Book of abstracts - British Neuroscience Association

Book of abstracts - British Neuroscience Association

Book of abstracts - British Neuroscience Association


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64.08<br />

Modulation <strong>of</strong> ketamine-induced blood-oxygen level dependent<br />

(BOLD) responses by an AMPA antagonist’<br />

de Groote C, McKie S, Deakin B, Williams S<br />

<strong>Neuroscience</strong> and Psychiatry Unit, and Imaging Science and<br />

Biomedical Engineering; University <strong>of</strong> Manchester, Manchester, M13<br />

9PT, United Kingdom<br />

The glutamate hypothesis <strong>of</strong> schizophrenia proposes an important role<br />

for glutamate in the symptoms <strong>of</strong> the disease, which can be mimicked<br />

experimentally by ketamine (KET). We previously established<br />

localised changes in blood-oxygenation level dependent (BOLD)<br />

contrast in the rat brain in regions relevant to schizophrenia using<br />

direct pharmacoMRI. To investigate whether KET-induced BOLD<br />

changes are due to glutamate release and subsequent stimulation <strong>of</strong><br />

post-synaptic glutamate receptors, we pretreated with GYKI52466, an<br />

AMPA antagonist. Young adult male rats were anaesthetised with<br />

is<strong>of</strong>lurane (1.5%) and placed in a 7T horizontal magnet. BOLD<br />

sensitive T2*-weighted images were acquired using a gradient echo<br />

sequence. Ten minutes before the start <strong>of</strong> functional imaging, vehicle<br />

or GYKI52466 (10 mg/kg) was injected (i.p.). In total 72 volumes <strong>of</strong> 70<br />

seconds were collected, with 18 volumes (20 minutes) <strong>of</strong> baseline<br />

scans and 52 post-injection scans (63 minutes). KET (30 mg/kg s.c.)<br />

was injected at the start <strong>of</strong> volume 19. Data were pre-processed and<br />

analyzed using a general linear model in SPM2. Drug and time<br />

interactions were investigated using a one way ANOVA (uncorrected,<br />

p&lt;0.01). GYKI52466 pre-treatment reduced KET-induced activations<br />

in the thalamus, hippocampus, auditory cortex, cingulate cortex and<br />

retrosplenial cortex. GYKI52466 pre-treatment enhanced KET-induced<br />

BOLD changes in the striatum, somatosensory cortex, colliculus, and<br />

somatosensory cortex. Our study demonstrates that pre-treatment<br />

with the AMPA antagonist GYKI52466 reduces KET-induced BOLD<br />

changes in key areas <strong>of</strong> the rat brain. This supports recent findings for<br />

a role <strong>of</strong> enhanced glutamatergic transmission in schizophrenia.<br />

CdG was supported by a NARSAD YIA Award<br />

65.01<br />

Confocal microendoscopic analysis <strong>of</strong> neuromuscular phenotypes in<br />

ethylnitrosourea (ENU)-mutagenised WldS mice.<br />

Wong F, Fan L, Coleman M P, Blanco G, Ribchester R R<br />

MRC Mary Lyon Centre, Harwell and Centre for <strong>Neuroscience</strong> Research, 1<br />

George Square, Edinburgh.<br />

Severing the motor nerve supply to skeletal muscle normally triggers rapid<br />

Wallerian degeneration. In homozygous WldSmutant mice, axon<br />

degeneration is actively delayed by expression <strong>of</strong> an Nmnat/Ube4b<br />

chimeric gene: disconnected motor nerve terminals persist for several days;<br />

and axons are preserved for up to three weeks, rather than 24-72 hours<br />

characteristic <strong>of</strong> wild-type mice. However, in heterozygous WldS mice<br />

axotomy-induced degeneration <strong>of</strong> presynaptic motor nerve terminals occurs<br />

at a normal rate. This observation supports a compartmental model <strong>of</strong><br />

neurodegeneration, according to which cell bodies, axons and nerve<br />

terminals degenerate in response to surgical or chemical trauma by<br />

different sub-cellular mechanisms. Discovery <strong>of</strong> other gene mutations that<br />

selectively protect synapses would validate this hypothesis. We are<br />

attempting this in a high-throughput screen <strong>of</strong> mice mutagenised by<br />

ethylnitrosourea (ENU), designed to reveal covert neuromuscular<br />

phenotypes after axotomy in vivo. We perform a novel phenotypic assay:<br />

650µm or 1500 µm tipped fibre-optic probes connected to a Cellvizio<br />

confocal microendoscope (Mauna Kea Technologies, Paris). The<br />

procedure is minimally invasive yet can resolve intact and degenerating<br />

axons and synapses in living anaesthetised (halothane/N20) transgenic<br />

mice that co-express yellow fluorescent protein (YFP) in motor neurones as<br />

a biomarker. We use WldS mice as a sensitized background, examining for<br />

either additive synaptic protection or block <strong>of</strong> axonal protection following<br />

axotomy in the F1 <strong>of</strong>fspring <strong>of</strong> the ENU x thy1.2:YFP16-WldS crossbred<br />

mice. To date, we have studied more than 23 ENU lines but none has yet<br />

shown evidence <strong>of</strong> interaction with the WldS/+ phenotype.<br />

65.02<br />

Strong protection <strong>of</strong> annulospiral Ia afferent axon terminals from<br />

