Summer 2012 Issue - De La Salle Institute

Summer 2012 Issue - De La Salle Institute

Summer 2012 Issue - De La Salle Institute


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METEOR<br />

SPORTS<br />

UPDATE!<br />

(See p.18)<br />

magazine<br />

A publication for alumni and<br />

friends of <strong>De</strong> <strong>La</strong> <strong>Salle</strong> <strong>Institute</strong><br />

Congratulations<br />

CLASS OF <strong>2012</strong><br />

Meteors attending America's best colleges and universities<br />

<strong>Summer</strong> <strong>2012</strong>

<strong>De</strong> <strong>La</strong> <strong>Salle</strong> Magazine<br />

<strong>Summer</strong> <strong>2012</strong><br />

Editor<br />

Michael K. Walsh<br />

Photography<br />

Root Studios<br />

Jaclin Szafraniec<br />

Michael K. Walsh<br />

Contributing Authors<br />

Iris Gist Cochran<br />

Margaret Grabowski ‘06<br />

Margaret McEldowney<br />

Michael K. Walsh<br />

<strong>De</strong>signer<br />

<strong>De</strong>sign BIG Dreams<br />

Printer<br />

Andrews Printing<br />

<strong>De</strong> <strong>La</strong> <strong>Salle</strong> Magazine is published<br />

three times a year by <strong>De</strong> <strong>La</strong> <strong>Salle</strong><br />

<strong>Institute</strong>’s Office for Advancement.<br />

The purpose of this publication<br />

is to unite the Christian Brothers,<br />

alumni, students, parents, faculty,<br />

staff and friends together in <strong>De</strong><br />

<strong>La</strong> <strong>Salle</strong>’s mission of excellence<br />

in education. All submissions or<br />

comments should be directed to<br />

dmagazine@dls.org.<br />

To receive this magazine<br />

electronically, please send an email<br />

to dmagazine@dls.org.<br />

Lions and tigers and bears, oh my!<br />

In case you are wondering why I referenced the classic movie, “The Wizard of Oz”, in the opening paragraph of my<br />

letter, it’s because of the excitement that the <strong>De</strong> <strong>La</strong> <strong>Salle</strong> community is experiencing in terms of the excellence provided<br />

by the 118 young women and 140 young men comprising our Class of <strong>2012</strong>.<br />

As is typically the case, our graduates will be attending some of the top colleges and universities across the country. In<br />

terms of scholarship dollars earned, the Meteors of the Class of <strong>2012</strong> have the potential to earn $15.2 million over the<br />

next four years.<br />

Next fall, we will have a Lion in our midst, as one of our students from the Lourdes Hall Campus for Young Women<br />

has earned a scholarship that figures to be worth $250,000 over the next four years to attend Columbia University, a<br />

prestigious Ivy League institution in New York City.<br />

And we will have a Tiger among us, as eight <strong>De</strong> <strong>La</strong> <strong>Salle</strong> students were accepted at the University of Missouri in<br />

Columbia and one of them will attend that particular bastion of higher learning known for its journalistic distinction<br />

among other fields of academics.<br />

Let’s not forget the Bear, as another student from the Lourdes Hall Campus has earned a scholarship to Morgan State<br />

University in Baltimore, an institution known for academic excellence in the African-American community.<br />

Along with those students, we will also have Blue <strong>De</strong>mons (<strong>De</strong>Paul), Fighting Illini (University of Illinois at Urbana-<br />

Champaign), Scarlet Hawks (Illinois <strong>Institute</strong> of Technology), Badgers (University of Wisconsin), Titans (Illinois<br />

Wesleyan University) and Wolverines (University of Michigan) to name but a handful of the outstanding colleges and<br />

universities at which our Meteors will study in the fall.<br />

In addition, we also have three students who were chosen Evans Scholars and will be attending college on full<br />

scholarships, thanks to the immense generosity of our friends at the Chick Evans Foundation. Our Evans Scholars, who<br />

will be attending Wisconsin, Illinois and Northern Illinois, have earned scholarships totaling $376,000 over four years.<br />

If that weren’t impressive enough, we also have a Golden Apple Scholar, who will be attending the University of Illinois<br />

at Urbana-Champaign with the goal of becoming a teacher and someday coming back to <strong>De</strong> <strong>La</strong> <strong>Salle</strong>. His scholarship<br />

will be worth $28,000 over four years.<br />

With the 2011-12 school year having recently drawn to a close, <strong>De</strong> <strong>La</strong> <strong>Salle</strong><br />

would like to thank everyone who helps to make our school a place where<br />

great futures do indeed begin. As a result of the munificence of our alumni and<br />

our donors, <strong>De</strong> <strong>La</strong> <strong>Salle</strong> continues to provide an excellent college preparatory<br />

education to the young women and men who aspire to high levels of success.<br />

May you and yours have a wonderfully relaxing and safe summer as we look<br />

forward to the beginning of the <strong>2012</strong>-13 school year and celebrating the 10th<br />

anniversary of the opening of our Lourdes Hall Campus for Young Women.<br />

Thank you for all of your support and interest in <strong>De</strong> <strong>La</strong> <strong>Salle</strong>!<br />

St. John Baptist de <strong>La</strong> <strong>Salle</strong>, Pray for Us!<br />

Our <strong>La</strong>dy of Lourdes, Pray for Us!<br />

Live Jesus in Our Hearts, Forever!<br />

Rev. Paul E. Novak, OSM<br />

President<br />

<strong>De</strong> <strong>La</strong> <strong>Salle</strong> President Father Paul Novak<br />


<strong>De</strong> <strong>La</strong> <strong>Salle</strong> <strong>Institute</strong> is an independent Catholic secondary school rooted in the tradition of Christian education<br />

begun by St. John Baptist de <strong>La</strong> <strong>Salle</strong>. Founded in 1889, its mission has been, and is, to foster a desire for excellence<br />

in education. Young people from a variety of ethnic and economic backgrounds are given the opportunity to fully<br />

develop their abilities so they may be active, contributing members of our complex, changing society.<br />


3455 SOUTH WABASH AVE • CHICAGO, IL 60616-3885<br />

P 312.842.7355 • F 312.842.4142<br />


1040 WEST 32ND PL • CHICAGO, IL 60608-6507<br />

P 773.650.6800 • F 773.650.9722<br />

www.dls.org<br />


3647 SOUTH STATE ST • CHICAGO, IL 60609-1951<br />

P 312.747.3471<br />


115 SOUTH PULASKI RD • CHICAGO, IL 60624-2823<br />

P 312.746.7744



Reflections from the Valedictorians and Salutatorian of the Class of <strong>2012</strong> 2-3<br />

Graduation Scrapbook 4-5<br />

Colleges and Universities the Class of <strong>2012</strong> Will Attend 6<br />

Seventeen Illinois State Scholars Honored 7<br />

Alyssa Sandoval ‘12 <strong>La</strong>uded by IHSA for Academic Achievement 7<br />

Meteor Band Program: Best Brass 7<br />

<strong>De</strong> <strong>La</strong> <strong>Salle</strong> Recieves AdvancED Accreditation 8<br />

DyKnow Software to be Used in Classrooms 8<br />

Alexis Ochoa ‘14 Sings Professionally With Lyric Opera 9<br />


Meteor Water Polo and Swimming Programs Enjoying Success 10-11<br />


Members of the Tolton Community <strong>La</strong>uded by Secretary of State 12-13<br />

Tolton Fundraiser: A Huge Success 13<br />


Important Dates for <strong>2012</strong>-13 School Year 14<br />

Parent Association Highlights 14<br />

Freshman Orientation Information 15<br />

<strong>Summer</strong> Camps Offered at <strong>De</strong> <strong>La</strong> <strong>Salle</strong> 15<br />

Sweet Home Chicago 16<br />

Sr. Rosie Morowczynski Enshrined into GCAC Hall of Fame 17<br />

Lourdes Hall Campus 10th Anniversary 17<br />

Alumni Career Day 17<br />


James Buss ‘12 Wins State Championship in Wrestling 18<br />

Winter Sports Recap 18<br />

Spring Sports Update 19<br />

Meteors Honored by IHSA for Academic Excellence 20<br />

Colleges & Universities Where Members of the 20<br />

Class of <strong>2012</strong> Will Play<br />


Daniel F. and Ada L. Rice Foundation 21<br />

<strong>De</strong> <strong>La</strong> <strong>Salle</strong> “Miles for Meteors” Program for the Chicago Marathon 21<br />

Fifth Annual Great Futures Gala Recap and Photos 22-23<br />

Honor Key Nomination Form 24<br />

<strong>De</strong> <strong>La</strong> <strong>Salle</strong> Fall <strong>2012</strong> Wish List 24<br />

Planned Giving: Continuing Your Legacy 24<br />

<strong>De</strong> <strong>La</strong> <strong>Salle</strong> and Lourdes <strong>De</strong>ceased List 25<br />

<strong>De</strong> <strong>La</strong> <strong>Salle</strong> and Lourdes Alumni Updates 25-27<br />

D-Final Event Recap 28<br />

Phonathon Thank You 28<br />

Meet <strong>De</strong> <strong>La</strong> <strong>Salle</strong> Alum Ernest Monaco, DDS '85 29<br />

<strong>De</strong> <strong>La</strong> <strong>Salle</strong> <strong>Institute</strong><br />

Board of Directors<br />

2011–<strong>2012</strong><br />

Chairman<br />

Mr. Paul D. McCoy ‘68<br />

Vice Chairman<br />

Mr. Prentiss J. Jackson ‘67<br />

Members<br />

Mr. William S. Aldrich<br />

Mr. Marshall A. Blake<br />

Mr. George A. Bonomo ‘59<br />

Ms. Mary L. Burke<br />

Mr. Victor M. Chavarria ‘69<br />

Mr. Eugene L. Ferretti<br />

Mr. Michael J. Glennon ‘84<br />

Dr. Robert O. Graham ‘64<br />

Honorable Patrick M. Huels ‘67<br />

Sister Mary Alice Jarosz, SSJ-TOSF<br />

Brother Michael Kadow, FSC<br />

Sister Valerie Kulbacki, SSJ-TOSF<br />

Mr. <strong>La</strong> Rue Martin, Jr. ‘68<br />

Mr. Joseph D. Parente ‘84<br />

Mr. Michael J. Passarelli ‘90<br />

Mr. Thomas J. Sargant ‘62<br />

Mr. Michael A. Tadin ‘69<br />

Mrs. Cathryn P. Taylor<br />

Mr. Thomas L. Taylor<br />

Mr. James A. Vanek ‘64<br />

President’s Council<br />

Honorable William J. Aukstik ‘64<br />

Mr. Michael G. Bansley ‘53<br />

Mr. Michael F. Hickey ‘56<br />

Mr. James R. Woodrow ‘53<br />

Extollo Educational<br />

Foundation<br />

Board of Directors<br />

President<br />

Brother Michael Quirk, FSC EdD<br />

Vice President<br />

Mr. Michael F. Hickey ‘56<br />

Secretary/Treasurer<br />

Mr. Joseph J. Hartnett ‘73<br />

<strong>De</strong> <strong>La</strong> <strong>Salle</strong> Magazine 1

IN THE<br />


Valedictorian Reflections<br />


The co-valedictorian for <strong>De</strong> <strong>La</strong> <strong>Salle</strong>’s Class of <strong>2012</strong> at the<br />

<strong>Institute</strong> Campus for Young Men, Robert Popp attended St.<br />

Gabriel Grammar School and also is from St. Gabriel Parish.<br />

Popp, who concluded his academic career at <strong>De</strong> <strong>La</strong> <strong>Salle</strong> with<br />

a 4.957 grade-point average in the Honors Program, will attend<br />

the University of Dayton in the fall.<br />

Here is Popp’s reflection as to what being the co-valedictorian of the<br />

Class of <strong>2012</strong> at the <strong>Institute</strong> Campus means to him:<br />

Looking back at my years at <strong>De</strong> <strong>La</strong> <strong>Salle</strong>, I have nothing but great<br />

memories. From just the normal days in the classroom, to the trip<br />

I took with my history class to the battlefields of the Civil War,<br />

every day at ‘D’ was a blessing.<br />

When I was younger, the choice of what high school to attend was<br />

apparent to me. Every man in my family, from my grandparents<br />

to my brothers, had been through the halls of ‘D’ and it was<br />

tradition for me to follow. Now that my time is up at the <strong>Institute</strong>,<br />

I am glad the choice had been made for me.<br />

The experiences I had at ‘D’ and the lifelong friends I have made<br />

would have not been possible at any other high school in Chicago.<br />

That is because ‘D’ has its own unique<br />

atmosphere, where grades come first, and<br />

after that is settled, the community comes<br />

to life.<br />

Whether it would be through sports,<br />

drama, student government, or any club<br />

you can imagine, after-school activities<br />

at ‘D’ make you participate in things you<br />

would normally not. This led to me finding new hobbies such as<br />

bowling and volleyball and meeting even more people.<br />

All in all, my experience at ‘D’ made me want to find that same<br />

type of community and uniqueness in a college, and that is why<br />

this fall, I will be attending the University of Dayton, where I will<br />

major in pre-medicine.<br />

Like ‘D’, Dayton is extraordinary when it comes to community<br />

and school spirit. The academics are well-founded and Dayton’s<br />

student body is vibrant. Yet because of my experiences at D, I<br />

know it will be nothing I cannot handle, and I know my choices<br />

will lead me down the right path.<br />

The co-valedictorian for <strong>De</strong> <strong>La</strong> <strong>Salle</strong>’s<br />

Class of <strong>2012</strong> at the <strong>Institute</strong> Campus<br />

for Young Men, Andrew Macias attended<br />

St. Barbara’s Elementary School and is<br />

also from St. Barbara’s Parish. Macias<br />

concluded his academic career at<br />

<strong>De</strong> <strong>La</strong> <strong>Salle</strong> with a 4.957 grade-point<br />

average in the Honors Program. Macias<br />

will attend Lewis University in Romeoville,<br />

IL in the fall.<br />

Here is Macias’ reflection as to what being the co-valedictorian of<br />

the Class of <strong>2012</strong> at the <strong>Institute</strong> Campus means to him:<br />

At the time, choosing to attend <strong>De</strong> <strong>La</strong> <strong>Salle</strong> did not seem like<br />

a momentous decision. My sister went to <strong>De</strong> <strong>La</strong> <strong>Salle</strong> and it<br />

seemed logical that I would also attend.<br />

Looking back, I now realize what a tremendous impact attending<br />

<strong>De</strong> <strong>La</strong> <strong>Salle</strong> has had on my life.<br />

