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WINGS<br />
<strong>Dove</strong><br />
T H E M A G A Z I N E F O R A L U M N A E ,<br />
P A R E N T S A N D F R I E N D S O F<br />
S T . S C H O L A S T I C A A C A D E M Y W I N T E R 2 0 0 6<br />
<strong>Our</strong> <strong>Pillar</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong><strong>St</strong>rength</strong>
INSIDE<br />
3<br />
4<br />
FAMILY PICNIC . . . Page 11<br />
5<br />
7<br />
8<br />
11<br />
13<br />
14<br />
17<br />
19<br />
25<br />
SENIOR RING MASS . . . Page 6<br />
30<br />
31<br />
32<br />
<strong>Pillar</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong><strong>St</strong>rength</strong><br />
RONNIE KOLE CONCERT . . . Page 7<br />
39<br />
42<br />
Western Dance<br />
ANNUAL REPORT 2005-2006<br />
MARGUERITE S. CELESTIN . . . Page 32<br />
MEMORIES FROM THE PAST . . . Page 11<br />
43<br />
52<br />
60<br />
62<br />
63<br />
<strong>Dove</strong> WINGS is a <strong>St</strong>. <strong>Scholastica</strong> Academy publication <strong>of</strong> the Advancement<br />
Department designed for the school’s many constituents including parents,<br />
alumnae, grandparents, alumnae parents, and friends in the business community.<br />
Designated a Blue Ribbon School <strong>of</strong> Excellence by the U.S. Department <strong>of</strong><br />
Education, SSA is an all-girls Catholic school with 752 students in grades 8-12.<br />
Marguerite S. Celestin, President • Mary Kathryn Villere, Principal<br />
Elaine Simmons, Advancement Director • Cindy Williamson, Marketing and PR Director<br />
Yvette Cardinale and Tara Huguet, Advancement Assistants<br />
985-892-2540 ext. 132 P.O. Box 1210 Covington, LA 70434-1210<br /><br />
2 D O V E W I N G S
S<br />
o much has happened since I wrote<br />
my last article for Wings. (It seems I<br />
started my last one <strong>of</strong>f in the same<br />
way after Katrina). As many <strong>of</strong> you<br />
know, in September I was diagnosed with a<br />
skull-based tumor. After a very risky but<br />
successful surgery in early October at the<br />
University <strong>of</strong> Arkansas Medical Sciences<br />
Hospital in Little Rock, the tumor was<br />
determined to be a malignant chordoma.<br />
Without radiation it had a 95% probability<br />
<strong>of</strong> re-growing. Therefore, I am currently at<br />
the Loma Linda (California) University<br />
Medical Center undergoing Proton Beam<br />
Radiation Therapy which carries with it an<br />
85% success rate. I will be here for two<br />
months, returning to Covington in mid to<br />
late March.<br />
I have learned so much from the past<br />
few months and I am sure this is just the<br />
beginning. First <strong>of</strong> all, I think this shows us<br />
that we are truly not in charge <strong>of</strong> our lives.<br />
I remember Father Beau Charbonnet saying<br />
in one <strong>of</strong> his homilies around the time <strong>of</strong><br />
Katrina: “God is in charge!” So much<br />
happens in our lives over which we have no<br />
control, and yet we can control how we<br />
respond to the situations in which we find<br />
ourselves.<br />
I know that prayer and faith are so<br />
powerful. When coupled with the force<br />
<strong>of</strong> the SSA community, that power is<br />
strengthened a hundredfold. I have been<br />
overwhelmed and humbled by the<br />
incredible support <strong>of</strong> prayer and <strong>of</strong>fers <strong>of</strong><br />
assistance I have received from the SSA<br />
community, friends and family. During<br />
these last months I have been immersed in<br />
a different world than I normally live in.<br />
I have been exposed to the world <strong>of</strong><br />
sickness and life-threatening situations,<br />
where people, in far more dire straights<br />
than I, are confronted with the stark<br />
realization that time is at a premium. It is<br />
out <strong>of</strong> this setting that I am deeply grateful<br />
for how far medicine and treatment have<br />
come and yet am also aware that each <strong>of</strong><br />
us has only a finite amount <strong>of</strong> time. I<br />
know that not all prayers are answered<br />
by successful surgeries and successful<br />
treatments. God answers some prayers in<br />
ways we humans may not understand, but<br />
in ways that may be “best” for us in His<br />
eyes and in ways that bring us closer to<br />
Him in the long run. I have become aware<br />
Letter<br />
Marguerite S. Celestin<br />
<strong>of</strong> how many lonely people there are<br />
who are suffering alone, without the<br />
companionship <strong>of</strong> friends and family. I<br />
met people in Arkansas and here in<br />
California who must go through treatment<br />
by themselves and who do not have<br />
anyone to share their pain, to listen to<br />
them, attend to their needs, and to pray for<br />
them on a daily basis like I have.<br />
We emphasize to our students all the time<br />
how valuable the aspect <strong>of</strong> Sisterhood is in<br />
their lives. This bond that ties us to each<br />
other, to all those we meet in our lives,<br />
to our families and extended families<br />
receives its “glue” from the love and<br />
presence <strong>of</strong> God who calls us into His<br />
care. Through this bond we are able to be<br />
the extension <strong>of</strong> God’s hands to each other.<br />
I strongly encourage each <strong>of</strong> you to reach<br />
out to one another. We never know when<br />
someone may need a helping hand, a<br />
supportive, encouraging hug. I pray that<br />
each <strong>of</strong> you can strengthen your own<br />
prayer life and your relationship with<br />
God, that prayer will be a daily, hourly<br />
conversation with the Lord. And I ask you<br />
to join me in praying not only for those on<br />
your personal prayer list, but for those who<br />
most need our prayers, those who do not<br />
have anyone else to pray for them, those<br />
who have not even experienced the<br />
power <strong>of</strong> prayer. When we move out <strong>of</strong> the<br />
“me” world into the “other” world we<br />
can answer the question “Am I my<br />
sister’s/brother’s keeper?” with a strong<br />
YES! We then receive our strength and our<br />
meaning in life from the fact that we are all<br />
one in the Body <strong>of</strong> Christ.<br />
During these last few months many people<br />
have made it possible for me to take care<br />
<strong>of</strong> my health. I am deeply grateful for the<br />
support and prayers <strong>of</strong> so many. I have<br />
been gratified by the many notes <strong>of</strong><br />
concern and compassion from so many<br />
students, alumnae, parents <strong>of</strong> alumnae and<br />
friends in the community. Each <strong>of</strong> you is<br />
very important to me.<br />
I am also deeply grateful for the SSA<br />
administration, faculty, and staff who have<br />
picked up many pieces that were left<br />
hanging in my absence. I also want to<br />
recognize members <strong>of</strong> the School Board<br />
who have doubled their efforts to complete<br />
the projects at hand. We are so blessed to<br />
have such talented, generous, people who<br />
work so well together and who do not count<br />
the cost to get the job done.<br />
Groundbreaking for our chapel will take<br />
place in the next few months. We are<br />
grateful to Michael Holly <strong>of</strong> the architectural<br />
firm <strong>of</strong> Holly and Smith <strong>of</strong> Hammond<br />
who has designed a chapel fitting for God’s<br />
presence and the tradition and future <strong>of</strong> our<br />
school. This chapel will put our faith and<br />
prayer life as the centerpiece <strong>of</strong> our school’s<br />
campus. You can be a part <strong>of</strong> helping us<br />
realize this dream by giving to the Chapel<br />
Fund. Contact Elaine Simmons for details.<br />
<strong>Our</strong> <strong>St</strong>rategic Planning process is continuing<br />
to evolve. Numerous members <strong>of</strong> our<br />
community are giving generously <strong>of</strong> their<br />
time and efforts to craft strategies and<br />
initiatives that will take us to another level<br />
<strong>of</strong> education at SSA. It may seem that this<br />
is taking longer than expected; perhaps,<br />
but it is because this is not just an effort<br />
that “skims the surface” but one that is<br />
looking at a wide and deep set <strong>of</strong> proposed<br />
action plans. I ask that you keep this<br />
process in your prayers that we devise<br />
a plan that is meaningful and “futureoriented”,<br />
providing the best for our<br />
students. Many <strong>of</strong> the strategies call for<br />
additional funding if they are to be<br />
accomplished. This funding is not currently<br />
available in our operating budget nor in<br />
our current Centennial Fund. We will<br />
look to the generosity <strong>of</strong> the entire SSA<br />
community, present, past, and future to<br />
realize our goals.<br />
My years at SSA have taught me that many<br />
people believe strongly in the mission and<br />
vision <strong>of</strong> SSA. We have always seen people<br />
step up to the platform <strong>of</strong> leadership, to<br />
“rise to the occasion” to help SSA go<br />
places where it had not yet been. Where we<br />
are today is because <strong>of</strong> the generosity <strong>of</strong><br />
those who have gone before. For us to<br />
implement our future plans we need more<br />
and more individuals to become involved in<br />
a meaningful way. Your talents and efforts<br />
will be rewarded by a spirit <strong>of</strong> accomplishment<br />
and the fact that you have made a difference<br />
in the lives <strong>of</strong> many young women.<br />
I have always believed that my work in education<br />
is not just a job, but a ministry. In<br />
these last few months I have been given a<br />
new lease on life, which also comes with<br />
great responsibility. I believe that God has a<br />
lot more work for me to accomplish and I<br />
pray that I will be open to wherever He<br />
leads me. Great things are on the horizon<br />
for SSA. Let’s go there together!! May God<br />
bless you and may He hold you in the palm<br />
<strong>of</strong> His hand.<br />
Sincerely,<br />
Marguerite S. Celestin<br />
President<br />
D O V E W I N G S 3
Letter<br />
FROM<br />
Mary Kathryn Villere<br />
U<br />
sually in my article for Wings, I would draw your attention to the accomplishments <strong>of</strong> our students at<br />
this point in the school year. I recognized, however, that the girls’ achievements have been highlighted<br />
throughout this Wings issue. I certainly applaud them and suggest to you that your “SSA sisters” are<br />
upholding the legacy left by you as alums and by every faculty member and administrator who have graced these<br />
hallowed grounds <strong>of</strong> our campus throughout the years, as well as those currently ministering to the girls.<br />
It is perhaps appropriate then to speak about the foundation, which has enabled the girls to reach their goals and<br />
achieve so many honors and accomplishments in the name <strong>of</strong> <strong>St</strong>. <strong>Scholastica</strong> Academy. That foundation obviously<br />
is the heritage <strong>of</strong> our Benedictine spirituality first taught to us by the Benedictine sisters, who founded this academy<br />
– prayer, work, study, and community with balance in all.<br />
• We pray as if everything depends on God.<br />
• We study to attain wisdom<br />
• We serve by being with others and for others in community<br />
• We work by growing and discovering who we are especially as children <strong>of</strong> God<br />
In reading this issue <strong>of</strong> Wings, I would like to suggest that you read about the students’ achievements noting that all<br />
<strong>of</strong> them fit into these four components <strong>of</strong> Benedictine spirituality quite well. It is the mission <strong>of</strong> this school that the<br />
girls learn to live their lives according to this legacy <strong>of</strong> prayer, work, study, and community beginning with their SSA<br />
journey and lasting within them for their lifetime. Make SSA a place where “sisters” can make memories that will<br />
last a lifetime.<br />
Sincerely,<br />
Mary Kathryn Villere<br />
Principal<br />
Right to Life Mass<br />
in New Orleans<br />
Members <strong>of</strong> the <strong>St</strong>. <strong>Scholastica</strong> Academy Respect Life Ministry<br />
attended the Right to Life Mass at <strong>St</strong>. Rita’s Catholic Church in New<br />
Orleans on October 2. The Right to Life Mass was sponsored by the<br />
Archdiocese <strong>of</strong> New Orleans in honor <strong>of</strong> National Right to Life Month.<br />
The Mass was celebrated by Archbishop Hughes <strong>of</strong> New Orleans.<br />
Schools across the Archdiocese sent delegates to the Mass.<br />
(L to R) SSA Respect Life Ministry members Maureen McIntire, Merritt Parsons, and<br />
Laura Iverson stand in front <strong>of</strong> a statue <strong>of</strong> <strong>St</strong>. Joseph holding the baby Jesus at<br />
<strong>St</strong>. Rita’s Church in New Orleans.<br />
4 D O V E W I N G S
<strong>St</strong>. <strong>Scholastica</strong> AcademyAdministration<br />
President<br />
Principal<br />
Dean <strong>of</strong> Academics<br />
Assistant Principal/Dean <strong>of</strong> <strong>St</strong>udents<br />
Director <strong>of</strong> Guidance<br />
Business Manager<br />
Advancement Director<br />
Marguerite Celestin<br />
Mary Kathryn Villere<br />
Jennifer Grimley<br />
Eileen Depreo<br />
Carol Pool<br />
Mary Beth Willem<br />
Elaine Simmons<br />
Athletic Program<br />
Athletic Director<br />
Art Lyons<br />
Basketball<br />
Micki Delaney Head Coach<br />
Molly Meredith Assistant Coach<br />
Danny Davis Assistant Coach<br />
Bowling<br />
Pete Bertucci Head Coach<br />
Cross Country<br />
Chris Pool Head Coach<br />
Golf<br />
Art Lyons Head Coach<br />
Bill Gallop Assistant Coach<br />
Indoor Track<br />
Kristi Becerra Head Coach<br />
Soccer<br />
Mike Ortner Head Coach<br />
Wes Leake Assistant Coach<br />
Paige Holtgreve Assistant Coach<br />
S<strong>of</strong>tball<br />
Charles Richard Head Coach<br />
Chris Pool Assistant Coach<br />
Swimming<br />
Chris Prator Head Coach<br />
Brad Bessetti Moderator<br />
Shannon Cambias Assistant Coach<br />
D O V E W I N G S 5
Seniors Celebrate<br />
T<br />
he <strong>St</strong>. <strong>Scholastica</strong> Academy Class<br />
<strong>of</strong> 2007, the 104th class <strong>of</strong> SSA,<br />
received their traditional senior rings<br />
at a special Ring Mass at Mary Queen <strong>of</strong><br />
Peace Church on August 31. The Mass,<br />
celebrated by Msgr. William Bilinsky with<br />
Assisting Deacon, Harold J. Burke, was<br />
attended by the SSA senior class, their<br />
families and friends, and the SSA faculty.<br />
The seniors received their coveted senior<br />
class rings symbolizing their memories at<br />
SSA, the traditions they hold dear, and the<br />
many women who have gone before them<br />
and those who will follow.<br />
Senior Class<br />
President,<br />
Afton Zaunbrecher,<br />
holding the Senior<br />
Class candle, leads<br />
the procession at<br />
the Senior Ring<br />
Mass at Mary<br />
Queen <strong>of</strong> Peace<br />
Church.<br />
Under the direction <strong>of</strong> SSA’s music director,<br />
Sharon Scharmer, the SSA advanced choir<br />
performed during the ceremony.<br />
The seniors continued their celebration<br />
the next day at “Ring Day”. As they made<br />
the traditional procession through the<br />
front gates <strong>of</strong> the Academy, each senior was<br />
met by her eighth grade little sister who<br />
presented her with a rose. The seniors gave<br />
SSA alumna<br />
Mary Pechon<br />
Robin ‘76<br />
addresses the<br />
seniors reflecting<br />
on her memories<br />
at <strong>St</strong>. <strong>Scholastica</strong><br />
during the Ring<br />
Mass ceremony.<br />
each <strong>of</strong> their little sisters a white ribbon in<br />
anticipation <strong>of</strong> her senior ring and a card<br />
with the senior class motto: “Yesterday<br />
brought the beginning, tomorrow brings<br />
the end, but somewhere in the middle, we<br />
became the best <strong>of</strong> friends.” The seniors<br />
filed into the gym where the rest <strong>of</strong> the<br />
SSA students, along with the faculty, staff,<br />
and parents, were waiting. SSA Principal<br />
Mary Kathryn Villere gave the welcome<br />
address, and senior class secretary Emily<br />
Rodriguez led the assembly in the opening<br />
prayer. Math teacher and co-senior<br />
moderator Sybil Roussell read the<br />
scripture reading from the Gospel <strong>of</strong> John,<br />
while English teacher and co-senior<br />
moderator Patrice Cedor gave a reflection<br />
<strong>of</strong> the Gospel reading telling the seniors<br />
that if they follow the example <strong>of</strong> <strong>St</strong>.<br />
<strong>Scholastica</strong>, the patroness <strong>of</strong> SSA, they<br />
will be able to do more because they loved<br />
more.<br />
Senior class vice president Aubrey Rector<br />
gave an explanation <strong>of</strong> the history and<br />
symbolism <strong>of</strong> the SSA class ring. She<br />
The SSA Class <strong>of</strong> 2007 senior rings.<br />
shared the significance <strong>of</strong> each detail on<br />
the ring. Several <strong>of</strong> the SSA seniors have<br />
mothers who also attended the Academy.<br />
Five <strong>of</strong> these alumnae moms shared their<br />
experiences <strong>of</strong> SSA and the importance <strong>of</strong><br />
their own senior rings. They shared the<br />
similarities and differences <strong>of</strong> SSA now<br />
to their own years at SSA as well as the<br />
special place they each hold in their hearts<br />
for their memories <strong>of</strong> the Academy. The<br />
alumnae moms who shared their stories<br />
were Gina Bechac ’88, mother <strong>of</strong> Rebecca<br />
Bechac; Donna Perrone Blossman ’79,<br />
mother <strong>of</strong> Lauren Blossman; Kellie Ory<br />
Gagliano ’82, mother <strong>of</strong> Zetta Gagliano;<br />
Mary Pechon Robin ’76, mother <strong>of</strong> Caity<br />
Robin; and Desirée Taylor Billeaud ’76,<br />
mother <strong>of</strong> Cace Billeaud.<br />
Senior class president Afton Zaunbrecher<br />
shared her memories <strong>of</strong> ring days from<br />
grades 8-12. She imparted the changing<br />
significance each ring day had for her,<br />
including being part <strong>of</strong> the ceremony as a<br />
little sister, watching her friends and<br />
classmates receive their rings, and finally<br />
being part <strong>of</strong> her own ring ceremony. SSA<br />
President Marguerite Celestin invoked the<br />
closing blessing for the seniors after which<br />
the choir closed the ceremony with the<br />
SSA Alma Mater. The seniors and parents<br />
were invited to a special reception hosted<br />
by the sophomore class in the cafeteria.<br />
<strong>St</strong>. <strong>Scholastica</strong> Academy alumnae proudly stand behind their beautiful SSA<br />
Senior daughters at the reception held after the Ring Day celebration.<br />
(L-R): Desiree Taylor Billeaud ‘76 with Cace, Donna Perrone Blossman ‘79<br />
with Lauren, Mary Pechon Robin ‘76 with Caity, and<br />
Kellie Ory Gagliano ‘82 with Zetta.<br />
6 D O V E W I N G S<br />
SSA Seniors pose for a picture at the Grotto after the Ring Day Celebration.<br />
Front Row: Holly Martin, Ashley Dutel, Blaire Levy.<br />
Nancy Rossi, Averell Ellis, Afton Zaunbrecher, Brittany Decareaux, Alli Lloyd,<br />
Allyse Gillen, Lauren Williams, Kylan Debrock, Gaby Klein.
Concert<br />
On September 16, 2006 <strong>St</strong>.<br />
<strong>Scholastica</strong> Academy presented<br />
Ronnie Kole and his Septet<br />
“The Amazing Grace <strong>of</strong> Ronnie<br />
Kole” concert held at <strong>St</strong>. Joseph<br />
Abbey Benet Hall. This amazing<br />
event was the second time Kole<br />
performed with the SSA choirs<br />
and all benefits went to the SSA<br />
music and drama departments.<br />
Kole performed to a full house to<br />
the delight <strong>of</strong> many fans that have<br />
followed his incredible career for<br />
many years. The SSA choir, under<br />
the direction <strong>of</strong> music director<br />
Sharon Scharmer, performed<br />
selected pieces with Kole and his<br />
Septet during the jazz concert.<br />
Some <strong>of</strong> the songs Kole performed<br />
included a Duke Ellington Suite,<br />
Phantom <strong>of</strong> the Opera medley, and<br />
a patriotic medley using the SSA<br />
Choir.<br />
A lavish patron cocktail party<br />
preceded the concert at Christ<br />
Court at the Abbey. Delicious food<br />
and cocktails were served to the<br />
patrons with SSA art students’<br />
work enhancing the party. Ronnie<br />
and Gardner Kole visited with the<br />
guests which helped make the<br />
evening even more special.<br />
for next September 22, 2007<br />
as SSA will present the third<br />
Ronnie Kole Concert!<br />
Ronnie Kole’s<br />
stepson and<br />
daughter-in-law,<br />
Pete and<br />
Elizabeth<br />
Schneider, III.<br />
Ronnie Kole during his entertaining<br />
performance at the concert.<br />
Ronnie Kole visits with the students in the SSA<br />
choirs before the concert. (L-R): SSA Music Director Sharon<br />
Scharmer, Senior Jorda Box, Senior and Granddaughter <strong>of</strong><br />
Ronnie Kole, Kathryn Schneider, Ronnie and Gardner Kole,<br />
and Senior Katherine Couret.<br />
SSA student volunteers help out at the Ronnie Kole patron party.<br />
(L-R): Alli Lloyd, Meghan Spell, Brittany Simpson, Afton Zaunbrecher,<br />
Melissa Landry, and Allyse Gillen.<br />
Ronnie Kole Patron Party guests Owen and Karen Seiler<br />
with Marguerite and Richard Celestin.<br />
The SSA choir joins in with Ronnie Kole during the jazz concert at <strong>St</strong>. Joseph Abbey.<br />
D O V E W I N G S 7
Scholarship Program<br />
2 0 0 7<br />
SSA<br />
New Parent C<strong>of</strong>fee<br />
<strong>St</strong>. <strong>Scholastica</strong> Academy seniors Melissa<br />
Landry and Jorda Box have been<br />
recognized by the 2007 National Merit<br />
Scholarship Program. Melissa has been<br />
named a National Merit semi-finalist and<br />
Jorda was named a National Merit<br />
Commended <strong>St</strong>udent.<br />
Of the 1.4 million students who took<br />
the PSAT test, the entry for the<br />
competition, the top 1% <strong>of</strong> high school<br />
students in each state is recognized by<br />
the program. Of that 1.4 million, 16,000<br />
are recognized as National Merit<br />
semi-finalists.<br />
Semi-finalists have the opportunity to<br />
continue in the competition for 8,200<br />
Merit Scholarship awards. To be considered<br />
for the scholarship, semifinalists<br />
must fulfill several requirements and<br />
advance to the finalist level <strong>of</strong> the<br />
competition. About 90% <strong>of</strong> the<br />
SSA senior Melissa Landry has been<br />
named a National Merit semi-finalist and<br />
SSA senior Jorda Box was named a<br />
National Merit Commended <strong>St</strong>udent.<br />
semi-finalists are expected to become<br />
finalists, and approximately half <strong>of</strong> the<br />
finalists will be selected as Merit<br />
Scholarship winners.<br />
(L-R): SSA parents attend the New Parent C<strong>of</strong>fee at<br />
the Advancement House.Desiree Taylor Billeaud ‘76,<br />
Rebecca Mitchell, Robin Gutierrez, Nanette McGinn,<br />
Alicia Nolan, (President, SSA Parent Club) and<br />
Mary Kathryn Villere (SSA Principal).<br />
The <strong>St</strong>. <strong>Scholastica</strong> Academy Parent Club<br />
hosted a c<strong>of</strong>fee on August 23 at the<br />
SSA Advancement Office for the new<br />
2006-2007 parents. The new parents were<br />
welcomed as part <strong>of</strong> the SSA community<br />
and were able to visit with Parent Club<br />
Officers and Committee Chairs as well as<br />
the SSA administration.<br />
SSA Honors<br />
Veterans<br />
<strong>St</strong>. <strong>Scholastica</strong> Academy honors Veterans<br />
on November 13.<br />
Clarence Saltalmachia, SSA staff<br />
member and Army Veteran, receives over<br />
700 notes <strong>of</strong> gratitude from SSA students<br />
presented by the Captain <strong>of</strong> the Color<br />
Guard, Brittany Gondolfi, President <strong>of</strong><br />
Tri-Hi-Y Cace Billeaud, and Veterans<br />
Day Chair, Alyssa Fontana. Color<br />
Guard member, Melissa Landry,<br />
(in background) is stationed at her post<br />
“guarding” the names <strong>of</strong> veterans.<br />
On November 13 <strong>St</strong>. <strong>Scholastica</strong> Academy<br />
students honored our country’s veterans on<br />
Veterans Day. SSA’s Color Guard and<br />
Tri-Hi-Y clubs sponsored the activities <strong>of</strong><br />
the day. They collected names <strong>of</strong> any SSA<br />
student, teacher or staff member who has a<br />
current duty or veteran family member. For<br />
each service member name submitted, a<br />
“Blue <strong>St</strong>ar Service Flag” was created with<br />
that person’s name and their relationship to<br />
8 D O V E W I N G S<br />
the SSA person on it. These flags were<br />
attached to the Honor Wall, along with the<br />
service flags <strong>of</strong> the Army, Navy, Air Force,<br />
Marines, Coast Guard and Merchant<br />
Marines. Taking 40 minute shifts, Honor<br />
Guard members kept a day long “vigil”<br />
guarding the names. This was a symbolic<br />
gesture to draw attention to the veteran’s<br />
sacrifice and honor and their commitment<br />
to our country.<br />
SSA senior and<br />
Color Guard<br />
member<br />
Brittany<br />
Simpson<br />
at her post at<br />
SSA during<br />
Veterans Day.<br />
SSA students and <strong>of</strong>ficers <strong>of</strong> the Tri-Hi-Y<br />
club, Cace Billeaud and Alyssa Fontana,<br />
wanted a way for the student body to feel<br />
connected to the veterans. They choose<br />
to honor one <strong>of</strong> SSA’s own, Clarence<br />
Saltalmachia, who served in the Army<br />
during the Vietnam War. Billeaud and<br />
Fontana helped organize an effort where<br />
the SSA campus ministers visited each<br />
homeroom and told <strong>of</strong> Saltalmachia’s<br />
service to the United <strong>St</strong>ates and asked each<br />
student to write a personal note <strong>of</strong> thanks to<br />
him. Over 700 notes were collected from<br />
the students to express their gratitude for his<br />
service to our country. During lunch the<br />
Captain <strong>of</strong> the Color Guard, Brittany<br />
Gondolfi, President <strong>of</strong> Tri-Hi-Y, Cace<br />
Billeaud, and Veterans Day Chair, Alyssa<br />
Fontana presented Saltalmachia with the<br />
personal notes <strong>of</strong> thanks.
