April & May 2013 - Congregation Beth El

April & May 2013 - Congregation Beth El

April & May 2013 - Congregation Beth El


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ISSUE 136 • <strong>April</strong> & <strong>May</strong> <strong>2013</strong> <strong>Congregation</strong> <strong>Beth</strong> <strong>El</strong> IS a MEMBEr of The Union for rEform JudAISM<br />

In this issue<br />

“Honoring Tradition, Celebrating Diversity, and Building a Jewish Future”<br />

From the Rabbi p.2<br />

Member Spotlight p.3<br />

President’s Message p.4<br />

Youth & Family Education p.6, 17<br />

Guest Articles p.7, 9<br />

<strong>Beth</strong> <strong>El</strong>ders p.8, p.15<br />

Events<br />

p.10-11<br />

B’Nei Mitzvah p.11<br />

New Members<br />

<strong>April</strong><br />

p.12-13<br />

Board Buzz p.14<br />

Supper & Schmooze p.15<br />

Staff Profile p.18<br />

Highlights<br />

Supper & Schmooze – Saturday, <strong>April</strong> 13<br />

Israel Independence Day – Tuesday, <strong>April</strong> 16<br />

WBE: Havdalah in the Hills – Saturday, <strong>April</strong> 20<br />

Zionism: What Was It – Thursday, <strong>April</strong> 25<br />

MaY<br />

<strong>Beth</strong> <strong>El</strong> Annual Meeting – Sunday, <strong>May</strong> 5<br />

Celebration of Education – Friday, <strong>May</strong> 17<br />

Israel Consul General Briefing – Tuesday, <strong>May</strong> 21<br />

Men’s Club Day at the A’s – Monday, <strong>May</strong> 27<br />

New Board Installed/Volunteer Recognition –<br />

Friday, <strong>May</strong> 31<br />

Features<br />

New Series on Jews by Choice, p. 9<br />

Men Are From Minsk, Women Are From..., p. 7<br />

Board (of Directors) Buzz, p. 14<br />

Camping With 800 Kids, p. 18<br />

Chug Mishpacha p.19<br />

New Books in the Library p.21<br />

Music Room p.22<br />

Torah Study Schedule p.23<br />

Tzedakah<br />

Calendars<br />

p.23-25<br />


FROM thE rABBI<br />

Reform Jews Organizing<br />

Immigration Reform & Gun Control<br />

The Pesach liturgy begins with<br />

these words of invitation, “Let all who<br />

are in need, come and celebrate! Let all who are hungry, come<br />

and eat!” With these words, we begin the annual retelling of<br />

our people’s ancient and most important story. After retelling<br />

the story, whether in the cherished words of the traditional<br />

haggadah or in our own, we are reminded: Throughout the<br />

generations, every person must see herself/himself as if she/<br />

he personally had gone forth from Mitzrayim. The Pesach story<br />

of seeking freedom in a new land resonates for us; the vast<br />

majority of our families are at most two or three generations<br />

from being an immigrant to America. By recalling our own<br />

journeys — as families and as a people — our awareness<br />

and sensitivity to the vulnerability and powerlessness of the<br />

immigrant is heightened. We are taught in the Torah, “You shall<br />

not oppress a stranger, since you yourselves know the feelings of<br />

a stranger, for you also were strangers in the land of Mitzrayim.”<br />

(Exodus 23:9).<br />

In California today, approximately three million undocumented<br />

immigrants drive our taxis, harvest and prepare our food,<br />

and build and maintain our homes, buildings and yards.<br />

While contributing in numerous ways to our economy and our<br />

society, they live in constant fear of arrest, deportation and<br />

being separated from their loved ones and homes. Many have<br />

been in California longer than we have. Easily exploited when<br />

defrauded of their wages or as victims of crime, they are terrified<br />

of interactions with the police or any institution of authority. As a<br />

state and as a nation, we readily accept their labor and benefit<br />

from their contributions but continue to insist that they live on<br />

the margins — metaphorically and literally — of our society. In<br />

the imagery of the Torah, they are the ones who sit “outside the<br />

camp.”<br />

For more than 150 years, Reform Jews have considered it<br />

our special mission to be the guardians and upholders of<br />

the teachings of the prophets of ancient Israel and Judaism’s<br />

prophetic tradition. Reform Jewish rabbis and synagogues<br />

across the state are banding together to form a new group,<br />

Reform California, with the intention of organizing and acting<br />

for the sake of justice. Our leaders have identified immigration<br />

reform – and, specifically, California Assembly Bill 4, known as<br />

the “TRUST ACT” – as the focus of our first statewide Reform<br />

Jewish organizing campaign for justice.<br />

Currently, the federal Immigration and Customs Enforcement’s<br />

(ICE) Secure Communities program shifts the burden of federal<br />

civil immigration enforcement onto local law enforcement.<br />

To operate the Secure Communities program, ICE relies on<br />

voluntary requests, holds or detainers, to local law enforcement<br />

to hold individuals in local jails for additional time beyond when<br />

they would be eligible for release in a criminal matter. There<br />

is no requirement for a warrant and no established standard<br />

of proof, such as reasonable suspicion or probable cause, for<br />

issuing an ICE detainer request. Immigration detainers have<br />

erroneously been placed on United States citizens, as well as on<br />

immigrants who are not deportable. The TRUST Act, if passed,<br />

would instruct California’s law enforcement to refrain from<br />

holding people for ICE if they are otherwise eligible for release<br />

and have not already been convicted of a felony.<br />

While an apparently small step, the approval of the TRUST<br />

Act would make a qualitative difference in the lives of<br />

undocumented immigrants, as well as the millions of citizens<br />

and residents who may “look like” an undocumented person.<br />

Our engagement with this issue – in addition to being a<br />

worthy cause in its own right – is an opportunity to partner and<br />

organize with other communities of faith and other Californians<br />

around an issue that touches all of our lives, whether we are<br />

aware of it or not. With success in this campaign, I hope, we will<br />

be empowered and energized to renew and deepen our shared<br />

commitment to fulfill the prophet Amos’s teaching, “Let justice<br />

roll down like waters, and righteousness like a mighty stream.”<br />

The campaign will be announcing specific action steps that we<br />

can do based on the legislative process. If you are interested<br />

in participating in <strong>Beth</strong> <strong>El</strong>’s and our wider efforts to organize<br />

around the TRUST Act and immigration reform, please contact<br />

Social Action Chair Emily Marthinsen, emilymarthinsen@<br />

comcast.net.<br />

After the Newtown, Connecticut tragedy, many of us resolved<br />

in our hearts that it is time for us to personally get involved in<br />

doing something about gun control and gun violence. I have<br />

been in conversation with other local clergy and am inviting you<br />

to an interfaith evening for Listening and Organizing about Gun<br />

Control and Gun Violence in our local communities. We are<br />

inviting clergy and congregants from local congregations to join<br />

us on <strong>May</strong> 16 at 7:00 pm at St. Albans Episcopal Church, 1501<br />

Washington Ave. (at Curtis St.) in Albany to explore what is most<br />

important for us and our communities to address how we can<br />

come together to respond. If you can attend, or if you cannot<br />

but want to participate in this organizing work, RSVP to the St.<br />

Albans office at info@st-albans-albany.org.<br />

Rabbi Yoel Kahn<br />

2 The Builder: <strong>April</strong> & <strong>May</strong> <strong>2013</strong>

The Sugarmans Continue Their<br />

Dedicated Service to <strong>Beth</strong> <strong>El</strong><br />


by <strong>El</strong>isabeth Wechsler<br />

Paul and Susan Sugarman<br />

have been active at<br />

<strong>Congregation</strong> <strong>Beth</strong> <strong>El</strong> since the<br />

1980s. Paul has served on the<br />

board of directors for 17 years.<br />

He is now first vice president of<br />

the board and, “barring a palace<br />

revolt,” will be elected president<br />

in <strong>May</strong>. Susan also served on the<br />

board in the 1980s as finance secretary and more recently has<br />

helped lead the <strong>Beth</strong> <strong>El</strong> mental health task force.<br />

Paul has also served as <strong>Beth</strong> <strong>El</strong>’s vice president of fund-raising;<br />

co-chair of the capital campaign that raised funds for our<br />

new building; member of the steering committee for the new<br />

building project; member of the rabbi search committee; trustee<br />

of the board; member of the Camp Kee Tov, Gala and Finance<br />

committees; and co-chair of the Program Council, which<br />

coordinates <strong>Beth</strong> <strong>El</strong>’s many programs and activities.<br />

soon be on the way!), quilting and her book group. She also<br />

swims, does yoga and takes bicycle and hiking trips with Paul.<br />

She and Paul were members for 20 years of a family-based<br />

chavurah at <strong>Beth</strong> <strong>El</strong> until their three daughters were grown.<br />

Paul has retired as a corporate attorney but has very little free<br />

time because he’s on four other boards and 16 committees, and<br />

does a lot of face-to-face fund-raising. When he can, he loves<br />

being in the outdoors and is very committed to classical music.<br />

In fact, three of the other boards he serves on involve classical<br />

music performance. “As a result, we go to a lot of concerts!” he<br />

said. (The fourth board is for a children’s theater group.)<br />

As a couple with such busy lives today, it’s hard to imagine<br />

that they ever had a chance to meet, but they obviously did:<br />

They met in 1976 at a SFJCC folk dancing class. Paul was in<br />

the middle of the bar exam and decided to take a break that<br />

evening. At the time Susan was working as a paralegal in San<br />

Francisco and had vowed never to date a lawyer. She made an<br />

exception in Paul’s case, figuring that anyone who could go folk<br />

Paul identified three main goals as he ponders his new<br />

responsibilities: 1) He wants to ensure that the synagogue’s<br />

strategic plan continues to be implemented on its five-year<br />

schedule; 2) He wants <strong>Beth</strong> <strong>El</strong> to remain “financially stable”;<br />

and 3) He wants every adult at <strong>Beth</strong> <strong>El</strong> to develop at least one<br />

personally meaningful way to connect with the synagogue.<br />

Paul is very impressed by the success of the synagogue’s<br />

youth-oriented programs. The youth and family education<br />

(YAFE), early childhood education, Camp Kee Tov and teen<br />

programs “have never been stronger,” he said, adding that<br />

“you don’t want to break what’s working so well.”<br />

Paul understands that <strong>Beth</strong> <strong>El</strong>’s members connect in<br />

different ways to the synagogue: spiritually, intellectually<br />

and/or through service and that, as is typical of Reform<br />

Jews, members have “a lot going on, with a variety of<br />

outside interests. Everyone can find her or his own way to<br />

connect with the synagogue that is not dependent on children’s<br />

involvement,” Paul said, listing Shabbat services, social action,<br />

adult education (including Torah Study) and other programs as<br />

examples. “Members can also help <strong>Beth</strong> <strong>El</strong> by volunteering in<br />

