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Prigorodnoye Export Terminal Port Regulations.pdf - Inchcape ...


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Classification: RESTRICTED BM Code: EP.<br />

Issue Purpose Approved for Use March, 2007<br />

Sakhalin Energy Investment Company Ltd.<br />



Портовые правила терминала отгрузки в п. Пригородное<br />

Document Number: 0000-S-90-01-P-0207-00-E<br />

Revision 01<br />

The copyright of this document is vested in Sakhalin Energy Investment Company LTD. All rights reserved.<br />

Neither the whole nor any part of this document may be reproduced, stored in any retrieval system or transmitted in<br />

any form or by any means (electronic, mechanical, reprographic, recording or otherwise) without the prior written<br />

consent of the copyright owner. The contents of this controlled document shall not be altered without formal<br />

approval of the document Custodian.

<strong>Prigorodnoye</strong> <strong>Export</strong> <strong>Terminal</strong> <strong>Port</strong> <strong>Regulations</strong> Rev 01<br />


1 INTRODUCTION...........................................................................................................................................9<br />

1.1 PURPOSE ..............................................................................................................................................................9<br />

1.2 SCOPE...................................................................................................................................................................9<br />

1.3 TERMINOLOGY .................................................................................................................................................9<br />

1.4 USER NOTES .........................................................................................................................................................9<br />

2 RISKS AND CONTROLS..............................................................................................................................9<br />

2.1. RISKS.............................................................................................................................................................9<br />

2.2. CONTROLS ....................................................................................................................................................9<br />

2.2.1 Performance Monitoring .................................................................................................................................... 9<br />

2.2.2 Review and Improvement................................................................................................................................. 10<br />

3 RESPONSIBILITIES ...................................................................................................................................10<br />

3.1 SEIC LOGISTICS MANAGER ..............................................................................................................................10<br />

3.2 SEIC MARINE MANAGER ..................................................................................................................................10<br />

4 REFERENCES..............................................................................................................................................10<br />

5 TERMINAL AND OPERATIONS ..............................................................................................................11<br />

5.1 CONDITIONS OF USE..........................................................................................................................................11<br />

5.2 DEFINITIONS .....................................................................................................................................................11<br />

5.3 DESCRIPTION OF THE PRIGORODNOYE LOADING FACILITY ..............................................................................13<br />

5.4 GENERAL PORT INFORMATION..........................................................................................................................13<br />

5.4.1 Location............................................................................................................................................................ 13<br />

5.4.2 <strong>Terminal</strong> Limits................................................................................................................................................ 13<br />

5.5 NAVIGATION CHARTS.........................................................................................................................................14<br />

5.6 LNG LOADING JETTY – SPECIFIC INFORMATION ............................................................................................14<br />

5.7 CRUDE OIL TANKER LOADING UNIT (TLU) – SPECIFIC INFORMATION..........................................................14<br />

5.8 TRANSIT ANIVA BAY ..........................................................................................................................................15<br />

5.9 ANCHORAGES .....................................................................................................................................................15<br />

5.10 APPROACH TO THE TERMINAL..........................................................................................................................16<br />

5.11 BERTHING..........................................................................................................................................................16<br />

5.12 PILOTAGE ..........................................................................................................................................................16<br />

5.13 PILOT BOARDING AREA ....................................................................................................................................16<br />

5.14 ICE PERIOD ........................................................................................................................................................16<br />

5.15 ACCOMMODATION FOR PILOTS ........................................................................................................................17<br />

5.16 DUTY PILOT.......................................................................................................................................................17<br />

5.17 OFFSHORE SECURITY ZONE..............................................................................................................................17<br />

5.18 TUGS ..................................................................................................................................................................17<br />

5.19 TUG REQUIREMENTS – LNG TANKERS............................................................................................................18<br />

5.20 TUG REQUIREMENTS – CRUDE OIL TANKERS .................................................................................................18<br />

5.21 STAND-BY TUG...................................................................................................................................................18<br />

5.22 SECURITY...........................................................................................................................................................18<br />

5.23 RUSSIAN FEDERAL AND LOCAL REGULATIONS. ................................................................................................18<br />

5.24 LOCAL TIME ZONE.............................................................................................................................................20<br />

5.25 HEALTH AND SANITATION ISSUES.....................................................................................................................20<br />

5.25.1 Asian Gypsy Moth certification ....................................................................................................................... 20<br />

6 COMMUNICATIONS..................................................................................................................................20<br />

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<strong>Prigorodnoye</strong> <strong>Export</strong> <strong>Terminal</strong> <strong>Port</strong> <strong>Regulations</strong> Rev 01<br />

6.1 TERMINAL COMMUNICATIONS ..........................................................................................................................20<br />

7 SEA ICE.........................................................................................................................................................20<br />

7.1 ICE MANAGEMENT .............................................................................................................................................21<br />

7.2 ICE BREAKERS.....................................................................................................................................................21<br />

7.3 ICE PILOT ............................................................................................................................................................21<br />

7.4 ICE FORECASTING ..............................................................................................................................................21<br />

7.5 ICE PASSPORT.....................................................................................................................................................21<br />

7.6 CERTIFICATE OF ENGINE POWER......................................................................................................................22<br />

7.7 PROPELLER TIP IMMERSION..............................................................................................................................22<br />

7.8 WINTERISATION .................................................................................................................................................22<br />

8 WEATHER....................................................................................................................................................25<br />

8.1 WEATHER CONDITIONS .....................................................................................................................................25<br />

8.2 WEATHER SEASONS............................................................................................................................................25<br />

8.3 WINDS ................................................................................................................................................................26<br />

8.4 SEAS AND WAVE HEIGHT..................................................................................................................................26<br />

8.5 CURRENT ...........................................................................................................................................................26<br />

8.6 TIDE ...................................................................................................................................................................26<br />

8.7 REDUCED VISIBILITY ........................................................................................................................................26<br />

8.8 ADVERSE WEATHER PROCEDURES...................................................................................................................27<br />

9 POLLUTION AND ENVIRONMENT........................................................................................................29<br />

9.1 GENERAL ............................................................................................................................................................29<br />

9.2 AVOIDANCE OF POLLUTION ...............................................................................................................................29<br />

9.3 BALLAST .............................................................................................................................................................29<br />

9.4 AIR POLLUTION..................................................................................................................................................30<br />

9.5 WASTE MANAGEMENT.....................................................................................................................................30<br />

9.6 NOX AND SOX.................................................................................................................................................30<br />

10 GENERAL INFORMATION.......................................................................................................................31<br />

10.1 SHORE LEAVE..................................................................................................................................................31<br />

10.2 VISITORS TO THE SHIP/PLANT .........................................................................................................................31<br />

10.3 CREW CHANGE/REPATRIATION.......................................................................................................................31<br />

10.4 MEDICAL FACILITIES.......................................................................................................................................31<br />

10.5 SHIPS STORES ...................................................................................................................................................31<br />

10.6 BUNKERING.......................................................................................................................................................31<br />

10.7 SOURCES OF IGNITION......................................................................................................................................32<br />

10.8 FISHING.............................................................................................................................................................32<br />

10.9 WORKING HOURS .............................................................................................................................................32<br />

10.10 COURTESY FLAG..............................................................................................................................................32<br />

11 GENERAL MOORING/UNMOORING PROCEDURES.........................................................................32<br />

11.1 GENERAL ..........................................................................................................................................................32<br />


12.1 TANKER LOADING UNIT....................................................................................................................................33<br />

12.2 HYDROGEN SULPHIDE (H2S) AND OXYGEN (O2) CONTENT IN CARGO TANKS VAPOURS .............................34<br />

12.3 COMMUNICATIONS..........................................................................................................................................34<br />

12.3.1 Pre Arrival Messages...................................................................................................................................... 34<br />

12.3.2 During Voyage (72 hrs, 48 hrs and 24 hrs before arrival)............................................................................... 35<br />

12.3.3 Update ETA..................................................................................................................................................... 35<br />

12.3.4 48 Hours Prior to Arrival................................................................................................................................. 35<br />

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12.3.5 24 hours prior to arrival.................................................................................................................................. 35<br />

12.3.6 6 Hours before arrival..................................................................................................................................... 36<br />

12.3.7 Contact with <strong>Prigorodnoye</strong> Marine <strong>Terminal</strong>................................................................................................... 36<br />

12.3.8 Contact with <strong>Prigorodnoye</strong> Pilot ...................................................................................................................... 36<br />

12.3.9 Departure Communications.............................................................................................................................. 36<br />

13 TANK LOADING UNIT LOADING HOSE ..............................................................................................36<br />

13.1 SUMMER HOSE.................................................................................................................................................36<br />

13.2 WINTER HOSE .................................................................................................................................................36<br />

14 TANK LOADING UNIT MOORING HAWSER......................................................................................37<br />

14.1 SUMMER HAWSER ............................................................................................................................................38<br />

14.2 WINTER HAWSER .............................................................................................................................................38<br />

14.3 HAWSER CONNECTION ....................................................................................................................................38<br />

15 TLU BERTHING PROCEDURE ................................................................................................................39<br />

15.1 PRE ARRIVAL PREPARATIONS..........................................................................................................................39<br />

15.2 ANCHORS ..........................................................................................................................................................39<br />

15.3 MANIFOLD ........................................................................................................................................................39<br />

15.4 BOW LOADING...................................................................................................................................................40<br />

16 TLU BERTHING APPROACH...................................................................................................................40<br />

17 TLU MOORING BOAT ...............................................................................................................................40<br />

18 TLU PULL BACK TUG...............................................................................................................................40<br />

19 TLU MOORING PROCEDURE .................................................................................................................40<br />

20 TLU HOSE CONNECTION ........................................................................................................................42<br />

20.1 SUMMER..............................................................................................................................................................42<br />

20.2 WINTER...............................................................................................................................................................43<br />

21 TLU SAFETY CHECKS ..............................................................................................................................43<br />

22 TLU PRE-LOADING CONFERENCE.......................................................................................................43<br />

23 TLU LOADING.............................................................................................................................................44<br />

23.1 AVOIDANCE OF SURGE PRESSURE .....................................................................................................................44<br />

24 TLU OIL SPILL PRECAUTIONS..............................................................................................................45<br />

24.1 EQUIPMENT IN THE HOSE...........................................................................................................................45<br />

24.1.1 Construction ................................................................................................................................................... 45<br />

24.1.2 Breakaway Coupling ...................................................................................................................................... 45<br />

24.1.3 Surge Tank ..................................................................................................................................................... 45<br />

24.1.4 Pressure Recorder........................................................................................................................................... 46<br />

24.2 SHIPBOARD WATCHKEEPERS.....................................................................................................................46<br />

24.2.1 Forecastle Watch............................................................................................................................................ 46<br />

24.2.2 Manifold Watch.............................................................................................................................................. 46<br />

24.2.3 LOADING MASTER AND ASSISTANT ..............................................................................................................46<br />

24.2.4 Tugs and Support Boats ................................................................................................................................. 47<br />

25 TLU COMPLETION OF LOADING..........................................................................................................47<br />

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25.1 HOSE DISCONNECTION.....................................................................................................................................47<br />

25.2 CARGO DOCUMENTATION AND SAMPLES..........................................................................................................48<br />

25.3 UNMOORING ......................................................................................................................................................48<br />

26 LIQUEFIED NATURAL GAS (LNG) TANKER OPERATIONS ...........................................................48<br />

26.1 COMMUNICATIONS ...........................................................................................................................................48<br />

26.1.1 Pre Arrival Messages...................................................................................................................................... 49<br />

26.1.2 During Voyage (72 hrs, 48 hrs and 24 hrs before arrival). ............................................................................. 49<br />

26.1.3 Update ETA.................................................................................................................................................... 49<br />

26.1.4 48 Hours Prior to Arrival................................................................................................................................ 49<br />

26.1.5 24 hours prior to arrival.................................................................................................................................. 50<br />

26.1.6 6 Hours before arrival..................................................................................................................................... 50<br />

26.1.8 Contact with <strong>Prigorodnoye</strong> Pilot .................................................................................................................... 50<br />

26.1.9 Departure Communications............................................................................................................................ 50<br />

26.2 LNG VAPOUR RETURN TO SHORE AND PROHIBITION OF GAS BURNING ALONGSIDE ...................................50<br />

27 LNG VESSEL MOORING OPERATIONS................................................................................................51<br />

27.1 MOORING............................................................................................................................................................51<br />

27.2 EMERGENCY FIRE/TOWING WIRES..................................................................................................................51<br />

27.3 VESSEL MOVING OUT OF POSITION WHILST ALONGSIDE................................................................................52<br />

28 LNG PRE LOADING OPERATIONS ........................................................................................................52<br />

28.1 GANGWAY.........................................................................................................................................................52<br />

28.2 CONNECTING ESD/COMMUNICATIONS CABLES .............................................................................................52<br />

28.3 MOORING INTEGRITY & SAFETY CHECKS......................................................................................................52<br />

28.4 CONNECTING LOADING ARMS .........................................................................................................................52<br />

28.5 PRE LOADING MEETING ..................................................................................................................................53<br />

28.6 PRESSURE TEST & PURGING OF LOADING ARMS ...........................................................................................53<br />

28.7 WATER CURTAIN..............................................................................................................................................54<br />

28.8 GAUGING...........................................................................................................................................................54<br />

28.9 ESD TESTS .......................................................................................................................................................54<br />

29 LNG CARGO HANDLING..........................................................................................................................55<br />

29.1 NORMAL LOADING ...........................................................................................................................................55<br />

29.2 COOLDOWN.......................................................................................................................................................55<br />

29.3 BULK LOADING & TOPPING OFF.....................................................................................................................56<br />

29.4 DRAINING & INERTING OF LOADING ARMS....................................................................................................56<br />

29.5 VESSELS ARRIVING IN THE INERTED CONDITION............................................................................................57<br />

29.6 RE-GASIFICATION & COOLDOWN....................................................................................................................57<br />

29.7 SINGLE ARM COOLDOWN ................................................................................................................................57<br />

29.8 DRAINING AND INERTING OF LOADING ARMS................................................................................................57<br />

30 LNG POST LOADING OPERATIONS......................................................................................................58<br />

30.1 GAUGING...........................................................................................................................................................58<br />

30.2 POST DISCHARGE MEETING AND DOCUMENTATION ........................................................................................58<br />

30.3 REMOVAL OF GANGWAY..................................................................................................................................58<br />


58<br />

31.1 RESPONSIBILITIES ............................................................................................................................................58<br />

31.2 SAFETY ALONGSIDE .........................................................................................................................................59<br />

31.3 COMMUNICATIONS ...........................................................................................................................................59<br />

31.3.1 LNG Communications.................................................................................................................................... 60<br />

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31.3.2 Tanker Loading Unit Communications ........................................................................................................... 61<br />

31.3.3 Communications with Stand-by Tug ............................................................................................................... 61<br />

31.4 SHIP SHORE SAFETY CHECKLIST.....................................................................................................................61<br />

31.5 Fire Prevention .................................................................................................................................................. 61<br />

31.6 SHORE FIRE-FIGHTING EQUIPMENT................................................................................................................62<br />

31.7 SHIP’S FIRE-FIGHTING EQUIPMENT.................................................................................................................62<br />

31.8 MAIN ENGINE READINESS................................................................................................................................62<br />

31.9 TESTING MAIN ENGINES ..................................................................................................................................62<br />

31.10 HOT WORK ......................................................................................................................................................63<br />

31.11 EMERGENCY TOWING WIRES.........................................................................................................................63<br />

31.12 JETTY ACCESS & SAFETY REQUIREMENTS....................................................................................................63<br />

31.13 EMERGENCY RESPONSE ..................................................................................................................................63<br />

31.14 INCIDENTS ONBOARD SHIPS...........................................................................................................................63<br />

31.14.1 Fire/Explosion Onboard a Tanker ................................................................................................................ 64<br />

31.14.2 Oil spill from Tanker.................................................................................................................................... 65<br />

31.14.3 Uncontrolled release of LNG from Tanker/Jetty.......................................................................................... 65<br />

31.14.4 Man overboard Incident ............................................................................................................................... 65<br />

31.14.5 Other ship related incidents.......................................................................................................................... 66<br />

31.14.6 Cold weather and ice transit incidents.......................................................................................................... 66<br />

31.14.7 <strong>Terminal</strong> Incidents........................................................................................................................................ 66<br />

APPENDIX 1 - PILOT BOARDING REQUIREMENTS. ................................................................................69<br />




APPENDIX 4 - TERMINAL MARINE CRAFT - GENERAL PARTICULARS. ..........................................82<br />

APPENDIX 5 - MOORING PROCEDURES LNG JETTY..............................................................................83<br />

APPENDIX 6 - CONDITIONS OF USE (COU).................................................................................................84<br />

APPENDIX 7 - SHIP SHORE SAFETY CHECK LIST....................................................................................86<br />


APPENDIX 9 - LNG JETTY FIRE-FIGHTING EQUIPMENT. ....................................................................93<br />

APPENDIX 10 - SMOKING AREA NOTICE. .................................................................................................94<br />

APPENDIX 11 - ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION. .................................................................................95<br />

APPENDIX 12 – RUSSIAN REGULATIONS GENERAL DECLARATION. ...................................................99<br />

APPENDIX 13 – HIGH FLOW RATES. ..............................................................................................................100<br />

APPENDIX 14 – REQUEST FOR BERTHING ASSISTANCE.........................................................................101<br />

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<strong>Prigorodnoye</strong> <strong>Export</strong> <strong>Terminal</strong> <strong>Port</strong> <strong>Regulations</strong> Rev 01<br />

1 Introduction<br />

1.1 Purpose<br />

The purpose of this document is to provide guidance for vessels whilst operating in the area of<br />

<strong>Prigorodnoye</strong> export terminal.<br />

1.2 Scope<br />

The scope of these procedures are applicable to all SEIC employees, it’s contractors, and<br />

service providers and to all tankers visiting the <strong>Prigorodnoye</strong> LNG or Tanker Loading Unit (TLU)<br />

export terminal .<br />

1.3 Terminology<br />

TERM<br />


Shall<br />

Should<br />

May<br />

Indicates a mandatory course of action.<br />

Indicates a preferred course of action.<br />

Indicates a permitted course of action.<br />

1.4 User Notes<br />

The requirements of this document are either mandatory, preferred or permitted, as specified.<br />

Non-compliance shall be authorised using the deviation procedure described in Chapter 10 of<br />

the Corporate Document Control Procedure (0000-S-90-01-P-0078-00-E).<br />

A controlled copy of the current version of this document to available to permitted SEIC sources,<br />

located in LiveLink and is available via the Sakhalin Energy website. Before using this document<br />

it is the users responsibility to ensure that any hard or electronic copy is current. The Document<br />

Custodian should be contacted for assistance and any feedback.<br />

2 Risks and Controls<br />

2.1. Risks<br />

The risks associated with these regulations are those of marine collision, fire, environmental<br />

pollution and disruption to export facilities for both crude oil and LNG from <strong>Prigorodnoye</strong> export<br />

terminal.<br />

2.2. Controls<br />

2.2.1 Performance Monitoring<br />

Compliance with this procedure shall be monitored through periodic and random site<br />

inspections, vessel inspections and audits.<br />

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2.2.2 Review and Improvement<br />

Any user of this document who encounters a mistake or confusing entry is requested to<br />

immediately notify the Document Custodian. Any vessel may pass such issues to SEIC<br />

via the Loading Master at the terminal.<br />

This document shall be reviewed as necessary by the Document Custodian at SEIC, but<br />

at least once every 3 years. Triggers for full or partial review may include:<br />

• Emerging/growing HSE concerns in specific areas.<br />

• Incident investigations which identify shortfalls in this procedure.<br />

• Changing Company activities and locations.<br />

• New hazards or activities not considered in this procedure.<br />

• Introduction of new legislation or rules and regulations.<br />

3 Responsibilities<br />

3.1 SEIC Logistics Manager<br />

The SEIC Logistics Manager is accountable for all logistics activities conducted with Sakhalin<br />

Energy including contracted marine services.<br />

3.2 SEIC Marine Manager<br />

The SEIC Marine Manager is responsible for the management of all marine activities on behalf<br />

of the Company, and for monitoring compliance with these procedures. He is also responsible<br />

for encouraging compliance by liaison visits to the Tanker Loading Unit and LNG terminal<br />

facilities, service providers, SEIC contractors, operators and vessels. He will arrange for liaison<br />

visits and audits to ensure compliance with Shell Group standards.<br />

For visiting vessels the point of contact will be via the Loading Master or the terminal<br />

communications address.<br />

4 References<br />

Other applicable documents which should be read or referenced in conjunction with this document<br />

include:<br />

Corporate Document Control Procedure<br />

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5 <strong>Terminal</strong> and Operations<br />

5.1 Conditions of Use<br />

Masters of all ship’s using the <strong>Prigorodnoye</strong> export terminal will be required to sign a copy<br />

of the Conditions of Use (COU) in acknowledgement of the ship’s responsibilities and liabilities<br />

whilst using the port. A copy of the COU can be found in Appendix 6.<br />

These port regulations comply with the requirements of SEIC HSSE management system.<br />

5.2 Definitions<br />

Within these regulations the words and expressions used have the following meanings:<br />

Approved Equipment means equipment of a design that has been tested and approved by<br />

an appropriate authority such as a government department or classification society. The<br />

authority shall have certified the equipment as safe for use in a specified hazardous<br />

atmosphere.<br />

Authorised Craft means any tug, barge, water boat or launch authorised by the Marine<br />

Manager of the <strong>Prigorodnoye</strong> export terminal, or his authorised deputy, to operate at<br />

<strong>Prigorodnoye</strong> export terminal and which complies with the safety requirements of the terminal<br />

Common Facility Shift Supervisor means shore person responsible for day to day activities in<br />

the shore storage and loading area and is also responsible for activities associated with shore<br />

loading and connection.<br />

Company means Sakhalin Energy Investment Company Ltd (SEIC).<br />

Gas Free means a tank, compartment or container is gas-free when sufficient fresh air has been<br />

introduced into it to lower the levels of any flammable, toxic or inert gases to those required for a<br />

specific purpose, e.g. hot work, entry, etc., and has been certified for that purpose by an<br />

authorised person.<br />

Hot Work means work involving sources of ignition or temperatures sufficiently high to cause<br />

the ignition of a flammable gas mixture. This includes any work requiring the use of welding,<br />

burning or soldering equipment, blow torches, power-driven tools, portable electrical equipment<br />

which is not intrinsically safe or contained within an approved explosion-proof housing,<br />

sandblasting, grinding, or internal combustion engine.<br />

Inert Condition refers to an ‘inerted’ space on board a tanker where the oxygen content of the<br />

atmosphere throughout the space has been reduced to below 8% by volume, by the addition of<br />

an inert gas.<br />

Inert Gas means a gas such as Nitrogen or Carbon Dioxide, or a mixture of flue gases,<br />

containing insufficient oxygen to support the combustion of hydrocarbons.<br />

ISGOTT means the International Safety Guide for Oil Tankers and <strong>Terminal</strong>s in its latest edition.<br />

LNG terminal is the terminal facility in the port of <strong>Prigorodnoye</strong> for the loading and export of<br />

liquefied natural gas.<br />

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Loading Master means the person responsible, on behalf of the terminal, for pilotage, mooring<br />

operations, connection and disconnection of loading arms and all other activities associated with<br />

the loading of vessels. The individual is Pilot, Berthing and Loading Master and may also<br />

act as Ice Pilot.<br />

Master means the Captain of a ship or his duly authorised deputy or any person who for the time<br />

being is in charge of the vessel.<br />

Marine Rota means the competent marine person on- call.<br />

Naked Lights means open flames or fires, exposed incandescent material or any other<br />

unconfined source of ignition.<br />

Offshore Security Zone or terminal limits means the area of the sea bounded by the onshore<br />

security perimeter markers and the East and West offshore terminal limit marker buoys and<br />

includes both the TLU and LNG jetty. See port limits 5.3 Diagram A.<br />

Operations means the loading, discharging and transfer of LNG, crude oil, ballasting/deballasting,<br />

gas-freeing, purging and tank-cleaning and any other activity associated with the<br />

handling of bulk petroleum or hydrocarbon derivatives.<br />

Owner(s) means the owner(s), disponent owner(s), managers and those acting on behalf of<br />

owners of any vessel or tanker.<br />

TLU means the <strong>Prigorodnoye</strong> Tanker Loading Unit for crude oil export. This is a single point<br />

mooring unit.<br />

<strong>Terminal</strong> means the <strong>Prigorodnoye</strong> export terminal, its LNG and crude oil loading terminal, its<br />

berths and loading facilities, approaches and anchorages. It also includes the onshore storage<br />

and process areas.<br />

<strong>Terminal</strong> Authority means the governmental approved authority or its agents responsible for<br />

the navigation or berthing in, to or from the <strong>Prigorodnoye</strong> export terminal, The Sakhalin<br />

Energy Investment Company Ltd (SEIC) or body appointed by this Company or body to be<br />

advised.<br />

Responsible Ship’s Officer means the Master or any officer to whom the Master may delegate<br />

authority for any operation or duty on board ship. This is normally the tanker’s Chief Officer or<br />

Cargo Officer delegated by the Master as being in charge of cargo operations.<br />

Tanker means any ship designed either for the carriage of LNG, crude oil or any other<br />

hydrocarbon products.<br />

Vessel means any ship, tug, craft or other floating navigable object.<br />

Work Permit means a document issued by the Common Facility Shift Supervisor (and approved<br />

as may be required by the relevant authorities, e.g. port authority) permitting specific work to be<br />

done during a specified period in a defined area on board a vessel berthed at the port.<br />

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5.3 Description of the <strong>Prigorodnoye</strong> Loading Facility<br />

The <strong>Prigorodnoye</strong> export terminal is sited in Aniva Bay on the South Coast of Sakhalin Island as<br />

shown below. The terminal is the export facility for both crude oil and LNG.<br />

Diagram A – <strong>Prigorodnoye</strong> <strong>Export</strong> <strong>Terminal</strong><br />

5.4 General <strong>Port</strong> Information<br />

5.4.1 Location<br />

The terminal is located in the following position:<br />

Latitude 46 o 36’ N Longitude 142 o 55’ E<br />

5.4.2 <strong>Terminal</strong> Limits<br />

The terminal is bounded by the following limits:<br />

East Limit 1. 46 37.2 N 142 56.0 E<br />

East Limit 2. 46 35.2 N 142 58.0 E<br />

East Limit 3. 46 33.3 N 142 58.0 E<br />

West Limit 4. 46 33.3 N 142 52.8 E<br />

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West Limit 5. 46 36.6 N 142 52.8 E<br />

West Limit 6. 46 37.6 N 142 53.5 E<br />

The northern limit is the point where the East and West limits cut the shoreline.<br />

5.5 Navigation Charts<br />

For the approach to the terminal, see Russian chart cumber 63102. British Admiralty Charts<br />

equivalent to the Russian charts will be produced in due course.<br />

5.6 LNG Loading Jetty – Specific Information<br />

The LNG loading jetty comprises a ‘finger’ pier of 805 metres in length. The berth is orientated<br />

on a North/South heading and is situated on the western side at the head of the jetty.<br />

The berth has 4 breasting dolphins and 7 mooring dolphins. The approach to the LNG berth is<br />

from the South towards the turning basin off the jetty. The vessel will be turned onto a<br />

southerly heading and be berthed port side alongside, head out.<br />

Two mooring boats are available to expedite mooring operations. When they are not available<br />

due to ice, the method of mooring will be achieved by use of heaving line and messenger.<br />

