Crime Scene Preservation and Awareness Training - Police Reform ...

Crime Scene Preservation and Awareness Training - Police Reform ...

Crime Scene Preservation and Awareness Training - Police Reform ...


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Government of the People’s Republic of Bangladesh<br />

Ministry of Home Affairs<br />

<strong>Police</strong> <strong>Reform</strong> Programme - UNDP-BGD/04/001<br />

December, 31 st ,2006<br />

Field Activity Report<br />

(Dhanmondi, 27 – 28 /12/2006)<br />

Introduction:<br />

<strong>Crime</strong> scene investigation is playing a vital role in the context of law enforcement <strong>and</strong> judicial<br />

engagement. Following the international expansion that physical evidence becomes more<br />

<strong>and</strong> testimonial less imperative in the chain of evidence in custody, PRP is focusing on<br />

improving the skills, techniques <strong>and</strong> methodologies requested for an up-dated <strong>and</strong> modern<br />

crime scene management. As it is common knowledge among law enforcement experts, that<br />

the most excellent crime scene investigation is supposed to fail if the initial respond by the<br />

first responding officer at the scene is not appropriate <strong>and</strong> following international good<br />

practices, PRP is preliminary focusing on “<strong>Crime</strong> <strong>Scene</strong> <strong>Awareness</strong> <strong>Training</strong> for <strong>Police</strong><br />

Constables.”<br />

According to the Forensic Science Specialist working plan training sessions on “Duties of the<br />

first responsible police officer at the crime scene” will be held successively in all selected<br />

police stations (MT).<br />

This mobile training activity will be followed up by a more intensive <strong>and</strong> advanced training<br />

program for ASI, SI <strong>and</strong> Inspectors on modern crime scene investigation management <strong>and</strong><br />

will be carried out in close cooperation with CID experts in <strong>Police</strong> Detective School.

<strong>Training</strong> curriculum:<br />

The training package is designed to foster the skills <strong>and</strong> underst<strong>and</strong>ing of constables<br />

pertaining to their role of the first responsible officers in the crime scene management<br />

process. The course consists of two parts a theoretical 3-4 hours introduction on crime scene<br />

preservation <strong>and</strong> immediate response at the scene <strong>and</strong> a practical exercise at an artificial,<br />

outdoor crime scene (homicide).<br />

Various training methods are used to apply to a modern student centered learning<br />

methodology (Lesson plan attached).<br />

Activities:<br />

Following the activity 2.1.1 of the work-plan for 2006 (Develop basic forensic awareness<br />

training, including crime scene preservation) the training session was conducted at the venue<br />

of the Dhanmondi Sport Club with the training target group consisting of police officers from<br />

Dhanmondi Model Thana on 27 th <strong>and</strong> 28 th of December 2006. The members of the mobile<br />

training team<br />

1. Dariusz Mazurek - Forensic Science Specialist (PRP)<br />

2. Kamal Hossain - Driver (PRP),<br />

met with Inspector Shekh Anowar Hossain, OC MT Dhanmondi in order to assess the training<br />

participants <strong>and</strong> to arrange the training facilities. It was commonly decided that the training<br />

shall not interfere in the daily duties of the station <strong>and</strong> as many officers as possible shall<br />

participate. Based on the assessment findings, two groups of officers, altogether 59<br />

(constables, assistant sub-inspectors, sub-inspectors) were trained on 27/12/2006 <strong>and</strong> on<br />

28/12/2006.<br />

(Lists of participants attached).<br />

PRP Mobile Field <strong>Training</strong> MT Dhanmondi 27-28 Dec. 2006<br />

<strong>Crime</strong> <strong>Scene</strong> <strong>Preservation</strong> <strong>and</strong> <strong>Awareness</strong> <strong>Training</strong>

Dariusz Mazurek providing the fundamental basics<br />

for modern crime scene management <strong>and</strong> first<br />

response actions.<br />

<strong>Training</strong> was attended by Deputy Commissioner of<br />

Ramna Mr. Shahariar Hossai<br />

The practical part of the training took place in the sports field of Dhanmondi Club<br />

successively during the afternoon hours on 27 th <strong>and</strong> 28 th of December.<br />

Before practical performance trainees have been<br />

introduced to the scenario of a study case.<br />

(homicide, shooting case, outdoor crime scene)<br />

Trainees exercise their recently gained knowledge in<br />

crime scene preservation.<br />

PRP dummy “Billy” gets examined by SI Kazi Mainul<br />

Islam<br />

Providing first premedical aid to the victim of a crime.<br />

PRP Mobile Field <strong>Training</strong> MT Dhanmondi 27-28 Dec. 2006<br />

<strong>Crime</strong> <strong>Scene</strong> <strong>Preservation</strong> <strong>and</strong> <strong>Awareness</strong> <strong>Training</strong>