I am grateful to <strong>De</strong> <strong>La</strong> <strong>Salle</strong> for the education I received. The<br />

curriculum was challenging; however, the teachers are excellent<br />

and willing to help students understand. Because of the<br />

education I have received, I feel prepared for the challenges that<br />

await me in college.<br />

Aside from this, I am also grateful for all the other lessons I<br />

will take away from <strong>De</strong> <strong>La</strong> <strong>Salle</strong>. <strong>La</strong>stly, I am very grateful for<br />

all the teachers I encountered and all the friendships I formed<br />

at <strong>De</strong> <strong>La</strong> <strong>Salle</strong>.<br />

I feel like my experiences at <strong>De</strong> <strong>La</strong> <strong>Salle</strong> have thoroughly<br />

prepared me for the next segment of my life as I will attend<br />

Lewis University. A determining factor in attending Lewis was<br />

that like <strong>De</strong> <strong>La</strong> <strong>Salle</strong>, it is a <strong>La</strong>sallian school. The education<br />

and lessons I have learned at <strong>De</strong> <strong>La</strong> <strong>Salle</strong> have inspired me to<br />

pursue a career in medicine. Having attended a <strong>La</strong>sallian school<br />

for four years, I have truly come to appreciate the value of a<br />

<strong>La</strong>sallian education.<br />

2 Academics


Valedictorian & Salutatorian Reflections<br />


The valedictorian at the Lourdes Hall Campus for Young Women, <strong>La</strong>uren Rubio<br />

attended St. Jerome Grammar School and is also a parishioner at St. Jerome.<br />

Rubio graduated with a 4.891 grade-point average in the Honors Program at <strong>De</strong><br />

<strong>La</strong> <strong>Salle</strong>. She will attend Saint Xavier University in Chicago in the fall.<br />

Here is her reflection as to what being the valedictorian for the Class of <strong>2012</strong> at<br />

<strong>De</strong> <strong>La</strong> <strong>Salle</strong>’s Lourdes Hall Campus means to her:<br />

An unknown author once said, “Beginnings are scary, endings are usually sad;<br />

it’s what you do in between that counts the most.”<br />

As I ponder the meaning behind this quote, one place comes to mind: <strong>De</strong> <strong>La</strong> <strong>Salle</strong> <strong>Institute</strong>. I<br />

say this because <strong>De</strong> <strong>La</strong> <strong>Salle</strong> is the place where I have learned to grow, the place where I have<br />

gained a second family, and ultimately, the place where I have become aware of the person I was<br />

destined to be in life.<br />

As I plan for the future, attending Saint Xavier University in the fall in hopes of becoming a<br />

pediatric nurse, I hope to take all of the knowledge and wisdom I have gained at <strong>De</strong> <strong>La</strong> <strong>Salle</strong> and<br />

use it in my everyday endeavors.<br />

I will miss <strong>De</strong> <strong>La</strong> <strong>Salle</strong> a great deal – especially, the faces of those whom I have gotten so close<br />

to over these past several years – those whom I have grown to consider family. Wherever life<br />

takes me, I will forever be grateful for the teachers who have taught me everything I know today,<br />

as well as my fellow peers who have given me a level of confidence I know can never be taken<br />

away from me.<br />

Thank you, <strong>De</strong> <strong>La</strong> <strong>Salle</strong>, for giving me four years of wisdom, care, and love that will forever be<br />

implanted in my heart and mind.<br />

The salutatorian at the Lourdes Hall Campus for Young Women, <strong>La</strong>uren Dilger attended Kinzie<br />

Elementary School and is from St. Daniel the Prophet Parish. Dilger, who graduated with a 4.848<br />

grade-point average in the Honors Program at <strong>De</strong> <strong>La</strong> <strong>Salle</strong>, will attend Grand Valley State University<br />

in Allendale, MI in the fall.<br />

Here is her reflection on what being the salutatorian for the Class of <strong>2012</strong> at <strong>De</strong> <strong>La</strong> <strong>Salle</strong>’s Lourdes<br />

Hall Campus means to her:<br />

It is said that time flies when you are having fun, but I never expected that graduation would come so<br />

fast. The past four years at <strong>De</strong> <strong>La</strong> <strong>Salle</strong> have meant more to me than I ever could have expected. They<br />

were filled with many memories, friends, and experiences.<br />

<strong>De</strong> <strong>La</strong> <strong>Salle</strong> has given me more than a great education. It has taught me to challenge myself. I was<br />

always pushed to do beyond my best because my teachers saw potential. The challenges I have faced have made me a<br />

stronger person in all aspects. I have made great friends with whom to face these challenges. <strong>De</strong> <strong>La</strong> <strong>Salle</strong> has given me<br />

a second home and family over the past four years.<br />

<strong>De</strong> <strong>La</strong> <strong>Salle</strong> taught me that I can achieve the dreams I have – no matter how outrageous they are. I will be attending<br />

Grand Valley State University in the fall. I plan to obtain a dual degree in Finance and Human Resource Management.<br />

Taking the skills I learned from <strong>De</strong> <strong>La</strong> <strong>Salle</strong> and Grand Valley State University, I hope to end up working within the<br />

National Hockey League’s business department.<br />

It is sad to see the time spent at <strong>De</strong> <strong>La</strong> <strong>Salle</strong> come to an end, but I know that the future is just beginning. I am happy to<br />

say that I am forever a Meteor.<br />

Academics 3

1. 2.<br />

3.<br />

4. 5.<br />

1. Breandan Rook ‘12 is a happy man after<br />

receiving his diploma<br />

2. Sean Harling ‘12, <strong>La</strong>mar Houston ‘12, William<br />

Izzo ‘12 and Joseph Jackowiak ‘12 share a<br />

bonding moment before the ceremony<br />

3. Co-valedictorian Andrew Macias ‘12 delivers<br />

his well-written address<br />

4. Co-valedictorian Robert Popp ‘12 thanks his<br />

parents, family and teachers for their support<br />

6. 7.<br />

5. Vicente Solis ‘12 and Jeremy O’Brien ‘12<br />

distribute the Eucharist during Mass<br />

6. Jordan Carter ‘12 is officially a proud alumnus<br />

of <strong>De</strong> <strong>La</strong> <strong>Salle</strong><br />

7. Jorel Holmes ‘12 is another successful Meteor<br />

graduate<br />

8. Casey Brandtonies ‘12 joins his mother,<br />

Peggy L’83, father, <strong>La</strong>rry ’80, and <strong>De</strong> <strong>La</strong> <strong>Salle</strong><br />

<strong>Institute</strong> Campus Principal James Krygier in the<br />

sanctuary at Holy Name Cathedral<br />

4 Academics<br />

4 Campus Scrapbook<br />



2.<br />

3.<br />

1.<br />

4.<br />

5.<br />

8.<br />

6.<br />

1. Katie O'Leary ‘12 was the winner of the St. John Baptist de <strong>La</strong> <strong>Salle</strong> Award for the young women.<br />

2. Adriana Garcia ‘12 is all smiles as she awaits the commencement ceremony<br />

3. Yamari Gonzalez ‘12 shares a moment with <strong>De</strong>an of Social Sciences John Brogan<br />

4. Katie O’Leary ‘12, Melissa Guzman ‘12, <strong>De</strong> <strong>La</strong> <strong>Salle</strong> faculty member Bob Klebes, Jessica<br />

Arriaga ‘12, <strong>La</strong>uren Dilger ‘12 and Anel Gonzalez-Ruiz ‘12 gather for a photo<br />

5. Julie Galvin ‘12 and her mom, Janet Galvin ‘L81<br />

6. JaVonna Smith ‘12 gets a hug from her proud dad, John Smith ‘94<br />

7. Valedictorian <strong>La</strong>uren Rubio ‘12 is all smiles as she prepares for her address<br />

7.<br />

8. Olivia Estrada ‘12 receives her diploma from Lourdes Hall Campus Principal Diane Brown<br />

Campus Academics Scrapbook 5


Colleges & Universities the Class of <strong>2012</strong> Will Attend<br />

Proving that their <strong>De</strong> <strong>La</strong> <strong>Salle</strong> education has indeed prepared them well for their great futures, the members of the Class of<br />

<strong>2012</strong> will attend 83 colleges and universities across the country beginning this fall. And in doing so, the Meteors will put to use<br />

scholarships of approximately $15.2 million.<br />

<strong>De</strong> <strong>La</strong> <strong>Salle</strong> congratulates all of the young women and young men representing the Class of <strong>2012</strong> and wishes them great success in<br />

their chosen fields.<br />

Alabama State University<br />

Alcorn State University<br />

Augustana College (IL)<br />

Carthage College<br />

Clark Atlanta University<br />

Coe College<br />

Columbia University<br />

<strong>De</strong>Paul University<br />

Goshen College (IN)<br />

Howard University<br />

Illinois <strong>Institute</strong> of Technology<br />

Illinois State University<br />

Illinois Wesleyan University<br />

Lewis University<br />

Loras College<br />

Louisiana State University<br />

Loyola University Chicago<br />

Marquette University<br />

Michigan State University<br />

Morehouse College<br />

Quincy University (IL)<br />

Saint Mary’s College (IN)<br />

Saint Mary’s University of Minnesota<br />

St. Norbert College<br />

School of the Art <strong>Institute</strong> of Chicago<br />

Southern Illinois University – Carbondale<br />

Southern Illinois University – Edwardsville<br />

Tennessee State University<br />

The Illinois <strong>Institute</strong> of Art<br />

University of Dayton<br />

University of Dubuque<br />

University of Illinois at Chicago<br />

University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign<br />

University of Iowa<br />

University of Michigan<br />

University of Missouri – Columbia<br />

University of St. Francis (IL)<br />

University of Wisconsin – Madison<br />

University of Wisconsin – Milwaukee<br />

A sample of the colleges and universities<br />

in which the Class of <strong>2012</strong> has enrolled:<br />

6 Academics



Since 2001, <strong>De</strong> <strong>La</strong> <strong>Salle</strong> <strong>Institute</strong> has had 174 students<br />

attain the prestigious accolade of being named Illinois<br />

State Scholars.<br />

During the 2011-12 school year, nine students from the<br />

<strong>Institute</strong> Campus for Young Men and eight students from<br />

the Lourdes Hall Campus for Young Women were lauded<br />

for their excellence in the classroom.<br />

“This is a tremendous honor for the students of <strong>De</strong> <strong>La</strong><br />

<strong>Salle</strong>,” <strong>De</strong> <strong>La</strong> <strong>Salle</strong> President Fr. Paul Novak, OSM said.<br />

“Our students and faculty place a great deal of emphasis on<br />

academic success. These students have worked very hard<br />

and ought to be very proud of this accomplishment.”<br />

Alyssa Sandoval ‘12<br />


Lourdes Hall Campus Illinois State Scholars<br />

Front Row: Connie Liu ‘12, Melissa Guzman ‘12, <strong>La</strong>uren<br />

Rubio ‘12, Kristin Joyce ‘12, Caterina Hernandez ‘12<br />

Back Row: Madison Rhymes ‘12, Jessica Arriaga ‘12,<br />

<strong>De</strong> <strong>La</strong> <strong>Salle</strong>-Lourdes Hall Campus for Young Women<br />

Principal Diane Brown, <strong>La</strong>uren Dilger ‘12<br />

<strong>Institute</strong> Campus Illinois State Scholars<br />

Front Row: Norberto Ramos ‘12, Andrew Macias ‘12,<br />

Adam Nauseda ‘12<br />

Back Row: Jared Philp ‘12, Nick Klupchak ‘12,<br />

Robert Popp ‘12, Adam Klupchak ‘12, Joseph Jackowiak ‘12,<br />

John Ramirez ‘12<br />

<strong>De</strong> <strong>La</strong> <strong>Salle</strong> proudly announces that Alyssa Sandoval ‘12 was named to the Illinois High<br />

School Association’s Honorable Mention All-State Academic Team for the 2011-12 school<br />

year.<br />

Nearly 450 students were nominated from across the state of Illinois and Sandoval was one<br />

of 50 students selected by the evaluation committee for Honorable Mention recognition.<br />

Sandoval graduated with a 4.228 grade-point average and was No. 18 in the 118-member<br />

Class of <strong>2012</strong> at <strong>De</strong> <strong>La</strong> <strong>Salle</strong>’s Lourdes Hall Campus for Young Women.<br />

In addition to excelling in the classroom, Sandoval also was a member of the cross country and soccer teams, peer<br />

ministry program and Spanish Club.<br />

Congratulations, Alyssa!<br />

Best Brass<br />

In the last few months, <strong>De</strong> <strong>La</strong> <strong>Salle</strong>’s band has received well-earned recognition for its overall excellence.<br />

Nine Meteors participated in the All-Catholic Honor Band Festival held at the VanderCook College of Music in<br />

Chicago. Representing <strong>De</strong> <strong>La</strong> <strong>Salle</strong> were Romero Board ‘12; Damone Coachman ‘14; Michael Fuchs ‘13; Jaymore<br />

Hicks ‘12; Vanessa Melero ‘13; Adam Nauseda ‘12; Quentin Patten ‘13; Isaac Pizana ‘13 and Aaron Shariq ‘13.<br />

<strong>De</strong> <strong>La</strong> <strong>Salle</strong> also participated in the State of the Art Competition at St. Viator<br />

High School in Arlington Heights, IL. The State of the Art Competition is<br />

an annual event for Catholic high school concert bands.<br />

Of the 20 schools competing, <strong>De</strong> <strong>La</strong> <strong>Salle</strong> finished third in Class A, which<br />

marks its first third-place finish in 12 years. In addition to receiving an<br />

award in that particular category, <strong>De</strong> <strong>La</strong> <strong>Salle</strong> also won “Best Brass” for<br />

the initial time in the 32-year history of the State of the Art Competition.<br />

The Meteors wrapped up the State of the Art Competition by garnering<br />

an “Excellent” certification for scoring over 80 points. The Meteor band<br />

is directed by faculty member <strong>La</strong>rry Pawlowski.<br />

Congratulations, Mr. Pawlowski and the Meteor band!<br />

Academics 7

AdvancedED accreditation:<br />

"Highly Functional"<br />

On February 6, a team from the AdvancED accreditation<br />

service visited <strong>De</strong> <strong>La</strong> <strong>Salle</strong> <strong>Institute</strong>. During the daylong<br />

process, the Quality Assurance Review (QAR) team was<br />

given a school overview, toured the classrooms at both the<br />

Lourdes Hall Campus for Young Women and the <strong>Institute</strong><br />

Campus for Young Men and interviewed members of the <strong>De</strong><br />

<strong>La</strong> <strong>Salle</strong> faculty and leadership team, as well as community<br />

stakeholders and students.<br />

Accreditation is a voluntary method of quality assurance<br />

developed more than 100 years ago by American<br />

universities and secondary schools, and designed primarily<br />

to distinguish schools adhering to a set of educational<br />

standards. The accreditation process is also known in<br />

terms of its ability to effectively drive student performance<br />

and continuous improvement in education.<br />

While accreditation is a set of rigorous protocols and<br />

research-based processes for evaluating an institution’s<br />

organizational effectiveness, it is far more than that.<br />

Today, accreditation examines the whole institution—<br />

the programs, the cultural context, the community of<br />

stakeholders—to determine how well the parts work<br />

together to meet the needs of students.<br />

During its assessment, the QAR team is asked to determine<br />

the level of accreditations, find commendations for the<br />

school, and provide required actions for improvements,<br />

which schools have two years to fulfill.<br />

Upon concluding its assessment of <strong>De</strong> <strong>La</strong> <strong>Salle</strong>, the<br />

