Anthropometrics/Body Segment Parameters

Anthropometrics/Body Segment Parameters

Anthropometrics/Body Segment Parameters


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Parallel Axis Theorem<br />

• Moment of inertia values are commonly<br />

specified relative to an axis through the<br />

segment center of mass<br />

• The moment of inertia about a different axis<br />

(e.g., through the proximal joint) can be<br />

determined using the parallel axis theorem<br />

I A = I CM + md 2<br />

Where I A is moment of inertia about the new axis, I CM is<br />

moment of inertia about an axis through the CM, m is<br />

segment mass, and d is distance between the two axes<br />

Parallel Axis Theorem<br />

A prosthetic lower leg has a mass of 3 kg and<br />

a center of mass 20 cm from the knee joint.<br />

The radius of gyration is 14.1 cm. What is the<br />

moment of inertia about the knee joint (I KNEE )?<br />

I CM = mk 2<br />

I CM = (3 kg)(0.141 m) 2 = 0.06 kg⋅m 2<br />

I KNEE = I CM + md 2<br />

I KNEE = 0.06 kg⋅m 2 + (3 kg)(0.2 m) 2 = 0.18<br />

kg⋅m 2<br />

Parallel Axis Theorem<br />

The combined moment of inertia<br />

of several segments about a<br />

remote axis can be calculated by<br />

using the parallel axis theorem,<br />

and summing across segments<br />

I LEG(HIP) = I T(HIP) + I S(HIP) + I F(HIP)<br />

where:<br />

I T(HIP) = I T(CM) + m T d T<br />

2<br />

I S(HIP) = I S(CM) + m S d S<br />

2<br />

I F(HIP) = I F(CM) + m F d F<br />

2<br />

Hip<br />

d F<br />

d S<br />

d T<br />

m F<br />

m T<br />

m S<br />

<strong>Body</strong> segment parameter<br />

assumptions<br />

During the period of data collection:<br />

• The segments are perfectly rigid<br />

• The segments are connect by frictionless<br />

hinge or ball-and-socket joints<br />

• The length of each segment remains constant<br />

• The CM location of each segment remains<br />

constant<br />

• The mass moment of inertia of each segment<br />

remains constant<br />

BSP Studies/Data<br />

Harless (1860)<br />

– One of the earliest quantitative study of BSPs<br />

– Dissected 2 cadavers (former prisoners who had<br />

recently been decapitated)<br />

– Determined segment mass & CM locations<br />

Braun & Fischer (1889)<br />

– Determined BSPs in 3 cadaver specimens<br />

– Divided body into 14 segments<br />

– Used data from individual segments to determine<br />

center of gravity of whole body during locomotion<br />

BSP Studies/Data<br />

Dempster (1955)<br />

– Did most detailed and extensive dissection to<br />

date in 8 cadavers specimens<br />

– Determined mass, CM location, & moment of<br />

inertia values for all major body segments<br />

– Expressed data as proportion of total body mass,<br />

and relative to segment lengths<br />

– Results have been used extensively in<br />

biomechanics research<br />

– However, data were from only 8 cadavers, who<br />

were older (52-83 yrs), Caucasian males, most of<br />

whom were reported to be emaciated<br />


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