Read Book - Avatar Meher Baba Trust

Read Book - Avatar Meher Baba Trust

Read Book - Avatar Meher Baba Trust


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Two: Aspects of the Path 43<br />

individuals because we all are God, and God being in everyone,<br />

who is to give and to whom Only when God is perfectly<br />

Individualized as Most Perfect Dnyani or Most Perfect A’riff, can<br />

he impart Knowledge to other individuals. The question may<br />

yet be asked as to why should the Master then not impart<br />

Knowledge to all individuals instead of giving Knowledge to<br />

some, and not giving it to others<br />

This is a question of Law Divine, commonly known as the<br />

Law of Karma, or Law of Bindings, or Law of Cause and Effect.<br />

Except the Perfect Dnyani or Perfect A’riff, no other individual<br />

can under any circumstances escape this law and its consequences.<br />

Therefore when the Master gives Knowledge to certain<br />

individuals and does not give it to all, that is not because of the<br />

Master’s incapacity to give to all, but because of the incapacity<br />

of one and all to receive Knowledge. The latter incapacity is due<br />

to the lack of a sufficiently deep and strong connection with<br />

the Master or for want of complete surrender to his will, or on<br />

account of the absence of the required degree of preparedness on<br />

the part of the individuals concerned.<br />

Under these circumstances, it would be like throwing<br />

pearls before swine for the Master to offer Knowledge to one and<br />

all irrespective of the individual’s receptivity. The fact is that<br />

scores of Masters have come without beginning and scores of<br />

Masters will come without end, and still it would be quite true<br />

to say that there is no question of any time at all in spite of the<br />

countless epochs involved. If Knowledge cannot come within<br />

the purview of one’s imagination, how can one be able to imagine<br />

the One possessing Knowledge<br />

On one side, Knowledge is so very, very small that it may

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