QAR team determined that the historic secondary school<br />

had achieved the top rating – Highly Functional – in the<br />

standards of Vision and Purpose, Documenting and Using<br />

Results and Commitment to Continuous Improvement.<br />

<strong>De</strong> <strong>La</strong> <strong>Salle</strong> received the second-highest rating of<br />

Operational in the remaining four standards of Governance<br />

and Leadership, Teaching and Learning, Resources and<br />

Support Systems and Stakeholder Communication and<br />

Relationships.<br />

The accreditation is valid for a period of five years. <strong>De</strong> <strong>La</strong><br />

<strong>Salle</strong> has been accredited since 1923.<br />

“On behalf of everyone at <strong>De</strong> <strong>La</strong> <strong>Salle</strong>, I would like to thank<br />

those involved with AdvancED for visiting our school and<br />

providing their valuable input and insight,” <strong>De</strong> <strong>La</strong> <strong>Salle</strong><br />

president Fr. Paul Novak, OSM said. “Doing as well as we<br />

did is a credit to the faculty, staff, students, administration<br />

and stakeholders of <strong>De</strong> <strong>La</strong> <strong>Salle</strong>.<br />

“We feel very confident in our providing a high-quality<br />

college preparatory education to the young women and<br />

young men who are enrolled at our school. The findings<br />

of the QAR team validate our belief in the excellence and<br />

strength of <strong>De</strong> <strong>La</strong> <strong>Salle</strong> and also indicate to us what we must<br />

do to make our school even stronger in the years ahead.”<br />

$25,000 GRANT PROVIDES<br />

New DyKnow Software<br />

In February <strong>2012</strong>, <strong>De</strong> <strong>La</strong> <strong>Salle</strong> was notified that it will receive a<br />

federal grant to obtain DyKnow software for its faculty members on<br />

both the <strong>Institute</strong> and Lourdes Hall Campuses.<br />

The DyKnow Monitor Project is a software tool and professional<br />

development training program that aims to protect instructional<br />

time in order to support student learning by empowering teachers<br />

to prevent student non-curricular computer use. When the software<br />

is installed on teachers’ Tablet PCs and professional development<br />

training is provided on how to use the software to enhance<br />

instructional strategies and classroom management, teachers will<br />

have the capabilities that guarantee that the instructional climate of the<br />

classroom has improved from a classroom management standpoint.<br />

This capability will increase student and teacher interaction during<br />

coursework and also will enhance teaching and thus have a positive<br />

impact on student achievement.<br />

Associate Principal, Dr. Jorge Peña, used the software in his<br />

Advanced Placement American Politics class during the spring of<br />

<strong>2012</strong>. Thanks to a variety of means, he was able to safeguard his<br />

students from inappropriate applications.<br />

“I was able to send a message with a discussion question to the<br />

students to determine whether or not they were on the network,” Peña<br />

said. “We also had quick polls with instant results, we used the chat<br />

feature to have the students give replies to discussion questions and<br />

sent questions in Word documents to the students. They completed<br />

them and send them back to you.<br />

“The implementation of the<br />

DyKnow Monitor Project will<br />

promote the active involvement<br />

of students in the learning<br />

process,” Peña said. “The<br />

professional development<br />

training will ensure that all<br />

student technology use supports<br />

the curricular and instructional<br />

program of the school.”<br />

8 Academics


Alexis Ochoa ‘14<br />


One of <strong>De</strong> <strong>La</strong> <strong>Salle</strong>’s sophomores<br />

from the Lourdes Hall Campus<br />

for Young Women continues to<br />

grace the stage at Lyric Opera<br />

House of Chicago.<br />

Alexis Ochoa ‘14, who performed<br />

in her first opera at age 9, trains<br />

in classical music and currently<br />

acts as a supernumerary for<br />

Lyric Opera.<br />

“In my first opera, I was part<br />

of the children’s chorus,” Ochoa said. “Today, I’m a<br />

supernumerary, which is basically like an actor or an extra.”<br />

Ochoa got involved with opera when she was in 4th grade<br />

and attended an opera camp at Sherwood Elementary School<br />

with some childhood friends.<br />

“The vocal teacher whom I worked with at the opera camp<br />

recommended that I audition for a part in the Children’s<br />

Chorus at the Lyric Opera House,” Ochoa said.<br />

After Ochoa sang “America the Beautiful” for her audition<br />

song, she got the good news.<br />

“I got accepted and participated in my first opera, ‘<strong>De</strong>r<br />

Rosenkavalier,’” Ochoa said.<br />

“<strong>De</strong>r Rosenkavalier” or “The Knight of the Rose” is an opera<br />

by Richard Strauss to an original German libretto by Hugo<br />

von Hofmannsthal. At one point in the opera, a group of<br />

children sings to the Baron Ochs, pleading to him, with one<br />

word, for acknowledgment.<br />

“<strong>De</strong>r Rosenkavalier” is an opera in three acts and is a lengthy<br />

production for a 9-year-old to participate.<br />

“I remember the show being over at 11 pm.” Ochoa said. “I<br />

got to go to school later in the morning, as long as I kept up<br />

with my work.”<br />

And so began Ochoa’s journey toward being a performer.<br />

“I love performing,” she said. “Even if I don’t end up<br />

pursuing a career in singing when I’m older, I’d definitely<br />

like to do something with the arts and around the stage.”<br />

Ochoa continues to try out for Lyric Opera performances and<br />

was a part of its productions of “The Marriage of Figaro”,<br />

“The Magic Flute”, and “Aida.”<br />

“My favorite opera would probably have to be the one I sang<br />

in, <strong>De</strong>r Rosenkavalier, because it was definitely the most<br />

exciting,” Ochoa said. “I feel like I played a bigger part in<br />

the opera.”<br />

Ochoa has played a big part in Gallery 37’s youth program,<br />

at After School Matters. Ochoa performed with Chicago<br />

Opera Theatre Teens at the Cultural Center and at the wake<br />

of Maggie Daley, who was the founder of the After School<br />

Matters program.<br />

With all of her time dedicated to performing at Lyric Opera<br />

and continuing with voice lessons to maintain her beautiful<br />

soprano voice, Ochoa also excels inside of the classroom at<br />

<strong>De</strong> <strong>La</strong> <strong>Salle</strong>.<br />

Ochoa is ranked No. 17 out of 111 students in the Class of<br />

2014 at the Lourdes Hall Campus with a 4.0 grade-point<br />

average. Next year, she will be inducted into the French<br />

National Honor Society and also will become a peer minister.<br />

<strong>De</strong> <strong>La</strong> <strong>Salle</strong> – Lourdes Hall Campus student Alexis Ochoa ‘14 in full<br />

makeup for a role in ”Aida” with the Chicago Lyric Opera<br />

s<br />

Academics 9

s<br />

<strong>De</strong> <strong>La</strong> <strong>Salle</strong> Aquatics:<br />


Name a sport in the <strong>De</strong> <strong>La</strong> <strong>Salle</strong> boys<br />

athletic program and you have no trouble<br />

finding success stories both on the team and<br />

individual levels.<br />

Whether it’s baseball, basketball, football,<br />

soccer, wrestling or any of the other sports,<br />

‘Meteors Win!” is not only a rallying cry, it’s<br />

also a statement of truth.<br />

In the spring of <strong>2012</strong>, <strong>De</strong> <strong>La</strong> <strong>Salle</strong> was able<br />

to add another team to its list of winners: the<br />

boys water polo team. The Meteors were<br />

10-7 overall and recorded triumphs over<br />

programs such as St. Rita, Mount Carmel,<br />

St. Viator and <strong>La</strong>ne Tech. <strong>De</strong> <strong>La</strong> <strong>Salle</strong>’s<br />

season ended with a loss in the Illinois High<br />

School Association’s UIC Sectional after<br />

a victory over Whitney Young to begin the<br />

postseason.<br />

Under the direction of head coach Heriberto<br />

Garcia, the young men’s aquatics program<br />

at <strong>De</strong> <strong>La</strong> <strong>Salle</strong> has been in existence for four<br />

years with both the swimming and water<br />

polo teams.<br />

Garcia has been the head coach since the<br />

inception. Garcia also has coached for the<br />

Chicago Park District for the last 15 years.<br />

Omar Gomez ‘15 met Garcia when he began<br />

swimming in seventh grade in the Chicago<br />

Park District program.<br />

“I have learned everything from him,”<br />

Gomez said. “He was my coach when I<br />

started in seventh grade and will be in the<br />

years to come. He taught me how to play<br />

smart and use my head instead of the muscle.<br />

“Before I met Coach Garcia, I was already<br />

thinking of coming to ‘D’ and to me, it was<br />

a perk that came with being a Meteor which<br />

I’m very proud of.”<br />

While he was a competitive athlete, Garcia<br />

was a swimmer and water polo player at<br />

Queens College in New York for four years.<br />

Garcia also coached Queens College’s<br />

grade-school program for three years.<br />

Garcia brought his knowledge and love of<br />

swimming and water polo with him when he<br />

came to <strong>De</strong> <strong>La</strong> <strong>Salle</strong> and helped found the<br />

swimming and water polo initiatives.<br />

“During the first two years (of <strong>De</strong> <strong>La</strong> <strong>Salle</strong>’s<br />

program), people were like, ‘You have a<br />

program’” Garcia said. “Now, people are<br />

like, ‘We heard you have a program and you<br />

guys are competitive.’<br />

“We’ve received plenty of compliments from<br />

parents I know through the (Chicago) Park<br />

District. It’s nice to see this program come<br />

alive. It’s come a long way.”<br />

During the 2011-12 school year, there were<br />

22 young men in <strong>De</strong> <strong>La</strong> <strong>Salle</strong>’s swimming<br />

program and 16 in the water polo program<br />

with teams on both the junior-varsity and<br />

varsity levels.<br />

“The program has grown much stronger,”<br />

Garcia said. “It’s refreshing. The first year<br />

was a thrill to get one win and now four years<br />

later, it’s nice to talk about our potential to go<br />

downstate.”<br />

Helping make that jump much easier is the<br />

depth and variety of the talent pool – pun<br />

fully intended – from which Garcia is able<br />

to draw student-athletes who would like to<br />

attend and swim for <strong>De</strong> <strong>La</strong> <strong>Salle</strong>.<br />

The experience level of Meteor swimmers<br />

ranges from beginners to young men who<br />

have swum at the club level since they were<br />

in grade school. Swimming at <strong>De</strong> <strong>La</strong> <strong>Salle</strong><br />

has also allowed the Meteors to have high<br />

aspirations for their futures.<br />

One of this year’s top<br />

senior swimmers and<br />

water polo players,<br />

Austin Siegel<br />

‘12, will attend<br />

Louisiana State<br />

University where<br />

he hopes to walk<br />

on to the Tigers’<br />

swimming team.<br />

s<br />

Omar Gomez ‘15 competes<br />

against his <strong>La</strong>ne Tech opponent.<br />

“The best thing about our team is the<br />

diversity,” Garcia said. “We have kids from<br />

Western & Montrose who have swum at<br />

Welles Park and we have Midway kids, we<br />

have Pilsen kids and we have Bridgeport<br />

kids. We go as far west as the I-294 border.<br />

“We’re getting a big pull of kids which is<br />

nice and the kids get to interact with each<br />

other. It’s great to know as a program that<br />

we’re reaching all ends of the city.”<br />

Another Meteor who participates in both<br />

swimming and water polo is Diego Leanos<br />

‘15, who started swimming at age 4 in the<br />

Tiny Tots Learn to Swim Program at Harrison<br />

Park in Chicago. Leanos then moved up to<br />

the Harrison Park swim team when he was<br />

older which led to Leanos beginning to play<br />

water polo in the fifth grade.<br />

While Leanos is one of <strong>De</strong> <strong>La</strong> <strong>Salle</strong>’s more<br />

experienced swimmers, teammate Nathaniel<br />

Gutierrez ‘15 has only been swimming for<br />

about eight months.<br />

“Though I have not been swimming for<br />

long, it still is a very fun sport to do,”<br />

Gutierrez said. “I feel like I am improving<br />

every practice.<br />

“At first, I did not know there was a swim<br />

program before I attended <strong>De</strong> <strong>La</strong> <strong>Salle</strong>,<br />

but after I found out, it was the only sport<br />

I wanted to try out for because I really like<br />

being in the water. It made me realize that<br />

I will stick with swimming for the rest of<br />

my life.”<br />

Goalkeeper John Koziol ‘15 looks to<br />

distribute the ball to his teammates.<br />

10 Feature Story


<strong>De</strong> <strong>La</strong> <strong>Salle</strong> Aquatics:<br />


One of the advantages of being in<br />

existence for only 10 years is that as<br />

<strong>De</strong> <strong>La</strong> <strong>Salle</strong>'s Lourdes Hall Campus<br />

grows, so do the opportunities<br />

provided to its students.<br />

With this in mind <strong>De</strong> <strong>La</strong> <strong>Salle</strong><br />

established a swimming and water<br />

polo program for the young women<br />

two years ago.<br />

The girls swimming program, in its<br />

second year of existence, is led by<br />

Theresa Donnelly, who has been a<br />

competitive swim coach for nearly<br />

20 years at a variety of levels. Many<br />

of the swimmers she has coached<br />

have gone on to swim in college.<br />

Donnelly also coaches the Meteor<br />

girls water polo team, which has<br />

been a junior-varsity program in<br />

both years of its existence.<br />

“The primary benefit of being a<br />

member of <strong>De</strong> <strong>La</strong> <strong>Salle</strong>’s swim<br />

team is learning the value of being<br />

a member of a team,” Donnelly said.<br />

“Participating in swimming also<br />

has great physical benefits, building<br />

endurance and stamina.”<br />

During the 2011-12 season, there<br />

were 17 student-athletes from the<br />

Lourdes Hall Campus who were on<br />

the Meteor swim team, with only<br />

two of the swimmers being seniors.<br />

One of the athletes who began her<br />

competitive swimming career at <strong>De</strong><br />

<strong>La</strong> <strong>Salle</strong> is <strong>De</strong>stiny Guerrero ‘14.<br />

