62 - Polskie Stowarzyszenie Biomateriałów

62 - Polskie Stowarzyszenie Biomateriałów

62 - Polskie Stowarzyszenie Biomateriałów


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Podsumowując można stwierdzić, że odpowiedni dobór<br />

techniki i czasu modyfi kacji może poprawić właściwości<br />

biologiczne materiałów resorbowalnych, przeznaczonych<br />

dla inżynierii tkankowej kości.<br />

Podziękowania<br />

Autorzy dziękują Pani Dr C. Paluszkiewicz za pomoc w<br />

badaniach FTIR-ATR. Praca była fi nansowana z projektu<br />

badawczego 3 T 08D 019 28.<br />

Conclusion<br />

In order to gain optimal biological properties<br />

of poly(glycolide-co-L-lactide) for osteoblasts culturing its<br />

surface was modifi ed in the liquid oxidizer. It was found<br />

that 0.1M NaOH etched PGLA surface, what resulted<br />

in topographical changes, increase in roughness, but without<br />

alteration of chemical structure, wettability and molecular<br />

mass. In vitro studies show that the best growth of osteoblast-like<br />

cells was observed on PGLA modifi ed for 6h, i.e.<br />

on the material having the roughness of ~60 nm. Interestingly,<br />

on PGLA films with lower or higher roughness, the cell<br />

adhesion and proliferation were considerably worse.<br />

To sum up, a choice of an adequate technique and modification<br />

conditions can improve biological properties of resorbable<br />

polymers intended for bone tissue engineering.<br />

Acknowledgements<br />

The authors thank Dr. C. Paluszkiewicz for her help in<br />

FTIR-ATR studies. This study was fi nanced from the research<br />

project No 3T08D 019 28.<br />

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