Water depth at the berth<br />

16.54m (LAT)<br />

Water depth in the turning circle<br />

15.17m (LAT)<br />

Minimum under keel clearance required 2.00m<br />

Connections<br />

Maximum loading rate<br />

4 x 16” Hydraulic quick coupler<br />

LLVL or LVLL interchangeable.<br />

Emergency release discoupling.<br />

Shore provision for 12” ship<br />

connections with reducers.<br />

Not less than 10,000 m3/hr<br />

5,000 m3/hr available each<br />

liquid arm.<br />

Vessel restrictions:<br />

Maximum draught on departure<br />

Length overall<br />

Displacement<br />

Cubic capacity<br />

12 metres<br />

300 metres<br />

105,000 Tonnes<br />

125,000 – 145,000 m3<br />

18,000 – 30,000 m3<br />

5.7 Crude Oil Tanker Loading Unit (TLU) – Specific Information<br />

Position Latitude 46 o 34.7 N<br />

Longitude 142 o 55.5 E<br />

Depth of sea bed<br />

Connections<br />

28.2m (LAT)<br />

2 x 16” port manifold (Summer)<br />

1 x 20” bow (Winter)<br />

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Maximum loading rate<br />

Not less than 8000 m 3 /hour<br />

Vessel restrictions:<br />

Maximum draught on departure<br />

Maximum SDWT<br />

Maximum distance bow – manifold<br />

Approximately 17.5 metres<br />

150,000 MT<br />

145 m<br />

The manifold and forward mooring and securing connections are to comply with respective<br />

OCIMF recommendations for vessels loading at a single point mooring. The summer hose<br />

will be connected to the port manifold with 2 x 16” connections.<br />

During the ice season, tankers will be fitted with a bow loading manifold to accommodate a<br />

single 20” hose.<br />

5.8 Transit Aniva Bay<br />

Routeing has to date been recommended for vessels transiting the La Perouse Strait and<br />

Aniva Bay from the West. There is a traffic separation system off Cape Krylion, marked clearly<br />

by a light on ‘Danger Rock’. There is extensive fishing in this area. All tankers are<br />

recommended to transit La Perouse Strait South of this separation zone.<br />

See diagram in Appendix 11 for Recommended Transit Route in La Perouse Strait and Aniva<br />

Bay from the West.<br />

Transiting of Aniva Bay will be monitored via a Vessel Traffic Management (VTS).<br />

Routeing approach from the East will be advised in due course.<br />

(It is anticipated that the routeing will be approved by the Russian authorities for the transit of<br />

all tankers and that vessels will report their passing specific positions on this track to the local<br />

authority as they transit the la Perouse Strait. This information will be promulgated to all<br />

shipping as part of the Vessel Traffic Management System).<br />

5.9 Anchorages<br />

The recommended anchorages will be outside of the terminal limits:<br />

Anchorage for Oil tankers at TLU: Bounded by the following limits:<br />

East Longitude 142 58.5 E<br />

West Longitude 142 55.5 E<br />

South Latitude 46 31.5 N<br />

North Latitude 46 32.6 N<br />

Anchorage for LNG vessels:<br />

Bounded by the following limits:<br />

East Longitude 142 52.0 E<br />

West Longitude 142 50.5 E<br />

South Latitude 46 32.5 N<br />

North Latitude 46 34.5 N<br />

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5.10 Approach to the <strong>Terminal</strong><br />

The approach to both the LNG jetty and to the TLU is an open sea approach from the South.<br />

During the ice period pilotage from offshore will require a planned route of approach.<br />

5.11 Berthing<br />

TLU and LNG berthing will be carried out 24 hours per day weather permitting.<br />

5.12 Pilotage<br />

Pilotage is compulsory for all vessels berthing at <strong>Prigorodnoye</strong> <strong>Export</strong> <strong>Terminal</strong>. The duty<br />

Loading Master will act as Pilot for the LNG Berth, TLU and as Ice Pilot.<br />

5.13 Pilot Boarding Area<br />

The pilot boarding position will be advised by <strong>Prigorodnoye</strong> Marine Control prior to the<br />

vessels arrival and will very depending on the season.<br />

LNG CARRIERS Boarding position will be in a position approx 3 miles South West of the<br />

LNG berth in position Latitude 46° 34’ 00” N, Longitude 142° 52’ 00’E.<br />

CRUDE OIL TANKERS Boarding position will vary dependant on the prevailing weather<br />

conditions, as advised by pilot, and will be either:<br />

East of the TLU in position Latitude 46 o 32’ 36” N, Longitude 142 o 53’ 00” E.<br />

West of the TLU in position Latitude 46 o 32’ 36” N, Longitude 142 o 58’ 00” E.<br />

Pilot hoists, pilot ladders and/or combination accommodation ladders must be rigged in<br />

accordance with the prescribed industry access regulation requirements relating to<br />

freeboard. One officer together with one other person should be in attendance on deck to<br />

monitor pilot embarkation/disembarkation and must be in radio contact with the ship’s<br />

bridge. See Appendix 1.<br />

5.14 Ice Period<br />

The Loading Master will act as the Ice Pilot, and will board the tanker at the edge of the ice<br />

which could be up to fifty miles from the terminal near Point Krylion in the La Perouse Strait.<br />

Vessels will be advised of the rendezvous position 24 hrs before arrival.<br />

Prior to ice transit a pre-ice transit discussion between the Ice Pilot/Loading Master and the<br />

tanker Master will cover relevant issues including the following aspects.<br />

• Responsibilities.<br />

• Ice condition advice.<br />

• Rigging of emergency towing wires.<br />

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• Testing of systems.<br />

• Communications with lead ice breaker.<br />

• Emergencies.<br />

• Becoming fast in ice.<br />

• Stopping distances.<br />

• Validity of ice passport.<br />

• Feedback form all sources.<br />

• Ice observations.<br />

• Independently navigated traffic.<br />

5.15 Accommodation for Pilots<br />

The Loading Master and his Assistant will remain on the crude oil tanker throughout the<br />

loading period, and the tanker is to provide cabins for them. There may be additional persons<br />

staying on board, cargo surveyor and possibly customs and immigration officials and cabins<br />

are to be made available.<br />

The Loading Master may remain onboard an LNG tanker during the loading period and the<br />

LNG tanker is to provide a cabin for this purpose should he, for operational reasons, not<br />

decide to be accommodated in the terminal.<br />

5.16 Duty Pilot<br />

The Loading Master will act as duty pilot throughout the vessel’s stay and be available either<br />

full time staying onboard the crude oil tanker or within the LNG terminal for the LNG tanker.<br />

5.17 Offshore Security Zone<br />

On no account must a vessel enter the Offshore Security Zone without a pilot on board and<br />

tugs secured alongside. The extent of the Offshore Security Zone is within the terminal limits<br />

prescribed above, see 5.3 Diagram A.<br />

5.18 Tugs<br />

All vessels berthing at <strong>Prigorodnoye</strong> must use the terminal’s tugs managed by SEIC. Towage<br />

is provided under the “UK Terms & Conditions for Towage and Other Services (Revised<br />

1986)”, a copy of which is attached to the end of this section, in Appendix 3. Signed<br />

acceptance of above is included within the Conditions of Use (Appendix 6) and the<br />

Request for berthing assistance (Appendix 14).<br />

There are four tugs permanently based at the terminal, details of which can be found in<br />

Appendix 4 at the end of this section.<br />

Tugs 34.5m 4 Bollard pull 70 ahead/65 astern mt<br />

Mooring boats 15m 2 Bollard pull 8 tonnes<br />

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5.19 Tug Requirements – LNG Tankers<br />

Three tugs will be available for berthing and unberthing all large LNG vessels. For smaller<br />

LNG carriers this will be reduced to two tugs. In addition two mooring boats will be available<br />

for handling the mooring lines during the open water season. These may not be available<br />

during periods when ice is present within the terminal.<br />

Additional tugs may be used in the ice season.<br />

5.20 Tug Requirements – Crude Oil Tankers<br />

One tug will be provided to act as a pull back tug for all tankers moored to the TLU. This will<br />

be made fast to the tanker during the approach. A mooring boat will assist with the handling<br />

of the mooring ropes and hoses during the open water period. A second tug will be used<br />

during the ice period.<br />

Additional tugs may also be used in the ice season as required.<br />

5.21 Stand-by Tug<br />

Whenever an LNG carrier is moored to the LNG berth, one tug will act as the duty stand-by<br />

tug and remain in a state of immediate readiness offshore to provide assistance, as and<br />

when required. During the ice period this tug will also provide ice management at the berth if<br />

required.<br />

When a tanker is moored to the TLU, a tug, over and above the pull back tug will be<br />

assigned as a duty standby tug for the TLU.<br />

The duty standby tugs will maintain a listening watch on VHF Channel’s 69 and 73 and the<br />

terminal’s UHF channel.<br />

5.22 Security<br />

The terminal and vessels will comply with all the requirements of the International Ship and<br />

<strong>Port</strong> Facilities Security (ISPS) Code. Vessels will declare their security level and any relevant<br />

incidents relating to code compliance in the appropriate section of their 72 hour pre-arrival<br />

message.<br />

5.23 Russian federal and local regulations.<br />

Attention is drawn to all vessels, regardless of flag, of the stringent requirements of Russian<br />

federal, regional and local regulations with which there is a necessity to be conversant.<br />

The following Articles of the Russian Merchant Shipping Code are of particular relevance<br />

(Articles 9, 74-76, 78-84, 89-90), Governmental Regulation No.60 on checkpoints, Federal<br />

law No. 155-FZ on Internal Waters, Territorial Sea and Adjacent Zone of the Russian<br />

Federation, Law No. 4730-1 on the State Border (especially Articles 9-12,24). See Appendix<br />

2.<br />

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Agents will assist masters in any particular requirements but attention is drawn to relevant<br />

reporting, health, customs and border regulations which will have an impact on the vessels<br />

operations in the port of <strong>Prigorodnoye</strong>. Officials of national and local bodies, the State<br />

Supervision Authority of the <strong>Port</strong> (SSAP) in the <strong>Port</strong>, the Duty Captain, will have official<br />

duties to perform in visiting the vessel and masters are to be guided accordingly.<br />

The Agent advises local authorities of the arrival of the vessel 48 hours in advance. Local<br />

Russian authorities work between the hours of 0830 and 2030 weekdays and will require<br />

special arrangements outside of these hours. Vessels are required to be visited and cleared<br />

inward and outward before cargo operations may commence and the ship may sail. The<br />

border guards will often act in lieu of Immigration department and crew without Russian visas<br />

will require their seaman’s book stamping inward and outward. Customs do not tend to visit<br />

vessels inward/outward foreign. Clearance from officials normally takes ½ - 1 hour, inward and<br />

outward. The following documents are to be prepared by the Master prior arrival. No local<br />

Russian format documentation is required and international forms, prepared in electronic format,<br />

as per international trade are accepted by Russian authorities. For general declaration, E format is<br />

available from Agents, see Appendix 12.<br />

Testing of lifeboats in the water, overside work and use of incinerator within port limits is<br />

prohibited.<br />

Arrival documentation.<br />

Crew list<br />

6 copies<br />

General declaration 3 copies (E format available from Agency, Appendix 12).<br />

Cargo declaration<br />

2 copies<br />

Ship’s stores list<br />

2 copies<br />

Crew effects list<br />

2 copies<br />

Preliminary stowage plan<br />

2 copies<br />

List of ports of call<br />

2 copies<br />

Ship’s particulars<br />

2 copies<br />

Copy of Certificate of Class 1 copy<br />

To be passed to Agent for sanitation clearance ashore.<br />

Maritime declaration of health<br />

Copy of de-ratting certificate<br />

Vaccination list<br />

List of ports of call (last 2 months)<br />

1 copy<br />

1 copy<br />

1 copy<br />

1 copy<br />

Charterers vetting documents SAFE, SIRE etc as required and advised.<br />

Departure documentation.<br />

Crew list<br />

General declaration<br />

Cargo declaration<br />

Ship’s stores list<br />

Crew effects list<br />

Bill of lading<br />

<strong>Port</strong> clearance<br />

2 copies<br />

2 copies<br />

2 copies<br />

2 copies<br />

2 copies<br />

3 copies for customs with original stamp.<br />

1 copy (Loading Master will issue)<br />

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5.24 Local time zone<br />

Last Sunday in March to the last Sunday in October.<br />

Remainder of year.<br />

GMT + 11 hours<br />

GMT + 10 hours<br />

5.25 Health and Sanitation issues<br />

5.25.1 Asian Gypsy Moth certification<br />

Vessels trading from <strong>Prigorodnoye</strong> to the USA, Canada, Australia, New Zealand or<br />

Chile will be required to obtain an Asian Gypsy Moth free (AGM) certificate from the<br />

Russian appointed responsible body Rosselkhoznadzor.<br />

The application for an AGM certificate to be issued has to be made at least 7 days in<br />

advance following which Rossekhoznadzor will send their inspectors from the former<br />

phyto-sanitary control inspectorate to the vessel for examination. A team of about ten to<br />

thirteen people will be used and the current cost for a certificate is circa 5,000 USD.<br />

The certificates are currently issued by the Oblast Rosselkhoznadzor (Yuzhno).<br />

Masters should liase with Agents with respect to the above requirements in order to<br />

avoid contravention of regulations at the discharge port countries mentioned where<br />

vessels coming from Eastern Russia will be scrutinised for the presence of certification<br />

relating to the sanitary health aspects of the Asian Gypsy Moth.<br />

No inward Russian inward requirement exits for Asian Gypsy Moth certification.<br />

6 Communications<br />

6.1 <strong>Terminal</strong> Communications<br />

The following communication channels shall be used:<br />

<strong>Prigorodnoye</strong> Control VHF 69 (Backup 73)<br />

Marine Base (Pilot) VHF 69 (Backup 73)<br />

Tugs working channel VHF 73<br />

Stand-by Tug<br />

VHF 16 & 73 plus UHF Simplex<br />

Vessels will continue to monitor VHF 16 at all times.<br />

7 Sea Ice<br />

Sea ice forms in the Sea of Okhotsk to the North of Sakhalin Island during November and moves<br />

South under the influence of the wind and current. By early January this reaches the southern part of<br />

Sakhalin Island and can migrate into Aniva Bay.<br />

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The ice is thin first year ice, less than 70 cms in thickness. The area does not normally experience<br />

severe ice pressure.<br />

The TLU and LNG marine facilities will be located off the north-eastern coast of Aniva Bay. The ice<br />

that occurs in the general vicinity of the TLU and LNG jetty is normally quite thin, in the range of 0.1m<br />

to 0.3m. Somewhat thicker ice that forms locally can also occur, with typical thicknesses between<br />

0.3m and 0.7m. It is seen in varying concentrations and usually in small floe sizes. This ice should<br />

not exert significant loads on the TLU and LNG jetty, and should not seriously impede ice capable<br />

vessels.<br />

7.1 Ice Management<br />

The winter / ice season is defined as any period when light nilas ice (over 5-10cm thick) is<br />

observed in Aniva Bay and / or La Perouse Strait in concentrations greater than 6/10 or when<br />

the average daily (24 hourly) temperature at <strong>Prigorodnoye</strong> drops below 0°C. Based on hindcast<br />

data the daily average temperature can drop below zero from mid November to early April and<br />

ice can be present on route to <strong>Prigorodnoye</strong> from December to May.<br />

The period is typically from mid January until early April, according to Korsakov port.<br />

During this period ice class LU2 or below, or equivalent to Russian Register, is required.<br />

7.2 Ice Breakers<br />

Sakhalin Energy will provide transit ice breakers to assist all tankers movements through the ice<br />

in Aniva Bay, to and from <strong>Prigorodnoye</strong> <strong>Export</strong> <strong>Terminal</strong>. The ice coverage can be from the La<br />

Perouse Strait at the Western entrance to Aniva Bay, a distance of approximately 50 miles from<br />

the terminal. The ice beakers will form a lead in the ice for the tankers to follow.<br />

At the terminal, the terminal tugs will manage the ice at the loading facilities.<br />

7.3 Ice Pilot<br />

SEIC will provide the Ice Pilot to advise the master on the procedures required to navigate the<br />

ice in convoy with the ice breaker escort. Exemptions may be obtained from SEIC for Masters<br />

who have demonstrated competence in ice pilotage within Aniva Bay.<br />

7.4 Ice Forecasting<br />

SEIC will monitor the ice and Metocean conditions within Aniva Bay and provide an ice forecast<br />

to all tankers to assess the optimum route for the vessel through the ice to be pre-determined.<br />

The forecast can be made up to 72 hrs in advance, and will be forwarded to the vessel, with<br />

subsequent updates by email of facsimile.<br />

7.5 Ice Passport<br />

All tankers are required to have an ‘Ice certificate' during the ice season. The requirement for<br />

this Ice certificate for transit is however only limited to the duration of the ice/winter season.<br />

These are issued by an institute approved by the Russian authorities and will provide the safe<br />

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speed a vessel may proceed in a given thickness of ice. In addition it will determine the distance<br />

the vessel is to be astern of the icebreaker escort, and will also determine the width of navigable<br />

curvature of the channel in turns the ice breaker is to make.<br />

The Ice certificate will also assess vessel suitability for operation in lower temperatures of Aniva<br />

Bay.<br />

7.6 Certificate of Engine Power<br />

All tankers in winter are required to have a ‘Certificate of adequate engine power’ during the ice<br />

season. This confirms that the tanker can achieve a speed of at least 4 knots in ice thickness of<br />

60 cms following in the lead created by ice breakers in the absence of ice pressure. The<br />

certificate is issued by an institute approved by the Russian authorities.<br />

7.7 Propeller Tip Immersion<br />

All tankers are to have a propeller tip immersion of at least 70 cms. LNG carriers are to have<br />

a propeller that is the equivalent of the Russian ice class ‘LU2’. If this is not the case, there<br />

may be a requirement to increase the propeller tip immersion. The required immersion will form<br />

part of the Certificate of adequate engine power.<br />

7.8 Winterisation<br />

Winterisation is the requirement that the vessel, during the winter period, from November<br />

to April, is able to operate in sub zero temperatures down to –25 o C, which may be experienced<br />

within Aniva Bay.<br />

Precautions include measures to ensure that the fire fighting equipment on deck is operational,<br />

in particular that the fire lines do not freeze, that the ballast space air ventilators do not freeze,<br />

and that the mooring equipment is operational. The cargo and ballast systems should be<br />

protected against cold temperatures. The crew are to be provided with appropriate warm<br />

clothing and the accommodation heating must be effective. Other measures will require the<br />

deck steel to be of a grade that will withstand cold temperatures, and internal heating may be<br />

required in the ballast spaces. Steam line dead end sections are to be treated with caution and<br />

drained of condensate which may be susceptible to freezing.<br />

A study of winterisation requirements by SEIC has identified the following requirements.<br />

• Ice class for hull structure - Vessels, which are built with a view to load at <strong>Prigorodnoye</strong><br />

throughout the year, are recommended to be built to the Russian Ice Classification level 'LU2'<br />

or higher. It is a SEIC requirement that all vessels have ice classification for the hull structure.<br />

Although it is possible for a low or no ice class vessel to enter Aniva Bay SEIC does not<br />

recommend this as the safe speeds could be severely limiting.<br />

• Ice classification for propeller and propulsion shafting - Propeller and shafting are to meet the<br />

requirements of the Russian Maritime Register of Shipping’s LU2 ice classification or<br />

equivalent.<br />

• Manifold - The OCIMF "Recommendations for Manifolds for Refrigerated LNGC" and SIGTTO<br />

ship shore compatibility documentation can be used as guides. Recommend that a heated<br />

manifold shelter be fitted on each manifold for use during loading operations. Means to keep<br />

manifold clear of snow and ice to be provided.<br />

• Winterisation - It is to be possible to operate the vessel in sub-zero temperature of -25°C with<br />

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wind speeds up to 20 ms-1. Equipment, systems, operability by crew and material suitability to<br />

be considered. Means to keep main and emergency access ways to be provided.<br />

• Strong points for towing in ice - Strong points required both forward and aft for emergency<br />

towing in ice. Two 70 tonne strong points are required at forward end and IMO emergency<br />

towing requirements to be met at the aft end. For a standard LNGC this requires the fitting of<br />

an additional towing point forward to enable two tugs to be connected each tug of 70 tonnes<br />

bollard pull. Normally the vessel is to rig wires to enable the tug to easily connect in the case<br />

of an emergency.<br />

• Sheltered bridge wings and navigation - Conning bridge wings should be sheltered and have<br />

necessary thermal insulation and heated windows. It is recommended that the Bridge wings<br />

are totally enclosed. If this is not done then an alternative solution is required. Navigation of<br />

the vessel when transiting ice and berthing will be from abridge wing. Additional manoeuvring<br />

and navigational control station(s) without steering gear control to be provided on the bridge<br />

wing(s). Communication between bridge wing and wheelhouse to be provided. Adequate<br />

forward view from the conning station to be provided. Main wheelhouse windows to be<br />

heated, be as deep as possible and angle outwards. Exposed navigation equipment to be<br />

suitable for operation at -25°C with 20ms -1 wind speed.<br />

• Navigation glasses - Navigation lights to be fitted with heat-traced glass if necessary.<br />

• Search lights or enhanced night vision for ice navigation - Searchlights to be fitted on the<br />

bridge wings and forecastle to provide sufficient lighting ahead of the vessel for ice transit at<br />

night. SEIC recommends that night vision cameras be fitted. These can also be used in<br />

periods of fog, which is not uncommon in Aniva Bay and for security purposes. Alternatively<br />

Xenon type focused lights; two on the bow, and one on each bridge wing, controlled from the<br />

wheelhouse and conning station with cameras at the forward end can be fitted. It is<br />

considered that this arrangement is essential for the vessel to be able to see the lead in the<br />

ice behind the ice breaker.<br />

• Security - Recommended that additional cameras be installed for security purposes covering<br />

the main and poop decks. Passive night vision system recommended. Accommodation and<br />

control space security to be considered and to be in compliance with IMO. Guardhouse<br />

overlooking the shore gangway recommended. To be heated and ventilated.<br />

• Ice passport or ice certificate - Vessel to be in possession of a valid 'Ice passport'. Passport<br />

is valid for 10 years from date of issue, revalidated at refit thereafter. CNIIMF is the only<br />

Russian authority currently able to issue ice passports. Note there is currently a proposal to<br />

reduce the validity to five years to coincide with the classification society survey cycle. The ice<br />

passport will describe the vessels performance in ice including it’s stopping distances and<br />

manoeuvrability. Safe speeds and distances are to be defined. Copy of certificate to be<br />

provided to SEIC.<br />

• Power certificate based on the engine and propeller characteristics and sea trial information -<br />

Certificate of main engine power - Vessel to be able to maintain a minimum speed of 4-5<br />

knots in ice up to 60cms thick following ice breakers. Copy of Certificate of Adequate Main<br />

Engine Power and Propeller to be provided to SEIC.<br />

• Enhanced radar image - This is strongly recommended by SEIC as the radar image is greatly<br />

enhanced improving ice navigation. Either the Enfotec or Rutter systems are suitable.<br />

• Radar scanner – One 3cm (X-band) scanner to be sited forward.<br />

• Navigation and communication equipment - All the navigation and communication equipment<br />

shall comply with SOLAS-74/88, Chapter IV including the requirements for GMDSS and<br />

Chapter V, Regulation 19, Shipborne Navigational Equipment. All equipment to be operable at<br />

-25°C with 20ms -1 wind speed.<br />

• Electronic radio receiving equipment - Systems such as Inmarsat B/Inmarsat F77 or Inmarsat<br />

C receiving stations are to be fitted for the reception of ice and hydro meteorological graphic<br />

information.<br />

• Cooling water systems - Vessels to have two cooling water suctions for the main and auxiliary<br />

machinery located on opposite sides of the hull. At least one of these suctions shall be<br />

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located at or near the bottom of the vessel to minimize the probability of ice clogging. It is<br />

recommended that vessels have a cooling Kingston Valve Arrangement - See IMO.<br />

• Ice resistant coating on waterline - The water line of the vessel from the laden to the ballast<br />

levels is to be coated with an ice resistant low friction coating. Inerta 160 paint is strongly<br />

recommended. Area covered at the forward end to be suitably extended.<br />

• Steel - The steel used in the main deck and upper sides is to be confirmed as having<br />

adequate toughness for operation in an ambient air temperature of -25°C or heating is to be<br />

applied to keep the surface temperature of the steel above -10°C with an external ambient<br />

temperature of -25°C.<br />

• Crew - To be provided with "Arctic" clothing and to be trained in cold weather precautions.<br />

• General piping and cabling - Maximum use to be made of the under deck passageways,<br />

trunk-ways, forecastle space, etc. for routing and installing piping, cabling and equipment, to<br />

minimise exposure to the elements.<br />

• Exposed fresh water piping - To be protected against freezing in outside air temperature of -<br />

25ºC and wind of 20 m/sec by trace heating or running in protected areas.<br />

• Cargo system - Operation of valves, vents, gauges to be able to operate in -25°C with 20ms-1<br />

wind speed. Heat tracing recommended.<br />

• Ballast system - The risk of ballast tank water freezing for the tanks of a 145,000 Moss type<br />

vessel is not considered to be great due to the short transit time in cold weather. SEIC<br />

however recommends an air bubbling system be fitted in the ballast tanks to reduce the risk of<br />

ballast water freezing. If no physical system is fitted then ullage is to be kept in the ballast<br />

tanks to enable the tanks to be raised in level prior to discharge. The vent pipes and heads<br />

are to be prevented from freezing and all valves and all exposed gauges are to be capable of<br />

operation at -25ºC and wind of 20 m/sec.<br />

• Fresh water and distilled water tanks - Measures to be taken to prevent freezing if to air and<br />

sea temperatures of -25ºC and -2ºC respectively. If necessary wing speed of wind of 20<br />

m/sec to be considered. Heat balance calculations to be carried out. Vent pipe heads shall be<br />

protected by covers. Consideration to circulation systems to be given.<br />

• Diesel oil tanks - To be fitted with heating facilities having sufficient capacity to maintain a<br />

temperature of 10ºC at design air and sea temperatures of -25ºC and -2ºC respectively unless<br />

heat balance calculations show otherwise. If necessary wing speed of wind of 20 m/sec to be<br />

considered. Vent pipe heads shall be protected by covers.<br />

• Other fuel oil and lubricating oil tanks - Heat balance calculations to be done to show that<br />

tanks will not freeze at air and sea temperatures of -25ºC and -2ºC respectively. If necessary<br />

wing speed of wind of 20 m/sec to be considered. Tank vent pipe heads to be protected<br />

against freezing.<br />

• Other exposed tanks - Heat balance calculations to be done to show that tanks will not freeze<br />

at air and sea temperatures of -25ºC and -2ºC respectively. If necessary wind speed of 20<br />

m/sec to be considered in design. Tank vent pipe heads to be protected against freezing.<br />

• Auxiliary machinery - Auxiliary machineries and their systems eg. D/G, Fans etc. to be<br />

operable and suitable for outside air temperature of -25ºC and wind speed of 20 m/sec.<br />

• Electric space heaters - Heating shall be provided for rooms such as the emergency<br />

generator and steering gear rooms to maintain a temperature of 3ºC at an outside air<br />

temperature of –25ºC and a sea water temperature of -2ºC with wind speed of 20 m/sec. All<br />

electric heaters are to be provided with independent high temperature overheat trips.<br />

Consideration shall be given to maintaining a temperature of at least 3 °C for spaces such as<br />

the laundries, dry stores and forecastle spaces.<br />

• Deck part heating requirement - Consideration to be given to heating of the deck stores, deck<br />

bunker lines and deck hydraulic lines.<br />

• Deck machinery - Deck cranes and stores cranes to be operable at -25°C and 20ms-1 wind<br />

speed. Recommend hydraulic lines to be heated and a sheltered heated cab fitted. Note hose<br />

handling cranes maybe used in ship to ship cargo transfer therefore essential that the hose<br />

handling cranes are suitable for low temperature operation. Low temperature use of other<br />

