Assignment 2: Math Review

Assignment 2: Math Review

Assignment 2: Math Review


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Question 2: For three points on the plane (x 1 , y 1 ), (x 2 , y 2 ) and (x 3 , y 3 ) show that the determinant<br />

Question of 2: For three points on the plane (x 1 , y 1 ⇥), (x 2 , y 2 ) and (x 3 , y 3 ) show that the determinant<br />

of<br />

x 1 y 1 1<br />

⇧<br />

⌃⇥<br />

⇤<br />

<strong>Assignment</strong> #2<br />

x 12 y 12 1 ⌅<br />

CS 184: ⇧<br />

Foundations of Computer Graphics page 2 of 3<br />

3 3 ⌃<br />

⇤ x 2 y 2 1 ⌅<br />

Point Value: 15 points<br />

Fall 2011<br />

is proportional to the area of the triangle whose<br />

x 3 y<br />

corners 3 1<br />

are the three points. If these points lie on<br />

Due Date: Sept. 6th, 1:00 pm<br />

Prof. James O’Brien<br />

ais straight proportional line, to what theisarea theof value the triangle of the determinant whose cornersDoes are the thisthree give points. a usefulIftest these to points tell whether lie on<br />

three a straight points line, lie what on a line is theWhy valuedoofyou thethink determinant so Does this give a useful test to tell whether<br />

three Question points lie 3: on The a line equation Why do of you a line think the so plane is ax + by + c = 0. Given two points on the<br />

plane, Question show how3: toThe findequation the values of of a line a, b, inc for the the plane lineis that ax + passes by + c through = 0. Given thosetwo two points. onYou<br />

the<br />

may plane, find show thehow answer to find to question the values 2 useful of a, b, here. c for the line that passes through those two points. You<br />

mayQuestion find the answer 4: Let toequestion 1 = (1, 0, 20), useful e 2 = here. (0, 1, 0), e 3 = (0, 0, 1). Show that if {i, j, k} is {1, 2, 3},<br />

{2, 3, Question 1}, or {3, 1, 4: 2}, Let thene 1 = e i (1, ⇤ e0, j 0), = e k 2 , where = (0, 1, ⇤0), is ethe 3 = cross (0, 0, product. 1). ShowNow thatshow if {i, that j, k} if is {i, {1, j, 2, k} 3}, is<br />

{2, {1, 3, 1}, 2}, {3, or {3, 2, 1} 1, 2}, or {2, then 1, 3}, e i ⇤then e j = e i e⇤ k , ewhere j = e⇤ k . is the cross product. Now show that if {i, j, k} is<br />

{1, 3, 2}, {3, 2, 1} or {2, 1, 3}, then e i ⇤ e j = e k .<br />

Question 5: For four points in space (x 1 , y 1 , z 1 ), (x 2 , y 2 , z 2 ), (x 3 , y 3 , z 3 ), (x 4 , y 4 , z 4 ) show that<br />

the Question determinant5: ofFor four points in space ⇤ (x<br />

x 1 , y<br />

1 x 1 , z<br />

2 x 1 ), (x<br />

3 x 2 , 2 , z 2 ), (x 3 , y 3 , z 3 ), (x 4 , y 4 , z 4 ) show that<br />

the Question determinant5: ofFor four points in space 4<br />

⇤ (x 1 , y 1 , z 1 ), (x 2 , ⌅y 2 , z 2 ), (x 3 , y 3 , z 3 ), (x 4 , y 4 , z 4 ) show that<br />

the Question determinant5: ofFor four points in space y y y y ⇤ x(x 1 1 x, y 21 , zx 13 ), (x x 42<br />