Wallerian degeneration in muscle spindles <strong>of</strong> WldS mutant mice.<br />

Oyebode O R O, Singhota J, Gillingwater T H, Ribchester R R<br />

Centre for <strong>Neuroscience</strong> Research, University <strong>of</strong> Edinburgh, EH8 9JZ<br />

The Wld S mouse is a mutant in which axons survive several weeks<br />

after transection, by virtue <strong>of</strong> expression <strong>of</strong> a chimeric Nmnat1/Ube4b<br />

protein. The Wld S phenotype extends to axons in both CNS and<br />

PNS. Wld S also protects presynaptic terminals but studies on this<br />

have been limited to neuromuscular junctions and synapses in the<br />

brain. There are no published data on the degeneration <strong>of</strong> sensory<br />

axons and their terminals in these mice. Here we report that<br />

annulospiral endings <strong>of</strong> Ia afferent axons are very strongly preserved<br />

after axotomy in mice. Homozygous or heterozygous Wld S mice<br />

crossbred with thy1.2-CFP transgenic mice were sacrificed 1-20 days<br />

after sciatic nerve transection under halothane/N 2 O inhalation<br />

anaesthesia. Fluorescence microscopy <strong>of</strong> whole mount preparations<br />

<strong>of</strong> lumbrical muscles revealed excellent preservation <strong>of</strong> annulospiral<br />

endings on muscle spindles for at least 10 days after axotomy. No<br />

significant difference was detected in the protection with age or gene<br />

dose, in contrast to the protection <strong>of</strong> motor nerve terminals, which<br />

degenerated rapidly in heterozygous and &gt;4-month old<br />

homozygous Wld S mice. However, Ia afferent axons were protected<br />

for longer than their annulospiral endings. Quantitative image analysis<br />

<strong>of</strong> reconstructions from confocal projections (z-series) also suggested<br />

that slow degeneration <strong>of</strong> annulospiral endings in Wld S mice occurs<br />

by intercalary loss <strong>of</strong> their intrafusal annuli, rather than either retraction<br />

or fragmentation, as shown by axotomised motor terminals. Thus, like<br />

motor terminals, sensory endings are less well protected by WldSthan<br />

their parent axons, but sensory endings are protected better and<br />

longer than motor nerve endings.<br />

65.03<br />

Neuroprotective properties <strong>of</strong> the non-peptidyl radical scavenger<br />

IACVITA in rats following tMCAO.<br />

Nurmi A, Puoliväli J, Pussinen R, Soleti A, Bagate K, Paolini M, Riccardino<br />

F, Grundy R I, Yrjänheikki J<br />

Cerebricon Ltd, Microkatu 1, FIN-70211 Kuopio, FINLAND, , Medestea<br />

Research & Production S.p.A., Via Cernaia 31, 10121 Torino, , Forenap<br />

Pharma, France., , University <strong>of</strong> Bologna,, Bologna,, Italy., , ,<br />

Substantial evidence exists to suggest that reactive free radicals are<br />

generated during brain ischemia. Anti-oxidant neuroprotective agents have<br />

also been found to be effective in animal models <strong>of</strong> stroke. However,<br />

clinical trials have proved inconsistent. Here we investigated the effect <strong>of</strong> a<br />

novel radical scavenger, IACVITA, on cerebral infarct volume and sensorymotor<br />

performance in a rat transient Middle Cerebral Artery Occlusion<br />

model (tMCAO). Male Sprague-Dawley rats were subjected to 90 min<br />

tMCAO and treated with i.p. or i.v. injections <strong>of</strong> vehicle or IACVITA after the<br />

onset <strong>of</strong> tMCAO. Sensory-motor performance was evaluated daily by 7 and<br />

28 point Neuroscore tests (NS). Cerebral infarct volume was evaluated at<br />

72 h after tMCAO. Rats exhibited a significant decrease in 7 and 28 point<br />

NS during the 3-day monitoring period. Rats treated with IACVITA i.p. (1 or<br />

6 h after the onset <strong>of</strong> tMCAO) or i.v. (1 h after the onset <strong>of</strong> tMCAO) showed<br />

significant improvement in 7 and 28 point NS after tMCAO during the 3-day<br />

follow-up period when compared to vehicle treated rats. Cerebral infarct<br />

volumes were significantly decreased compared to vehicle in rats receiving<br />

IACVITA i.p. 1 or 6 h or i.v. 1 h after the onset <strong>of</strong> tMCAO, which supported<br />

observations from the 7 and 28 point NS tests. These results demonstrate<br />

that IACVITA has unique neuroprotective properties with a wide therapeutic<br />

window in 90 min tMCAO model in rats, which is reflected in the improved<br />

sensory-motor performance and reduced infarct volumes.<br />

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