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equipment to be assured.<br />

• Mooring and anchoring equipment - Mooring equipment to be capable of operation at -25°C<br />

with 20ms-1 wind speed. Means to keep working areas and equipment clear of ice to be<br />

provided.<br />

• Fire fighting equipment - To be operable at temperatures down to-25°C with 20ms-1 wind<br />

speed. This includes the water spray systems. Consideration to be given to running systems<br />

in the under deck pipe passage, heating systems or continuously draining systems or the<br />

ability to drain and dry systems. Exposed spray nozzles to be heated.<br />

• Lifeboats - Lifeboats to be enclosed and heated. Quick release gear and lifeboat release to be<br />

confirmed as able to operate in -25°C with 20ms-1 wind speed. Consideration to be given to<br />

heating the access doors. Means to keep access walkways clear of ice to be provided.<br />

• Liferafts - To be insured that they can be launched in cold conditions. Release mechanism to<br />

be trace heated or assured of operation at -25°C.<br />

• Accommodation - Adequate heating system is to be provided when the ambient outside air<br />

temperature is -25°C and the wind speed is 20ms-1. Precautions to prevent ventilators<br />

blocking to be taken and consideration of where bunks situated to be taken. Additional<br />

heating in control stations to be considered. Arrangement to prevent freezing of access doors<br />

to be taken. Recommended that provision be made in the arrangement of changing rooms,<br />

cabins, lobbies to cabins and public spaces to adequately provide for the stowage and<br />

hanging of cold weather clothing.<br />

• Accommodation access - Consideration to be given to heating of access arrangements to the<br />

accommodation especially the emergency accesses. Alternatively arrangements can be<br />

provided to break initial seal. Means to keep access ways clear to be provided.<br />

• Intake and exhaust louvers - All intake and exhaust louvers for accommodation and<br />

machinery spaces shall be provided with means to prevent snow blockage or icing.<br />

• Pilot boarding - Each vessel will require an ice pilot when transiting the ice. A combination of<br />

pilot ladder and accommodation ladder is required for safe transfer of pilots from a icebreaker<br />

or launch. Operation of the pilot boarding arrangement to be suitable for -25°oC with 20ms-1<br />

wind speed. A helicopter winching area meeting the requirements of IAMSAR (International<br />

Aeronautical Maritime Search and Rescue) manual and ICS (International Chamber of<br />

Shipping) Helicopter/Ship Operations is also to be provided for emergencies. Means to keep<br />

the winching area and pilot boarding area clear of snow and ice to be provided.<br />

8 Weather<br />

8.1 Weather Conditions<br />

The general weather in Aniva Bay is good with the terminal being sheltered from all directions<br />

other than the South-West. The wave and currents are more wind driven than under oceanic<br />

influence.<br />

8.2 Weather Seasons<br />

The area is subject to two weather seasons:<br />

• Summer Season May – September<br />

This is a warm period with winds from all directions. The wind<br />

force is typically less than 12 m/sec, although this can be<br />

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• Winter Season October – April<br />

exceeded in the latter part of the season when the area is subject<br />

to typhoons passing the area. The strongest wind at this time<br />

comes from a westerly direction and berthing delays may be<br />

experienced at this time.<br />

This is a cold period with sub zero temperatures due to the<br />

influence of the prevailing northerly winds. The average winter<br />

temperature is -9 o C, very rarely does the temperature drop below<br />

-23 o C. During the early spring sea ice can migrate into the bay<br />

from the Sea of Okhotsk under the influence of the warmer<br />

easterly winds in the spring.<br />

8.3 Winds<br />

For much of the year the wind force is less than 12 m/second. This can be exceeded during<br />

September as typhoons pass the area. The wind direction is generally from the North during<br />

the period December-February, changing to a southerly direction in March-May. During the<br />

summer the wind direction is less well defined.<br />

On average there are 3.3 typhoons per year. It is estimated that a typhoon can disrupt the<br />

terminal for 48 hours. Assuming that a vessel will not be on the berth when each typhoon<br />

passes close to the island, the downtime would be less than 7 days/year. It is to be anticipated<br />

that typhoons relating to Sakhalin are filling tropical storms of reduced strength by the time<br />

they reach such northerly latitudes.<br />

8.4 Seas and Wave Height<br />

The seas are typically wind driven and the height is rarely more than 2.5 metres. The<br />

maximum percentage for exceeding this is 5.5%, during the May period.<br />

8.5 Current<br />

The current is predominantly wind driven and tends to be parallel to the coast in an West/East<br />

direction. During the ice free season the rate is generally less than 1 knot, with a maximum of<br />

1.5 knot. During the ice period the maximum current is typically 0.5 knots.<br />

8.6 Tide<br />

The maximum tidal range is approximately 2.5 m, but there is no tidal stream.<br />

8.7 Reduced Visibility<br />

Reduced visibility can occur throughout the year but is more common during the summer<br />

months. There is an 11% probability of the visibility being less than 3 miles during July, with a<br />

5% probability of the visibility being less than 0.5 miles. Ship movements within the terminal<br />

area will be suspended when the visibility is less than 0.3 miles. Minimal delays are expected<br />

as a result of reduced visibility.<br />

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8.8 Adverse Weather Procedures<br />

<strong>Terminal</strong> criteria is as follows.<br />

In the following table the trigger points referred to under “WIND” refer to the ‘mean’ wind<br />

speed, which is defined as the 10 minute average wind speed as measured at the terminal’s<br />

weather station anemometer located at the marine base. The “SEA” state refers to the mean<br />

swell height, as measured at the terminal’s wave buoy located to the east of the LNG jetty.<br />

The terminal monitor wind speed in metre/second equivalent.<br />

An exact assessment of the limiting criteria on each occasion will be judged by the Master,<br />

Pilot and/or Loading Master drawing on experience and expertise in each instance.<br />

Note. Studies indicate comparable limiting criteria when considering smaller 18,000-30,000m3<br />

LNG vessels alongside the LNG terminal compared to the larger vessels.<br />


Berthing/Unberthing.<br />

WIND<br />

(Knts)<br />

SEA<br />

(Metres)<br />

ACTION<br />

LNG carrier / Jetty<br />

Crude oil tanker / TLU.<br />

LNG berth and TLU.<br />

Loading.<br />

> 25<br />

> 30<br />

≥ 45<br />

> 2.0<br />

><br />

2.5<br />

Berthing/unberthing suspended.<br />

Berthing/unberthing suspended.<br />

Forecasted wind speeds during<br />

expected period alongside then all<br />

berthing/unberthing operations<br />

suspended. Discuss situation with<br />

Loading Master and ship Master.<br />

LNG jetty. ≥ 35<br />

> 40<br />

STOP loading. Call Pilot and instruct to<br />

stand-by ship. Remove shore gangway.<br />

Forecasted. Discuss situation with<br />

Loading Master , DGCAM Duty<br />

forecaster & ship’s Master.<br />

If prognosis is for further deterioration,<br />

then: Disconnect loading arms, Pilot<br />

onboard, tugs to support mooring<br />

integrity.<br />

≥ 40<br />

Actual Discuss situation with Loading<br />

Master, ship’s Master; issues to<br />

consider: Additional moorings, ship<br />

stability and unberthing ship.<br />

Loading.<br />

Tanker Loading Unit. ≥ 30 Stop Loading.<br />

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≥ 40<br />

≥ 40<br />

> 40<br />

Forecasted Disconnect loading hoses.<br />

Ship’s engine on Standby. Stand by tug<br />

boat astern.<br />

Tug to support mooring integrity, by<br />

assisting as required, only after loading<br />

has been stopped and tank deck<br />

battened down. Safety of tug letting go to<br />

be considered.<br />

If forecasted, situation to be discussed<br />

between Loading Master and ship’s<br />

Master and unberthing to be considered.<br />

Other criteria.<br />

Applicable to both LNG berth<br />

and TLU.<br />

Thunder/Electrical storms In<br />

the vicinity or at the terminal.<br />

Rolling/Listing of LNG<br />

carrier.<br />

Rolling.<br />

Listing.<br />

STOP loading, close all ship tank valves<br />

and vents until storm has cleared the<br />

terminal and poses no further threat.<br />

STOP loading if vessel rolls 2°, i.e. 1°<br />

either side of the upright position, or at<br />

lesser roll if considered necessary to<br />

preserve observance of the limiting<br />

loading arm envelope.<br />

Weather forecast & ships stability to be<br />

discussed between ship’s Master &<br />

Loading Master.<br />

STOP loading at 3°. Ship to close all<br />

loading valve, investigate reasons for list<br />

and take corrective action.<br />

If it becomes necessary for a ship to vacate the berth before completion of loading as a result of<br />

unexpected adverse weather conditions, then re-berthing of the ship will only be undertaken<br />

after the weather conditions have again returned within the above criteria.<br />

Tabulated criteria above may be subject to ice condition limitations, to be assessed in each<br />

instance.<br />

Membrane type LNG vessels may have more stringent rolling/listing criteria than tabulated.<br />

For specific adverse ice/cold winter conditions see section 7.8 Winterisation.<br />

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9 Pollution and Environment<br />

9.1 General<br />

<strong>Prigorodnoye</strong> <strong>Export</strong> <strong>Terminal</strong> is situated in an area which is environmentally unspoiled and<br />

pollution of any description, from whatever source, will be viewed extremely seriously and<br />

reported immediately to the appropriate government authority. See Appendix 11 for specific<br />

requirements and information on Western Gray Whales.<br />

9.2 Avoidance of Pollution<br />

Please note the following measures which will assist in avoiding pollution.<br />

• No oil or mixture containing oil shall be discharged or allowed to escape from a vessel while<br />

at the terminal or in the approaches to the terminal.<br />

• No garbage or other materials, either liquid or solid, shall be discharged overboard from a<br />

vessel, but shall be retained in suitable receptacles on board.<br />

• Whilst within the terminal limits, the internal transfer of any oil, slops or bunkers on board is<br />

prohibited unless required for loading the cargo and pre-approved by the Loading Master.<br />

• In the event of any leakage or spillage of oil or oil contaminated liquids onboard, the Loading<br />

Master must be advised immediately in order that loading operations can be stopped until the<br />

spill has been cleaned up.<br />

• Sorbent, swabs or sawdust used for mopping up such spills shall be collected for disposal<br />

after departure of the vessel then either incinerated onboard or landed at a subsequent port<br />

for approved disposal.<br />

• During the loading of crude oil, deck scuppers and drain holes must be suitably plugged. Any<br />

excess water that may accumulate must be drained off as required by a watchkeeper<br />

attending at all times to ensure no oil residues on the deck are drained away to sea. Drip trays<br />

must be placed under manifold connections, and any accumulated accumulation of water<br />

drained off at regular intervals.<br />

• During LNG loading operations scuppers should be closed, however a careful watch should<br />

be maintained to ensure that any build up of water on deck is drained off by a responsible<br />

watchkeeper.<br />

• Prior to commencement to, and at regular intervals throughout loading, regular checks are to<br />

be made to ensure that oil or oily water is not escaping through sea valves.<br />

• Overboard discharge valves through which oil could escape shall be lashed in the shut<br />

position during the vessel’s stay alongside. Where lashing is not practicable a suitable means<br />

of marking the valves should be used to clearly indicate that the valves are to remain closed.<br />

• Unused cargo and bunker connections must be closed and blanked. Blank flanges of an<br />

adequate size and rating shall be fully bolted with gaskets in place and other types of fittings,<br />

if used, properly secured.<br />

• No sewage treatment water shall be discharged from any vessel whilst in port limits.<br />

• All requirements of MARPOL and reference to Oil Spill Response plans are to be strictly<br />

adhered too.<br />

9.3 Ballast<br />

There are no ballast reception facilities at <strong>Prigorodnoye</strong> therefore all ships must arrive with<br />

clean ballast in segregated ballast tanks (SBT). Strict compliance with IMO resolutions relating<br />

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to ballast water management and compliance with the vessel’s approved Ballast Water<br />

Management Plan must be adhered to.<br />

Vessels are required to follow the requirements of their Ballast Water Management Plans for<br />

deep sea ballast water exchange prior to arrival to avoid previous discharge port contaminated<br />

ballast water being discharged in this environmentally sensitive area. Only exchanged deep<br />

sea ballast water is permitted to be discharge to sea at the terminal.<br />

Vessels engaged on Japan/Sakhalin trade will only be able to exchange ballast, according to<br />

the requirements of their Ballast Water Management Plans in a designated area. Other<br />

passages require ballast water exchanges at least 50 miles from land and in 200 metres of<br />

water.<br />

Discharge port ballast water quality monitoring is ongoing and vessels will be advised if<br />

exceptions to the above are permitted.<br />

Ballast tank sampling may be required at the terminal for ongoing ballast water quality<br />

assessment and monitoring.<br />

Only clean ballast water from SBT tanks can be discharged overboard, subject to inspection<br />

and approval by the Loading Master. All ballast water contained in tanks not<br />

designated as SBT must be retained on board.<br />

Comprehensive record keeping to evidence above shall be required.<br />

9.4 Air Pollution<br />

Vessels must comply with the requirements of MARPOL Annex V to minimise any air pollution.<br />

9.5 Waste Management<br />

Waste disposal facilities will be provided but only by previous arrangement through approved<br />

terminal sources. All waste management operations will be conducted, prior to or on<br />

completion of terminal operations, at the approved anchorage, not alongside the terminal<br />

and with all costs to owners account.<br />

9.6 NOX and SOX.<br />

Vessels will be required to maintain manufacturers and relevant class machinery certification<br />

relating to emission of airborne contaminants categorised as NOX and SOX.<br />

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10 General Information<br />

10.1 Shore Leave<br />

Shore leave is not permitted at <strong>Prigorodnoye</strong> from either the LNG berth or the Tanker<br />

Loading Unit. Ship's crews must remain on board throughout the ships period alongside.<br />

10.2 Visitors to the Ship/Plant<br />

Persons other than operational staff requiring access to jetties and ships in connection with<br />

the loading of the ship must firstly obtain permission from the Company to enter the site and<br />

secondly have the ship master’s approval to board the ship concerned.<br />

With the exception of government officials (police, customs and immigration), ship’s agent<br />

and cargo surveyor(s), notice will be required for clearance to enter the terminal. Visitors<br />

should arrange for clearance through the ship’s agent.<br />

Persons arriving at the terminal without prior notification will not be permitted entry.<br />

10.3 Crew Change/Repatriation<br />

Crew changes and/or repatriation are only to be allowed by prior notice and agreement via<br />

the terminal’s agent. No crew changes are permitted alongside the terminal. Such crew<br />

changes may however be agreed with the terminal and performed at the approved anchorage<br />

or underway in proximity to an approved port.<br />

All shore personnel need special passes and are under control of border guards.<br />

10.4 Medical Facilities<br />

Emergency medical requirements may be agreed with the terminal with the earliest<br />

notification being given by the tanker to the terminal. More routine requirements may only be<br />

performed at the approved port facility anchorages.<br />

10.5 Ships Stores<br />

No storing is permitted alongside the terminals. Storing may however be performed at the<br />

approved anchorages via approved sources and lighters by giving early notice and in<br />

agreement with the terminal.<br />

10.6 Bunkering<br />

There are no bunkering facilities available on the jetty, or at the TLU at <strong>Prigorodnoye</strong>. The<br />

internal transfer of bunkers on board ship whilst in the <strong>Port</strong> and alongside the <strong>Terminal</strong>’s<br />

jetties is strictly prohibited.<br />

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Bunkering may be performed within the approved anchorages but only from terminal vetted<br />

and approved bunker barges. The strictest compliance with best industry bunkering practice<br />

is paramount in this environmentally sensitive area.<br />

10.7 Sources of Ignition<br />

The carrying of electrical equipment (unless Ex rated equipment) and/or use of matches,<br />

cigarette lighters or other possible sources of ignition, which includes battery-operated<br />

equipment, e.g. mobile telephones and cameras, is strictly prohibited.<br />

10.8 Fishing<br />

Fishing within the Offshore Security Zone port limits is prohibited at all times. This includes<br />

fishing from the terminal’s jetties, foreshore, TLU, marine craft or from tankers berthed<br />

alongside.<br />

10.9 Working hours<br />

SEIC, the Master and owner of any vessel shall ensure that the Master, officers and crew do<br />

not work more hours than is safe in relation to the vessel and performance of duties and to<br />

minimise the possibility of fatigue as a hazard to personnel taking account of any applicable<br />

legislation in respect of any working time matter. Working hours and periods of rest are<br />

specified in STCW 95 (Standards of Training and Certification of Watchkeepers)<br />

requirements. These requirements apply to every crewmember having duties involved with<br />

the safe operations of the vessel and/or the safe evacuation of passengers and crew in an<br />

emergency.<br />

When determining the crew levels and crew working practices, the specialised nature,<br />

hazards and risks associated with offshore operations shall be taken into account. Under no<br />

circumstances shall the crew level be below the specified levels in the vessel’s Minimum Safe<br />

Manning Certificate (SMC) and also IMO resolution ‘Principles of Safe Manning’.<br />

The Master shall ensure that a record of working hours of the crew and officers is kept and<br />

that the hours worked are not in excess of the standards laid down by STCW and that<br />

minimum rest periods are met.<br />

10.10 Courtesy flag<br />

As a courtesy, all export tankers must fly the national flag of the Russian Federation from<br />

arrival to departure from the territorial waters of the Russian Federation.<br />

11 General Mooring/Unmooring Procedures<br />

11.1 General<br />

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The Master or a senior officer, a second officer, helmsman and competent briefed mammal<br />

observing lookout must be on the bridge at all times while the export tanker is being<br />

manoeuvred.<br />

During pilotage the Loading Master may act as a competent briefed mammal observing lookout<br />

to fulfill environmental whale observing responsibilities. Vessels not regularly trading to the port<br />

of <strong>Prigorodnoye</strong> and encouraged to proactively observe, note and report the presence of<br />

whales and report their observations to the Loading Master on arrival or after departure by<br />

other communication methods.<br />

<strong>Export</strong> tankers must arrive with ballast equivalent to at least 30% of the DWT and trim by the<br />

stern no greater than 0.015L, where L is the overall length of the vessel. For crude oil vessels<br />

at the TLU only, the forward draught should remain sufficient to immerse the bulbous bow at all<br />

times in order to prevent a floating hose from becoming trapped underneath.<br />

It is the responsibility of the ship’s Master to ensure that his vessel remains securely moored<br />

at all times. Winch brakes must be tensioned up to maximum of the designed force and<br />

maintained at this level throughout the operation. Mooring boats are used at the terminal<br />

during the open water period, and in ‘easy’ ice conditions. In ice conditions where mooring<br />

boats are unavailable it is at the Loading Master’s/ship’s Master’s discretion, weather<br />

permitting, to use tug boats to assist passing mooring lines in lieu of heaving line/messenger<br />

method.<br />

The Master and Loading Master will complete the Request for berthing assistance letter as<br />

detailed in Appendix 14.<br />

For specific procedures on LNG and crude oil tanker tanker loading Unit (TLU) operations,<br />

see separate sections as follows.<br />

12 Crude Oil Tanker operations at the Tanker Loading Unit (TLU)<br />

12.1 Tanker Loading Unit<br />

The Tanker Loading Unit (TLU) comprises a gravity based tower with a rotating head on which<br />

are sited the crude oil hose and mooring hawser arrangements. The TLU will be operated as a<br />

single point mooring. This will require that all crude oil tankers are equipped with a bow mooring<br />

arrangement in compliance with OCIMF recommendations to accommodate the mooring hawser,<br />

and an amidships manifold also in compliance with OCIMF recommendations to accommodate<br />

the floating hose.<br />

The TLU is situated in a position approximately 2.3 miles from the shoreline, in a water depth of<br />

28.2 metres at lowest astronomical tide (LAT). The design will accept tankers up to a maximum<br />

deadweight of 150,000 DWT, and loading to a draft of 18 metres.<br />

During the ice free season, typically April to December, the crude oil will be loaded through a<br />

conventional floating hose which, will be connected to the port side manifold of the tanker. This<br />

hose will be equipped with the necessary ancillary equipment to allow connection to be made in<br />

the manner recommended by OCIMF. Thus any general trading tanker will be accepted. See<br />

13.1.<br />

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The loading hose will be a 24” hose terminating in two 16” tail hoses for connection to the tanker<br />

manifold. The hose will be a double carcass construction.<br />

During the ice season, January to April, as defined in section 7.1, the conventional floating hose<br />

will be removed and replaced by a shorter hose for connection to a bow-loading device on the<br />

tanker. This hose will have additional arrangements to allow a quick dry disconnect. The tankers<br />

will require special loading arrangements to be compatible with this arrangement. See 13.2.<br />

A double acting marine breakaway coupling will be used in both hose string configurations to<br />

protect the hose from damage due to pressure surge or elongation damage through a mooring<br />

hawser failure and a ship breakout.<br />

The turntable of the TLU will be sited approximately 25 metres above sea level. The head will be<br />

free to rotate when a tanker is in residence, and during the ice-free season when the floating hose<br />

is installed either of these will provide the necessary force to rotate the head. An extended boom<br />

is situated on the turntable towards the tanker to which the loading hose is connected. The crude<br />

oil flow will be through the subsea pipeline from the Oil <strong>Export</strong> <strong>Terminal</strong> (OET), the pipework in<br />

the tower, the swivel to the head of the boom and through the loading hose to the tanker.<br />

The mooring hawser is connected to an anchor point on the leading edge of the turntable nearest<br />

to the tanker. Powered winches will be provided on the turntable to permit lifting of the hoses and<br />

mooring hawser for change-out and for routine storage during the ice period.<br />

12.2 Hydrogen Sulphide (H2S) and Oxygen (O2) content in cargo tanks vapours<br />

Masters of tankers arriving at the <strong>Prigorodnoye</strong> TLU terminal are requested to analyse cargo tank<br />

atmosphere well before arrival at <strong>Prigorodnoye</strong> to ensure that the Oxygen (O2) content is below<br />

ISGOTT requirements of 8% by volume and Hydrogen Sulphide (H2S) content is below 10ppm in<br />

all tanks. The Masters should ensure that the cargo tanks are purged and content reduced below<br />

maximum acceptable limit as stated herein.<br />

Vessels arriving at <strong>Prigorodnoye</strong> TLU terminal with Oxygen (O2) higher than 8% or Hydrogen<br />

Sulphide (H2S) higher than 10ppm will be refused berthing.<br />

12.3 Communications<br />

To assist in planning and to satisfy contractual obligations the following pre-arrival messages are<br />

to be sent to <strong>Prigorodnoye</strong> <strong>Export</strong> <strong>Terminal</strong> (Contact details TBA). Messages should also be<br />

copied to the ship’s agent. Should there be any changes to the foregoing which might have an<br />

impact on either ETA’s, the vessels performance, or cargo equipment, then the terminal is to be<br />

advised immediately.<br />

All messages shall be acknowledged.<br />

12.3.1 Pre Arrival Messages<br />

At least 72 Hours before arrival and on departure from discharge port if more than 72 hours.<br />

AA<br />

BB<br />

CC<br />

Ship’s name, call sign and IMO number.<br />

Departure date & time.<br />

ETA and arrival draught at <strong>Prigorodnoye</strong> export terminal.<br />

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DD Estimated quantity of cargo quantity to load.<br />

EE Estimated time for loading.<br />

FF OBQ and slops on board.<br />

GG Any known deficiencies affecting vessel performance<br />

HH ISPS security level adopted and disclosure of notifiable security incidents.<br />

II Is ballast condition compliant with the Ballast Water Management plan.<br />

JJ Are winterisation requirements, if seasonably applicable, being complied with.<br />

KK Is the vessel receiving ice condition data.<br />

12.3.2 During Voyage (72 hrs, 48 hrs and 24 hrs before arrival).<br />

If the ETA deviates more than 12 hours from that initially advised on departure and/or there are<br />

any changes to CC or DD, then the terminal must be advised.<br />

12.3.3 Update ETA<br />

AA<br />

BB<br />

Ship’s name & call sign.<br />

Updated ETA<br />

12.3.4 48 Hours Prior to Arrival<br />

The following questionnaire is to be answered:<br />

AA<br />

BB<br />

CC<br />

DD<br />

EE<br />

FF<br />

Ship’s name & call sign.<br />

ETA and arrival draught.<br />

Readiness for loading.<br />

Confirm the following have been tested and/or are fully operational.<br />

• Navigation, mooring, safety & engine systems.<br />

• Inert gas system.<br />

• Cargo tank high level alarms.<br />

• Remotely operated valves.<br />

• Winterisation requirements, as applicable, in force.<br />

Cargo tanks/lines are free of oxygen and fully inerted.<br />

No tank leakage.<br />

If the ETA changes by more than 6 hours following the issuance of the 72 and 48 hour<br />

messages and before sending the 24 hour message then the revised ETA must be advised to<br />

the terminal.<br />

12.3.5 24 hours prior to arrival<br />

AA<br />

BB<br />

CC<br />

Ship’s name & call sign.<br />

Confirm ETA.<br />

Send pratique message via ship's agent.<br />

If the ETA changes by more than 2 hours after sending the 24 hour message then the terminal<br />

must be advised of the revised ETA. Note that during the ice season, the terminal will advise of<br />

the rendezvous position with the ice pilot and ice transit escort. ETA’s are to be at this<br />

position.<br />

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12.3.6 6 Hours before arrival<br />

AA<br />

BB<br />

CC<br />

Ship’s name & call sign.<br />

Confirm ETA.<br />

Confirm all overboard discharge valves are shut.<br />

12.3.7 Contact with <strong>Prigorodnoye</strong> Marine <strong>Terminal</strong><br />

(Contact details to be advised)<br />

12.3.8 Contact with <strong>Prigorodnoye</strong> Pilot<br />

Contact with <strong>Prigorodnoye</strong> pilot should be established on VHF Channel 69, 73 or 16 at the<br />

earliest opportunity in order to obtain information on berthing, weather and availability of pilot.<br />

12.3.9 Departure Communications<br />

On departure from <strong>Prigorodnoye</strong> export terminal.<br />

AA Ship’s name & call sign.<br />

BB Outstanding port log items (if any).<br />

CC ETA discharge port.<br />

13 Tank Loading Unit Loading Hose<br />

13.1 Summer Hose<br />

During the ice free season, April to December, the crude oil is loaded through a conventional<br />

floating hose, which will be connected to the port side manifold of the tanker. The main line<br />

hose is 24 inch diameter with two 16 inch manifold connections. The summer hose will be<br />

floating free of the TLU at all times. It will be hung vertically from the loading boom and<br />

secured to the turntable by a ‘tether’ wire to retain the shape of the string and to prevent a<br />

load being placed on the hose connection to the boom.<br />

13.2 Winter Hose<br />

During the ice period, the loading hose will be suspended from the loading boom on the TLU<br />

and will be connected to the bow valve on the tanker. The hose will be a 20 inch diameter<br />

hose with a 20 inch bow loading valve for connection to the tanker bow coupling. The bow<br />

coupling is to the port side of the two mooring connections on the tanker. The ‘winter’ hose<br />

will be attached to the outer end of the loading boom mounted on the turntable. The tanker<br />

end of the winter hose will be hauled to the deck of the turntable between tankers, and will<br />

hang in a bight clear of the sea ice.<br />

Diagram - TLU Winter Hose Arrangement<br />

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Diagram - TLU Summer Hose Arrangement<br />