Additional Activities:<br />

A further aim of the visit to Dhanmondi MT Station was<br />

To inform <strong>and</strong> discuss the upcoming PRP initiatives , which will be undertaken by PRP<br />

in order to improve efficiency <strong>and</strong> effectiveness of daily police work in the TM Stations<br />

To identify <strong>and</strong> analyze possible hindrances in PRP implementation process.<br />

SWOT-Analyses<br />

Strengths:<br />

Station Comm<strong>and</strong>er Inspector Shekh Anowar Hossain is highly committed <strong>and</strong> eager<br />

to contribute to all PRP efforts <strong>and</strong> activities at the Dhanmondi TM Station.<br />

The personnel at the station performs very excellent <strong>and</strong> close contact with the<br />

community <strong>and</strong> is developing crime prevention <strong>and</strong> awareness initiatives on local<br />

level.<br />

Weaknesses:<br />

The average level of knowledge <strong>and</strong> training among the constables is extraordinarily<br />

poor <strong>and</strong> unsatisfactory.<br />

Constables obviously tent to perform their duties rather by waiting for instruction than<br />

by thinking independently. There is no autonomously adjustment to changing<br />

situations (no thinking outside of the box).<br />

The very tight hierarchical system opposes the development of common sense <strong>and</strong><br />

corporate identity among the different ranks.<br />

The MT is generally outnumbered <strong>and</strong> understaffed.<br />

There are no funds provided by the <strong>Police</strong> HQ for any occasions (police officers are<br />

usually covering expenses from his own pocket to provide support to victims like<br />

transportation to a hospital or even covering the costs of funeral)<br />

The station equipment does not even match the minimum criteria for investigations<br />

including crime scene preservation,<br />

PRP Mobile Field <strong>Training</strong> MT Dhanmondi 27-28 Dec. 2006<br />

<strong>Crime</strong> <strong>Scene</strong> <strong>Preservation</strong> <strong>and</strong> <strong>Awareness</strong> <strong>Training</strong>

The refurbishment of MT Dhanmondi hasn’t started yet so there is a serious risk that<br />

the implementation of “personal identification system” <strong>and</strong> installation of respective<br />

equipment will be delayed.<br />

Opportunities<br />

The Dhanmondi MT could function as a fine st<strong>and</strong>ard model for community policing<br />

OC’s knowledge <strong>and</strong> expertise is available <strong>and</strong> can be used to achieve a multiplying<br />

effect on other Thanas in the Dhanmondi area.<br />

The Dhanmondi MT could be the ideal model to evaluate the impacts of PRP on the<br />

local level, especially in terms of crime scene preservation.<br />

The evaluation of this mobile training will result in a further adjustment <strong>and</strong> tailoring<br />

of the training curriculum <strong>and</strong> training methods (based on the photography material<br />

collected during this training session the power point presentation will be produce as<br />

a attachment to existing lesson plan.<br />

Threats:<br />

The current <strong>Police</strong> HQ policy of changing officers positions on a short, - midterm basis<br />

is a vast risk to hamper the PRP implementation process.<br />

The inefficient logistic <strong>and</strong> financial support by the <strong>Police</strong> HQ might reduce self<br />

commitment on the local level.<br />

Installing ID equipment under the current conditions might result in serious<br />

malfunction <strong>and</strong> damage of the equipment.<br />

Actually, in the current refurbishment plan for all MT’s is no appropriate space for the<br />

ID equipment located.<br />

Based on SWOT-Analyses the following conclusions <strong>and</strong> recommendations are provided for<br />

consideration <strong>and</strong> further discussion:<br />

Recommendation:<br />

1) The NPD shall forward a proposal to the IGP that all MT police staff may not be<br />

transferred to any other duty station (except promotion or upon self-request) until the<br />

PRP is accomplished.<br />

PRP Mobile Field <strong>Training</strong> MT Dhanmondi 27-28 Dec. 2006<br />

<strong>Crime</strong> <strong>Scene</strong> <strong>Preservation</strong> <strong>and</strong> <strong>Awareness</strong> <strong>Training</strong>

2) A.C. devices used in the ex PRP office <strong>and</strong> currently stored on 12 th floor in IDB shall be<br />

utilized for proper refurbishment of the ID rooms at the MT. (The location of ID rooms<br />

had been not considered during refurbishment planning stage of MT)<br />

3) To procure first aid equipment for the MT including small first aid field kits.<br />

4) Immediate updating the 6 month basic course for constables.<br />

5) Selection of at least 4 police officers of Dhanmondi MT who will participate in<br />

following courses:<br />

- basic computer training,<br />

- forensic awareness workshop,<br />

- scene of crime officers course.<br />

Attachments:<br />

a) List of training participants<br />

b) Curriculum<br />

Dariusz Mazurek<br />

- FS Specialist (PRP)<br />

PRP Mobile Field <strong>Training</strong> MT Dhanmondi 27-28 Dec. 2006<br />

<strong>Crime</strong> <strong>Scene</strong> <strong>Preservation</strong> <strong>and</strong> <strong>Awareness</strong> <strong>Training</strong>

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