, ⌅y 2 , z 2 ), (x 3 , y 3 , z 3 ), (x 4 , y 4 , z 4 ) show that<br />

⇧<br />

the determinant of<br />

z z z z ⌃<br />

y y y y ⇤<br />

x 1 x 2 x 3 x 4 ⌅<br />

⇧<br />

xy z 1 1 1<br />

1 xy z 2 xy z 3 xy z 4<br />

⌃<br />

is proportional to the volume of the tetrahedron<br />

⇧<br />

yz 1 yz 1 2 whose<br />

yz 1 3 yz 1<br />

4 corners<br />

⌃<br />

⌥<br />

are the four points. If these points<br />

lie on a plane, what is the value of the<br />

⇧<br />

determinant<br />

z 1 z1 2 z1 3 z<br />

Does<br />

1 4 ⌃<br />

is proportional to the volume of the tetrahedron this give a useful test to tell whether<br />

four given points lie on a plane Why do you<br />

1<br />

think<br />

1<br />

whose<br />

1<br />

so<br />

1<br />

corners are the four points. If these points<br />

lie is proportional on a plane, what to theisvolume value of the of the tetrahedron determinant whoseDoes corners thisare give thea four useful points. test to If tell these whether points<br />

four lie is proportional Question given a plane, points what 6: tolie the The on isvolume equation the a plane value of of Why ofathe tetrahedron plane dodeterminant you space think whose is so ax Does corners + by this + are cz give the + d afour = useful 0. points. Given test to three If tell these points whether points<br />

four lie space, ongiven ashow plane, points howwhat to liefind on is athe plane value valuesWhy of ofthe a, do b, determinant you c, d think for theso<br />

plane Doesthat thispasses give athrough useful test those to three tell whether points.<br />

four<br />

Question 6: The equation of a plane in space is ax + by + cz + d = 0. Given three points in<br />

You<br />

space, Question may givenfind points<br />

show how<br />

the 6:<br />

lie<br />

to<br />

answer The<br />

on<br />

findequation a plane<br />

the<br />

to<br />

values<br />

question of<br />

Why<br />

of a a, plane 4do useful you<br />

b, c, ind space here. think<br />

for theis so<br />

plane ax + that by + passes cz + d through = 0. Given those three three points points.<br />

You space, Question may show findhow the 7: 6: toanswer Let The findp equation 0<br />

the , to p 1<br />

values question , p of 2 be of athree a, plane 4 useful b, c, distinct ind space here. for the points isplane ax in + that by space. + passes cz Now + d through = consider 0. Given those thethree cross three product points.<br />

n You space, = (p may show 0<br />

find phow 1 ) the ⇥ (p toanswer find 0 the 2 ). toWhat values question does of a, 4 this useful b, c, vector d here. for the mean plane geometrically that passes through Let p be those any three point points. on the<br />

YouQuestion 7: Let p 0 , p 1 , p 2 be three distinct points in space. Now consider the cross product<br />

n<br />

plane<br />

= Question<br />

may formed find by the<br />

(p<br />

p 0 , p 1 and p 2 ; what is the geometric relationship between n and p p 0 (look at<br />

0 p 1 ) ⇥ 7:<br />

answer<br />

(pLet 0<br />

p 0 2<br />

,<br />

to<br />

). p<br />

question<br />

What 1 , p 2 be does three<br />

4 useful<br />

thisdistinct here.<br />

vector points mean geometrically in space. Now consider Let p bethe anycross pointproduct<br />

on the<br />

n the<br />

plane = Question dot (pformed 0 product) p 1 ) by ⇥ 7: (p pLet Show that, if p = (x, y, z) the equation of the plane must be n.(p ) = 0.<br />

0<br />

0 , pp 0 1 and 2 ,). pWhat 1 p, p 2 ; 2 what be does three isthis the distinct vector geometric points meanrelationship geometrically in space. Now between consider Let np and bethe any p cross point p 0 (look product on the at<br />