any number of ways,” he added. “If it weren’t for volunteers,<br />

our budget would be $15 million rather than the $3 million<br />

it is now.” Paul believes that it is essential that members form<br />

adult-oriented connections to the synagogue’s programs and<br />

community so that, as children become b’nei mitzvah and<br />

eventually age out of the youth and teen programs, parents<br />

continue to have ways to participate in the life of the synagogue<br />

and remain active lifelong members.<br />

Susan is a private psychotherapist who works part time. Her<br />

free time is devoted mainly to friends and family, including her<br />

two-year-old granddaughter (she hopes more grandchildren will<br />

dancing in the middle of the bar exam might be worth a look.<br />

It was serendipity, because after the bar exam and Paul’s return<br />

from a six-week trip to Europe, they got together. Susan and Paul<br />

were married in July 1978. They moved from San Francisco to<br />

Oakland in 1979, where they reside now.<br />

Paul was raised in Newton, Mass. – “in a Jewish ghetto” – as<br />

he describes it. His family belonged to a large Conservative<br />

synagogue two blocks from their house. They celebrated all the<br />

Jewish holidays and often gathered for Friday Shabbat dinner<br />

before attending services. “My parents were raised in Orthodox<br />

kosher homes, but our home was conservative – kosher-style,”<br />

he said.<br />

Continued on p.5<br />

www.bethelberkeley.org 3

FROM thE PRESIDEnt<br />

Shabbat: What Kind of Gift<br />

As I write this, I am sitting on a plane<br />

in the 10th hour of a 12-hour flight from<br />

Beijing to San Francisco. I have been online<br />

using United Airlines’ new satellite-based Internet service since<br />

our departure. I’ve spent my time responding to emails, working<br />

on product plans and instant messaging with my co-workers. It<br />

occurs to me that I have lost one of the few times I used to have<br />

to disconnect. These days, I can be online and available at all<br />

times. And for me, being online and working is like an addiction<br />

— I know I should put it aside more often but I cannot resist.<br />

How do I get a break My only respite now is Shabbat. And<br />

Shabbat is only a respite because I choose to observe (some of)<br />

its restrictions. It is becoming clear to me why the Torah instructs<br />

us not only to “remember” Shabbat but to “protect” it.<br />

In the Babylonian Talmud Tractate Shabbat 10b, we are taught<br />

that “The Holy One said to Moses, ‘I have a precious gift in<br />

My treasure house called the Shabbat and I desire to give it<br />

to Israel.’” Yet, to many of us, Shabbat is simply a container<br />

of restrictions: we are not supposed to work, drive, cook, play<br />

soccer or carry stuff around. We can’t post to Facebook, check<br />

email, play video games or watch TV. What kind of a gift is<br />

that So many trends today move us in the opposite direction of<br />

Shabbat observance. We are increasingly living in households in<br />

which all the adults work in demanding careers. We are always<br />

online and available via email or cellphone. Our children are<br />

increasingly online or otherwise electronically engaged, as well.<br />

Three years ago the Kaiser Family Foundation reported that<br />

American children ages eight to 18 were spending more than<br />

seven-and-a-half hours a day on electronic devices — increased<br />

by an hour from the last study, five years before.<br />

Clothing Donations<br />

by Mary Jacobs<br />

<strong>Beth</strong> <strong>El</strong> will no longer be collecting children’s clothing for<br />

the Berkeley Women’s Drop-In Center; the center has<br />

no space for donations. If you have children’s clothes to<br />

give away, please contact: Bananas, 5232 Claremont<br />

Avenue, Oakland, 510-658-0381.<br />

We always need adult clothing to give away at the <strong>Beth</strong><br />

<strong>El</strong> Homeless Meal, the third Sunday of each month.<br />

Please put donations in the red and green barrels in<br />

the education wing. Many thanks for your continued<br />

generosity!<br />

Shabbat is designed to break those patterns. Its rules force us<br />

to stop engaging in our Type A behavior. It is meant to be a<br />

day to find joy in our connections with our family, friends and<br />

community. After all, it is not an accident that we are given<br />

a specific day to celebrate Shabbat. We are not told to stop<br />

working at least one day a week. We all have the same Shabbat<br />

day. So, we are all taking a break together.<br />

For me, it all begins with the miracle of the Friday evening<br />

Shabbat meal. I call it a miracle because we actually get<br />

everyone together to sit down at the dinner table. My wife,<br />

Robinn, believes that the Shabbat evening rituals were designed<br />

by moms who were doing most of the meal preparations.<br />

On Shabbat, she points out, no one can start eating until the<br />

candles have been lit and the blessings have been said, so<br />

everyone must wait until mom (or whoever is preparing the<br />

meal) is ready to join in. During the blessings, everyone must<br />

wash their hands before eating – another nod to something that<br />

my mom always wanted us to do.<br />

After the candles are lit, parents take a moment to bless their<br />

children – a weekly reminder of their importance. I love this<br />

blessing because it says more than simply “I love you.” As<br />

part of a prescribed ritual, it says that wanting the best for<br />

our children is a cultural value to be practiced and regularly<br />

communicated.<br />

Saturday is a day to be with friends and the community at <strong>Beth</strong><br />

<strong>El</strong>. We start with the spirituality and unity of our early morning<br />

minyan, move on to the intense intellectual exercise of wrestling<br />

with the Torah in our Torah Study discussion, and finish our<br />

programmed ritual with the joy, learning and music of our<br />

regular Shabbat morning service. The Shabbat oneg then gives<br />

me the once-a-week opportunity to just sit with my really good<br />

friends and talk about stuff. We generally extend the oneg for<br />

a couple hours because we don’t often get the chance to be<br />

away from work, email, telephones, televisions, and all the other<br />

everyday distractions that keep us from simply being together.<br />

By the time havdalah and the end of Shabbat roll around, I<br />

don’t even notice that I haven’t looked at email or Facebook<br />

or work-related stuff for 24 hours. So, if you are looking for a<br />

break from the hustle and bustle of the workaday world, come<br />

find us on Saturday. Take some time to experience the wonderful<br />

gift that is Shabbat at <strong>Beth</strong> <strong>El</strong>.<br />

Dan Magid<br />

President, Board of Directors<br />

4 The Builder: <strong>April</strong> & <strong>May</strong> <strong>2013</strong>


1301 Oxford Street<br />

Berkeley, CA 94709-1424<br />

Phone: 510-848-3988<br />

Fax: 510-848-2707<br />

Youth and Family Education Office<br />

Direct Line: 510-848-2122<br />

Nursery School Office<br />

Direct Line: 510-848-9428<br />

Camp Kee Tov Office<br />

Direct Line: 510-848-2372<br />

Midrasha Office<br />

Direct Line 510-843-4667<br />


Rabbi Yoel H. Kahn<br />

Rabbi of the <strong>Congregation</strong><br />

ext. 215 - rabbikahn@bethelberkeley.org<br />

Rabbi rEUBEn ZellMAn<br />

Assistant Rabbi & Music Director<br />

ext. 228 - rabbirz@bethelberkeley.org<br />

Norm FranK<strong>El</strong><br />

Executive Director<br />

ext. 212 - norm@bethelberkeley.org<br />

Debra Sagan MASSEY<br />

Director of Education<br />

ext. 213 - debra@bethelberkeley.org<br />

Annual Meeting<br />

<strong>Congregation</strong> Annual<br />

Meeting on Sunday, <strong>May</strong> 5<br />

The Annual Meeting is open to all members and is an opportunity to conduct<br />

important congregational business and communicate information on the financial state of<br />

the congregation.<br />

We will begin the meeting at 10:00 am with brunch and the presentation of the Marion<br />

Magid Award for Excellence in Leadership. We will be honoring one of our members whose<br />

efforts and leadership epitomize the vital importance of volunteer participation at all levels in<br />

building and sustaining our community.<br />

The business portion of the meeting will begin at 11:00 am and will include reports on the<br />

state of the synagogue, a review of our current year’s finances and the operating budget for<br />

the coming fiscal year. There will also be an update on the status of our financial obligations<br />

to the bank and others, and an opportunity for you to ask questions on the fiscal state of the<br />

synagogue.<br />

The agenda will include a vote on the Board of Directors’ recommendation for standard<br />

membership dues for the next fiscal year, as well as a vote on the proposed slate of<br />

candidates for the <strong>2013</strong>-14 Board of Directors. Details on these two items, as well as other<br />

items that may be added to the agenda, will be sent at least 10 days prior to the meeting.<br />

We look forward to seeing you on Sunday, <strong>May</strong> 5.<br />

MagUY WEIZMAnn-MCgUIre<br />

Early Childhood Education Director<br />

ext. 219 - maguy@bethelberkeley.org<br />

ZACh lAndrES-Schnur<br />

Camp Kee Tov Director<br />

ext. 217 - zach@bethelberkeley.org<br />

Tameka Young-dIABY<br />

Bookkeeper<br />

ext. 210 - tameka@bethelberkeley.org<br />

Rebecca dEPalMA<br />

YAFE Administrative Coordinator<br />

& Youth Group Advisor<br />

ext. 214 - rebecca@bethelberkeley.org<br />

MargEE Burch<br />

Communications Coordinator<br />

ext. 211 - margee@bethelberkeley.org<br />

LorIAnna SEIdlitz-SMIth<br />

Administrative Coordinator<br />

ext. 235 - lorianna@bethelberkeley.org<br />


Camp Kee Tov Admin. Coordinator<br />

ext. 223 - emily@bethelberkeley.org<br />

Diane BernBAUM<br />

Midrasha Director<br />

510-843-4667 - diane@midrasha.org<br />

Odette BlAChMAn<br />

Gift Shop<br />

ext. 240 - oblachman@sbcglobal.net<br />

Rabbi fErenc rAJ<br />

Rabbi Emeritus<br />

ferenc@bethelberkeley.org<br />

SugarMAns, ContinUEd from Page 3<br />

After his bar mitzvah, he continued his Jewish education through<br />

the 11th grade at an after school, Sunday-through-Thursday<br />

Hebrew high school. He spent one year at the Hebrew College<br />

of Boston, overlapping with his senior year of high school. After<br />

graduating from Harvard in 1969, Paul joined the Peace Corps as<br />

a volunteer in Ethiopia, where he taught middle school English as a second language<br />

for two years and then pedagogy for an additional year at one of the country’s teacher<br />

training institutes.<br />

Paul returned to the U.S. in 1972 and headed to Yale Law School, graduating in 1975.<br />

He then relocated to San Francisco. After a one-year clerkship for a Federal District<br />

Court judge, he practiced at a large private law firm before retiring (for the first time)<br />

in early 2008. Eight months later he was asked to un-retire and to help manage the<br />

dissolution of his 100+ year-old, 600-attorney firm. He retired again in late 2010.<br />

Susan’s upbringing was quite different, she explained: “We didn’t live in a Jewish<br />

neighborhood (a western suburb of St. Louis). We belonged to a classical Reform<br />

synagogue that didn’t allow bat or bar mitzvot or the wearing of tallitot or kippot, used<br />

virtually no Hebrew during its services, and held its religious school on Sunday.” She<br />

added that she didn’t study Hebrew until adulthood. While Susan did become active in<br />

Temple Youth in high school, her family practiced “Judaism lite.”<br />

Susan came to California to attend Stanford. Her undergraduate years included<br />

two overseas stints – in Austria and France. While her daughters – Sarah, Emily and<br />

Hannah – were still young, she returned to school and received a Master’s of Social<br />