14 Tank Loading Unit Mooring Hawser<br />

The mooring hawser is the shore mooring rope for securing the vessel.<br />

The TLU will be fitted with one mooring hawser of approximately 15 inch circumference, and fitted<br />

with flotation. The mooring hawser will be approximately 70 metres in length and fitted with the<br />

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OCIMF recommended ancillary equipment of shackles, support buoys and 76 mm chafe chain to<br />

allow connection to any general trading tanker fitted with an OCIMF compliant stopper.<br />

The hawser mooring connection on the TLU will be fitted with a load monitoring device. This will<br />

record loads in the hawser which will be used to determine hawser life, and to assist in determining<br />

when the tanker is to abort the loading and depart from the TLU due to excessive mooring loads<br />

through weather or ice effects. The loads will be transmitted and recorded in the terminal and on<br />

board the tanker by a special device. Each location will have an alarm at pre-set values. The strain<br />

recorded will be measured for peak gusting criteria by the Loading Master to assist in assessing if<br />

aborting is required.<br />

During the winter period, the tanker end of the hawser will be lifted to the boom head and will hang<br />

in a bight above the sea ice. This will be operated from the TLU.<br />

During the non ice period, the floating hose will remain in the water, and the free end of the hawser<br />

will remain in the sea. The hawser will be secured to a point on the floating hose so that both the<br />

hose and hawser will be free rotate around the TLU under the influence of the wind/currents,<br />

without the risk of the two becoming entangled. (Note the hawser may be stowed at all times from<br />

the boom head, but it is considered preferable to leave it in the water as the operation will not be<br />

dependant on the winch arrangement).<br />

14.1 Summer Hawser<br />

The summer hawser will be retained afloat between tankers, the free end will be secured to<br />

a point on the floating hose to prevent it becoming entangled with the hose or the base of the<br />

TLU.<br />

The end of the hawser will have a support buoy attached to the shackle attaching the chafe<br />

chain to the hawser. Shackled to the shipboard end of the chafe chain is a 20 metre long<br />

section of 10 inch circumference polypropylene rope. This will float and can be secured to the<br />

floating hose with a small messenger rope. The mooring boat will shackle a second<br />

messenger, approximately 200 metre long polypropylene rope, 10 inch circumference. The<br />

rope will be kept on the deck on the workboat when not in use. Once connected, the<br />

workboat will stream the messenger and move to a position at the extreme length of the<br />

hawser and messenger arrangement, down wind and current from the TLU to await the<br />

approach of the tanker.<br />

14.2 Winter Hawser<br />

The winter hawser will be of the same construction and have the same tanker end fittings as<br />

the summer hawser, however, the ship end of the hawsers will be winched to the head of the<br />

boom and the hawser will be suspended clear of the water surface. The hawser will require<br />

a retrieval wire to be fitted for this operation.<br />

The lower end of the retrieval wire/chain will be secured to the shackle joining the hawsers to<br />

the chafe chain, and the upper end will be secured to a marker buoy, or (by rope) to the<br />

support buoy. The retrieval wire/chain will be attached to the boom head recovery wire<br />

attached to a dedicated winch on the deck of the turntable. The end of the hawsers will be<br />

held in place at the head of the boom between tankers.<br />

14.3 Hawser connection<br />

The support craft, tug or mooring boat, will be remain in a position approximately 250 metres<br />

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down current from the TLU as the tanker makes the approach. This will be at the extent of<br />

the ‘stretched out’ messenger.<br />

The tanker will prepare a small messenger rope, which will be lowered over the port side in<br />

way of the break of the forecastle to the water. It will be lead through the forward lead<br />

through the stopper and to the mooring winch. (See preparation in 15.1). When the<br />

workboat is alongside the tanker bow, it will connect the hawser messenger to the ship<br />

messenger, and then move clear of the tanker.<br />

The tanker will commence to heave in the messenger, and continue to do this as the<br />

approach to the TLU is made. Note that the tanker speed will be minimal and adjusted so<br />

that the messenger can be heaved in without having a large bight in the water. As the<br />

hawser end is brought up, the chafe chain will pass through the forward fairlead and into the<br />

tanker chain stopper. When there are sufficient chain links in the stopper, the stopper ‘bar’<br />

can be lowered and secured, and mooring considered over. The tanker will be stopped at<br />

this time to maintain a separation with the TLU.<br />

The pull back tug can be used from this point to prevent the tanker moving towards the TLU<br />

and to reduce “fishtailing” motions of the tanker.<br />

15 TLU berthing procedure<br />

15.1 Pre arrival Preparations<br />

The pre-arrival message contains instructions on the mooring procedure and preparations for<br />

tanker is to make prior to arrival during the summer. On the forecastle a fixed winch drum is<br />

to be clear of all wires and able to take the 200 metre messenger. A small rope messenger is<br />

to be provided by the tanker along with a bow stopper to be used.<br />

At the time of boarding the tanker, the Loading Master and his assistant, will inspect the<br />

forecastle and manifold arrangements to confirm they are ready and compatible with the TLU<br />

mooring and hose connections respectively. This will ensure that there is an empty fixed<br />

drum on a mooring winch with which to heave in the hawser messenger.<br />

15.2 Anchors<br />

The anchors shall be secured in the sea going condition before the tanker enters the<br />

Offshore Security Zone.<br />

15.3 Manifold<br />

During the summer season, the port side amidship manifold blanks are to be removed and<br />

two 16 inch couplings prepared. The manifold crane or derrick is to be ready to bring on board<br />

the hose connecting equipment, weather permitting, when the Loading Master boards. If the<br />

weather is unsuitable, this operation may be performed after completion of mooring<br />

operations. This box contains all of the necessary chains, hooks, lifting strops, spanners and<br />

gaskets to secure the hose at the tanker manifold ship side saddle and to make the<br />

connections to the manifold.<br />

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15.4 Bow Loading<br />

In the ice season the hose will be connected to the bow loading valve connection. The<br />

connection arrangement will be different to the OCIMF requirements and additional<br />

preparations will be required. This will require the rigging of a pick up wire from the ship’s<br />

winch of sufficient length to be passed over the bow of the tanker and be connected to<br />

the end of the hose. The hydraulics of the ship’s loading valve should be tested, and any ice<br />

removed from the moving parts of the valve face and assembly prior to the hose being picked<br />

up.<br />

A Pusnes patent bow loading connection will be fitted by the owners of the tanker for winter<br />

operation and correct connection procedure will be advised by the Loading Master.<br />

16 TLU Berthing Approach<br />

The berthing approach at all times will be from a position against the prevailing wind and current.<br />

The Loading Master is to test the operation of the tanker engine, in ahead and astern mode, prior to<br />

making the approach to the TLU.<br />

The Loading Master will board the vessel in a position approximately 3 miles distance from the TLU -<br />

See the pilot boarding position in 5.13. The initial course is to a position where the tanker can turn<br />

towards the TLU and be down wind at one mile distance from the TLU for the final approach.<br />

17 TLU Mooring Boat<br />

The mooring boat is used for a variety of purposes during the port stay of the tanker, including<br />

terminal personnel transfer, equipment transfer, TLU preparation, hawser and hose connecting<br />

assistance, as well as oil spill response. During the ice season, mooring boat availability will be<br />

limited.<br />

18 TLU Pull Back Tug<br />

The pull back tug is able to provide a bollard pull of approximately 70 tonnes. The tugs are fitted with<br />

a bow towing reel, in addition to a stern towing bollard.<br />

The tug will be attached to the stern of the tanker once the tanker is on the approach course and<br />

approximately one mile distance from the TLU. At the time of connecting the towing line, the speed<br />

of the tanker is to be less than 3 knots, with the engine stopped to allow the connection of the tow<br />

rope. The tug will be made fast to the stern of the tanker at a distance of approximately 1 mile from<br />

the TLU. Each tanker will be required to be fitted with a ‘strong’ point at the stern to connect the tow<br />

line. This is in line with recent OCIMF recommendations. The towing line will be supplied by the tug.<br />

19 TLU Mooring Procedure<br />

The mooring boat remains in a position approximately 250 metres down current from the TLU as the<br />

tanker makes the approach.<br />

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The tanker lowers a messenger rope to the boat in way of the port side break of the forecastle. It will<br />

be lead through the forward lead through the stopper and to the mooring winch. The workboat<br />

connects the hawser messenger to the ship messenger and then moves clear of the tanker.<br />

The approach towards the TLU will be slow, steerage way maintained by using appropriate<br />

engine movements. Mooring will commence when the messenger of the mooring hawser is<br />

attached to the messenger on the tanker and the tanker is heaving up the messenger (See hawser<br />

connection).<br />

During the mooring period the speed of the tanker is to be reduced to the point where the winch can<br />

heave in the slack of the rope. Once the mooring hawser is made fast in the stopper, the vessel is to<br />

be stopped in the water. The tanker heaves in the messenger and continues to do this as the<br />

approach to the TLU is made. As the hawser end is brought up, the chafe chain passes through the<br />

forward fairlead and into the tanker chain stopper. When there are sufficient chain links in the<br />

stopper, the stopper ‘bar’ can be lowered and secured, and mooring considered over. The tanker<br />

will be stopped at this time to maintain a separation with the TLU.<br />

The pull back tug will operate under instructions from the Loading Master. It will be able to provide a<br />

stern pull in the event the tanker approaches the TLU both during the mooring and loading period.<br />

Diagram TLU, tanker moored and Winter hose connected<br />

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20 TLU Hose Connection<br />

The hose connection is made once the mooring is completed. Connection operations will only be<br />

performed under the direction of the Loading Master in compliance with strict SEIC safety criteria<br />

and in accordance with OCIMF recommendations.<br />

20.1 Summer<br />

The workboat will tow the end of the floating hose towards the portside manifold of the tanker.<br />

The tanker will have prepared the manifold to make the connection, including making ready the<br />

crane or derrick.<br />

The hook will be lowered to the water line and the work boat will then attach the lifting chain on<br />

the end of the hose onto the hook, and end of the hose will be lifted clear of the water and to a<br />

height such that the ‘snubbing’ chain can be attached to the deck securing chain. Judgement<br />

will be required to obtain the correct position for the attachment, in order that when the crane<br />

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hook is lowered and the weight of the hose string is transferred to the snubbing chain, the hose<br />

will bend towards the manifold and that the flanges will meet in order to make a connection.<br />

The connection will be made using a ‘Camlock’ coupling or by bolting the hose flange direct to<br />

the tanker manifold flange.<br />

The hose will be supported at the tanker rail with webbing strops attached in the fore and aft<br />

direction, and vertically onto the crane or derrick hook.<br />

20.2 Winter<br />

The workboat will be required to assist with the connection of the suspended hose.<br />

The hose will be retained in the stowed position beneath the hose boom until the tanker has<br />

completed mooring and is in a ‘settled’ state. The mooring boat will place personnel onto the<br />

TLU to operate the winch to lower the hose end to the water level.<br />

The boat will then proceed to the bow of the tanker and take the end of the wire used for<br />

hauling in the hose on to the deck of the boat. The wire will be slacked back by the ship’s crew<br />

as the boat proceeds to the hose end. The hose end will be lowered by the crew on the TLU, to<br />

a position above the water where the boat crew are able to shackle the tanker’s haul-in wire<br />

onto the lifting wire fittings at the hose end.<br />

The tanker will prepare the bow valve by opening the hydraulic clamps, removing the end<br />

blanks and swing the valve assembly outboard of the tanker.<br />

The tanker will then haul in the hose to a position where the hose end is close to the ship<br />

valve, and can be reached by the ship crew. At the same time the crew on the TLU will slack<br />

on the TLU retrieving wire. They will remove the hose end blanks and prepare the hose for the<br />

connection. The coupling and connection will be a hydraulic device.<br />

The hose end will be fitted with a ‘coupling’ wire to allow the hose end to be lifted to the bow<br />

connection on the tanker. It is expected that the TLU retrieval wire will be disconnected from<br />

the hose once it is connected. Arrangements will be required to ensure that the TLU retrieval<br />

wire on the hose is buoyed so that if the hose is disconnected in an emergency the end of the<br />

wire will be able to be recovered.<br />

21 TLU Safety Checks<br />

Prior to the loading commencing safety checks will be carried out and the safety checklist<br />

completed by the Loading Master and the Responsible Ship’s Officer on the tanker. The checklist<br />

will be revalidated at periods during the operation (See checklist at Appendix 7).<br />

22 TLU Pre-Loading Conference<br />

The pre-loading conference is carried out by the Loading Master and Responsible Ship’s Officer.<br />

The conference includes the following ship/shore data:<br />

• Ship and terminal safety information.<br />

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• Ship/shore communication details.<br />

• Cargo volume required by the tanker.<br />

• Minimum loading rate.<br />

• Maximum loading rate.<br />

• Cargo – API and temperature.<br />

• Notice required by the terminal to alter loading rate and to stop the transfer.<br />

• Who will initiate the completion of loading – ship or shore.<br />

• Emergency procedures and stops.<br />

• Contingency plans.<br />

• Ballast water discharge.<br />

• Inerted condition of cargo tanks on arrival.<br />

• Gauging process/fiscal metering.<br />

The Loading Master will not inspect cargo tanks prior to loading, and will not sign certificates<br />

attesting to the emptiness, cleanliness, or suitability of tanks for loading.<br />

23 TLU Loading<br />

Loading will commence once the safety checks have been completed and the both the tanker and<br />

terminal confirm readiness.<br />

The Loading Master will advise the tanker to open the receiving tank, line and manifold. He will<br />

open the hose end valve(s). When this is done, he will request the terminal to start the transfer of<br />

crude oil at a slow rate.<br />

The tanker will confirm receipt of crude. A check will be made to ensure that there is no leakage of<br />

crude oil on board the tanker, or in the hose system. The berthing master shall then activate an<br />

emergency shut down from the tanker, to test that this is operational.<br />

Once the emergency shut down is confirmed, the loading can be resumed. The loading rate can be<br />

gradually increased to a maximum agreed rate. Once again checks will be made to ensure there<br />

are no leaks.<br />

The loading rate will be reduced as necessary to suit shipboard activities such as topping off tanks,<br />

and completing loading. The Loading Master and his assistant will liaise with the terminal for all of<br />

the tanker requirements.<br />

23.1 Avoidance of surge pressure<br />

Sudden closing of cargo valves during loading is extremely dangerous, and can cause<br />

extensive damage to equipment onboard the tanker and ashore due to generation of shock wave<br />

surge pressure. The Master must acknowledge the “High Flow Rates” notice contained in<br />

Appendix 13. During the loading operation the export tanker is to inform the TLU when tanks are<br />

being topped off, valves are opened and closed, or any other action is being carried out which<br />

could effect the pressure in the loading hose. Reductions in loading rate should be requested as<br />

necessary.<br />

Masters are reminded that surge pressure occurs when cargo valves are closed against high flow<br />

rates. Such surge pressure problems are exacerbated when cargo valves close at a faster speed<br />

than that which is optimum for the size of valve and pipeline. Master’s are encouraged to<br />

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regularly check closing speeds of cargo valves against requisite minimum timings corresponding<br />

to the size of valve. Periodic valve opening/closing times shell be verified and recorded,<br />

particularly when changes in outside temperature will effect valve operating speeds due to<br />

varying viscosity of hydraulic oil within tankers cargo valve operating systems.<br />

As a guide an absolute minimum for cargo valve closing timings corresponds to one second per<br />

inch diameter of pipeline and size of valve. Please refer to ship’s building specifications for<br />

definitive cargo valve closing timings.<br />

24 TLU Oil Spill Precautions<br />

During the loading period the loading hoses as well as the sea around the tanker and the TLU will<br />

be constantly monitored for any sign of oil. If oil is observed in the sea, loading will be suspended<br />

and an investigation made into the source of the oil.<br />

Loading will not be resumed until the source if found and addresses or it is determined that the oil is<br />

not emanating from the TLU or vessel operations.<br />

24.1 Equipment in the Hose<br />

There are measures in the loading hose to protect the hose from an over-pressurisation<br />

and damage causing loss of oil.<br />

• Marine breakaway coupling in the hose<br />

• A surge tank in the TLU.<br />

• The hoses are double carcass construction<br />

• A pressure recorder is installed at the end of the hose.<br />

24.1.1 Construction<br />

The loading hoses will be double carcass construction. This type of hose has two<br />

carcasses. In normal operation the oil is retained in the hose by the inner carcass. If there<br />

is a failure of the inner lining, oil will be retained in the hose by the secondary carcass,<br />

avoiding an oil spill. The hose is designed to provide a ready indication of the failure of the<br />

inner carcass, deformation of the hose, elongation of the hose or an increase in diameter<br />

and a visual mechanical “pop up” indicator for over pressurisation.<br />

24.1.2 Breakaway Coupling<br />

There are double acting breakaway coupling (BAC) in the loading hoses, both winter and<br />

summer. These are designed to activate should there be a surge of pressure in the hose,<br />

or if there is a pull on the hose as would be the case if the mooring hawser failed and the<br />

tanker drifted free of the TLU. The BAC valves comprise a pattern of ‘petals’ which close<br />

off each end of the open hose. The petals close at a speed designed to prevent<br />

excessive over pressure on the hose and yet minimise any oil loss.<br />

24.1.3 Surge Tank<br />

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There is a surge tank on the TLU to relieve any excessive pressure in the TLU piping.<br />

An alarm to indicate when this is activated.<br />

24.1.4 Pressure Recorder<br />

There is a pressure recorder connected to the manifold connection at the hose end. This<br />

will identify any high pressure the hose has experienced.<br />

Loading will be stopped when any of the above have activated or been experienced.<br />

Inspections by the mooring boat will be carried out on the hose, TLU and surrounding sea<br />

to detect any signs of oil.<br />

24.2 Shipboard Watchkeepers<br />

In line with industry practices, the tanker is required to provide personnel who can<br />

maintain a constant watch on the deck. Sufficient personnel should be on the tanker to<br />

provide regular relief. The vessel is to provide overside lighting at night to detect any oil<br />

on the water surface.<br />

24.2.1 Forecastle Watch<br />

The tanker is to station a watchman on the forecastle of the ship at all times the ship is<br />

moored to the TLU. His duties will include:<br />

• Observe the relative position of the tanker and the TLU.<br />

• Watch for any oil in the water.<br />

• Observe the mooring hawser for loading, damage or over stressing.<br />

• During the winter he will monitor the loading hose for leaks.<br />

• Report to the Responsible Ship’s Officer any situation that is abnormal.<br />

• The forecastle watchkeeper may rotate with manifold duty (Crude Oil tanker only).<br />

•<br />

24.2.2 Manifold Watch<br />

During the non–ice period a second watchman will be positioned by the port side<br />

manifold to monitor the hose connection. His duties will include:<br />

• If possible by local valve position detection, ensure the manifold valve is not<br />

closed whilst loading is in progress.<br />

• Watch for any oil on the water<br />

• Watch for any oil in the bight of the floating hose.<br />

• Observe the floating hose for any signs of leak – or distortion in the hose (A sign<br />

of damage to the inner carcass).<br />

• Report to the Responsible Ship’s Officer any situation that is abnormal.<br />

• Monitor manifold cargo pressure.<br />

• The manifold watchkeeper may rotate with Forecastle duty (Crude oil tanker<br />

only).<br />

24.2.3 Loading Master and Assistant<br />

The Loading Master and the Assistant will share responsibility for monitoring the activities<br />

of the tanker staff in loading the tanker and for maintaining contact with the shore<br />

terminal. They will actively observe the loading procedures, especially at such times:<br />

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• Commence loading.<br />

• Commence de-ballasting.<br />

• Complete de-ballasting.<br />

• Topping off of tanks.<br />

• Completion of loading.<br />

They will request a reduced loading rate to suit the critical loading operations.<br />

They will carry out the following periodic checks – Normally at least every hour and more<br />

often if the circumstances require:<br />

• The ship/shore figures - these are to be compared to ensure no leakage in the<br />

subsea line.<br />

• The weather and ice conditions.<br />

• The ship/shore safety checklist – to ensure no infringements by the tanker.<br />

• Overside checks of the sea for signs of oil leakage.<br />

• Routine inspection of the hose for signs of deformation (indication of failure of the<br />

inner carcass).<br />

• Monitor the manifold pressure recorder for any indication of high pressure in the<br />

hose.<br />

• The relative position of the tanker to the TLU.<br />

• Routine contact with the pull back tug.<br />

The Loading Master and Assistant are to be provided with separate cabins for rest<br />

periods.<br />

24.2.4 Tugs and Support Boats<br />

The tug will be remain on the stern of the tanker throughout the loading, and being down<br />

wind and current from the tanker will be in a position to detect any oil on the sea as it drift<br />

onto the tug. Additional boats will be available in the area to investigate any suspected<br />

leak.<br />

25 TLU Completion of Loading<br />

On completion of loading the pumps will be stopped and both the shipboard and terminal valves<br />

will be closed. The cargo figures will be fiscalised.<br />

25.1 Hose Disconnection<br />

The oil in the winter hose will be drained prior to the valve being closed. The hose will be<br />

drained in to the tanker by operating the boom head relief valve. The boom will drain into the<br />

surge tank on the TLU. The hose end valves will be closed prior to disconnection. TLU staff<br />

will facilitate these operations.<br />

The hose disconnection procedure will be the reverse of the hose connection (See Hose<br />

connection).<br />

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25.2 Cargo documentation and samples<br />

The Loading Master will prepare the following gauging/custody transfer documents and<br />

deliver them to the export tanker.<br />

• Bills of lading<br />

• Certificate of origin<br />

• Certificate of quantity.<br />

• Certificate of quality.<br />

• Statement of facts/time report.<br />

• Cargo manifest.<br />

• Master’s receipt of cargo Samples.<br />

• Master’s receipt for documents.<br />

• Customs clearance documentation.<br />

Sealed samples of the cargo will be delivered to the export tanker prior to her departure.<br />

25.3 Unmooring<br />

Disconnecting the hawser will be the reverse of the mooring operation (see Hawser<br />

connection).<br />

Prior to unmooring, the tug will be released from the stern, providing the tanker can be held<br />

clear of the TLU with the power of the engine. This will prevent any risk of the tug towing line<br />

becoming fouled in the tanker propeller. The tug can be stationed in a position to push the<br />

tanker or offer other assistance if required.<br />

Once the hawser is clear of the tanker, and the messenger has been retrieved by the<br />

workboat, then the tanker engines can be put into an astern mode so that the tanker may<br />

back away from the TLU. The tanker is to move astern until the bow is more than 300<br />

metres from the TLU. The tanker engines can then be put into an 'ahead' mode and the<br />

rudder put hard over so that the tanker heading will veer away from the TLU. The Loading<br />

Master, acting as pilot, is to select the manoeuvre based on the prevailing<br />

conditions.<br />

26 Liquefied Natural Gas (LNG) Tanker Operations<br />

26.1 Communications<br />

To assist in planning and to satisfy contractual obligations the following pre-arrival<br />

messages are to be sent to <strong>Prigorodnoye</strong> <strong>Export</strong> <strong>Terminal</strong> (Contact detailsTBA). Messages<br />

should also be copied to the ship’s Agent.<br />

Should there be any changes to the foregoing which might have an impact on either ETA’s,<br />

the vessels performance, or cargo equipment, then the terminal is to be advised<br />

immediately.<br />

All messages shall be acknowledged.<br />

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26.1.1 Pre Arrival Messages<br />

At least 72 Hours before arrival and on departure from discharge port if more than 72<br />

hours.<br />

AA Ship’s name, call sign and IMO number.<br />

BB Departure date & time.<br />

CC ETA and arrival draught at <strong>Prigorodnoye</strong> <strong>Export</strong> <strong>Terminal</strong>.<br />

DD Estimated quantity of LNG required, for cooldown and total quantity to load.<br />

EE Estimated time for cooldown & loading.<br />

FF Heel quantity on board.<br />

GG Any known deficiencies affecting vessel performance.<br />

HH ISPS security level adopted and disclosure of notifiable security incidents.<br />

II Is ballast condition compliant with the Ballast Water Management plan.<br />

JJ Are winterisation requirements, if seasonably applicable, being complied with.<br />

KK Is the vessel receiving ice condition data.<br />

LL Confirm ship/shore compatibility of vessel.<br />

26.1.2 During Voyage (72 hrs, 48 hrs and 24 hrs before arrival).<br />

If the ETA deviates more than 12 hours from that initially advised on departure and/or<br />

there are any changes to DD, EE or FF then the terminal must be advised.<br />

26.1.3 Update ETA<br />

AA<br />

BB<br />

Ship’s name & call sign.<br />

Updated ETA<br />

26.1.4 48 Hours Prior to Arrival<br />

The following questionnaire is to be answered:<br />

AA<br />

BB<br />

CC<br />

DD<br />

EE<br />

FF<br />

Ship’s name & call sign.<br />

ETA and arrival draught.<br />

Estimated cargo tank temperatures.<br />

Confirm the following have been tested and/or are fully operational.<br />

• Navigation, mooring, safety & engine systems.<br />

• Cargo system & boil off control systems.<br />

• Gas detection systems.<br />

• ESD system, alarms and interlocks.<br />

• Cargo tank high level alarms.<br />

• High and low pressure alarms.<br />

• Remotely operated valves.<br />

• Winterisation requirements, as applicable, in force.<br />

• Ship’s water spray system fully operational.<br />

• Ballast water exchanged ready for discharge.<br />

Cargo tanks/lines are free of oxygen.<br />

No tank leakage.<br />

If the ETA changes by more than 6 hours following the issuance of the 72 and 48 hour<br />

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messages and before sending the 24 hour message then the revised ETA must be<br />

advised to the terminal.<br />

26.1.5 24 hours prior to arrival<br />

AA<br />

BB<br />

CC<br />

DD<br />

Ship’s name & call sign.<br />

Confirm ETA.<br />

Send pratique message via ship's agent.<br />

Ice readiness, as applicable.<br />

If the ETA changes by more than 2 hours after sending the 24 hour message then the<br />

terminal must be advised of the revised ETA. Note that during the ice season, the<br />

terminal will advise of the rendezvous position with the ice pilot and ice transit escort.<br />

ETA’s are to be at this position.<br />

26.1.6 6 Hours before arrival<br />

AA<br />

BB<br />

CC<br />

Ship’s name & call sign.<br />

Confirm ETA.<br />

Confirm all overboard discharge valves are shut.<br />

26.1.7 Contact with <strong>Prigorodnoye</strong> Marine <strong>Terminal</strong><br />

(Contact details to be advised)<br />

26.1.8 Contact with <strong>Prigorodnoye</strong> Pilot<br />

Contact with <strong>Prigorodnoye</strong> Pilot should be established on VHF Channel 69, 73 or 16 at<br />

the earliest opportunity in order to obtain information on berthing, weather and<br />

availability of pilot.<br />

26.1.9 Departure Communications<br />

On departure from <strong>Prigorodnoye</strong> <strong>Export</strong> <strong>Terminal</strong>.<br />

AA<br />

BB<br />

CC<br />

Ship’s name & call sign.<br />

Outstanding port log items (if any).<br />

ETA discharge port.<br />

26.2 LNG Vapour Return to Shore and Prohibition of Gas Burning Alongside<br />

Dual fuel gas and bunkers usage alongside is prohibited for FOB lifting’s. This does not apply to<br />

DES lifting’s. All loading displaced LNG vapour will be returned to shore and LNG vapour<br />

burning alongside is prohibited.<br />

Special exemption arrangements, dependant upon buyers/SEIC contractual provisions or<br />

agreement may be made. However vessels are only to proceed on this basis by special<br />

arrangement with owners, charterers and after agreement with the Loading Master at the LNG<br />

terminal at the pre-loading meeting.<br />

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27 LNG vessel mooring operations<br />