Prayer Service<br />
<strong>St</strong>. <strong>Scholastica</strong> Academy held a prayer<br />
service on August 29, the one-year<br />
anniversary <strong>of</strong> Hurricane Katrina, to<br />
remember the devastation caused by the<br />
terrible storm. The entire SSA student<br />
body, faculty, and staff prayed together to<br />
honor all <strong>of</strong> the heroes, victims, and<br />
displaced families from Katrina. SSA<br />
junior Chelsea Gandolfi led the opening<br />
prayer and was the presider <strong>of</strong> the Prayers<br />
<strong>of</strong> the Faithful. Catherine Schroeder, an<br />
eighth-grader, read her composition, which<br />
was the winning essay from <strong>St</strong>. Tammany<br />
Parish <strong>of</strong> WWL-TV’s Hurricane Katrina<br />
essay contest. Her narrative described her<br />
experiences and those <strong>of</strong> her family during<br />
the storm and her blessings after the<br />
hurricane. SSA senior Brittany Decareaux<br />
then gave an emotional tribute to her father,<br />
David Decareaux, for his bravery during<br />
the difficult days after the storm.<br />
Decareaux is a Fireman/EMT with the New<br />
Orleans Fire Department and was one <strong>of</strong><br />
the first responders to New Orleans right<br />
after the storm. Brittany described her<br />
worry for her father’s safety and her pride<br />
<strong>of</strong> his heroism. <strong>St</strong>udents Samantha Bopp<br />
and Elise Taylor also described their once<br />
in a lifetime experiences because <strong>of</strong> the<br />
hurricane and how Hurricane Katrina has<br />
touched their lives. The Prayers <strong>of</strong> the<br />
Faithful were given by Sarah Gaudet,<br />
Lauren Fereday, Margaret Kidd, Nicole<br />
Robles and Sarah Broussard. Principal<br />
Mary Kathryn Villere thanked the SSA<br />
religion teachers Amanda Schneidau,<br />
Barbara Link, and Bonnie Paille for<br />
organizing the prayer service. Villere<br />
reminded the students that they can all<br />
“continue to make a difference in the<br />
recovery effort in our community.”<br />
SSA eighth grader, Catherine Schroeder, winner<br />
<strong>of</strong> the 2006 WWL-TV Katrina Essay Contest, is<br />
congratulated by TV personalities Jim Henderson,<br />
Frank Davis, and <strong>St</strong>. Tammany Parish<br />
President Ken Davis.<br />
Katrina Essay Contest<br />
SSA eighth grader, Catherine Schroeder,<br />
was the recipient <strong>of</strong> the 2006 Katrina<br />
Essay contest sponsored by WWL-TV.<br />
She was selected out <strong>of</strong> all <strong>of</strong> the essays<br />
submitted parish-wide to represent the<br />
children <strong>of</strong> West <strong>St</strong>. Tammany who have<br />
experienced the wrath <strong>of</strong> Katrina.<br />
Catherine and other students from each <strong>of</strong><br />
the surrounding parishes were able to<br />
read their individual essays on August 29,<br />
2006, before the bell ringing ceremony in<br />
remembrance <strong>of</strong> the first anniversary <strong>of</strong><br />
Hurricane Katrina.<br />
SSA <strong>St</strong>udent Council Executive Officers<br />
The <strong>St</strong>. <strong>Scholastica</strong> Academy student council executive <strong>of</strong>ficers and moderators for the<br />
2006-2007 school year are: (L-R): SSA teacher and moderator Liz Tocco, Treasurer - Lynne<br />
Fritscher, Public Relations - Gabrielle Campo, Vice President - Kristin Petry, President -<br />
Melissa Landry, Secretary - Aly Neel, SSA teacher and moderator Denise Bordelon.<br />
Key Club Banner is presented to<br />
<strong>St</strong>. <strong>Scholastica</strong> Academy<br />
Melissa Landry, a <strong>St</strong>. <strong>Scholastica</strong><br />
senior and Governor <strong>of</strong> the 66th<br />
Session <strong>of</strong> Girls <strong>St</strong>ate, presented to<br />
SSA Principal Mary Kathryn Villere<br />
the Key Club Governor’s banner on<br />
October 27. This banner is passed<br />
on each year at the Annual Key Club<br />
District convention from governor to<br />
governor. It is displayed at the school<br />
<strong>of</strong> the governor, recognizing the<br />
home Key Club. After Landry’s term<br />
is complete in 2007, she will sign the<br />
back <strong>of</strong> the banner and pass it on to<br />
her successor.<br />
Begona Landry - mother <strong>of</strong> Melissa Landry, Melissa<br />
Landry - SSA Senior and 2006-2007 Governor <strong>of</strong> Girl’s<br />
<strong>St</strong>ate, Kristin Petry - SSA Senior and President <strong>of</strong> SSA<br />
Key Club, and Mary Kathryn Villere - Principal <strong>of</strong> SSA,<br />
proudly display the Key Club Governor’s banner to the<br />
student body <strong>of</strong> <strong>St</strong>. <strong>Scholastica</strong> Academy.<br />
D O V E W I N G S 9
<strong>St</strong>. <strong>Scholastica</strong> Academy’s<br />
Open House<br />
Meeting<br />
During the SSA Open House, Alumna, Davey<br />
Henderson Larmann ‘82 and mother to prospective<br />
student Emma Larmann, was able to show her<br />
daughter around campus along with SSA student<br />
guide Casey Kramer and <strong>St</strong>eve Larmann.<br />
Not pictured: Emma’s older sister, Megan,<br />
who is a sophomore at SSA.<br />
SSA Senior chosen as a<br />
WWL-TV A+ Athlete<br />
Holly Martin, a <strong>St</strong>. <strong>Scholastica</strong> Academy<br />
senior, was chosen as one <strong>of</strong> the WWL-TV<br />
A+ Athletes for the 2006/2007 school<br />
year. A unique campaign sponsored by<br />
WWL-TV, Channel 4, Ronald McDonald<br />
House Charities and local McDonald’s<br />
owner/operators, recognizes outstanding<br />
high school scholars/athletes through<br />
a series <strong>of</strong> 60 second public service<br />
announcements (PSAs). The following criteria<br />
exemplify an “A+ Athlete” in order<br />
<strong>of</strong> importance: scholastic achievement,<br />
athletic ability, and overall community and<br />
school involvement.<br />
Do you want to<br />
be on our website?<br />
Read this<br />
disclosure.<br />
Access this form at:<br />
Members <strong>of</strong> the SSA Parent Club gather for a group picture at the first<br />
luncheon meeting <strong>of</strong> the 2006-2007 school year.<br />
Debby Royerre, Robin Eckert, Davey Larmann, Dorothy Schouest, Suzanne Andrews, Desiree Billeaud,<br />
President Ex-<strong>of</strong>ficio; Cindy Smith, Nicole Reilly, Alicia Nolan, President; Marta Bragg, Yvette Jemison,<br />
Cindy Fekete, Vice-President; Ginny Kamath, Mary Vorenkamp, Begona Landry, Leslie Domingues,<br />
Sheryl Cross, Karen Spell, Milissa Block, Treasurer; Beth Lambert, Kim Malloy, Leslie Ellinghausen,<br />
Theresa Elie, Recording Secretary; Kim Viola, Corresponding Secretary; Julie Authement,<br />
Carolyn Downey, Geri Descant, Robin Gutierrez, and Mary Chatry.<br />
(Not pictured: Renee Silva, Mary Ellen Jordan, Maria Campeaux, Donna Neel, Lisa Perret, Sharon Landry)<br />
OOPS!<br />
Disclosure statement:<br />
Liz Johnson is a member<br />
on the SSA Athletic Board<br />
I, ________________________________________ , an alumna <strong>of</strong> <strong>St</strong>. <strong>Scholastica</strong> Academy,<br />
hereby grant permission to <strong>St</strong>. <strong>Scholastica</strong> Academy and/or the Archdiocese <strong>of</strong> New Orleans<br />
to publish and/or print my name/e-mail address and/or likeness on the <strong>St</strong>. <strong>Scholastica</strong><br />
Academy website on the internet and/or worldwide web.<br />
I hereby further release, indemnify and hold harmless <strong>St</strong>. <strong>Scholastica</strong> Academy, the Roman<br />
Catholic Church <strong>of</strong> the Archdiocese <strong>of</strong> New Orleans, their directors, <strong>of</strong>ficers, agents,<br />
pastor(s), employees and insurers from any and all claims and/or damages on behalf <strong>of</strong><br />
myself and my heirs arising from the publication <strong>of</strong> my name, photograph, or likeness on<br />
videotape and/or film on <strong>St</strong>. <strong>Scholastica</strong> Academy’s website on the internet or the worldwide<br />
web.<br />
This agreement shall remain in force and effect at all times until I notify<br />
<strong>St</strong>. <strong>Scholastica</strong> Academy to cancel this agreement.<br />
Name: Date: Grad. Year:<br />
Address: City/<strong>St</strong>. , Zip<br />
If you would like your e-mail address published in the<br />
SSA Website Alumnae Directory, please e-mail this completed form as<br />
authorized acceptance <strong>of</strong> the above terms to: esimmons<br />
or mail this completed form to: SSA P.0. Box 1210 Covington, LA 70434-1210<br />
10 D O V E W I N G S
SSA<br />
<strong>St</strong>. <strong>Scholastica</strong> Academy held its annual D’Antonio, Mary Breaux, Joannie<br />
family picnic October 1 on the SSA Miller, Rebecca Mitchell and Milissa<br />
campus. Over 500 people attended a Block. The student council members<br />
Mass held in the gym then enjoyed a organized games and activities for the<br />
barbeque dinner with great food and younger children. As a special treat<br />
desserts. The Family Picnic co-chairs <strong>of</strong> the guests were entertained by<br />
the event were Davey Larmann, Suzanne performances from the SSA Royalettes,<br />
Andrews and Sheryl Cross. The committee<br />
members were Renee Pellissier, Tina Cheerleaders and Golden Blues, which<br />
SSA Cheerleaders, the <strong>St</strong>. Paul’s<br />
and Mike Neal, Andrea Arceneaux, Karen are comprised <strong>of</strong> SSA students.<br />
Memories<br />
From the<br />
Past<br />
Class <strong>of</strong><br />
1957<br />
Bob and Carol Pool, Donna Fritscher, and Allyse, Christy and Gerry Gillen<br />
enjoy visiting at the annual SSA Family Picnic.<br />
2006-2007<br />
<strong>St</strong>udent Ministry Team<br />
The SSA <strong>St</strong>udent Ministry consists <strong>of</strong> seniors who are selected at the end <strong>of</strong> their<br />
junior year because <strong>of</strong> their dedication to Christian beliefs and morals and<br />
their desire to lead their schoolmates in developing spirituality. The <strong>St</strong>udent Ministers<br />
assist in planning and implementing school liturgies, planning and leading retreats for<br />
underclassmen, providing peer support, and enhancing the spiritual growth <strong>of</strong> their<br />
schoolmates.<br />
Class <strong>of</strong><br />
1982<br />
SSA 2006-2007 <strong>St</strong>udent Ministry Team<br />
Bottom Row: Gaby Klein, Kristin Petry, Blaire Levy, McCade McDaniel, Holly Martin, Jessica Fawer,<br />
Nicole Fekete, Roxenne Yi, Aly Neel, Alli Lloyd, Jorda Box<br />
Second Row: Bonnie Paille, SSA teacher and student minister moderator; Ashley Dutel, Allison Lipps,<br />
Sarah LaRocca, Mignon Sicard, Katie Sunseri, Emily Rodriguez, Lynne Fritscher, Rachel Murray,<br />
Marie Perret, Kasey Coote, Melissa Landry<br />
Third Row: Casey Kramer, Averell Ellis, Kelly Mullins, Jolie Currow, Madeline Rice, Ellen Fargason,<br />
Jayne Champagne, Gabby Sicard, Katherine Couret, Lauren Baiamonte, Samantha Schott,<br />
Amanda Schneidau, SSA teacher and student minister moderator; Eileen Depreo, Assistant Principal.<br />
Top Row: Allyse Gillen, Brittni Blankenship, Afton Zaunbrecher, Aubrey Rector, Alexa Younger.<br />
D O V E W I N G S 11
SSA Art Club<br />
Placed First at <strong>St</strong>. Tammany Parish Fair<br />
The <strong>St</strong>. <strong>Scholastica</strong> Academy art club tied for first place<br />
in the <strong>St</strong>. Tammany Parish Fair’s competition “Making<br />
Art a Palette for Learning”. The SSA art club students<br />
designed and created a booth reflecting the 2006 theme,<br />
naming their exhibit “Color My Curriculum”. The art<br />
club received two ribbons: a blue ribbon based on<br />
the judges’ criteria <strong>of</strong> how well the exhibit reflected<br />
the theme and modern trends as well as student<br />
participation, organization, and attractiveness. They<br />
also received a purple ribbon as one <strong>of</strong> the overall grand<br />
prize winners. The SSA art club is very active at the<br />
Academy and has many upcoming activities planned<br />
including a Halloween celebration fundraiser and a<br />
community service project painting murals.<br />
SSA art club moderators and <strong>of</strong>ficers:<br />
Back Row: SSA art teacher Anne Arbo, Secretary Kelly Mullins, Co-President Alexa<br />
Younger, Public Relations Director Megan McCarty. Front Row: SSA art teacher Marcelle<br />
McGoey Delaune ’97, Co-President Lizzy Evans, Vice-President <strong>St</strong>ephanie <strong>St</strong>ains,<br />
Treasurer Kimberly Broadbridge.<br />
SSA Adopt-A-Family<br />
Assembly<br />
<strong>St</strong>. <strong>Scholastica</strong> Academy held its annual Adopt-A-Family<br />
Christmas Assembly on December 19 in the SSA gym. Every year<br />
the entire student body collects and wraps gifts for many needy<br />
families in our community. The gym was full <strong>of</strong> hundreds <strong>of</strong> gifts<br />
donated by the students. Many <strong>of</strong> the needy families are referred<br />
to SSA by Volunteers <strong>of</strong> America, The Crisis Pregnancy Center<br />
and Head <strong>St</strong>art. Representatives from each <strong>of</strong> these groups were<br />
present at the Assembly to accept the Christmas gifts and thank the<br />
students for their generosity. One <strong>of</strong> the families even wrote a<br />
poem to the SSA students as a token <strong>of</strong> their appreciation. The<br />
<strong>St</strong>udent Council <strong>of</strong>ficers and representatives also entertained the<br />
students with a Christmas skit.<br />
SSA Senior<br />
Outreach Day<br />
(L-R): A group <strong>of</strong> SSA seniors during senior outreach day helped Lucille<br />
<strong>St</strong>. Syr (homeowner) gut her New Orleans home that was severely damaged<br />
by Hurricane Katrina. Front Row: Ashely Loga, Cace Billeaud, Victoria<br />
Clark, Emily Abide, Taylor Campbell, Emily Robin, and Alissa Fontana.<br />
Middle Row (sitting): Megan Maestri, Jorda Box, Megan Spell, and Gabby<br />
Sicard. Back Row (standing): Kasey Coote, Lynne Fritscher, Brittni<br />
Blankenship, Caroline Lee, Lucille <strong>St</strong>. Syr (homeowner), Kristin Petry,<br />
Mignon Sicard, Emily Rodriguez, and SSA teacher David Arbo.<br />
(L-R); SSA ninth graders Sarah Carruth and Laine Bordelon help<br />
collect Christmas gifts for a needy family during the<br />
SSA Adopt-A-Family Christmas Assembly.<br />
12 D O V E W I N G S
Seminar For Women<br />
<strong>St</strong>. <strong>Scholastica</strong> Academy hosted an<br />
informative Estate Planning Seminar<br />
for Women presented by Ronda M.<br />
Gabb, Esq. on October 26. Gabb is a<br />
Board Certified Estate Planning and<br />
Administration Specialist through the<br />
Louisiana Bar Association. She is also<br />
a member <strong>of</strong> the Academy <strong>of</strong> Estate<br />
Planning Attorneys, the National<br />
Academy <strong>of</strong> Elder Law Attorneys, the<br />
Governor’s Elder Task Force, and the<br />
Northshore Estate Planning Council.<br />
Gabb elaborated on a number <strong>of</strong><br />
important topics including: wills,<br />
bequests, power <strong>of</strong> attorney, healthcare<br />
power <strong>of</strong> attorney and living wills to<br />
twenty interested attendees. After the<br />
seminar she stayed 45 minutes and<br />
answered individual questions.<br />
Amy Cox, a current SSA parent who<br />
attended the seminar commented, “The<br />
seminar gave me quite a bit <strong>of</strong><br />
information to start looking deeper into<br />
this area <strong>of</strong> our lives to make some very<br />
important decisions.” Carolyn Chassee<br />
‘76 CFRE, a planned giving consultant for<br />
SSA, organized the event to provide an<br />
opportunity for SSA parents and alumnae<br />
to learn more about this topic and<br />
how wise estate planning can positively<br />
affect your life and your family’s for<br />
generations.<br />
<strong>St</strong>. <strong>Scholastica</strong> Academy is planning<br />
another Estate Planning Seminar for<br />
Women to be held on March 29, 2007.<br />
For more information call<br />
Elaine Simmons, SSA Advancement<br />
Director at (985) 892-2540 ext. 132 or<br /><br />
(L-R): <strong>St</strong>. <strong>Scholastica</strong> Academy<br />
parent Darlynne Bruning,<br />
Ronda M. Gabb, Esq.,<br />
SSA Parent Club<br />
president, Alicia Nolan,<br />
and Carolyn Chassee ‘76<br />
CFRE discuss estate<br />
planning questions<br />
after the Estate Planning<br />
Seminar for Women<br />
held at the Academy.<br />
ESTATE<br />
Sponsored By<br />
THURSDAY, MARCH 29, 2007<br />
3:30 p.m. - 5:30 p.m.<br />
Seminar Highlights:<br />
Louisiana laws on intestacy – what happens without a Will?<br />
Guardianship issues for minor children.<br />
Special planning considerations for divorced, single,<br />
or widowed women.<br />
Should I consider a trust for my children?<br />
The importance <strong>of</strong> proper beneficiary designations.<br />
Why everyone needs a Power <strong>of</strong> Attorney –<br />
planning for incapacity.<br />
Living Wills after the August 15, 2005, changes under LA law.<br />
Health Care Powers <strong>of</strong> Attorney and the HIPAA laws.<br />
Presented by Ronda M. Gabb, Esq. Ronda is a Board Certified Estate Planning and Administration Specialist through the<br />
Louisiana Bar Association. She is also a member <strong>of</strong> the American Academy <strong>of</strong> Estate Planning Attorneys, the National<br />
Academy <strong>of</strong> Elder Law Attorneys, the Governor’s Elder Law Task Force, and the Northshore Estate Planning Council.<br />
Ronda <strong>of</strong>ten lectures to pr<strong>of</strong>essional and community groups regarding estate planning and elder law. Her law practice is<br />
entirely devoted to Estate Planning, including Wills, Trusts, Successions and Administrations, Elder Law, Medicaid, Special<br />
Needs and Life Care Planning issues.<br />
Some comments about the last Estate Seminar by Ronda Gabb:<br />
Darlynne Carlton, President, Smart Business, Inc. –<br />
“Women Know Women” and Ronda is a true pr<strong>of</strong>essional that can help you plan in a way that is smart for you!”<br />
SSA past parent Chloe Coombe,<br />
“The speaker was dynamic and presented information in a very engaging and pr<strong>of</strong>essional manner.”<br />
Seating is limited.<br />
• Please call 892-2540 ext. 132 or Email for a reservation.<br />
D O V E W I N G S 13
Congratulations<br />
to the SSA 2006 Athletic Teams!!!<br />
2006<br />
Fall Athletic Awards<br />
V O L L E Y B A L L<br />
Varsity Best Offensive Player<br />
Caity Robin<br />
Varsity Coach’s Award<br />
Simone <strong>St</strong>erck<br />
Junior Varsity Most Improved<br />
Camille Walther<br />
Junior Varsity Outstanding Player<br />
Meghan Clark<br />
Junior Varsity Teammate Award<br />
Shelby Fritscher<br />
SSA Varsity Cross Country Team<br />
SSA Cross Country Team<br />
District 11 Champion and 4-A <strong>St</strong>ate Champion<br />
Eighth Grade<br />
Most Improved Player<br />
Samantha Bopp<br />
Eighth Grade Teammate Award<br />
Griffin Murphy<br />
Eighth Grade Coach’s Award<br />
Jessica Houte<br />
S W I M M I N G<br />
Most Valuable Swimmers<br />
Angela LaBorde<br />
and Kathryn Snitzer<br />
Freshman Awards<br />
Michelle Limbaugh<br />
and Elizabeth Winkler<br />
Most Improved<br />
Maggie Bankston<br />
SSA Swimming Team<br />
SSA Swimming Team<br />
District Champion and 4-A <strong>St</strong>ate Runner-up<br />
Varsity Most Valuable Player<br />
Kimberly Broadbridge<br />
Varsity Coach’s Award<br />
Savannah Jenkins, Lauren Fereday, and<br />
Melissa Hamel<br />
Junior Varsity Most Improved<br />
Maddy Maestri<br />
Junior Varsity Coach’s Award<br />
Marley <strong>St</strong>ubbs<br />
Eighth Grade Coach’s Award<br />
Sarah Thiel<br />
SSA Varsity Volleyball Team<br />
SSA Volleyball Team<br />
District 10 Champion and 4-A <strong>St</strong>ate Runner-up<br />
14 D O V E W I N G S<br />
Eighth Grade Most Valuable Player<br />
Kelsey Quarls<br />
Eighth Grade Most Improved<br />
Catherine Pereira
<strong>St</strong>. <strong>Scholastica</strong> Academy<br />
Monday, April 23, 2007<br />
Beau Chene Country Club<br />
Green and Cart Fees<br />
Survival Cart<br />
Awards for 1st, 2nd, and 3rd Place Teams<br />
Closest to the Hole and Longest Drive Contests<br />
Lunch and Drinks<br />
Dinner and Drinks<br />
Two Course Hospitality <strong>St</strong>ations<br />
Door Prizes<br />
Tournament Awards<br />
Ditty Bags<br />
Hole-In-One and Putting Contests<br />
Four-Man Scramble, Shotgun <strong>St</strong>art<br />
If golf isn’t your game, join us for food and drinks.<br />
$25.00/person<br />
(Registration Form On Back)<br />
D O V E W I N G S 15
<strong>St</strong>. <strong>Scholastica</strong> Academy<br />
D O V E G O L F C L A S S I C<br />
Monday, April 23, 2007<br />
Beau Chene Country Club<br />
16 D O V E W I N G S<br />
Sponsorship Levels<br />
Platinum $5,000 Silver $2,000<br />
2 foursomes/Tournament packages 1 foursome/Tournament package<br />
TOP billboard recognition<br />
Individual sponsor sign<br />
Individual sponsor sign<br />
Cart sponsor<br />
Listing in Wings magazine<br />
Listing in Wings magazine<br />
8 extra tickets to 19th hole dinner 4 extra tickets to 19th hole dinner<br />
8 gifts 4 gifts<br />
Gold $3,000 Bronze $1,000<br />
1 foursome/Tournament package 1 foursome/Tournament package<br />
Billboard recognition<br />
Individual sponsor sign<br />
Individual sponsor sign<br />
Listing in Wings magazine<br />
Listing in Wings magazine<br />
2 extra tickets to 19th hole dinner<br />
4 extra tickets to 19th hole dinner 2 gifts<br />
4 gifts<br />
Foursome with sign $800 Foursome $700<br />
1 foursome with SIGN 1 foursome<br />
103 Year Sponsorship - $103 Listing in Wings magazine.<br />
<strong>Dove</strong> Centennial Golf Classic Registration Form<br />
Monday, April 23, 2007<br />
Beau Chene Country Club<br />
10:30 a.m. Registration 12:30 p.m. Shotgun <strong>St</strong>art<br />
Payment must accompany form to reserve a spot. Please check level <strong>of</strong> sponsorship<br />
___ Platinum $5000 ___ Gold $3000 ___ Silver $2000 ___ Bronze $1000<br />
___ Foursome $700 ___ Single Player $175 ___ Sponsor Sign $150 ___ 103 Year Sponsor $103<br />
___ Foursome $800 with Sign* ___ Scoreboard Sponsor $50 ___ Banquet Only $25<br />
___ Donation Only<br />
Make checks payable to: SSA <strong>Dove</strong> Classic, P.O. Box 1210, Covington, LA 70434<br />
Visa/MasterCard #_______________________________________________________________ Exp. Date: _____________<br />
Amt. Chg. $_______________Signature:____________________________________________________________________<br />
Name Full Address Phone Avg./Handicap Score<br />