Work degree at UC Berkeley. In June, Susan will begin studying for her adult bat<br />

mitzvah in 2014 with Rabbi Zellman and others.<br />

www.bethelberkeley.org 5

yAFE: Youth and Family Education<br />

Connecting to the CoMMunity<br />

by Debra Sagan Massey, RJE, Director of Education<br />

Sometimes all the different options<br />

we have can feel really overwhelming. Our<br />

children are presented with so many different<br />

choices of activities — from sports to theater<br />

and clubs. It is no wonder that there has been renewed focus<br />

on how we can help our children be less stressed about school<br />

and extracurricular activities. Many schools and educators are<br />

showing the film Race to Nowhere, an education documentary<br />

that challenges current thinking about how to best prepare our<br />

students for success. I believe that it is our duty as adults to<br />

create a culture where children can learn and grow without a lot<br />

of pressure and to discover what naturally piques their interest<br />

and curiosity.<br />

A supplemental school can often challenge this basic belief. By<br />

adding another activity to our children’s already busy schedules,<br />

we take away important time for relaxing and playing. That is<br />

one reason why our education programs are filled with activities<br />

that keep our children engaged in hands-on learning and<br />

connecting with their friends.<br />

Students who attend the after-school Kadima program get to<br />

participate in Israeli dancing, music, nature, cooking and art<br />

— all with a Jewish twist. Our Shabbat family school, Chug<br />

Mishpacha, brings families together for quality time on Shabbat<br />

— something that is more and more challenging to carve out<br />

of our busy lives. I hope that <strong>Beth</strong> <strong>El</strong> as a whole can feel like<br />

a sanctuary in space for you, a place where you can come<br />

to connect with friends, to be with family, and to enjoy being<br />

Jewish.<br />

Finally, I invite everyone to mark your calendar for the<br />

Celebration of Education on Friday, <strong>May</strong> 17 as we celebrate the<br />

year of learning together. I look forward to seeing you soon!<br />

Race to Nowhere is an education documentary that challenges current<br />

thinking about how to best prepare our students for success. See more<br />

at www.racetonowhere.com/#sthash.TwMYioD3.dpuf.<br />

Gala Fundraiser Exceeds Expectations<br />

What a fabulous time was had by all last month at the<br />

Chai Noon Saloon. The Gala was a beautiful snapshot of the<br />

multigenerational community that is <strong>Beth</strong> <strong>El</strong>. It was truly moving<br />

to look around the room that evening and see members, young<br />

and old, having a great time together.<br />

The list of volunteers who helped make the evening a success is<br />

endless. Please know that we are so grateful to each of you who<br />

helped tending bar, serving, cooking, decorating and cleaning<br />

up. The evening could not have happened without your time and<br />

energy.<br />

Thank you so much to our Gala co-chairs, Jen Brand and Dana<br />

Zell, who organized this incredible event. They had a fabulous<br />

team of helpers, including Lorianna Seidlitz-Smith and Jen<br />

Brysk, who transformed <strong>Beth</strong> <strong>El</strong> into a scene from the Wild West<br />

(including the covered wagon). Thanks to the work of the Gala<br />

Committee: Max Cooperstein, Chrissy Meuris, Robin Wenrick,<br />

Robin McMahon, Cori Kesler, Sarah Bevis, Kim Zvik, Anna<br />

Fogelman, Jason Turbow and Laura Turbow. We were blessed<br />

to have delicious food catered by our member, Oded Hilu of<br />

Jasmine Catering, and the fabulous music by the Swinging<br />

Doors, courtesy of Freight and Salvage Coffeehouse and our<br />

member, Steve Baker.<br />

We also extend our many thanks to those who donated services<br />

for our live and silent auction; you enabled us to reach our<br />

fundraising goals! Through this year’s Gala, we have raised over<br />

$30,000 to provide scholarships to all of our youth and family<br />

education programs: <strong>Beth</strong> <strong>El</strong> Nursery School, Camp Kee Tov,<br />

Kadima, Chug Mishpacha and our youth groups.<br />

On behalf of the entire staff of <strong>Congregation</strong> <strong>Beth</strong> <strong>El</strong>, we are<br />

thankful to everyone who made the Gala such a fabulous event,<br />

and we look forward to many more occasions to gather as a<br />

community.<br />

More Gala pictures on pages 26 - 27.<br />

6 The Builder: <strong>April</strong> & <strong>May</strong> <strong>2013</strong>

Guest Article<br />

Men are from Minsk.<br />

Women are from Vilnius. Discuss.<br />

by Marc Breindel<br />

When a philosopher wrote, “Men are from Mars,<br />

women are from Venus,” he may or may not have been thinking<br />

of synagogue social groups. Is <strong>Beth</strong> <strong>El</strong>’s long-standing Men’s<br />

Club from Minsk, and one-year-old Women of <strong>Beth</strong> <strong>El</strong> from<br />

Vilnius Men’s Club Treasurer Bob Goldstein and Women of <strong>Beth</strong><br />

<strong>El</strong> Coordinator Cathy Stevens noshed on this theme:<br />

Marc Breindel: Let’s start<br />

off with some popular club<br />

activities.<br />

Bob Goldstein: Well, the first<br />

Friday night in March, the<br />

Men’s Club honored former<br />

<strong>Beth</strong> <strong>El</strong> President Stu Berman,<br />

as one of our outstanding<br />

congregation members who<br />

has performed dedicated<br />

service and leadership to<br />

<strong>Beth</strong> <strong>El</strong>.<br />

Cathy Stevens: And you<br />

honor women, too<br />

Bob: We do honor women,<br />

absolutely! This is a nondiscriminatory<br />

event. Last<br />

year we honored the women who put on the Homeless Meal:<br />

Ruth Spear, Adele Amodeo and <strong>El</strong>lie Goldstein-Erickson. The<br />

year before we honored Bev Eigner. So we honor women.<br />

Cathy: Equally.<br />

Bob: Equal opportunity to be honored.<br />

Marc: What other kinds of events does the Men’s Club host<br />

Bob: Under (Men’s Club President) Andy Ganes’s leadership,<br />

we’ve tried to get more kid-oriented events. We’ve always had<br />

the “Day at the A’s,” and this year we’re having a barbecue at<br />

the Coliseum before the game, on Memorial Day.<br />

Marc: It’s the A’s versus the Giants this year. Who’s your team<br />

Bob: I root for the Red Sox myself.<br />

Marc: What events does Women of <strong>Beth</strong> <strong>El</strong> host<br />

Cathy: Every second Sunday of the month we have a craft party.<br />

Women bring their own crafts of any kind. We’ve had jewelry,<br />

knitting, crochet, whatever they feel like. Also we make “chemo<br />

caps” for women at the Women’s Cancer Resource Center in<br />

Oakland.<br />

Marc: Nice. What else<br />

Cathy: One recent quarterly meeting was a potluck, and we<br />

talked about generations. So we had a speaker talking about<br />

the different generations, and we all brought foods from our<br />

childhoods. That was fun: lots of aspic salads and Jell-O,<br />

macaroni and cheese…<br />

Bob: Didn’t you go to the Magic Theater<br />

Cathy: Yes, we did. And we went to a movie as an alternative to<br />

Superbowl Sunday. We went to see Life of Pi.<br />

Marc: That one won some Oscars.<br />

Cathy: Yeah, it was really good. So, mainly, I guess the<br />

emphasis is that we’re a social group, too. Our next quarterly<br />

event is <strong>April</strong> 28, and we’re going to have Israeli dancing and<br />

a potluck of some dish important to your heritage. So it’s fun!<br />

Marc: That does sound like fun.<br />

Cathy: And what else did somebody come up with (Thinks a<br />

moment.) Oh, yeah, sliders! Wouldn’t it<br />

be fun to have a slider party, only we’d<br />

have different kinds of sliders<br />

Marc: You mentioned folk dancing. I’m<br />

guessing you’ll be inviting men to that<br />

event<br />

Cathy: We haven’t thought about<br />

that yet… We gals sometimes don’t<br />

mind having line dances and stuff by<br />

ourselves.<br />

Bob: I want to make clear that the<br />

Men’s Club accepts women members.<br />

Marc: You do<br />

Bob: Yes, in fact one of our first woman<br />

members, who encouraged other<br />

women to join, was Marian Magid. She<br />

was very active in the Men’s Club.<br />

Cathy: (Laughing with delight) I didn’t know that!<br />

Bob: Oh, yeah. She was great. We’re totally unbiased, even<br />

though we’re the Men’s Club.<br />

Cathy: We’re biased. (Laughs heartily.) You can’t come to ours!<br />

Marc: Really, if a man wanted to join Women of <strong>Beth</strong> <strong>El</strong>, what<br />

would happen What if he just wanted to go to the craft event<br />

on Sunday, for example<br />

Cathy: Well, we have not exactly discussed that, but I can tell<br />

you what the philosophy is: There is a felt need for women to<br />

have a place to gather and just talk and schmooze and visit…<br />

We don’t have a grand philosophy – we just want to have fun.<br />

Marc: What are you doing to build up club membership<br />

Cathy: We have a Facebook page, and we’d like to have<br />

people join that. Because if they “Like” our page, then they can<br />

get all of our notifications, and they can also post there.<br />

Bob: That’s a great idea!<br />

Marc: You might start a<br />

Facebook page, too, Bob<br />

Bob: Well, it won’t be me. But<br />

I do think it’s a great idea.<br />

We could have poker parties,<br />

maybe.<br />

Cathy: There you go!<br />

Women of <strong>Beth</strong>’s Facebook<br />

page is at: www.facebook.com/<br />

WBEBerkeley.<br />

Marc Breindel<br />

www.bethelberkeley.org 7

Israel Committee Talk<br />

Zionism – What was it What is it<br />

Who needs it<br />

The Israel Committee of <strong>Congregation</strong> <strong>Beth</strong> <strong>El</strong> has<br />

invited Ron Feldman to teach a three-session series on the<br />

origins, history and contemporary relevance of Zionism and<br />

Zionist ideas. This is an opportunity to learn more about issues<br />

and ideas important to Israel and the Jewish people. Each talk<br />

will be at 7:30 pm in the Beit Midrash.<br />

Session 1: Thursday, <strong>April</strong> 25<br />

Zionism – What was it<br />

The state of Israel was established 65 years ago, but Zionism<br />

existed for over 60 years before that. In this session we will<br />

focus on the history of Zionist ideas, with a special focus on<br />

that earlier period, when most Jews were not Zionists, and<br />

many Zionists were not in favor of establishing a Jewish<br />

state. We will discuss some of the varieties of Zionism, what<br />

they agreed on and how they differed. Among the topics to<br />

be touched on will be peoplehood, homeland, statehood,<br />

nation, diaspora, exile, Arabs/Palestinians, the tension<br />

among religious, cultural and political forces, and the effect<br />

of the Holocaust on Zionist ideas.<br />

Session 2: Thursday, <strong>May</strong> 2<br />

Israel — Why does it matter<br />

Israel has become central to American-Jewish identity, yet<br />

Israel means something different to American Jews and to<br />

Israelis. In this session we will explore those differences,<br />

focusing particularly on the meaning and importance of<br />

Zionism to Israelis, to Jews in the diaspora and, particularly,<br />

to American Jews. Is Zionism still relevant or do we live in a<br />

“post-Zionist” era What, if any, is the distinction between<br />

anti-Semitism and anti-Zionism<br />

Session 3: Thursday, <strong>May</strong> 9<br />

Israel – Does it still matter, and why<br />

Today there are great debates within the Israeli and American<br />

Jewish communities about Israel’s future. At the same time,<br />

it seems that Israel matters less than ever to larger numbers<br />

of American Jews, and that disengagement has grown. In<br />

this concluding meeting we will open the floor to discuss why<br />

Israel still does—or does not—matter to us, the importance<br />

of Zionism to our conception of Israel and the differences<br />

between being pro-Israel and pro-Zionist. We hope to<br />

provide a forum for reflection on how our views today link to<br />

the lineage of ideas about Israel and Zionism discussed in<br />

the first two classes. Participation in this session is open only<br />

to those who participated in the previous sessions.<br />

Ron H. Feldman, Ph.D., is a Visiting Scholar at the Graduate<br />

Theological Union in Berkeley. He edited and co-edited two<br />

collections of essays by Hannah<br />

Arendt on Jewish identity and politics,<br />

more recently, The Jewish Writings<br />

(Schocken, 2007), which has been<br />

translated into Spanish, French and<br />

Hebrew. Dr. Feldman has also been<br />

published in Moment, Judaism, Dissent,<br />

j. Weekly and San Francisco Chronicle.<br />

He has taught Jewish studies courses<br />

on contemporary Jews and Judaism at UC Santa Cruz, San<br />

Francisco State University, Sonoma State University and the<br />

University of San Francisco.<br />

<strong>Beth</strong> <strong>El</strong>ders<br />

Maximizing Your Doctor’s Office Visit<br />

by Marilyn Margulius<br />

Sunday, <strong>April</strong> 14, 3:00 to 5:00 pm at <strong>Beth</strong> <strong>El</strong>’s Beit<br />