27.1 Mooring<br />

Vessels will berth port side alongside and heading out.<br />

Moorings will be passed to the shore using one mooring boat at the bow and one at the stern.<br />

The moorings will be lowered into the boat. When the mooring boat is not available, due to<br />

excessive ice, moorings will be passed from ship to shore using a combination of ship’s heaving<br />

line and shore messenger on an endless loop. This mooring procedure requires close cooperation<br />

between ship’s crew and shore mooring gang to ensure a smooth and safe mooring<br />

operation.<br />

Ships must have a sufficient supply of good quality heaving lines of sufficient length to reach the<br />

furthest dolphin as per the agreed mooring plan. The terminal will provide the messenger lines.<br />

In general the vessel will enter the turning circle to the West of the berth and with the aid of tugs<br />

will swing 180 degrees to starboard with the aid of tugs until it is heading South and parallel with<br />

the berth. The tugs will then push the vessel onto the breasting dolphins. To avoid damage to<br />

the jetty fenders the vessel should be landed squarely on the fenders with a contact speed not<br />

exceeding 12 cm/second. The LNG Jetty is equipped with a speed of approach device.<br />

If the mooring boats are not used, as may be the case during the ice period, only after the<br />

vessel has been positioned and is being held alongside the berth by the tugs, should mooring<br />

lines be passed to shore.<br />

The mooring will comprise:<br />

Moorings (Forward)<br />

Moorings (Aft)<br />

3 Headlines<br />

3 Breastlines<br />

2 Backsprings<br />

3 Sternlines<br />

3 Breastlines<br />

2 Backsprings<br />

For mooring operational sequences at the LNG jetty see Appendix 5.<br />

27.2 Emergency Fire/Towing Wires<br />

On completion of mooring, and when alongside, emergency fire/towing wires of the required<br />

strength and length capable of permitting the vessel to be safely towed clear of the berth in an<br />

emergency, must be rigged on the starboard bow and quarter.<br />

Wires should be properly secured at the inboard end by turning up on a set of bitts (figure of<br />

eight) with sufficient slack flaked down on the ship’s deck and the outboard eye of the wire<br />

maintained at a height of 3 metres above the waterline. The fire wire should be secured at the<br />

fairlead with a light lashing as per the requirements of OCIMF Mooring Equipment Guidelines<br />

recommendations.<br />

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27.3 Vessel moving Out of Position whilst alongside<br />

Where a ship has moved out of position a sufficient distance to either;<br />

• activate the ESD system, or<br />

• warrant corrective action in the opinion of the Loading Master, loading will be stopped,<br />

loading arm(s) drained, purged and disconnected prior to repositioning the ship.<br />

Whenever repositioning of a ship is required, pilot and tugs must be in attendance, the ship’s<br />

engine readied, and the shore mooring gang on station. The pilot will remain onboard.<br />

28 LNG Pre Loading Operations<br />

28.1 Gangway<br />

On completion of mooring the Loading Master and ship’s Master will confirm to the Loading<br />

Master that the tanker is securely moored (“All Fast”), the main engine steam stop valve is<br />

shut and the turning gear has been engaged (“MESSVSTGE). "No Smoking" and "Authorised<br />

access" notices (to be provided by the ship) are to be prominently displayed at the gangway<br />

position. At this point the terminal may be advised the gangway can be lifted onboard.<br />

A member of the ship’s crew must be in attendance to guide and position the gangway steps<br />

onto the ship’s deck. Before boarding the tanker a Responsible Ship’s Officer must agree with<br />

the Loading Master that the gangway is safely in place and boarding of shore personnel can<br />

take place.<br />

The vessel’s engines are to remain in readiness with the warming through system in operation<br />

throughout the time alongside.<br />

28.2 Connecting ESD/Communications Cables<br />

The ship shore link (SSL) shall be connected by a member of the ship crew and verified by the<br />

Loading Master to check correct.<br />

28.3 Mooring Integrity & Safety Checks<br />

Prior to connecting the loading arms and/or commencement of the ‘Pre-loading meeting’ the<br />

Loading Master shall together with a Responsible Ship’s Officer check and confirm that all<br />

moorings are tight, brakes properly hardened up and winches are out of gear. On completion<br />

of confirming mooring integrity, connection of loading arms may proceed.<br />

In the process of conducting the mooring integrity check other safety checks as per the<br />

ship/shore checklist, insofar as they can be confirmed at this stage, should be completed.<br />

28.4 Connecting Loading Arms<br />

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The tanker should arrive with short distance pieces fitted, if necessary. <strong>Prigorodnoye</strong> LNG<br />

export terminal uses quick connection loading arms so outboard flanges fitted with bolt holes<br />

are not required and suitable flanges for quick coupling connection will be required.<br />

Ship’s loading strainers are to be fitted to the manifold.<br />

LNG tankers will arrive with temporary manifold covers fitted to avoid water/moisture ingress<br />

into the manifold. They will be removed immediately prior to connection of the loading arms.<br />

The manoeuvring and connecting of loading arms will be carried out by the Common Facility<br />

Shift Supervisor who will advise the Responsible Ship’s Officer when the arms have been<br />

connected and secured. The order of connecting will be vapour arm first followed by the liquid<br />

loading arms.<br />

28.5 Pre Loading Meeting<br />

Prior to the opening of the vessel’s manifold valves a ‘Pre loading meeting’ shall be held<br />

onboard the vessel. The attendees of this meeting shall be the Responsible Ship’s Officer for<br />

cargo management or his nominated deputy, the Loading Master, the independent cargo<br />

inspector as required and any other individual with a recognised and legitimate interest in the<br />

loading operation.<br />

The purpose of this meeting is to ensure that all aspects of loading and associated activities<br />

are clearly understood and documented in the required format. The agenda for this meeting<br />

shall include as a minimum for normal loading, but not necessarily be limited to the following:<br />

• Exchange of ship/shore safety information.<br />

• Status of cargo tanks on arrival (temperature and pressure).<br />

• Cool-down procedure.<br />

• Bulk loading procedure.<br />

• De-ballasting.<br />

• Anticipated weather and sea conditions.<br />

• Communications with terminal & stand-by tug.<br />

• Emergency procedures.<br />

• Schedule of operations, start/stop cargo, departure etc.<br />

• ISPS security checks and confirmation of levels observed.<br />

• Sloshing/filling limit implications for membrane LNG vessels, as applicable.<br />

The initial entry into service of new vessels and those vessels arriving ‘warm’ after refit will<br />

require fuller and more detailed discussions than those for normal loading and will in most<br />

cases involve additional participants.<br />

28.6 Pressure Test & Purging of Loading Arms<br />

Once connected, loading arms will be pressure tested with nitrogen to a pressure of 5 bar and<br />

2.5 bar for liquid and vapour arms respectively. A leak test will then be carried out on ship's<br />

manifold flange using a soap solution to ensure the cargo loading arms are leak tight and<br />

ready to load cargo.<br />

The arms will be depressurised by opening the vent at the ship’s manifold and O2 and, if<br />

required, dew point readings may be taken at this vent. The process of pressurising and<br />

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purging shall be repeated until the O2 content is less than 1% by volume.<br />

28.7 Water Curtain<br />

Prior to connecting the loading arms to the ship's manifold valves the ship shall start up the<br />

water curtain at the manifold and all other deck protective systems for tank domes as<br />

required. Winter precautions shall be exercised when very low temperatures are experienced<br />

with trays to be in place with 25% water fill and overside water curtain sprays running. Should<br />

the deck freeze, the water supply may be shut off.<br />

Note the LNG tankers manifold water curtain is a separate issue to the availability of the<br />

vessel’s IMO standard water spray fire curtain. This should be drained to avoid icing issues<br />

but emergency pumps should be available at immediate notice in case of fire and emergency<br />

use.<br />

During the winter season utmost care is to be taken to avoid the following systems freezing.<br />

• Fire main.<br />

• Foam main.<br />

• Valve hydraulics.<br />

• Emergency escapes.<br />

• De-icing equipment.<br />

• Personnel ice contact issues.<br />

28.8 Gauging<br />

Before the ship's manifold valves are opened gauging of the ship's tanks will take place on all<br />

occasions, regardless of the status of the ship's tanks. This process is to be witnessed by the<br />

Responsible Ship’s Officer, the Loading Master, the independent cargo surveyor, as required,<br />

and any other individual with a recognised and legitimate interest in the loading operation.<br />

28.9 ESD Tests<br />

In addition to any tests that may be carried out by the vessel and terminal prior to the ship's<br />

arrival, the following Emergency Shutdown (ESD) tests shall be conducted in conjunction with<br />

each ship and shore at the start of loading as follows.<br />

• A “warm” ESD test, before cooldown, when both terminal and ship have confirmed<br />

ready for test, initiate by the Ship. A second “warm” ESD test, with loading arms still at<br />

ambient temperature, may be performed by the terminal if requested by the Loading<br />

Master, such as for first cargo loading after new build or refit.<br />

• An additional “cold” ESD test will be initiated by the <strong>Terminal</strong>, after cooldown of the<br />

loading arms. This is to confirm all valves still close correctly in the fully refrigerated<br />

condition. This test will be performed with prior notice, giving a standby advice, agreed<br />

readiness, under a countdown and the closing timings for the ship and shore valves<br />

are to be recorded. This “cold” ESD test, with loading arms cooled down to LNG<br />

temperature, may also be initiated on alternate loadings, by the ship, if deemed so<br />

required.<br />

• Requirements to test ESD1 (loading/manifold valve and pump trip test) and ESD2<br />

(loading/manifold valve, pump trip and loading arm emergency release test) shall be<br />

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agreed between the ship and terminal in specific cases. Normally this is at five year<br />

intervals.<br />

• Test of electric/hard wire communications and ESD facility to be tested periodically.<br />

29 LNG Cargo Handling<br />

Cargo handling operations onboard vessels shall be performed in compliance with the requirements<br />

of the ship’s builders ”Cargo Operations Manual”.<br />

29.1 Normal Loading<br />

On completion of ESD tests <strong>Prigorodnoye</strong> Control Room, the Loading Master and the<br />

Responsible Ship’s Officer shall confirm that all systems are lined up and ready.<br />

29.2 Cooldown<br />

The Responsible Ship’s Officer in the tanker’s cargo control room (CCR) shall confirm that the<br />

ship's manifolds, liquid and vapour, are open and that they are ready to receive product.<br />

<strong>Prigorodnoye</strong> Control Room and the Loading Master shall confirm to the ship that the shore is<br />

ready to commence cooldown of the loading arms.<br />

Following the above confirmation, cooldown of all three liquid loading arms will commence.<br />

On completion of cooldown of the loading arms the flow rate will be adjusted according to the<br />

ships requirements for cooldown of ship's lines and tanks.<br />

The use of the vapour arm for vapour return to shore and control of ships cargo tank<br />

pressures is to be closely monitored at all times. Close liaison is required between ship and<br />

shore as the ship’s return gas blowers are ramped up during cooldown and increasing loading<br />

rate for increased vapour return to shore. Shore will lead all return vapour to the boil off gas<br />

(BOG) system for recovery and re-liquefaction. As such the rate of return gas to shore is to be<br />

adjusted slowly by ship, liaising with shore, to prevent overloading the shore system with the<br />

potential of a shore BOG system trip and diverting boil off gas to flare.<br />

Avoiding the use of the flare by careful return boil off gas vapour pressure management is to<br />

be pursued at all times. A careful management of cooldown rate and return boil off gas<br />

pressure will achieve full boil off gas re-liquefaction recovery with no environmental impact of<br />

flaring.<br />

For control of return gas from ship it is important that the <strong>Prigorodnoye</strong> Control Room is<br />

informed when the return gas compressor is started and stopped on the ship. Excessive<br />

return gas to shore must be avoided otherwise high pressure in shore tanks will cause the<br />

plant to trip. The starting of two compressors close together is prohibited unless pre arranged<br />

with <strong>Prigorodnoye</strong> Control Room and the vapour line is open to the flare. Ships are requested<br />

to increase return gas compressor slowly, as controllable, to maximum in a period of not less<br />

than 1 hour.<br />

During cooldown of the loading arms it is normal practice that ships will return vapour to shore<br />

without use of compressor i.e. freeflow. Ships must open the vapour control valve to shore<br />

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gradually to all the shore compressors to ramp up slowly. Ship must communicate with the<br />

<strong>Prigorodnoye</strong> Control Room to ensure trouble free return gas.<br />

29.3 Bulk Loading & Topping Off<br />

Increase of loading rate ramp up to maximum flow rate shall be at the ship's request. The<br />

times of starting and stopping loading pumps shall be recorded and <strong>Prigorodnoye</strong> Control<br />

Room shall advise the ship on each occasion when shore loading pumps are started or<br />

stopped.<br />

When both ship and shore are ready shore will start the first loading pump. Official time of<br />

starting will be agreed. After ten minutes the second pump will be started and remaining<br />

pumps started at five minute intervals after confirmation with the ship that it is ready. Once all<br />

pumps are online the <strong>Prigorodnoye</strong> Control Room will stabilize the bulk loading rate.<br />

Loading rates and quantity loaded (in cubic metres) are to be calculated and recorded hourly<br />

by the ship and <strong>Prigorodnoye</strong> Control Room advised.<br />

Any unexpected increase in back pressure at the shore manifold indicating possible blockage<br />

of strainers in the loading lines will result in loading being suspended until the cause has been<br />

ascertained and rectified.<br />

The tanker is to advise <strong>Prigorodnoye</strong> Control Room one (1) hour prior to the commencement<br />

of ‘topping off’ the first cargo tank, and thereafter give fifteen (15) minutes and five (5) minutes<br />

notice to stand-by for the completion of loading. Loading rate will be decreased throughout the<br />

‘topping off’ process in accordance with the tanker’s requirements and by agreement with the<br />

terminal to allow sufficient time to stop loading pumps. Loading pumps will be stopped one at<br />

a time by shore control during the ramp down period as request by the ship<br />

29.4 Draining & Inerting of Loading Arms<br />

On completion of loading the ship’s manifold valves will be closed with the ship’s last tank<br />

filling valve remaining open for draining/line warming/expansion. The terminal’s liquid loading<br />

arm valves should be closed, and the confirmed between ship/shore that both sets of liquid<br />

valves are fully closed.<br />

The vapour line should remain open throughout draining and purging of liquid arms.<br />

The loading arms will then be pressurised with nitrogen to 2.0 bar. Shore will then drain back<br />

loading arms to the circulation line.<br />

The loading arms will then be re-pressurised with nitrogen and lines drained back to the ship<br />

via the manifold loading by-pass. Continue purging with nitrogen back to ship until loading<br />

arms contain less than 2% hydrocarbon by volume, measured at the manifold vent. A final<br />

Nitrogen purge to the shore may be required. Liquid loading arms may then be disconnected.<br />

With the agreement of the ship the vapour manifold valve can then be closed, the arm purged<br />

with nitrogen until less than 2% hydrocarbon by volume is recorded, after which the<br />

vapour arm can then be disconnected.<br />

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29.5 Vessels arriving in the Inerted Condition<br />

Vessels may only arrive at the terminal inerted following new build or refit.<br />

Vessels arriving to load at the terminal with tanks in the inerted condition will be required to<br />

handle the vapour generated utilising the on board systems until the CO2 content of vapour in<br />

the ship’s tanks is 1% or less.<br />

Inert tank vapour may initially be discharged to atmosphere until a hydrocarbon content of 8%<br />

is recorded at the ship’s vent stack, at which stage the CO2 content of the vapour should be<br />

sufficiently low enough to support combustion of vapour in the ship’s boiler, if permitted in<br />

section 26.2. This process should continue until the CO2 content of the tank vapour reaches<br />

1% or less at which time the terminal may accept vapour as boil off gas (BOG) to shore flare<br />

system as in section 29.6.<br />

29.6 Re-gasification & Cooldown<br />

All ship’s tank vapour will initially be routed to ship’s vents until hydrocarbon level reaches<br />

>8% by volume after which vapour may be diverted to shore flare system. The level of CO2 in<br />

the return gas will be monitored ashore until this has been confirmed to be less than 200 ppm.<br />

On ship’s confirmation that CO 2 level is less than 200ppm, the terminal will require a stop in<br />

order to change over the return gas from flare system to the boil off gas (BOG) shore tanks.<br />

It is anticipated that this stoppage will be for approximately five minutes, but every effort will be<br />

made to minimise the time involved. The terminal will continue to monitor the CO2 levels of<br />

the return gas until it is less than 200ppm at which time gassing up will be stopped to permit<br />

changeover of shore return gas from flare system to the shore tanks.<br />

A close liaison between the Responsible Ship’s Officer, The Loading Master and the<br />

Prigorodonoye Control Room will be required during this operation to permit a smooth<br />

operation and best use of vapour recovery with minimal use of flared vapour.<br />

29.7 Single Arm Cooldown<br />

The line up and cool down of the tanker's loading lines will be as per the normal cooldown<br />

procedure in 29.2 except that only one loading arm, will be required to be cooled at this<br />

stage. The loading arm to be used will be advised by the Loading Master at the on board<br />

pre-loading meeting and agreed with the vessel.<br />

After cooldown of the nominated loading arm (at least one hour) flow rate to the tanker will be<br />

adjusted in accordance with the tanker’s requirement.<br />

in<br />

During the latter stages of the cooldown the remaining two loading arms will be cooled down<br />

keeping with the overall flow rate required by the tanker.<br />

At the completion of cooldown loading will be stopped to carry out a ‘cold’ ESD test as above.<br />

29.8 Draining and Inerting of Loading Arms<br />

Draining, purging and inerting of loading arms will be carried out as above section 29.4.<br />

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30 LNG Post Loading Operations<br />

30.1 Gauging<br />

On completion of draining and purging of the loading arms and confirmation that all the ship’s<br />

manifolds are closed, gauging can commence. The Responsible Ship’s Officer, the Loading<br />

Master, the Independent Cargo Surveyor and any other individual with a recognised and<br />

legitimate interest in the loading operation will witness the gauging and calculate loaded cargo<br />

quantity.<br />

30.2 Post discharge meeting and documentation<br />

On completion of calculation and agreement of the cargo quantity loaded, documentation will<br />

be prepared by SEIC and the export tanker for signing by all interested parties.<br />

A post loading meeting between the Responsible Ship’s Officer, the Loading Master and the<br />

independent cargo surveyor will complete the necessary final administration and obtain<br />

authorising signatures. The following documents will be completed.<br />

• Bills of lading.<br />

• <strong>Port</strong> timesheets and log sheets.<br />

• Surveyors documentation as applicable.<br />

• Any receipts or other miscellaneous requirements as required.<br />

30.3 Removal of Gangway<br />

Prior to the removal of the shore gangway the ship’s Master is to confirm to the Loading<br />

Master that all visitors have disembarked. During removal of the gangway the ship’s<br />

personnel must be available to assist in removal of the gangway from the ship.<br />

Ship’s engines must not be tested until the gangway has been removed from the ship.<br />

31 Safety and Emergency Procedures applicable to both LNG/TLU operations<br />

SEIC has developed an Emergency Response Plan, reference SEIC internal operating procedures,<br />

and this has included a response centre from where response will be managed. In this section it is<br />

called the Emergency Control Centre.<br />

31.1 Responsibilities<br />

<strong>Prigorodnoye</strong> terminal is responsible for controlling marine emergencies within the designated<br />

limits of the port.<br />

<strong>Prigorodnoye</strong> Emergency Control Centre, in liaison with the Authorities, will co-ordinate the<br />

terminal’s response to the emergency.<br />

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The tanker is responsible for dealing with any emergency on board, utilising such assistance<br />

that is available from the terminal. The Emergency Control Centre will co-ordinate with the<br />

tanker regarding any necessary assistance.<br />

The terminal is responsible for dealing with all emergencies ashore. The Emergency Control<br />

Centre shall liaise with any tanker alongside to keep them fully appraised of the situation and<br />

any developing risk.<br />

The Loading Master or his designated deputy is responsible for providing marine advice to the<br />

Emergency Control Centre. This includes, but is not limited to, analysing the incident,<br />

determining the need for response, call out and mobilisation of marine resources, liaising with<br />

governmental and local authorities and maintaining communications with the ship.<br />

The Offshore Marine Coordinator shall be the Loading Master or the Master of the duty tug or<br />

other delegated marine personnel. The role of the Offshore Marine Coordinator during a<br />

marine incident shall be to control marine activities offshore, and keep <strong>Prigorodnoye</strong><br />

the shore Common Facility Supervisor and Emergency Control Centre fully appraised of the<br />

offshore situation.<br />

31.2 Safety Alongside<br />

The Master is responsible for the safe operation of his ship (including cargo-handling<br />

operations) and the safety of ship’s personnel at all times. The Master will be required to sign<br />

a letter acknowledging his responsibility in this respect.<br />

The Responsible Ship’s Officer delegated the task of controlling cargo operations and other<br />

related duties must be qualified and competent to do so and either himself, or a delegated<br />

ship’s duty officer, should remain in the ship’s cargo control room throughout cargo<br />

operations in order to ensure that the ship/shore liaison is continuously maintained. In addition<br />

to the Responsible Ship’s Officer, or his deputies, sufficient personnel should be available in<br />

order to maintain an efficient deck and cargo watch.<br />

The following procedures should be used as a supplement to and in conjunction with the<br />

appropriate <strong>Prigorodnoye</strong> LNG Emergency Response Plans:<br />

• Onshore Fire Alarm (Continous sounding of alarms).<br />

• Onshore Gas Alarm (Intermittent sounding of alarms).<br />

• Shipboard emergency procedures with specific shipboard communication of such, ie.<br />

Public address system announcement.<br />

• At least six (6) long blasts on the ships whistle each of not less than 10 seconds<br />

duration.<br />

31.3 Communications<br />

The terminal, on notification of the shipping 72 hr pre arrival messages, will forward the advice<br />

to the LNG on duty personnel by fax who will acknowledge this notification to the terminal and<br />

advise the appropriate LNG operations personnel of the forthcoming shipping movements.<br />

Note:- On return acknowledgment of shipping advice, the LNG terminal personnel will also<br />

advise of any shore activities which the terminal and Loading Master should be made aware<br />

of.<br />

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Any deviation to the pre arrival advice must be relayed directly to the LNG terminal.<br />

One hour prior to ship berthing the terminal will advise the LNG storage and the loading panel<br />

man who will then advise his operational team for loading readiness.<br />

Once the ship is berthed, all Loading Master communications will be directed to either the<br />

LNG jetty loading senior operations technicians (SOT’s) or the LNG storage and loading panel<br />

operator as required to accommodate ESD checks/arm connections/cooldown/arm<br />

disconnections (as per LNG operational loading procedures).<br />

All communications will be relayed via the LNG terminal operational radio system when the<br />

ship has been berthed. All prior communications to berthing are via the marine VHF system.<br />

On commencement of loading and for the duration of loading hourly transmissions from the<br />

ship will advise the terminal LNG panel operator of loading conditions, rates and quantities.<br />

On completion of unmooring activities the marine terminal will advise the LNG storage and<br />

loading panel man and vacation of berth.<br />

One hour prior to ship berthing the terminal will advise the OET storage and loading panel<br />

man who will then advice his operational team for loading readiness.<br />

Note:- Shore tankage pre-checks, e.g. dewatering, gauging / certification will be confirmed as<br />

completed by the OET panelman.<br />

Once the ship is berthed all communications will be directed to the OET storage and loading<br />

panel operator as required to accommodate all shore loading activities. (As per OET<br />

operational loading procedures).<br />

Note:- No operation technicians will be present on the TLU during any phase of the shipping /<br />

loading operation.<br />

All communications will be relayed via the LNG/OET terminal operational radio system.<br />

During “start up” and “topping off” phases of the cargo loading operation the Loading Master<br />

will be present in the ship’s Cargo Control Room (CCR) to monitor operations and assist in<br />

communications where necessary.<br />

Throughout the loading process the Responsible Ship’s Officer, or designated ship’s duty<br />

officer, shall keep <strong>Prigorodnoye</strong> Control Room advised of any circumstances, which may have<br />

an impact on the loading or safety of the ship.<br />

All communications between ship and shore should be conducted in English and a ‘positive’<br />

reporting system used, i.e. all messages should be repeated back by the recipient and<br />

acknowledged by the sender.<br />

Ship/shore communications will be effected primarily by ship/shore telephone through the fibre<br />

optic communications link or by back up ship/shore VHF radio, either walkie-talkie or ship’s<br />

fixed VHF unit by agreement with the Loading Master/Pilot/Ice Pilot.<br />

31.3.1 LNG Communications<br />

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Fiber optic cable is to be provided as a general communication link with Shore<br />

Loading Operator. As back up UHF/VHF radios will be supplied.<br />

31.3.2 Tanker Loading Unit Communications<br />

UHF radios as a general link is to be provided by Loading Master. VHF as a back up<br />

channel to be notified.<br />

Note: The Loading Master will be onboard the crude oil tanker throughout the loading<br />

period.<br />

31.3.3 Communications with Stand-by Tug<br />

Stand-by tugs will maintain a continuous listening on watch VHF channel 69, 73 & 16.<br />

31.4 Ship Shore Safety Checklist<br />

A ship shore safety checklist (Appendix 7) will be completed jointly by the Responsible Ship’s<br />

Officer and the Loading Master following the safety inspection.<br />

The safety checklist must be completed and signed by both ship and shore representatives<br />

prior to the start of any cargo operations. Follow-up safety checks will be conducted at agreed<br />

intervals throughout the loading period and the checklist will be signed accordingly.<br />

31.5 Fire Prevention<br />

Sources of ignition, including smoking, shall be restricted to designated areas on board the<br />

tanker and on shore. Designated smoking areas onboard ship shall be limited to two in<br />

number. The location of these two smoking areas will be agreed between the Loading Master<br />

and the Responsible Ship’s Officer at the pre-loading meeting.<br />

Certified electrical approved equipment shall be in good order and maintained and operated<br />

such that its original certification is not jeopardised.<br />

All portable electrical equipment, including hand held torches, ‘walkie-talkie’ radios and gas<br />

analysers, which are operated in hazardous zones, shall be intrinsically safe and certified<br />

approved equipment for use in the flammable atmosphere concerned. All equipment should<br />

be maintained a safe condition and operated in such a manner that its original certification is<br />

not jeopardised.<br />

Use of vessel's radar is prohibited by ISGOTT requirements during loading operations,<br />

however the use of the satellite communications equipment may be permitted, subject to the<br />

approval of the Loading Master.<br />

Where essential tests etc. are required to the radar or communications equipment, the<br />

Loading Master must be consulted before such testing takes place. The precautions and<br />

recommendations set out in the ISGOTT Guide must be strictly adhered to.<br />

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Whilst alongside the terminal’s berths, no tug or any other craft shall be allowed alongside<br />

unless, cargo operations have been stopped, valves closed and cargo decks secured, except<br />

in the case of an emergency when the terminal may permit tugs or other craft to go alongside<br />

subject to the agreement of the ship’s Master.<br />

31.6 Shore Fire-fighting Equipment<br />

Fire-fighting equipment available from shore, as detailed in Appendix 9, will be 5 monitors, 2<br />

hydrants, 1 ISC hydrant and a water deluge on each arm with a fire box (for LNG).<br />

31.7 Ship’s Fire-fighting Equipment<br />

All ship’s fire-fighting equipment shall be in good working order. <strong>Port</strong>able equipment shall be<br />

correctly positioned, and ready for immediate use. The tanker’s fire main shall be pressurised<br />

whilst alongside the terminal’s berths. Precautions shall be taken, as appropriate, during the<br />

winter period to ensure the fire main does not become frozen.<br />

The ship/shore international connection shall be prominently identified with the connecting<br />

flange and bolts ready for immediate use on both ship and shore. Hoses shall be placed at<br />

both ship and shore international connections ready for immediate deployment.<br />