_____________________________________________________________________________________________________<br />
_____________________________________________________________________________________________________<br />
_____________________________________________________________________________________________________<br />
_____________________________________________________________________________________________________<br />
Questions? Call SSA Advancement Office, (985) 892-2540, x 130
Paul Jay Scott passed away on August 9,<br />
2005; grandfather <strong>of</strong> Kylee Scott 2000.<br />
Marie Bergeron Schmidt passed away<br />
on July 25, 2006; mother <strong>of</strong> Emily Schmidt<br />
Garcia ‘76.<br />
Elma Plescia Zehender died on August<br />
16, 2006. She was the mother <strong>of</strong> Elizabeth<br />
Zehender Coco ‘75, Ann Zehender Dussom<br />
‘80, and Virginia Zehender Williams ‘82<br />
and grandmother <strong>of</strong> Caroline Dussom 2011.<br />
Michael Paduda Jr. passed away on<br />
September 8, 2006; father <strong>of</strong> Marcie Paduda<br />
‘90 and the uncle <strong>of</strong> Heather Bush 2001.<br />
Billie Champagne Snider died on<br />
September 12, 2006; mother <strong>of</strong> Linda<br />
Snider Robinson <strong>St</strong>ockton ‘60.<br />
We Celebrate<br />
T H E I R L I V E S<br />
Ronnie Sarrat, son <strong>of</strong> former SSA<br />
teacher Lucille Sarrat and SSA accountant,<br />
the late Walter Sarrat, passed away on<br />
September 20, 2006; brother <strong>of</strong> SSA<br />
counselor Susanne Hepburn and the uncle<br />
<strong>of</strong> Bridget Hepburn 2008.<br />
Vanessa Wolff died in a tragic car crash<br />
on October 21, 2006; daughter <strong>of</strong> Charlsey<br />
Juen Wolff ‘76.<br />
Denise Villere Centola ‘67 passed<br />
away on November 1, 2006; mother <strong>of</strong><br />
Deborah Centola 2000. She was also<br />
SSA principal Mary Kathryn Villere’s<br />
sister-in-law and aunt <strong>of</strong> Ashley Villere<br />
Chitwood ‘89.<br />
Frank Winfield Currow, Jr. passed<br />
away on January 8, 2007; father <strong>of</strong> Katrine<br />
‘96 and Jolie 2007.<br />
1939<br />
Doris Bourgeois DeAngelis served in the<br />
Women’s Army Corps in World War II. She<br />
went back to school after her youngest<br />
child was 16 years old and got her LPN<br />
license at the age <strong>of</strong> 50. After retiring she<br />
served as a volunteer at <strong>Our</strong> Lady <strong>of</strong><br />
Lourdes Medical Center in Camden, NJ.<br />
She lives in Atco, NJ.<br />
1947<br />
Edith Whelpley Echanique lives in<br />
Miami, FL.<br />
1960<br />
Kathy Sharp Healy works as a director’s<br />
assistant for the city <strong>of</strong> Prattville’s Cultural<br />
Arts/ Special Events department. She lives<br />
in Prattville, Alabama.<br />
1972<br />
Pam <strong>St</strong>. Amand Meier works as a<br />
physician in her private OB/GYN practice.<br />
She has “enjoyed a wonderful career<br />
enabled by my excellent education at SSA.”<br />
Husband Robert live in Beaumont, Texas.<br />
1977<br />
Marianne Ducros Gonwa retired after a<br />
25-year career as the Finance Head <strong>of</strong><br />
Chevron Shipping Company in California.<br />
She moved to Raleigh, NC with husband<br />
Rick and her sons Will and Davis.<br />
Deborah Terribile <strong>St</strong>ewart, along with her<br />
husband James and their son Jackson,<br />
moved to Central London in July 2006.<br />
1978<br />
Julie Gement Andries has been married<br />
21 years to Robert Andries and has three<br />
children: Robby, Mary, and Timothy. Julie<br />
is a speech/language pathologist teaching<br />
at the University <strong>of</strong> Louisiana at Lafayette<br />
as a clinical supervisor in the Department<br />
<strong>of</strong> Communication Disorders Graduate<br />
School.<br />
1981<br />
Cynthia Gement Farmer has been<br />
married 21 years to <strong>St</strong>eve Farmer <strong>of</strong><br />
Yorkshire, England. She has three children<br />
Katie, Garrett, and Cameron.<br />
Cynthia and <strong>St</strong>eve own a manufacturing<br />
line <strong>of</strong> gifts for the kitchen/home and<br />
reside in Morresville, North Carolina.<br />
1982<br />
Maria Broddick Richardson and her<br />
husband Danton live in Rancho Santa<br />
Margarita, CA with their three children<br />
Kagan, Calise, and Colton.<br />
<strong>St</strong>ephanie Jacob Triplett owns the Merle<br />
Norman Cosmetics Franchise next to<br />
<strong>St</strong>age in Mandeville.<br />
1983<br />
Cassie Buell lives in <strong>St</strong>. Louis, Missouri<br />
and own her own shop, Cassie’s Fragrance<br />
Boutique and Scent Bar. For information<br />
email<br />
1984<br />
Missie Arata Noel recently performed as<br />
the “Yam Queen” in the play Dearly<br />
Departed at Playmaker’s Theater in<br />
Covington.<br />
CLASS<br />
Notes<br />
1985<br />
Wendy Wilson Keller is the Outreach and<br />
Hospitality Coordinator for Holy Family<br />
Catholic Church in Massachusetts. She<br />
lives with her family on Hanscom Air Force<br />
Base in Massachusetts.<br />
1988<br />
Christian Mack lives in Atlanta and<br />
opened a shoe store called Lena Larose.<br />
She also designs a line <strong>of</strong> jewelry<br />
“Vintage Laros” which is carried at<br />
boutiques nationwide and featured at the<br />
2007 Golden Globes.<br />
1991<br />
Jill Grieshaber Graff works as a selfemployed<br />
lawyer, while also producing<br />
music CD’s on the side. She and her<br />
husband Nate live in New Orleans.<br />
1993<br />
Therese Dore Meginley and her husband<br />
Charlton recently moved to Navarre, FL<br />
with their 3 year old daughter Caroline.<br />
D O V E W I N G S 17
CLASS<br />
Notes<br />
1994<br />
Brandei Bass finished her Funeral<br />
Directors and Embalmers apprenticeship<br />
with a local firm in Fresno, CA, and she<br />
was licensed in November 2006. She<br />
plans to open a firm on the Northshore,<br />
preferably Covington.<br />
Rebecca Vasquez Harrison has a website<br />
for stationery, labels, and photo cards, all her<br />
designs. Her website is<br />
Cali O’Brien Petitt recently moved back<br />
to Covington from Tampa, FL with her<br />
husband James and their son Lucas.<br />
1995<br />
Kelly Windham Dodd works as an<br />
endoscopic specialist for <strong>St</strong>ryker. She<br />
and her husband live with their son Alex<br />
in Covington.<br />
1997<br />
Kristen Chetta Collura owns two<br />
maternity boutiques called Mama Mia. Her<br />
Mandeville location has been open for 3.5<br />
years and her Baton Rouge location has<br />
been open for 1.5 years. She lives with her<br />
husband Chad and two year old son Knox<br />
in Mandeville.<br />
Courtney Pablovich Dodson graduated in<br />
nursing from LSU in 2002. She married Dr.<br />
Daniel Dodson in April 2003 and she had<br />
her first child Connor in 2005.<br />
1998<br />
Beth Kungel Borck is the Career Services<br />
and Alumni Events Coordinator at the<br />
University <strong>of</strong> Houston Clear Lake.<br />
1999<br />
Sarah Ward lives in Chicago and works at<br />
Northwestern University Hospital as a surgeon<br />
tech in the operating rooms. She<br />
recently appeared in a national commercial<br />
for <strong>Dove</strong> products.<br />
18 D O V E W I N G S<br />
2000<br />
Kylee Scott graduated from Baylor<br />
University in 2004 with a B.A. in speech<br />
communications with a minor in business.<br />
She is a Right-<strong>of</strong>-Way Agent for the<br />
DART System in Dallas. Kylee recently<br />
bought her first house and she is planning<br />
to pursue her master’s degree at the<br />
University <strong>of</strong> North Texas.<br />
Natalie Weil is currently attending the<br />
Tulane School <strong>of</strong> Medicine.<br />
2001<br />
Blair Berthelot graduated from LSU in<br />
May 2006 and is now attending Loyola<br />
Law School.<br />
Christel Cary Malinski is in her first<br />
year at LSU School <strong>of</strong> Medicine in New<br />
Orleans.<br />
Rachel Drude was accepted to the<br />
International and Comparative Law<br />
Review at the University <strong>of</strong> Miami Law<br />
School.<br />
Laura Ward graduated from LSU in<br />
Dairy Science in 2004 and is currently in<br />
her junior year at LSU Vet School. Her<br />
area <strong>of</strong> concentration is equine science.<br />
Alex Yarborough graduated from UNC<br />
Charlotte in May <strong>of</strong> 2006 and is now<br />
attending UNC Chapel Hill for Dental<br />
School. She lives in Carrboro, NC.<br />
2002<br />
Amy Baiamonte will finish her classes<br />
at North Carolina <strong>St</strong>ate University next<br />
semester, and then will begin student<br />
teaching in the fall. She will graduate with<br />
a Middle School Education degree with<br />
concentrations in math and science. She<br />
has been working with various schools<br />
and teachers in the area to get as much<br />
experience as possible.<br />
Allison Beck received her BS degree in<br />
Computer Science from Baylor University<br />
in May <strong>of</strong> 2006. She is currently attending<br />
Vanderbilt University as a graduate student<br />
in the MS/PhD Biomedical<br />
Informatics Program.<br />
Keri Frisard graduated from SLU in May<br />
2006 and is now teaching Spanish at<br />
Franklinton High School.<br />
Janell Weil graduated from LSU and is<br />
currently attending the LSU School <strong>of</strong><br />
Law.<br />
Kate Wiggins received her BS degree in<br />
political science with a minor in science<br />
from LSU. She is living in Spain and<br />
teaching English at a school in the city <strong>of</strong><br />
Santander.<br />
2003<br />
Melissa Bennett was appointed by the<br />
University <strong>of</strong> Georgia’s Terry College <strong>of</strong><br />
Business to serve on the 2006-07 Dean’s<br />
Council. In August, she was elected to be<br />
the Vice President <strong>of</strong> the Banking and<br />
Finance Society. She was also on the<br />
Dean’s list for the 2006 summer term after<br />
studying abroad through UGA in Cadiz,<br />
Spain to complete her minor in Spanish.<br />
Megan Maestri will be graduating magna<br />
cum laude in May with degrees in both<br />
psychology and Spanish from Texas<br />
Christian University. She has been<br />
accepted into the Teach for America<br />
program and will be teaching middle<br />
school in the Rio Grande Valley for two<br />
years.<br />
Amanda Villarrubia was named<br />
Outstanding <strong>St</strong>udent at LSU in the College<br />
<strong>of</strong> Education in her sophomore year and a<br />
second time in her junior year.<br />
Katherine Wiltz has been accepted into<br />
the 2007 entering class at the LSU School<br />
<strong>of</strong> Medicine in New Orleans.<br />
2004<br />
Catherine Schwing is a junior at the<br />
University <strong>of</strong> Alabama where she is studying<br />
biological science with the hope <strong>of</strong><br />
studying veterinary medicine.<br />
2005<br />
Emily Dennis was recently accepted into<br />
the spring 2007 program at Oxford<br />
University in England. Selection was<br />
based on academic achievement. Emily<br />
has maintained a 4.0 grade point average<br />
during her freshman year in the University<br />
<strong>of</strong> Georgia’s Honor Program. Emily has<br />
also received the Carol B. Winthrop<br />
Panhellenic Scholarship as a member <strong>of</strong><br />
the Alpha Alpha Chapter <strong>of</strong> Phi Mu.<br />
2006<br />
Lauryn Soileau is enjoying her freshman<br />
year at Alabama. She keeps busy, as she<br />
has joined Phi Mu sorority.
Baby<br />
DOVES<br />
1985<br />
Wendy Wilson Keller and husband Dan,<br />
along with their children Kegan, K.D., and<br />
Analiese, welcomed their fourth child<br />
Mary Jean Keller on November 17, 2005.<br />
1988<br />
Virginia Kemp Cabell and husband<br />
Pierre, along with their sons Frederick (6)<br />
and Michael (3), welcomed their son<br />
Robert on January 14, 2006. They live in<br />
Diamondhead, MS and they are building a<br />
house in Long Beach, MS.<br />
1989<br />
Thais Richardson Rencher and her<br />
husband welcomed their third child and<br />
first son, Benjamin Lewis Rencher, Jr. on<br />
September 21. His big sisters, Maggie<br />
and Molly, are very excited!<br />
1992<br />
MaryBeth Lomasney Dugas and husband<br />
Paul, along with their son Beau (5)<br />
and daughter Bailey (2), welcomed their<br />
daughter Emma Rose on September 18,<br />
2006. The family lives in Mandeville.<br />
Beth Schroeder Fields and husband Blaine<br />
welcomed Frederick Blaine Fields III into<br />
their lives on March 13, 2006. Beth and<br />
Blaine are living in Baton Rouge and will<br />
be celebrating their 6th wedding anniversary<br />
in November.<br />
1995<br />
Kelly Windham Dodd and husband Corey<br />
welcomed their son Alex William Dodd in<br />
June <strong>of</strong> 2006.<br />
2002<br />
Carol Ann Wilson Massey and husband<br />
Henry Lee welcomed their daughter Layla<br />
Alexandra Massey on October 17, 2006.<br />
They live in Abita Springs.<br />
Bells<br />
1993<br />
Nicole Joubert married Christian Pazos on<br />
August 26, 2006. The couple lives in<br />
Brooklyn, NY.<br />
Nageeha Zaghloul married <strong>St</strong>ephen<br />
Yazbeck on July 14, 2006. Her maid <strong>of</strong><br />
honor was her sister Meghan Maestri 2007<br />
and her matron <strong>of</strong> honor was her classmate<br />
Terese Dore Meginley ’93. Nageeha’s<br />
bridesmaids also included Holly Green ’92,<br />
Rachel Yazbeck ’99 and Bonnie King<br />
<strong>St</strong>evens ’93.<br />
1994<br />
Wendy Romero married Tim Cornell on<br />
August 17, 2006. Wendy has been an<br />
Assistant Pr<strong>of</strong>essor <strong>of</strong> Art for three years at<br />
Loras College. The couple resides in<br />
Independence, Iowa.<br />
1995<br />
Charlotte Jane Bell married Jack Sawyer<br />
on April 21, 2006. Charlotte’s attendants<br />
included her sister Allison Bell ’91 and her<br />
SSA classmate Kourtney Kentzel ’95.<br />
Charlotte works as an attorney with the<br />
firm <strong>of</strong> Phelps Dunbar. The couple lives in<br />
New Orleans.<br />
1996<br />
Elizabeth Reese married Aldridge Sower<br />
on December 2006. They live in Boston,<br />
MA.<br />
1997<br />
Melissa Byrne married Andrew Ayers<br />
on September 13, 2006. They reside in<br />
Houston, TX.<br />
1999<br />
Nicole Bonura married Mike Morris on<br />
July 15, 2006. Her bridesmaids included<br />
her SSA classmates Lacy LaMartina,<br />
Andrea Davis Barfield, Rachel Yazbeck,<br />
and Rachel Diano.<br />
Kathleen Gill married Willis Kyle<br />
Benefield on December 2, 2006. They live<br />
in Birmingham, AL.<br />
2000<br />
Dawn Hymel married David Cusimano<br />
on July 29, 2006. They live in Kennewaw,<br />
GA.<br />
Renee Tujague married Doug Cresap on<br />
March 24, 2006. They had plans to marry<br />
in New Orleans, but the plans were<br />
disrupted by Hurricane Katrina. Instead,<br />
they got married in Baton Rouge. Renee is<br />
doing sales and marketing for a land<br />
development company. The couple lives in<br />
Covington.<br />
2001<br />
Christel Cary married John Molinsky Jr.<br />
in June 2005. She graduated from LSU in<br />
December 2004 and she is in her first year<br />
at the LSU School <strong>of</strong> Medicine in New<br />
Orleans.<br />
Best Wishes<br />
1999<br />
Maria Marino is engaged to Christopher<br />
Senette <strong>of</strong> Slidell. Maria received her<br />
BS degree in Kinesiology from LS and<br />
her Doctor <strong>of</strong> Physical Therapy from<br />
the University <strong>of</strong> <strong>St</strong>. Augustine. She is<br />
currently working as a Physical Therapist at<br />
S.T.A.R. Physical Therapy in Covington.<br />
2001<br />
Renee Dore is engaged to Joshua Girod.<br />
Kim Dottolo is engaged to Daniel Roberts<br />
<strong>of</strong> Kentwood, LA. The wedding is planned<br />
for January 6, 2007. Kim received her<br />
MBA from Southeastern in December<br />
2006.<br />
Amanda Landry is engaged to Chris<br />
Burkenstock.<br />
Gayne Zimmerman is engaged to John<br />
Willemin who proposed to her in front <strong>of</strong><br />
the Eiffel Tower in Paris during Gayne’s<br />
summer internship in Europe. The wedding<br />
is planned for August 18, 2007 at the<br />
Dalghren Chapel on Georgetown’s campus,<br />
followed by a reception at Mount Vernon<br />
Inn.<br />
2002<br />
Lizzie Fischer is engaged to Ben Boyce<br />
(SPS 2002). She graduated in May 2006<br />
from Ole Miss and is teaching Pre-K at<br />
Kehoe France.<br />
Lindsay Vinson is engaged to Andrew<br />
Baier. The wedding will be March 31, 2007<br />
at <strong>Our</strong> Lady <strong>of</strong> the Lake in Mandeville.<br />
D O V E W I N G S 19
Kara Klein<br />
performs at SSA<br />
On November 28 the <strong>St</strong>. <strong>Scholastica</strong> Academy’s student body, faculty, and<br />
staff were treated to an inspirational and beautiful performance <strong>of</strong> one<br />
their own alumna, Kara Klein 2004. Kara, an acclaimed Christian singer<br />
and songwriter, has gained national recognition for her music during the<br />
past two years. She has performed throughout the United <strong>St</strong>ates, Europe<br />
and the Caribbean sharing her ministry.<br />
“Beautiful <strong>St</strong>ill”, a tribute to Terri Schiavo, was one <strong>of</strong> the many songs<br />
Kara composed and sang to the SSA audience. This song was featured on<br />
national television on the evening <strong>of</strong> Terri Schiavo’s death and has won<br />
several accolades, including the award for “Best DVD <strong>of</strong> the Year” by the<br />
United Catholic Music and Video Association. She just released her<br />
second original album entitled “I Am Home” which she debuted at SSA.<br />
Kara also made a guest appearance at the <strong>St</strong>. <strong>Scholastica</strong> Academy<br />
Christmas concert in December.<br />
Treat Day<br />
<strong>St</strong>. <strong>Scholastica</strong> Academy Alumnae Association served<br />
treats for all the SSA students during break in between<br />
final exams on December 19. The alumnae supply<br />
cookies, candy, and refreshments for the students<br />
various times throughout the school year.<br />
Alumna Kara Klein 2004<br />
performs for the SSA<br />
students in the gym.<br />
SSA Christmas Prayer Service<br />
<strong>St</strong>. <strong>Scholastica</strong> Academy held its annual Christmas Prayer<br />
Service on December 18. This Christmas Prayer Service marked<br />
the 40th Anniversary <strong>of</strong> the Christmas Dance performed at SSA<br />
and was originally choreographed by the late Rosemerry<br />
Hannian, who once taught dance at SSA and was the founder <strong>of</strong><br />
Creative Dance <strong>St</strong>udio. The three dancers who performed from<br />
Dancescape <strong>St</strong>udio were:<br />
(L-R): Junior Callie Keiffer, Senior Meghan Maestri,<br />
and Alumna Reve Link 2002 perform for the student body in the gym.<br />
(L-R): SSA Alumnae Board President Jennifer Ballard Gitz’85,<br />
SSA student Audrey Gitz, SSA Board Member Amy Simmons’93,<br />
and SSA Board Vice-President Jeanne Livaudais Daigle.<br />
SSA<br />
(L-R): <strong>St</strong>. <strong>Scholastica</strong> Academy Alumnae board members<br />
Susan Boudreaux Loesberg ’68, Jennifer Ballard Gitz ’85,<br />
Jeanne Livaudais Daigle ’57, and Meg Williams ’79<br />
work together during the SSA School Board Retreat<br />
where all board members go over plans for<br />
the new school year.<br />
20 D O V E W I N G S
<strong>St</strong>. <strong>Scholastica</strong> Academy<br />
announces<br />
Two New Exciting Raffles<br />
for<br />
Falaya Fling 2007<br />
Win $5000 Cash!<br />
(Please print)<br />
NAME: __________________________________________________________________________<br />
ADDRESS:_______________________________________________________________________<br />
CITY/STATE__________________________ ZIP_________PHONE:_________________________<br />
$50 PER TICKET Total # <strong>of</strong> Tickets: ______ Amount Enclosed $________________<br />
• Visa / MasterCard accepted # _______________________________ Expiration date: _______<br />
Authorized Signature: ____________________________________________________________<br />
Make checks payable to SSA. • Return to: SSA, P.O. Box 1210, Covington, LA 70434-1210 • Attn: Cash Raffle<br />
Congratulations to last year’s winner - SSA parent, Ned Couret!<br />
Win SSA Tuition!<br />
($5,000 applied to tuition)<br />
(Please print)<br />
NAME: __________________________________________________________________________<br />
ADDRESS:_______________________________________________________________________<br />
CITY/STATE__________________________ ZIP_________PHONE:_________________________<br />
$50 PER TICKET Total # <strong>of</strong> Tickets: ______ Amount Enclosed $________________<br />
• Visa / MasterCard accepted # _______________________________ Expiration date: _______<br />
Authorized Signature: ____________________________________________________________<br />
Make checks payable to SSA. • Return to: SSA, P.O. Box 1210, Covington, LA 70434-1210 • Attn: Tuition Raffle<br />
Congratulations to last year’s winner - SSA parent, Bryan Burns!<br />
* * * * * * * **********************************************************<br />
Raffle ticket does not admit holder to the Falaya Fling event.<br />
Tickets to Falaya Fling event are available. For information please call: Tara (985) 892-2540 Ext. 104.<br />
For Auction Raffle tickets or information, please call: Tara (985) 892-2540 Ext. 104.<br />
Drawings will be held on Saturday, March 24, 2007 at the Falaya Fling!<br />
D O V E W I N G S 21
SSA Recognizes<br />
Outstanding<br />
<strong>St</strong>udents<br />
National Honor Society Officers and Inductees<br />
Front Row: Jorda Box-Treasurer, Rachel Alley-President, Amberleigh Carter-Secretary, Aubrey Rector-Vice-<br />
President. Second Row: Caroline Nunmaker, Leah Persons, Callie Keiffer, <strong>St</strong>acey Farnet, Courtney Thees,<br />
Jessie Neel, Marley <strong>St</strong>ubbs, Mary Simoneaux, Kim Broadbridge, Ashley Trudeau, Amanda Daigle. Third Row:<br />
Alexis Bruning, Maury Williams, Chelsea Champagne, Surget Beatrous, Sara Broussard, Elizabeth Nuss,<br />
Hannah Hale, Ashlee Daigle, Maria D’Antonio, Annie Terral. Fourth Row: Christine Jemison, Jennifer<br />
Weintritt, Kelly Gautreaux, Katherine Couret, Lauren Schembre, Chelsea Gandolfi, Olivia Simoneaux, Kayla<br />
Modicut, Emily Andrews, Mary-Martin France. Fifth Row: Joanna Thomas, Elise Prete, Mackenzie Schott,<br />
Shelby Fritscher, Kirsten Lapuyade, Meredith Algero, Amy G<strong>of</strong>f, Andi Neal, Michelle Duplantier. Sixth Row:<br />
Liz Volpi, Jenny Bravo, Elizabeth Hughs, Eden Johnson, Kaitlyn Ladner, Jeanette Feinberg, Cali Spell,<br />
Danielle LeBlanc, Savannah Jenkins. Seventh Row: Lisa Brady, Amanda Beau, Melinda Flocke, Gabrielle <strong>St</strong>.<br />
Germain, Sarah LaRocca, Lauren Baiamonte.<br />
Mu Alpha Theta Officers and Inductees<br />
Front Row: Lauren Fereday-Secretary, Holly Martin-Treasurer, Lauren Baiamonte-President, Alli Lloyd-Vice-<br />
President, Roxenne Yi, Sergeant-at- Arm. Second Row: Bridget Hepburn, Bobbie Delahoussaye, Caroline<br />