Midrash.<br />

Join Marion Anderson, RN, PhD, to learn more about making<br />

the most of your doctor visits:<br />

•What are questions you should be prepared to ask<br />

•What materials and documents should you bring<br />

•What should you know about your condition and your<br />

medications before you leave your doctor’s office<br />

Learn how to be prepared for a doctor’s visit and to effectively<br />

advocate for yourself. Marion is the chair of the MedPals Team<br />

at Ashby Village. MedPals are volunteers who go to a doctor’s<br />

appointment with Ashby Village members. They are available<br />

to support you before the visit, as well as act as note takers<br />

during the appointment itself. They provide an extra set of<br />

eyes and ears, and can also provide the ride to and from the<br />

appointment.<br />

Ashby Village is a community-based nonprofit supporting<br />

independent and healthy living for seniors in their own<br />

homes: www.ashbyvillage.org.<br />

In addition to the Ashby Village presentation, Neil Gozan, a<br />

physician specializing in gerontology, will join the question-andanswer<br />

period.<br />

8 The Builder: <strong>April</strong> & <strong>May</strong> <strong>2013</strong>

Jews By Choice<br />

My Conversion to Judaism<br />

by Martin Dodd<br />

I remember my first bagel. I was about 13 (interesting,<br />

don’t you think) and was sitting for the one Jewish family<br />

on our block. The kids wanted a snack and asked if I would<br />

fix them a bagel. I didn’t know what they were talking about,<br />

which they thought was hysterical. So, they showed me. I still<br />

remember how it tasted, toasted and dripping with butter. I went<br />

home and told my mother about this amazing new delicacy I<br />

had discovered. That was the last bagel I ate until college, but<br />

I believe there was something portentous about the fact that I<br />

never forgot what a revelation that simple bagel seemed.<br />

Around my junior year in college, I began dating the first of what<br />

would become a list of exclusively Jewish girlfriends, culminating<br />

with my wife, Jill. There was clearly a common cultural trait that<br />

drew me to Jewish women, which is interesting in itself, since<br />

as a rule they were quite unlike my mother, a proper Southern<br />

wasP. The first of this succession of girlfriends invited me to my<br />

first Pesach Seder. The Seder itself was more or less a disaster,<br />

as my girlfriend’s mother was emotionally unstable and, looking<br />

back on it now, I realized that she was uncomfortable having<br />

the goy boyfriend at the Seder table. Nonetheless, through it<br />

all, I found myself completely stunned by the Pesach message of<br />

liberation from bondage, internal and external.<br />

Fast forward about 10 years or so. Jill and I had been married<br />

several years. We celebrated Pesach and Chanukah but also<br />

always put up a Christmas tree. Jill attended services on the<br />

High Holy Days; I stayed at home with our young daughters.<br />

As our oldest, Sarah, was getting ready to start school, Jill and<br />

I went to a school fair and learned about Tehiyah Day School<br />

in <strong>El</strong> Cerrito. It became very clear that Jill wanted Sarah to have<br />

a Jewish education. That was fine with me, so we sent her to<br />

Tehiyah. One Friday evening in 1987, in the first few weeks of<br />

Sarah’s kindergarten year, she asked Jill, “Are we going to light<br />

the candles” And so, we started slowly incorporating Shabbat<br />

dinners into our lives, including attending dinner with various<br />

other families in the school. December rolled around and I put<br />

up a tree, just as I always had and suddenly, I felt as though I<br />

was sending a very mixed message to my girls. And I was also a<br />

bit embarrassed about the possibility of others from the Tehiyah<br />

community coming to the house and seeing a Christmas tree.<br />

That was the last Christmas tree we ever had. And the really<br />

telling thing is that I never missed it. Christmas in my birth family<br />

was always a significant holiday – not really religious – but it<br />

carried lots of emotional significance. That I was able to just set<br />

it aside gave me a pretty strong hint that I had turned some kind<br />

of corner internally.<br />

I began to get very active in the Tehiyah community (and stayed<br />

active for many years thereafter). Our involvement signaled<br />

that our lives were starting to be really focused Jewishly in<br />

every respect. But the final step in the process leading to my<br />

conversion came with tragedy. In 1989, my mother-in-law<br />

passed away. Jill and I went to the funeral and it was there that<br />

I first heard the Mourners’ Kaddish recited, and I witnessed<br />

Jewish ritual take over to provide emotional support during life’s<br />

saddest moments. The deep and ancient wisdom reflected in the<br />

ordered and staged grieving process hit me at a very deep level,<br />

and it was then that I knew I would convert.<br />

I started studying. As I learned more, I had an experience<br />

fairly common among Jews-by-choice, and that might also<br />

explain why my memory of that first bagel, my series of Jewish<br />

girlfriends and my experience at my first Seder were all so<br />

significant: I had the sense that I was coming home. Judaism<br />

felt “right” and spoke to me in a way that Christianity never did.<br />

But I did have one last hurdle from my former life to get past.<br />

Although we were never particularly religious or observant,<br />

my family’s life among Southern Protestants is infused with<br />

evangelism. It is just part of the cultural backdrop. So, as I<br />

was studying for conversion, I kept waiting for a blinding flash<br />

of light to be “born again,” as it were, before I would pick a<br />

date for my conversion ceremony. The rabbi with whom I was<br />

studying assured me that Judaism didn’t necessarily work like<br />

that; it is an unfolding process that becomes richer over time.<br />

And then he said, “Pick a date.” So I did. One of the best<br />

decisions I’ve ever made.<br />

This guest article, by Martin Dodd, Past President of <strong>Congregation</strong> <strong>Beth</strong> <strong>El</strong>, is the first of a series about<br />

our members who made the choice as adults to convert to Judaism. If you would like to submit an essay<br />

on this subject, The Builder will publish it. Contact <strong>El</strong>isabeth Wechsler at emwechsler@earthline.net or<br />

phone 510-644-2152 with any questions. In future, we would like to keep the length of the essays to<br />

500 words or so. —Editor, The Builder<br />

www.bethelberkeley.org 9

EVENTS<br />

SerIES<br />

Lunch and Learn Spring Series<br />

Thursday, <strong>April</strong> 11, noon<br />

“The Arab Bedouin Community of the Negev”<br />

Presented by Zimra Vigoda<br />

Thursday, <strong>May</strong> 9, noon<br />

“The Finkler Question”<br />

Presented by Rabbi Yoel Kahn<br />

10<br />

<strong>April</strong><br />

Yom HaShoah<br />

<strong>Congregation</strong> Netivot Shalom will host the Berkeley Jewish<br />

community’s annual commemoration of Yom haShoah,<br />

Holocaust Memorial Day, on Sunday, <strong>April</strong> 7 at 7:00 pm. This<br />

somber program will include song, reflection, testimonials<br />

and prayer. Our guest speaker will be Rita Kuhn, a Holocaust<br />

survivor, long-time Berkeley resident and member of<br />

<strong>Congregation</strong> <strong>Beth</strong> Israel. Our annual service is jointly organized<br />

by <strong>Congregation</strong>s <strong>Beth</strong> <strong>El</strong>, Netivot Shalom and <strong>Beth</strong> Israel, and is<br />

co-sponsored by the Jewish Community Federation of the<br />

East Bay.<br />

Men’s Club Hike<br />

Date: Sunday, <strong>April</strong> 7<br />

The entire <strong>Congregation</strong> is invited.<br />

Where: Tilden Park Inspiration Point to Lake Anza.<br />

Leaders: Sandy and Vivian Golden 510-482-4426; svgolden@<br />

comcast.net.<br />

Meet: Tilden Park Inspiration Point parking lot at 9:45 am; hiking<br />

begins at 10:00 am and ends at approximately 2:00 pm.<br />

The Hike: Hike down Meadows Canyon trail to Wildcat Gorge.<br />

Hike up Gorge Trail across from caves to Lake Anza. Return via<br />

Curran trail.<br />

Food: BYO lunch at Lake Anza picnic area.<br />

Distance/Difficulty: About 4 to 5 miles, moderate.<br />

To Bring: Smiles, walking poles, day pack, water, lunch, snacks,<br />

hat, and sunscreen recommended.<br />

This hike is suitable for kids 11 and older.<br />

Directions from <strong>Congregation</strong> <strong>Beth</strong> <strong>El</strong>:<br />

Take Spruce St. north .5 mile to Marin Ave.<br />

Turn right on Marin and go .4 mile to Grizzly Peak Blvd.<br />

Turn right and go .7 mile on Grizzly Peak to Shasta Road.<br />

Turn left onto Shasta Road for about .5 mile (in Tilden Park).<br />

Turn slight right onto East Wildcat Canyon Rd. for .7 mile.<br />

Turn left into Inspiration Point parking lot.<br />

Yom HaAtzmaut – Israel Independence Day<br />

Come celebrate Israel’s 65th birthday with us on Tuesday, <strong>April</strong><br />

16 from 5:00 pm to 7:00 pm at <strong>Congregation</strong> <strong>Beth</strong> <strong>El</strong>!<br />

There will be music, dance, art, food and video from our <strong>Beth</strong><br />

<strong>El</strong> members traveling in Israel with Rabbi Kahn and the East<br />

Bay Jewish Federation. We will also have our students’ art work<br />

on display. Dinner will be available for purchase from the Liba<br />

Falafel Truck. All are welcome.<br />

The Builder: <strong>April</strong> & <strong>May</strong> <strong>2013</strong><br />

Havdalah in the Hills Hike!<br />

Saturday, <strong>April</strong> 20 from 4:15 pm to 6:00 pm<br />

The Women of <strong>Beth</strong> <strong>El</strong> will hike up to Inspiration Point in Tilden<br />

Park for havdalah under the stars. This three-mile loop is<br />

moderately difficult with ups and downs. Meet at 4:15 pm sharp<br />

at <strong>Beth</strong> <strong>El</strong> to carpool, or at 4:30 pm at Lone Oak picnic area in<br />

Tilden Park.<br />

Driving directions: Take Spruce Street to Grizzly Peak Blvd. Cross<br />

over onto Wildcat Canyon Road and make an immediate left<br />

turn onto Canon Drive. At bottom of Canon Drive, turn right<br />

onto Central Park Drive and make the next left turn onto Lone<br />

Oak Road. The Lone Oak picnic area is straight ahead where<br />

the road turns to the left. Wear layers for warmth and hiking<br />

shoes. There is a port-a-potty and a water fountain at the picnic<br />

area. Optional dinner afterward at Saul’s Deli in Berkeley!<br />

Please RSVP to janetbyron@att.net or 510-848-4008 so that we<br />

can make a dinner reservation.<br />

MAY<br />

Shavuot and All-Night Study Session<br />

Tikkun (all-night study) will be held at the JCC of the East Bay,<br />

1414 Walnut Street, Berkeley on Tuesday, <strong>May</strong> 14.<br />

Shavuot, the third of the Torah’s three ancient pilgrimage<br />

festivals, is considered the anniversary of the giving of the Torah<br />

at Mount Sinai. For hundreds of years, Jews have gathered in a<br />

study-vigil, lasting until midnight or dawn. The Berkeley Jewish<br />

community gathers – in all its diversity – each year at the JCC<br />

of the East Bay for a celebration of study and community. <strong>Beth</strong><br />

<strong>El</strong>’s rabbis and members will be among the many presenters<br />

offering classes and teaching throughout the evening. You are<br />

welcome to come at any time and stay as long as you wish;<br />

childcare is provided. Additional information on teachers and<br />

the evening’s schedule will be in the e-update.<br />

Celebration of Education Shabbat<br />

Please join us on Friday, <strong>May</strong> 17 at 6:15 pm for appetizers,<br />

6:30 pm for a catered dinner and 7:30 pm for the service.<br />

This service will be led by our Confirmation students (10th<br />

graders) along with the <strong>Beth</strong> <strong>El</strong> band. The evening we will also<br />

honor this year’s b’nei mitzvah class, our madrichim and our<br />

graduating seniors.<br />

Midrasha Graduation<br />

Please join us for Midrasha graduation on Sunday, <strong>May</strong> 19 at<br />

10:15 am. The graduation epitomizes the pluralistic nature of<br />

our Midrasha community. Twenty graduates come from five<br />

different synagogues and represent the general community.<br />

Mazel tov to the following <strong>Beth</strong> <strong>El</strong> students and their families:<br />

Noah Amme, Milo Dubinsky, Rachel Graup, Lauren Hoffman,<br />

Sonya Malamut, Seamus Nelson, Harry Pollack and Sam Roditti.<br />

Our other Midrasha graduates are: Henry Coonley, Clara<br />

Cunradi, Yaron Greenwald, Joshua Herman, Shari Kimball,<br />

Orionne Malool, Celeste Pain, Yonah Radousky, David Sibony,<br />

Savyon Sordean, Jake Sullivan and Dina Zangwill.