Cat Jewers ‘12, <strong>De</strong>lilah Earley ‘14,<br />

Wanda Fernandez ‘14, and<br />

<strong>De</strong>stiny Guerrero ‘14 receive<br />

instruction during practice.<br />

s<br />

s<br />

Hannah Tassone ‘15 hones<br />

her backstroke skills.<br />

“Swimming had a huge impact on why<br />

I chose <strong>De</strong> <strong>La</strong> <strong>Salle</strong>,” Guerrero said.<br />

“I knew it was ‘D’s’ first year with a<br />

swim team, so I felt more comfortable<br />

trying out for the team as a new<br />

swimmer. I didn’t feel like I was<br />

going to be bad at swimming because<br />

everyone else who joined felt the same<br />

way as me.<br />

“I have learned the proper way to<br />

perform each swimming style and<br />

I’ve learned that it’s not always about<br />

winning. It’s about having fun with<br />

your team and enjoying every moment<br />

you have with them.”<br />

One of Guerrero’s classmates, Sydney<br />

Sheppard ‘14, is also glad she made<br />

the decision to participate in <strong>De</strong> <strong>La</strong><br />

<strong>Salle</strong>’s aquatics program.<br />

“I was never on a swim team<br />

before,” Sheppard said. “I just started<br />

swimming on a team the beginning of<br />

my sophomore year, and I love it! ”<br />

In the fall of 2011, the Meteors girls<br />

swimming program received the<br />

Illinois High School Association’s<br />

Team Academic Achievement Award<br />

for maintaining a grade-point average<br />

of 3.0 or higher during its season.<br />

“Statistics have proven that a busy<br />

student makes a better student,”<br />

Donnelly said.<br />

Tryouts and practice for the <strong>2012</strong>-13<br />

girls swimming team will be held the<br />

first week of the new school year. The<br />

Meteors swim at the Valentine Boys<br />

& Girls Club at 3400 S. Emerald in<br />

Chicago.<br />

Feature Story 11

s<br />

Tolton Center Honored<br />


In the spring of <strong>2012</strong>, the Tolton Adult & Family Literacy Center<br />

of <strong>De</strong> <strong>La</strong> <strong>Salle</strong> had three members of its community honored by<br />

the Illinois Secretary of State as they received <strong>2012</strong> Spotlight<br />

Literacy Awards at a ceremony held in Springfield, IL.<br />

<strong>La</strong>uded were Tolton students Lola Jones (who was profiled in<br />

our Winter 2011-12 magazine) and Hilaria Ochoa, and Tolton<br />

volunteer Sheela Jeevannandam.<br />

Students and tutors are nominated by the local providers who<br />

receive literacy grant funding from the Secretary of State/Illinois<br />

State Library Literacy Office. Each year, ten students and ten<br />

tutors are honored. Students received a $200 check from the<br />

Illinois Press Association Foundation, while $200 was donated to<br />

the winning tutor's organization.<br />

<strong>De</strong> <strong>La</strong> <strong>Salle</strong> Magazine is honored to have stories about both Sheela<br />

Jeevannandam and Hilaria Ochoa in this issue.<br />

Sheela Jeevannandam has been a volunteer math instructor at<br />

Tolton’s Bee Branch on Chicago’s South Side for the last four<br />

years. Sheela came to Tolton after working in private industry as a<br />

CPA and budget analyst.<br />

After volunteering her tutoring talents at other entities prior to her<br />

arrival at Tolton, Sheela now feels she is where she is supposed to be.<br />

“It wasn’t until I found the Tolton Center that I experienced what it<br />

feels like to be truly valued as a volunteer,” Sheela said. “On some<br />

level, I really needed to contribute and (the Tolton administration)<br />

saw this. The Tolton Center has allowed me that opportunity and<br />

I have found it easy to invest in the vision of a very unique adult<br />

education program.<br />

“As a result, I continue to serve as a full-time volunteer because I<br />

absolutely love tutoring. I feel I’m called to do this work, and I feel<br />

privileged to work at the Tolton Center.”<br />

A primary area of specialization for Sheela is helping prepare her<br />

students for the math portion of the GED exam.<br />

“Quite often, an insufficient score on the GED math test is the<br />

reason for failure,” Sheela said. “I am presently working oneon-one<br />

with five different students and I conduct group tutoring<br />

twice a week for students to provide math remediation and<br />

homework assistance.<br />

“I like math and it’s a very rewarding experience working one-onone<br />

with our students who are about to take the math exam. This<br />

is a stepping stone for them, whether that is going on to college or<br />

getting a better job.”<br />

And when her students pass the math portion of the GED<br />

“It’s beautiful,” Sheela said with a smile. “It’s great. We’re all<br />

jumping up and down.”<br />

Sheela was nominated for the Illinois Secretary of State’s Literacy<br />

Award by Pamela Clemons, who is the Program Coordinator at<br />

Tolton’s Bee Branch.<br />

“Sheela is a very busy volunteer who devotes herself totally to all<br />

her students,” Clemons said. “Any student with whom she works<br />

can expect well-planned, varied and intense instruction.<br />

“Sheela has the heart for doing this kind of work and she takes it<br />

seriously…Tutors such as Sheela are the types of volunteers Tolton<br />

continues to attract — those who are caring, dedicated and unwavering<br />

in their devotion to not only the students, but the program as well.”<br />

Along with helping her students pass the math portion of the GED<br />

exam, Sheela said that she gains personal satisfaction through<br />

other resources.<br />

“My students teach me so much about life,” Sheela said. “It brings<br />

me great joy to realize that I am a part of the process that has<br />

opened up a new chapter in their lives…<br />

“Working at the Tolton Center is gratifying work on so many<br />

levels. I am grateful for the opportunity to learn and share the best<br />

that I can be and to help our students to reach their GED goals<br />

and any career aspirations they desire…I like being a part of an<br />

institution that is driven toward this level of excellence.<br />

“I feel I have found a home here.”<br />

Tolton math instructor Sheela Jeevannandam and<br />

Pamela Clemons, who is the Program Coordinator<br />

at Tolton’s Bee Branch, celebrate Jeevannandam’s<br />

award from the Illinois Secretary of State<br />

12 Faith, Service & Community<br />

Academics 9

s<br />



Across town from where Sheela helps Tolton’s Bee Branch students achieve their goals in<br />

mathematics, student Hilaria Ochoa is one of the success stories in Tolton’s English as a Second<br />

<strong>La</strong>nguage (ESL) program in the Little Village neighborhood.<br />

Here is Hilaria’s story as written by Tolton ESL instructor Marie White:<br />

“Hilaria was recently nominated for an achievement award, not only for her four consecutive<br />

years of faithful attendance to her ESL classes, but for her love of learning and devotion to her<br />

family. As a mother of four, Hilaria always put her children first. Hilaria comes to class no matter<br />

what. She comes in extreme heat, walks in the rain and trudges through snow with her youngest<br />

son, who is enrolled in Tolton's Early Childhood program.<br />

“Hilaria and her son faithfully attend all five components of our program (ESL class, Early<br />

Childhood, Parenting, Parent and Child Together Activities and Library Services) in addition to<br />

attending almost all of the field trips. Additionally, her husband and four children attend these<br />

excursions and are always involved in whatever activities we have planned for the field trips.<br />

“Although Hilaria received a minimal education in her native country of Mexico, she does not<br />

let this stop her. She has gone up three levels of English over the past four years. Many other<br />

students would have been discouraged with this pace but she feels that she is learning English<br />

at her pace and is pleased with what she has accomplished and with the English that she has<br />

learned. She is now able to communicate with people in retail stores, ask questions at school for<br />

her children, and, most of all, help her children with homework.<br />

“Hilaria’s family is regularly seen at the local library and her peers depend on her for advice on<br />

how to navigate the neighborhood and the school systems. She is often the first student to answer<br />

correctly when questions are asked in class. Before, she used to be so shy that one would not<br />

even know she was in the class. Now, she is an active participant. Four years ago, she would not<br />

venture out of Little Village for fear she would get lost and not be able to find her way home.<br />

Now, she ventures out and is not scared.<br />

“We are so proud of Hilaria and honored to have her and her son in our Family Literacy program.”<br />

Congratulations to everyone in the Tolton community!<br />

Tolton English as a Second<br />

<strong>La</strong>nguage Instructor Marie White<br />

and Tolton ESL student Hilaria<br />

Ochoa share a moment at the<br />

Tolton fundraiser<br />


On April 19, <strong>2012</strong>, the Tolton<br />

Center celebrated The Faces of<br />

Tolton fundraiser held at Mi Tierra<br />

Restaurant in Chicago’s Little<br />

Village neighborhood. One of the<br />

primary purposes for the fundraiser<br />

was to celebrate Tolton’s 21 years<br />

of existence.<br />

Attendees spent the evening<br />

enjoying Mexican hors d’oeuvres,<br />

listening to the inspirational<br />

words of The Interrupters’ Eddie<br />

Bocanegra, a CeaseFire violence<br />

interrupter, and learning more<br />

about Tolton Center.<br />

One of the most popular items in the<br />

silent auction at the Tolton fundraiser<br />

was some beautiful artwork created by<br />

Tolton’s students.<br />

In addition, students from Tolton’s<br />

Early Childhood and Adult ESL<br />

programs created amazingly beautiful<br />

artwork that was raffled off at the event<br />

with approximately $4,000 raised to<br />

benefit the Tolton Center’s programs.<br />

The staff and students would like<br />

to thank everyone who came out to<br />

support the Tolton Center on that<br />

memorable evening. The staff and<br />

students hope everyone enjoyed<br />

the event and they look forward to<br />

enjoying an evening with everyone<br />

again in the fall.<br />

Faith, Service & Community 13

Important Dates for<br />

<strong>2012</strong>-2013 School Year<br />

August<br />

20: Freshman First Day - 8:10am<br />

<strong>Institute</strong> Campus (IC) &<br />

8:20am Lourdes Hall Campus (LHC)<br />

Freshman Girls’ Parent Meeting - 6pm at LHC<br />

21: All Students in Session - 8:10am<br />

<strong>Institute</strong> Campus & 8:20am<br />

Lourdes Hall Campus<br />

Sophomore Girls’ Parent Meeting - 6pm<br />

at LHC<br />

29: Back to School Night - 7pm (IC & LHC)<br />

Jr./Sr. Girls’ Parents Meeting - 6pm at LHC<br />

Freshman Boys’ Parent Meeting - 6pm at IC<br />

September<br />

3: <strong>La</strong>bor Day - NO Classes & School<br />

Offices Closed<br />

10-14: Spirit Week<br />

14: Homecoming Pep Assembly and Game<br />

15: Homecoming Dance - 7:00pm to<br />

10:30pm in Parmer Activity Center<br />

24: Student Fundraiser Begins<br />

October<br />

1: Formal Dress Code Begins<br />

5: Alumni Banquet<br />

15: Columbus Day Observed - NO Classes<br />

and School Offices Closed<br />

21: Junior Ring Mass - 9am at IC<br />

26: Staff <strong>De</strong>velopment Day - NO Classes<br />

November<br />

22-23: Thanksgiving Break - NO Classes<br />

<strong>De</strong>cember<br />

19-21: First Semester Exams<br />

22: Christmas Break Begins<br />

January 2013<br />

7: Classes Resume<br />

12 14 Feature Parent Place Story<br />

Parent Association Highlights<br />

The Parent Association kicked off <strong>2012</strong> by hosting the “Treasured<br />

Moments” Father/Daughter and Mother/Son Dances. Students and<br />

parents enjoyed a tropical themed evening that included dinner and<br />

dancing. The crowd cheered on participants during the Limbo and Soul<br />

Train competitions, and watched with a tearful eye as the senior class had<br />

their traditional dance with their loved one.<br />

In addition to all of the fun, The Parent Association was once again able to<br />

help eight lucky families by giving away $2,000 in tuition reimbursements,<br />

thanks to raffle sales. Proceeds from this event were in support of the<br />

student assistance program. It was a night for<br />

students and their parent or loved one to share an 1.<br />

evening that they will treasure for a lifetime.<br />

A variety of fundraising events have allowed the<br />

Parent Association to help families and students<br />

throughout the year. There are two Ricobene’s<br />

Nights which raised enough money to purchase<br />

fitness equipment including kettle balls, medicine<br />

balls and other training equipment, while<br />

continuing to help families through the tuition<br />

assistance program.<br />

1. Danielle Tate ‘15 and her dad share<br />

a special moment on the dance floor.<br />

2. Gabino Coss ‘15 and his mom enjoy<br />

a dance together.<br />


for <strong>2012</strong>-2013 Parent Association<br />

If you are looking for a way to get involved at D, please consider joining the<br />

Parent Association. The mission of the Parent Association is to develop an<br />

informed, interested and engaged body of current parents and guardians of<br />

<strong>De</strong> <strong>La</strong> <strong>Salle</strong> students who are committed to executing activities that foster<br />

community as well as benefit <strong>De</strong> <strong>La</strong> <strong>Salle</strong> <strong>Institute</strong>, its student body and<br />

the parent/guardian population. The four key responsibilities of the Parent<br />

Association are Education, Recruitment, Fundraising, and Community. The<br />

Parent Association is always looking for leaders in these areas!<br />

Many events during the year also need parent support such as open houses,<br />

parent dinners, and the D-Final Event in the spring. Parents are integral<br />

in helping to secure donations for the school, supplies and decorations for<br />

events, as well as matching gift contributions from company volunteer<br />

programs.<br />

For more info on the Parent Association, visit the Parent Page at<br />

www.dls.org or call Lee Ann Eiland in the Advancement Office<br />

at 312-842-7355 x154.<br />



Welcome to the <strong>Institute</strong><br />

CLASS OF 2016!<br />

One of the most exciting things about starting high school is getting<br />

to know your fellow classmates, bonding over being the newest<br />

Meteors. <strong>De</strong> <strong>La</strong> <strong>Salle</strong> hosts freshman orientations during<br />

the summertime so members of the Class of 2016 can<br />

meet each other and get acclimated to the <strong>Institute</strong><br />

in a fun and energetic way.<br />

There are two opportunities for members of<br />

the Class of 2016 to participate in the threeday<br />

freshman orientation, June 19th-June<br />

21st or July 10th-July 12th.<br />

Orientation starts on the students’ respective<br />

campuses each day at 8:15am. Throughout the<br />

three days, students will hear from the Principal<br />

and <strong>De</strong>an of Students of their campus, learn about<br />

the sports and clubs available at D, watch a dress<br />

code fashion show, as well as learn the words to the <strong>De</strong><br />

<strong>La</strong> <strong>Salle</strong> fight song. Students will participate in ice-breaking<br />

activities to begin each day, in addition to playing trivia games,<br />

having scavenger hunts throughout the buildings and relay races.<br />

All of the fun activities for the freshmen are conducted by<br />

current <strong>De</strong> <strong>La</strong> <strong>Salle</strong> students.<br />

