Book of abstracts - British Neuroscience Association

Book of abstracts - British Neuroscience Association

Book of abstracts - British Neuroscience Association


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39.10<br />

Metabotropic glutamate receptor mediated long term depression<br />

involves AMPA receptor redistribution triggered by protein<br />

tyrosine phosphatases<br />

Gladding C M, Fitzjohn S M, Bashir Z I, Collingridge G L, Molnar E<br />

Medical Research Council Centre for Synaptic Plasticity; Department<br />

<strong>of</strong> Anatomy, University <strong>of</strong> Bristol, School <strong>of</strong> Medical Sciences, Bristol,<br />

BS8 1TD, United Kingdom<br />

Long-term depression (LTD) can be induced at hippocampal CA1<br />

synapses, by activation <strong>of</strong> either N-methyl-D-aspartate receptors<br />

(NMDARs) or metabotropic glutamate receptors (mGluRs). Although<br />

NMDAR-LTD has been relatively well characterised, the molecular<br />

mechanisms underlying mGluR-LTD are still unknown. However,<br />

these can be investigated by bath application <strong>of</strong> the group 1 mGluR<br />

agonist (RS)-3,5-dihydroxyphenylglycine (DHPG). Previous studies<br />

have indicated that DHPG-LTD is calcium independent and does not<br />

require activation <strong>of</strong> CaMKII, protein kinases A or C or<br />

serine/threonine phosphatases. It does however require protein<br />

tyrosine phosphatases (PTPs), GĄq activation and involve<br />

internalisation <strong>of</strong> AMPA receptors (AMPARs) and NMDARs. In this<br />

study, 400 μm thick acute hippocampal slices were obtained from<br />

female Wistar rats (10-12 weeks <strong>of</strong> age), and incubated in 100 μM<br />

DHPG for 10 minutes, followed by immunoprecipitation <strong>of</strong> AMPARs<br />

and quantitative immunoblot analysis using an anti-phosphotyrosine<br />

antibody at different time-points. We have established that DHPG-LTD<br />

involves a transient tyrosine dephosphorylation <strong>of</strong> the GluR2 AMPAR<br />

subunit, and that this is blocked by prior application <strong>of</strong> the PTP<br />

inhibitor, orthovanadate. The total AMPAR content in the slices is<br />

unaffected in DHPG-LTD. AMPAR phosphotyrosine levels do not<br />

change significantly upon activation <strong>of</strong> NMDARs implying that the<br />

mechanism is specific to mGluR-LTD. The combination <strong>of</strong> cell surface<br />

biotin-labelling and immunoprecipitation revealed that tyrosine<br />

dephosphorylation is required for the trafficking <strong>of</strong> AMPARs away from<br />

the synapse. This study has therefore established that AMPAR<br />

tyrosine dephosphorylation by PTPs is an important postsynaptic<br />

component <strong>of</strong> mGluR-LTD which does not seem to be involved in<br />

NMDAR-LTD.<br />

39.11<br />

Learning-specific changes in long-term depression in rat perirhinal<br />

cortex.<br />

Massey P V, Pythian D, Narduzzo K E, Warburton E C, Brown M W, Bashir<br />

Z I<br />

MRC Centre for Synaptic Plasticity, Dept <strong>of</strong> Anatomy, University <strong>of</strong> Bristol,<br />

BS8 1TD, UK.<br />

Learning is widely believed to involve mechanisms <strong>of</strong> synaptic plasticity but<br />

their precise relationship remains poorly understood. The perirhinal cortex<br />

is required for both single exposure learning <strong>of</strong> recognition memory<br />

(familiarity discrimination) and multi-trial perceptual and reinforcement<br />

learning. We exploited the involvement <strong>of</strong> rat perirhinal cortex in these<br />

different forms <strong>of</strong> learning to compare within the same brain their effects on<br />

synaptic plasticity. Every effort was made to minimise pain and discomfort<br />

in accordance with the Animals (Scientific Procedures) Act 1986. A paired<br />

viewing apparatus allowed novel pictures to be presented to the monocular<br />

field <strong>of</strong> one eye, and familiar pictures to the other under the same<br />

behavioural conditions. Picture presentations were accompanied by a juice<br />

reward. 60 min after the last session perirhinal slices were prepared from<br />

‘novel’ and ‘familiar’ hemispheres and extracellular field potential recording<br />

used to assess synaptic plasticity. Repeated exposure to familiar pictures,<br />

but not many novel pictures, occluded, in a muscarinic-dependent<br />

manner, subsequent induction <strong>of</strong> both depotentiation and de novo LTD in<br />

perirhinal cortex in vitro whilst having no effect on LTP. The contrast in the<br />

effects <strong>of</strong> the two types <strong>of</strong> learning on LTD indicates that the change cannot<br />

be due to synapse-specific plastic changes registering precise details <strong>of</strong> the<br />

individual learned associations. Instead, we conclude that the occlusions <strong>of</strong><br />