The congregation is cordially invited to<br />

attend the service and kiddush following<br />

to honor these b’nei mitzvah candidates:<br />


Gefen Gladstone will be called to the<br />

Torah as a bar mitzvah on Saturday,<br />

<strong>April</strong> 6 at 10:15 am. He is the son of<br />

Jodi and Gordon Gladstone.<br />

AJ Ingberman will be called to the<br />

Torah as a bar mitzvah on Saturday,<br />

<strong>May</strong> 11 at 10:15 am. He is the son of<br />

Renee <strong>El</strong>der and Daniel Ingberman.<br />

Aliyah Ross will be called to the Torah<br />

as a bat mitzvah on Saturday, <strong>April</strong> 20<br />

at 10:15 am. She is the daughter of<br />

Heidi and Andy Ross.<br />

Ben Gilbert will be called to the Torah<br />

as a bar mitzvah on Saturday, <strong>May</strong><br />

18 at 10:15 am. He is the son of Jim<br />

Gilbert and Susan Orbuch.<br />

Sarah Graup will be called to the Torah<br />

as a bat mitzvah on Saturday, <strong>May</strong> 4<br />

at 10:15 am. She is the daughter of<br />

Robert Graup and Emily Nozick.<br />

Noah Winkelman will be called to the<br />

Torah as a bar mitzvah on Saturday,<br />

<strong>May</strong> 25 at 10:15 am. He is the son of<br />

Bruce and Margaret Winkelman.<br />

Israel Consul General Andy David To Speak<br />

Save the Date — Tuesday, <strong>May</strong> 21 at 7:30 pm for an evening<br />

with Dr. Andy David, Israel’s Consul General in San Francisco.<br />

We look forward to Dr. David’s presentation at <strong>Congregation</strong><br />

<strong>Beth</strong> <strong>El</strong> (place to be arranged) as he nears the end of his first<br />

year representing the State of Israel in the Bay Area.<br />

Men’s Club Day at the A’s<br />

Memorial Day, Monday <strong>May</strong> 27 at 1:00 pm A’s v. Giants.<br />

See the World Champion Giants and the hometown Oakland<br />

A’s on Memorial Day. One of only two A’s home games versus<br />

the Giants. This game is a guaranteed sellout.<br />

The Men’s Club will have a barbeque with kosher hot dogs,<br />

non-kosher sausages, up-scale beer, soft drink, potato chips and<br />

more in the Coliseum parking lot before the game.<br />

Tickets are third-level seats behind home plate and include<br />

a $6.00 certificate good for refreshments or souvenirs at the<br />

game. Tickets with the barbeque are $28 for adults and $20 for<br />

kids (12 and younger). Tickets without the barbeque are $22 for<br />

adults and $16 for kids.<br />

Deadline to order tickets is <strong>April</strong> 29, but our tickets may sell out<br />

well before that date. Order your tickets today and celebrate<br />

Memorial Day at the ball game! Send a check made out to<br />

<strong>Beth</strong> <strong>El</strong> Men’s Club to Andy Ganes, 659 Santa Barbara Road,<br />

Berkeley 94707. Be sure to indicate the number of kids’ and<br />

adults’ tickets, and whether you are going to the barbeque.<br />

Enclose a stamped, self-addressed envelope so that the tickets<br />

can be mailed to you.<br />

For those attending the pregame barbeque provide a cell<br />

number so that Bob Goldstein can give you the location of the<br />

tailgate barbeque in the parking area.<br />

For more information, contact Andy at AGANES@pacbell.net or<br />

Neil Levy at neil.levy@comcast.net or Neil’s phone, 510-524-<br />

7824.<br />

Farther Ahead<br />

Register for YAFE Programs<br />

Registration for Youth and Family Education Programs is open.<br />

Register by Monday, July 1 and get last year’s prices. <strong>Beth</strong> <strong>El</strong>’s<br />

Youth and Family Education program offers two options: our<br />

midweek Kadima program (Tuesdays/Thursdays from 4:00 pm<br />

to 6:00 pm) or our family Shabbat program, Chug Mishpacha<br />

(Saturday mornings from 9:30 am to noon). All of our programs<br />

explore the beauty of Jewish tradition, strengthen Jewish identity<br />

and build Jewish community. To register, visit the <strong>Beth</strong> <strong>El</strong> website<br />

at www.bethelberkeley.org.<br />

<strong>Beth</strong> <strong>El</strong> Shabbaton<br />

Save the Date: October 11 to 13 at URJ Camp Newman.<br />

Mark your calendars now.<br />

www.bethelberkeley.org 11

Member Corner<br />

Compiled by The Builder Editor, <strong>El</strong>isabeth Wechsler<br />


Janine Baer is a long-time resident<br />

of the East Bay. Originally from<br />

Los Angeles, she was raised in a<br />

mostly-secular Jewish home where<br />

her parents spoke Yiddish when they<br />

didn’t want the children to know<br />

what they were saying. She first<br />

discovered Berkeley as a UC student<br />

in 1968. One of her favorite activities<br />

is searching online for historical<br />

and genealogical information about her ancestors, those by<br />

adoption and those by birth, and tracing their immigration<br />

from Eastern Europe to North America. Among the challenges<br />

is finding Jewish immigrants’ names on passenger lists and<br />

matching up their original names with their new names. With<br />

a background in art and publication production, Janine has<br />

been working on call as a technical editor for a San Francisco<br />

engineering company since 2010. She has enjoyed attending<br />

the Roots and Branches class discussions at <strong>Beth</strong> <strong>El</strong> this year and<br />

looks forward to participating in more of the congregation’s<br />

activities. She has also volunteered to help copy edit and<br />

proofread The Builder.<br />

David Leitner and Sarah<br />

Dentan returned to Berkeley<br />

in 2011 after years in England,<br />

where David was a graduate<br />

student at the University of<br />

Cambridge and where their<br />

daughter, Stella, was born.<br />

“We were looking for a diverse<br />

and child-friendly congregation<br />

with lots of avenues for<br />

religious and community participation,” Sarah said. The family<br />

has been taking full advantage of the area’s parks, science<br />

museums and zoos. Stella is in first grade and likes to create<br />

things out of recycled materials. David is an adjunct professor of<br />

anthropology at Cañada College in Redwood City. Sarah is the<br />

neighborhood and children’s services manager for the Berkeley<br />

Public Library and is looking forward to helping out with the<br />

synagogue’s library.<br />

Jeff Gillman is a retired landscape designer and has lived in<br />

the Bay Area for 42 years. He explains that he was originally<br />

drawn to <strong>Beth</strong> <strong>El</strong> through friends and has come frequently to<br />

Torah Study when he’s in town. He reads a lot of history and<br />

biography and is “devoted to classicism in all its forms and to<br />

the European grand manner.” Describing his background, he<br />

says, “I was a gay child before Stonewall, at a time when a<br />

queer was perhaps the most terrible thing a person could be.”<br />

But Jeff found his own cure: “a partner, a brilliant, beautiful,<br />

talented and loving man, Brian Williams.” After 20 years<br />

together, Brian died in 2002. Jeff’s<br />

parents were both born in the early<br />

20th century – the grandchildren of<br />

immigrants from the Tsarist Pale of<br />

Settlement. “They were confronted with<br />

a stark choice between constricting<br />

traditionalism and what they saw as<br />

liberation and progress,” he noted.<br />

Jeff was confirmed but regrets having<br />

missed out on a traditional Jewish<br />

education and a bar mitzvah. “In my<br />

20’s, strangely, spontaneously, I found<br />

myself confronting Jewish shame,” he said. “I don’t know how or<br />

why I saw it all so clearly, but somehow I was able suddenly and<br />

finally to cast it off and, ever since, have become increasingly<br />

protective of my inalienable connection to Jews and Judaism.”<br />

He looks forward to being an active member of <strong>Beth</strong> <strong>El</strong>, “in<br />

part as a way to fortify those vital bonds.” At present, Jeff is<br />

in London but, when he returns in <strong>May</strong>, is eager to explore<br />

opportunities to volunteer within the <strong>Beth</strong> <strong>El</strong> community.<br />

Sali Gold-Johnson and Paul Johnson are both Bay Area<br />

natives and lifetime area residents, except for Sali’s four years in<br />

college at UCLA. They were attracted to <strong>Congregation</strong> <strong>Beth</strong> <strong>El</strong>’s<br />

“68-year tradition as a liberal synagogue and its reverence for<br />

tradition.” They also like the congregation’s vibrant and growing<br />

Reform Jewish community. In their free time, Sali plays golf<br />

and Paul enjoys tai chi and aikido. Both hike and like spending<br />

time with their three dogs and two cats. Sali has an MBA and<br />

extensive experience in sales and marketing. She is currently an<br />

executive with Pepsico. Paul is a certified public accountant who<br />

works with the engineering and building industry as a finance<br />

officer and consultant. Sali and Paul like to engage in “volunteer<br />

activities involving nonprofit animal rescue and helping the<br />

needy and homeless. We look forward to active involvement in<br />

philanthropic social justice and social action programs through<br />

<strong>Beth</strong> <strong>El</strong>,” Paul said, adding that he hopes to volunteer his expertise<br />

on the financial budget and fiscal management areas of <strong>Beth</strong> <strong>El</strong>.<br />

New member Lauren Kaplan is “very excited to finally<br />

put down some Jewish roots in the East Bay.” She was born<br />

in Boston but moved to California as a baby. Her father’s<br />

first language was Yiddish and he came from a religious<br />

background, while her mother’s family was “quite assimilated.”<br />

The family attended Temple<br />

Isaiah in Lafayette for most<br />

of her childhood even<br />

after moving to Berkeley<br />

when Lauren was seven.<br />

She remembers enjoying<br />

both <strong>Beth</strong> <strong>El</strong>’s Camp Kee<br />

Tov and Camp Swig in<br />

Saratoga. Later, Lauren<br />

12<br />

The Builder: <strong>April</strong> & <strong>May</strong> <strong>2013</strong>

attended the University of California Santa Cruz and received a<br />

fashion and costume design degree from the Fashion Institute<br />

of Technology in New York. She designed custom corsets for<br />

On- and Off-Broadway shows until returning home to San<br />

Francisco. In Berkeley, she was the resident costume designer<br />

for a small nonprofit theater company for seven years. She then<br />

got a teaching credential at St. Mary’s College in Moraga, and<br />

currently teaches in San Pablo. Lauren hopes to complete a<br />

masters degree in education this year. She commented that she<br />

“loves to paint, sculpt and do mosaic tile installations. I have<br />

also danced all my life. In college, I danced ballet folklorico with<br />

a troupe that traveled and danced throughout California and in<br />

Triana and Seville, Spain.” Her two-year-old daughter Shira and<br />

Lauren speak Spanish at home. At <strong>Congregation</strong> <strong>Beth</strong> <strong>El</strong>, Lauren<br />

wants to work on social justice programs, teaching tolerance<br />

and tzedakah and serving the homeless. Shira and I are excited<br />

to become a part of such a progressive, wonderful and diverse<br />

community!” she added.<br />

Marty, Deborah, Zoe (8) and Kaia (6) Place, and two cats<br />

(Tangles and Sprout) live in <strong>El</strong> Cerrito. They have been in the Bay<br />