31.8 Main Engine Readiness<br />

Whilst alongside the LNG berth or moored to the TLU, the tanker's main engines and related<br />

auxiliaries shall be kept in a state of readiness such that the tanker can leave under her own<br />

power in an emergency. Maintenance work to the engines and auxiliaries is prohibited.<br />

In the case of a steamship this means that, the turning gear is to be engaged, main steam stop<br />

valve closed with turbines sufficiently warm and condenser vacuum maintained commensurate<br />

with the engine manufacturer's operating instructions. Allowance is made for those vessels<br />

with a continuous warm up system providing that safe guards remain in place to restrict<br />

significant accidental engine movement being made. For a diesel-powered ship this means<br />

that the fuel rail is under constant circulation and ‘starting-air’ bottles are fully charged.<br />

Whilst alongside the terminal’s berths, repairs and maintenance to the tanker’s machinery and<br />

equipment shall be restricted to those items, which do not impair or limit the use of:<br />

• Fire detection or fire-fighting capability.<br />

• Safe and efficient handling of the cargo.<br />

• Propulsion system or manoeuvrability of the tanker.<br />

• Integrity of the mooring system.<br />

• Safe operation of electrical equipment in gas dangerous zones.<br />

31.9 Testing Main Engines<br />

Under no circumstances should a tankers main engines be tested at any time whilst alongside<br />

the LNG berth or moored to the TLU until the loading arm(s) or hoses have been<br />

disconnected, shore or ship’s gangway removed and the tug(s) is/are secured alongside.<br />

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31.10 Hot Work<br />

“Hot Work" in non-approved areas and work on open decks or on the jetty head, which<br />

involves hammering, chipping or the use of power tools is strictly prohibited.<br />

31.11 Emergency Towing Wires<br />

Emergency towing wires, as required in 27.2, will be used by the terminal’s tug to tow the<br />

vessel clear of the berth if so required. The vessel will not need her own engines to effect this<br />

safety manoeuvre.<br />

31.12 Jetty Access & Safety Requirements<br />

Ship’s personnel (and visitors to the ship) when transiting the jetty are required to comply with<br />

the Company safety requirements with respect to the wearing of personnel protective<br />

equipment (PPE) and to the rules governing movement of personnel within the terminal and<br />

plant complex. The following shall apply.<br />

• PPE (safety helmet and safety glasses) must be worn on the jetties or when transiting<br />

through the terminal or plant complex.<br />

• Smoking is prohibited on the terminal property except in the approved places.<br />

• Lifejackets are to be worn if access to the mooring dolphins is required. Ship’s<br />

personnel requiring access to the dolphins must first request permission from<br />

<strong>Prigorodnoye</strong> Control Room.<br />

• Ship’s personnel or visitors leaving the vessel should first advise <strong>Prigorodnoye</strong> Control<br />

Room. Ship’s personnel and visitors must wait at the shore end of the LNG jetty for<br />

transport.<br />

• Walking through the plant or to the West gate is NOT permitted.<br />

31.13 Emergency Response<br />

<strong>Prigorodnoye</strong> specific responses will be instigated by the Emergency Control Centre, as per<br />

SEIC internal operating procedures.<br />

31.14 Incidents Onboard Ships<br />

A ship is a self-contained unit, fully equipped to deal with major fires and other emergencies<br />

onboard and capable of providing the initial response to most incidents.<br />

The type of incident that can occur on board ships berthed alongside the terminal berths,<br />

can in some instances, have a significant impact on the integrity of the terminal equipment<br />

and the safety of its personnel. Incidents with the potential to develop to significant event are.<br />

• Fire/explosion.<br />

• Pollution through cargo and/or bunker fuel spills.<br />

• Uncontrolled release of cargo vapour (LNG).<br />

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Other examples of incidents, which will require a response to at least minimise the outcome,<br />

or at worse to avoid escalation into a significant event are.<br />

• Mechanical failure (affecting cargo operations).<br />

• Man overboard.<br />

• Accident (medical emergency).<br />

• Failure of the ship’s moorings.<br />

• Collision.<br />

• Grounding.<br />

The following section deals with the specific immediate actions to be taken by the principal<br />

parties in the event of incidents listed. Subsequent actions to be taken will depend on how the<br />

particular incident develops and how well it is managed.<br />

31.14.1 Fire/Explosion Onboard a Tanker<br />

Action by tanker with emergency.<br />

• Initiate emergency shut down procedures, ensure all manifold(s) and tank valves<br />

are closed.<br />

• Mobilise on board fire-fighting response.<br />

• Establish communications with <strong>Prigorodnoye</strong> Control Room and advise nature<br />

and location of incident.<br />

• Prepare to disconnect loading arms or loading hose.<br />

Action by <strong>Prigorodnoye</strong> Control Room.<br />

• Initiate emergency shut down, stop cargo operations on both LNG berth & TLU (if<br />

both are loading).<br />

• Implement plant Emergency Response Procedure. Start log of events.<br />

• Instruct stand-by tug to start fire pumps and assist as directed.<br />

• Callout other tugs and the mooring boats.<br />

• Establish lines of communication with ship, tugs and Loading Master acting as<br />

Offshore Marine Coordinator.<br />

Action by Tugs & Pilot.<br />

• Stand-by tug to start fire pump and assist as directed by <strong>Prigorodnoye</strong> Control<br />

Room.<br />

• Duty tug master or Loading Master to act as Offshore Marine Coordinator.<br />

• Remaining tugs to be mobilised and assist as directed.<br />

• Prepare to remove vessel from berth under direction of Loading Master/Pilot or<br />

Master.<br />

• Mooring boats to stand by and act as rescue launches.<br />

Other action by tanker.<br />

• Initiate shut down of cargo operations, close all manifold and tank valves.<br />

• Prepare to disconnect loading arms, if instructed by terminal.<br />

• Prepare to vacate berth.<br />

• Maintain listening watch on VHF/UHF channels and await further instructions.<br />

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31.14.2 Oil spill from Tanker<br />

Specific action to be taken in the event of an oil spill will depend on the nature, type and<br />

amount of the product spilled and will be listed in the tanker’s SOPEP plan. The following<br />

general rules should be adhered to in order to ensure a fast and efficient response at the<br />

same time minimising the environmental impact.<br />

For all spills, regardless of the product involved, a total ban on smoking onboard is to be<br />

imposed on the vessel concerned. In the event of a crude oil spill the smoking ban will<br />

apply to all ships, including the terminal’s marine craft within the port and terminal area.<br />

All other sources of ignition should be isolated/secured.<br />

All loading or cargo related operations are to be stopped and cargo tank valves closed.<br />

The terminal will automatically advise the authorities of any oil spills emanating from ships<br />

or from the terminal’s facilities.<br />

a. Action by polluting ship (Instigate internal ship’s Emergency Procedure and<br />

SOPEP plan).<br />

b. Action by <strong>Prigorodnoye</strong> Control Room (Instigate Oil Pollution Response<br />

Emergency Action Plan or Aniva Bay Offshore Oil Spill Response Plan).<br />

c. Action by tugs (Instigate Emergency Response Plan or Aniva Bay Offshore Oil<br />

Spill Response Plan).<br />

31.14.3 Uncontrolled release of LNG from Tanker/Jetty<br />

a. Action by tanker (Instigate internal ship’s Emergency Procedure).<br />

b. Action by <strong>Prigorodnoye</strong> Control Room (Instigate Emergency Action Response<br />

Plan).<br />

c. Action by tugs & Loading Master (Instigate Emergency Response Plan).<br />

d. Action by tanker on TLU (Instigate internal ship’s Emergency Procedure) .<br />

31.14.4 Man overboard Incident<br />

The response to this type of incident will depend on the particular circumstances.<br />

In the event of a man overboard situation within the port and terminal limits all tanker<br />

movements are to be suspended whilst search and rescue activities take place.<br />

Extreme caution is required by the search vessels, particularly during hours of<br />

darkness, when approaching or entering the search area.<br />

a. Action to be taken by tanker (Instigate internal ship’s Emergency Procedure).<br />

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b. Action to be taken by <strong>Prigorodnoye</strong> Control Room (Instigate Emergency Action<br />

Plan).<br />

c. Action to be taken by tug(s) and Loading Master (Instigate Emergency Response<br />

Plan).<br />

31.14.5 Other ship related incidents<br />

The response to the type of incident described will depend to a large extent to the<br />

nature, location and severity of the event. Swift action will in the majority of cases<br />

prevent an escalation of these events.<br />

Where marine craft are required to approach or to go alongside the tanker concerned<br />

they must only do so after <strong>Prigorodnoye</strong> Control Room has confirmed that loading has<br />

been stopped.<br />

a. Action to be taken by tanker.<br />

Advise <strong>Prigorodnoye</strong> Control Room nature, location of incident and action being<br />

taken by ship and assistance required from terminal, if any. Initiate emergency shut<br />

down if required (e.g. mooring failure).<br />

Instigate internal ship’s Emergency Procedure.<br />

b. Action to be taken by <strong>Prigorodnoye</strong> Control Room (Instigate Emergency Action<br />

Plan).<br />

c. Action to be taken by tugs & Loading Master (Instigate Emergency Response<br />

Plan).<br />

d. Action to be taken by other ship’s (Instigate internal ship’s Emergency Procedure).<br />

31.14.6 Cold weather and ice transit incidents<br />

Action required by tankers berthed alongside the terminal LNG berth and crude oil TLU,<br />

or in transit will depend on the nature, location and proximity of the incident to the<br />

jetties.<br />

a. Action to be taken by <strong>Prigorodnoye</strong> Control Room Initiate SEIC <strong>Terminal</strong><br />

Emergency Response Plan (Instigate Emergency Action Plan).<br />

b. Action to be taken by tankers berthed alongside (Instigate internal ship’s Emergency<br />

Procedure).<br />

c. Action to be taken by tugs and Loading Master (Instigate Emergency Response<br />

Plan).<br />

31.14.7 <strong>Terminal</strong> Incidents<br />

Action required by tankers berthed alongside the terminal LNG berth and crude oil TLU<br />

will depend on the nature, location and proximity of the incident to the jetties.<br />

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a. Action to be taken by <strong>Prigorodnoye</strong> Control Room Initiate SEIC <strong>Terminal</strong><br />

Emergency Response Plan (Instigate Emergency Action Plan).<br />

b. Action to be taken by tankers berthed alongside (Instigate internal ship’s Emergency<br />

Procedure).<br />

c. Action to be taken by tugs and Loading Master (Instigate Emergency Response<br />

Plan).<br />

End<br />

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Appendices.<br />

1 Pilot boarding requirements<br />

2 Russian regulations affecting the port of <strong>Prigorodnoye</strong>.<br />

3 UK Standard Terms & Conditions for Towage and other Services (Revised 1986).<br />

4 Tugs & general service launch terminal marine craft – General particulars.<br />

5 Mooring procedures – LNG jetty.<br />

6 Conditions of use.<br />

7 Ship–shore safety checklist.<br />

8 Safety letter.<br />

9 LNG jetty fire-fighting equipment.<br />

10 Smoking area notice.<br />

11 Environmental protection.<br />

12 Russian regulations General declaration.<br />

13 High flow rates.<br />

14 Request for berthing assistance.<br />

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Appendix 1 - Pilot Boarding Requirements.<br />

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Appendix 2 – Russian regulations affecting the port of <strong>Prigorodnoye</strong>.<br />

Article 9. Seaports. <strong>Port</strong> Authorities<br />

Russian Merchant Shipping Code (Article extracts)<br />

1. In the present Code, the sea trading port shall be understood to mean a complex of structures<br />

located on the specially allotted territory and water area and intended for the service of ships used for<br />

merchant shipping purposes, the service of passengers and freight operations and other services usually<br />

rendered in a sea trading port.<br />

2. In the present Code, the sea fishing port shall be understood to mean a complex of structures<br />

located in specially allotted territory and water area and intended for the performance of the main type of<br />

activity - a comprehensive service of fishing vessels.<br />

3. In the present Code, the sea specialized port shall be understood to mean a complex of structures<br />

located on the specially allotted territory and water area and intended for the service of ships carrying<br />

particular cargoes (timber, oil and others).<br />

The sea specialized ports also include the ports designed to service sports sailing ships and<br />

pleasure boats.<br />

4. In the present Code, the port authorities shall be understood to mean the appropriate sea port<br />

administrations, which exercise the administrative and plenary and other powers vested in them by the<br />

Government of the Russian Federation.<br />

On perfecting the system of the state administration of sea commercial and specialised ports see<br />

Decision of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 705 of September 25, 2002<br />

For the organization of the administration of the seaports, see the Decision of the Council of Ministers of<br />

the Russian Federation No. 1299 of December 17, 1993<br />

5. The activity of the seaports indicated in Items 1-3 of this Article shall be carried out in accordance<br />

with the Law on the Seaports of the Russian Federation.<br />

Article 74. The Seaport Master<br />

Chapter V. State <strong>Port</strong> Control<br />

1. The seaport master shall perform the functions of ensuring the safety of sea shipping and the<br />

order in a seaport.<br />

2. The seaport waster shall act in accordance with the <strong>Regulations</strong> for the Seaport Master, approved<br />

by the federal executive body responsible for the transport, while the seaport master shall act in<br />

accordance with the <strong>Regulations</strong> for the Sea Fishing <strong>Port</strong> Master, approved by the federal executive body<br />

responsible for fishing by agreement with the federal executive body responsible for the transport.<br />

Article 75. The Subordination of Seaport Masters<br />

A seaport master shall be directly subordinate to the federal executive body responsible for the<br />

transport, while a sea fishing port master shall be directly subordinate to the federal executive body<br />

responsible for fishing.<br />

Article 76. The Functions of the Sea Trading <strong>Port</strong> Master and the Sea Fishing <strong>Port</strong> Master<br />

The sea trading port master and the sea fishing port master, respectively, shall be charged with the<br />

following functions to ensure the safety of sea shipping and the order in said ports:<br />

control over the observance of the international treaties and agreements of the Russian Federation<br />

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dealing with merchant shipping and of the legislation of the Russian Federation on merchant shipping;<br />

the registration of ships and the issue of appropriate ship's papers;<br />

the registration of the right of ownership of sailing ships and ships under construction, the<br />

hypothecation of a sailing ship or a ship under construction and of other rights to them and the issue of<br />

appropriate documents;<br />

the issue of diplomas, qualifying certificates, confirmations of their issue and of sailor's passports to<br />

ship crew members;<br />

the verification of ship's papers, diplomas, qualifying certificates and confirmations of the issue of<br />

diplomas and qualifying certificates;<br />

control over the observance of requirements for the calls of ships at ports and for the departure from<br />

ports,<br />

the registration of the calls of ships at ports and of the departure from ports. If a sea trading port and<br />

a sea fishing port have adjoining water areas, the port master of a sea trading port shall register the calls<br />

of ships at this sea trading port and the departures from it, exception being made for ships used for fishing<br />

water biological resources; the port master of a sea fishing port shall register the calls of ships used for<br />

fishing water biological resources at the sea fishing port and the departures of such ships from it;<br />

control over the activity of pilotage service and the ships traffic control system;<br />

control over the ice-breaking pilotage at port approaches and within the port water area;<br />

the issue of permits for the salvaging of sunken property at sea and the performance of building,<br />

hydrotechnical and other works in the port;<br />

the investigation of ship accidents. Ship accidents shall be investigated in accordance with the<br />

regulations, approved by the federal executive body responsible for the transport by agreement with the<br />

Procurator-General of the Russian Federation, the federal executive body responsible for fishing and the<br />

federal executive body responsible for defence.<br />

Article 78. Orders of a Seaport Master<br />

The orders of a seaport master with regard to his powers in the sphere of shipping safety and order<br />

in the seaport shall be binding on all ships, organizations and individuals to be found in the port.<br />

Article 79. Control over ships<br />

1. Control over the ships which are putting out to sea shall be exercised by a seaport master with the<br />

aim of verifying the presence of ship's papers, the compliance of the main characteristics of ships to their<br />

papers and the satisfaction of the requirements for the staffing of ship crews.<br />

2. In the absence of ship's papers or in the presence of sufficient grounds to believe that the ship<br />

does not meet the shipping safety requirements the seaport master may subject the ship to inspection.<br />

3. In order to verify the removal of the shortcoming which prevent the issue of a permit for putting out<br />

to sea from a seaport, the seaport master may carry out a control survey of the ship concerned.<br />

Federal Law No. 86-FZ of June 30, 2003 amended Article 80 of this Code See the previous text of the<br />

Article<br />

Article 80. A Permit for Putting out to Sea from a Seaport<br />

1. before leaving a seaport each ship is duty-bound receive from the seaport master a permit for<br />

putting out to sea.<br />

The seaport master shall have the right to refuse to issue a permit for sailing from the seaport in<br />

cases of:<br />

1) the unseaworthiness of a ship, the violation of the requirements for loading, the supply of a ship,<br />

the staffing of the ship's crew or the presence of other ship's shortcomings creating a threat to its safe<br />

sailing, the lives or heath of people aboard the ship or a threat of causing damage to the marine<br />

environment;<br />

2) the violation of the requirements for ship papers;<br />

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3) the instructions of the sanitary-quarantine and migration services, customs and frontier agencies<br />

the federal security service and other state bodies authorized therefore;<br />

4) the non-payment of port dues.<br />

2. Expenses made by the seaport master on the exercise of his rights, stipulated by this<br />

Article (survey examination, etc.) shall be borne by the shipowner concerned.<br />

Article 81. The Detention of a Ship and Cargo by <strong>Port</strong> Authorities<br />

1. At the request of a person who has claims arising from rescue operations, the collision of ships,<br />

the damage of port facilities, water basins, waterways and navigation instruments or from other infliction of<br />

damage may detain a ship and its cargo pending the submission of sufficient security by the shipowner<br />

and the cargo-owner.<br />

Liability for the losses caused by the unwarranted detention of a ship and its cargo shall be borne by<br />

the person at whose demand the ship and its cargo were detained.<br />

2. The order of the port authorities to detain a ship and its cargo at the demands listed in Item 1 of<br />

this Article shall be valid during 72 hours, except for the days which are official days off. If during the said<br />

time no decision has been passed on the attachment of a ship and its cargo by a court of law, a court of<br />

arbitration or by an arbitration tribunal authorized by law to distrain in naval affairs, the ship and its cargo<br />

shall be released immediately.<br />

Article 82. Construction in the Zone of the Operation of Navigation Instruments<br />

Construction in upon with the federal executive body in charge of the transport and the federal<br />

executive body responsible for defence and in cases, provided for by the tenth paragraph of Article 76 of<br />

this Code, with the ship master of the respective seaport.<br />

Article 83. The Utilization of Ships in the Rescue of People and the Salvage of Ships<br />

At the seaport master's request the ships to be found in a seaport are duty-bound to take part in the<br />

rescue of people and the salvage of ships in distress within the port's water area.<br />

Article 84. Responsibility for Breaking the Shipping Safety and the <strong>Port</strong> Order<br />

The seaport master shall have the right to impose administrative penalties for breaking the shipping<br />

safety rules and the port order in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation.<br />

Article 89. The Establishment of Areas of Obligatory and Optional Pilotage<br />

By agreement with the federal executive body responsible for defence and the federal executive<br />

body in charge of fishing the federal executive body in charge of the transport shall establish areas of<br />

obligatory and optional pilotage and shall bring such areas to public notice through compulsory decisions<br />

in seaports, sailing directions and in The Notifications for Seafearers.<br />

Article 90. Obligatory Pilotage<br />

1. In areas of obligatory pilotage the ship master shall have no right to sail without a pilot, except for<br />

the cases when the ship belongs to the category of ships released from obligatory pilotage or when the<br />

ship master is given the right to sail without a pilot by the seaport master on the statutory manner.<br />

The ship master who has violated the rule specified by this item shall bear administrative<br />

responsibility in keeping with the legislation of the Russian Federation.<br />

2. Categories of ships to be released from obligatory pilotage shall be established by seaport<br />

masters and shall be brought to notice through compulsory decisions in seaports.<br />

3. Pilotage order in a sea trading port and a sea fishing port, which have adjacent water areas, shall<br />

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be established by the master of the sea trading port by agreement with the master of the sea fishing port.<br />



NO. 60 OF JANUARY 19, 1998<br />



(with the Amendments and Additions of October 31, 1998)<br />

In order to improve the organization of the crossing of the state border of the Russian Federation by<br />

natural persons, transport, vehicles, cargoes, goods and animals, to regulate the joint activities of border,<br />

customs and other bodies of control in crossing points across the state border of the Russian Federation,<br />

the Government of the Russian Federation resolves:<br />

1. To approve the enclosed <strong>Regulations</strong> for Crossing Points on the State Border of the Russian<br />

Federation.<br />

2. The Federal Border Service of the Russian Federation, the Ministry of Public Health of the<br />

Russian Federation, the Ministry of Agriculture and Foodstuffs Supply of the Russian Federation, the State<br />

Customs Committee of the Russian Federation, Federal Migration Service of Russia shall take<br />

coordinated measures to improve the transit across the border of natural persons, transport, vehicles,<br />

cargoes, goods and animals, to exclude the duplication of the functions between the state controlling<br />

bodies, and in 3-months' period specify the content and norms of the exercise corresponding types of<br />

control.<br />

The Ministry of Transport of the Russian Federation, the Ministry of Railways of the Russian<br />

Federation, the Ministry of Defence of the Russian Federation, the Ministry of Agriculture and Foodstuffs<br />

Supply of the Russian Federation, the Federal Aviation Service of the Russian Federation shall work out<br />

and approve, in coordination with the above mentioned federal executive bodies standard organizational<br />

scheme of crossing across the state border of natural persons, transport, vehicles, cargoes, goods and<br />

animals for each type of international communication.<br />

See <strong>Regulations</strong> on Using Means and Methods of Control, When Letting Persons, Transport Vehicles,<br />

Cargo, Commodities and Animals across the State Border of the Russian Federation, endorsed by<br />

Decision of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 50 of February 2, 2005<br />

3. The Ministry of Transport of the Russian Federation, the Ministry of Railways of the Russian<br />

Federation, the Ministry of Defence of the Russian Federation, the Ministry of Agriculture and Foodstuffs<br />

Supply of the Russian Federation, the State Customs Committee of the Russian Federation, the Federal<br />

Aviation Service of the Russian Federation shall work out and approve by the end of 1998 normative<br />

technical and organizational methodological documentation for the design, construction and maintenance<br />

of the crossing points on the state border of the Russian Federation.<br />

4. To nullify the Order of the Council of Ministers (Government) of the Russian Federation No. 211-p<br />

of February 12, 1993 (Collected Acts of the President and the Government of the Russian Federation,<br />

1993, No. 7, item 630).<br />

5. The financial security of the measures stipulated in the present Decision shall be implemented at<br />

the expense of the federal budget, the budgets of the subjects of the Russian Federation and other<br />

resources attracted in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation.<br />

Chairman of the Government<br />

of the Russian Federation<br />

Viktor Chernomyrdin<br />

<strong>Regulations</strong><br />

for Crossing Points on the State Border<br />

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of the Russian Federation<br />

(approved by the Decision of the Government<br />

of the Russian Federation No. 60 of January 19, 1998)<br />

I. General Provision (items 1-5)<br />

II. The Classification of the Crossing Points (items 6-8)<br />

II. The Order of Establishing Crossing Points (items 9-12)<br />

IV. The Order of Opening Crossing Points (items 13-12)<br />

V. The Order of Closing Crossing Points (items 20-23)<br />

VI. The Organization of the work of Crossing Points (items 24-26)<br />

VII.The Coordination of Activities of the Controlling (items 27-33)<br />

VIII.Bodies and the Administration of Crossing Points (items 34-35)<br />

IX. The Financial and Material and Technical Maintenance (items 36-40)<br />

of Crossing Points<br />

I. General Provisions<br />

1. The present <strong>Regulations</strong> determine the organizational, financial, economic and other principles of<br />

establishing, opening, functioning and closing crossing points on the state border of the Russian<br />

Federation (hereinafter referred to as crossing).<br />

2. Crossing points are intended to provide the international communication of the Russian Federation<br />

with other countries.<br />

3. Crossing points shall be established in conformity with the legislation of the Russian Federation in<br />

sea, river and fish ports, in airports and aerodromes open for international communication, in border<br />

railway stations, as well as on the sections of the country specially allocated in the immediate proximity to<br />

the state border of the Russian Federation within the limits of the border zone and in other places.<br />

The crossing point within the territory of the said facilities includes a complex of buildings, premises,<br />

structures with the corresponding technological equipment, in which the bodies border, customs and other<br />

types of control, internal affairs bodies, as well as transport and other enterprises and organizations<br />

providing for the work of the crossing point perform their official functions.<br />

Decision of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 1272 of October 31, 1998 amended Item 4<br />

of these <strong>Regulations</strong> See the previous text of the Item<br />

4. To ensure control over the observance of the established rules of crossing the state border by<br />

natural persons, transport, vehicles, cargoes, goods and animals (hereinafter referred as transport<br />

vehicles and cargoes), the corresponding federal executive bodies in crossing points shall form in the<br />

established order border, customs, sanitary-quarantine, immigration, veterinary, phyto-sanitary and<br />

transport & subdivisions of controlling bodies; to supervise the navigation properties of sea and river ships,<br />

to prevent illegal interference in the work of civil aviation, and control the traffic on the railway transport<br />

these bodies may set up inspectorates of state control, aviation security services, railway traffic security<br />

services (hereinafter referred to as control bodies).<br />

5. Other types of control organized and maintained by the federal executive bodies, by the executive<br />

bodies of the subjects of the Russian Federation, economic and other kinds of activity in the crossing<br />

points, which are not connected with catering for passengers and transport facilities carried out by natural<br />

and juridical persons shall not be permitted.<br />

II. Classification of the Crossing Points<br />

6. Crossing points shall be classified according to their kind, type of international communication and<br />

working conditions:<br />

sea, river, air, motor vehicles, railway, and pedestrian points - by the kind of international<br />

communication;<br />

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passenger, cargo, and cargo-passenger - by the type of international communication;<br />

permanent, temporary, and seasonal - by working conditions<br />

7. Crossing points may be multilateral - for crossing the state border by natural persons irrespective<br />

of their nationality, and two-way - for crossing the border by citizens (inhabitants) of the Russian<br />

Federation and of a contiguous state, including those points for crossing in a simplified order.<br />

8. Decisions of the Government of the Russian Federation on the establishment of crossing points<br />

with an indication for their classification shall be published in the official press and if necessary shall be<br />

brought by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation to the notice of diplomatic missions<br />

(consular offices) of foreign States in the Russian Federation and the concerned international<br />

organizations, diplomatic missions and consular offices of the Russian Federation abroad.<br />

III. The Order of Establishing Crossing Points<br />

9. Crossing points shall be established by decisions of the Government of the Russian Federation<br />

upon the representation of federal executive bodies and executive bodies of the subjects of the Russian<br />

Federation (hereinafter referred to as initiators).<br />

10. To determine the expediency of establishing a crossing point, the initiator shall forward to the<br />

Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation, the Ministry of Defence of the Russian Federation,<br />

the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation, the Ministry of Agriculture and Foodstuffs, the<br />

Ministry of Economics of the Russian Federation, the Ministry of Public Health of the Russian Federation,<br />

the State Customs Committee of the Russian Federation, the Federal Border Service of the Russian<br />

Federation, the Federal Security Service of the Russian Federation, the Federal Migration Service of<br />

