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OshwalNewsI - Oshwal Centre

OshwalNewsI - Oshwal Centre


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E. C REPORTS ...<br />

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<strong>Oshwal</strong> <strong>Centre</strong>, Northaw<br />

Assembly Halls Toilets<br />

On behalf of the Property Management Committee, we would like to apologise to all our members for<br />

the offensive smells recently witnessed, emanating from our Assembly Halls toilets. The cause of this<br />

has been due to blockages in our drainage system and a breakdown of the toilet ventilation / extraction<br />

system. The Committee has tried unblocking and cleaning out the drains, each time there has been an<br />

improvement, but the problem quickly recurs.<br />

After critically looking at our toilets and having had discussions with various contractors, it was<br />

concluded that we needed to completely refurbish the existing toilets, with improved drainage and a<br />

completely new ventilation system to comply with current legislation.<br />

We are sure that you can appreciate that such a major refurbishment programme could not be started<br />

during our busy spell. Having now carried out a complete study of the problem, we are pleased to<br />

advise you that the works are due to commence in early December and will last for approximately 3<br />

months.<br />

For the duration of these works, we will be making alternative arrangements which may involve using<br />

Porta-Loos and the facilities in <strong>Oshwal</strong> House. Appropriate signs will be placed around the halls. We<br />

realise that there may be some inconvenience and would ask that you bear with us. Please pass this<br />

message to all the elderly of your household.<br />

Thank you for your co-operation and understanding.<br />

Property Management Sub-Committee<br />

22<br />

<strong>Oshwal</strong> News - Winter 2006 & New Year’s Issue<br />


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