Area since 1997. “Our<br />

inspiration for joining<br />

the <strong>Beth</strong> <strong>El</strong> community<br />

came from our eightyear-old<br />

who had been<br />

expressing interest in<br />

learning more about<br />

Judaism. We were all<br />

interested in being a<br />

part of larger Jewish<br />

community. In the<br />

last month, we have<br />

been amazed by the warmth with which our family has been<br />

greeted,” Deborah said. Marty and Deborah have worked at<br />

Albany Middle School for more than 10 years. As a family, the<br />

Places love to do outdoor activities, such as backpacking, skiing,<br />

climbing, and boating, and they regularly go to the mountains.<br />

Also, Zoe enjoys piano, soccer and swimming, and Kaia enjoys<br />

violin, gymnastics and swimming.<br />

Born in Indiana, Alisa Rose Seidlitz grew up in Princeton,<br />

New Jersey. She has lived in the Bay<br />

Area “a bunch of decades.” She<br />

commented that she has a family<br />

history with <strong>Congregation</strong> <strong>Beth</strong> <strong>El</strong>:<br />

Rabbi Abrami officiated at her wedding<br />

and her grandmother was a member.<br />

Currently, Alisa Rose is a member<br />

because of Rabbi Kahn and wanting<br />

to be part of the <strong>Beth</strong> <strong>El</strong> community.<br />

In her free time, as she puts it, “I<br />

gotta be outdoors – in the garden, at<br />

the beach or in the woods, dancing,<br />

singing, music, potlucks with friends,<br />

ice skating, bird watching, being with my daughters and my<br />

delicious grandchildren, one of whom is in Gan Katan.” In<br />

her professional work, Alisa Rose is an ecological feng shui<br />

designer, consultant, educator and longtime certified green<br />

building professional. At <strong>Beth</strong> <strong>El</strong>, Alisa Rose wants to help to<br />

enhance work spaces at the synagogue and she is helping Ruth<br />

Ehrenkrantz with plantings in the synagogue’s garden. “I’m<br />

ready to be of all-around environmental use,” she said.<br />

The Sparks family relocated from San Francisco last year<br />

and love living in the Bay Area. Jeff (who uses the last name<br />

Feldman for business) is originally from Boston and Risa is<br />

from Texas. They have lived in the Bay Area for four years and<br />

spent two years abroad shortly after they married in 2009 – in<br />

Almaty, Kazakhstan, for one year and Calgary, Canada, for<br />

another year. Risa is an investment strategist in the energy<br />

industry. Jeff is the director of business development and strategy<br />

at Adobe Systems Inc. Jeff attended the Wharton School at the<br />

University of Pennsylvania. Risa received a bachelor’s degree<br />

in engineering from the University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, and<br />

an MBA from Northwestern University. “We really like the <strong>Beth</strong><br />

<strong>El</strong> community,” Risa said, adding that another draw to joining<br />

was the nursery school, which their son Max will attend in the<br />

fall. With a young child and two busy careers, Jeff and Risa say<br />

they don’t have much time for interests and activities, but when<br />

they do, they enjoy hiking, day trips around the area and animal<br />

sightings – “our son Max is obsessed with animals.” The Sparks<br />

hope to be involved in helping with the nursery school.<br />

Adam Winig and Veronica Monti moved to the East Bay<br />

three years ago from San Francisco; they love the outdoors and<br />

thought this area would<br />

be the perfect place for<br />

a family. Their son Oren,<br />

almost two years old,<br />

will be starting preschool<br />

at <strong>Beth</strong> <strong>El</strong> in the fall.<br />

Veronica’s parents are<br />

from Uruguay, where<br />

she spent part of her<br />

childhood and still has<br />

extended family. She<br />

has been a registered dietitian for the last nine years in the Bay<br />

Area, currently working as a diabetes educator at Children’s<br />

Hospital in Oakland. Adam grew up in Lafayette and is a<br />

licensed architect and principal of the firm Arcsine. Veronica<br />

and Adam spend most of their free time taking Oren to places<br />

that he can explore. Oren loves the park, playing with water,<br />

dancing and reading books. Adam and Veronica want to raise<br />

their son in a Jewish environment and be part of a community<br />

that shares the same values. What drew them to <strong>Beth</strong> <strong>El</strong> is how<br />

close and supportive everyone is. They would love to volunteer<br />

at the preschool to help their son and his classmates enjoy this<br />

very special and important time in their lives.<br />

www.bethelberkeley.org 13

Editor’s Column<br />

Board Buzz<br />

by <strong>El</strong>isabeth Wechsler<br />

I’ve been invited to attend <strong>Congregation</strong> <strong>Beth</strong> <strong>El</strong> Board<br />

meetings, which are open to the membership, and write about<br />

what I hear and see. It seems like a good way to demystify the<br />

work of our synagogue leaders. There were occasionally details<br />

that the Board felt should not be published on <strong>Beth</strong> <strong>El</strong>’s public<br />

website, but members may always ask Board members about<br />

anything to do with <strong>Beth</strong> <strong>El</strong>.<br />

The February 26 meeting in the Beit Midrash started off with<br />

pizza and salad for Board members who didn’t have time to<br />

eat before the 7:00 pm start time. Paul Sugarman, first vice<br />

president, called the meeting to order in President Dan Magid’s<br />

absence. After the opening prayer, Lisa Feldman gave the D’var<br />

Torah, a short summary of the golden calf story in the weekly<br />

parashah.<br />

The first item on the agenda concerned a proposed partnership<br />

with Rosh Pina, a Jewish organization that helps institutions<br />

become more responsive and accessible to people with special<br />

needs. <strong>Beth</strong> <strong>El</strong> Education Director Debra Sagan Massey and<br />

<strong>El</strong>ana Naftalin-Kelman, the representative from Rosh Pina,<br />

spoke about the needs of some <strong>Beth</strong> <strong>El</strong> families, which include<br />

nonverbal individuals and children with hearing difficulties,<br />

learning disabilities and autism. Rosh Pina is derived from<br />

Psalms 118:22: “the stone that builders refused has become the<br />

cornerstone.”<br />

If approved by the Board, <strong>Beth</strong> <strong>El</strong> will pledge $3,000 to have<br />

the congregation’s needs assessed and then Rosh Pina will<br />

offer solutions for making the synagogue more convenient for<br />

disabled members without feeling the stigma of asking for help.<br />

<strong>Beth</strong> <strong>El</strong> is invited to be part of a pilot program and to participate<br />

in a formal certification process. After much discussion, the<br />

Board decided to ask for more details about expectations and<br />

time involved for staff and volunteers.<br />

Next on the agenda was the proposed budget for the fiscal year<br />

beginning July 1, <strong>2013</strong>. Norm Frankel presented a preliminary<br />

draft budget, which still requires refinement and adjustment<br />

before being presented to the Board for approval. The Board<br />

discussed a small increase in annual dues recommended by the<br />

Finance Committee in line with inflation, though no decision<br />

will be made (subject to approval by the membership at the<br />

Annual Meeting) until the final budget is available for review.<br />

It was noted that credit card fees accrued in payments to <strong>Beth</strong><br />

<strong>El</strong> currently cost the synagogue about $20,000 per year, and<br />

there was discussion about how to decrease that expense. Some<br />

suggestions were offered but no decision was made.<br />

The Board also discussed the upcoming principal “balloon”<br />

payment to be made in March on <strong>Beth</strong> <strong>El</strong>’s mortgage in the<br />

amount of $425,000, as well as the synagogue’s overall debt<br />

structure. <strong>Beth</strong> <strong>El</strong> will make the balloon payment on time.<br />

Another agenda item addressed the Nominating Committee’s<br />

slate for Board positions. According to the bylaws, the slate<br />

must be approved by the Board one month before the Annual<br />

Meeting, scheduled for Sunday, <strong>May</strong> 5. It was noted that a<br />

number of positions were still unfilled.<br />

Nancy Turak gave an extensive report about the status of<br />

membership, which has increased to 495. In particular, she<br />

conducted exit surveys with the members who did not renew<br />

their membership this year. No single reason was given but the<br />

conclusion was that those members did not develop a strong<br />

connection to <strong>Beth</strong> <strong>El</strong>. One departing member joined for only<br />

one year; another had been a member for 33 years. It was<br />

noted that new members responded to dinners set up in private<br />

homes to welcome new members over the last year; most of the<br />

people who attended those dinners (which included both new<br />

and current members) became more active in <strong>Beth</strong> <strong>El</strong> programs<br />

and volunteer opportunities. Nancy concluded by observing that<br />

“we need to find out people’s passions so that they can make a<br />

connection at <strong>Beth</strong> <strong>El</strong> that’s meaningful to them.”<br />

Other short agenda items included:<br />

• Progress on the Berryman Path fence, which is 75<br />

percent complete. <strong>Beth</strong> <strong>El</strong> paid for the materials<br />

and Boy Scout volunteers supplied the labor.<br />

• <strong>Beth</strong> <strong>El</strong>’s driveway is misused and dangerous when<br />

cars take shortcuts through the synagogue, and<br />

by cars exiting on the Oxford Street side or turning<br />

left onto Spruce Street. Speed bumps and/or traffic<br />

monitors were suggested.<br />

• The House Committee is considering a wide<br />

variety of projects, including changes that could be<br />

made to the sanctuary to make the room warmer<br />

and more appealing, and also to improve the<br />

acoustics.<br />

The meeting ended about 9:45 pm with the closing song, “Mi<br />

Chamocha.”<br />

Present: Paul Sugarman, chair for the evening as Dan Magid<br />

was out of town; Lisa Feldman; Jeff Seideman; Joanne<br />

Backman; Odette Blachman; Nancy Turak; Rabbi Yoel Kahn;<br />

Michael Fajans; Allen Nudel; Amy Resner; and Wendy Lukas.<br />

Guests were: Debra Sagan Massey; <strong>El</strong>ona Naftalin-Kelman; and<br />

<strong>El</strong>isabeth Wechsler.<br />

Absent: Dan Magid, Jim Offel, Lori Perlstadt, Marc Derewetsky,<br />

Steven Branoff and Thomas Lurquin.<br />

14<br />

The Builder: <strong>April</strong> & <strong>May</strong> <strong>2013</strong>

Events<br />

Supper & Schmooze Coming<br />

on Saturday, <strong>April</strong> 13<br />

by Michelle Bergtraun<br />

There are many reasons why people join a congregation,<br />

but perhaps chief among them is the desire to become more<br />

connected to the community we live in, meet new friends and<br />

expand our social circle. This is why we have embraced the<br />

Supper & Schmooze event so enthusiastically since its inception<br />

over 10 years ago, when it was introduced as the Lichvod<br />

Hatzibur Dinners, the name recently simplified to more readily<br />

convey what it’s all about: food and community, a.k.a. the heart<br />

of Judaism as we know it!<br />

Here is a brief explanation of how this event is structured, for<br />

those of you who have not experienced it yet:<br />

1. Some congregants offer to host dinner and they let <strong>Beth</strong><br />

<strong>El</strong> know how many people they can accommodate in<br />

their house. Occasionally friends pair up to be hosts (e.g.,<br />

“bigger house” friend + “enjoys cooking” friend).<br />

2. The rest of the congregation signs up to attend through the<br />

online link at www.bethelberkeley.org/supper, so you can<br />

list allergies, etc.<br />

3. <strong>Beth</strong> <strong>El</strong> randomly matches hosts and guests, taking<br />

into consideration any special requests by either one<br />

(vegetarian, no red meat, etc.). Depending on demand,<br />

childcare can be arranged by <strong>Beth</strong> <strong>El</strong> for a small fee. This<br />

event is geared for adults to connect with each other. We<br />

don’t get enough “parent nights” as it is!<br />

4. On the evening of the event, all guests gather at <strong>Beth</strong> <strong>El</strong><br />

at 6:00 pm for havdalah and light appetizers, but most<br />

important, to open the envelope with the name and<br />

address of their secret host — suspense and excitement<br />

rivaled only by Oscar night!<br />

5. Everybody takes off for a fun evening, either getting to<br />

know familiar faces you’ve seen so often in the hallway but<br />

never met, or someone you’ve never even seen before —<br />

and who knew they were members<br />

6. From this day on you have a larger number of people<br />

you know and recognize when you come to <strong>Beth</strong> <strong>El</strong> and in<br />

your community in general, and possibly form new lifetime<br />

friendships!<br />

Thanks to these dinners over the years, Alex and I have<br />

discovered resources in our community we didn’t know about;<br />

met congregants with whom we intersect in other aspects of<br />

life (school, sports, etc.), which we didn’t realize; met people<br />

in different age groups whom we wouldn’t normally know;<br />

attended a “musical dinner” courtesy of some very talented <strong>Beth</strong><br />