Knight, Lee Ann Prisk, Courtney Thees, Jessie Neel, Marley <strong>St</strong>ubbs, Mary Simoneaux, Kathleen Harmon,<br />
Emily Andrews, Cori Runfalo, Susan Frichter. Third Row: Michelle Limbaugh, Alexis Bruning, Gabrielle<br />
Campo, Maury Williams, Chelsea Champagne, Elizabeth Nuss, Maria D’Antonio, Ellie Dorsey, Samantha<br />
Delahoussaye, Monica Luke. Fourth Row: Ashley Ware, Jennifer Weintritt, Mackenzie Schott, Kelly<br />
Gautreaux, Lauren Schembre, Michelle Preau, Ashley Elie, Alissa Durr, Kayla Bosarge, Brittney Thompson,<br />
Abby Delahoussaye, Kayla Paternostro. Fifth Row: Sarah Williamson, Joanna Thomas, Elise Prete, Sarah<br />
Thompson, Shelby Fritscher, Kirsten Lapuyade, Meredith Algero, Andi Neal, Michelle Duplantier, Kaitlin<br />
Nickelotte, Sarah Baggett. Sixth Row: Calyn Wilks, Jenny Bravo, Elizabeth Hughs, Eden Johnson, Kaitlyn<br />
Ladner, Jeanette Feinberg, Cali Spell, Danielle LeBlanc, Gabrielle <strong>St</strong>. Germain, Melinda Flocke, Lisa Brady.<br />
Seventh Row: Tricia Johnson, Margaret Rivera, Lauren Laborde.<br />
Excalibur Officers and Inductees<br />
Front Row: Roxenne Yi-Secretary, Jorda Box-Treasurer, Holly Martin-President, Meghan Spell-Vice<br />
President, Jillian <strong>St</strong>evens-Public Relations. Second Row: Mollie Burke, Molly Cox, Lauren Fereday, Rachel<br />
Alley, Caroline Crawford, Callie Keiffer, Sydney Knight. Third Row: Meghan Maestri, Katherine Couret,<br />
Ashley Vorenkamp, Rachel Roberts, Chelsea Gandolfi, Amberleigh Carter, Margaret Chatry, Courtney<br />
Glasgow. Fourth Row: Erin Loveland, Kate Harlan, Laine Thomas, Cristi Perez de la Mesa, Jordan Shepherd,<br />
Meghan Price, Abby Delahoussaye, Michelle Senner, Chantelle Ferrari. Fifth Row: Kori Lutenbacher, Hillary<br />
Frances, Caroline Murley, Elizabeth Clay, Erin Culver, Amanda Daigle, Marybelle Bates.<br />
22 D O V E W I N G S<br />
<strong>St</strong>. <strong>Scholastica</strong> Academy held an honor<br />
society induction ceremony on November<br />
1 to recognize the new members <strong>of</strong><br />
the National Honor Society, Mu Alpha<br />
Theta, and Excalibur. These honorary<br />
organizations award membership to those<br />
students who exemplify scholarship and<br />
excellence at SSA.<br />
The National Honor Society membership<br />
is <strong>of</strong>fered by invitation only to students<br />
in the 10, 11, and 12 grades who have<br />
maintained at least a cumulative 3.7 G.P.A.<br />
and who participated in the Honors<br />
program. A committee chooses which<br />
applicants will be invited for membership<br />
based on four characteristics: high<br />
scholastic achievement, proven leadership<br />
ability, upstanding character traits, and<br />
dedicated to the school and the community.<br />
Mu Alpha Theta is a national honor<br />
organization for students who have excelled<br />
in math classes. Membership is <strong>of</strong>fered to<br />
students who have received a “B” or higher<br />
in all semester grades for Algebra I and<br />
Geometry.<br />
Excalibur Honor Society honors and<br />
encourages students who excel in the<br />
sciences. Membership is by invitation only<br />
to students who have demonstrated a<br />
pr<strong>of</strong>iciency in science by maintaining a 3.7<br />
average or better in all high school science<br />
course work and who have completed<br />
at least one honors science course at<br />
SSA.Landry’s plans after graduating from<br />
<strong>St</strong>. <strong>Scholastica</strong> are simple: attend the<br />
Honors College at LSU and help Louisiana<br />
rise again.<br />
“If I received a full scholarship to Harvard,<br />
I would still want to attend LSU; it’s the<br />
perfect school for me,” she said. But before<br />
thinking <strong>of</strong> college, Landry has a busy year<br />
ahead. Not only is she the governor <strong>of</strong><br />
Girls <strong>St</strong>ate, she was also elected governor<br />
<strong>of</strong> Key Club for Louisiana, Mississippi<br />
and Tennessee and is the <strong>St</strong>udent Council<br />
president at <strong>St</strong>. <strong>Scholastica</strong> for her senior<br />
SSA Centennial Order Form<br />
...wonderful keepsakes<br />
The SSA Centennial book celebrates SSA’s History through this<br />
depiction <strong>of</strong> our 100 years.<br />
Cost - $38.95<br />
The collectible ornament was created to commemorate SSA’s 100th anniversary.<br />
This exquisitely-crafted, limited edition captures the true beginnings <strong>of</strong> the Academy.<br />
The Century <strong>of</strong> Sisterhood Seal is embellished on the back <strong>of</strong> the custom-designed<br />
brass ornament finished in 24-karat gold.<br />
Cost - $12.00<br />
The collectible ceramic plaque done in blue wash depicts the original SSA Gate.<br />
It may be displayed on a stand or exhibited as a hanging wall decoration.<br />
Cost - $20.00<br />
The SSA Plaid Monogrammed Sweatshirt is a wonderful way to show your<br />
SSA spirit and benefit the new chapel fund. The monogram is made from<br />
skirt material that our current students wear as their uniform.<br />
The proceeds earned from the sale <strong>of</strong> the sweatshirt will go to the chapel.<br />
Sizes available: S M L XL XXL<br />
Cost - $35.00<br />
C E N T E N N I A L O R D E R F O R M<br />
<strong>St</strong>udent’s Name:<br />
Parent’s Name:<br />
Grade:<br />
E-mail:<br />
Address: City: <strong>St</strong>ate: Zip:<br />
Ornament Quantity: Total Enclosed: ($12.00 Each)<br />
Book Quantity: Total Enclosed: ($38.95 Each)<br />
Plaque Quantity: Total Enclosed: ($20.00 Each)<br />
Sweatshirt Quantity Size(s) Total Enclosed: ($35.00 Each<br />
Subtotal: $ Shipping: $ TOTAL AMOUNT ENCLOSED $<br />
Visa or MasterCard #<br />
Expiration Date:<br />
Signature:<br />
Please make checks payable to SSA. Return form to the front <strong>of</strong>fice in an envelope marked “Centennial Order”.<br />
Please allow four-six weeks for delivery and add $2.00 for shipping <strong>of</strong> ornament. • Add $4.00 shipping for book, plaque and sweatshirt.<br />
D O V E W I N G S 23
The Class Agent will possess initiative,<br />
good communication skills, and<br />
organization. They will keep in touch and<br />
notify their classmates <strong>of</strong> upcoming SSA<br />
events, reunions and general information<br />
about their alma mater. This role will<br />
extend her love <strong>of</strong> <strong>St</strong>. <strong>Scholastica</strong> Academy<br />
and loyalty to her classmates. Recruiting<br />
classmates to help with this role is also a<br />
benefit.<br />
The position <strong>of</strong> being a Class Agent is an<br />
extremely important one! The Alumnae<br />
Board feels very strongly about involving<br />
as many people as possible in all <strong>of</strong> their<br />
activities and as a Class Agent, you are our<br />
link to the alumnae.<br />
1937 Elizabeth Paysse McMurray<br />
1938 Anita Sierra Nuss<br />
1939 Geraldine McMurrray Marmillion<br />
1942 Lois White King<br />
1943 Yvonne Cornibe Decker<br />
1946 Winnie Heintz Jordan<br />
1947 Shirley LeBlanc Mitchel<br />
1948 Audrey Leblanc Cooper<br />
1950 Edith Fielding Greenwood<br />
1951 Lucie Frederick Heintz<br />
1952 Melba Bechac Buchholz<br />
1953 Paulette Heldner Holahan<br />
1954 Lucille Capo Castine<br />
Carol Fontan Gottfried<br />
1955 Maureen Sheane Sexton<br />
1956 June Fortier Seeger<br />
1957 Jane Ellen Clerc Mayo<br />
Jeanne Livaudais Daigle<br />
Patricia Morris Robichaux<br />
1958 Dianne Murray Vasquez<br />
1959 Frances Canale Werther<br />
Ann Fonti Eustis<br />
1960 Janice Morris Sharp<br />
1961 Patricia Clerc Jackson<br />
1963 Elizabeth Baldwin Barkerding<br />
1968 Susan Boudreaux Loesberg<br />
1969 Jan Galatas Gardner<br />
1970 Mary Loup Cain<br />
1971 Peggy Cross <strong>St</strong>evens<br />
Sue Knight Carter<br />
1972 Anne Naquin Flint<br />
1973 Lisa Mott Dugger<br />
1974 Deirdre Richardson Faherty<br />
Debbie Taylor Kilborn<br />
1975 Elizabeth Jackson Ford<br />
1976 Tammie Hendry Smith<br />
Lizby Morse Eustis<br />
1977 Eileen Buchholz Huval<br />
Tami Richardson Duhe<br />
1979 Georgian Battalora Weilbaecher<br />
1980 Melanie Patterson Nuss<br />
Kim Smith Vinson<br />
1983 Kim Dufour De Brock<br />
Julia Meraux Pearce<br />
24 D O V E W I N G S<br />
The Alumnae Office will provide the Class<br />
Agent with current contact information<br />
and request that they inform these<br />
classmates about upcoming SSA Alumnae<br />
events, reunions, meetings, fundraising<br />
opportunities, etc. via e-mail. In turn, the<br />
Class Agent will notify the Alumnae<br />
Office <strong>of</strong> any changes relating to her<br />
classmates, such as, changes <strong>of</strong> addresses,<br />
e-mails, phone numbers, graduations,<br />
marriages, births, deaths, etc. You will also<br />
plan your five-year reunion. This<br />
information will be used to maintain a<br />
current and accurate database.<br />
The Class Agent is encouraged to<br />
participate in the Annual Phonathon held<br />
Class Representatives for 2006 - 07 year<br />
1985 Jennifer Ballard Gitz<br />
Lisa Fandal Hart<br />
1986 Melissa Haber Jones<br />
1987 Dana Blossman Quinlan<br />
Shannon Fresh Aparicio<br />
1988 Virginia Kemp Cabell<br />
Margaret McIntryre Ryckeghem<br />
Amy Schroeder May<br />
1989 Elizabeth Barkerding Talbot<br />
Julianna Goodyear Walker<br />
1990 Aleta Jacobs Spears<br />
1991 Aimee Ahrons<br />
1991 Kimberly Morris Witherspoon<br />
1992 Patricia Nunez Lobdell<br />
1993 Laurie Prats Moorman<br />
Amy Simmons<br />
1996 Angelena Bono Sciacchetano<br />
Allison Mc Gaha<br />
1997 Jennifer Schaff Mutter<br />
Mary Voitier Pesses<br />
1999 Kristine Falcon<br />
Caroline Read<br />
2000 Michelle Braud<br />
Kristin Brownson<br />
Kristin Dugas<br />
Alaina Dyer<br />
Melissa Ellis<br />
Polly Eustis Carr<br />
Ashley Guidry<br />
Heidi Heidingsfelder<br />
Leslie Henry<br />
Jessica Hughes<br />
Elizabeth Kelley Mansfield<br />
Erika La Biche Lehmann<br />
Erin LeCorgne Joyner<br />
Mikaela Levy<br />
Angela Savoy<br />
Emily <strong>St</strong>rohmeyer<br />
Elizabeth Turner<br />
Natalie Weil<br />
2001 Jennifer Alvarez<br />
Jessica Balsamico Hornsby<br />
Martha Bonneau<br />
Lauren Campo<br />
annually in October, which allows you to<br />
“catch up on the news” and <strong>of</strong>fers your<br />
classmates an opportunity to give back to<br />
SSA. The Class Agent will keep her own<br />
information up-to-date and on file with the<br />
Alumnae Office.<br />
The Class Agents on record with the<br />
Alumnae Office are listed below by<br />
class. Please email Elaine Simmons<br />
( or call 985-892-<br />
2540, ext. 132) to confirm that you are<br />
going to continue as Class Agent or if you<br />
are interested in becoming a Class Agent for<br />
your class.<br />
Desiree Cusimano<br />
Lindsey Giffin<br />
Deanna Gillen<br />
Jennifer Hart<br />
Jacqueline Olinde<br />
Elizabeth Voitier<br />
Aimee Willem<br />
2002 Jessica Cook<br />
<strong>St</strong>acy DiCrispino<br />
Katie Dutruch<br />
Lynn Frisard<br />
Cristina La Fontaine<br />
Kristin Mares<br />
Jennifer Mickenheim<br />
Jenna Price<br />
Lindsay Quick<br />
Katie Scianna<br />
Carol Ann Wilson Massey<br />
2003 Melissa Bennett<br />
Kristi Bucksbarg<br />
Caitlin Byars<br />
Jessica Daigle<br />
Brittany Doubleday<br />
Ashley LeCorgne<br />
Brittany Malloy<br />
Melissa Mauldin<br />
Caitlin Songy<br />
2005 Erin Newman<br />
Ana Maria Pechon<br />
Jennifer Senner<br />
Elaine <strong>St</strong>ewart<br />
Mary Grace Verges<br />
Monica Waddell<br />
2006 Joie Campeaux<br />
Alicia Dardenne<br />
Jenna Flanagan<br />
Courtney LaBorde<br />
Jennifer Lee<br />
Andree Lipps<br />
Allyson Pellissier<br />
Katie Read<br />
Katie Thomas<br />
Rachel Walz
<strong>St</strong>. <strong>Scholastica</strong> Academy Alumnae Association<br />
invites you to the<br />
Alumnae Luncheon<br />
honoring the Alumna <strong>of</strong> the Year<br />
and the classes <strong>of</strong> 1957 and 1982<br />
Saturday, April 21, 2007 • 11:00 a.m.<br />
Benedict’s Plantation<br />
1144 North Causeway Blvd.<br />
Mandeville, LA<br />
$30 includes Social Gathering 11-Noon<br />
soup, entree (listed below), dessert<br />
Lite appetizers served<br />
Cash Bar<br />
Reservation deadline April 6<br />
Mail to: SSA Development Fax: 985-892-5921<br />
P.O. Box 1210<br />
Email:<br />
Covington, LA 70434-1210<br />
Name ____________________________________________________________ Class <strong>of</strong> _________<br />
Address ____________________________________________________________________________<br />
City/<strong>St</strong>ate __________________________________________________________________________<br />
Zip __________________ Phone: Home __________________ Work __________________<br />
____ Enclosed is $30 (check or VISA) for the Saturday, April 21 Alumnae Luncheon. Make check<br />
payable to SSA.<br />
VISA/MasterCard # ____________________________________________ Exp.Date _____________<br />
____ I cannot attend but I would like to donate to the Alumnae Scholarship Fund.<br />
____ In addition to my reservation I would like to donate to the Alumnae Scholarship Fund.<br />
Dues: _____ $10 (Blue/White - 1 year) _____ $25 (<strong>Dove</strong>s - 3 years) _____ $100 (Wings - lifetime)<br />
My choice <strong>of</strong> entree is:<br />
Questions?<br />
____ Trio Salad (Chicken, Shrimp or Egg) 985-892-2540, ext. 132<br />
____ Chicken Florentine (Vegetable & <strong>St</strong>arch)<br />
D O V E W I N G S 25
THE YEAR<br />
1992<br />
Paulette Heldner Holahan ‘53<br />
1993<br />
Patricia Clerc Jackson ‘61<br />
1994<br />
June Fortier Seeger ‘56<br />
1995<br />
Wilma Simoneaux ‘39<br />
1996<br />
Olive Champagne Hendry ‘37<br />
1997<br />
Frances Canale Werther ‘59<br />
1998<br />
Jeanne Livaudais Daigle ‘57<br />
1999<br />
Sr. Jeanne d’Arc Kernion O.S.B. ‘53<br />
2000<br />
Sr. Juanita Federico O.S.B. ‘37<br />
2001<br />
Anita Sierra Nuss ‘38<br />
2002<br />
Dianne Murray Vasquez ‘58<br />
2003<br />
Winnie Heintz Jordan ‘46<br />
2004<br />
Lisa Hernandez Pellegrini ‘87<br />
2005<br />
Susan Boudreaux Loesberg ‘68<br />
2006<br />
Jennifer Ballard Gitz ‘85<br />
The Alumna <strong>of</strong> the Year committee is responsible for establishing the<br />
process/procedure, criteria and recognition for the Alumna <strong>of</strong> the Year<br />
selection. The last meeting <strong>of</strong> the committee was held in November<br />
2006 to discuss, review and finalize the following:<br />
The nominee must be:<br />
• A graduate <strong>of</strong> <strong>St</strong>. <strong>Scholastica</strong> Academy.<br />
• Involved as a civic, social or religious leader within a community.<br />
• Committed to the goals and values <strong>of</strong> our <strong>St</strong>. <strong>Scholastica</strong><br />
Academy education in home and/or business.<br />
• A devoted and loyal member <strong>of</strong> the <strong>St</strong>. <strong>Scholastica</strong> Academy<br />
Alumnae Association who supports and participates in alumnae<br />
or school events.<br />
• A person who exemplifies the Benedictine tradition <strong>of</strong> prayer,<br />
work, study and community.<br />
Honored at Alumnae Luncheon<br />
Name is added to the engraved plaque<br />
Picture and article published in newspaper<br />
Publish separate ad with picture announcing the Alumna <strong>of</strong> the Year<br />
Picture and article published in Wings.<br />
Recipient <strong>of</strong> two complimentary tickets to the Falaya Fling,<br />
Plays, Concerts, and invited to attend various school<br />
events for a one year period.<br />
Recognition <strong>of</strong> the Alumna <strong>of</strong> the Year at the<br />
various events (asked to stand).<br />
26 D O V E W I N G S
Keeping in touch with classmates at social, religious, and<br />
educational events held at <strong>St</strong>. <strong>Scholastica</strong> Academy not only<br />
renews old ties but opens the door to new friendships as well.<br />
Class reunions every five years provide periodic social<br />
events for renewing friendships. Through the SSA Alumnae<br />
Association, there are also opportunities for you to be active<br />
with other alums. You might consider serving on the<br />
Alumnae Association as a class representative or event committees.<br />
Other opportunities include planning your next<br />
reunion or volunteering in the Advancement Office. Also<br />
consider where you can interact with our students: Career<br />
Day, Alum Treat Day, or Alumnae Breakfast for the Senior<br />
Class.<br />
The Wings magazine, published three times a year, brings<br />
you news about life at <strong>St</strong>. <strong>Scholastica</strong> Academy. As you read<br />
through these pages, it is our hope that you will reconnect<br />
with your favorite memories. Perhaps, you will decide to<br />
contact a former friend or teacher, attend a scheduled<br />
school/alumnae event, send us a message about yourself or<br />
drop by for a visit. We consider it a privilege to work on the<br />
Wings magazine. It is the school’s gift to you as one <strong>of</strong> our<br />
valued members <strong>of</strong> the SSA family.<br />
<strong>Our</strong> graduates are <strong>of</strong>fered many opportunities to stay connected<br />
with SSA through the Alumnae Association, the<br />
Wings magazine, and events scheduled in and out <strong>of</strong> school.<br />
You can help us by being sure that we always have your current<br />
address, phone number and e-mail address.<br />
And so, when alumnae think <strong>of</strong> SSA, it is important that we<br />
think not only <strong>of</strong> the past but also <strong>of</strong> the present and the<br />
future. One way to provide for a strong Alumnae Association<br />
both today and tomorrow is for each alumna to pay their<br />
Association dues. The SSA Alumnae Association is here to<br />
represent you.<br />
Association Dues are: Blue and White - $10/year,<br />
<strong>Dove</strong>s - $25/3 years, and Wings - $100/Lifetime.<br />
Funds raised through the Alumnae Association Dues are<br />
used solely to fund alumnae services and programming.<br />
They help defray the costs <strong>of</strong> printing, postage, supplies,<br />
equipment, s<strong>of</strong>tware, maintenance and other related costs <strong>of</strong><br />
running the Association and their events.<br />
Your continued support <strong>of</strong> the Alumnae Association is<br />
deeply appreciated.<br />
We thank you…for sending your Dues!<br />
So don’t forget to “Due” It, if you haven’t yet!<br />
WINGS<br />
Alum Lifetime Dues<br />
1933 ............................. Rosemary Vincke Klaus<br />
1941 ...................... Berneda Augustine Birdsong<br />
1943 ................................ Gladys Augustine Day<br />
1945 ....................... Carrie Lee Dawsey Bennett<br />
1952 .......................................... Annette Sonnier<br />
1953 ..................................... Katy Angelo Evans<br />
.......................... Paulette Heldner Holahan<br />
1954 .................................. Lucille Capo Castine<br />
............................... Julia Verheugen Rozas<br />
1955 ......................... Marsha Fernandez Reichle<br />
1956 .............................. Ellen Barnett Comeaux<br />
.................................... Irma Brown Dearie<br />
.................................... June Fortier Seeger<br />
1957 ............................ Jeanne Livaudais Daigle<br />
................................... Barbara Payne <strong>St</strong>arr<br />
1959 ......................................... Aline Bull Wetta<br />
............................. Frances Canale Werther<br />
.................................. Zula Heintz Clairain<br />
1962 .............................................. Clay Latimer<br />
.................................. Joan Prieto Doolittle<br />
1963 ........................... Kathryn Diamond Lynch<br />
.......................... Nancy Mauldin Gallagher<br />
1965 ................................... M’Adele Read Irvin<br />
1968 .............................................. June Norman<br />
1969 ..................................... Olga Yvonne Mora<br />
...................................... Carol Morris Todd<br />
1971 .......................... Sr. Elizabeth Hebert SLW<br />
............................ Jenny Quintanilla Burns<br />
1972 ........................... Pamela <strong>St</strong>. Amand Meier<br />
1973 ............................. Carolyn Schech Rolling<br />
1975 ........................................ Judith Ferry, MD<br />
.......................... Shan Simpson Mc Daniel<br />
1976 ............................... Tammie Hendry Smith<br />
1980 ................................. Annette Lewis Bakay<br />
1982 ................................ Donna Woolley Smith<br />
1985 .............................. Lorrie Favret Anderson<br />
................................... Kylan Reeves Bodin<br />
1987 ............................... Julie Bradford Weldon<br />
............................ <strong>St</strong>ephanie Daigle Gaitan<br />
............................ Kelly Mc Closkey Duffy<br />
1989 ............................................. Kristy Reeves<br />
1993 .............................. Carrie Griffis Chargois<br />
............................................ Amy Simmons<br />
1995 ............................. Laurie Weeser Reinagel<br />
1997 ................................................. Kellie Price<br />
1999 .......................................... Kelli Bucksbarg<br />
2001 .............................................. Jennifer Hart<br />
2002 .................................... Meredith Matthews<br />
D O V E W I N G S 27
Spanish Club<br />
“Day <strong>of</strong><br />
the Dead”<br />
SSA Color Guard<br />
The <strong>St</strong>. <strong>Scholastica</strong> Academy<br />
Color Guard is one <strong>of</strong> the many<br />
organizations available to the<br />
students at SSA. The Color<br />
Guard members are only seniors.<br />
They are responsible for<br />
lowering and raising the flags<br />
and presenting the flags at<br />
school assemblies. SSA teacher<br />
John Harty is the Color Guard<br />
moderator.<br />
(L-R): Spanish Club President-Blakeley<br />
Simpson, SSA teacher-Donna Brown,<br />
Secretary-Blaire Levy<br />
and Vice-President-Allyse Gillen.<br />
Members <strong>of</strong> the<br />
<strong>St</strong>. <strong>Scholastica</strong> Academy<br />
Spanish Club organized a day<br />
<strong>of</strong> activities to celebrate the<br />
“Day <strong>of</strong> the Dead”<br />
Mexican holiday on<br />
November 2.<br />
(L-R): Top Row: Afton Zaunbrecher, Blakeley Simpson, Master Sergeant at Arms - Lauren Williams<br />
Second Row: Lynne Fritscher, Rachel Murray, Brittany Decareaux, Aly Neel Third Row: Blaire Levy,<br />
Melissa Landry, Kristin Petry, Gaby Klein, Margaret Kidd Bottom Row: Lieutenant Allyse Gillen,<br />
Captain Brittany Gondolfi, Lieutenant Emily Rodriguez<br />
SSA Senior Ellen Fargason was one <strong>of</strong> the<br />