LTD arise from a learning-related generalised change in plasticity gain. The<br />

existence <strong>of</strong> this additional mechanism has important implications for<br />

interpretations <strong>of</strong> how plasticity relates to learning. Supported by Wellcome<br />

Trust.<br />

40.01<br />

Effects <strong>of</strong> melatonin on neuronal activity in the rat<br />

suprachiasmatic nuclei (SCN) in vitro.<br />

Scott F, Brown T, Delagrange P, Piggins H<br />

(1,2,4) University <strong>of</strong> Manchester, UK, (3) Institut de Recherches<br />

Internationales Servier (IRIS), France<br />

The suprachiasmatic nuclei (SCN) act as the master circadian<br />

pacemaker in mammals, controlling daily rhythms in many aspects <strong>of</strong><br />

physiology, including secretion <strong>of</strong> the pineal gland hormone melatonin.<br />

Melatonin levels peak during the early night and exogenous<br />

application <strong>of</strong> melatonin during the evening alters the activity <strong>of</strong> rodent<br />

SCN neurons and the timing <strong>of</strong> rodent behavioural rhythms via high<br />

affinity G protein-coupled receptors. Using a novel recording<br />

technique, we investigated the acute and long-term effects <strong>of</strong><br />

exogenous melatonin on single and multiple unit (SUA and MUA) SCN<br />

cellular activity in vitro.<br />

We used suction electrodes to record SCN MUA from coronal, 400µm<br />

thick rat SCN slices maintained in an interface-style tissue chamber.<br />

SUA firing patterns were discriminated from these MUA recordings<br />

<strong>of</strong>fline using Spike2 s<strong>of</strong>tware (CED, UK). For acute studies, melatonin<br />

(10fM to 1μM) was applied via the perfusion line for at least 10min<br />

between zeitgeber times (ZT) 3 and ZT 8.5 where ZT12=projected<br />

lights-<strong>of</strong>f.<br />

Consistent with previous reports, melatonin evoked activations or<br />

suppressions in SCN SUA, but contrasting with these earlier studies,<br />

we found that melatonin-induced predominantly activational effects on<br />

both MUA and SUA firing rates. Late day application (ZT 10-11) <strong>of</strong><br />

1pM melatonin also produced a phase advance in the timing <strong>of</strong> peak<br />

firing in a subset <strong>of</strong> single SCN neurons. These findings indicate<br />

heterogeneity in the responses <strong>of</strong> individual SCN neurons, in vitro, to<br />

exogenous melatonin.<br />

40.02<br />

Scheduled exercise stabilises behavioural rhythms <strong>of</strong> mice with<br />

deficient neuropeptide signalling<br />

Power A, Hughes A T, Namvar S, Brown T M, Piggins H D<br />

Faculty <strong>of</strong> Life Sciences, University <strong>of</strong> Manchester, Manchester, UK<br />

The principal mammalian circadian pacemaker, located within the<br />

hypothalamic suprachiasmatic nuclei (SCN), is reset by both light (photic)<br />

and arousal-promoting non-photic cues (eg.scheduled exercise).<br />

Vasoactive intestinal polypeptide and its VPAC2 receptor are abundant<br />

within the SCN. Mice lacking the VPAC2 receptor (Vipr2-/-) exhibit altered<br />

behavioural and neuronal rhythms and lack normal responses to photic<br />

stimuli, suggesting a completely dysfunctional SCN pacemaker. It is<br />

unknown if Vipr2-/- mice show resynchronisation to non-photic stimuli. Here<br />

we assessed the effects <strong>of</strong> scheduled exercise on locomotor and drinking<br />

rhythms in wild-type (WT) and Vipr2-/- mice. Mice were individually housed<br />

in running wheel equipped cages under a light-dark cycle and then<br />

released into constant darkness (DD). After 14 days (DD1), access to the<br />

running wheel was restricted to 6h a day. This scheduled exercise<br />

continued for 21 days, during which both genotypes showed apparent<br />

entrainment <strong>of</strong> drinking rhythms. Subsequently mice freely exercised for a<br />

further 21-35 days (DD2). In DD1, all WT mice were strongly rhythmic<br />

(period=23.54±0.05h;n=20), 23/26 Vipr2-/- animals exhibited very weak<br />

rhythms (period=22.91±0.29h) and 3 were arrhythmic. In DD2, all WT mice<br />

were rhythmic (period=23.55±0.08h) while 25/26 Vipr2-/- mice were<br />

rhythmic (period=24.01±0.19h). Two previously arrhythmic Vipr2-/- mice<br />

now expressed robust ~24h behavioural rhythms. These results show that,<br />

unlike light, scheduled exercise, can stabilise behavioural rhythmicity in<br />

Vipr2-/- mice and reveal surprising plasticity in the circadian system to<br />

reorganise to a non-photic stimulus.<br />

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