As a way to wrap up an exciting three days of<br />

getting to know each other and the school,<br />

everyone is invited to a barbeque in the<br />

courtyard at the <strong>Institute</strong> Campus.<br />

If you’re going to be a freshman at D next<br />

year, tell mom and dad to schedule the family<br />

vacation around your freshman orientation<br />

dates. You’re not going to want to miss this<br />

important event of freshman year.<br />

For more information, contact Mike Boehm at the<br />

<strong>Institute</strong> Campus at 312.842.7355 ext. 119 or Anna<br />

Marassa at the Lourdes Hall Campus at 773.650.6800 ext. 181.<br />

<strong>Summer</strong> Camps for Grade School Students<br />

Are you looking for a place where your kids can play, learn and have fun over the summer Send them to <strong>De</strong> <strong>La</strong> <strong>Salle</strong> <strong>Institute</strong> to participate in one<br />

of our various athletic and academic summer camps.<br />

The Athletic Camps offered for grade school<br />

students are:<br />

Meteor Boys Baseball Camp<br />

Monday - Thursday, July 16 -<br />

19 ~ 9:00am - 11:00am, $125<br />

Meteor Boys & Girls<br />

Basketball Camp<br />

Monday - Friday, June 25 - 29<br />

9:00am - 1:00pm, 6th - 8th<br />

Grade, $75<br />

2:00pm - 4:00pm, 3rd - 5th<br />

Grade, $40<br />

Meteor Boys & Girls<br />

Boxing Camp<br />

Monday - Friday, June 25 - 29<br />

and/or July 9 - 13<br />

11:30am - 12:30pm, One<br />

Session: $40, Two: $75<br />

Meteor Boys Football Camp<br />

Monday - Thursday, June 25-<br />

28 and/or July 23 -26<br />

4:00pm - 6:00pm, One<br />

Session: $40, Two: $75<br />

Meteor Boys & Girls<br />

Golf Camp<br />

Monday - Friday, July 9 - July<br />

13, Noon - 2:00pm, $75<br />

Meteor Boys and Girls<br />

Volleyball Camp<br />

Monday - Thursday, July<br />

23 - 26<br />

9:00am - 11:00am, 5th - 8th<br />

Grade, $50<br />

Noon - 2:00pm, 2nd - 4th<br />

Grade, $50<br />

Meteor Boys and Girls<br />

Tennis Camp<br />

Monday - Friday, June 25 - 29<br />

9:00am - 11:00am, $75<br />

Meteor Boys & Girls<br />

Speed Camp<br />

Monday-Thurs., June 18-21<br />

and/or June 25-28<br />

Noon - 2:30pm, One Session:<br />

$99, Two: $175<br />

Meteor Boys & Girls<br />

Soccer Camp<br />

Monday - Friday, July 9 - 13<br />

Noon - 2:00pm, $50<br />

Meteor Boys Wrestling Camp<br />

Monday - Thursday, June 18 -<br />

June 21, 11:00am - 1:00pm, $35<br />

The Academic Camps offered for grade school<br />

students are:<br />

Writer’s Loft:<br />

Writing Workshop<br />

Monday – Thursday, Noon –<br />

1:00 PM, July 9 - 19 $60<br />

Algebra Fundamentals<br />

Monday – Friday, 9:00 AM –<br />

10:30 AM, June 18 - 22 $60<br />

Creative Art<br />

Monday – Friday, 10:00 AM –<br />

11:00 AM, June 25 - 29 $60<br />

Mandarin Chinese<br />

Monday – Thursday, 9:00 AM<br />

– 11:00 AM, July 9 - 26 $75<br />

History <strong>De</strong>tectives<br />

Monday – Thursday, 11:00 AM<br />

– 1:00 PM, June 18 - 21 $40<br />

Science: Dig This! -<br />

Unearthing Fossils<br />

Monday – Thursday, 9:00 AM<br />

– 10:30 AM, June 18 - 28 $70<br />

Aviation<br />

Monday – Friday, 9:00 AM –<br />

11:00 AM, July 23 - 27 $60<br />

Band<br />

Monday – Thursday, June<br />

18 - 21<br />

Beginning band – 9:00 AM –<br />

10:00 AM (students with little<br />

or no experience)<br />

Band II - 10:15 AM – 11:15<br />

AM (students with at least one<br />

year experience)<br />

$40 for those with an instrument<br />

$70 for those who will need<br />

an instrument – you need to<br />

contact Mr. Pawlowski by June<br />

1st if you need an instrument<br />

and please specify which one<br />

Drama<br />

Monday – Friday, 11:00 AM –<br />

Noon, June 18 - 22 $60<br />

If you have an<br />

incoming freshman<br />

attending <strong>De</strong> <strong>La</strong><br />

<strong>Salle</strong> in the fall, the<br />

following athletic<br />

camps are available:<br />

Girls Basketball<br />

June 25-29, 12:30pm-2:30pm<br />

($50)<br />

Golf<br />

July 9-13, Noon-2pm ($75,<br />

includes greens fees)<br />

Soccer<br />

July 9-13, Noon-2pm ($50)<br />

Speed/Track<br />

June 25-28, Noon-2pm, ($99)<br />

Volleyball<br />

July 23-26, 3pm-5:30pm ($75)<br />

Boys Football<br />

June 25-28 & July 23-26,<br />

4pm-6pm ($80, includes both<br />

sessions)<br />

Wrestling<br />

June18-21, Noon-2pm ($35)<br />

For more information about the grade school athletic and academic camps, contact Chuck Kuhn at 312.842.7355 ext 150 or kuhnc@dls.org.<br />

For more information about the incoming freshman camps, contact Mike Boehm at 312.842.7355 ext 119 or boehmm@dls.org.<br />

Parent Place 15

Spend Your <strong>Summer</strong> Learning About<br />


Whether you’re unable to get away from work during the summer or you just<br />

don’t have a lot of money to spend on a fancy vacation to a faraway place,<br />

Chicago and the surrounding areas have plenty of exciting things to do for a fun<br />

and inexpensive summer ‘staycation’.<br />

There are a plethora of museums, theatres and historical landmarks in Chicago<br />

that rival that of any other city in the United States or Europe. We, as longtime<br />

residents of the city or suburbs, definitely don’t take advantage of all the culture<br />

sitting in our backyard. For a great ‘staycation’ in our hometown, you can visit<br />

some of these amazing venues.<br />

As for museums, there is the Art <strong>Institute</strong> of Chicago, the Museum of Science<br />

and Industry, the Field Museum of Natural History, the Adler Planetarium, and<br />

the John G. Shedd Aquarium.<br />

Be sure to check each museum’s website for updated ticket information, hours of operation and list of upcoming events as well as directions<br />

and parking information.<br />

There are other museums throughout the city that are situated in the different neighborhoods, like the Chicago History Museum on North<br />

Clark Street, the National Museum of Mexican Art in Pilsen which has free admission every day, the DuSable Museum of African-American<br />

History in Washington Park, the National Italian-American Sports Hall of Fame on Taylor Street and many more throughout Chicago.<br />

For more information, visit www.explorechicago.com, the official Chicago tourism site.<br />

If your family enjoys live theatre, you can check the Broadway in Chicago website at www.broadwayinchicago.com for the shows playing<br />

at the various theatres in the city. Theatre aficionados can also tour some of the historic venues in downtown Chicago such as the Oriental,<br />

Cadillac Palace and Bank of America Theatres.<br />

Finally, for those who are interested in architecture, the Chicago Architecture Foundation<br />

offers a boat tour along the river that is not to be missed (www.architecture.org)!<br />

You can also visit all of the landmarks in Chicago such as the Willis Tower,<br />

Navy Pier and the John Hancock Observatory, just to name a few.<br />

The city of Chicago provides a wonderful and fun opportunity to learn<br />

outside of a classroom setting this summer. Be sure to take advantage<br />

and have some fun!<br />

16 Parent Place

Celebrating 10 years of educating<br />

women at <strong>De</strong> <strong>La</strong> <strong>Salle</strong> <strong>Institute</strong><br />

With the 10th Anniversary of the Lourdes Hall Campus<br />

approaching, we look forward to hosting several<br />

special events throughout the coming school year for<br />

both the graduates of the <strong>De</strong> <strong>La</strong> <strong>Salle</strong> Lourdes Hall<br />

Campus and Lourdes High School alumnae. Visit<br />

the website for up to date information (www.dls.org)<br />

or call Kate Rhodes at 312-842-7355 x147.<br />

Sister Rosemarie Morowczynski, SSJ-TOSF<br />

Is GCAC Hall of Famer<br />

In March, <strong>2012</strong>, <strong>De</strong> <strong>La</strong> <strong>Salle</strong> – Lourdes Hall Campus for Young<br />

Women faculty member Sr. Rosemarie Morowczynski, SSJ-TOSF,<br />

was inducted into the Girls Catholic Athletic Conference Hall of Fame.<br />

Sr. Rosie was enshrined along with six other individuals and two teams<br />

and was inducted in the Fan category.<br />

Sr. Rosie taught at Lourdes High School from 1977-2002. She began<br />

her teaching career at <strong>De</strong> <strong>La</strong> <strong>Salle</strong>’s Lourdes Hall Campus for Young<br />

Women at the outset of the 2002-03 school year.<br />

While at Lourdes, Sr. Rosie spent one season as an assistant varsity volleyball coach and<br />

also was the head coach for the girls junior-varsity softball program for one season.<br />

Congratulations, Sr. Rosie!<br />

(L to R): Sr. Ann<br />

Mary Wundrach, SSJ-<br />

TOSF 'L57, Sr. Josita<br />

Krzeminski, SSJ-<br />

TOSF, and Sr. Rosie<br />

Morowczynski, SSJ-TOSF<br />

celebrate Sr. Rosie’s<br />

induction into the GCAC<br />

Hall of Fame.<br />

Alumni<br />

Career Day<br />

Wednesday, October 3, <strong>2012</strong><br />

Share your exciting career path with<br />

the current juniors and seniors at<br />

<strong>De</strong> <strong>La</strong> <strong>Salle</strong>. Our young men and<br />

young women will be delighted<br />

to learn firsthand of the variety of<br />

professional opportunities available<br />

to them and how your <strong>De</strong> <strong>La</strong> <strong>Salle</strong><br />

education prepared you. Please<br />

consider sharing your time and story<br />

with our students on both campuses.<br />

Contact Maggie McEldowney at<br />

312-842-7355 x146 to learn more.<br />

Parent Place 17



JAMES BUSS ‘12<br />

In February, <strong>2012</strong>, James Buss ‘12 became the third wrestler in <strong>De</strong> <strong>La</strong> <strong>Salle</strong> history to win a<br />

state title. Buss defeated Bolingbrook’s Rob Bain 5-1 in overtime in the championship bout at<br />

285 pounds at the Illinois High School Association’s Class 3A individual wrestling tournament<br />

at the University of Illinois’ Assembly Hall in Champaign.<br />

Buss joins Curtis Blaydes ‘09, who won at 285 in 2009, and Tim Stringer ‘93, who won at 140<br />

in 1993, as Meteor state champions.<br />

Buss finished his senior season with a record of 42-0. He concludes his Meteor wrestling<br />

career with a record of 115-7. Buss won three Catholic League<br />

championship titles, was a state qualifier in 2010, and<br />

placed third in the state at 285 in 2011.<br />

“Everyone at <strong>De</strong> <strong>La</strong> <strong>Salle</strong> would like to say thank you<br />

to James for all of his hard work and dedication over<br />

the past four years,” <strong>De</strong> <strong>La</strong> <strong>Salle</strong> head wrestling coach<br />

Dale Burke ’00 said. “We are extremely proud of him.”<br />

Congratulations, James!<br />

Boys Basketball<br />

The Meteors concluded their season with an overall record of 17-7. As a result of the team’s success, three student-athletes were chosen<br />

to the 2011-12 All-Chicago Catholic League basketball team.<br />

<strong>La</strong>uded were 6'4" guard Alvin Ellis ‘13, 6'9" forward/center Alex Foster ‘13 and 6'9" forward/center Gavin Schilling ‘13.<br />

In addition, Foster was named to the Illinois Basketball Coaches Association’s <strong>2012</strong> Class 4A All-State Team, while Ellis and Schilling<br />

garnered special mention plaudits from the IBCA.<br />

Foster averaged 12.1 points and 8.3 rebounds per game this season while also leading <strong>De</strong> <strong>La</strong> <strong>Salle</strong> with 44 blocked shots. Ellis<br />

was the Meteors’ leading scorer with an average of 17.4 points per game. He also chipped in 38 3-pointers and 18 blocked<br />

shots. Schilling averaged 12.1 points and 7 rebounds per game while also blocking 40 shots.<br />

Girls Basketball<br />

Three members of the Meteors’ varsity girls basketball team were named to the 2011-12 All-Girls Catholic<br />

Athletic Conference basketball team.<br />

Francesca Castagna ‘12, Renee Jones ‘12 and JaVonna Smith ‘12 helped the Meteors to an 18-9 overall record and the<br />

Illinois High School Association’s Class 3A <strong>De</strong> <strong>La</strong> <strong>Salle</strong> Regional championship. This marked the first regional title in<br />

women’s basketball in <strong>De</strong> <strong>La</strong> <strong>Salle</strong> history.<br />

Smith, a senior guard/forward, averaged 14 points per game as she also was selected the GCAC Player of the Year. Smith<br />

scored 1,139 points in her four years of varsity competition at <strong>De</strong> <strong>La</strong> <strong>Salle</strong>.<br />

Jones, a senior forward, averaged 10 points and 13 rebounds per game this season, while Castagna, a senior guard, averaged 5<br />

points and 6 assists per game.<br />

18 Athletics



Boys and Girls Track and Field<br />

The Meteors’ girls track and field team finished in a three-way tie for<br />

ninth in the 13-team field at the Girls Catholic Athletic Conference<br />

tournament with seven points.<br />

In state competition, <strong>De</strong> <strong>La</strong> <strong>Salle</strong> was eighth in the IHSA Class 2A<br />