recipients <strong>of</strong> the Rotary Youth Leadership Award.<br />
She received a scholarship to attend a Rotary<br />
Youth Leadership workshop held at Loyola<br />
University in New Orleans. Ellen is involved in<br />
the Rotary’s training program for young leaders<br />
which emphasizes leadership, citizenship, and<br />
personal growth.<br />
Pride Troupe performs at<br />
<strong>St</strong>. <strong>Scholastica</strong> Academy<br />
SSA Art <strong>St</strong>udents<br />
Awarded in Three<br />
Rivers Art Festival<br />
(L-R) These SSA students are involved in the local PRIDE troupe and<br />
performed to the student body in the fall: Front Row: Chelsea Ford, Lyndsay<br />
Neel, Casey Fekete, Corinne Rapier Second Row: Jessica Neel, Kacie Dysart,<br />
Emily Andrews Third Row: Ellen Fargason, Alexandra Bruner, Elizabeth<br />
Guarisco, Aly Neel Fourth Row: Kylen DeBrock, Sarah Landry, Aubree Lacour<br />
Back Row: Maggie Murphy, Kelsey <strong>St</strong>ritzinger, Nikki Klibert, <strong>St</strong>ephanie Williams.<br />
(L-R): SSA <strong>St</strong>udents 1st place Catherine Perino, honorable mention<br />
Mallory Rogers, 3rd place Kaitlyn Landry, and 1st place and overall grand<br />
prize, Michelangelo award, Elise Muller<br />
28 D O V E W I N G S
SSA<br />
CHOIRS<br />
Handbell Choir ~ Fall 2006<br />
Front Row: (L-R) Cassi Breaux, Diamond Moses,<br />
Maria D’Antonio, Victoria D’Antonio,<br />
Jorda Box, Kathleen Harmon.<br />
Back Row: Megan Larmann, Courtney Calato,<br />
Casey Kramer, Katherine Couret,<br />
Carolyn Haworth, Karen Rosenow.<br />
Advanced Choir ~<br />
Fall 2006<br />
Front Row (L-R): Haley<br />
Costa, Charlotte Voelkel,<br />
Brittany Doussan, Laura<br />
Ballard, Megan Bickham.<br />
Second Row: Sarah Early,<br />
Leah Chaney, Lauren<br />
Baiamonte, Katie Sunseri,<br />
Jennifer Palpallatoc.<br />
Back Row: Ashley<br />
Osbourn, Jade Younger,<br />
Lee Ann Prisk, Samantha<br />
Schott, Nicole Johnson.<br />
Concert Choir ~ Fall 2006<br />
Front Row (L-R): Jessica Ramirez, Samantha Parfait,<br />
Paige Scamardo, Maureen McIntire, Rebecca Rauch,<br />
Mallory Wainwright.<br />
Second Row: Merritt Parsons, Candace Marie,<br />
Carly Palazzo, Erin Weller, Sarah Baggett,<br />
Olivia Simoneaux, Lauren Richard.<br />
Back Row: Katherine Couret, Elise Taylor,<br />
Emily Andrews, Meagan Robert, Samantha Schott,<br />
Shelby Thomson, Jennifer Rees.<br />
Let us know about your family, job, honors/awards, volunteer work and hobbies or recreational activities.<br />
Class <strong>of</strong> _______________ Today’s date _______________ Is this a new address? _____________<br />
Name _______________________________________________________________________________________________<br />
First Preferred Name Middle Maiden Married<br />
Address _____________________________________________________________________________________________<br />
<strong>St</strong>reet City <strong>St</strong>ate Zip<br />
Home Phone __________________________<br />
E-mail __________________________<br />
Work Phone ___________________________<br />
Fax ____________________________<br />
College ______________________________________________ Degree ____________________________<br />
Occupation ______________________________ Employer __________________________ Title __________________<br />
Husband’s full name ______________________________ Children __________________________________________<br />
Grandchildren ________________________________________________________________________________________<br />
Parents’ Name _________________________________________________ Parents’ Phone ________________________<br />
Parents’ Address ______________________________________________________________________________________<br />
News to share ________________________________________________________________________________________<br />
____________________________________________________________________________________________________<br />
____________________________________________________________________________________________________<br />
____________________________________________________________________________________________________<br />
Would you be interested in speaking at Career Day? (Usually held in March) ___________________________________<br />
Please return to: Elaine Simmons • SSA Advancement Office • P.O. Box 1210 • Covington, LA 70434-1210 • 985.892.2540 x. 132 • • Fax: 985.892.5921<br />
D O V E W I N G S 29
SSA Alumnae host a<br />
Party<br />
SSA Alumnae volunteers for the Cajun Christmas Party pose for a group picture.<br />
(L-R) Susan Boudreaux Loesberg ’68, Kathy Schoultz Balsamico ‘76, Lisa Hernandez Pellegrini ’87,<br />
Missie Arata Noel ’84, Joanna Brandt Case ’90, Jeanne Livaudais Daigle ’57,<br />
Amie Boudreaux Post ‘97, Suzette Simpson Pellegrini ‘79.<br />
Alumna Joanna Brandt Case ’90 enjoys the day<br />
with her two daughters Julia and Helen.<br />
<strong>St</strong>. <strong>Scholastica</strong> Academy Alumnae Association hosted a Christmas Cajun<br />
Party on December 2 in the SSA gym. The SSA Alumnae board members and<br />
alumnae volunteers decorated the gym in a Cajun Christmas theme complete<br />
with a pirogue loaded with donated gifts for Toys for Tots. The party was a<br />
huge success for many children, especially when Santa Claus came for a visit.<br />
There was live interactive music, three spacewalks, assorted holiday crafts<br />
and a Cajun Christmas reading by Mrs. Claus. Families were also treated to<br />
great food and holiday treats.<br />
SSA teacher and alumna Cori Boudreaux ‘98 helps her<br />
daughter, Cecilia Ibarra, with a Christmas craft.<br />
Greg, Natalie, Lisa and Max Pelligrini take a break from<br />
the fun to pose for a picture at the party.<br />
SSA Alumna Kelly Brown ’99 and her son Luis Brown,<br />
being held by grandma/alumna Susan Boudreaux Loesberg ’68<br />
joins Missie Arata Noel ’84 in the festivities at the Cajun Christmas Party.<br />
30 D O V E W I N G S
Praying<br />
Praying In Pink!<br />
SSA staff member Tara Huguet with her mother, Sandra<br />
Bryars are overwhelmed with emotion as the entire SSA<br />
community prays for Tara before her surgery<br />
A group <strong>of</strong> family and friends got together to form Team Tara and all participated in the<br />
“Race for Cure” at City Park on October 1.<br />
L-R: Front row: Arleen Bennett, Jennifer Couret, Katherine Couret holding Jack Bertucci,<br />
<strong>St</strong>ephanie Cassesi, Wendy Bertucci holding Pete Bertucci, Jr., Laurell Szczepanski, Julie Autin.<br />
Back row: Bobbie Landry, Heather Klechak, Tammy Campeaux, Madeline Campeaux,<br />
Diane Couret, <strong>St</strong>acy Richard, Tara Huguet, Greg Huguet, Troy Huguet and Yvette Cardinale<br />
On October 4, 2006 the <strong>St</strong>. <strong>Scholastica</strong><br />
Academy community once again gathered<br />
around Mother Mary at the Grotto all dressed<br />
in BLUE and prayed the rosary for Marguerite<br />
Celestin, President <strong>of</strong> SSA. That day Ms.<br />
Celestin underwent major surgery in Arkansas<br />
to remove a skull-based tumor. Because <strong>of</strong> the<br />
great power <strong>of</strong> prayer, thankfully her surgery<br />
was a success. Ms. Celestin continues to do<br />
well but still has a difficult journey ahead with<br />
radiation treatments. She surprised all <strong>of</strong> the<br />
students and faculty by attending the All Saints<br />
Day Mass on November 1. After the mass, she<br />
thanked everyone for their prayers and support.<br />
Ms. Celestin commented “I have never really<br />
known the true power <strong>of</strong> prayer until recently<br />
and I am so grateful for all <strong>of</strong> your love,<br />
prayers, and support”. She encouraged the<br />
students to wake up everyday with prayer and<br />
continue praying throughout the day.<br />
Marguerite’s strong faith has been an<br />
inspiration to the entire community. We also<br />
ask that you continue to pray for Marguerite<br />
and Richard in this difficult time.<br />
On September 14, 2006 the SSA students, faculty,<br />
and administration dressed in PINK and gathered<br />
together around the grotto and prayed the rosary for<br />
a very special person, Tara Huguet. Tara has worked<br />
in the grey house as one <strong>of</strong> the Advancement<br />
Associates for six years and her lovely daughter,<br />
Brittany, graduated from SSA in 2005. Tara was<br />
diagnosed with breast cancer this past summer. She<br />
underwent surgery and is currently going through<br />
chemotherapy. On the day <strong>of</strong> Tara’s surgery, not<br />
only did SSA’s community gather around the grotto<br />
in prayer, but they also took an opportunity to<br />
educate the student’s about breast cancer throughout<br />
the day.<br />
A group <strong>of</strong> family and friends organized a “Team<br />
Tara” to participate in the New Orleans “Race for<br />
Cure” at City Park on October 1, all proceeds<br />
benefiting breast cancer research. Two <strong>of</strong> the team<br />
members, Heather Klechak and Ned Couret won<br />
medals as two <strong>of</strong> the first 100 people to cross the<br />
finish line. Tara is an inspiration to all <strong>of</strong> us. With<br />
her positive attitude and great faith, she continues to<br />
do well. She is already back at SSA on a part time<br />
basis and looks great! Please continue your prayers<br />
for Tara and her family.<br />
Praying In Blue!<br />
The SSA Community, all dressed in blue, came together to pray the rosary on Marguerite’s surgery day.<br />
D O V E W I N G S 31
Marguerite S. Celestin<br />
Joanna Brandt Case ‘90<br />
Anyone who has been acquainted with<br />
Marguerite Celestin during her years at SSA<br />
perceives her as an embodiment <strong>of</strong> the<br />
strength, wisdom, and stability that has<br />
perpetuated the school for so many years.<br />
The strength <strong>of</strong> her presence may intimidate<br />
some at first, but anyone who has taken the<br />
time to know Mrs. Celestin, or Marguerite,<br />
or even Margie, realizes the warmth that lies<br />
within. A humble and behind-the-scenes<br />
person, Marguerite possesses personal<br />
qualities that have influenced a generation<br />
<strong>of</strong> SSA students.<br />
One noteworthy attribute is Marguerite’s<br />
eloquence. As an administrator she is called<br />
upon to address large groups, sometimes<br />
impromptu, and she succeeds in engaging<br />
and inspiring her listeners. At times <strong>of</strong><br />
tragedy or turmoil what she needs to say is<br />
not easy, but whether addressing a group or<br />
an individual “she can calm those around<br />
her with her words <strong>of</strong> wisdom and sense <strong>of</strong><br />
faith,” says Dean <strong>of</strong> Academics Jennifer<br />
Grimley. “Her words . . . give meaning to<br />
those who lack meaning and direction in<br />
their lives.”<br />
Marguerite’s actions speak <strong>of</strong> her<br />
commitment to the SSA community as<br />
well. She has led hundreds <strong>of</strong> girls through<br />
the Academy yet remembers key details to<br />
show them personal attention. Graduate<br />
and current teacher Jennifer Miguez<br />
recalls: “Every time I sang at a mass or<br />
prayer service she would tell me I did a<br />
good job when she saw me.” “She always<br />
brightened my life with her warm heart,<br />
unconditional support, and admirable<br />
optimism,” Class <strong>of</strong> 2006 Co-Valedictorian<br />
Katie Read remembers. Her contagious<br />
optimism and energy motivates; like <strong>St</strong>.<br />
<strong>Scholastica</strong>, she can do more, because she<br />
loves more. “She epitomizes all that SSA<br />
trains young girls to be . . . a smart, poised,<br />
and independent woman,” summarizes<br />
Senior Melissa Landry. Imagine an<br />
unmarried young woman taking the reins<br />
<strong>of</strong> the Academy during the early 80’s,<br />
seeing it through the region’s economic<br />
crisis <strong>of</strong> the late 80’s, establishing a vision<br />
for the school’s future, and carrying<br />
this vision into the “next century <strong>of</strong><br />
sisterhood.” In short, she gets things done.<br />
She also loves what she does and has a<br />
sense <strong>of</strong> humor about it. One year<br />
she allowed the Seniors to trade places<br />
with faculty and administration for the<br />
day, complete with the <strong>St</strong>udent Council<br />
President’s premature end <strong>of</strong> day dismissal<br />
announcement.<br />
Marguerite’s unwavering faith in God<br />
underlies all that she does. “Marguerite’s<br />
faith is not only an inspiration to others, it’s<br />
catching. You can’t help but strengthen your<br />
belief when you hear her speak about her<br />
own. This latest trial she’s been struggling<br />
with is just another testament to her<br />
amazing trust in God,” reflects Jennifer<br />
Miguez. Marguerite’s spirituality seems so<br />
natural because she truly lives her faith;<br />
Katie Read remarks that she conveys “the<br />
importance <strong>of</strong> prayer for oneself and for<br />
others, the importance <strong>of</strong> creating a feeling<br />
<strong>of</strong> community both on and <strong>of</strong>f campus,”<br />
which further supports the four pillars.<br />
Whether she’s advancing the mission <strong>of</strong><br />
the Academy or facing an illness <strong>of</strong> her own,<br />
Marguerite inspires others to persevere in<br />
their own battles. Through her courage and<br />
determination she strives for excellence and<br />
achieves success. A true leader, she is able<br />
to evoke these traits in others so that they<br />
are capable <strong>of</strong> continuing her legacy.<br />
32 D O V E W I N G S<br />
Marguerite….<br />
- teacher in Baton Rouge at Redemptorist High School for 6 years.<br />
- teacher in Houston, Tx at <strong>Our</strong> Lady <strong>of</strong> Mt. Carmel for 3 years.<br />
- principal at Immaculata High School in Marrero for 5 years.<br />
- principal 28 years at <strong>St</strong>. <strong>Scholastica</strong> Academy<br />
- president for 3 years at <strong>St</strong>. <strong>Scholastica</strong> Academy.<br />
A total <strong>of</strong> 42 years in education!!!<br />
• Marguerite has served as Vice-President and President <strong>of</strong> the Catholic<br />
Secondary Principals Association.<br />
• She has been a Fellow in the School Leadership Center <strong>of</strong> Greater<br />
New Orleans since 2001.<br />
• She has served on numerous committees for the Archdiocese <strong>of</strong> New<br />
Orleans including the <strong>St</strong>eering Committee for the Archbishop’s<br />
<strong>St</strong>rategic Planning Commission.<br />
• She has been a member <strong>of</strong> the National Catholic Educational<br />
Association, the National Association <strong>of</strong> Secondary School Principals<br />
and the Association for School and Curriculum Development.
By: Mary Kathryn Villere<br />
Marguerite S. Celestin began as principal <strong>of</strong> <strong>St</strong>. <strong>Scholastica</strong> Academy in<br />
1979. For the past three years she has been president <strong>of</strong> the Academy.<br />
Under her direction, the school received its first SACS accreditation and<br />
became a Blue Ribbon School <strong>of</strong> Excellence, shortly thereafter.<br />
Marguerite initiated the concept <strong>of</strong> strategic planning at SSA in 1992.<br />
Since then the school has completed two plans and is currently finishing<br />
its third plan. Each plan is a vision for the next five years with respect to<br />
the direction <strong>of</strong> every aspect <strong>of</strong> the total school program.<br />
Marguerite is responsible for research into and implementation <strong>of</strong> the 4 x<br />
4 block schedule. As a result <strong>of</strong> implementing this innovative schedule,<br />
our students are able to take more required courses as well as electives,<br />
graduating with 36 credits instead <strong>of</strong> 32. Alumnae return to us to let<br />
us know how much being on the 4 x 4 has prepared them for the college<br />
experience, both because <strong>of</strong> the [compressed course time] as well as the<br />
expanded elective program.<br />
During Marguerite’s tenure as head <strong>of</strong> SSA, two brand new state-<strong>of</strong>-the-art<br />
classroom buildings have been built with a science wing in one <strong>of</strong> the<br />
buildings. A master site plan has been developed, giving direction to the<br />
building program. Ground breaking for a new chapel will begin this<br />
school year, giving rise to a dream <strong>of</strong> Marguerite’s <strong>of</strong> many, many years.<br />
Two new classroom/administrative buildings, replacing the 20’s, 30’s, and<br />
the old science labs are on the horizon to give the students <strong>of</strong> today a<br />
facility that will be second to none. It is amazing that a school once<br />
threatened with closure having only 180 students would become one <strong>of</strong> the<br />
premier educational institutions for young women in this region. The<br />
school’s ability to remain open is directly due to Marguerite Celestin – her<br />
tenacity in her belief that <strong>St</strong>. <strong>Scholastica</strong> Academy must remain open and<br />
a vibrant educational opportunity for Catholic/Christian young women.<br />
In all <strong>of</strong> this Marguerite has remained not only true to the school’s<br />
mission, but steadfast in her determination that the Benedictine legacy<br />
<strong>of</strong> prayer, work, study, and community be embraced by the entire school<br />
community and become a known entity throughout the entire civil<br />
community as well. <strong>Our</strong> Benedictine heritage is what the school stands<br />
for; it is what the girls learn as they go through our educational program;<br />
it is what they tell us they remember as alums. Those graphic, monolithic<br />
pillars at the school’s entrance proudly proclaim this to everyone.<br />
D O V E W I N G S 33
SSA <strong>St</strong>udents<br />
attend<br />
GPA Camp<br />
SSA<br />
Tri-Hi-Y Club<br />
Several students <strong>of</strong> <strong>St</strong>. <strong>Scholastica</strong> Academy<br />
attended the Governor’s Program on Abstinence<br />
(GPA) Summer Leadership Camp at Tall<br />
Timbers in Woodworth, LA. The <strong>of</strong>ficers <strong>of</strong><br />
Hearts <strong>of</strong> Purity, SSA’s GPA club, who attended<br />
the camp were president Emily Rodriguez,<br />
membership director Madeline Rice, public<br />
relations director Ariel Tusa, fundraising<br />
director Ashley Vorenkamp, and project director<br />
Marybelle Bates. SSA senior Aly Neel also<br />
attended the camp as a counselor. The moderator<br />
<strong>of</strong> Hearts <strong>of</strong> Purity is SSA religion teacher and<br />
campus minister Barbara Link.<br />
(L-R): Ashley Vorenkamp, Marybelle Bates, Emily<br />
Rodriguez, Madeline Rice, Ariel Tusa,<br />
and moderator Barbara Link.<br />
SSA <strong>St</strong>udents attend<br />
Teen Focus<br />
on Safe Driving<br />
(L to R) Back: Emily Andrews, President - Cace Billeaud, Vice-President - Alissa Fontana.<br />
Middle: Collette Pellissier, Sarah Landry, Kelsey <strong>St</strong>ritzinger, Kathleen Harmon, Meredith<br />
Algero. Front: Megan Robert, Annie Terral, Lauren Schell, Molly Severson.<br />
The <strong>St</strong>. <strong>Scholastica</strong> Academy Tri-Hi-Y club is SSA’s Louisiana Youth and<br />
Government program, which is organized and sponsored by the YMCA for<br />
high school students. The group participates in Model United Nations and<br />
Youth Legislature, which both include formal debates, committee meetings,<br />
reports on the fate <strong>of</strong> bills and proposals and election <strong>of</strong> new <strong>of</strong>ficers. The<br />
goal <strong>of</strong> Tri-Hi-Y is to introduce students to the inner workings <strong>of</strong> the <strong>St</strong>ate’s<br />
system <strong>of</strong> government.<br />
SSA <strong>St</strong>udents<br />
Receive Awards at<br />
YMCA Model United Nations<br />
(L-R): SSA students<br />
Emily Andrews,<br />
Melissa Landry,<br />
Ashley Osbourn,<br />
and Megan Robert.<br />
SSA junior Ashley Osbourn answers a question posed by<br />
Melody Bonnette <strong>of</strong> Channel 13 as part <strong>of</strong> the teen<br />
spotlight discussion panel.<br />
Eight members <strong>of</strong> <strong>St</strong>. <strong>Scholastica</strong> Academy’s<br />
<strong>St</strong>udents Against Destructive Decisions (SADD)<br />
club attended the Teen Focus on Safe Driving<br />
Conference on September 27. The purpose <strong>of</strong> the<br />
conference was to teach leaders among high school<br />
students about the effects <strong>of</strong> unsafe driving and<br />
techniques to prevent risky driving among peers.<br />
SSA SADD members Margaux Dastugue and Molly<br />
Cox presented SSA’s action plan to the rest <strong>of</strong> the<br />
schools.<br />
34 D O V E W I N G S<br />
Several <strong>St</strong>. <strong>Scholastica</strong> Academy students attended the YMCA Model<br />
United Nations November 30 – December 2 in Baton Rouge. The<br />
YMCA Model Nations Program is designed to introduce students to the<br />
operation and structure <strong>of</strong> the United Nations while providing them<br />
with an opportunity to actively participate in conflict resolution, public<br />
speaking, and coalition building, in addition to making new friends and<br />
being exposed to new ideas. Melissa Landry was selected Outstanding<br />
Delegate. Megan Robert was chosen to attend the Council on National<br />
Affairs (CONA), a national version <strong>of</strong> Model United Nations. Ashley<br />
Osbourn was elected President <strong>of</strong> the Economic and Social Council.<br />
Emily Andrews was elected United Nations President. As President,<br />
Andrews will preside over the entire Louisiana Model United Nations<br />
for the state and is the youngest member ever elected to this position.
SSA’s Dance Teams and Cheerleaders<br />
The SSA Cheerleaders have had a full semester! The<br />
girls started the year with a performance at orientation<br />
welcoming the new students to SSA. The year kicked<br />
<strong>of</strong>f with volleyball games and <strong>St</strong>. Paul’s Junior Varsity<br />
football. The SSA Cheerleaders also participated<br />
in the <strong>St</strong>. Tammany Parish Fair parade. In addition,<br />
the performed at the SSA family picnic and the<br />
homecoming pep rally.<br />
The <strong>St</strong>. Paul’s Cheerleaders (comprised <strong>of</strong> SSA<br />
students) have cheered at all <strong>of</strong> the SPS football games<br />
and pep rallies and are looking <strong>of</strong> forward to the 2007<br />
basketball season. They will be having a fundraiser in<br />
March.<br />
The Royalettes attended the Universal Dance<br />
Association Camp this past summer and placed first in<br />