n<br />

the plane = Question dot<br />

(pformed 0 product)<br />

p 1 ) by ⇥ 8: (p p Suppose Show 0 , p 1 pand 2 that,<br />

). that What p 2 if ; what Ap does<br />

= is(x, ais this square y, the z)<br />

vector geometric the matrix, equation<br />

meanand relationship geometrically<br />

of itsthe inverse plane between and must<br />

Let transpose np beand n.(p<br />

any p exist, point p 0 )(look and =<br />

on<br />

0.<br />

the are at<br />

equal; the plane dot formed<br />

Question<br />

aproduct) matrix by<br />

8:<br />

with p 0 Show , p<br />

Suppose<br />

these 1 and that, properties p 2 if ; what p = (x,<br />

that A is a<br />

is is<br />

square<br />

called y, the z) geometric the an equation<br />

matrix,<br />

orthonormal relationship of the<br />

and its inverse<br />

matrix. plane between<br />

and<br />

Show mustnbe transpose<br />

that, and n.(p for p<br />

exist,<br />

any p 0 )(look angle = 0. at<br />

and are<br />

,<br />

the matrix M( ), defined by the array below, is orthonormal.<br />

equal; Question<br />

dot product)<br />

a matrix8: with Suppose<br />

Show that,<br />

these properties that<br />

if<br />

A<br />

p =<br />

is<br />

(x,<br />

aissquare y, z) the<br />

called an matrix,<br />

equation<br />

orthonormal and<br />

of<br />

its<br />

the<br />

inverse<br />

plane<br />

matrix. and<br />

must<br />

Show transpose<br />

be n.(p<br />

that, forexist, p 0 )<br />

any angle and<br />

= 0.<br />

are,<br />

the equal; Question<br />

matrix a matrix M(<br />

8:<br />

), with defined<br />

Suppose theseby properties that<br />

the<br />

A<br />

array<br />

is ais below,<br />

square called is an matrix,<br />

orthonormal.<br />

and ⇥ its inverse matrix. and Show transpose that, forexist, any angle and are,<br />

the equal; matrix a matrix M( ), with defined theseby properties the arrayisbelow, called cosis anorthonormal.<br />

sin matrix. Show that, for any angle ,<br />

sin cos<br />

⇥<br />

the matrix M( ), defined by the array below, cosis orthonormal. sin ⇥<br />

cos<br />

sin cos<br />

⇥<br />

Show also that M( 1 + 2 ) = M( 1 )M( 2 ); cos use sin this cos sinto argue that the inverse of M( ) is M( ).<br />

Finally, for the point p = (0, 1), what geometrical figure is given by taking the points given by<br />

Show also that M( 1 + 2 ) = M( 1 )M( 2 ); use sin this cos to argue that the inverse of M( ) is M( ).<br />

M( )p for every possible value of <br />

Finally,<br />

Show also<br />

for<br />

that<br />

the<br />

M(<br />

point 1 +<br />

p = 2 )<br />

(0,<br />

= M(<br />

1), what 1 )M(<br />

geometrical 2 ); use this<br />

figure<br />

to argue<br />

is given<br />

that the<br />

by taking<br />

inverse<br />

the<br />

of M(<br />

points<br />

) is<br />

given<br />

M(<br />

by<br />

).<br />

M(<br />

Finally, Show Question also<br />

)p for<br />

forthat every<br />

the9: M( point<br />

possible You 1 + p are = 2 )<br />

value given (0, = M( 1),<br />

of four what 1 )M(<br />

vectors geometrical 2 ); use in the thisplane, figure to argue xis 1<br />

given and thatxthe by 2 , btaking inverse 1 and bthe of 2 , and M( points you ) isgiven M( are told by ).<br />

that M( Finally, )p there foris every the a matrix point possible p M= value such (0, 1), that of what Mxgeometrical 1 = b 1 and Mx figure 2 = isb given 2 . Nowby iftaking you arethe given points a vector given xby<br />