<strong>El</strong> members...all while sharing a meal and good cheer. This is<br />

one event we wouldn’t want to miss!<br />

know if you’d like to host a dinner. Contrary to most events in<br />

Berkeley, this one is about the people, not the food: gourmet<br />

dinners not required or necessary; pasta, chicken and you will<br />

do!<br />

Buon Appetito, we look forward to meeting you and sharing<br />

good times together on Saturday, <strong>April</strong> 13.<br />

If there is anything else you’d like to know, contact the <strong>Beth</strong> <strong>El</strong><br />

front office and they will find an answer for you!<br />

<strong>Beth</strong> <strong>El</strong>ders<br />

Oral and Written hIStory<br />

ProJECt “Very SUCCESSful”<br />

Our oral and written history program in<br />

which participants writing their stories and<br />

sharing them with the group, has been<br />

well received and appreciated. Our eight<br />

sessions are over, but the participants<br />

have chosen to continue for an additional<br />

six weeks. Many who have never written<br />

anything before are surprised to find that<br />

they are good writers, and are gaining<br />

new insights in the process.<br />

This program will be offered again in the<br />

fall, and this time it will be in the evening<br />

so that men and women who are still<br />

working can participate. Even though<br />

the program falls under the <strong>Beth</strong> <strong>El</strong>ders<br />

umbrella, everyone has stories and it<br />

is never too early to start writing them<br />

down. So, in the fall this program will be<br />

open to all ages.<br />

There are already congregants signed up waiting to have you<br />

over to their house, but there’s room for more — let <strong>Beth</strong> <strong>El</strong><br />

www.bethelberkeley.org 15

YAFE<br />

Thank You, BENS<br />

Teachers<br />

by Maguy Weizmann McGuire<br />

The month of <strong>May</strong> is Teachers’ Appreciation Month,<br />

a time when we pay tribute to our remarkable teachers at <strong>Beth</strong><br />

<strong>El</strong> Nursery School (BENS). I pay tribute to BENS teachers for:<br />

Creating unique spaces so our children can discover<br />

their own magical powers.<br />

Providing our children with opportunities to experiment<br />

with objects and natural materials so they can develop<br />

and be aware of their senses.<br />

Introducing them to many concepts (gravity, buoyancy,<br />

height, weight) and encouraging them to reach their<br />

own logical conclusions.<br />

Instilling a passion for rhythm, songs and movements.<br />

Fostering in them a love for art and encouraging them<br />

to become accomplished artists.<br />

Setting up dramatic scenes so they can role-play and<br />

act with confidence.<br />

Making them notice similarities and differences, and<br />

developing a sense of respect for one another.<br />

Helping them develop connections and meaningful<br />

friendships with one another.<br />

Allowing them to openly express their emotions and<br />

feelings.<br />

Comforting, understanding and making them feel safe<br />

when they are sad, angry, frustrated or lonely.<br />

Assisting them to overcome obstacles and challenges<br />

and scaffolding them through it so they can become<br />

independent builders and critical thinkers.<br />

Teaching them how to become their own teachers.<br />

In the wisdom of Carl Jung, “One looks back with appreciation<br />

to the brilliant teachers, but with gratitude to those who touched<br />

our human feelings. The curriculum is so much necessary raw<br />

material, but warmth is the vital element for the growing plant<br />

and for the soul of a child.”<br />

BENS teachers are all that and more!<br />

The One Note Poet<br />

by Esther Simon<br />

I realized the other day<br />

I am a One Note Poet<br />

and though I have variety<br />

I do not care to show it.<br />

And so I there decided to<br />

go off and seek my style<br />

and leave behind my comfort zone<br />

for just a little while.<br />

I went and read some Robert Burns<br />

and resolved to write in Scots<br />

then read tha’ thing I di’ create<br />

and then thought I’d rather not.<br />

Or perhaps I’ll be consumptive<br />

cough into a bloody rag<br />

Leave a string of ruined lovers<br />

And then die, my praise un-sang.<br />

I’ll reinvent the genre and<br />

I’ll be lauded shore to shore.<br />

I’ll lay down my poet’s pencil<br />

and then write these things no more.<br />

Fine, perhaps my expectations<br />

are a little less than sane.<br />

So perhaps I’ll keep it one note<br />

and with that I’ll make my name.<br />

This poem was written as part of the<br />

Scribes youth group.<br />

16<br />

The Builder: <strong>April</strong> & <strong>May</strong> <strong>2013</strong>

Youth Groups<br />

How Do We Measure the Success of<br />

Youth Programs<br />

by Rebecca DePalma<br />

This year at <strong>Beth</strong> <strong>El</strong> has been exhilarating.<br />

Our youth are more active than ever. I think <strong>Beth</strong> <strong>El</strong> is<br />

a place that many of them love, feel like they belong<br />

and are safe. More than this, I want them to love<br />

themselves and take pride in their Judaism. That is<br />

what I would call success. I don’t really know any ways<br />

to evaluate this other than through their anecdotes;<br />

it isn’t an easy numbers count of how many showed<br />

up or how much it cost. But this year is the end of my<br />

sixth year at <strong>Beth</strong> <strong>El</strong> and I feel that the relationships<br />

I’ve built with families are what make our youth<br />

programs valuable. I am working to understand what<br />

our students know, do, what they believe in and where<br />

they feel they belong. It is a privilege to get to know<br />

our students and see them grow up.<br />

I really hope you will join me for our Celebration of<br />

Education Shabbat on Friday, <strong>May</strong> 17 where we will<br />

honor our madrichim, confirmation class, graduating<br />

class and 7th grade. We have nine madrichim who<br />

are graduating seniors this year and I am so privileged<br />

to get to work with them. Ari Bolton, Milo Dubinsky,<br />

Rachel Graup, Hannah Lehman, Alana Levine-<br />

Gorelick, Aaron Lieberman, Sonya Malamut, Jacob<br />

Pearlstein and Scarlett Tucker are all extraordinary in<br />

many different ways. We are excited for them, but we<br />

will also miss them as they move forward in their lives.<br />

Their skills vary from community building to calculus,<br />

from lesson planning to computer science, from<br />

volleyball to poetry, from fashion to media technology,<br />

from cross country to viola and much more. I hope<br />

they know that whatever they do in the world, <strong>Beth</strong> <strong>El</strong><br />

will support their endeavors. We’ll be available to talk<br />

about what they believe, and they can always come<br />

home if they need somewhere to belong. I measure<br />

success in knowing this graduating class is full of<br />

mensches who are going to do amazing work in the<br />

world. I thank them for all the energy and time they<br />

have spent making <strong>Beth</strong> <strong>El</strong> a very special place for<br />

themselves and everyone around them.<br />

<strong>April</strong> 9<br />

<strong>April</strong> 14<br />

<strong>April</strong> 16<br />

<strong>April</strong> 23<br />

<strong>April</strong> 25<br />

<strong>April</strong> 26-28<br />

<strong>May</strong> 7<br />

<strong>May</strong> 17<br />

<strong>May</strong> 17-19<br />

<strong>May</strong> 19<br />

<strong>April</strong> 18<br />

<strong>April</strong> 28<br />

<strong>May</strong> 9<br />

<strong>May</strong> 17<br />

<strong>April</strong> 14<br />

<strong>May</strong> 23<br />

UPCoMIng EVEnts for<br />

Youth GroUP<br />

High School<br />

Scribes of <strong>Beth</strong> <strong>El</strong>, 6:15 pm – 7:15 pm<br />

J Serve, 9:00 am – 1:30 pm<br />

Teen Band Performance at Yom Ha’Atzmaut,<br />

5:00 pm – 6:30 pm<br />

Scribes of <strong>Beth</strong> <strong>El</strong>, 6:15 pm – 7:15 pm<br />

Teen Band Rehearsal, 6:00 pm – 8:00 pm<br />

Midrasha Retreat<br />

Scribes of <strong>Beth</strong> <strong>El</strong><br />

Celebration of Education Shabbat<br />

confirmation, Honoring Graduates &<br />

Madrichim – Teen Band Performance,<br />

6:15 pm – 9:00 pm<br />

NFTY-CWR Spring Conclave at Camp Newman<br />

Midrasha Graduation<br />

SABABA, 6th – 8th graders<br />

Sababa Board Meeting & Call Party,<br />

6:15 pm – 7:30 pm<br />

Sababa Santa Cruz Beach Boardwalk Trip,<br />

9:00 am – 6:00 pm<br />

Sababa Board Meeting & Call Party,<br />

6:15 pm – 7:30 pm<br />

Sababa <strong>El</strong>ections and Honoring Board<br />

Members at Celebration of Education Shabbat<br />

Ruach, 4th & 5th Graders<br />

Ruach Israel Adventure, 3:00 pm – 5:00 pm<br />

Ruach End of Year Celebration,<br />

4:00 pm – 6:00 pm<br />

Madrichim Applications<br />

Accepted Now!!<br />

We are currently accepting applications for the madrichim program for the <strong>2013</strong>-14 school year at<br />

www.bethelberkeley.org//learning/teens/madrichim<br />

www.bethelberkeley.org 17

Staff Profile<br />

Camping With 800+ Kids For a Living<br />

by <strong>El</strong>isabeth Wechsler<br />

How do you manage to get 400+ kids home safely<br />

from Camp Kee Tov every day The answer is: very carefully.<br />

This responsibility is the biggest challenge of Emily Schnitzer’s<br />

job. The Kee Tov administrative coordinator commented that<br />

“3:30 pm to 4:15 pm is the most stressful part of the day for me<br />

– if kids miss their pick-up.”<br />

The two drop-off sites after the day’s camp session are the<br />

North Berkeley Library and Chabot <strong>El</strong>ementary School in<br />

Rockridge. Some of the older campers walk home alone, she<br />

added. Buses and their long-term drivers are contracted for the<br />

summer from Berkeley Unified School District and from Marin<br />

Country Day School.<br />

Other than getting the campers home safely, Emily says she<br />

is “totally and happily consumed” by <strong>Congregation</strong> <strong>Beth</strong> <strong>El</strong>’s<br />

summer camp. She started coming to Camp Kee Tov when she<br />

was eight years old and has tallied up eight years as a camper,<br />

11 years as a counselor and finally a year and a half in her<br />

present position. This job is her first after graduating from<br />

University of California San Diego with a degree in biology and<br />

education studies.<br />

Emily is in charge of all the camp registration forms, payments<br />

and scholarship administration. With 800 or more campers,<br />

that’s a lot of forms and checks to organize. In addition, there<br />

are health and allergy forms to be filled out by the parents of<br />

campers. She also helps train counselors a week before camp<br />

starts, which is an off-site, five-day camping trip. Usually, this<br />

training takes place at Negro Bar, a park in Folsom, where<br />

it’s “very hot, but there’s a river,” she noted. There are also<br />

overnight camping trips in the Bay Area, with the location<br />

depending on the age of the kids. Some are held at Tilden Park<br />

and some at <strong>Beth</strong> <strong>El</strong>’s Social Hall.<br />

Emily is also the go-between for parents and the Camp Kee<br />

Tov staff; she passes on concerns from parents to the camp<br />

staff, and vice versa. Plus, she mediates registration issues that<br />

come up.<br />

The after-camp care, called Chaverim (Hebrew for “friends”),<br />

is basically “structured free time for everyone. Typically, we play<br />

quiet games, use the Gaga pit” and do arts and crafts on <strong>Beth</strong> <strong>El</strong>’s<br />