Russia, and also to the Ministry of Transport of the Russian Federation and the Federal Highway Service -<br />

when establishing automobile crossing points and the crossing points in sea and river ports; to the Ministry<br />

of Railways of the Russian Federation - when establishing crossing points in the border railway stations; to<br />

the Ministry of Agriculture and Foodstuffs Supply of the Russian Federation - when establishing crossing<br />

points in fish ports; to the Federal Aviation Service of Russia - when establishing crossing points in<br />

airports and airdromes (unless they are initiators) the following materials:<br />

the application for establishing a crossing point with an indication of its expediency, its planned traffic<br />

capacity and the date of opening, its estimate outlays for construction )reconstruction), outfit, technical<br />

equipment, the creation and development of transport, engineering and social infrastructure, and also the<br />

sources of financing;<br />

the consent of the executive body of a subject of the Russian Federation to establish a crossing<br />

point on its territory;<br />

the commitment of the executive body of a subject of the Russian Federation, the initiator of<br />

establishing a crossing point, to provide the representatives of state control bodies and bodies of internal<br />

affairs with a dwelling space.<br />

The said federal executive bodies shall examine submitted materials and forward their report to the<br />

initiator within one month.<br />

11. To make a decision on the establishment of a crossing point, the initiator shall submit to the<br />

Government of the Russian Federation:<br />

the draft decision of the Government of the Russian Federation on the establishment of a crossing<br />

point with an indication of its classification, coordinated with federal executive bodies defined in Item 10 of<br />

the present regulations, and also with the executive body of a subject of the Russian Federation (unless it<br />

is an initiator);<br />

the calculations of outlays from the federal budget, the budgets of the subjects of the Russian<br />

Federation and other sources of financing the design, construction (reconstruction), arrangement and<br />

technical equipment of a crossing point, and also additional costs of maintaining state control bodies.<br />

12. The decision on the establishment of a crossing point adopted by the Government of the Russian<br />

Federation serves as a basis for the financing of the design, construction (reconstruction), arrangement<br />

and technical equipment of a crossing point, and also for the creation and development of transport,<br />

engineering and social infrastructure.<br />

IV. The order of Opening Crossing Points<br />

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13. Crossing points shall be opened after the all-round completion of their construction<br />

(reconstruction), arrangement and technical equipment, the creation of transport, engineering social<br />

infrastructure.<br />

14. After making a decision on establishing a crossing point, the initiator, written the limits of his<br />

competence, shall fulfil the functions of a customer of the design, construction (reconstruction)<br />

arrangement and technical equipment of the crossing point.<br />

The customer shall determine a customer-developer in the established order, carry out general<br />

coordination between the federal executive bodies, the executive bodies of the subjects of the Russian<br />

Federation and other interested juridical persons in the design and construction (reconstruction) of the<br />

crossing point.<br />

15. The customer-developer, on the basis of the proposals of the concerned federal executive bodies<br />

and in conformity with the norms and rules of the Russian Federation, shall work out assignments for<br />

design and design estimate documentation of the construction (reconstruction), arrangement and technical<br />

equipment of the crossing point.<br />

16. Assignments for design and design estimate documentation of the construction (reconstruction),<br />

arrangement and technical equipment of the crossing point shall be coordinated with the interested federal<br />

executive bodies indicated in Item 10 of the present <strong>Regulations</strong>.<br />

17. Upon the completion of the construction (reconstruction), arrangement and technical equipment<br />

of the crossing point the customer shall appoint a joint commission and ensure the acceptance of the<br />

completed facility.<br />

The joint interdepartmental commission shall be staffed by representatives of the initiator, federal<br />

executive bodies depending on the types of transport communication and kinds of control, which will be<br />

executed in conformity with the legislation of the Russian Federation in the new crossing point, and of the<br />

executive body of a subject of the Russian Federation, on the territory of which the point is being opened.<br />

18. On the basis of the report of the joint commission the corresponding transport federal executive<br />

body shall adopt a normative legal act on the opening of a crossing point, coordinated with the federal<br />

executive bodies exercising different types of control.<br />

19. The period of functioning of temporary crossing points and the periods of work of seasonal<br />

crossing points shall be determined by decision of the Government of the Russian Federation on their<br />

establishment.<br />

V. The Order of Closing Crossing points<br />

20. A crossing point may be closed on the basis of:<br />

The enforcement of international agreements of the Russian Federation on the termination of<br />

transport communication across the state border of the Russian Federation:<br />

the unilateral decision of the Russian Federation or any other country on the termination of the<br />

international treaties to which the Russian Federation is a signatory;<br />

the presentation by the concerned federal executive bodies, the executive bodies of the subjects of<br />

the Russian Federation about the inexpediency or impossibility of further functioning of a crossing point.<br />

21. To prepare report on the closing of a crossing at the initiative of federal executive bodies or<br />

executive bodies of the subjects of the Russian Federation, the initiator of closing shall form a joint<br />

interdepartmental commission in the composition defined in Item 17 of the present <strong>Regulations</strong>.<br />

22. A temporary closure of a crossing point may be done by decision of the Government of the<br />

Russian Federation in the following cases:<br />

in case of extraordinary situations, natural calamities, situations of a technogenic character and<br />

others, which make impossible the transport communication or the functioning of state control bodies;<br />

for sanitary and quarantine reasons.<br />

23. The adoption or reversal of a decision about the temporary closure of a crossing point shall be<br />

communicated in the order, envisaged by the international agreements of the Russian Federation, through<br />

diplomatic channels to a country contiguous with the Russian Federation and to other concerned States in<br />

case of necessity.<br />

Before the time the temporary closed crossing point resumes its works, the structural subdivisions of<br />

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state controlling bodies shall not be subject to disbandment and shall be used by decision of<br />

corresponding chiefs of the federal executive bodies.<br />

VI. The Organization of the Work of Crossing Points<br />

24. The general procedure for the work of a crossing point - the time of the beginning and the end of<br />

its work, technological breaks, schedules of the official registration of natural persons, transport facilities<br />

and cargoes crossing the state border, - shall be approved by joint decision of the heads of state<br />

controlling bodies and the chief of the airport and airdrome, sea, and river port, railway station or other<br />

transport enterprises (hereinafter referred to as administration of a crossing point).<br />

25. The succession of all types of control in the crossing points shall be defined by standard<br />

schemes of the organization of transit across the state border by natural persons, transport vehicles and<br />

cargoes by kinds of international communication, which are coordinated with & federal executive bodies,<br />

carrying out different types of control and shall be approved by normative legal acts of corresponding<br />

transport ministries and government departments.<br />

26. Technological schemes of crossing the state border of the Russian Federation, by natural<br />

persons vehicles and cargoes in concrete crossing points shall be brought into operation by joint decision<br />

of the heads of the state control bodies and the administration of the crossing point according to the<br />

standard schemes of the organization of crossing the state border by natural persons, transport vehicles<br />

and cargoes, considering local conditions.<br />

VII. The Coordination of the Activities of the Controlling Bodies<br />

and the Administration of the Crossing Points<br />

27. The state controlling bodies and the administration of the crossing points shall coordinate their<br />

activities in the following directions:<br />

the joint analysis of the forming situation in the crossing point, the forecasting of trends in changes of<br />

passenger and cargo flows, possible violations of the rules of crossing the state border of the Russian<br />

Federation by natural persons and transport vehicles and cargoes;<br />

- the working out and implementing proposals on the improvement of the work of the crossing point;<br />

the working out approval of schemes of crossing the state border of the Russian Federation and<br />

plans of cooperation.<br />

28. The coordination of the work of the state controlling bodies and the administration of the crossing<br />

points in questions of the maintenance of the regime of the state border of the Russian Federation and the<br />

regime in the crossing points shall be exercised by the commanders of the units of border control, while<br />

the maintenance of the regime of the customs control zone shall be effected by heads of the customs<br />

bodies, and that of production and economic activities by the chief of the administration of the crossing<br />

point.<br />

29. In order to maintain the coordination of the work, coordination meetings shall be convened, the<br />

composition of which is formed by the heads of the subdivisions of the state controlling bodies in the<br />

crossing points, the territorial security and internal affairs bodies, the administration of the crossing points,<br />

and also representatives of the executive body of a subject of the Russian Federation or a local selfgovernment<br />

body.<br />

Members of a coordination meeting enjoy equal rights when they discuss questions and adopt<br />

decisions.<br />

Other persons may be invited to coordination meetings in case of necessity. A decision on their<br />

participation shall be taken by the members of the coordination meeting.<br />

30. Coordination meetings shall be held in case of need, but at least once in a quarter, as also on the<br />

initiative of one of the members of the coordination meeting.<br />

31. Coordination meeting shall make decisions on the questions coming within their jurisdiction. A<br />

decision shall be considered to be adopted, if it is approved by all members of the coordination meeting.<br />

32. The decisions of the coordination meeting shall be implemented by means of publishing<br />

regulatory documents.<br />

33. Official persons indicated in Item 29 of the present <strong>Regulations</strong>, shall ensure the implementation<br />

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of decisions coming the their jurisdiction.<br />

VIII. The Order of the Reconstruction of Crossing Points.<br />

34. The proposal to reconstruct a crossing point shall be submitted to corresponding transport<br />

federal executive body (unless it is the initiator of reconstruction), which after agreement with the federal<br />

executive bodies carrying out different types of control, and with the executive body of a subject of the<br />

Russian Federation, shall take a decision on reconstruction.<br />

The decision shall determine the amount of reconstruction, the sources of its financing, the terms of<br />

its execution, the rules of functioning of the crossing point in the period of reconstruction.<br />

35. The assignment for the design, project-estimate documentation of the draft reconstruction of<br />

crossing points shall be worked out in the order, envisaged by Items 15 and 16 of the present <strong>Regulations</strong>.<br />

IX. The Financial and Material and Technical Maintenance<br />

of the Crossing Point<br />

36. The construction (reconstruction) of the crossing points, opened on the initiative of federal<br />

executive bodies, their outfit and technical equipment shall be carried out at the expense of the federal<br />

budget, the budgets of the subjects of the Russian Federation, allocated to the customers of these<br />

projects, as well as other funds, attracted according to the legislation of the Russian Federation.<br />

37. The construction (reconstruction) of crossing points, opened on the initiative of the executive<br />

bodies, their equipment, and also the creation of transport and engineering infrastructure shall be carried<br />

out at the expense of the budgets of the subjects of the Russian Federation, and also other funds,<br />

attracted according to the legislation of the Russian Federation.<br />

38. After the crossing point is brought into operation, the structural subdivisions of the state<br />

controlling bodies shall be provided in the established order with service and subsidiary premises, special<br />

places and technological equipment, necessary for the maintenance of proper control.<br />

39. Expenses on the equipment of a crossing point with special apparatus and technical means of<br />

control, their operation, as well as the salaries of the staff of the structural subdivisions of the state<br />

controlling bodies shall be made from the federal budget, envisaged for the corresponding federal<br />

executive bodies and also other funds attracted according to the legislation of the Russian Federation.<br />

40. The structural subdivisions of the state controlling bodies shall use the service and subsidiary<br />

premises, special places and technological equipment in conformity with their purpose according to the<br />

existing norms and rules.<br />

Appendix 3 - UK Standard Terms & Conditions for Towage & Other Services.<br />

1.<br />

(a) The agreement between the Tug owner and the Hirer is and shall at all times be subject to and include<br />

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each and all of the conditions hereinafter set out.<br />

(b) for the purposes of these conditions “towing” is any operation in connection with the holding, pushing,<br />

pulling, moving, escorting or guiding of or standing by the Hirer’s vessel, and the expressions “to tow”,<br />

“being towed” and “towage” shall be defined likewise.<br />

“vessel” shall include any vessel, craft or object of whatsoever nature (whether or not coming within the<br />

usual meaning of the word “vessel”) which the Tug owner agrees to tow or to which the Tug owner agrees<br />

at the request, express or implied, of the Hirer, to render any service of whatsoever nature other than<br />

towing.<br />

“tender” shall include any vessel, craft or object of whatsoever nature which is not a tug but which is<br />

provided by the Tug owner for the performance of any towage or other service.<br />

The expression “whilst towing” shall cover the period commencing when the tug or tender is in a position<br />

to receive orders direct from the Hirer’s vessel to commence holding, pushing, pulling, moving, escorting,<br />

guiding or standing by the vessel to pick up ropes, wires or lines, or when the towing line has been passed<br />

to or by the tug or tender, whichever is sooner, and ending when the final orders from the Hirer’s vessel to<br />

cease holding, pushing, pulling, moving, escorting, guiding or standing by the vessel or to cast off ropes,<br />

wires or lines has been carried out, or the towing line has been finally slipped, whichever is the later, and<br />

the tug or tender is safely clear of the vessel.<br />

Any service of whatsoever nature to be performed by the Tug owner other than towing shall be deemed to<br />

cover the period commencing when the tug or tender is placed physically at the disposal of the Hirer at the<br />

place designated by the position to receive and forthwith carry out orders to come alongside and shall<br />

continue until the employment for which the tug or tender has been engaged is ended. If the service is to<br />

be ended at or off a vessel the period of service shall end when the tug or tender is safely clear of the<br />

vessel or, if it is to be ended elsewhere, then when any persons or property of whatsoever description<br />

have been landed or discharged from the tug or tender and/or the service for which the tug or tender has<br />

been required is ended.<br />

The word “tug” shall include “tugs”, the word “tender” shall include “tenders”, the word “vessel” shall<br />

include “vessels”, the word “Tug owner” shall include “Tug owners”, and the word “Hirer” shall include<br />

“Hirers”.<br />

The expression “tug owner” shall include and persons or body (other than the Hirer or the owner of the<br />

vessel on whose behalf the Hirer contracts as provided in Clause 2 hereof) who is party to this agreement<br />

whether or not he in fact owns the tug or tender, and the expression “other Tug owner” contained in<br />

Clause 5 hereof shall be construed likewise.<br />

If at the time of making this agreement or of performing the towage or of rendering any service other than<br />

towing at the request, express or implied, of the Hirer, the Hirer is not the owner of the vessel referred to<br />

herein as “the Hirer’s vessel”, the Hirer expressly represents that he is authorised to make and does make<br />

this agreement for and on behalf of the owner of the said vessel subject to each and all of these conditions<br />

and agrees that both the Hirer and the Owner are bound jointly and severally by these conditions.<br />

Whilst towing or whilst at the request, express or implied, of the Hirer, rendering any service other than<br />

towing, the master and crew of the tug or tender shall be deemed to be the servants of the Hirer and under<br />

the control of the Hirer and/or his servants and/or his agents, and anyone on board the Hirer’s vessel who<br />

may be employed and/or paid by the Tug owner shall likewise be deemed to be the servant of the Hirer<br />

and the Hirer shall accordingly be vicariously liable for any act or omission by any such person so deemed<br />

to be the servant of the Hirer.<br />

Whilst towing, or whilst at the request, either express or implied, of the Hirer rendering any service of<br />

whatsoever nature other than towing: (a) The Tug owner shall not (except as provided in Clause 4(c) and<br />

(e) hereof) be responsible for or be liable for (i) Damage of any description done by or to the tug or<br />

tender; or done by or to the Hirer’s vessel or done by or to any cargo or other thing on board or being<br />

loaded on board or intended to be loaded on board the Hirer’s vessel or the tug or tender or to or by any<br />

other object or property or loss of the tug or tender or the Hirer’s vessel or any cargo or other thing on<br />

board or being loaded on board or intended to be loaded on board the Hirer’s vessel or the tug or tender<br />

or any other object or property; or any claim by a person not a party to this agreement for loss or damage<br />

of any description whatsoever; arising from any cause whatsoever, including (without prejudice to the<br />

generality of the foregoing) negligence at any time of the Tug owner his servants or agents,<br />

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unseaworthiness, unfitness or breakdown of the tug or tender, its machinery, boilers, towing gear,<br />

equipment, lines, ropes or wires, lack of fuel, stores, speed or otherwise and The Hirer shall (except as<br />

provided in Clause 4(c) and (e) be responsible for, pay for and indemnify the Tug owner against and in<br />

respect of any loss or damage and any claims of whatsoever nature or howsoever arising or caused,<br />

whether covered by the provisions of Clause 4(a) hereof or not, suffered by or made against the Tug<br />

owner and which shall include, without prejudice to the generality of the foregoing, any loss or damage to<br />

the tug or tender or any property of the Tug owner even if the same arises from or is caused by the<br />

negligence of the Tug owner his servants or agents.<br />

(c) The provisions of Clause 4(a) and 4(b) hereof shall not be applicable in respect of any claims<br />

which arise in any of the following circumstances:-<br />

All claims which the Hirer shall prove to have resulted directly and solely from the personal failure of the<br />

Tug owner to exercise reasonable care to make the tug or tender seaworthy for navigation at the<br />

commencement of the towing or other service. For the purpose of this Clause the Tug owner’s personal<br />

responsibility for exercising reasonable care shall be construed as relating only to the person or persons<br />

having the ultimate control and chief management of the Tug owner’s business and to any servant<br />

(excluding the officers and crew of any tug or tender) to whom the Tug owner has specifically delegated<br />

the particular duty of exercising reasonable care and shall not include any other servant of the Tug owner<br />

or any agent or independent contractor employed by the Tug owner.<br />

All claims which arise when the tug or tender, although towing or rendering some service other than<br />

towing, is not in a position of proximity or risk to or from the Hirer’s vessel or any other craft attending the<br />

Hirer’s vessel and is detached from and safely clear of any ropes, lines, wire cables or moorings<br />

associated with the Hirer’s vessel. Provided always that, notwithstanding the foregoing, the provisions of<br />

Clause 4(a) and 4(b) shall be fully applicable in respect of all claims which arise at any time when the tug<br />

or tender is at the request, whether express or implied, of the Hirer, his servants or his agents, carrying<br />

persons or property of whatsoever description (in addition to the Officers and Crew and usual equipment<br />

of the tug or tender) and which are wholly or partly caused by or arise out of the presence on board of<br />

such persons or property or which arise at anytime when the tug or tender is proceeding to or from the<br />

Hirer’s vessel in hazardous conditions or circumstances.<br />

Notwithstanding anything hereinbefore contained, the Tug owner shall under no circumstances<br />

whatsoever be responsible for or be liable for any loss or damage caused by or contributed to arising out<br />

of any delay or detention of the Hirer’s vessel or of the cargo on board or being loaded on board or<br />

intended to be loaded on board the Hirer’s vessel or of any other object or property or of any person, or<br />

any consequence thereof, whether or not the same shall be caused or arise whilst towing or whilst at the<br />

request, either express or implied, of the Hirer rendering any service of whatsoever nature other than<br />

towing or at any other time whether before during or after the making of this agreement.<br />

Notwithstanding anything contained in Clauses 4(a) and (b) hereof the liability of the Tug owner for death<br />

or personal injury resulting from negligence is not excluded or restricted thereby.<br />

The Tug owner shall at any time be entitled to substitute one or more tugs or tenders for any other tug or<br />

tender or tugs or tenders. The Tug owner shall at any time (whether before or after the making of this<br />

agreement between him and the Hirer) be entitled to contract with any other Tug owner (hereinafter<br />

referred to as "the other Tug owner") to hire the other Tug owner’s tug or tender and in any such event it is<br />

hereby agreed that the Tug owner is acting (or is deemed to have acted) as the agent for the Hirer,<br />

notwithstanding that the Tug owner may in addition, if authorised whether expressly or impliedly by or on<br />

behalf of the other Tug owner, act as agent for the other Tug owner at any time and for the purpose<br />

including making of any agreement with the Hirer, in any event should the Tug owner as agent for the<br />

Hirer contract with the other Tug owner for any purpose as aforesaid it is hereby agreed that that such<br />

contract is and shall be at all times be subject to the provisions of these conditions so that the other Tug<br />

owner is bound by the same and may as a principal sue the Hirer thereon and shall have the full benefit of<br />

these conditions in every respect expressed or implied herein.<br />

Nothing contained in these conditions shall limit, prejudice or preclude in any way any legal rights which<br />

the Tug owner may have against the Hirer including, but not limited to, any rights which the Tug owner or<br />

his servants or agents may have to claim salvage remuneration or special compensation for any<br />

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extraordinary services rendered to vessels or anything aboard vessels by any tug or tender. Furthermore,<br />

nothing contained in these conditions shall limit, prejudice, or preclude in any way any right which the Tug<br />

owner may have to limit his liability.<br />

The Tug owner will not in any event be responsible or liable for the consequences of war, riots, civil<br />

commotions, acts of terrorism or sabotage, strikes, lockouts, disputes, stoppages or labour disturbances<br />

(whether he be a party thereto or not) or anything done in contemplation or furtherance thereof or delays<br />

of any description, howsoever caused or arising, including by the negligence of the Tug owner for the<br />

benefit of his servants or agents.<br />

The Hirer of the tug or tender engaged subject to these conditions undertakes not to take or cause to be<br />

taken any proceedings against any servant or agent of the Tug owner or other Tug owner whether or not<br />

the tug or tender substituted or hired or the contract or any part thereof has been sublet to the owner of<br />

the tug or tender, in respect of any negligence or breach of duty or other wrongful act on the part of such<br />

servant or agent which, but for this present provision, it would be competent for the Hirer so to do and the<br />

owners of such tug or tender shall hold this undertaking for the benefit of their servants and agents.<br />

(a) The agreement between the Tug owner and the Hirer is and shall be governed by English Law and<br />

the Tug owner and the Hirer hereby accept, subject to the proviso contained in sub clause (b) hereof, the<br />

exclusive jurisdiction of the English Courts (save where registered office of the Tug owner is situated in<br />

Scotland when the agreement is and shall be governed by Scottish Law and the Tug owner and the Hirer<br />

hereby shall accept the exclusive jurisdiction of the Scottish Courts).<br />

(b) No suit shall be brought in any jurisdiction other than that provided in sub-clause (a) hereof save that<br />

either the Tug owner or the Hirer shall have the option to bring proceedings to obtain the arrest of or other<br />

similar remedy against any vessel or property owned by the other party hereto in any jurisdiction where<br />

such vessel or property may be found.<br />

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Appendix 4 - <strong>Terminal</strong> Marine Craft - General Particulars.<br />

TUGS<br />

Name<br />





Type Twin azimuth stern drive –<br />

DNV ICE-05 or equivalent<br />

Ice Class Tugs<br />

Operated by Svitzer<br />

Wijsmuller<br />

Flag Russian Russian<br />

Length Overall 34.5m 15 m<br />

Breadth, Moulded 13m 4.8m<br />

Depth, At side amidships 6.5m 2.4m<br />

Draft, Design 5.7m 1.8m<br />

Propulsion Twin azimuth stern drive 650 HP<br />

Mooring Boat<br />



Twin fixed pitch propellers<br />

capable of operating to –25<br />

deg.C.<br />

Performance<br />

Speed<br />

12 kts.<br />

Bollard Pull Ahead 70 Tonnes 8 Tonnes<br />

Bollard Pull Astern 65 Tonnes 8 Tonnes<br />

Ice Performance 3 Knots in 85 cm of ice None<br />

Equipment<br />

Fire-fighting to Fi Fi Cl. 1<br />

Pollution response<br />

Crane, for maintenance<br />

duties<br />

Towing equipment<br />

10m3/10m3 Foam and<br />

dispersant fitted<br />

Dispersant 10m3<br />

Fitted.<br />

Fitted.<br />

Designed & constructed for<br />

the following use:<br />

1) Rescue launch<br />

2) Back-up mooring launch<br />

3) Pilot boat<br />

4) Passenger launch<br />

5) General work boat<br />

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Appendix 5 - Mooring Procedures LNG Jetty.<br />

The moorings will be 3.3.2 forward and aft.<br />

A sequential mooring running sequence based upon the following has been agreed.<br />

Mooring.<br />

• First lines ashore will be single Spring lines forward and aft.<br />

• Second lines ashore will be single Breast lines forward and aft.<br />

• The remaining moorings 3.3.2 will be run to sequence best suited to operational conditions<br />

agreed between Pilot/Loading Master and the ship’s Master.<br />

Unmooring.<br />

• The vessels will single up to a single Spring line and single Breast line forward and aft,<br />

letting go from forward and aft moving inwards towards the centre of the vessel.<br />

• On final letting go the vessel will let go both final Spring and Breast line together.<br />

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Appendix 6 - Conditions of Use (COU).<br />

Sakhalin Energy Investment Company Ltd.<br />

All facilities and assistance of any kind whatsoever provided by Sakhalin Energy Investment<br />

Company Ltd. and/or (hereinafter collectively and severally referred to as ‘Company’ which<br />

term shall be deemed to include their respective servants, agents and contractors including<br />

production sharing contractors and their affiliates in whatever capacity they may be acting) to<br />

vessels calling at the <strong>Prigorodnoye</strong> <strong>Export</strong> <strong>Terminal</strong> (including its anchorage and approaches<br />

associated therewith and the liquefaction plant, storage areas, terminals or facilities therein,<br />

collectively hereinafter called “the <strong>Terminal</strong>”) whether charged for or not by the Company, are<br />

provided subject to the following Conditions (whether or not a copy of the same has been<br />

signed):<br />

All LNG Carriers nominated for this <strong>Terminal</strong> must be capable of operating within the physical<br />

limitations of the <strong>Terminal</strong>’s berth dimensions, loading arm envelopes and mooring equipment<br />

as detailed in the <strong>Prigorodnoye</strong> <strong>Export</strong> <strong>Terminal</strong> <strong>Port</strong> <strong>Regulations</strong> or as advised by the<br />

<strong>Terminal</strong> from time to time.<br />

All Crude Oil tankers nominated for this <strong>Terminal</strong> must be capable of operating within the<br />

physical limitations of the Tanker Loading Unit (TLU), Loading hose arrangement and mooring<br />

equipment as detailed in the <strong>Prigorodnoye</strong> <strong>Export</strong> <strong>Terminal</strong> <strong>Port</strong> <strong>Regulations</strong> or as advised by<br />

the <strong>Terminal</strong> from time to time.<br />

All Tankers nominated at this port during the ‘Ice Period’ must comply with the terminal<br />

Requirements for vessels loading at that time of year as detailed in the <strong>Prigorodnoye</strong> <strong>Export</strong><br />

<strong>Terminal</strong> <strong>Port</strong> <strong>Regulations</strong> or as advised from time to time.<br />

In addition to any other conditions which may be prescribed by regulation, law or enactment,<br />

any and all facilities and assistance of any sort whatsoever provided by the Company in<br />

connection with the <strong>Terminal</strong> and <strong>Terminal</strong> facilities whether or not any charge is made by the<br />

Company therefore, are provided subject to the following conditions:<br />

The Master of any vessel shall in all circumstances remain solely responsible on behalf of his<br />

owners for the safety and proper navigation of his vessel, and shall comply with the<br />

<strong>Prigorodnoye</strong> <strong>Export</strong> <strong>Terminal</strong> <strong>Port</strong> <strong>Regulations</strong> at all times.<br />

All vessels berthing at <strong>Prigorodnoye</strong> must use the <strong>Terminal</strong>’s tugs operated by SEIC.<br />

Towage is provided under the “UK Terms & Conditions for Towage and Other Services<br />

(Revised 1986)”, a copy of which is attached to the end of <strong>Prigorodnoye</strong> <strong>Export</strong> <strong>Terminal</strong> <strong>Port</strong><br />

<strong>Regulations</strong> in Appendix 3.<br />

Subject to the provisions of any applicable Ship-Shore Liability Agreement for LNG carriers<br />

entered into by the Parties:<br />

(a)<br />

(b)<br />

Neither Company nor its servants, agents or contractors (in whatsoever capacity they<br />

may be acting) shall be responsible for any loss, damage or delay arising from the use<br />

of the <strong>Port</strong> or its berths by any Vessel including but not limited to any assistance,<br />

advice or instructions given or tendered in respect of any Vessel, whether by way of<br />

pilotage or berthing services, the provision of navigational facilities, including buoys or<br />

other channel markings or otherwise, even if such loss, damage or delay shall have<br />

been caused by the negligence or other default of either Company, its servants,<br />

agents or contractors.<br />

If in connection with any use by any vessel of any berth or jetty or of any part of the<br />