Jones Sectional with 11 points. The 4x100 relay team qualified for<br />

the state finals with a time of 52.12. Representing the Meteors were<br />

Amber Carson ‘13, Jewel Jones ‘13, Kinnidi Warfield ‘15, Brandice<br />

Wheatley ‘15 and alternate Kayla Giles ‘15.<br />

The boys track and field team, which was seventh in the Chicago<br />

Catholic League tournament with 42 points, finished first in the IHSA<br />

Class 2A Chicago Marshall Sectional with 147.50 points.<br />

Justin Tate ‘13 won the long jump, Dustin Brandon ‘13 won the high<br />

jump and <strong>De</strong>metrius Catchings ‘12 was victorious in the shot put.<br />

Also winning for the Meteors were Quentin Patten ‘13 in the 110-<br />

high hurdles and Jordan Page ‘12 in the triple jump. <strong>De</strong> <strong>La</strong> <strong>Salle</strong> also<br />

prevailed in the 4x100 relay.<br />

Girls Soccer<br />

The Meteors ended their season<br />

with an overall record of 10-10-3. Over<br />

the course of play in the Girls Catholic<br />

Athletic Conference, <strong>De</strong> <strong>La</strong> <strong>Salle</strong> defeated<br />

Gordon Tech and St. Joseph while also<br />

beating Bremen, Kelly and St. Benedict<br />

in nonconference play.<br />

Three Meteors received postseason<br />

plaudits as midfielders Wendy Sotelo ‘12<br />

and Katie Cline ‘12 were recognized by<br />

the Illinois High School Soccer Coaches<br />

Association. Sotelo earned IHSSCA All-<br />

Sectional honors, while Cline received<br />

IHSSCA Honorable Mention status.<br />

Midfielder Selena Hernandez ‘13 also<br />

was named to the IHSSCA Honorable<br />

Mention team.<br />

Wendy Sotelo ‘12<br />

Girls Softball<br />

The Meteor varsity softball team enjoyed success during the season as it<br />

placed four players on the <strong>2012</strong> All-Girls Catholic Athletic Conference<br />

Team. <strong>La</strong>uded for their excellence were pitcher Kaity Krol ‘15,<br />

outfielder Alex Garza ‘12, first baseman Kelly Crowley ‘12 and infielder<br />

Francesca “Frankie” Castagna ‘12.<br />

Over the course of the regular season,<br />

the Meteors defeated GCAC rivals<br />

Regina Dominican, Queen of Peace,<br />

Resurrection, Mount Assisi and St.<br />

Ignatius as well as posting nonconference<br />

wins over Joliet Catholic Academy and<br />

Riverside-Brookfield.<br />

In postseason play, the Meteors defeated<br />

Resurrection 3-0 in the third-place game<br />

of the GCAC Red Tournament.<br />

(L to R): Kaity Krol ‘15, Alex Garza ‘12,<br />

Frankie Castagna ‘12 and Kelly Crowley ‘12<br />

Boys Baseball<br />

As of the printing deadline, the Meteors varsity had an overall mark<br />

of 22-10. During the course of the season, <strong>De</strong> <strong>La</strong> <strong>Salle</strong> defeated St.<br />

Patrick twice with wins against St. Rita, Brother Rice, St. Ignatius<br />

and Fenwick anchoring the<br />

Chicago Catholic League<br />

slate.<br />

Named to the All-Catholic<br />

League Team were pitcher/<br />

infielder Patrick Haynes ‘12,<br />

catcher Scott McGurn ‘12,<br />

pitcher/infielder Ricardo<br />

Ramirez ‘13 and pitcher/<br />

infielder Anthony Shimkus<br />

‘12. Shimkus also was<br />

chosen the CCL White<br />

Player of the Year.<br />

The freshman team won the<br />

CCL White Conference,<br />

while the sophomores were<br />

20-9 overall and 9-7 in<br />

league play.<br />

s<br />

s<br />

Boys Tennis<br />

The Meteors placed sixth in the Chicago Catholic League tournament<br />

led by <strong>La</strong>rry Muse ‘12, who placed sixth at No. 1 singles and Troy<br />

Gueno ‘12, who placed fifth at No. 2 singles.<br />

The tandem of Erik Brownlee ‘12 and Kevin Wilson ‘12 finished in<br />

sixth place at No. 1 doubles.<br />

In Catholic League competition during the regular season, the Meteors<br />

posted victories over Mount Carmel and St. <strong>La</strong>urence.<br />

Boys Water Polo<br />

<strong>De</strong> <strong>La</strong> <strong>Salle</strong>’s varsity posted an overall record of 10-7 with wins<br />

over St. Rita, Mount Carmel, St. Viator and <strong>La</strong>ne Tech highlighting<br />

the resume. In Metro Catholic Aquatic Conference competition, the<br />

Meteors also beat St. Patrick, St. Rita, Brother Rice, Loyola Academy<br />

and St. Ignatius.<br />

Recognized as the top performers for the Meteors this season were<br />

Austin Siegel ‘12, Angelo Espinoza ‘14 and Roberto Rodriguez ‘15.<br />

s<br />

Front Row: Anthony Shimkus ‘12,<br />

Scott McGurn ‘12, Patrick Haynes ‘12<br />

Back Row: Ricardo Ramirez ‘13, <strong>De</strong><br />

<strong>La</strong> <strong>Salle</strong> baseball coach Nick Bridich<br />

Boys Volleyball<br />

As of the printing deadline, the Meteors were 15-10 overall<br />

with two wins over Catholic League rivals St. Joseph, St.<br />

<strong>La</strong>urence and Gordon Tech along with a victory over<br />

Montini in nonconference action.<br />

Setter Vince Solis ‘12 and middle blocker Josh White ‘12<br />

also were selected to the All-Catholic League White Team<br />

for the second consecutive season.<br />

Athletics 19



In keeping with <strong>De</strong> <strong>La</strong> <strong>Salle</strong>’s tradition of<br />

blending academic and athletic excellence,<br />

10 Meteor teams from the Lourdes Hall<br />

and <strong>Institute</strong> Campuses have been lauded<br />

by the Illinois High School Association<br />

for their success in the classroom during<br />

the fall and winter seasons of the 2011-12<br />

school year.<br />

The Illinois High School Association’s<br />

Team Academic Achievement Awards<br />

were presented to the girls cross country,<br />

girls volleyball, girls tennis, girls<br />

swimming, girls bowling, girls basketball,<br />

boys golf, boys cross country, boys<br />

wrestling and boys basketball teams.<br />

The IHSA’s Team Academic Achievement<br />

Awards recognize those teams that have<br />

maintained a grade-point average of 3.0 or<br />

better during their respective seasons.<br />

“One of the things in which everyone at<br />

<strong>De</strong> <strong>La</strong> <strong>Salle</strong> takes a great deal of pride is<br />

that our young women and young men are<br />

truly student-athletes,” <strong>De</strong> <strong>La</strong> <strong>Salle</strong> athletic<br />

director Tom White said. “Succeeding<br />

in both the classroom and in the athletic<br />

arena is something to be admired because<br />

it requires a great deal of hard work and<br />

dedication.<br />

“This is a testament to how hard-working<br />

and dedicated our Meteors are.”<br />

Congratulations!<br />

For many members of <strong>De</strong> <strong>La</strong> <strong>Salle</strong>’s Class of <strong>2012</strong>, their athletic careers<br />

will continue at the colleges and universities of their choice. Here is a list<br />

of where our Meteors will play next season:<br />

Football<br />

Stewart Cunningham – Carthage College (WI)<br />

Christopher Lisenby – Western Illinois University<br />

Jared Philp – Illinois Wesleyan University<br />

Sal Romando – Carthage College (WI)<br />

Zack Strock – Illinois Wesleyan University<br />

Brandon Wright – Saint Joseph’s College (IN)<br />

Boys Basketball<br />

<strong>De</strong>rek Roscoe – Oakton Community College (IL)<br />

Josh White – Eastern Illinois University<br />

Wrestling<br />

James Buss – Loras College (IA)<br />

Baseball<br />

Jabari Brown – Claflin University (SC)<br />

Patrick Haynes – Western Michigan University<br />

Matt Ramirez – Saint Mary’s (MN) University<br />

Anthony Shimkus – Southern Illinois University<br />

Girls Volleyball<br />

Arianna Hayden – Morgan State University (MD)<br />

Bridget White – North Central College (IL)<br />

Girls Basketball<br />

JaVonna Smith – Danville Area Community College (IL)<br />

Girls Soccer<br />

Wendy Sotelo – Concordia University (IL)<br />

Softball<br />

Francesca Castagna – Lewis University (IL)<br />

Kathy Crowley – Roosevelt University (IL)<br />

Kelly Crowley – Roosevelt University (IL)<br />

Alex Garza – Morton College (IL)<br />

Nikki Medina – Western Illinois University<br />

Morgan Owens – Goshen College (IN)<br />

20 Athletics


1.<br />

Daniel F. and Ada L. Rice Foundation –<br />


Since 1998, the Daniel F. and Ada L. Rice Foundation has partnered with <strong>De</strong> <strong>La</strong> <strong>Salle</strong><br />

<strong>Institute</strong> to further its mission of education. During its long-standing relationship, nearly<br />

$55,000 has been received in support of the student financial assistance program.<br />

Daniel Rice and his wife, Ada, established the Daniel F. and Ada L. Rice Foundation in 1947. They felt that because<br />

of their financial success, it was important for them to give back. More than sixty years later, the Rice Foundation,<br />

headquartered in Skokie, has awarded millions of dollars through numerous grants to worthy causes such as education,<br />

endangered species, medical research and fine arts.<br />

Thanks to the generosity of the Daniel F. and Ada L. Rice Foundation Scholarship, <strong>De</strong> <strong>La</strong> <strong>Salle</strong> is able to award<br />

scholarships to five deserving young men and women annually. This grant makes a tremendous difference to our<br />

students and their families. The Rice Foundation’s support is an affirmation of the value of a quality <strong>La</strong>sallian education.<br />

<strong>De</strong> <strong>La</strong> <strong>Salle</strong> is pleased to acknowledge the generosity of the Daniel F. and Ada L. Rice Foundation and Trustee, Peter<br />

Nolan, for their care and concern for the success of our students.<br />


and the<br />

Bank of America Chicago Marathon<br />

<strong>De</strong> <strong>La</strong> <strong>Salle</strong> is proud to introduce the runners on this year’s Miles for Meteors Team! Steve Frenz, John<br />

McDonough ‘74, Steve McNulty ‘81, Sean Patrick-Oswald and Ben Tassone ‘80 will be running 26.2 Miles<br />

for Meteors in this year’s Bank of America Chicago Marathon! These men will be raising money to support<br />

the scholarship fund at <strong>De</strong> <strong>La</strong> <strong>Salle</strong> while training for this impressive feat.<br />

If you would like to support them and the students at <strong>De</strong> <strong>La</strong> <strong>Salle</strong>, feel free to visit our Miles for Meteors<br />

page at http://www.active.com/donate/delasalle<strong>2012</strong>.<br />

This is <strong>De</strong> <strong>La</strong> <strong>Salle</strong>’s second year participating in the Bank of<br />

America Chicago Marathon. For years, <strong>De</strong> <strong>La</strong> <strong>Salle</strong> has provided a water station outside the<br />

<strong>Institute</strong> Campus on 35th and Michigan for all Bank of America Chicago Marathon runners.<br />

We will be hosting that same water station this year, but with special appreciation for our<br />

Meteors – Steve, John, Steve, Sean and Ben – as they represent “D” in this year’s marathon!<br />

Come support our Miles for Meteors Team and all the other runners on the morning of October<br />

7, <strong>2012</strong>! For more information, please contact Maggie McEldowney at (312) 842-7355 ext.<br />

146 or mceldowneym@dls.org. We hope to see you there!<br />

<strong>De</strong>velopment 21

Fifth Annual<br />

Great Futures Gala<br />

Honored the Sisters of Saint Joseph of the<br />

Third Order of Saint Francis<br />

<strong>De</strong> <strong>La</strong> <strong>Salle</strong> hosted the Fifth Annual Great<br />

Futures Gala on April 20, <strong>2012</strong> at the<br />

University Club of Chicago.<br />

This year, the Sisters of St. Joseph of<br />

the Third Order of St. Francis were honored<br />

for their commitment to education and<br />

also to celebrate 10 years of women’s<br />

education at the Lourdes Hall Campus of<br />

<strong>De</strong> <strong>La</strong> <strong>Salle</strong> <strong>Institute</strong>.<br />

It was a wonderful evening that<br />

helped to raise nearly $200,000<br />

for the students at <strong>De</strong> <strong>La</strong> <strong>Salle</strong>.<br />

The emcee for the event<br />

was <strong>La</strong>uren Jiggetts, NBC 5<br />

Chicago news reporter, who<br />

was accompanied by her father<br />

and former Chicago Bear Dan<br />

Jiggetts. The night was filled with<br />

smiles and laughs as everyone participated in<br />

the raffles and games throughout the evening.<br />

<strong>De</strong> <strong>La</strong> <strong>Salle</strong> is sincerely grateful for the<br />

generous contributions which made the Fifth<br />

Annual Great Futures Gala such a success!<br />

We hope to see all of you at the Sixth Annual<br />

Great Futures Gala next year, April 19, 2013!<br />

1.<br />

Gala Leadership Committee<br />

Mr. Michael A. Tadin ‘69<br />

<strong>2012</strong> Honorary Chair<br />

Hon. Richard M. Daley ‘60<br />

Gala Co-Chair<br />

Mr. Elzie Higginbottom<br />

Gala Co-Chair<br />

Hon. Patrick M. Huels ‘67<br />

Gala Co-Chair<br />

Extollo Board of Directors<br />

Br. Michael Quirk, FSC<br />

President<br />

Gala Co-Chair<br />

Mr. Michael F. Hickey ‘56<br />

Vice President<br />

Mr. Joseph J. Hartnett ‘73<br />

Secretary/Treasurer<br />

22 <strong>De</strong>velopment


2.<br />

3.<br />

5.<br />

4.<br />

6.<br />

1: Sr. Dorothy Pagosa accepts the <strong>2012</strong> Founder’s Award<br />

and is joined by Fr. Paul Novak and Sr. Mary Alice Jarosz<br />

2: Sr. Kimberly Mulhearn, Sr. Judith David and Sr. Madge<br />

Karecki were among those representing the Sisters of St.<br />

Joseph of the Third Order of St. Francis<br />

3: NBC 5 Chicago reporter <strong>La</strong>uren Jiggetts, the<br />

evening’s emcee, has some fun while participating in the<br />

Blue/Gold Game<br />

4: Marshall Blake and his wife, Dr. Kathleen Ackman Blake,<br />

prepare to participate in the auction<br />

5: <strong>De</strong> <strong>La</strong> <strong>Salle</strong> President Fr. Paul Novak, OSM channels his<br />

inner Bing Crosby prior to auctioning off a trip to the 2013<br />

Masters Golf Tournament<br />

6: Jesus Alvarez ’90, Robert Papineau ’93 and Eduardo Valencia<br />

'92 let everyone know which is their favorite high school<br />

<strong>De</strong>velopment 23

Wish List<br />

As you consider your Annual Fund support<br />

this year, here are some ways your gift will<br />

impact the students at <strong>De</strong> <strong>La</strong> <strong>Salle</strong>. One<br />

hundred percent of Wish List donations<br />

directly support our programs. A donation<br />

at any level is greatly appreciated because<br />

every dollar counts. Please use the attached<br />

envelope to grant a wish.<br />

$56 will provide the monthly lease payment<br />

for one student to use the Tablet PC<br />

$250 will cover the cost for a student to attend<br />

a retreat at <strong>La</strong> <strong>Salle</strong> Manor in Plano, IL<br />

$550 will help purchase five<br />

cheerleading uniforms<br />

$700 will enable one young woman to participate<br />

in the Nicaragua Science Trip this summer<br />

$750 will provide for one theatre production<br />

$1,000 will cover the full cost to purchase a<br />

Tablet PC<br />

$2,500 will help purchase a video<br />

conferencing system to engage 8th graders in<br />

a high school classroom experience<br />

$5,000 will supply art materials at the <strong>Institute</strong><br />

and Lourdes Hall campuses for one year<br />

$9,450 will cover the cost of tuition for one<br />

student this year<br />

Engaging young <strong>La</strong>sallians…priceless<br />

Building a Legacy<br />

Help yourself, your family and <strong>De</strong> <strong>La</strong> <strong>Salle</strong><br />