their Pom routing and received a superior rating in the<br />
Competition Jazz. They also received the Judge’s<br />
Award. The Royalettes have performed at many<br />
volleyball games and pep rallies. They participated in<br />
the <strong>St</strong>. Tammany Parish Fair Competition and won first<br />
place in the Large School Division and were Overall<br />
Champions at the <strong>St</strong>. Tammany Parish Fair. The dance<br />
team recently participated in the Universal Dance<br />
Association Louisiana Dance Championship and place<br />
third in pom and first in high kick.<br />
The SPS Golden Blues, comprised <strong>of</strong> SSA students,<br />
have had a very active fall. In addition to performing at<br />
all <strong>of</strong> the <strong>St</strong>. Paul’s football games they held a Dance<br />
Clinic, marched in the Covington Christmas parade and<br />
the <strong>St</strong>. Tammany Parish Fair parade. They attended the<br />
27th Annual Louisiana <strong>St</strong>ate Dance/Drill Team<br />
Championship held by American All <strong>St</strong>ars in Lafayette<br />
on January 12-14. The received the following awards:<br />
Division Awards – 2nd in High Kick, 2nd in Prop<br />
Novelty, and 3rd in Pom; Overall Awards – 1st in<br />
Officer Routine, 3rd in High Kick, 3rd in Prop Novelty,<br />
and 5th in Pom.<br />
D O V E W I N G S 35
36 D O V E W I N G S<br />
<strong>St</strong>. <strong>Scholastica</strong> Academy<br />
Falaya Fling<br />
Saturday, March 24, 2007<br />
Castine Center at Pelican Park, 7 p.m. - 11:30 p.m. • Patron Party 6 p.m.<br />
Falaya Fling is SSA’s annual fundraiser, featuring silent and live auctions, dinner and live entertainment.<br />
Participation in this fun event is available through ticket purchase or sponsorships. Come join us!<br />
TICKET LEVEL Falaya Patron<br />
Fun<br />
Party<br />
Ticket $60 1 0 Fun at the Fling<br />
BLACK $250 2 2 Fun & Publicity<br />
BLUE $500 4 2 Fun, Publicity, 1/4 page program ad (4 1/2 x 1 5/8)<br />
WHITE $750 6 4 Fun, Publicity, 1/4 page program ad (4 1/2 x 1 5/8),<br />
Reserved Table<br />
SILVER $1,500 10 4 Fun, Publicity, 1/2 page program as (4 1/2 x 3 1/2),<br />
Reserved Table, <strong>St</strong>reet Banner & Sign,<br />
Sponsorship Board, 1 SSA Server<br />
GOLD $2,500 12 6 Fun, Publicity, full-page program as (7 1/2 x 4 1/2),<br />
Reserved Table, <strong>St</strong>reet Banner & Sign,<br />
Sponsorship Board, 2 SSA Servers<br />
103 YEAR $103 0 0 In honor <strong>of</strong> SSA’s Centennial - Program Listing<br />
PATRON PARTY $50 0 1 Patron Party Ticket - March 24, 2007 6-7 p.m.<br />
Publicity - auction program (circ. 2500), SSA newsletters (800), Wings (quar. mag - 6700), local/New Orleans newspapers and magazines.<br />
To reserve tickets or participate as a sponsor, please submit completed information below with payment. Mail to:<br />
SSA Advancement Office, P.O. Box 1210, Covington, LA 70434-1210. For further information, call 985-892-2540, ext. 104.<br />
___ Corporate Sponsorship (Level: ________________)<br />
(Amount: $ _____________)<br />
Contact Name:<br />
Address:<br />
City: <strong>St</strong>ate: Zip: Email:<br />
Phone:<br />
Fax:<br />
Name (as it will appear in program):<br />
Special Instructions:<br />
___ Personal Sponsorship (Level: ________________)<br />
(Amount: $ _____________)<br />
Make checks payable to SSA, or charge to Visa or MasterCard # ________________________________________<br />
Signature:<br />
Expiration Date:<br />
___ I would like to donate an item to be auctioned. ___ I would like to serve as a volunteer.<br />
___ I would like to donate food (restaurants and caterer only, please)<br />
___ I prefer to make a donation to SSA in the amount <strong>of</strong> $ __________________.<br />
___ I would like an ad. ___ I do not want an ad.<br />
___ I will submit a CAMERA READY PROGRAM AD via mail by January 26 (OR email:
Pick-A-Live<br />
Pick any item from the Live Auction for $100!<br />
Only 100 Tickets Available<br />
$100 per Ticket<br />
The drawing for the Lucky Ticket<br />
will be held right before the Live Auction<br />
on the night <strong>of</strong> the Fling. The winner can<br />
pick any ONE <strong>of</strong> the Live Auction items.<br />
(First choice before the Live Auction begins)<br />
If you are unable to join us for this fun evening, buy your raffle ticket and<br />
indicate which item (listed on the back <strong>of</strong> this form) you would like to select.<br />
(Please Print)<br />
NAME: _____________________________________________________________________________<br />
ADDRESS: _________________________________________________________________________<br />
CITY/STATE: _________________________________<br />
ZIP: ______ PHONE: _________________<br />
$100 PER TICKET Total # <strong>of</strong> Tickets: ________ Amount Enclosed $ ________<br />
• Visa/MasterCard # ________________________________________<br />
Expiration Date ___________<br />
Authorized Signature: _________________________________________________________________<br />
Item <strong>of</strong> Choice: ______________________________________________________________________<br />
Make checks payable to SSA. Return to: SSA, P.O. Box 1210, Covington, LA 70434-1210 Attn: Pick-a-Live Raffle<br /><br />
D O V E W I N G S 37
Live Auction Items<br />
NFL Football Helmets<br />
Indianapolis Colts autographed by Peyton Manning<br />
New York Giants autographed by Eli Manning<br />
New Orleans Saints autographed by six players<br />
(#9 Brees, #12 Colston, #19 Henderson, #25 Bush, #26 McAllister, #87 Horn)<br />
LSU autographed by eight players<br />
(#2 JaMarcus Russell, #5 Keiland Williams, #7 Ali Highsmith ,<br />
#9 Early Doucet, #18 Jacob Hester, #22 Alley Broussard,<br />
#31 Jessie Daniels, #80 Dwayne Bowe)<br />
• • • •<br />
Saints game Shoes<br />
autographed by #25 Reggie Bush<br />
Saints game shoes<br />
autographed by #9 Drew Brees<br />
• • • •<br />
<strong>Dove</strong> Progressive Dinner<br />
• • • •<br />
Dinner for six hosted by Tom Fitzmorris<br />
at Drago’s Restaurant<br /><br />
38 D O V E W I N G S
SSA Father-Daughter<br />
Western Dance<br />
Father/Daughter Co-Chair Mary Vorenkamp,<br />
Decorations Chair Leslie Domingues, Co-Chair<br />
Robin Gutierrez, and Co-Chair Maria Campeaux<br />
pose for a picture before the Father/Daughter Dance.<br />
Kevin Kramer and daughter<br />
Casey have a great<br />
time at their last<br />
SSA Father/Daughter<br />
Principal Mary Kathryn Villere visits with Bernie<br />
and Gabby Klein during Father/Daughter.<br />
Proud father Quentin Dastugue enjoys being with<br />
his two daughters Margaux and Allison.<br />
<strong>St</strong>. <strong>Scholastica</strong> Academy held its<br />
annual Father-Daughter dance on<br />
November 30 in the SSA Gym.<br />
The theme this year was “The<br />
Wild, Wild West” and over 700<br />
people attended one <strong>of</strong> the most<br />
popular SSA events <strong>of</strong> the school<br />
year. The co-chairs <strong>of</strong> the dance<br />
were Maria Campeaux, Robin<br />
Gutierrez, and Mary Vorenkamp.<br />
The decorations chair was Leslie<br />
Domingues.<br />
The SSA students and their<br />
dads dressed up in western attire<br />
and enjoyed an evening <strong>of</strong><br />
dancing and eating barbeque.<br />
Many volunteer parents helped<br />
transform the gym into a SSA<br />
Corral complete with saddles,<br />
hay, and a barn. Red and yellow<br />
balloons decorated the tables<br />
with glass containers enclosing<br />
a cactus as centerpieces. As<br />
a special highlight and longstanding<br />
tradition, the seniors each<br />
delivered a loving tribute to their<br />
fathers.<br />
Yee-Ha!! Matt Voelkel and daughter Charlotte along with friends Gordon <strong>St</strong>ewart<br />
and daughter Maggie, live it up at the big event!<br />
SSA senior Cace Billeaud dances with her father<br />
Chuck and is loving every minute <strong>of</strong> it!<br />
D O V E W I N G S 39
Hop on Over for SSA’s 4th Annual<br />
Easter Egg Hunt<br />
Saturday, March 31, 2007<br />
Where: SSA Gym • 122 S. Massachusetts <strong>St</strong>reet • Covington, LA<br />
Activities Begin at 11:00 am<br />
$8 per child, adults and children under 1 free<br />
Includes: Lunch, photo with the Easter Bunny, refreshments, games,<br />
prizes, spacewalk, and an Easter Egg Hunt.<br />
Bring your nieces, nephews, grandkids, and friends!<br />
Name: __________________________________________________________________________<br />
Address: ________________________________________________________________________<br />
City/<strong>St</strong>ate/Zip: ___________________________________________________________________<br />
Please return to SSA Advancement Office<br />
P.O. Box 1210 • Covington, LA 70434<br />
892-2540, ext. 130 or fax 892-5921<br />
Children’s Name and Ages<br />
______________________________________________________________<br />
______________________________________________________________<br />
______________________________________________________________<br />
______________________________________________________________<br />
Proceeds go to the Hillary Lanaux Greve Memorial Scholarship Fund.<br />
40 D O V E W I N G S
M I S S I N GAlumnae<br />
1938 . . . . . . .Dolores Buras Fennell, Rose Demetz<br />
1943 . . . . . . .Adela Acosta, Audrey Anselmo, Norma Ballard, Anna Di Miceli Nobile, Earline Fussell, Ruby Hemphill Rhineart,<br />
Frances Odem, Shirley Ramon, Loustalot, Charlotte Rouillard Tuner, Dorothy Smith Warner<br />
1948 . . . . . . .Lucie Allen, Loyola Arguelles, Marian Boudreaux, Kate McCarthy Manuel, Rosa Reyes<br />
1953 . . . . . . .Dubby Guerin, Violeta Guzman, Marguerita Isaza, Syvil Trahan <strong>St</strong>anga, Carolyn Wallis Roy, Clorette Williams<br />
1958 . . . . . . .Loretta Bender, Elena Gould, Lizabeth Lagrave, Allis Lovel, Marilyn Jeanne Turner, Evelyn Whelpley Alizo<br />
1963 . . . . . . .Alicia Abufele, Dianna Alleman, Carolyn Ane’, Carlota Arango, Consuelo Arango, Claudia Arceneaux, Clara Arnold,<br />
Ninoska Axmacher, Zulma Barrios, Mary Ann Black, Corina Blandon, Nancy Bosworth Welch, Isabel Brierre,<br />
Melody Ballay Martin, Jane Burkart, Gail Cambre Greenwald, Elena Cervantes, Barbara Chatellier Moore,<br />
Antonieta Flores Munguia, Marzzia Gal<strong>of</strong>re, Eena Gomez, Mary Gutierrez, Piedad Hernandez, Kristen Johnson,<br />
Ana Maria Pellman, Jeanne Sykes Broadway, Tricia Truxillo, Wanda Jean Windsor<br />
1968 . . . . . . .Zoila Alcaraz, Ruby Alphonso, Laurel Ameely, Bonnie Armstron, Donna Badeaux, Shirleen Bodin, Joan Badon,<br />
Joyce Bowman, Norah Ondinia Corrales, Becky Crain Christ, Fredeen Cunningham, Mary Davis, Adrienne Debrow,<br />
Debby Lynn Ducote, Sharon Failla Chauffe, Mary Fulks, Marcelle Gianelloni Bennett, Bynn Huff,<br />
Anne Kinkade Thomisee, Jacqueline Matamoras Lissetti, Olivia McClellen, Connie Moore McDonald,<br />
Judith Neeley, Pamela Pecunia Guderian, Renne Read Mann, Leona Sansone Morse, Kathleen Scott Badeaux,<br />
Dellie Swann Sawyer, Nora Urmeneta Sweatmon, Patrician Wright<br />
1973 . . . . . . .Rina Abudoj, Carolyn Alford, Mary Anzalone, Hope Ashmore, Cathryn Barrios, Margaret Berlin, Patrice Boihem,<br />
Coco Cox Treppendahl, Midori Dufrane Duncan, Cynthia Durand, Aracely Folgar, Fatima Freites,<br />
Colleen Gaude Hildebrand, Patricia Ann Jacobs, Anne Marie Lespinasse, Mary Luis, Mary Myrtline Spiller,<br />
Cindy Wehrwein Robin<br />
1978 . . . . . . .Anne Adams, Novella Allen, Kimberly Andrews Winslow, Christine Babin, Mary Borgen Goudeaux, Cheryl Bozarth,<br />
Gigi Marie Boulmay Larfon, Maureen Brandt Keith, Robbie Caren Clay, Patricia Cotten Bertrand,<br />
Shawn Craddock Reed, Laurie Creighton, Cynthia Anne Deboisblanc Hoz, Jane Garrett <strong>St</strong>ricker,<br />
Theresa Ann Gross Hughes, Claudette Haik Nassif, Melanie Johnston Guilbeau, Christine Klebba Lichnovsky,<br />
Catherine Lamy Avant, Adrienne Nelson, Meriwether Scott Bennett, Laura <strong>St</strong>anton Kendricks, Darlene Wiefel<br />
1983 . . . . . . .Robin Allen, Therese Boyd, Karen Celetin Whiteside, Laura Leicher Vaughn, Michelle Lemoine Sortino, Laura Martin,<br />
Erin McKee, Kelly Ward Smith, Kris Wilkinson<br />
1988 . . . . . . .Dawn Abney, Kristin Billingsley, Danielle Boudreaux, Cynthia Ladivar Lema<br />
1993 . . . . . . .Allison Brewster, Jennifer Brisbi, Jennifer Maupin, Liz Mayers Addington, Sr. Bernard Marie Merredith,<br />
Patricia Parker, Emily Scott, Ann Smith Gaydos, Natalina Gares<br />
1998 . . . . . . .Emily Baumgartner, Karen Beaugh, Laura Kelley, Dresden Mashburn, Kelly Mashburn, Jessica Mayfield, Tracy Morgan<br />
2003 . . . . . . .Elizabeth Bowie, Erin LaCroix<br />
Thanks to those <strong>of</strong> you who helped find those listed as“lost” in the past.<br />
Here is a list for you to work on, some old names, some new.<br />
Please call the Advancement Office at (985) 892-2540, ext. 132 or e-mail if you have information.)<br />
D O V E W I N G S 41
ANNUAL<br />
R E P O R T<br />
R E P O R T<br />
R E P O R T<br />
2 0 0 5 - 2 0 0 6<br />
Letter From the School Board Chairman<br />
D<br />
ear SSA Family,<br />
BACK TO NORMAL!!!!!!!<br />
ROUTINE!!!!!!! A year after the worst<br />
natural disaster in the history <strong>of</strong> this country,<br />
that is what all <strong>of</strong> us were looking for this<br />
current school year.<br />
As devastating as Katrina was to our region,<br />
SSA was ironically blessed. Through all the<br />
pain and destruction and displacement, your<br />
SSA family was able to stand tall and proud.<br />
We took stock <strong>of</strong> our problems, found<br />
solutions, and welcomed one and all to the<br />
warmth and security <strong>of</strong> this school.<br />
Although our campus was damaged, our<br />
commitment to help others was not.<br />
Although our resources were already<br />
stretched, we found a way to tighten our<br />
belts even further. Although taking on<br />
more students would be very difficult, we<br />
managed to welcome nearly 200 displaced<br />
students from the south-shore.<br />
If ever there was an event to emphasize the<br />
wisdom <strong>of</strong> the four pillars upon which SSA<br />
is founded, Katrina provided a wonderful<br />
opportunity for all <strong>of</strong> us. The SSA family<br />
simply rose to the occasion. In that one<br />
event, we learned that the best way to cope<br />
was simply to WORK and PRAY for the<br />
benefit <strong>of</strong> our COMMUNITY; and STUDY,<br />
not only to help ourselves but to help those<br />
around us as well. The destruction brought<br />
by Katrina provided all <strong>of</strong> us, especially<br />
our daughters, to experience first hand, the<br />
perpetual wisdom <strong>of</strong> these fundamental<br />
Christian values.<br />
So the current school year started out to be<br />
a fairly typical one. Old routines were<br />
quickly being re-established. The students,<br />
faculty, staff and parents were taking<br />
comfort in getting back to normal. Then, we<br />
have another little storm. <strong>Our</strong> president and<br />
leader for the past twenty-eight years,<br />
Marguerite Celestin, was diagnosed with a<br />
rare medical condition. This condition<br />
would preclude Marguerite from conducting<br />
her normal daily routine. Marguerite’s<br />
normal daily routine would usually begin<br />
before sunrise and typically end late in<br />
the evening hours. What would she be<br />
doing in that typical day? She would be<br />
for better more effective ways to serve her<br />
COMMUNITY. That community includes<br />
not only the faculty, staff and students <strong>of</strong><br />
SSA, but all <strong>of</strong> its parents, grandparents<br />
and alumnae. Her normal routine would<br />
also involve contact with the neighbors<br />
in and around the campus, the people<br />
<strong>of</strong> Covington and <strong>St</strong>. Tammany Parish,<br />
vendors, contractors, architects, politicians,<br />
archdiocesan personnel, peers and<br />
colleagues. Marguerite’s normal routine is<br />
very time consuming and overwhelming.<br />
So what happens? Very simply, Mary<br />
Kathryn Villere, Elaine Simmons, Carol<br />
Poole, Eileen Depreo, Susanne Hepburn,<br />
Jennifer Grimley, the entire faculty and staff<br />
simply picked up the pieces and began to<br />
accomplish what Marguerite would have<br />
wanted them to accomplish. Everyone has<br />
taken on additional roles, jobs, duties,<br />
chores and tasks. Each has done so with an<br />
incredibly positive attitude. Each continues<br />
to do so in the Christian spirit <strong>of</strong> service.<br />
The direct beneficiaries <strong>of</strong> these Herculean<br />
efforts are each <strong>of</strong> our daughters.<br />
Thankfully, Marguerite has been able to<br />
contribute to these efforts, but I’m sure that<br />
she must take comfort in the knowledge<br />
that the team she has surrounded herself<br />
with has performed so willingly and so<br />
selflessly.<br />
We parents are truly blessed to have such<br />
an opportunity to place our daughter’s<br />
educational needs in the care <strong>of</strong> such a<br />
wonderfully talented, selfless and dedicated<br />
team.<br />
As for the school board, our main objective<br />
this year is to complete the strategic plan.<br />
Thanks especially to Sue Zaunbrecher<br />
for her tireless efforts in this regard, we<br />
should have a very well prepared 5 – 10<br />
year vision for SSA. From technology to<br />
the physical campus, we will have explored<br />
and determined the strategy with which to<br />
propel SSA into the next few years.<br />
Construction on the Chapel should begin<br />
early this year. Plans for other academic<br />
buildings coupled with improvements to the<br />
athletic complex and other facilities will<br />
continue in the near future. The Master Site<br />
plan should be completed as well. The<br />
school board is proud to demonstrate in this<br />
annual report that SSA continues to manage<br />
its resources quite efficiently.<br />
Finally, in order to maintain SSA as the best<br />
school in this region, additional resources<br />
will be needed. We look to embark upon<br />
a very aggressive capital campaign in the<br />
near future. Your willingness to be part<br />
<strong>of</strong> this effort will insure that SSA will<br />
continue to be simply the best school with<br />
which to entrust your daughter’s secondary<br />
education. I’d like to thank each <strong>of</strong> you for<br />
your past efforts and contributions, and I<br />
would call upon each <strong>of</strong> you to continue to<br />
support the mission <strong>of</strong> SSA.<br />
Respectfully<br />
Jerry Delahoussaye<br />
ANNUAL<br />
R E P O R T<br />
R E P O R T<br />
R E P O R T<br />
School Board Chairman<br />
Jerry Delahoussaye
ANNUAL<br />
R E P O R T<br />
R E P O R T<br />
R E P O R T<br />
2 0 0 5 - 2 0 0 6<br />
O P E R A T I N G B U D G E T 2 0 0 5 - 2 0 0 6<br />
Interest Income<br />
$184,530<br />
3.83%<br />
Fees and Auxiliary Income<br />
$854,060<br />
17.75%<br />
Miscellaneous Income<br />
$112,177<br />
2.33%<br />
Tuition and<br />
Registration<br />
Fees and<br />
Auxiliary<br />
Income<br />
Interest<br />
Income<br />
$3,662,423<br />
854,060<br />
184,530<br />
Tuition and Registration<br />
$3,662,423<br />
76.09%<br />
Miscellaneous<br />
Income<br />
TOTAL<br />
INCOME<br />
Instructional<br />
Expenses<br />
Building and<br />
Grounds<br />
112,177<br />
$4,813,190<br />
$2,433,710<br />
423,742<br />
General & Administrative<br />
$905,563<br />
19.6%<br />
Utilities<br />
$127,869<br />
2.8%<br />
Insurance<br />
$68,278<br />
1.5%<br />
Auxiliary Services<br />
$225,583<br />
4.9%<br />
Miscellaneous<br />
$108,888<br />
2.3%<br />
Depreciation<br />
Insurance<br />
326,673<br />
68,278<br />
Depreciation<br />
$326,673<br />
7.1%<br />
Building & Grounds<br />
$423,742<br />
9.1%<br />
Instructional Expenses<br />
$2,433,710<br />
52.7%<br />
Utilities<br />
General and<br />
Administrative<br />
Auxiliary<br />
Services<br />
Miscellaneous<br />
TOTAL<br />
127,869<br />
905,563<br />
225,583<br />
108,888<br />
$4,620,306<br />
TOTAL INCOME $ 4,813,190<br />
TOTAL EXPENSES (4,620,306)<br />
DEBT REPAYMENT 129,513<br />
NET SURPLUS 322,397<br />
**Funded by contributions made through THE CENTENNIAL FUND.<br />
Y E A R E N D I N G J U N E 2 0 0 6<br />
S T . S C H O L A S T I C A A C A D E M Y
$50,000+<br />
The Seiler Family - Jennifer Seiler 2005 Casey Seiler 2007<br />
$10,000+<br />
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas J. Brennan<br />
Mr. and Mrs. Greg Eckert<br />
Mr. and Mrs. Martin Mayer<br />
Kent and Ann Satterlee<br />
Michael Schexnayder and Allison Schexnayder<br />
ANNUAL<br />
R E P O R T<br />
R E P O R T<br />
R E P O R T<br />
2 0 0 5 - 2 0 0 6<br />
Centennial<br />
Fund<br />
$ 176,431<br />
$5,000+<br />
BALFOUR (Mike Calamari and Victoria Lombard)<br />
Rob and Linda Byrne and Melissa Byrne ‘97<br />
Douglas J. Cristina<br />
Robert and Kim Crosby<br />
Mac and Linda Funchess<br />
<strong>St</strong>eve and Vickie Guarisco<br />
Mike and Susan Loveland<br />
Dr. and Mrs. Terrell McGinn<br />
Connie and John Rausch<br />
Mike and Mary Sciortino<br />
Brent and Renee Silva<br />
Falaya<br />
Fling<br />
<strong>Dove</strong> Golf<br />
Classic<br />
Grants /<br />
Scholarships<br />
Bricks<br />
TOTAL<br />
111,496<br />
10,381<br />
23,267<br />
900<br />
$ 322,475<br />
FOR THE YEAR 7/05 - 6/06<br />
<strong>Dove</strong> Golf Classic<br />
$10,381<br />
3.22%<br />
Grants/Scholarship<br />
$23,267<br />
7.22%<br />
Bricks<br />
$900<br />
0.28%<br />
Falaya Fling<br />
$111,496<br />
34.58%<br />
Centennial Fund<br />
$176,431<br />
54.70%<br />
Y E A R J U L Y 2 0 0 5 - J U N E 2 0 0 6
F U N D<br />
F U N D<br />
F U N D<br />
$2,500+<br />
Julian and Julie Davis<br />
Larry and Janna LeGuin<br />
Michael and Lyn Nunmaker<br />
$1000+<br />
David and Melanie Broadbridge<br />
James and Donna Bulgrin<br />
Community C<strong>of</strong>fee Company<br />
Thomas and Lauren Cosgriff<br />
Bill and Paulette Crawford<br />
Kim and Wayne Durr<br />
Mark and Debbie Ferrari<br />
Mr. and Mrs. C. Lange Gambel III<br />
<strong>St</strong>eve and Begona Landry<br />
David R. Paddison<br />
Mr. and Mrs. John Ribar<br />
In Honor <strong>of</strong><br />
Mike and Margaret Schexnayder<br />
Brittany ‘05 and Blakeley ‘07 Simpson<br />
Tony and Aida Walz<br />
$1 - 100+<br />
Nelson and <strong>St</strong>ephanie Breve ‘99<br />
Jessica Cristina<br />
Jeanne Crotty 2000<br />
Mr. and Mrs. Paul Dillon<br />
Paul and Leslie Domingues<br />
Judy Ferry, M.D. ‘75<br />
Jim and Kathy Finch<br />
Pam and <strong>St</strong>eve Hartman<br />
Marc and Terry Holzenthal<br />
Uanna and Anthony Housey<br />
Michelle & C. Ellis Iverson<br />
Elizabeth Joanen <strong>St</strong>okes 1986<br />
Kevin and Christine Kramer<br />
Larry and Sharon Lewis<br />
Susan Boudreaux Loesberg ‘68<br />
William and Christine Lozes ‘70<br />
Michelle Marcotte <strong>St</strong>alter ‘87<br />
Mr. and Mrs. Franklin Morris<br />
Sr. Florentine Motichek O.S.B. ‘38<br />
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Neal<br />
