 farmers expressed the opinion that rainfall was the most important<br />

parameter that influenced agricultural production. It is seen from the feedbacks that<br />

among the 105 farmers of the 1 st day Programme, only 46 farmers have seen the rain<br />

gauze. As many as 35 farmers expressed that they took farm decisions following all the<br />

given means as given in the questionnaires. Interestingly, as many as 70 farmers opined<br />

that they have changed crops based on climate variability in the recent years. Among all<br />

the farmers, only 15 expressed that they followed pesticide application and as many as 53<br />

expressed that they followed eco-friendly/IPM practices in controlling pest & diseases in<br />

their fields. More than 90% of the farmers recorded that they listened and followed the<br />

Agromet Advisories given by the Agromet Unit and they also expressed that the<br />

Agroadvisories were useful in improving crop yields. As many as 72 farmers felt that<br />

conservation of natural resources like water, soil, biodiversity etc play a dominant role in<br />

curtailing the impact of climate change. About 67 farmers expressed that they would like<br />

to implement use of organic matter as a measure to save the Earth from global warming.<br />

About 60 farmers were of the opinion that one-day programme is useful in learning new<br />

things about weather.<br />

Some of the Selective Photographs:<br />

Left hand side: Lighting by Dr.L.K.Hazarika, Dean, Faculty of Agriculture, AAU, <strong>Jorhat</strong> in the inaugural<br />

session<br />

Right hand side: Lighting by KKNath, Prof. & Head, Dept of Agrometeorology, AAU, <strong>Jorhat</strong> in the<br />

inaugural session

Left hand side: Dr. D.J. Rajkhowa, Prof., Dept of Agronomy, AAU delivered a talk on the impact of climate<br />

change on weed management<br />

Right hand side: Dr K.K.Nath, Prof. and Head, Dept of Agrometeorology, AAU, Joraht unit explained in length<br />

about the objective of the Awareness Programme.<br />

Left hand side: Parts of Farmers present in the 2 nd day programme<br />

Left hand side: Parts of Farmers present in the 1 st day programme

FEED BACK of the Farmers<br />

Total Farmers attended: 105 Venue: Assam <strong>Agricultural</strong> University, <strong>Jorhat</strong> Date: 17/03/2010<br />

1 2 3 4 6 7 9 10 11 12 14 15 17 19 20 21 22<br />

67 6 4 - 62 25 70 17 52 33 46 16 5 9 1 3 9 10 35 70 9 44 4 3 3 20 15 53 54 26 79 - 88 - 92 1 28 52 72 11 84 - 21 67 58 24<br />

Rainfall<br />

Temperature<br />

Sunshine<br />

April<br />

May<br />

June<br />

December<br />

January<br />

June/July<br />

August/September<br />

Have seen<br />

Haven’t seen<br />

Experience<br />

KVK<br />

AAS<br />

BLAO<br />

TV<br />

Radio<br />

All above<br />

YES<br />

NO<br />

Cloudy weather<br />

Low temperature<br />

Rainfall<br />

High Humidity<br />

High temperature<br />

Pesticide application<br />

Eco-friendly/IPM practices<br />

YES<br />

NO<br />

YES<br />

NO<br />

Listen and Follow<br />

Not Listen<br />

YES<br />

NO<br />

YES<br />

NO<br />

YES<br />

NO<br />

YES<br />

NO<br />

Less application of fertilizer/pesticides<br />

Use of more organic matter<br />

YES<br />



Questionnaire<br />

1. Which is the most important weather parameter that influences agricultural production in<br />

your opinion Rainfall Temperature Sunshine Wind speed<br />

Relative Humidity<br />

2. Which months are the hottest and coldest in your region, if known, give the values<br />

April May June December January<br />

3. When (month/week) do you receive highest rainfall Indicate the average annual rainfall of<br />

your region<br />

4. Have you seen any time the instruments that measure rainfall and temperature Can you<br />

name them<br />

5. Did you notice any increase/decrease in the following weather parameters over the years <br />

Increase Decrease No change<br />

a. Rainfall<br />

b. Summer temperature<br />

c. Winter temperature<br />

d. Cyclone<br />

e. Heavy rainfall events<br />

f. Dust storms<br />

g. Frost<br />

h. Pests/diseases<br />

6. Farm decisions are taken through<br />

Traditional knowledge /experience<br />

Newspapers<br />

KVK<br />

Agro Advisory Services<br />

Block level <strong>Agricultural</strong> Officer<br />

Television<br />

Radio<br />

Above all<br />

7. Have you changed any crops based on climate variability in the recent years<br />

YES<br />

NO<br />

8. If yes, reasons for it and what crops have been changed<br />

Crops<br />

Earlier crops<br />

Changed crops<br />

Reasons<br />

Non-profitable<br />

Not yielding due to changes in weather<br />

Labour problem<br />

Crop loss due to damages by extreme weather events<br />

Less irrigation<br />

Crop yields are not stable<br />

availability<br />

Increased attack by damages of pests/diseases<br />

9. Which are the following weather parameters and their combinations that influences pests<br />

and diseases Cloudy weather High humidity High<br />

temperature<br />

Low temperature Rainfall Wind speed<br />

10. Are you following pesticide application in controlling pests/diseases or any ecofriendly/IPM<br />


11. Do you feel that in spite of more pesticides are being used to control pests/diseases, yet<br />

the pest damage did not reduce YES NO<br />

12. Do you feel that more application of pesticide/insecticides harm the environment<br />

YES<br />

NO<br />

13. If yes, what action do you suggest to reduce their applications<br />

Use of scientific methods<br />

Apply only when it is essential<br />

Use of bio-pesticides(like neem<br />

concentrate)<br />

Release of natural enemies(bio-control<br />

agents)<br />

14. Do you listen and follow the advisories given by the Agromet Unit <br />

listen and follow listen but not follow not listen<br />

15. Do you think that weather-based farm advisories are useful in improving the yields <br />

YES<br />

NO<br />

16. Approximately how much benefit did you realize by following advisories provided by the<br />

respective Agrometeorologist Profit Rs.______________<br />

17. Have you any time incurred losses by following the advisories<br />

YES<br />

NO<br />

18 If yes, what type of advisories that put you to loss<br />

19. Don’t you feel that conservation of natural resources like water, soil, bioderversity,<br />

mangroves etc., play a dominant role in curtailing the impacts of climate change <br />

YES<br />

NO<br />

20. If so, do you take a pledge to conserve all the natural resources like saving in<br />

irrigation/minimum tillage, reducing pollution levels in water and air and save for future<br />

generation.<br />

YES<br />

NO<br />

21. Can you name at least one measure that you would like to implement to save the earth<br />

from global warming such as reducing the use of free power, less application of fertilizer and<br />

pesticides use more organic manure<br />

22. Do you think that One-day Programe is useful in learning new things about weather <br />

YES<br />


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