<strong>Institute</strong> by joining other alumni and friends<br />

who have provided for the school in their<br />

estate plans. We greatly appreciate those<br />

individuals who remember <strong>De</strong> <strong>La</strong> <strong>Salle</strong> with<br />

a bequest or other means of deferred giving.<br />

You not only honor your own memories and<br />

experiences, but you also build a legacy that<br />

will help thousands of students receive the<br />

<strong>La</strong>sallian education that is a long-standing<br />

tradition at <strong>De</strong> <strong>La</strong> <strong>Salle</strong> <strong>Institute</strong>.<br />

We welcome all inquiries about planned<br />

gifts. To learn more about making a planned<br />

gift to <strong>De</strong> <strong>La</strong> <strong>Salle</strong>, please contact Iris Gist<br />

Cochran, Director of <strong>De</strong>velopment, at<br />

312.842.7355, ext 152 or cochrani@dls.org.<br />

Honor Key Award Nominations<br />

Each year, the Alumni Association awards the Honor Key Award at the Annual Alumni<br />

Banquet. All Honor Key recipients are graduates and/or former faculty and staff<br />

members of <strong>De</strong> <strong>La</strong> <strong>Salle</strong> <strong>Institute</strong> who have distinguished themselves by their achievements<br />

while at <strong>De</strong> <strong>La</strong> <strong>Salle</strong> and/or by their civic or commercial success. Nominations are<br />

received and reviewed by the Directors of the Alumni Association. Up to three awards<br />

will be given out at the Alumni Banquet on Friday, October 5, <strong>2012</strong>. The Alumni Association<br />

welcomes any and all nominations for the <strong>2012</strong> Honor Key Award.<br />

If you know of a former <strong>De</strong> <strong>La</strong> <strong>Salle</strong> student, faculty/staff member, athletic director,<br />

coach or trainer who is worthy of receiving an Honor Key, please submit their name with<br />

the completed form below and any other attachments that may aid in the consideration of<br />

the candidate.<br />

Please forward your nomination(s) to the Alumni Office at <strong>De</strong> <strong>La</strong> <strong>Salle</strong> <strong>Institute</strong> by US<br />

Mail, Fax or Email. If you have any questions regarding the Honor Key Award, please<br />

contact Iris Gist Cochran at 312.842.7355 x152 or cochrani@dls.org.<br />

-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------<br />

~ Nomination Form ~<br />

Name: ______________________ Class Year (if applicable) _________<br />

Address: ___________________________________________________<br />

City: ____________________________ State: ________ Zip: ________<br />

Phone: ___________________ Email: ___________________________<br />

Occupation: _________________________________________________<br />

Accomplishments (at <strong>De</strong> <strong>La</strong> <strong>Salle</strong> / in Career/ in Community Service):<br />

___________________________________________________________<br />

___________________________________________________________<br />

___________________________________________________________<br />

___________________________________________________________<br />

Other Awards/Recognition beyond <strong>De</strong> <strong>La</strong> <strong>Salle</strong>:<br />

__________________________________________________________<br />

__________________________________________________________<br />

___________________________________________________________<br />

Relationship to/with <strong>De</strong> <strong>La</strong> <strong>Salle</strong>:<br />

___________________________________________________________<br />

Return to: Alumni Office, 3455 S Wabash Ave, Chicago, IL 60616<br />

or Fax to 312-842-4142<br />

24 Alumni Connection


Alumni Updates<br />

Does <strong>De</strong> <strong>La</strong> <strong>Salle</strong><br />

Have Your E-mail Address<br />

Please visit our website at www.dls.org<br />

and click on the alumni relations page.<br />

1957<br />

John Aranza has written a new book entitled “My Bridgeport”. In the book,<br />

Aranza “chronicles a lifetime of experiences and sensitivities to the little<br />

village atmosphere (he) keenly sensed and sought out.” Contact Aranza at<br />

johnaranza@sbcglobal.net.<br />

Louis Barta is a retired vice president and general manager in the chemical<br />

coatings industry. He lives in Darien, IL and his email address is ljb4051@<br />

aol.com.<br />

Algerd Monstavicius is retired and lives with his family in Incline Village,<br />

NV. Reach him by email at monstavicius64@sbcglobal.net.<br />

1965<br />

Gregory Rhodes is a retired assistant United States Attorney and lives in<br />

New Orleans, LA. He may be emailed at ghayzer@aol.com.<br />

1966<br />

Enrico Clausi and his wife reside in Germantown, TN. Clausi is the<br />

Assistant Director of Army Instruction for the Memphis City School. His<br />

email address is capopiper@aol.com.<br />

Thomas Strzycki resides in Fort Myers, FL after serving in the United States<br />

Air Force as well as working in the fields of marketing, education and public<br />

safety. Strzycki and his wife have two daughters and two grandchildren. He<br />

can be reached at t.strzycki@comcast.net.<br />

1967<br />

Don Meyer is an author and currently resides in June <strong>La</strong>ke, CA. His latest<br />

book is entitled “the American War” and features Sam Kensington, a soldier<br />

who participated in both the Civil War and Vietnam War.<br />

Meyer has also authored “Winter Ghost - McKenzie Affair - Uncle <strong>De</strong>nny”,<br />

“Jennifer’s Plan” and “The Protected Will Never Know - A Vietnam<br />

Memoir”.<br />

For further information on Meyer’s books, please visit his website at www.<br />

dpmeyer.com or contact him by email at don@dpmeyer.com<br />

1968<br />

Gregory Parker and his family live in Palos Heights, IL. Parker, who is an<br />

accountant, also is the proud father of five daughters. His email address is<br />

gregparker3@comcast.net.<br />

<strong>De</strong> <strong>La</strong> <strong>Salle</strong> <strong>Institute</strong> extends its deepest<br />

sympathies to the families of the following<br />

<strong>De</strong> <strong>La</strong> <strong>Salle</strong> and Lourdes alumni and<br />

friends who have recently passed away:<br />

Ms. Barbara Alberts<br />

Mr. Joseph F. Ambrosino '53<br />

Mr. Donald A. Backley '53<br />

Mr. William E. Blake '53<br />

Mrs. Sandra M. Bozzi 'L74<br />

Dr. Michael J. Campbell '32<br />

Mr. Joseph N. Casella '53<br />

Mr. Leonard J. Cichowski '53<br />

Mr. Robert L. Considine '62<br />

Mr. Gerald M. Cull '53<br />

Mr. John R. DiPietro '53<br />

Mr. George J. Ewert '54<br />

Mr. Ronald A. Feldner '61<br />

Mr. Joshua A. Gonzalez '11<br />

Mr. William F. Granger '59<br />

Ms. Eva Grzegorczyk 'L95<br />

Mr. Vernon L. Guider '63<br />

Mr. Andre R. Harris '81<br />

Mr. Donald E. Jeffers '56<br />

Mr. Walter S. Klugiewicz '53<br />

Mr. Charles W. Knock '55<br />

Mrs. Mary Ann Koperski 'L58<br />

Mr. John J. Kosminskas '53<br />

Mr. James T. Markham '43<br />

Mr. John T. McManus '53<br />

Mr. Ronald K. Nevels '50<br />

Mr. Leonard M. Novak '59<br />

Mrs. Marguerite A. Perlinski 'L55<br />

Mr. Salvatore P. Pusateri '44<br />

Mr. Robert J. Russell '60<br />

Mr. Earl P. Sanders '53<br />

Mr. William F. Schacht '62<br />

Mr. Robert M. Small '53<br />

Mr. Frank L. Strocchia '51<br />

Mr. William E. Tracey '60<br />

Mrs. Joan L. Wrobel 'L53<br />

Mr. Valentine Zabielski '53<br />

Eternal rest grant unto them, O Lord, and may<br />

perpetual light shine upon them. May their<br />

souls and all the souls of the faithful departed<br />

rest in peace. Amen.<br />

St. John Baptist de <strong>La</strong> <strong>Salle</strong>, pray for us.<br />

Our <strong>La</strong>dy of Lourdes, pray for us.<br />

Live Jesus in our hearts, forever.<br />

Alumni Connection 25

Alumni Updates<br />

1969<br />

Edwin Gierut is employed in the printing industry and lives in<br />

Darien, IL. His email address is ed.j.gierut@rrd.com.<br />

1971<br />

<strong>De</strong>rrick Barry lives in Shorewood, IL with his family and is working<br />

in the railroad industry. His email address is rien15@aol.com.<br />

1972<br />

Arthur Parra is a retired Chicago Police <strong>De</strong>partment captain. He<br />

resides in Chicago with his family. Parra, who can be reached at<br />

artparrasr@gmail.com., also informed us that his granddaughter,<br />

Alexis, will be a member of <strong>De</strong> <strong>La</strong> <strong>Salle</strong>’s Class of 2016.<br />

Congratulations!<br />

1974<br />

John Griffin Jr. is a brokerage owner in the insurance industry. He<br />

resides in South Elgin, IL and may be reached via email at jpginsu@<br />

sbcglobal.net.<br />

1981<br />

Victor Megaro works in the fire investigation field as a fire marshal.<br />

He resides in Chicago and his email address is rpdox@aol.com.<br />

1982<br />

Jose Aranda Jr. is an engineer and resides with his family<br />

in Grayslake, IL. His email address is zeppelindeplomo38@<br />

yahoo.com.<br />

1983<br />

Gerard Aubert has spent the last 27 years in the airline industry<br />

working for United Airlines in the field of in-flight management. He<br />

resides in Spring, TX and can be reached at flytex777@aol.com.<br />

Mark Hoffman and his family reside in Bradley, IL. Hoffman, who<br />

works as a semi-truck carrier, can be reached by email at rjsjw@<br />

comcast.net.<br />

Socrates Mabry is a detective with the Chicago Police <strong>De</strong>partment.<br />

He lives in Chicago and may be emailed at socrates.mabry@<br />

chicagopolice.org.<br />

1984<br />

Andrew Preer Jr. has earned a degree from Huston-Tillotson<br />

University in Austin, TX after spending 20 years serving in the<br />

United States military.<br />

Preer Jr. notified <strong>De</strong> <strong>La</strong> <strong>Salle</strong> Magazine that on Nov. 28, 2011,<br />

he was inducted into the Eta Tau Chapter of Sigma Tau <strong>De</strong>lta<br />

International English Honor Society. He added that “all of my<br />

collegiate success would not have been possible had I not attended<br />

<strong>De</strong> <strong>La</strong> <strong>Salle</strong> <strong>Institute</strong>. To all the Christian Brothers, teachers, and<br />

staff, thank you very much for your instruction and discipline.”<br />

Preer Jr. is working in the computer science industry and resides in<br />

Austin, TX. His email address is chitownlefty@gmail.com.<br />

1985<br />

Brian Goodwill is a deputy sheriff in the field of law enforcement and<br />

lives in Chicago. His email address is skymarshal_5@yahoo.com.<br />

John Respeto is a laborer and steward in the food industry. He<br />

resides in North Riverside, IL and can be contacted at j4r19r67@<br />

yahoo.com.<br />

1987<br />

Teakoe Coleman works for the federal government as an auditor. He<br />

lives in Woodbridge, VA and can be reached at teakcold@gmail.com.<br />

Stephen Taylor resides in Golden Valley, MN and is working in<br />

the field of education as an assistant principal. His email address is<br />

Stephen.Taylor@spps.org.<br />

1991<br />

Wahib Manzur is a lieutenant in the law enforcement industry.<br />

Manzur resides in Goodyear, AZ and his email address is<br />

wmanzur@gmail.com.<br />

1994<br />

Juan Alvarez is a union plumber in the construction industry and<br />

lives in Chicago. His email address is alvplumbing@gmail.com.<br />

1995<br />

Richard Blake lives in Chicago and works for the Chicago Park<br />

District as a supervisor. His email address is reeblake77@yahoo.com.<br />

Willie Hampton Jr. is an occupancy specialist in the housing field and<br />

lives in Chicago. His email address is willhamptonjr@gmail.com.<br />

1997<br />

Dave Sprandel works in the heating, ventilation and air conditioning<br />

(HVAC) industry as a member of the Union 597 pipefitters. He calls<br />

Oak <strong>La</strong>wn, IL home and may be contacted at davesp113@yahoo.com.<br />

26 Alumni Connection


Alumni Updates<br />

1999<br />

Tom Ruswick works in sales and logistics in the steel<br />

industry. He calls Tinley Park, IL home and may be contacted<br />

at ruz12@hotmail.com.<br />

2003<br />

Ronald Moore is employed in the corrections field as a Youth<br />

<strong>De</strong>velopment Specialist for Cook County. He lives in Oak<br />

Park, IL and his email address is moorrona@gmail.com.<br />

2004<br />

Tim Kelleher is a senior accountant for <strong>De</strong>loitte & Touche.<br />