Dr. and Mrs. Anthony J. Palazzo<br />
Julie Rodrigue Carbo ‘73<br />
Clarence Saltalmachia<br />
Paul and Rita Schneider<br />
Claire Thompson Brown ‘62<br />
Mary Zahn Willem<br />
Kayla Jacomine and Family<br />
Elsie and Jack J. Scariano, Jr.<br />
Tony and Aida Walz<br />
GATE<br />
Esther Daly<br />
Emily Kieffer and Joseph<br />
Davenport<br />
Mr. and Mrs. W. F. D’Olive<br />
Mr. and Mrs. William Glennon<br />
Mrs. Joan Gonthier<br />
Mr. and Mrs. John Hance<br />
Dr. and Mrs. Norman Licht<br />
Alicia Monge<br />
Kay Morse<br />
Mr. and Mrs. John Ribar<br />
In memory <strong>of</strong> Lucille & Earl Riecke<br />
Joy and Merlin Romig<br />
Lucille Sarrat<br />
Elsie and Jack J. Scariano, Jr.<br />
FENCE<br />
Elsie and Jack J. Scariano, Jr.<br />
46 D O V E W I N G S
Amanda Schaefer ‘98 Anita Sierra Nuss ‘38<br />
<strong>Our</strong> Lady <strong>of</strong> the Lake Church<br />
<strong>Our</strong> Lady <strong>of</strong> the Lake School<br />
Second Chance Foundation (Michael and Allyson Sanderson)<br />
<strong>St</strong>. John the Baptist Catholic Church<br />
F U N D<br />
F U N D<br />
F U N D<br />
Ms. Hilda Lanaux<br />
HLG Committee<br />
Mr. and Mrs. Bernard Klein<br />
Jim and Anne Marie Fargason<br />
In Memory <strong>of</strong> Helen Bell, Clocagh Oertling Barudier, and Elrita Glockner<br />
<strong>St</strong>. <strong>Scholastica</strong> Academy Parent Club<br />
ChevronTexaco<br />
Baxter International Foundation<br />
Cleveland Cliffs Foundation<br />
Dominion Foundation<br />
Entergy<br />
GlaxoSmithKline Foundation<br />
Murphy Oil Corporation<br />
Pfizer Foundation<br />
Roche<br />
Abita Marble Company, Inc.<br />
Mr. and Mrs. Tim Bayard<br />
Clovis & Roche<br />
Mr.and Mrs. Scott R. Gutterman<br />
Dr. and Mrs. Michael N. Harlan<br />
Northshore Interventional Pain Management<br />
Resource Bank<br />
SCP Pool<br />
D O V E W I N G S 47
1938<br />
Ethel Eve Bourgeois Fremin<br />
Anita Sierra Nuss<br />
1939<br />
Rita Mayeux Periou<br />
In memory <strong>of</strong> Sr. Mary Johnette Mayeaux, O.S.B.<br />
1940<br />
Katherine Moser LeBeau<br />
1941<br />
Berneda Augustine Birdsong<br />
1946<br />
Winnie Heintz Jordan<br />
1950<br />
Catherine Morse Smith<br />
Dione Ragan Harmon<br />
1951<br />
Mary Augustine Dolan<br />
In memory <strong>of</strong> Gladys Augustine Day ‘43<br />
1953<br />
Paulette Heldner Holahan<br />
1954<br />
Lucille Capo Castine<br />
In honor <strong>of</strong> SSA’s 103rd year<br />
Carol Fontan Gottfried<br />
Sylvia Leatherwood Enriquez<br />
In memory <strong>of</strong> Sister Carmelite Arreteg O.S.B.<br />
Marie Morgan Taylor<br />
1957<br />
Jeanne Livaudais Daigle<br />
In honor <strong>of</strong> SSA’s 103rd Year<br />
1958<br />
Jerrye Ann Brady <strong>St</strong>. Martin<br />
Dianne Murray Vasquez<br />
1959<br />
Aline Bull Wetta<br />
In memory <strong>of</strong> Thomas J. Wetta, III<br />
Catherine Cabibi<br />
Frances Canale Werther<br />
Diane Chalaron Carter<br />
1962<br />
Bernadette Galatas<br />
Clay Latimer<br />
Claire Thompson Brown<br />
1965<br />
Noreen Rase<br />
In memory <strong>of</strong> Patricia Felker<br />
1968<br />
Norma Rusbar Higgins<br />
In honor <strong>of</strong> SSA’s 103rd year<br />
48 D O V E W I N G S<br />
1970<br />
Joan Ellis Cox<br />
In honor <strong>of</strong> SSA’s 103rd year<br />
1971<br />
Patricia King Miller<br />
Sue Knight Carter<br />
Carolyn Rapier<br />
1972<br />
Carla Cantrell<br />
Lynette Foster Westmoreland<br />
In memory <strong>of</strong> Sylvia L. Foster ‘48<br />
Debbie Gallo Berris<br />
1974<br />
Kathleen Davenport Gaudin<br />
Deirdre Richardson Faherty<br />
1975<br />
Elizabeth Jackson Ford<br />
Jan Rathe Tilly<br />
Shan Simpson Mc Daniel<br />
In honor <strong>of</strong> SSA’s 103rd year<br />
1976<br />
Marian Daly Severson<br />
Tammie Hendry Smith<br />
Margaret Hughston Medeiros<br />
Mary Pechon Robin<br />
Malise Prieto<br />
Desiree Taylor Billeaud<br />
1977<br />
Deborah Terrible <strong>St</strong>ewart<br />
1978<br />
Leslie Alkire Michaelis<br />
In honor <strong>of</strong> SSA’s 103rd year<br />
Kathy Capodice<br />
Jane Daly Kuebel<br />
In memory <strong>of</strong> SSA’s 103rd year<br />
Deanna Dugas<br />
1979<br />
Leslie Blitch Welliver<br />
Kathi Ross Zenor<br />
In memory <strong>of</strong> Abbie Lamonte Jordan ‘79<br />
Juli Anne von Almen Hite<br />
1980<br />
Betsy Burk<br />
1981<br />
Becky Heap Cousin<br />
Michelle Martin Yeauger<br />
Marian Smith Bridges<br />
1982<br />
Leslie Guenther<br />
Kellie Ory Gagliano<br />
In honor <strong>of</strong> SSA’s 103rd year<br />
Quinn Pearson<br />
Kristie Shopf Helfand<br />
In honor <strong>of</strong> SSA’s 103rd year<br />
Christine Wilczynski Vogel<br />
1983<br />
Kelly Carite Boyd<br />
Kim Dufour De Brock<br />
Peggy Gement Benit<br />
Tara Ingram Hunter<br />
In honor <strong>of</strong> SSA’s 103rd year<br />
Melinda Myers Breaux<br />
1985<br />
Leah Graves Caballero<br />
Wendy McLean Denham<br />
Kylan Reeves Bodin<br />
1986<br />
<strong>St</strong>ephanie Serpas Fried<br />
Wendy Yeary Blackwell<br />
In honor <strong>of</strong> SSA’s 103rd year<br />
1987<br />
Michelle Biermann Treschwig<br />
Pam Bitterwolf Brechtel<br />
Michelle Boze Toomey<br />
<strong>St</strong>ephanie Daigle Gaitan<br />
Kim Hughes Ripps<br />
Michelle Marcotte <strong>St</strong>alter<br />
In honor <strong>of</strong> SSA’s 103rd year<br />
1988<br />
Dawn Dottolo <strong>St</strong>arkey<br />
Deborah Jackson Thomas<br />
Melinda Koon<br />
Angie Rose Smith Jean<br />
1989<br />
Christine Brannan<br />
Carey Lise Champagne Morrow<br />
Katherine Hufstetler Rose<br />
In honor <strong>of</strong> Sandra Martin<br />
Katherine McCloskey<br />
1990<br />
Tabetha <strong>St</strong>ewart Ezell<br />
1991<br />
Christina Buonagura Givens<br />
Camille Cazayoux Jenman<br />
In honor <strong>of</strong> SSA’s 103rd year<br />
Summerlin Conner Holzhalb<br />
Michelle Taucer<br />
1992<br />
Danielle Baker Cooper<br />
Kelly Johnson Nelson<br />
Lesa Paille<br />
Beth Schroeder Fields<br />
1993<br />
Amy Simmons
1994<br />
Robin Laporte Cathcart<br />
Kristen Pate Ramirez<br />
Jennifer Poissot Taylor<br />
Ashley Schonberg Roussel<br />
1996<br />
Kinta Marie Comberrel Roberts<br />
1997<br />
Heather Alford<br />
Amie Boudreaux Post<br />
Katie Dunaway<br />
1998<br />
Jennifer Roth Cozad<br />
1999<br />
Kelli Bucksbarg<br />
Lacie Hurst<br />
2000<br />
Kristin Brownson<br />
Jeanne Crotty<br />
Ashley Guidry<br />
Elizabeth Turner<br />
Holly Verlander<br />
2001<br />
Kimberly Dottolo<br />
Paige Egan<br />
2002<br />
Yvonne Bergeron<br />
Lauren Faucheux<br />
Meredith Matthews<br />
2003<br />
Kristi Bucksbarg<br />
Brittany Carter<br />
Katie Jardine<br />
Michelle Mancini<br />
2004<br />
Christine Bennett<br />
Betsy Champagne<br />
Robin Heisser<br />
Danielle Mollere<br />
2005<br />
Geralyn Jordan Barnett<br />
Elizabeth Braud<br />
Kate Champagne<br />
Carrie Cushman<br />
Jennifer Davis<br />
Jolie Drouant<br />
Christie Drury<br />
Brittany Huguet<br />
Lindsey Lozes<br />
Jennifer Schedler<br />
Jennifer Seiler<br />
Katherine Winters<br />
Mr. and Mrs. Keith Abide<br />
Mr. and Mrs. Scott Andrews<br />
Anne-Dale Jeweller, LLC<br />
Mr. and Mrs. William Applegate<br />
Mr. and Mrs. David Arbo<br />
Mr. and Mrs. Sidney Arceneaux III<br />
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Billeaud<br />
Colleen Billiot<br />
Mr. and Mrs. Bernie B. Birdsong<br />
Mr. and Mrs. Allen Blauwet<br />
Mr. and Mrs. Elwood Bodenheimer, Jr.<br />
Mr. Charles W. Bragg<br />
Mr. and Mrs. Bruce F. Broussard, Jr.<br />
Mr. and Mrs. Ted F. Bruning<br />
Mr. and Mrs. Bryan Burns, III<br />
Mr. and Mrs. Robert L. Byrne, Jr.<br />
Carmen Canavier<br />
Mr. and Mrs. David Cardwell<br />
Mr. and Mrs. William Carroum<br />
Lee and Nancy Caston<br />
Joanne Creim Champagne<br />
Chick-fil-A<br />
(Mr. and Mrs. Richard D. Gonzalez)<br />
Community C<strong>of</strong>fee<br />
Community Foundation <strong>of</strong> Acadiana<br />
Mr. and Mrs. Matt Craddock<br />
Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Crawford<br />
Mr. and Mrs. William Crawford<br />
Kristal Creek<br />
Mr. and Mrs. Ronald L. Creel<br />
Mr. Andrew Crocchiolo<br />
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Crosby<br />
Mr. and Mrs. David P. Daigle<br />
Mr. and Mrs. Howard Daigle, Jr.<br />
Jeanne Livaudais Daigle ‘57<br />
Davis Products, Inc.<br />
(Mr. and Mrs. Charles S. Weintritt)<br />
Mr. and Mrs. <strong>St</strong>eve Day<br />
Mr. and Mrs. John Early<br />
Mr. and Mrs. Clifford P. Elie, Jr<br />
EmBroidMe <strong>of</strong> Mandeville<br />
(Mr. and Mrs. Earl Hepburn)<br />
Mr. and Mrs. John Englehardt<br />
ESP Settlements Group<br />
Honorable Jess D. Ewing<br />
Mr. and Mrs. Jonathan Fairbank<br />
Mr. and Mrs. James F. Fargason, Jr.<br />
Mr. and Mrs. Greg Fekete<br />
First Premium Insurance Corp.<br />
Mr. Jimmy Fitzmorris<br />
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Fritscher<br />
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Ganucheau<br />
Mr. and Mrs. G. Richard Gautreaux<br />
Mr. and Mrs. Gerard J. Gillen III<br />
Ms. Denise Godfrey<br />
Rose Clare Frederick Goodbee<br />
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Gore<br />
Mr. and Mrs. Scott R. Gutterman<br />
Dr. and Mrs. D. E. Hale<br />
Mr. and Mrs. Jeff Harris<br />
John Harty, Jr.<br />
Mr. and Mrs. Robert G. Harvey Jr.<br />
Mr. and Mrs. Curtis L. Hebert, Jr.<br />
Ms. Denise Heising<br />
Mr. and Mrs. Bruce F. H<strong>of</strong>fman<br />
Holy Family High School<br />
Holy Trinity Catholic School<br />
Mr. and Mrs. R. Keith Jarrett<br />
Mr. and Mrs. Michael R. Johnson<br />
Mr. and Mrs. Tracy S. Johnson<br />
Mr. and Mrs. J. Fredrick Kessenich<br />
Mr. and Mrs. Brian K. Knight<br />
Mr. and Mrs. Conrad M. Kuebel, Jr.<br />
Mr. and Mrs. Keith Ladner<br />
Mr. and Mrs. Richard C. Lambert<br />
Mr. and Mrs. Ray Landry<br />
Mr. and Mrs. Sidney J Levet, IV<br />
Mr. and Mrs. Michael L. Levy<br />
Loews Home Improvement<br />
Ms. Antoinette Lohmann<br />
Mr. and Mrs. Peter Main<br />
Mater Dei High School<br />
McMath Construction<br />
Mr. and Mrs. M. Mirzai<br />
Mr. and Mrs. Royce W. Mitchell<br />
Mount Notre Dame High School<br />
Mu Alpha Theta Club<br />
D O V E W I N G S 49
Thank<br />
Thank<br />
Thank<br />
You.<br />
Donors listed<br />
contributed to<br />
The Centennial Fund<br />
2005-2006<br />
Previous donations<br />
were recognized in<br />
previous issues <strong>of</strong><br />
WINGS.<br />
We apologize for any errors.<br />
Mr. and Mrs. Richard L Murphy<br />
National Automotive Insurance<br />
Dr. and Mrs. <strong>St</strong>eve Nelson<br />
Mr. and Mrs. William W. Nielsen<br />
Anita Sierra Nuss ‘38<br />
Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Nuss<br />
Mr. and Mrs. W. Philip Nuss<br />
Julie O’Connell<br />
Ms. Fran Paddison<br />
Dr. and Mrs. Anthony J. Palazzo<br />
Parish National Bank<br />
(Mr. Gary Blossman)<br />
Ms. Francoise Parr<br />
Mr. & Mrs. Ronald Patron<br />
Mr. and Mrs. Manuel Perez de la Mesa<br />
Mr. and Mrs. Salvador Perino, Jr.<br />
Mr. and Mrs. Brett Petry<br />
Ms. Frances Phares<br />
Beverly Pollock<br />
Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Redd<br />
Ms. Shawn Reed<br />
Mr. and Mrs. James Rivera<br />
Mr. and Mrs. Michael J. Robert, Sr.<br />
Mr. and Mrs. Patrick M. Rosenow<br />
Mr. and Mrs. <strong>St</strong>ephen Rusbar<br />
Mr. and Mrs. Mark Russo<br />
<strong>St</strong> <strong>Scholastica</strong> Academy Parent Club<br />
Sacred Heart Academy (New York)<br />
Faculty and Mother’s Guild<br />
Mr. and Mrs. Mark Scharmer<br />
Mr. and Mrs. M. P. Schneider, III<br />
School Leadership Center <strong>of</strong> New Orleans<br />
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Sciortino<br />
Owen and Karen Seiler<br />
Mr. and Mrs. James Severson<br />
Mr. and Mrs. Brent A. Silva<br />
Mr. and Mrs. D. Bradley Soileau<br />
Southern Printing<br />
(Kenny and Rachel Weaver)<br />
Mr. and Mrs. Scott <strong>St</strong>. Romain<br />
Margie <strong>St</strong>. Pierre<br />
Mr. and Mrs. Scott M. Simon<br />
Mr. and Mrs. Gregory <strong>St</strong>erck<br />
Mr. and Mrs. David W. <strong>St</strong>udley<br />
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Thomas<br />
Dr. and Mrs. John W. Thompson, Jr.<br />
Becky Toups<br />
Elizabeth Townsend<br />
Mr. and Mrs. Eddie Villere<br />
Mr. and Mrs. Paul D. Vorenkamp<br />
Mr. and Mrs. Jon Walkenford<br />
David and Zella Walker<br />
Mr. and Mrs. Paul M. Williams<br />
Jonathan, Rachael, Melissa and<br />
Amy Fairbank<br />
Bob and Jane Harvey<br />
Cynthia S. Klibert<br />
Mike and Karen Landers<br />
Danny and Renee Meeks<br />
Don and Janine Rodriguez<br />
Patty Sanderson<br />
Senator and Mrs. Tom Schedler<br />
Robert and Vicki <strong>St</strong>. Pe’<br />
Thanks!<br />
50 D O V E W I N G S
CHAPEL DONORS 2005-2006<br />
Mary Dawes Chawla ‘65<br />
Thomas and Lauren Cosgriff<br />
Mr. and Mrs. Paul Dillon<br />
Mark and Debbie Ferrari<br />
Judy Ferry, M.D. ‘75<br />
Elizabeth Joanen <strong>St</strong>okes 1986<br />
Michelle Marcotte <strong>St</strong>alter ‘87<br />
Sr. Florentine Motichek O.S.B. ‘38<br />
Dr. and Mrs. Anthony J. Palazzo<br />
Julie Rodrigue Carbo ‘73<br />
Claire Thompson Brown ‘62<br />
Mr. and Mrs. Nelson Breve<br />
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Broussard<br />
Larry and Karen Bucksbarg<br />
Bro. Ray Bulliard, FSC<br />
Mr. and Mrs. Howard L. Dey, Jr.<br />
Jeannie Buller<br />
Jean and Betty Champagne<br />
Mr. and Mrs. John C. Graves<br />
Mr. and Mrs. Edward A. Griffis<br />
Winnie Heintz Jordan ‘46<br />
Rebecca and Chav Pierce<br />
Francie Rich and John Hodge<br />
SSA Faculty<br />
SSA Office <strong>St</strong>aff<br />
SSA Coaches<br />
<strong>St</strong>. <strong>Scholastica</strong> Academy School Board<br />
Margie <strong>St</strong> Pierre<br />
Dennis and Tricia Schaff<br />
Dan and Elaine Simmons<br />
Mr. and Mrs. Gregory <strong>St</strong>erck<br />
David and Zella Walker<br />
Mary Dawes Chawla ‘65<br />
D O V E W I N G S 51
Fling<br />
FALAYA<br />
2 0 0 6<br />
Marguerite S. Celestin<br />
Mary Kathryn Villere<br />
Elaine Simmons<br />
<strong>St</strong>. <strong>Scholastica</strong><br />
Academy thanks the<br />
following individuals,<br />
restaurants, and<br />
businesses for making<br />
the 22nd Annual SSA<br />
Falaya Fling 2006<br />
a most successful<br />
fundraising event.<br />
Thanks also to the<br />
700+ guests who<br />
attended the auction<br />
and dinner/dance and<br />
helped SSA raise<br />
more than $110,000.<br />
CHAIRS<br />
Kim Durr, Janie Ellis, Nancy Golemi, and Anne Hughes<br />
P.J. Demarie<br />
Committee Chairs<br />
Suzanne Andrews<br />
Andrea Arceneaux<br />
Julie Authement<br />
Kathy Schoultz Balsamico ‘76<br />
Rhonda Baumgartner<br />
Arleen Bennett<br />
Milissa Block<br />
Karen Bucksbarg<br />
Alicia Byrne<br />
Laurie Candies<br />
Renee Cedotal<br />
Betty Champagne<br />
Meg Charbonnet<br />
Gretchen Chauvin<br />
Abita Brewing Company<br />
Acquistapace’s Covington Supermarket<br />
Annadele’s Plantation<br />
Back Porch Grill<br />
Baker’s Rack<br />
Beck-N-Call Cafe’<br />
Benedict’s Restaurant<br />
Blue Bell Creameries<br />
Bosco’s Italian Cafe’<br />
Boston <strong>St</strong>reet Food and Spirits<br />
Boule’ Prime House<br />
Cakes by Jo Ann<br />
Carmine’s Daughter<br />
Champagne Beverage Company, Inc.<br />
The Cheesesteak Bistro<br />
Rebecca Cressy<br />
Sunny Cruthirds<br />
Theresa Day<br />
Ann Zehender Dussom ‘80<br />
Theresa Elie<br />
Sandi Forman<br />
Vickie Guarisco<br />
Susan Hebert<br />
Mamie Henry<br />
Julie Jardine<br />
Suzy Kessenich<br />
Beth Lambert<br />
Sharon Landry<br />
Susan Loveland<br />
Ana Perez de la Mesa<br />
Karen Redd<br />
Dannie Salles<br />
Benita Galatas Santini ‘79<br />
Ge<strong>of</strong>f Santini<br />
Becky Schoen<br />
Karen Seiler<br />
Darci Senner<br />
Dan Simmons<br />
Elizabeth Soileau<br />
Kim Viola<br />
Mimi Voelkel<br />
Aida Walz<br />
Cathy Williams<br />
Susan Williams<br />
Chick-fil-A<br />
Chili’s Bar & Grill<br />
C<strong>of</strong>fee Rani<br />
Commander’s Palace<br />
Copeland’s <strong>of</strong> New Orleans<br />
Creole Delicacies Pralines<br />
Dakota Restaurant<br />
Lynell Dupepe<br />
French Quarter Beignets & Diner<br />
Golden Egg Cafe<br />
Heavenly Ham<br />
Hugh’s Wine Cellar<br />
Impastato’s Restaurant<br />
Jim’s Bar-B-Que<br />
La Casa Gomez<br />
52 D O V E W I N G S
(CONT.)<br />
Louisiana Grill<br />
La Madeleine<br />
La Bella’s Catering and Gourmet Food To Go<br />
Little Toyko<br />
LOLA<br />
Louisiana Coca-Cola Bottling Company, Ltd<br />
McAlister’s Deli<br />
Monster PoBoys<br />
Pat’s Seafood Market & Cajun Deli<br />
Pigeon’s Caterers<br />
P J’s C<strong>of</strong>fee and Tea Co.<br />
Rag’s Old Fashion Po-Boys<br />
Rockefeller’s<br />
Ruth’s Chris <strong>St</strong>eak House<br />
Sal & Judy’s<br />
Scariano’s Meats<br />
Seafood Galley & Deli / Piffany Oaks<br />
Sesame Inn<br />
Southern Elegance Catering<br />
SSA Cafe<br />
Subway Sandwiches - Bogalusa/Franklinton<br />
Sweet Daddy’s Barbeque Restaurant<br />
Tchefuncta Country Club<br />
Vintage Court<br />
WOW Cafe’ & Wingery<br />
Keith Young’s <strong>St</strong>eak House<br />
Yujin LLC<br />
Fling<br />
FALAYA<br />
2 0 0 6<br />
John and Madeline LeBlanc<br />
LLOG Exploration Company<br />
The Louisiana Coca-Cola Bottling Co., Ltd.<br />
Mr. and Mrs. Robert G. Harvey, Jr. - Louisiana Medical Mgmt. Corp.<br />
Hearthstone Homes by Ron Lee<br />
David R. Powers, M.D. & Patricia Braly, M.D.<br />
Mr. and Mrs. Scott M. Simon, Sr.<br />
Skarda & Silva. LLP, CPAs (Brent A. Silva, CPA)<br />
Randy and Natalie Allain<br />
Karen and Larry Bucksbarg<br />
Alicia Byrne and Kim <strong>St</strong>ephens/<br />
Flying Weenie Dog Records<br />
Champagne Beverage Co., Inc.<br />
Irby and Nancy Chatelain<br />
Daigle Fisse & Kessenich, PLC<br />
Michael W. Dougherty<br />
Dutel & Tranchina, LLC<br />
Hibernia National Bank<br />
Innisfree Farm/ Tim and Jennifer Rice<br />
Richard C. Lambert Consultants<br />
Maizy ... A Shoe Boutique<br />
MEDTRON S<strong>of</strong>tware<br />
Tom and Anne Periou<br />
Thomas and Haifleigh Pritchard<br />
Collins C. Rossi, PLC<br />
The Sanctuary<br />
Michael and Margaret Schexnayder<br />
Craig Simmons, J&J / Invision Carpeting<br />
Dan and Elaine Simmons<br />
Dr. Glenn Spell Family Dentistry<br />
Drs. Margie <strong>St</strong>rong and John Williams/<br />
Mr. Brian and Dr. Ann Kay Logarbo<br />
Verges Consultants, Inc.<br />
D O V E W I N G S 53
FALAYA<br />
Fling<br />
2 0 0 6<br />
Harold and Tara Aucoin<br />
Susan H. Blanchard, PT/<br />
Rehab Dynamics, Inc.<br />
Bopp Law Corporation<br />
Bruce and Gina Broussard<br />
Citizens Bank & Trust<br />
Buz and Chima Clanton<br />
Core Construction Co., LLC<br />
DNA Film and Video<br />
Lange and Molly Gambel<br />
A. Giambelluca Construction, Inc.<br />
Vickie and <strong>St</strong>eve Guarisco<br />
Dr. Robert V. V. Hurst<br />
Kishore and Ginny Kamath<br />
C. J. Ladner, <strong>St</strong>ate Farm Insurance<br />
Lakeview Regional Medical Center<br />
LaPorte Sehrt Romig Hand<br />
Dr. Nickey Nicaud-<br />
Madisonville Chiropractic Clinic<br />
Dr. Richard Olinde<br />
Pine Grove Electrical Supply, Inc.<br />
Dennis and Rosana Preau<br />
Rickie and Denise Ragan<br />
Resource Bank<br />
Cliff Robicheaux <strong>St</strong>ate Farm Insurance<br />
SCP Pool Corp<br />
<strong>St</strong>anley and Jennifer Scianna<br />
<strong>St</strong>atewide Bank<br />
Jim Walther/ Legg Mason/ Smith Barney<br />
June and Harry Warner<br />
Advance Title LLC<br />
Chuck and Desiree Billeaud<br />
Lynn S. Blossman<br />
Ted and Darlynne Bruning<br />
Bryan and Dawn Burns<br />
Wade and Laurie Candies<br />
Jean and Betty Champagne<br />
Scott Chotin/Adrienne Laborde<br />
Penny and Quentin Dastugue<br />
Elinor and Dan Dorsey<br />
Joey and Julie Drouant<br />
Kim and Wayne Durr<br />
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas A. Dutel<br />
Frederick and Susanne Dwyer<br />
Greg and Robin Eckert<br />
John and Leslie Ellinghausen<br />
Janie and Doug Ellis<br />
Jim and Anne Marie Fargason<br />
Mark and Joan Faust<br />
Tom and Mary Ann Fitzmorris<br />
Spencer and Licy Gagnet<br />
Ron and Jennifer Ballard Gitz ‘85<br />
Ron and Nancy Golemi<br />
Del and Rebecca Hale<br />
Leo and Janice Hemelt<br />
Jim and Metsy Hingle<br />
Jimmy and Julie Hingle<br />
Paulette Heldner Holahan ‘53<br />
Anne and Paul Hughes<br />
Julie and Drew Jardine<br />
Mark and Anna Johnson<br />
Louis and Ellen Jordano, III<br />
Kehoe-France Northshore<br />
Kevin and Chris Kramer<br />
Larry and Jenna LeGuin<br />
Mike and Susan Loveland<br />
Philip and Susan Martin<br />
Joe and Diana Marriott<br />
Royce and Lesslee Mitchell<br />
Tom O’Connor C.F.P.<br />
Christopher Ryan, Sr.<br />
Rep. and Mrs. M. P. “Pete” Schneider, III<br />
Gary and Becky Schoen<br />
Mr. and Mrs. Anthony Sciortino<br />
Dr. and Mrs. Clif <strong>St</strong>. Germain<br />
<strong>St</strong>. Tammany Parish Hospital<br />
Greg and Betsy <strong>St</strong>erck<br />
Cynthia Zeller Sutton<br />
Tony and Aida Walz<br />
Sandra and David Wellmeyer<br />
Lowrey and Susan Williamson<br />
Kathi Ross Zenor ‘79<br />
54 D O V E W I N G S
Loretta Boswell<br />
Conrad and Jane Kuebel<br />
Robert and Ann Dodge<br />
Camille Chaney Pousson<br />
Ed and Janet Drivon<br />
Thomas and Haifleigh Pritchard<br />
John and Sandra Ferguson<br />
Becky Simonson<br />
Jackie C. Gutierrez<br />
John and Kathryn Wildgen<br />
Holly & Smith Architects, APAC<br />
Thank<br />
Thank<br />
Thank<br />
You.<br />
Conrad and Jane Kuebel Shanna Fournet Yong ‘69<br />
Acquistapace’s Covington Supermarket<br />
Adam Acquistapace<br />
Coleman Adler<br />
Anne Arbo<br />
Arceneaux Electric<br />
Pete and Wendy Bertucci<br />
Boudreaux’s Jewelers<br />
Rick Brocato<br />
Karen and Larry Bucksbarg<br />
Jeannie Buller<br />
Alicia Byrne<br />
Yvette Cardinale<br />
<strong>St</strong>ephanie Cassissi<br />
Nancy Caston<br />
Elizabeth Cheatham<br />
Diane Couret<br />
Sunny Cruthirds<br />
Marcel McGoey Delaune ‘97<br />
Expressions Photography<br />
Fancy Faces, Inc.<br />
Cindy Fischer<br />
Donna Flanagan<br />
Earl Foley<br />
Harold and Sandi Forman<br />
Four Unplugged<br />
Ron Golemi<br />
Paul Hughes<br />
Tara Huguet<br />
Bonnie Koepp<br />
Gail Maniscalco<br />
The News Banner<br />
Mike Nunmaker<br />
Perino’s Nursery<br />
Julie Raines<br />
Kevin Rapp<br />
SSA Art <strong>St</strong>udents<br />
SSA Faculty and <strong>St</strong>aff<br />
SSA <strong>St</strong>udents<br />
<strong>St</strong>. Tammany Farmer<br />
<strong>St</strong>. Tammany Linen<br />
Clarence Saltalmachia<br />
Laura Scharmer<br />
<strong>St</strong>anley Scianna<br />
Dan Simmons<br />
Tony Simmons<br />
Southern Printing & Graphics<br />
Dale <strong>St</strong>ogner<br />
<strong>St</strong>ogner’s Catering<br />
The Times-Picayune<br />
Rachel Walz<br />
Mary Beth Willem<br />
Cindy Williamson<br />
5-Minute Oil Change<br />
A & M Container Sales & Rental<br />
A & M Flooring<br />
Abita Springs Golf Club<br />