Company’s premises, or of any gear or equipment provided by the Company, or of<br />

any craft or of any other facility or property of any sort whatsoever, belonging to or<br />

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provided by the Company, any loss of, or damage is caused to any such berth, jetty,<br />

premises, gear or equipment, craft or other facility or property, or injury or death to any<br />

person employed on the premises, due to whatever reason and irrespective of<br />

whether there has been any negligence or default on the part of the vessel or the<br />

owners, their servants agents or contractors, in any such event the vessel and<br />

owners, their servants, agents or contractors shall hold the Company harmless from<br />

and indemnified against all loss or damage and against all such loss or damage and<br />

against all loss sustained by the Company consequent thereon, except if such loss,<br />

damage or delay shall have been caused by the default of either Company, its<br />

servants, agents or contractors.<br />

(c)<br />

(d)<br />

(e)<br />

(f)<br />

Further, the Vessel and her Owners shall hold the Company harmless from and<br />

indemnified against all and any claim, damages, costs and expenses arising out of<br />

any loss, injury, damage caused to any third party by the Vessel or by her master or<br />

crew or by any other servant or agent of the owners.<br />

The Company shall use reasonable endeavours to ensure that the <strong>Port</strong> is safe and<br />

suitable for Vessels, but no guarantee, undertaking or warranty of such safety and/or<br />

suitability is given and none shall be implied.<br />

The Company shall not be liable for any demurrage, loss claims or demands<br />

whatsoever resulting from or relative to any omission by the Government of Russia or<br />

representatives thereof.<br />

The benefit of any relief or limitation of liability, hold harmless or indemnity under the<br />

foregoing provisions shall extend to any associated company or co-venturer of the<br />

Company.<br />

Nothing in these Conditions of Use shall prevent any party from relying on any entitlement to<br />

limit their liability under any applicable international conventions or laws.<br />

These conditions shall be governed by (English) law and if so requested by the Company, the<br />

Vessel and its Owners shall submit to the jurisdiction of the (English) courts.<br />


Name of vessel: __________________________<br />

As Master of the above named vessel I acknowledge for and on behalf of the Vessels Owners<br />

and Operators, that the above Conditions of Use, of the <strong>Prigorodnoye</strong> <strong>Export</strong> <strong>Terminal</strong>, as<br />

stated in the <strong>Prigorodnoye</strong> <strong>Export</strong> <strong>Terminal</strong> <strong>Port</strong> <strong>Regulations</strong> govern the use by such vessel of<br />

the said <strong>Port</strong>.<br />

Signed:<br />

_______________________________<br />

Master,<br />

For Owners and Operators<br />

Dated:<br />

________________<br />

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Appendix 7 - Ship Shore Safety Check List.<br />


Ship’s<br />

Name:<br />

Date of<br />

Arrival:<br />

Berth: LNG / TLU *<br />

[*Delete as appropriate]<br />

Time of Arrival:<br />


The safety of operations requires that all questions should be answered affirmatively by clearly<br />

ticking () the appropriate box. If an affirmative answer is not possible, the reason should be<br />

given and agreement reached upon appropriate precautions to be taken between the ship and<br />

the terminal. Where any question is considered to be not applicable, then a note to that effect<br />

should be inserted in the remarks column. A box in the columns 'ship' and 'terminal' indicates<br />

that checks should be carried out by the party concerned. The presence of the letters A, P or<br />

R in the column 'Code' indicates the following:<br />

A- any procedures and agreements should be in writing in the remarks column of this check<br />

list or other mutually acceptable form. In either case, the signature of both parties should be<br />

required.<br />

P- in the case of a negative answer the operation should not be carried out without the<br />

permission of the <strong>Port</strong> Authority.<br />

R- indicates items to be rechecked at intervals not exceeding that agreed in the declaration.<br />


General Ship <strong>Terminal</strong> Code Remarks<br />

Is the ship securely moored<br />

Are emergency towing wires<br />

correctly positioned<br />

Is there safe access between ship<br />

and shore<br />

Is ship ready to move under its<br />

own power<br />

Is there an effective deck watch in<br />

attendance on board and adequate<br />

supervision on the <strong>Terminal</strong> and<br />

on the ship<br />

Is the agreed ship/shore<br />

communication system operative<br />

Has the emergency signal to be<br />

used by the ship and shore been<br />

explained and understood<br />

Have procedures for cargo, bunker<br />

and ballast handling been agreed<br />

Have the hazards associated with<br />

toxic substances in the cargo<br />

being handled been identified and<br />

agreed<br />

R<br />

R<br />

R<br />

PR<br />

R<br />

AR<br />

A<br />

AR<br />

Stop cargo at:<br />

Disconnect at:<br />

Unberth at:<br />

kts<br />

kts<br />

kts<br />

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Has the emergency shut down<br />

procedure been agreed<br />

Are fire hoses and fire fighting<br />

equipment on board and ashore<br />

positioned and ready for<br />

immediate use<br />

Are cargo and bunker hoses/arms<br />

in good condition, properly rigged<br />

and appropriate for the service<br />

intended<br />

A<br />

R<br />

General Ship <strong>Terminal</strong> Code Remarks<br />

Are scuppers effectively plugged<br />

and drip trays in position , both on<br />

R<br />

board and ashore<br />

Are unused cargo and bunker<br />

connections properly secured with<br />

blank flanges fully bolted<br />

Are sea and overboard discharge<br />

valves , when not in use, closed<br />

and visibly secured<br />

Are all cargo and bunker tank lids<br />

closed<br />

Is the agreed tank venting system<br />

being used<br />

AR<br />

Are hand torches of an approved<br />

type<br />

Are portable VHF/UHF transceivers<br />

of an approved type<br />

Are the ship’s main radio<br />

transmitter aerials earthed and<br />

radars switched off<br />

Are electric cables to portable<br />

electrical equipment disconnected<br />

from power<br />

Are all external doors and ports in<br />

the accommodation closed<br />

R<br />

Are window-type air conditioning<br />

units disconnected<br />

Are air conditioning intakes which<br />

may permit entry of cargo vapours<br />

closed<br />

Are the requirements for use of the<br />

galley and other cooking<br />

appliances being observed<br />

Are smoking regulations being<br />

observed<br />

R<br />

Are naked light regulations being<br />

observed<br />

Is there provision for emergency<br />

escape<br />

Are sufficient personnel on board<br />

and ashore to deal with an<br />

R<br />

emergency<br />

Are adequate insulating means in<br />

place in the ship/shore<br />

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connection<br />

Have measures been taken to<br />

ensure sufficient pump room<br />

ventilation<br />

If the ship is capable of closed<br />

loading, have requirements for<br />

closed operations been agreed<br />

Has an adequate vapour return line<br />

been connected<br />

If a vapour return line is<br />

connected, have operating<br />

parameters been agreed<br />

Are ship emergency fire control<br />

plans located externally<br />

R<br />

R<br />

If the ship is fitted or is required to be fitted with an Inert gas System the following questions<br />

should be answered.<br />

Inert Gas System Ship <strong>Terminal</strong> Code Remarks<br />

Is the Inert gas System fully<br />

operational and in good working<br />

P<br />

order<br />

Are deck seals in good working<br />

order<br />

R<br />

Are liquid levels in p/v breakers<br />

correct<br />

R<br />

Have fixed and portable oxygen<br />

analysers been calibrated and are<br />

R<br />

working properly<br />

Are fixed IG pressure and oxygen<br />

recorders working<br />

R<br />

Are all cargo tank atmospheres 8%<br />

or less oxygen content by volume<br />

PR<br />

and with positive pressure<br />

Are all individual tank IG valves (if<br />

fitted) correctly set and locked<br />

R<br />

Are all the persons in charge of<br />

cargo operations aware that in the<br />

case of failure of the Inert Gas<br />

Plant, discharge operations should<br />

cease and the terminal so<br />

advised<br />

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If the ship is fitted with a crude oil washing system, and intends to crude oil wash (COW) the<br />

following questions should be answered.<br />

Crude Oil Washing Ship <strong>Terminal</strong> Code Remarks<br />

In the Pre-Arrival Crude Oil<br />

Washing Check List, as contained<br />

in the approved Crude Oil Washing<br />

Manual, satisfactorily completed<br />

In the Crude Oil Washing Check<br />

List for use before, during and<br />

after Crude Oil Washing, as<br />

R<br />

contained in the approved Crude<br />

Oil Washing Manual, available and<br />

being used<br />

If the ship is planning to tank clean alongside, the following questions should be answered.<br />

Tank Cleaning Ship <strong>Terminal</strong> Code Remarks<br />

Are tank cleaning operations<br />

planned during the ship's stay Y/N*<br />

alongside the shore installation<br />

If so, have the <strong>Port</strong> Authority and<br />

<strong>Terminal</strong> Authority been informed<br />

Y/N* Yes/No*<br />

*Delete ‘Yes’ or ‘No’ as appropriate.<br />


Bulk Liquefied Gases Ship <strong>Terminal</strong> Code Remarks<br />

Is information available giving the<br />

necessary data for the safe<br />

handling of the cargo including, if<br />

applicable, a manufacturer’s<br />

inhibition certificate<br />

Is the water spray system ready<br />

for use<br />

Is sufficient suitable protective<br />

equipment (including self<br />

contained breathing apparatus)<br />

and protective clothing ready for<br />

immediate use<br />

Are hold and inter-barrier spaces<br />

properly inerted or filled with dry<br />

air as required<br />

Are all remote control valves in<br />

working order<br />

Are the required cargo pumps and<br />

compressors in good order, and<br />

A<br />

maximum working pressures been<br />

agreed between ship and shore<br />

Is reliquefaction or boil off control<br />

equipment in good order<br />

Bulk Liquefied Gases Ship <strong>Terminal</strong> Code Remarks<br />

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Is gas detection equipment<br />

properly set for the cargo,<br />

calibrated and in good order<br />

Are cargo system gauges and<br />

alarms correctly set and in good<br />

order<br />

Are emergency shutdown systems<br />

working properly<br />

Does shore know the closing rate<br />

of ship’s automatic valves; does<br />

ship have similar details of shore<br />

system<br />

Has information been exchanged<br />

between ship and shore on the<br />

maximum/minimum<br />

temperatures/pressures of the<br />

cargo to be handled<br />

Are cargo tanks protected against<br />

overfilling at all times while any<br />

cargo operations are in progress<br />

Is compressor room properly<br />

ventilated; the electrical motor<br />

room properly pressurised and is<br />

the alarm system working<br />

Are cargo tank relief valves set<br />

correctly and actual relief valve<br />

settings clearly and visibly<br />

displayed<br />

Tank No 1………………………….<br />

Tank No 2…………………………<br />

Tank No 3…………………………<br />

Tank No 4…………………………<br />

Tank No 5…………………………<br />

Tank No 6………………………….<br />

Tank No 7…………………………<br />

Tank No 8…………………………<br />

Tank No 9…………………………<br />

Tank No 10…………………………<br />

A<br />

A<br />

Ship……………………<br />

Shore………………….<br />


We the undersigned have checked, where appropriate jointly, the items on this check list and<br />

have satisfied ourselves that the entries we have made are correct to the best of our<br />

knowledge.<br />

We have also made arrangements to carry out repetitive checks as necessary and agreed that<br />

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those items marked with the letter ‘R’ in the column 'Code' should be re-checked at intervals<br />

not exceeding 4 hours.<br />

For Ship<br />

Name:<br />

Rank:<br />

Signature:<br />

Date:<br />

For Shore<br />

Name:<br />

Position:<br />

Signature:<br />

Date:<br />

Updated: Date/Time/Signature<br />

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Appendix 8 - Safety Letter and acknowledgement of <strong>Port</strong> <strong>Regulations</strong>.<br />

<strong>Prigorodnoye</strong> <strong>Export</strong> <strong>Terminal</strong><br />

Date<br />

……………………<br />

The Master,<br />

SS/MV ...........................<br />

Dear Sir,<br />

Responsibility for the safe conduct of operations whilst your ship is at this terminal rests jointly<br />

with you, as master of the ship, and with the responsible terminal representative. We wish,<br />

therefore, before operations start, to seek your full co-operation and understanding on the<br />

safety requirements set out in the ship/shore safety checklist which are based on safe<br />

practices widely accepted by the oil and the tanker industries and of the requirements of the<br />

<strong>Prigorodnoye</strong> <strong>Export</strong> <strong>Terminal</strong> <strong>Port</strong> <strong>Regulations</strong>.<br />

We expect you, and all under your command, to adhere strictly to these requirements<br />

throughout your stay alongside this terminal and we, for our part, will ensure that our<br />

personnel do likewise, and co-operate fully with you in the mutual interest of safe and efficient<br />

operations.<br />

Before the start of operations, and from time to time thereafter, for our mutual safety, a<br />

member of the terminal staff, where appropriate together with a responsible officer, will make a<br />

routine inspection of your ship to ensure that the questions on the ship/shore safety checklist<br />

can be answered in the affirmative. Where corrective action is needed we will not agree to<br />

operations commencing or, should they have been started, we will require them to be stopped.<br />

Similarly, if you consider safety is endangered by any action on the part of our staff or by any<br />

equipment under our control you should demand immediate cessation of operations.<br />

Please acknowledge receipt of this letter by countersigning and returning the attached copy.<br />

Signed: ............................................<br />

<strong>Terminal</strong> Representative<br />

<strong>Terminal</strong> Representative on Duty is : ..............................................<br />

Position or Title:<br />

Telephone No. :<br />

UHF/VHF Channel :<br />

............................................…<br />

............................................…<br />

...........................................…<br />

Signed:<br />

...........................................…<br />

Master<br />

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Appendix 9 -<br />

LNG Jetty Fire-Fighting Equipment.<br />

Firewater<br />

Water/Foam Monitors<br />

Foam<br />

Loading arm drenching<br />

system<br />

Extinguishers<br />

Gas Alarms<br />

Low Temperature Detector<br />

Heat detection<br />

2 hydrants, 1 International ship/shore connection<br />

5 monitors<br />

To be advised. One fire box for LNG terminal.<br />

For each loading arm.<br />

To be advised<br />

To be advised<br />

To be advised<br />

To be advised<br />

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Appendix 10 -<br />

Smoking Area Notice.<br />

<strong>Prigorodnoye</strong> <strong>Export</strong><br />

<strong>Terminal</strong><br />


Date …………………………………………………………………<br />

s.s. / m.v. …………………………………………………………….<br />

Signed For Ship ……………………………………………………<br />

Signed For <strong>Terminal</strong> ……………………………………………….<br />

Emergency Signals<br />


.<br />





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Appendix 11 -<br />

Environmental Protection.<br />

Note: The attention of owners, charterers and masters of export tankers visiting the<br />

terminal is drawn to the importance of taking every precaution to ensure that no oil or<br />

any other pollutant of any kind is discharged or allowed to escape to sea. Discharge of<br />

non-segregated clean ballast water of any description from any vessel using the<br />

terminal is strictly prohibited.<br />

1. Environmentally Sensitive Area<br />

The <strong>Prigorodnoye</strong> Marine <strong>Terminal</strong> is located in an environmentally sensitive area. The<br />

sea surrounding the <strong>Terminal</strong> is a habitat for a number of threatened species and fish<br />

stocks, including the extremely endangered Western Gray Whale.<br />

Masters of export tankers must ensure that all operations are conducted with due regard<br />

for the environment. Masters and crew of all export tankers will be held accountable for<br />

any action that causes or threatens to cause damage to the environment.<br />

There are detailed environmental protection procedures to be followed by export tanker<br />

crews when at the terminal. The Loading Master will explain the procedures during the<br />

pre-berthing meeting.<br />

In addition to normal ship lighting, export tankers discharging ballast or loading cargo<br />

during darkness must illuminate the area around the export tanker, in order that any oil<br />

on the surface of the sea may be readily detected and the appropriate action taken.<br />

1.1 Wildlife<br />

Vessels in transit must endeavour to maintain a distance of at least 1 nautical mile<br />

from whales.<br />

No foodstuffs are allowed in open areas which might result in attracting birds to the<br />

tanker.<br />

No pets are allowed on tankers.<br />

Western Gray Whale<br />

Research studies of the behavioural patterns of the Western Gray Whale have been<br />

carried out since the inception of the Sakhalin II project. From this research it has<br />

become apparent that the numbers of WGW are so small that they are considered to<br />

be critical and have recently been reclassified as critically endangered by the IUCN.<br />

The Russian Federation has given them Category 1 status in their Red Data Book of<br />

Endangered Species. It is thought that there are less than 50 reproductively active<br />

individuals.<br />

Western Gray Whales are bottom feeders and the only known summer feeding<br />

grounds are in and around Piltun and Chaivo Bays, to the North East of Sakhalin<br />

island, in depths of 5 to 10 metres although they have been sighted feeding in deeper<br />

water off Chaivo Bay. Historically they have been sighted in Sakhalinskaya, Ulbanskii,<br />

Shelikhov, Akademiia, Penzhinskaya, Gizhiginskaya and Tugurskii bays. Their feeding<br />

habits appear to be selective favouring amphipods and isopods.<br />

Migratory habits are unclear. It is thought that they winter off China, Korea<br />

and possible Vietnam and return to Sakhalin Island in May/June, transiting Aniva Bay,<br />

moving along the east coast past Lunskoye to their feeding grounds in Piltun and<br />

Chaivo bays. It is surmised that they follow the coast line favouring water depths of<br />

10-20 metres but it has been noted that when migrating they will take ‘short cuts’<br />

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across large bays and inlets.<br />

All cetaceans use sound to communicate and navigate. As the frequency of sound<br />

increases its propagation in water decreases. The hearing range of whales is thought<br />

to be from

<strong>Prigorodnoye</strong> <strong>Export</strong> <strong>Terminal</strong> <strong>Port</strong> <strong>Regulations</strong> Rev 01<br />

Sudden changes in speed and course should be avoided. Transiting vessels will attempt to<br />

maintain a minimum of one mile separation from observed Western Gray Whales and other<br />

endangered whale species. If a whale surfaces in the vicinity of or is heading towards the<br />

vessel, all precautionary measures possible need to be taken to avoid collisions until it has<br />

been determined that the potential danger to the whale has passed.<br />

All craft should keep a look out for whales while on passage, log details and report sightings to<br />

<strong>Prigorodnoye</strong> <strong>Terminal</strong>.<br />

Routeing off the coast of Sakhalin is separated with three zones of environmental sensitivity.<br />

<strong>Export</strong> tankers visiting to the <strong>Prigorodnoye</strong> <strong>Export</strong> <strong>Terminal</strong> in Aniva Bay are routed across<br />

Zone 3 which is judged as low sensitivity.<br />

Zone 3. Low sensitivity<br />

This classification applies everywhere else on the eastern and southern coast of Sakhalin up<br />

to a distance of 30 nautical miles from shore. The zone covers both areas where WGW’s are<br />

expected to be absent and areas where WGW’s may be present but no migration route or<br />

corridor has been identified.<br />

2. Ballast Disposal<br />

<strong>Export</strong> tankers must arrive with segregated ballast only. There are no facilities for the<br />

disposal of dirty ballast. It is the Master’s responsibility to see that no oil of any kind is<br />

pumped, spilled or leaked overboard from the export tanker. This includes oily bilge<br />

water, deck run-off, crude residues from previous voyages or any other matter that may<br />

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result in pollution of the sea.<br />

Ballast water sampling for environmental analysis may be required on arrival.<br />

3. Discharges<br />

Discharges of oil or oily slops or bilge water into the sea are strictly forbidden. The<br />

LNG terminal or TLU has no facilities for receiving any oily residues.<br />

All overboard discharge valves connected to systems not meeting MARPOL and Russian<br />

Federation standards for permitted discharges must be isolated closed and sealed, and all<br />

deck scuppers plugged while the export tanker is moored to the LNG terminal or TLU.<br />

4. Solid Wastes<br />

Combustible wastes must only be incinerated in SOLAS approved incinerators but the use<br />

of a ship’s incinerator within <strong>Prigorodnoye</strong> <strong>Export</strong> <strong>Terminal</strong> port limits is prohibited.<br />

Discharge of any solid waste is strictly forbidden.<br />

5. Oil Spill Response<br />

In the event of an oil spill from or caused by the export tanker, the Master will take<br />

command of any oil-spill abatement and clean up activities. The export tanker owners will<br />

take full financial responsibility for any oil-spill costs. All clean up materials and resources<br />

used must first be approved by the Loading Master, <strong>Prigorodnoye</strong> Emergency Control<br />

Centre or designate.<br />

The use of dispersants is currently prohibited with the Russian Federation and must not be<br />

used without Government approval.<br />

The Company maintains an inventory of oil spill response equipment, which is available for<br />

first response activities to a tanker pollution incident. Any first response activity by<br />

Company personnel, including LNG terminal or TLU personnel, whether conducted<br />

independently or directed by the tanker master, shall not relieve the tanker owners of<br />

their responsibility.<br />

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<strong>Prigorodnoye</strong> <strong>Export</strong> <strong>Terminal</strong> <strong>Port</strong> <strong>Regulations</strong> Rev 01<br />

Appendix 12 – Russian <strong>Regulations</strong> General Declaration.<br />

Shipsline,agent ets/<br />

Агент:<br />



1.Name and description of ship/ Названиe и тип судна 2.<strong>Port</strong> of<br />

arrival/порт<br />

прихода<br />

3.Date<br />

arrival/дата<br />

прихода<br />

of<br />

4.Nationality of ship<br />

Флаг cудна<br />

5.Name of master/Фамилия<br />

капитана<br />

6.<strong>Port</strong> of departure/порт отхода<br />

7.Certificateof registry(port,date,number)/регистр.<br />

сертификат(порт,дата,номер)<br />

9.Gross tonnage/Брутто<br />

10.Nett tonnage/Нетто<br />

8Name and address of ship’s<br />

agent/Название и адрес<br />

судового агента.<br />

11.Position of the ship in the port(berth or station)<br />

Позиция судна в порту<br />

12.Brief particulars of voyage(previous and subsequent ports of call underline where remaining cargo will<br />

be discharged).<br />

Краткое описание рейса(предыдущий и последующий порт захода; где оставшийся груз будет<br />

выгружен.<br />

13.Brief description of cargo/краткое описание груза<br />

14.Number<br />

of<br />

crew(inc.mast)<br />

Количествоэкипажа<br />

15.Number of passenger<br />

К-во пассажиров<br />

Attached documents/Приложенные доеументы<br />

(indicate numbers of copies/указать к-во копий)<br />

16.Remarks/примечания<br />

No arms and ammunition, No passenger<br />

No stowaways, No animals.<br />

No ship’s money<br />

17.Cargo declaration<br />

Грузовая декларация<br />

18.Ship’s store declaration/<br />

Декларация судовых<br />

запасов<br />

19.Crew list<br />

Судовая роль<br />

21.Crew<br />

Effects<br />

Declaration<br />

Декларац.личных<br />

вещей<br />

For official use:<br />

20.Passenger List<br />

Список пассажиров<br />

22.Maritime Declaration of<br />

Health/Морск.санит.декларация<br />

21.Date and signature of Master, authorized<br />

agent or officer<br />

Дата и подпись капитана<br />

Date__<br />

Дата<br />

Master___________<br />

Капитан<br />

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<strong>Prigorodnoye</strong> <strong>Export</strong> <strong>Terminal</strong> <strong>Port</strong> <strong>Regulations</strong> Rev 01<br />

Appendix 13 – High Flow Rates.<br />

Sakhalin Energy Investment Company Ltd.<br />

High Flow Rates<br />

To Master<br />

M/T<br />

Dear Sir,<br />

Your attention is drawn to section 23.1 of the <strong>Prigorodnoye</strong> <strong>Export</strong> <strong>Terminal</strong><br />

<strong>Port</strong> <strong>Regulations</strong> regarding <strong>Export</strong> Tanker cargo valve closure and speed<br />

against high flow rates from the Tanker Loading Unit (TLU).<br />

The practice of throttling valves during loading operations is to be avoided. If a<br />

lower loading rate is required for changing tanks, then this can be arranged<br />

via the TLU Cargo Control Room on the giving of 15 minutes notice.<br />

The part or full closure of valves during loading is extremely dangerous and<br />

can cause extensive surge pressure damage to TLU equipment.<br />

The Master should ensure all cargo valves close at a speed not less than the<br />

manufacturers prescribed minimum corresponding to the size of cargo valve.<br />

The Master and export tanker owners will be held responsible for any<br />

damages arising from such malpractice.<br />

Receipt of this letter is acknowledged by signature:<br />

Loading Master/<strong>Terminal</strong> representative<br />

__________________<br />

Master<br />

Date and Time<br />

___________________<br />

___________________<br />

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<strong>Prigorodnoye</strong> <strong>Export</strong> <strong>Terminal</strong> <strong>Port</strong> <strong>Regulations</strong> Rev 01<br />

Appendix 14 – Request for Berthing Assistance.<br />

Sakhalin Energy Investment Company Ltd.<br />

Request for Berthing Assistance.<br />

Sakhalin Energy (hereinafter referred to as “the Company”) provides Loading Masters for<br />

vessels berthing at and unberthing from the Company’s berthing facilities. It is hereby agreed<br />

that the following should apply during the berthing and unberthing operations.<br />

1. In all circumstances the Master of the export tanker shall remain solely responsible on<br />

behalf of his Owners and / or Demise Charterers for the safety and proper navigation of<br />

his vessel.<br />

2. Loading Masters proceed onboard vessels solely in an advisory capacity in order to assist<br />

the Master in the berthing and unberthing of the vessel and Loading Masters should be<br />

deemed to be and shall whilst on board become servants of the Owners and / or Demise<br />

Charterers of the vessels.<br />

3. It is agreed that neither the Company nor the Loading Master shall be held responsible for<br />

any loss, damage or delay in the vessel and / or her cargo and / or third party property<br />

from whatever cause arising, even if such loss, damage or delay is caused by the<br />

negligence of the Company and / or Loading Master. It is further agreed that the Vessel<br />

and her Owners and / or Demise Charterers shall hold the Company and Loading Master<br />

harmless from and indemnified against all claims, including claims for loss of life and / or<br />

personal injury arising in any way out of such loss, damage or delay, and shall indemnify<br />

the Company in respect of damage to property belonging to the Company.<br />

4. This agreement shall be governed by the laws of England.<br />

All vessels berthing at <strong>Prigorodnoye</strong> must use the <strong>Terminal</strong>’s tugs operated by SEIC.<br />

Towage is provided under the “UK Terms & Conditions for Towage and Other Services<br />

(Revised 1986)”, a copy of which is attached to the end of <strong>Prigorodnoye</strong> <strong>Export</strong> <strong>Terminal</strong> <strong>Port</strong><br />

<strong>Regulations</strong> in Appendix 3.<br />

Shipment/Bill of Lading # ______________________________<br />

Vessel Name SS/MV _________________________________<br />

Date: _ ____________________________________________<br />

Sakhalin Energy Investment Company, Ltd.<br />

<strong>Prigorodnoye</strong> <strong>Export</strong> <strong>Terminal</strong><br />

Dear Sirs,<br />

I hereby request the services of Sakhalin Energy’s Loading Master and accept the conditions<br />

printed above on this form, on behalf of my Owners and / or Demise Charterers.<br />

____________________________Master of SS/MV_______________________________<br />

Signature of Master<br />

Name of export tanker<br />

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