Kelleher graduated from Centenary (LA) College in 2008 and<br />

earned his Masters <strong>De</strong>gree in accounting from Notre Dame<br />

one year later. Kelleher resides in Oak <strong>La</strong>wn, IL and can be<br />

emailed at tkelleher@alumni.nd.edu.<br />

Chris Paluch is an art director and lives in Chicago. His email<br />

address is crpaluch@gmail.com.<br />

2007<br />

DaVina Fairley is a sales associate and lives in Jackson, MS.<br />

Her email address is destinikisses@gmail.com.<br />

2009<br />

<strong>De</strong>rek Needham was named to the All-Metro Atlantic<br />

Athletic Conference Second Team in basketball for the<br />

2011-12 season. Needham, who plays for Fairfield University,<br />

was second on the Stags’ roster in scoring (11.8 ppg) and<br />

first in assists (3.4 apg). Needham also was selected to the<br />

National Association of Basketball Coaches (NABC)<br />

All-District I team.<br />

Joe Nieciak is a student at <strong>De</strong>Paul University and resides in<br />

Chicago. He is studying urban and regional planning as well<br />

as working for an engineering software distributor as a data<br />

account specialist. Nieciak’s email address is jnieciak91@<br />

hotmail.com.<br />

2010<br />

Maceo Johnson is a student at Kentucky State University in<br />

Frankfort, KY. Johnson, who is a student ambassador and tour<br />

book coordinator, will be the 1st Vice President of the Student<br />

Government Association and serve on the executive board<br />

during the <strong>2012</strong>-13 school year. Johnson’s email address is<br />

Maceo.Johnson@kysu.edu.<br />

Lourdes Alumnae Update<br />

1979<br />

Eva (Kozlowski) <strong>La</strong>zzara is a pharmacist and resides with her<br />

family in Brookfield, IL. Contact her by email at<br />

eva_k@comcast.net.<br />

1985<br />

Mary (Styrczula) Ameriks is a revenue analyst and resides<br />

with her husband in Chicago. Her email address is<br />

maryhstyrcz@yahoo.com.<br />

1987<br />

Marybeth (Nieciak) Ochoa lives in Chicago with her husband<br />

and family and is working as a pharmaceutical analyst. Her email<br />

address is marybethochoa@hotmail.com.<br />

Elaine Alexander works in development and donor relations for<br />

Easter Seals in the Fox Valley and DuPage regions of Illinois.<br />

She and her family reside in Chicago. Alexander’s email address<br />

is ldylane68@aol.com.<br />

Regina Sipla is a manager in the information technology field and<br />

lives in Addison, IL. Sipla can be reached at rmsipla@juno.com.<br />

Gina (<strong>De</strong>Grazia) Skiera is a finance systems manager in the<br />

aviation industry. She resides in Itasca, IL and is interested in<br />

helping to plan a 25th Anniversary reunion for the Lourdes Class<br />

of 1987. Skiera’s email address is gina.zia@gmail.com.<br />

1989<br />

Theresa (Krug) Reilly is an executive assistant and lives with her<br />

family in Oak <strong>La</strong>wn, IL. Her email address is theresa.reilly@<br />

hotmail.com.<br />

1992<br />

Kristen Ecklund is employed in the oil and gas industry as a<br />

human resources manager for an equity investment firm in<br />

Houston, TX. Her email addresses are Kecklund@memorialrd.<br />

com and Kristen.Ecklund@gmail.com.<br />

1995<br />

Rebecca Nadasky is a dispatcher and lives in Aurora, IL. Her<br />

email address is beccajipsee@yahoo.com.<br />

Alumni Connection 27


On April 2, <strong>2012</strong>, <strong>De</strong> <strong>La</strong> <strong>Salle</strong> hosted the<br />

21st Annual D-Final Event. The Parmer<br />

Activity Center was filled with friends,<br />

family and alumni to watch the NCAA<br />

Basketball Championship game between<br />

Kentucky and Kansas, partake in the raffles<br />

and games offered throughout the evening<br />

and enjoy some Meteor camaraderie.<br />

In all, more than $39,000 was raised for the<br />

benefit of the young women and men of <strong>De</strong><br />

<strong>La</strong> <strong>Salle</strong>.<br />

We would like to thank everyone who<br />

participated and we hope to see you at next<br />

year’s D-Final that will be held on April 8,<br />

2013!<br />

Go Meteors!<br />

Members of the Class of 1967<br />

enjoy a reunion at the D-Final<br />

Event. Seated from left to right<br />

are John Scelonge, Ron Rivera,<br />

Skip O’Donnell and Mike<br />

Wagner. Standing behind them<br />

are Nick Grzyb, Emmett Wilson,<br />

Edwin “Bo” Phillips, Prentiss<br />

Jackson and Robert <strong>La</strong>ude<br />

s<br />

s<br />

<strong>De</strong> <strong>La</strong> <strong>Salle</strong><br />

president Fr. Paul<br />

Novak, OSM<br />

and assistant<br />

principal Nick<br />

Colletti draw the<br />

winning tickets in<br />

the Super Raffle<br />

PHONATHON <strong>2012</strong><br />

THANK YOU!<br />

Twenty-three enthusiastic Meteors gathered in March to make more than 4,500 phone calls over an<br />

eight-day period for <strong>De</strong> <strong>La</strong> <strong>Salle</strong> <strong>Institute</strong>’s <strong>2012</strong> Phonathon. Alumni and friends from across the<br />

country responded generously when asked to support the student financial assistance program. <strong>De</strong><br />

<strong>La</strong> <strong>Salle</strong> students raised more than $38,000 in outright gifts and pledge commitments through the<br />

generosity of many who share in our <strong>La</strong>sallian mission of education.<br />

The Meteors who participated in the <strong>2012</strong> Phonathon were: Ashley Andaverde ‘12, Romero Board<br />

‘12, Joshua Boddie ‘13, Ben Colletti ‘15, Gabino Coss ‘15, Marissa <strong>De</strong>Carlo ‘12, <strong>La</strong>uren Dilger ‘12,<br />

Dolores Duran ‘12, Ryan Flynn ‘13, Caterina Hernandez ‘12, Kristin Joyce ‘12, Jared Luna ‘15,<br />

Michael Nowak ‘15, Horace Nowell III ‘15, Jeremy O’Brien ‘12, Vinicio Ovalle ‘12, Erica Parrilli<br />

‘12, <strong>La</strong>uren Rubio ‘12, Tyler Senjanin ‘13, Jamon Thomas ‘15, Ricardo Torres ‘13, Bridget White<br />

‘12 and Kevin Wilson ‘12. These student-callers did an outstanding job for a very important cause.<br />

Participating in the Phonathon is a great experience for <strong>De</strong> <strong>La</strong> <strong>Salle</strong> students. As future alumni, they<br />

have the opportunity to get acquainted with alumni and friends of the <strong>Institute</strong>, share information<br />

about the school’s most recent accomplishments, raise much-needed dollars for student financial aid<br />

and discover what being a Meteor is really all about.<br />

We congratulate our student-callers for their determined efforts and thank all of you who answered<br />

the call for support of our Meteors!<br />

28 Alumni Connection<br />

28 Alumni Connection<br />

Michael Nowak ‘15<br />

helps to raise money<br />

for <strong>De</strong> <strong>La</strong> <strong>Salle</strong> by<br />

contacting alumni<br />

during the annual<br />

Phonathon<br />



Alumni Profile<br />


As an excellent student and<br />

athlete when he was a young<br />

man, Dr. Ernest Monaco ’85 had<br />

his choice of which high school<br />

he wanted to attend.<br />

Dr. Monaco, who graduated<br />

from Hale Elementary School<br />

and was from St. Symphorosa’s<br />

Parish in Chicago’s Clearing<br />

neighborhood, picked <strong>De</strong><br />

<strong>La</strong> <strong>Salle</strong>. That decision<br />

eventually provided him the basis for a future that now<br />

includes 3,000 patients, two offices (one in Chicago’s<br />

Garfield Ridge neighborhood and one in Darien, IL) and<br />

one very successful dental practice that has been in<br />

existence since 1994.<br />

“I knew that <strong>De</strong> <strong>La</strong> <strong>Salle</strong> was a very good school with great<br />

academics and athletics,” Dr. Monaco said.<br />

“We all stuck together; it was a brotherhood. And the<br />

faculty and staff taught us good moral values.”<br />

Among those who provided instruction to Dr. Monaco<br />

during his days as a Meteor, he cites <strong>La</strong>rry Wenshutonis<br />

’60, George Jaros ’64, current <strong>De</strong>an of Mathematics and<br />

Applied Sciences Kamaal Khazen, Dave Bavlsik, Todd<br />

Wernet, Don Huber and Wally Sebuck as having the greatest<br />

impact on his life.<br />

“The math and science classes at ‘D’ were very good and<br />

that made college a lot easier academically,” Dr. Monaco<br />

said. “We were well prepared in English, science and math.<br />

“One memory that I have is when I went to college and we<br />

took our first math test as a freshman. I got an ‘A’ on the test<br />

and it was all the same information that was taught at ‘D’.<br />

“The majority of the class failed that test, when I only<br />

reviewed the material. This was a perfect example of how<br />

‘D’ prepared me for college.”<br />

Along with the ability to handle everything inside the<br />

classroom, the faculty and staff at <strong>De</strong> <strong>La</strong> <strong>Salle</strong> also provided<br />

Dr. Monaco and his classmates with insight and advice<br />

necessary to succeed outside the classroom.<br />

“We gained independence by traveling from our<br />

neighborhood to <strong>De</strong> <strong>La</strong> <strong>Salle</strong>,” Dr. Monaco said. “That<br />

prepared us to go off on our own.<br />

“It was so structured and there was so much discipline<br />

that helped us to get through college and life. I was able to<br />

overcome any fears and that made me very independent.”<br />

Independent enough to start his own dental practice after<br />

earning a Bachelor’s <strong>De</strong>gree in Health Science from the<br />

then-Illinois Benedictine College and a Doctorate in <strong>De</strong>ntal<br />

Science from Southern Illinois University – Edwardsville’s<br />

School of <strong>De</strong>ntal Medicine in Alton, IL.<br />

“I like to work with my hands and I like to take care of<br />

my patients,” Dr. Monaco said. “That’s why I wanted to<br />

become a dentist.”<br />

Outside of the dental office, Dr. Monaco and his wife,<br />

Kathleen, who is a chiropractor, reside in the southwest<br />

suburbs of Chicago with their seven children, ranging<br />

in age from 7-17. Having high-school age children has<br />

enabled Dr. Monaco to look back with fondness at his days<br />

as a Meteor.<br />

Not only was Dr. Monaco an honor roll student, he also was<br />

an Honorable Mention All-Catholic League football player<br />

as a senior during the 1984 season.<br />

“I remember that we won the Prep Bowl and there are the<br />

memories of playing in Soldier Field,” Dr. Monaco said.<br />

“We practiced on the same field where Walter Payton played.<br />

I walked around the field and I looked at the goalposts and I<br />

was thinking of the people who played there before we did.<br />

That was amazing.”<br />

As for anyone who would want their children to attend <strong>De</strong><br />

<strong>La</strong> <strong>Salle</strong> and have the same enriching experiences that Dr.<br />

Monaco did, he offered this bit of advice:<br />

“D’s a great school and you will learn to be independent<br />

and to become a man or a woman,” Dr. Monaco said. “The<br />

faculty and students are great and you will be prepared for<br />

college because of everything you learned at <strong>De</strong> <strong>La</strong> <strong>Salle</strong>.<br />

“Even when you go to college, you might see someone<br />

there who also went to ‘D’ and you know that you have that<br />

special bond.”<br />

Alumni Connection 29

Office for Advancement<br />

3455 S. Wabash Ave.<br />

Chicago, Illinois 60616-3827<br />

312.842.7355<br />

Have You Considered a<br />

Planned Gift to<br />

<strong>De</strong> <strong>La</strong> <strong>Salle</strong><br />

Non-Profit Org.<br />

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PAID<br />

Permit No. 3092<br />

Chicago, IL<br />

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Parents:<br />

If this is addressed to your son or daughter<br />

and he or she no longer resides there, please<br />

contact <strong>De</strong> <strong>La</strong> <strong>Salle</strong>’s Office for Advancement<br />

by phone or with the enclosed envelope so<br />

that we may update our records.<br />

Find us on Facebook!<br />

www.facebook.com/delasalleinstitute<br />

Follow us on Twitter!<br />

www.twitter.com/dlsmeteors<br />

Come Home to <strong>De</strong> <strong>La</strong> <strong>Salle</strong> This Fall!<br />

<strong>De</strong> <strong>La</strong> <strong>Salle</strong> <strong>Institute</strong> <strong>2012</strong><br />

Blue-Gold Football Game<br />

Friday, August 17, <strong>2012</strong><br />

Come join us for the kickoff of<br />

the <strong>2012</strong> athletic season as the<br />

Meteor freshman, sophomore and<br />

varsity football teams scrimmage<br />

at <strong>De</strong> <strong>La</strong> <strong>Salle</strong>.<br />

For more information, please<br />

contact Maggie McEldowney,<br />

at (312) 842-7355 ext. 146 or<br />

mceldowneym@dls.org.<br />

Friday, September 14, <strong>2012</strong><br />

&<br />

Sports Hall<br />

of Fame<br />

Honor the newest inductees<br />

into the Sports Hall of<br />

Fame before the<br />

Homecoming Game with a<br />

pregame celebration from<br />

5 p.m. to 7p.m.<br />

Homecoming<br />

Football Game<br />

<strong>De</strong> <strong>La</strong> <strong>Salle</strong> vs.<br />

St. Ignatius<br />

Cheer on the Meteors to<br />

V-I-C-T-O-R-Y!! The<br />

sophomore game kicks<br />

off at 5:00 p.m. with the<br />

varsity game immediately<br />

following at 7:30 p.m.<br />

Inductees to the Sports Hall<br />

of Fame will be presented<br />

during the halftime show.<br />

Metra…<br />

The way to really fly to <strong>De</strong> <strong>La</strong> <strong>Salle</strong><br />

With the addition of the Lou Jones/<br />

Bronzeville Metra rail station at 35th and<br />

Federal, students can now be dropped off<br />

two blocks from our <strong>Institute</strong> Campus.<br />

The Rock Island Line has daily stops at the<br />

Lou Jones/Bronzeville station, making <strong>De</strong><br />

<strong>La</strong> <strong>Salle</strong> accessible to suburban students.<br />

Students from Tinley Park, Orland Park,<br />

Oak Forest, Orland Hills, Mokena,<br />

Alsip, Evergreen Park and the rest of the<br />

surrounding southwest suburbs can really fly to <strong>De</strong> <strong>La</strong> <strong>Salle</strong><br />

on Metra.<br />

117th Annual Alumni Banquet<br />

Friday, October 5, <strong>2012</strong><br />

On the <strong>Institute</strong> Campus<br />

4:30 p.m. Mass & Tours<br />

5:30 p.m. Reception<br />

7:00 p.m. Dinner & Awards<br />

Contact Maggie McEldowney<br />

for more information at 312.842.7355 x146.

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