3 ,<br />

Question 9: You are given four vectors in the plane, how M( )p do for youevery determine possible Mxvalue 3 (hint: of show how to find out what 1 and M is 2 from 1 and the data, 2 and you are told<br />

and then apply<br />

that<br />

Question<br />

there is matrix<br />

9: You are<br />

such<br />

given<br />

that<br />

four<br />

Mx<br />

vectors<br />

it to x 3 ).<br />

1 in<br />

1 and<br />

the plane,<br />

Mx 2 x 1 and<br />

2 Now<br />

x 2 ,<br />

if<br />

b 1<br />

you<br />

and<br />

are<br />

b 2<br />

given<br />

, and you vector<br />

are told<br />

3 how<br />

thatQuestion do<br />

there<br />

you<br />

is<br />

determine<br />

a matrix 9: You<br />

Mx<br />

Maresuch given<br />

3 (hint:<br />

that four<br />

show<br />

Mx vectors 1<br />

how<br />

= bin 1<br />

to<br />

and the plane,<br />

find<br />

Mx<br />

out 2<br />

what<br />

= x 1 b 2 and . Now x<br />

is 2 ,<br />

from<br />

if b 1 you and<br />

the<br />

are b<br />

data, 2 given , and you<br />

and<br />

a<br />

then<br />

vector are told<br />

apply<br />

x 3 ,<br />

it<br />

how that<br />

toQuestion do there 3 ).<br />

youisdetermine a matrix 10: Write MxM such down 3 (hint: that the parametric show Mx 1 how = b 1 toequation and findMx out 2 of what = the b 2 . points MNow is from on if you athe line are data, that given and passes athen vector through apply x 3 ,<br />

it how two topoints do x 3 ). youindetermine space, p Mx 1 and 3 p(hint: 2 ; nowshow writehow down to find the parametric out what Mequation is from the of the data, points and then on a apply plane<br />

it Question 10: Write down the parametric equation of the points on line that passes through<br />

that to contains x these two points and a third point, p 3 . Show how to use these parametric equations<br />

two<br />

Question 3 ).<br />

points in space,<br />

10: Write and some inequalities 1 and<br />

down on the parameters 2 the<br />

now<br />

parametric<br />

write down<br />

equation<br />

the parametric<br />

of the points<br />

equation<br />

on a<br />

of<br />

line<br />

the<br />

that<br />

points<br />

passes<br />

on<br />

through<br />

plane<br />

twoQuestion to specify (a) all the line that lie between<br />

that<br />

points<br />

contains these<br />

space, 10: Write<br />

two<br />

p 1 and down<br />

points<br />

p 2<br />

and<br />

; the nowparametric write<br />

third point,<br />

downequation the p 1 and p 2 and (b) all the points on the triangle whose 3 parametric of the points<br />

Show how to<br />

equation a<br />

use these<br />

of line the that<br />

parametric<br />

points passes onthrough<br />

equations<br />

a plane<br />

two thatpoints contains these space, two p points and a third point, p vertices are p 1 , p 2 and p 3 .<br />

and some inequalities 1 and p<br />

on the parameters 2 ; now write down the<br />

to specify 3 . parametric Show how to equation use these of the parametric points on equations a plane<br />

(a) all the points on the line that lie between<br />

that and 1 and Question some contains inequalities these 2 and (b) 11: two<br />

all Mon the ispoints athe points symmetric parameters and a third<br />

on thereal topoint, triangle 2x2 specify matrix. p (a)<br />

whose 3 . Show<br />

vertices It allhas the howtwo points to<br />

areeigenvalues, useon these parametric line 1 2 and ⇥ 0<br />

that<br />

3 and ⇥lieequations<br />

1 . between<br />

pand 1 and some p 2 inequalities and (b) all the on the points parameters on the triangle to specify whose (a) vertices all the points are p 1 , on p 2 the andline p 3 . that lie between<br />

p 1 and Question 11: is symmetric real 2x2 matrix. It has two eigenvalues,<br />

• If pboth eigenvalues are positive, show that, for any 2D vector x, 0 ⌅ x T Mx ⌅ 0 and (max(⇥ 1 Question 2 and (b) all the points on the triangle whose vertices are p<br />

11: M is a symmetric real 2x2 matrix. It has two eigenvalues, 1 , p 2 and p<br />

⇥ 3 . 0 , ⇥ 1 ))x T 0 and ⇥ 1 . x.<br />

Question 11: M is a symmetric real 2x2 matrix. It has two eigenvalues, ⇥ 0 and ⇥ 1 .

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