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Continued from page 35 – Marcus Garvey’s Liberian<br />

Dream Deferred<br />

The bill, finally named “The Greater Liberian bill<br />

expanded Bilbo’s previous proposals. It authorized<br />

negotiations with European powers for the cession of<br />

West <strong>African</strong> lands, in addition to whatever lands<br />

Liberia might provide. The American military would<br />

govern the cession for up to two years, setting up a civil<br />

administration that could then govern for up to four<br />

more years. The territory would then gain '<strong>com</strong>plete<br />

autonomy' as a <strong>com</strong>monwealth of the U.S, but the bill<br />

maintained for U.S. officials the option of either<br />

seeking inclusion for the <strong>com</strong>monwealth in the state of<br />

Liberia or granting it full independence." [16]<br />

The Greater Liberian bill also stipulated that<br />

“Americans between twenty-one and fifty could seek<br />

removal, but only those eligible for Liberian<br />

citizenship, that is, those of <strong>African</strong> decent. Settlers<br />

would receive land grants of fifty acres and grants-inaid<br />

until their farms or businesses were self-sustaining.<br />

The bill set a one billion dollar initial maximum for<br />

federal expenditures. More could be appropriated, and<br />

Bilbo eventually envisioned a <strong>com</strong>mitment of fifteen to<br />

twenty billion dollars over the next forty years.” [17]<br />

The threat of an outbreak of a second world war<br />

(WW11) soon diverted the attention of politicians from<br />

the proposed bill. According to Michael Fitzgerald, “<br />

The UNIA leaders had always been calculating in their<br />

approach to repatriation, so they took the defeat of the<br />

Liberia bill with relative stoicism. James R. Steward,<br />

Marcus Garvey’s successor as the head of UNIA,<br />

actually admitted the international situation foreclosed<br />

the venture. Moreover, Garvey’s death in June 1940<br />

removed a spokesman for the measure and diverted the<br />

organization to internal power struggle.” [18]<br />

In the end, Marcus Garvey never did set foot on<br />

Liberian soil himself, but his wife Amy did, in 1946.<br />

She also travelled to Sierra Leone where she visited the<br />

grave of Dr. Wilmot Blyden and met his family. Some<br />

of Marcus Garvey’s followers took on the endeavour<br />

themselves and travelled to Liberia, where they settled<br />

and contributed in their individual ways to the<br />

development of the country.<br />

Marcus Garvey has since influenced many movements,<br />

including the Nation of Islam; the “Black Power<br />

Movement” of the late 1960s and early 1970s that<br />

propagated black pride and the acknowledgement Black<br />

Americans’ <strong>African</strong> ancestry; and the Rastafarian<br />

Movement that evolved in Jamaica and produced<br />

Reggae music. He has also inspired political leaders in<br />

Africa and the Caribbean in their struggle for independ-<br />

ence against colonialism and apartheid. Marcus Garvey<br />

did not live to see his dreams fulfilled but his influence,<br />

however, is still dynamic.<br />

Footnotes<br />

[1] Charlotte Phillips Fein, “Section C: Marcus Garvey: His<br />

Opinion About Africa,” The Journal of Negro Education,<br />

Vol.33, No.4, (Autumn, 1964), pp. 446-449.<br />

[2] Ben F. Rogers, “William E.B. Dubois, Marcus Garvey, and<br />

Pan-Africa,” The Journal of Negro Education, Vol. 40, No.2.<br />

(April, 1955) pp. 154-165.<br />

[3] John L Graves, “The Social Ideas of Marcus Garvey,”<br />

Current Trends in Negro Education and Shorter Papers, The<br />

Journal of Negro Education, Vol. 31, No.1. (Winter, 1962), p.<br />

65-74.<br />

[4] Ibid.<br />

[5] Ben F. Rogers.<br />

[6] Charlotte Phillips Fein.<br />

[7] Ben F. Rogers.<br />

[8] Tony Martin, “The International Aspect of The Garvey<br />

Movement,” Afro-American Red Star, Washington D.C.:<br />

February 20, 1993. Vol. 101, Iss 26, p. A6.<br />

[9] Ben F. Rogers<br />

[10] Michael W. Fitzgerald, “We Have Found a Moses:<br />

Theodore Bilbo, Black Nationalism, and the Greater Liberia<br />

Bill of 1939”, The Journal of Southern History, Vol. 63, No. 2.<br />

(May, 1997), pp. 293-320.<br />

[11] Ibid.<br />

[12] Ibid.<br />

[13] Ibid.<br />

[14] Ibid.<br />

[15] Ibid.<br />

[16] Ibid.<br />

[17] Ibid.<br />

[18] Ibid.<br />

Bibliography<br />

Charlotte Phillips Fein, “Section C: Marcus Garvey: His<br />

Opinions About Africa,” The Journal of Negro Education,<br />

Vol.33, No.4. (Autumn, 1964), pp, 446-449.<br />

Continued on page 37<br />

-36- <strong>Traditional</strong> <strong>African</strong> <strong>Clinic</strong> August 2012

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