habitat suitability index models: eastern wild turkey - USGS National ...

habitat suitability index models: eastern wild turkey - USGS National ...

habitat suitability index models: eastern wild turkey - USGS National ...


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502n·101<br />


PAGE I Blologlcal<br />

Report 82(10.106~~<br />

'11..Reclp.ent'. Acclss,o" No.<br />

4. Titll Ind Subtitle ~ RlPOrt Oltl<br />

August 1985<br />

Habitat Suitability Index ~odels: Eastern Hild Turkey<br />

6. -~<br />

7. Authorl.) 8. Plrtormin. Or.lnizltion RIPl. No.<br />

Richard L. Schroeder<br />

9. Pertormin. O,,"niution N..... Ind Addr... Western Energy and Land Use Team 10. Pro,lct/TIsk/Work Unit No.<br />

U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service<br />

2627 Redwing Road 11. ContrlctlC) or GrlntlG) No.<br />

Fort Co 11 ins, CO 80526-2899 IC)<br />

1~ SpoRSorin. Or.lniution Nlml Ind Add..... Wes tern Energy and Land Use Team 13. Type of Report & Period COYlrld<br />

Division of Biological Services<br />

Research and Development<br />

Fish and Wildlife Service 14.<br />

Deoartmen.Uf the Interior Wrlc::hinnt hn DC :mno<br />

15. Suppllmlntlry Notl' The Biological Report series was initi~ted in October 1984 to replace<br />

the FWSjOBS series published since 1976. The report number assigned to this model<br />

foll ows consecutively from the Habitat SUita~llitY)Index <strong>models</strong> published as FVJSjOBS-<br />

8/1O nnw rlC:: R'i n l n o i r-a I n R 10<br />

16. Abstrlct (Limit: 200 worm)<br />

A review and synthesis of existing information were used to develop a Habita t<br />

Suitabil t ty Index (HSI) model for the <strong>eastern</strong> <strong>wild</strong> <strong>turkey</strong> U~el eagris gallopavo<br />

sylvestris). The model consol idates <strong>habitat</strong> use information into a framework<br />

appropriate for field application, and is scaled to produce an <strong>index</strong> between 0.0<br />

(unsuitable <strong>habitat</strong>) and 1.0 (optimum <strong>habitat</strong>). HSI <strong>models</strong> are designed to be used<br />

with Habitat Evaluation Procedures previously developed by the U.S. Fish and Wildlife<br />

Service.<br />

IGl<br />

17. Document Anllysi. I. Descriptors<br />

Birds<br />

Wildlife<br />

Habitabil ity<br />

Mathematical <strong>models</strong><br />

b. Identlfiers/Open·Ended Tlrm.<br />

Eastern <strong>wild</strong> <strong>turkey</strong><br />

Meleagris gallopavo sylvestris<br />

I<br />

I<br />

c. COSATI Filld/GnluP<br />

18. AYlillbillty Stltlml"; lIt. Security CII.s (Tlli. RlPOrt) I 21. No of PI,.. !<br />

Release unlimit~d Unclassified , 33 _-.J<br />

I20. Security CII,' (Til,. PI.e) i 22~ Price<br />

I<br />

I Uncl as si ft ed ! I<br />

(S.. ANSI-Z39.18)<br />

*u.S. GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE: 1985-580246/25345<br />

OI"T\ONAL FOR'" 272 ( 4-77<br />

IFormerly NTI:>-3S1<br />

Department of Commerce<br />


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