Theorizing Sovereignty in Empty Land - Contested Global Landscapes
Theorizing Sovereignty in Empty Land - Contested Global Landscapes
Theorizing Sovereignty in Empty Land - Contested Global Landscapes
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<strong>in</strong> value throughout the region, but people talked particularly about the way speculation and ris<strong>in</strong>g prices<br />
were tak<strong>in</strong>g hold <strong>in</strong> communally owned lands that had never been subject to market-based transfers.<br />
While private property (melk) is long-established <strong>in</strong> the <strong>in</strong>tensively farmed oases and urban centers,<br />
communal lands had never been subject to privatization or commercial sale. This was undergo<strong>in</strong>g rapid<br />
change as demand for that land <strong>in</strong>creased.<br />
This was the context <strong>in</strong> which the solar <strong>in</strong>stallation must be understood. The land, sold at a cheap<br />
MAD 1 per square meter was clearly worth a lot more now. 9 People understood the rise <strong>in</strong> land values<br />
that such a project would engender and the new k<strong>in</strong>ds of competition it would encourage over communal<br />
land situated near economic opportunity--land along the national road where gas stations could be built,<br />
near the solar <strong>in</strong>stallation where stores for the employees or tourists could be located, near market towns<br />
where immigrants flee<strong>in</strong>g drought from the mounta<strong>in</strong>s could build their homes to ga<strong>in</strong> better access to<br />
wage labor opportunities. One official described <strong>in</strong>creas<strong>in</strong>g land conflicts <strong>in</strong> the region: "there is no law<br />
now; it is the law of the jungle, the strong over the weak." This dramatic phras<strong>in</strong>g perhaps overstated his<br />
case; struggles over land had not reached the level of violence or lawlessness documented <strong>in</strong> some other<br />
parts of the world. However, he po<strong>in</strong>ted to how to the underly<strong>in</strong>g uncerta<strong>in</strong>ty <strong>in</strong> land tenure was fuel<strong>in</strong>g<br />
land conflicts. A former French colonial official described these conflicts as the petits drames du bled [the<br />
petty dramas of the bled, the Arabic word for countryside that entered the French colonial lexicon], but<br />
for the people of region, these were anyth<strong>in</strong>g but petty dramas (Guillaume 1960: 75). They were struggles<br />
over the right to subsistence from land ostensibly held communally but channeled for the benefit of the<br />
few, the right to receive their <strong>in</strong>dividual rights <strong>in</strong> land that had acquired a new economic value, and the<br />
right to autonomy--the ability to decide themselves, not through a tutelary authority or a s<strong>in</strong>gle collective<br />
land representative, the disposition of their lands.<br />
9 Discussions about land tenure and titl<strong>in</strong>g <strong>in</strong> the development literature ignore the extent to which many of the most<br />
active market players <strong>in</strong> land--state actors and private <strong>in</strong>vestors--may not want a transparent market <strong>in</strong> land. In<br />
southern Morocco, the non-market framework for transferr<strong>in</strong>g land as it exists <strong>in</strong> the laws govern<strong>in</strong>g collective lands<br />
ma<strong>in</strong>ta<strong>in</strong>s low prices and simplifies the acquisition process.<br />