Turismul Romaniei 2013 - Institutul National de Statistica

Turismul Romaniei 2013 - Institutul National de Statistica

Turismul Romaniei 2013 - Institutul National de Statistica


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România - prezentare turisticã<br />

Romania - touristic presentation<br />

Potenþialul turistic <strong>de</strong> excepþie al României este<br />

marcat prin douã componente esenþiale:<br />

- componenta naturalã, reprezentatã prin peisaje<br />

spectaculoase, configuraþia variatã a reliefului,<br />

condiþiile climatice favorabile, valoarea terapeuticã<br />

ºi abun<strong>de</strong>nþa unor factori naturali <strong>de</strong> curã;<br />

- componenta antropicã, reprezentatã prin vestigii<br />

ale civilizaþiilor ce s-au succedat pe teritoriul<br />

României din vremuri imemoriale, monumente ºi<br />

obiective <strong>de</strong> artã laicã sau religioase, muzee ºi<br />

colecþii muzeale, elemente <strong>de</strong> etnografie ºi folclor<br />

<strong>de</strong> mare frumuseþe ºi originalitate, realizãri actuale<br />

<strong>de</strong> prestigiu.<br />

Acestea constituie elementele <strong>de</strong> mare<br />

atractivitate ale ofertei turistice româneºti,<br />

prezentând o paletã largã <strong>de</strong> forme <strong>de</strong> turism: <strong>de</strong><br />

sejur (<strong>de</strong> litoral, montan, balnear), vânãtoare ºi<br />

pescuit sportiv, turism itinerant cu valenþe<br />

culturale, turism profesional etc.<br />

Poziþia geograficã îi conferã României statutul <strong>de</strong><br />

þarã carpato-danubiano-ponticã, datoritã celor<br />

trei elemente naturale <strong>de</strong>finitorii în structura<br />

peisagisticã ºi a teritoriului: Munþii Carpaþi, fluviul<br />

Dunãrea ºi Marea Neagrã.<br />

Fiecare formã a cadrului natural <strong>de</strong>þine, dupã<br />

specificul sãu, o anumitã capacitate <strong>de</strong> potenþial<br />

turistic, urmãritã pe treptele majore <strong>de</strong> relief,<br />

creºte <strong>de</strong> la câmpie, la <strong>de</strong>aluri ºi podiºuri pânã la<br />

unitãþile montane, excepþie fãcând litoralul<br />

românesc al Mãrii Negre ºi Delta Dunãrii, care<br />

prezintã aspecte fizico-geografice originale.<br />

România este <strong>de</strong>þinãtoarea unui tezaur imens <strong>de</strong><br />

vestigii arheologice, monumente istorice, <strong>de</strong><br />

arhitecturã sau <strong>de</strong> artã, ca ºi a unui inestimabil<br />

patrimoniu care atestã evoluþia ºi continuitatea<br />

<strong>de</strong> muncã ºi <strong>de</strong> viaþã pe aceste meleaguri,<br />

<strong>de</strong>zvoltarea culturii ºi artei poporului român.<br />

The exceptional tourism potential of Romania has<br />

two main components:<br />

- the natural component, represented by spectacular<br />

landscapes, varied configuration of the relief,<br />

favourable climatic conditions and lots of natural<br />

therapeutic spas;<br />

- the historical component, represented by traces of<br />

succeeding civilisations that had lived on Romanian<br />

territory since ancient times, monuments and lay or<br />

religious art objects, museums and museum<br />

collections, beautiful and original ethnographical<br />

and folklore elements and actual prestigious<br />

achievements.<br />

All the above mentioned constitute very attractive<br />

elements of the Romanian tourism offer, presenting<br />

a wi<strong>de</strong> variety of tourism types: stay (seasi<strong>de</strong>,<br />

mountain, spa), hunting and sport fishing, cultural<br />

tourism at large, professional tourism a.s.o.<br />

Romanian Tourism - <strong>Statistica</strong>l abstract <strong>2013</strong><br />

Due to its geographical position and to the three<br />

natural elements <strong>de</strong>fining its landscape structure<br />

and territory: the Carpathians, the Danube and the<br />

Black Sea, Romania has the status of a Pontian-<br />

Danubian-Carpathian country.<br />

Each natural element, by its specific, has a certain<br />

capacity of tourism potential, pursued on major<br />

steps of relief, increasing from the plain to the hills<br />

and plateaus up to the mountains, with the<br />

exception of the Romanian seasi<strong>de</strong> of the Black Sea<br />

and the Danube Delta which present physical and<br />

geographical original aspects.<br />

Romania holds a huge treasury of archaeological<br />

traces, historical, architecture and art monuments, as<br />

well as a valuable patrimony certifying the continuous<br />

labour and life evolution on these lands and the<br />

<strong>de</strong>velopment of the Romanian culture and art.<br />


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