Read Book - Avatar Meher Baba Trust

Read Book - Avatar Meher Baba Trust

Read Book - Avatar Meher Baba Trust


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For example, if an ordinary man looks down from the<br />

heights of the Empire State Building in New York on to the<br />

streets below, he sees crowds of human beings looking as<br />

insignificant as a multitude of ants, mechanically moving hither<br />

and thither. In order to be able to attach due value to the antlike<br />

masses of his fellow-beings, as they appear from these<br />

heights, he must necessarily come down amongst them.<br />

Similarly, those on the higher planes of the Subtle Sphere are apt<br />

to consider the Gross Sphere and all its activities as equally<br />

insignificant as that of the ants. Now, when a man happens to<br />

see a swarm of ants as feverishly busy as any crowd of human<br />

beings in a city Stock Exchange, he is not as a rule inclined to<br />

give them any serious consideration. But if by chance any of the<br />

ants happen to bite him, his reaction may take the turn of either<br />

forbearance or revenge. It might even tempt him to crush most<br />

of the ants if not all.<br />

This illustration is only one aspect of the misuses of power.<br />

The Fourth Plane is the greatest hurdle of the spiritual Path, the<br />

crucial stage of the pilgrim’s journey, where all is gained or lost.<br />

Great as are the powers at his command, greater are the temptations<br />

to use them for his own gratification, to exhibit these powers<br />

for the sake of display, for name, power, fame. For the ego,<br />

fearing complete defeat, rises to its highest, prodding and luring<br />

the pilgrim on to make selfish use of the powers lent to him.<br />

This lone fight with the hydra-headed ego is depicted in the<br />

paintings of the life of Buddha, and is known as the “dark night<br />

of the soul.”<br />

The pilgrim on the Fourth Plane is permitted, however,<br />

to make use of his powers for purely unselfish motives, with no

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