Academics <strong>of</strong> Driving<br />
Jennifer Adams<br />
Coleman E. Adler & Sons, Inc.<br />
Adventure Pets<br />
All American Medical and Chiropractic<br />
Jessica Allen<br />
American Hunter Gun & Archery<br />
DONORS<br />
Scott and Suzanne Andrews<br />
Emily Andrews<br />
Hallie Angelle<br />
Anytime Fitness<br />
Rachel April<br />
Arabella Fine Gifts<br />
Aromatica Day Spa<br />
Assunta’s Italian Restaurant<br />
Atlas Tire Center<br />
Audubon Nature Institute<br />
Audubon Zoo<br />
Audubon Aquarium <strong>of</strong> the Americas<br />
Aurora Fine Intimates<br />
Danielle Ayers<br />
Brittany Bacques<br />
Thomas A. Bailey, D.D.S.<br />
Balfour Company<br />
Ballins<br />
Bankston Family<br />
<strong>St</strong>evie Bankston<br />
Caroline Barousse<br />
Lauretta Bateman<br />
D O V E W I N G S 55
FALAYA<br />
Fling<br />
2 0 0 6<br />
Bath Junkie<br />
Bay Marine Group Sales Yacht Sales<br />
Bear’s Restaurant<br />
Beau Chene Country Club<br />
Amanda Beau<br />
Beauty on the Beach<br />
Bedding Plus<br />
Erica Beloso<br />
Robert and Cathy Bergeron<br />
Bike Zone Inc.<br />
Chuck and Desiree Billeaud<br />
Emily Birdsong<br />
Susan H. Blanchard, P.T./Rehab Dynamics, Inc.<br />
Mr. and Mrs. Seth Block<br />
Blue Frog Chocolates<br />
Bora Bora<br />
Laura Bordelon<br />
Boudreaux’s Butt Paste<br />
Danielle Boudreaux<br />
Boutique Joli<br />
Brooke Boyd<br />
The Bra Genie<br />
Elizabeth Bragg<br />
Kendall Brandon<br />
Brenchley Shoes and Accessories<br />
Eileen Breslin<br />
Briar Patch Upholstery<br />
Bridal Manor<br />
Bridles & Britches<br />
Kim Broadbridge<br />
The Broken Egg<br />
Blaire Brown<br />
Brown Family Orthodontics<br />
Randall W. Brown & Associates, Inc.<br />
Rick Brunner<br />
Darlynne and Ted Bruning<br />
DONORS<br />
Budget Blinds <strong>of</strong> Slidell<br />
Mrs. Link’s Class<br />
Buras Family<br />
Mrs. Loesberg’s Class<br />
Katie Burckel<br />
Mrs. Newman’s Class<br />
Dawn Burns<br />
Mrs. Paille’s Class<br />
Bryan Burtis<br />
Mrs. Pellissier’s Class<br />
Alicia and <strong>St</strong>ephen Byrne<br />
Coach Pool’s Class<br />
Virginia Cairns<br />
Mrs. Pool’s Class<br />
Campbell’s C<strong>of</strong>fee & Tea<br />
Ms. Raines’ Class<br />
Gabrielle Campo<br />
Coach Richard’s Class<br />
Candies Excavation, Inc.<br />
Mrs. Schaff’s Class<br />
Laure’ Candies<br />
Mrs. Scharmer’s Class<br />
Candies Excavation, Inc.<br />
Mrs. Schneidau’s Class<br />
Carter Plantation<br />
Ms. <strong>St</strong>. Pierre’s Class<br />
Cedarwood School<br />
Lauren Clayton<br />
Richard and Marguerite Celestin<br />
CNO’s Meal Solutions<br />
Jean and Betty Champagne<br />
C<strong>of</strong>fee Rani<br />
Champion Cycle Center<br />
Columbia <strong>St</strong>reet Merchantile<br />
Hunter Charbonnet<br />
Commander’s Palace<br />
Gretchen and BJ Chauvin<br />
Community C<strong>of</strong>fee Co.<br />
Heather Chauvin<br />
Harry Connick, Jr. Fan Club<br />
Elizabeth Cheatham<br />
Ellie Constantin<br />
Mrs. Lori Joubert Cherry<br />
Cookies By Design<br />
Chick - fil - A<br />
Covington Haircutters<br />
C.J.’s Florist<br />
Creative Images Photography<br />
Claiborne Hill Veterinary Hospital<br />
Remy Cross<br />
Erin Culver<br />
Mrs. Arbo’s Class<br />
Curves<br />
Mrs. Bartlett’s Class<br />
A Cut Above<br />
Coach Bertucci’s Class<br />
Maria D’Antonio<br />
Ms. Capps and Mrs. Picone’s Class<br />
Alicia Dardenne<br />
Mr. Caston’s Class<br />
Kiah Darion<br />
Mrs. Cedor’s Class<br />
Mr. Frank Davis<br />
Mrs. Chatelain’s Class<br />
Bianca Day<br />
Mrs. Couret’s Class<br />
Daylight Donuts<br />
Mr. Cruthirds’ Class<br />
Amber Deano<br />
Coach Davis’ Class<br />
Rae DeBrock<br />
Mrs. Delaune’s Class<br />
Brittany Decareaux<br />
Mr. Fred’s Class<br />
Bobbie Delahoussaye<br />
Mr. Gallop’s Class<br />
Samantha Delahoussaye<br />
Mrs. Grimley’s Class<br />
Delucca’s Expressions In Gold<br />
Mr. Harty’s Class<br />
Dependable Glass Works<br />
Ms. Healy’s Class<br />
Juliette Dickson<br />
Coach Hebert’s Class<br />
Charlotte Discon<br />
Ms. Heinz’s Class<br />
Megan Discon<br />
Mrs. Kessler’s Class<br />
Diva Beads<br />
56 D O V E W I N G S
Dixie Office Products<br />
DNA Film & Video<br />
Jennifer Drivon<br />
Julie and Joey Drouant<br />
Dry Cleaning by Louis<br />
Linda K. Dumas Therapeutic Massage<br />
Crystal Dunn<br />
Janell Dupepe<br />
Duquesne University<br />
Wayne and Kim Durr<br />
Maddy Dutel<br />
Kacie Dysart<br />
Greg and Robin Eckert<br />
Edible Arrangements<br />
Clifford and Theresa Elie<br />
Ashley Elie<br />
Mr. and Mrs. John W. Ellinghausen<br />
Margaret Ellis<br />
Elmer Candy Co.<br />
EmbroidMe<br />
Mary Englehardt<br />
Mrs. Valerie Englehardt<br />
The English Tea Room<br />
Vicki Black Evans<br />
Lizzie Evans<br />
Expressions Photography<br />
Coco Farnet<br />
<strong>St</strong>acey Farnet<br />
Mary-Brennan Faucheux<br />
Jeanette Feinberg<br />
Fekete Family<br />
Kathleen Finger<br />
A Florist <strong>of</strong> Covington<br />
Flowers and Fancies<br />
Bert Fontchuberta<br />
Harold and Sandi Foreman<br />
Chris & Paulette Forstall<br />
Kathryn Foudriat<br />
Mary Martin France<br />
Franco’s Athletic Club<br />
French Market C<strong>of</strong>fee<br />
Fresh Market<br />
Frock Candy<br />
Celeste FunchessFunland<br />
Molly Gambel<br />
DONORS<br />
Margaret Ganucheau<br />
Garrett Honda<br />
Claire Gaudet<br />
Ruthie Gavin<br />
Gayle’s Jewelers, Inc<br />
Gemstone Plantation Golf and Country Club<br />
Brandi Giarrusso<br />
Aidan Gill for Men<br />
Jennifer and Ron Gitz<br />
Molly Glasgow<br />
Glazer’s<br />
Global Wildlife Foundation<br />
Katherine Glorioso<br />
Lori Latino-Glynn - Salon Calais<br />
Golf Etc.<br />
Lauren Gonzalez<br />
Good Dog Naturally<br />
Gordon’s <strong>of</strong> Mandeville<br />
Gotcha Covered<br />
Gabrielle Gottfried<br />
Sarah Gremillion<br />
Ground Pat’i<br />
Anna Grundmann<br />
Gulf Coast Seal Coatings and<br />
Landscape Management<br />
Christina Gutierrez<br />
Kathy Gutterman<br />
Guttermans and Donnellys<br />
H&K Automotive<br />
Michelle Hahn<br />
Allie Haley<br />
Half Moon Gardens<br />
Melissa Hamel<br />
Kathleen Harmon<br />
Maegan Hebert<br />
Alexa Hebert<br />
Curt & Virginia Hebert<br />
Heiner Brau Microbrewery<br />
Heirloom Designs<br />
Jolie Helm<br />
Bridget Hepburn<br />
Hestia Luxury Linens<br />
Melanie Hollander<br />
Hotel Monteleone<br />
Hugh’s Wine Cellar<br />
FALAYA<br />
Fling<br />
2 0 0 6<br />
Anne Hughes<br />
Ellie Hughes<br />
Indiana University<br />
Interactive Health<br />
Tina Irion<br />
Isis the Salon<br />
J.C. Penney<br />
Jazzy Tans<br />
Jefferson House<br />
Christine Jemison<br />
Carly Jenkins<br />
Joe’s Shoe <strong>St</strong>ore<br />
Patricia Johnson<br />
Just Picture It<br />
<strong>St</strong>ephanie Kazik<br />
Presley Keller<br />
Callie Kieffer<br />
Caitlyn Kinchen<br />
Suzanne King<br />
Caroline Knight<br />
Kumon Math & Reading Center<br />
La Bonne Vivante European<br />
Medi-Spa and Gift <strong>St</strong>ore<br />
Lauren LaBorde<br />
Lagniappe Shoe<br />
Lagniappe Home Accents<br />
Elizabeth Lambert<br />
The Lampstand<br />
Casey Landers<br />
Sharon and David Landry<br />
Charlotte Lang<br />
Langenstein’s Supermarket<br />
Lanier Music<br />
Linda and Dan LaPorte<br />
Lindsey LaPorte<br />
Laurier<br />
D O V E W I N G S 57
Fling<br />
FALAYA<br />
2 0 0 6<br />
Lawn and Saw Shop<br />
Dr. William Ledoux, D.D.S.<br />
Elizabeth Levet<br />
Jamie Levine<br />
Meghan Levine<br />
Lili Art<br />
The Linen Closet<br />
Alison Lipps<br />
Sarah Lisotta<br />
Courtney Lizana<br />
London - Hill and La Perrin<br />
Cydney Lorio<br />
Louisiana Coca Cola Bottling Co., LTD<br />
Lowes<br />
Loews New Orleans Hotel<br />
Ashley Luke<br />
Paige Madeiros<br />
Magical Maids<br />
Chelsea Main<br />
Maizy - A Shoe Boutique<br />
Margie’s Cottage Florist<br />
Brianne Markham<br />
Emily Matthew<br />
Amber Mayeur<br />
Megan McCarty<br />
Grace McConnell<br />
Emily McCulla<br />
Arielle McCullough<br />
Deanna and Scott McDonald<br />
Jessica McDonald<br />
Jordan McDonald<br />
Marissa Mederos<br />
McKenna Mehle<br />
Brittany Melerine<br />
Merle Norman Cosmetics - Mandeville<br />
Mi Casa<br />
58 D O V E W I N G S<br />
DONORS<br />
Miami University <strong>of</strong> Ohio<br />
Paige Patterson<br />
Michael’s Jewelers<br />
Pelican Athletic Club<br />
Mike’s Den<br />
Ana Perez de la Mesa<br />
Shane Mikelonis<br />
Perfect 10 Nail Salon<br />
Millsaps College<br />
Performance Driving and Safety<br />
Mississippi <strong>St</strong>ate University<br />
Catherine Perino<br />
Caroline Mitchell<br />
Maddie Perino<br />
Money Hill Golf & Country Club<br />
Perlis<br />
Casey Montalbano<br />
Cher Perrault<br />
Richard J. MooreMallory Morse<br />
A Personal Touch<br />
Moseley’s Jewelers<br />
David Pierson Designs<br />
Elise Muller<br />
Pine Grove Electric<br />
Lindsay Mullinix<br />
PJ’s C<strong>of</strong>fee & Blue Harbor Car Wash<br />
Kelly Mullins<br />
Planet Beach<br />
Danielle Musso<br />
Playville<br />
Dennis Mutell D. C.<br />
Ponchartrain Vineyards<br />
My Room<br />
Pondman Home and Garden<br />
Nails 4 U<br />
Poole Lumber Company<br />
NAPA Auto & Truck Parts<br />
Laura Popp<br />
The National D-Day Museum<br />
Baileigh Porche’<br />
Jessica Neal<br />
Tori Powers<br />
Negrotto’s Gallery<br />
Michelle Preau<br />
Dr. and Mrs. <strong>St</strong>eve Nelson Precision Sewing Machines <strong>of</strong> Mandeville<br />
New Orleans Food & Spirit<br />
Zan Prieto<br />
Sarah Nielson<br />
Calla Prieto<br />
Nami Nishio<br />
Puglia’s Sporting Goods<br />
Dane Noel<br />
Leah Quartano<br />
Alicia Nolan<br />
Casey Ragan<br />
Meredith Nolan<br />
Rainwater Problem Solvers<br />
Northshore Tennis<br />
Julie Raines<br />
Caroline Nunmaker<br />
Jessica Ramirez<br />
Nunmaker Yachts<br />
Corinne Rapier<br />
Erika Nuss<br />
Mr. and Mrs. Edward Rapier, Jr.<br />
O’Reilly Auto Parts<br />
Brienne Rayes<br />
The Oasis Spa<br />
Nancy Jean Read<br />
Adrienne Olinde<br />
The Recognition Company<br />
Anna Olinde<br />
Karen Redd<br />
Outback <strong>St</strong>eakhouse<br />
The Ritz-Carlton, New Orleans<br />
Outdoor Living Center<br />
Margaret Rivera<br />
Paige Lawnmower Sales<br />
Riverview Camp for Girls<br />
Alex Palmer<br />
Amberlee Roaden<br />
Angela Panno<br />
Emily Robin<br />
Paris Parker - Aveda<br />
Mallory Rogers<br />
Parish National Bank/ Gary Blossman<br />
H.W. Rosenblum<br />
Margery Paddison<br />
Erika Roudolfich
DONORS<br />
The Royal Sonesta Hotel<br />
SSA Royalettes<br />
Debby Royerre<br />
SSA School Board<br />
Rug ChicSalon Vivante<br />
SSA <strong>St</strong>udent Council<br />
Samantha Saltalmachia<br />
Dr. Clif <strong>St</strong>. Germain<br />
Cameron Savell<br />
<strong>St</strong>. Charles Vision Outlet<br />
Nina Scariano<br />
<strong>St</strong>. Louis University<br />
Casey Scheib<br />
The <strong>St</strong>. Pe’ Family<br />
Lauren Schell<br />
Dr. Scott <strong>St</strong>. Romain<br />
Natalie Schell<br />
<strong>St</strong>. Romain Interiors<br />
Katie Schembre<br />
<strong>St</strong>age<br />
Leslie Schindler<br />
<strong>St</strong>ephanie <strong>St</strong>ains<br />
Elizabeth Schneider<br />
Greg and Betsy <strong>St</strong>erck<br />
Cassie Scorsone<br />
The <strong>St</strong>rawberry Patch<br />
Dr. W. Scott Schroeder, D.C.<br />
Jessica <strong>St</strong>ringer<br />
Lindsey Schwaner<br />
Delilah <strong>St</strong>uart-Blossman<br />
Kristen Scianna<br />
<strong>St</strong>udio de la Provence<br />
Brooke Sciortino<br />
Ashley Summers<br />
Scrappily Ever After<br />
Jessica Sumpter<br />
Seal Sports<br />
Karen Supan<br />
Leah Seal<br />
Superior Tire <strong>of</strong> Southeastern LA, Inc<br />
Michelle Seippel<br />
Cindy Sutton and George Schneider<br />
Molly Severson<br />
Kristen Sutton<br />
Nina Shelby<br />
Charlene G. Swift<br />
Shoeffle’<br />
Sylvia’s Design’s & Estate Jewelry<br />
Simple Goodness<br />
Laurell M. Szczepanski<br />
Singer Sewing Center<br />
T.<br />
Sit and Sleep For Less<br />
Lyndsey Tassin<br />
Heather Sjve<br />
Elise Taylor<br />
Aynsley Smith<br />
Tchefuncta Country Club<br />
Smoothie King<br />
Joanna Thomas<br />
Southeastern Louisiana University<br />
Alex Thomas<br />
Southern Bridal<br />
Sarah Thompson<br />
SpeakEasy Center<br />
Brittney Thompson<br />
Cali Spell<br />
Kaitlyn Thurman<br />
Spencer’s Feed & Seed<br />
Taylor Timphony<br />
SSA Cheerleaders<br />
Tire World, Inc<br />
SSA Administrative Team<br />
Tots-N-Tunes, LLC<br />
SSA Alumnae Association<br />
Heather Trahan<br />
SSA Art <strong>St</strong>udents<br />
Treasures Unlimited<br />
SSA Athletic Association<br />
Trendy’s<br />
SSA Balloon Shop<br />
Jennifer Tresvik<br />
SSA Parent Club<br />
Maria Tresvik<br />
FALAYA<br />
Fling<br />
2 0 0 6<br />
Trey Yuen<br />
Ashley Trudeau<br />
Tujague’s Restaurant<br />
Tulane University<br />
Jim Tweedy<br />
University <strong>of</strong> Dallas<br />
The Villa<br />
Villere’s Florist<br />
Tracy Vincent Hair <strong>St</strong>ylist<br />
Vintage by Monique, LLC<br />
Virginia Tech<br />
Visual Changes, Inc.<br />
Bailey Waasdorf<br />
Mrs. Bonita Waesche<br />
Walt Disney World<br />
Jessica Walther<br />
Rachel Walz<br />
Angela Ward<br />
Kay Warner<br />
Calyn Wilks<br />
Windsor Court Hotel<br />
Alissa Winkler<br />
Wolfe Lumber<br />
Noel Wong<br />
WorkOut Express<br />
Yellow Butterfly Custom Embroidery<br />
Cynthia Yeung<br />
Yoga School<br />
Alexa Young<br />
Michelle Zahn<br />
Zatarain’s<br />
Rachel Zibilich<br />
Catherine Ziegler<br />
D O V E W I N G S 59
DOVE<br />
Golf<br />
C L A S S I C<br />
2 0 0 6<br />
<strong>St</strong>. <strong>Scholastica</strong><br />
Academy thanks the following<br />
businesses and<br />
individuals for making<br />
the SSA <strong>Dove</strong> Golf<br />
Classic 2006 at Beau<br />
Chene Golf<br />
and Country Club an<br />
outstanding success.<br />
Thank to the sponsors,<br />
in-kind donors, item<br />
donors and players, we<br />
raised $15, 000 for the<br />
installation <strong>of</strong> lights at<br />
the SSA Athletic<br />
Complex.<br />
60 D O V E W I N G S<br />
Sid Arceneaux<br />
Mike Colburn<br />
Jeff Culver<br />
Rick Gonzalez<br />
Keith Ladner<br />
Art Lyons<br />
Renee Meeks<br />
Bob Pool<br />
Mary Sciortino<br />
Owen Seiler<br />
Cindy Sutton<br />
Al Zahn<br />
The Louisiana Coca-Cola<br />
Bottling Company, Limited<br />
Champagne Beverage<br />
AMDG Investments LLS<br />
Capital One<br />
Clovis & Roche<br />
Colonial Supplemental Insurance<br />
C & R Credit<br />
Gulf Industries, Inc.<br />
Jefferson Capital<br />
Louisiana Medical Management Corp.<br />
Net Work 401K Mickey Wynn & Richard Martin<br />
USI Insurance<br />
Clovis & Roche<br />
Nunmaker Yachts, Inc.<br />
Rainbow Northshore
Aparicio, Walker & Seeling, Inc.<br />
Atmos Energy<br />
Chick-fil-A<br />
Command Construction<br />
Blaise and Monica Ernst<br />
Flying Weenie Dog Records<br />
Guaranty Savings<br />
Parish National Bank<br />
Schindler Elevator Corporation<br />
SCP Pool Corp<br />
Craig Simmons, J&J / Invision Carpeting<br />
Waste Management <strong>of</strong> Louisiana<br />
Al Zahn, CPA<br />
DOVE<br />
Golf<br />
C L A S S I C<br />
2 0 0 6<br />
Champagne Beverage<br />
The Louisiana Coca-Cola Bottling Co., Ltd.<br />
Chick-fil-A<br />
Lynell Dupepe<br />
Outback <strong>St</strong>eakhouse<br />
Sysco<br />
Alpharma<br />
Blue Harbor Pointe<br />
Champagne Beverage<br />
Chick-fil-A<br />
Hugh’s Wine Cellar<br />
C. J. and Keith Ladner<br />
Mike Levy<br />
Louisiana Coca-Cola Bottling Co., Inc.<br />
Parish National Bank<br />
Mike and Mary Sciortino<br />
Wal-Mart (Picayune,MS)<br />
D O V E W I N G S 61
<strong>Scholastica</strong><br />
THE<br />
<strong>Scholastica</strong> was able to do more, because she loved more.<br />
Pope <strong>St</strong>. Gregory<br />
The Society recognizes and thanks those individuals who have named or notified SSA <strong>of</strong> their<br />
intent to make the School, a beneficiary <strong>of</strong> their will, trust, or other planned gift arrangement.<br />
Members <strong>of</strong> this special group <strong>of</strong> benefactors - alumnae, faculty, parents, grandparents and friends<br />
- have at least one thing in common, a lasting commitment to Catholic education for young<br />
women.<br />
A future gift so personal demonstrates a deep and lasting commitment to our mission and to future<br />
generations <strong>of</strong> young women <strong>of</strong> our SSA community. Through April 2008, individuals who join<br />
the Society will be recognized as “Charter” members.<br />
Charter Members<br />
(as <strong>of</strong> February 16, 2007)<br />
Anonymous (2)<br />
Elizabeth Baldwin Barkerding ‘63<br />
Larry and Karen Bucksbarg<br />
Leah Graves Caballero ‘85<br />
Richard and Marguerite Celestin<br />
Carolyn A. Chassee ‘76<br />
Jeanne Livaudais Daigle ‘57<br />
Bill Gallop<br />
Patricia Clerc Jackson ‘61<br />
<strong>St</strong>ephen and Begona Landry<br />
Owen and Karen Seiler<br />
Dan and Elaine Simmons<br />
Ann Hebert Wolf ‘46<br />
62 D O V E W I N G S
A Gift that Gives Back<br />
How would you like to have a steady,<br />
dependable flow <strong>of</strong> income for the rest<br />
<strong>of</strong> your life? And at the same time,<br />
make a significant gift to SSA?<br />
Impossible? Not at all. This year, we<br />
received our first gift annuity a few<br />
months ago from a couple that “want<br />
to help ensure the future <strong>of</strong> <strong>St</strong>.<br />
<strong>Scholastica</strong> Academy.”<br />
The specifics in this example are<br />
just that - an example. The couple<br />
wishes to remain anonymous and this<br />
illustration does not reflect the<br />
specifics <strong>of</strong> their gift, but it does<br />
reflect their actual sentiments shared<br />
with members <strong>of</strong> the advancement<br />
staff.<br />
Here’s an example <strong>of</strong> how a charitable<br />
gift annuity might work. Mr. and<br />
Mrs. Benefactor contribute $20,000 to<br />
SSA in exchange for a charitable gift<br />
annuity. Because <strong>of</strong> their ages, the gift<br />
annuity pays an annual rate <strong>of</strong> 5.3%.<br />
Consequently, they receive a charitable<br />
deduction <strong>of</strong> $6,864 in the year <strong>of</strong> their<br />
gift and $1,060 for the rest <strong>of</strong> their<br />
lives.<br />
This payment is not based on the<br />
economic conditions <strong>of</strong> Wall <strong>St</strong>reet,<br />
nor is it dependent on any other<br />
variable. It is a locked-in annual<br />
payment, secured by the assets <strong>of</strong><br />
The Catholic Foundation <strong>of</strong> the<br />
Archdiocese <strong>of</strong> New Orleans.<br />
The Catholic Foundation keeps the<br />
$20,000 in a special fund until both<br />
Mr. and Mrs. Benefactor are gone.<br />
Then, the remainder <strong>of</strong> the funds are<br />
disbursed to the SSA Endowment<br />
Fund and used according to the wishes<br />
<strong>of</strong> the Benefactors to help carry out the<br />
mission <strong>of</strong> SSA.<br />
Mrs. Benefactor recently shared, “SSA<br />
is a special place, and for all the years<br />
I have been associated with the<br />
School, I believe it has been God’s<br />
will. I have seen how the alumnae give<br />
back to our community and I want<br />
their contribution and input to<br />
continue. I want to help ensure SSA is<br />
here for future generations.”<br />
“The gift was easy to complete. I<br />
worked directly with Elaine Simmons,<br />
our Advancement Director. We set<br />
up direct deposit for our quarterly<br />
payments - the whole process was<br />
very, very easy.”<br />
After the gift was completed, Mrs.<br />
Benefactor was asked how she felt<br />
about the gift and shared, “I feel like<br />
I am completing a mission. My<br />
husband supported my decision 100%<br />
and so the gift is from both <strong>of</strong> us. <strong>Our</strong><br />
gift to SSA was the impetus for<br />
discussions about our philanthropy<br />
and what it means to us. My husband<br />
is now interested in supporting<br />
another Catholic ministry as well, that<br />
is close to his heart.”<br />
Imagine making a gift and receiving<br />
payments for life. It seems too good to<br />
be true. But there are many thousands<br />
<strong>of</strong> donors across the country who have<br />
discovered that such a wonderful<br />
gift-vehicle actually does exist -<br />
whether it benefits SSA or another<br />
qualified charitable organization.<br />
To learn how a charitable gift annuity<br />
will work for you, please complete<br />
the envelope provided and mail.<br />
Please include your birth date<br />
and/or your spouse’s birth date (if<br />
applicable). Elaine Simmons, will<br />
send you complimentary information,<br />
including a personalized and<br />
confidential gift annuity illustration -<br />
with no obligation.<br />
It pays to invest in<br />
<strong>St</strong>. <strong>Scholastica</strong> Academy<br />
Invest in Your Future.<br />
Invest in <strong>Our</strong> Future.<br />
Through a Charitable<br />
Gift Annuity<br />
For a minimum gift <strong>of</strong> $10,000, a charitable<br />
gift annuity will provide you with:<br />
• Fixed payments for life, paid annually,<br />
semiannually, or quarterly<br />
• Appealing payments - A guaranteed return<br />
<strong>of</strong>ten greater than current money market<br />
rates or certificates <strong>of</strong> deposit<br />
(For example, a donor at age 75 earns 7.10%)<br />
• An immediate charitable income tax<br />
deduction<br />
• Partial tax-free payments for your life<br />
expectancy<br />
• Reduced capital gains taxes if your gift is<br />
funded with appreciated securities<br />
• The opportunity to support the Catholic<br />
educational leadership <strong>of</strong> young women<br />
• Recognition in the <strong>Scholastica</strong> Legacy<br />
Society<br />
The Advancement Office will send you a<br />
personalized financial analysis (with no<br />
obligation) that shows you how a charitable<br />
gift annuity can benefit both you and SSA.<br />
Please contact:<br />
Elaine Simmons, Director <strong>of</strong> Advancement<br />
(985) 892-2540 x132<br />
or email:<br />
All inquiries are confidential.<br />
Chairman <strong>of</strong><br />
The <strong>Scholastica</strong><br />
Legacy Society –<br />
Jeanne Livaudais<br />
Daigle ’57 and<br />
SSA Advancement<br />
Director – Elaine<br />
Simmons.<br />
The <strong>Scholastica</strong> Legacy Society Charter members: SSA teacher Bill Gallop,<br />
Carolyn A. Chassee ’76, Karen and Larry Bucksbarg.<br />
D O V E W I N G S 63
Calendar<br />
2 0 0 7<br />
March 11, 2007<br />
March 16, 2007<br />
March 24, 2007<br />
FALAYA FLING 2007<br />
March 29, 2007<br />
May 2, 2007<br />
May 3, 2007<br />
May 18, 2007<br />
May 19, 2007<br />
U.S. POSTAGE<br />
PAID<br />
COVINGTON, LA 70434<br />
PERMIT NO. 34<br />
March 31, 2007<br />
April 21, 2007<br />
April 23, 2007<br />
P.O. BOX 1210<br />
COVINGTON, LA 70434-1210<br />
August 18, 2007<br />
Class <strong>of</strong> 1997<br />
September 22, 2007<br />