campus, she said. After everyone is cleared from the bus stops,<br />

Emily gets to play with the kids – something that she really enjoys.<br />

Another perk of her job is popping into the nursery school<br />

classrooms – “the future Camp Kee Tov-ers,” she said. Emily<br />

also attends the Friday Shabbat service for the Aleph and Bet<br />

classes (for young children).<br />

The hours for Kee Tov staff are long: a good day is when Emily<br />

can leave at 6:30 pm, but often she and other staff members<br />

work until 9:30 pm visiting overnights or going to staff potlucks.<br />

She and Camp Director Zach Landres-Schnur work together<br />

collaboratively, Emily said. “We work pretty much on everything<br />

together,” she explained. “It’s an adult’s dream to work with a<br />

good friend,” she added. (See the Summer 2012 issue of The<br />

Builder, page 7, for a profile of Zach.)<br />

Emily was raised in a “culturally Jewish” home. Her maternal<br />

grandfather was the only member of his family to survive the<br />

Holocaust; he was sent to a number of concentration camps, but<br />

spent the longest time at Auschwitz and Bergen-Belsen in Poland.<br />

Her paternal grandfather fought in Europe in World War ii. While<br />

her parents were not raised religiously, Jewish values were instilled<br />

in Emily growing up and have come to shape her adult life.<br />

Nominated by Debra Sagan Massey to attend a conference of<br />

the National Association of Temple Educators, Emily represented<br />

<strong>Beth</strong> <strong>El</strong> in Phoenix, Arizona, this past December. It was a good<br />

“professional learning experience,” she said, adding that she<br />

looks forward to implementing what she learned there.<br />

“The biggest take-home message I got from the conference was<br />

to create activities and projects that make a difference in the<br />

child’s immediate world,” Emily said. She reflected that while<br />

Camp Kee Tov emphasizes Jewish values and teachings, “we<br />

could further help incorporate them by showing our campers<br />

how to put them to use in their everyday life.”<br />

Letters to the Editor<br />

Your thoughts and opinions are important to us. If you have<br />

a subject of interest to the <strong>Congregation</strong>, write a letter or<br />

essay of a maximum of 500 words and submit it to:<br />

Editor, The Builder, emwechsler@earthlink.net by<br />

<strong>May</strong> 1, <strong>2013</strong> for the June-July issue.<br />

Letters, essays and guest articles may be edited for<br />

length and at the discretion of the Marketing &<br />

Communications Committee.<br />

No anonymous submissions will be accepted.<br />

EditorIAl Staff of The Builder<br />

<strong>El</strong>isabeth Wechsler, Editor and Senior Writer<br />

Marc Breindel, Martin Dodd: Guest Contributors<br />

Janine Baer, Copy Editor<br />

Jennifer Robinson, Layout and Design<br />

Margee Burch, Production Coordinator<br />

The Marketing and Communications Committee will offer<br />

guidance and suggestions for future issues of The Builder.<br />

Interested members are invited to join the committee.<br />

Contact jeff.seideman@earthlink.net<br />

18<br />

The Builder: <strong>April</strong> & <strong>May</strong> <strong>2013</strong>

Learning Together as a Family in<br />

Chug Mishpacha<br />

by <strong>El</strong>isabeth Wechsler<br />

Chug Mishpacha<br />

No dropping off the kids on Shabbat at <strong>Congregation</strong><br />

<strong>Beth</strong> <strong>El</strong>: the whole family attends Chug Mishpacha. “Kids<br />

appreciate that their parents are participating,” said Ethan<br />

Andelman, who along with his wife, Laura Mytels, and their<br />

two children, are regulars at the Saturday<br />

morning program.<br />

Some of the parents in Chug Mishpacha<br />

are grateful that <strong>Beth</strong> <strong>El</strong>’s program is<br />

different than the model they grew up<br />

with. “The formal way of learning didn’t<br />

make much of an impression on me or my<br />

husband,” commented Sharon Friedman,<br />

who is married to Leo Meier. “Neither of us<br />

had a great experience in Hebrew school<br />

that we’d want to perpetuate with our kids,”<br />

she added.<br />

The goals for the program, started by<br />

Debra Sagan Massey and Rabbi Bridget<br />

Wynne five years ago, are specific.<br />

They include having fun together while<br />

experiencing Shabbat; developing Jewish<br />

community within the group of families<br />

in Chug Mishpacha, beyond in the larger<br />

synagogue; learning about the Jewish<br />

calendar and life cycle while engaging<br />

in prayer and spiritual exploration; and<br />

studying Torah as well as other Jewish texts.<br />

The idea is to learn together as a family so<br />

that each household can develop its own<br />

ways of being Jewish, including Shabbat<br />

and holiday rituals, said Rabbi Wynne. “We<br />

want Jewishness to be more like life rather<br />

than just a classroom experience.”<br />

About 20 families with 33 kids attend Chug Mishpacha on<br />

a regular basis, she said, adding that the range of Jewish<br />

knowledge is wide and that not all participants are Jewish.<br />

The parents enjoy the Shabbat morning experience as much<br />

as the kids do, observed Adam Eigner, another parent in Chug<br />

Mishpacha. “It’s hard to imagine how the program could be<br />

improved,” he added. “It’s a wonderful experience in contrast<br />

to my Hebrew School experience, which was isolated from my<br />

family life. It’s more joyful and fun to do it with Evelyn and<br />

Enrique.” Evelyn Herrera is his wife and Enrique Eigner-Herrera<br />

is his seven-year-old son.<br />

Chrissy Meuris, another parent, echoed that sentiment: “Rabbi<br />

Wynne explores and explains absolutely everything. She’s very<br />

clear but doesn’t dumb anything down, even though I didn’t<br />

know that much about Judaism before Chug. Rabbi Wynne<br />

answers really difficult questions for us.”<br />

The program is divided for kids by age level,<br />

and the parents study separately for part of the<br />

morning. Most sessions also include time for<br />

everyone to come together for a family activity.<br />

The morning’s theme, perhaps an upcoming<br />

holiday or a biblical story, is emphasized<br />

throughout the session. For example, the<br />

younger kids might do an art project while<br />

the older kids study the same subject in more<br />

depth, and the parents might explore the<br />

philosophy behind the theme of the day. About<br />

one-third of the themes are the parashah of<br />

the week, according to Ethan Andelman.<br />

He and his wife, Laura Mytels, commented<br />

that their family feels much more integrated<br />

with the <strong>Beth</strong> <strong>El</strong> community as a result of Chug<br />

Mishpacha. “It’s a great opportunity to meet<br />

other families with kids the same age, and<br />

Chug acts as a support group,” Ethan said.<br />

The Chug Mishpacha teaching staff is<br />

headed by Rabbi Wynne. The other teachers<br />

in the program are: Lauren Byrne (prekindergarten),<br />

Nicole Maderas (kindergarten<br />

and first grade), Linda Miller (second and<br />

third grade) and Abra Greenspan (fourth<br />

and fifth grade). All are “professional<br />

Jewish educators with excellent knowledge<br />

of Judaism and extensive backgrounds in<br />

teaching, and they enjoy being part of this program in which<br />

they get to connect regularly with parents as well as children,”<br />

said Rabbi Wynne.<br />

Occasionally, the program does need tweaking, such as when<br />

participants arrived late for the family prayer service at the<br />

beginning of the program. Rabbi Wynne said the parents<br />

brainstormed about how to deal with that and many suggestions<br />

were offered. The solution was to ask everyone to arrive 15<br />

minutes early and to have coffee before the Chug program<br />

begins. “Parents decided to call one another to remind them<br />

about the new start time and just to connect; it builds attendance<br />

and community,” she said, adding that “parents also planned<br />

Continued on p.20<br />

www.bethelberkeley.org 19


Please make checks payable to <strong>Congregation</strong> <strong>Beth</strong> <strong>El</strong> and<br />

mail to 1301 Oxford Street, Berkeley, CA 94709<br />

CONGREGATION BETH EL Fund Contributions<br />

This contribution of $_________ is * in Memory of* * in Honor of*<br />

*<br />

Please credit the fund checked at the right:<br />

Contribution___________________________________________________________<br />

Acknowledge__________________________________________________________<br />

From__________________________________________________________________<br />

To____________________________________________________________________<br />

Address 1_____________________________________________________________<br />

Address 2_____________________________________________________________<br />

It is a Jewish tradition to give Tzedakah to commemorate life cycle events<br />

and other occasions. Are you celebrating a birthday, engagement,<br />

anniversary, baby naming, Bat/Bar Mitzvah or recovery from an<br />

illness These are just a few ideas of appropriate times to commemorate<br />

with a donation to <strong>Beth</strong> <strong>El</strong>. These tax-deductible donations are greatly<br />

appreciated and are a vital financial supplement to support the wonderful<br />

variety of programs and activities that we offer at <strong>Congregation</strong> <strong>Beth</strong> <strong>El</strong>.<br />

Thank you for your support.<br />

General Fund - Use Where Most Needed<br />

Aaron Plishner Children’s Library<br />

Allan and Tybil Smith Kahn Memorial Fund<br />

Arjmand Adult Education Fund<br />

Building Fund<br />

Camp Kee Tov Scholarship Fund<br />

Chevra Kadisha Fund<br />

David Cotton Memorial Swig Fund<br />

<strong>El</strong>len Meyer Childcare Fund<br />

Endowment Fund<br />

Freed Flower Fund<br />

Homeless Meal Program<br />

Israel Scholarship Fund<br />

Bar Lev Landscape Fund<br />

Marian Magid Memorial Fund<br />

Men’s Club<br />

Mitzvah Committee<br />

Music Fund<br />

Nursery School Fund<br />

Oneg/Kiddush Fund<br />

Prayerbook Fund<br />

Rabbis Kahn’s Discretionary Fund<br />

Rabbi Emeritus Raj’s Discretionary Fund<br />

Rabbi Vida Library Fund<br />

Social Action Fund<br />

Youth and Family Education Fund<br />

* Youth Groups Fund<br />

Chug MIShPACha, ContinUEd from Page 19<br />

to start having lunch together after the program as another<br />

way for families to get more connected with one another.”<br />

Sharon Friedman said that as Chug Mishpacha has evolved,<br />

“it’s become richer and the program helps meet changing<br />

needs. Also, going as a family has made such a difference<br />

in our son’s attitude: Chug has changed the whole nature<br />

of going to Jewish school for him.” Her son, Jonah Meier,<br />

is 11 and started to go to the program when he was in<br />

second grade.<br />

Adam Eigner summed up a sentiment noted by several<br />

others: “Chug Mishpacha gives us the chance to experience<br />

Shabbat together with our families, which is really how I<br />

want to spend it.”<br />

Would You lIKE a<br />

Printed CoPY of The Builder<br />

If you would prefer to read The Builder<br />

in a printed format,<br />

please contact Margee at the <strong>Beth</strong> <strong>El</strong> front office.<br />

She will put your name on the list<br />

to mail you a hard copy.<br />

Email margee@bethelberkeley.org or<br />

phone 848-3988, ext. 211.<br />

20<br />

The Builder: <strong>April</strong> & <strong>May</strong> <strong>2013</strong>

The names of the four<br />

scouts and the projects<br />

they did are, in order<br />

from left to right: Asher<br />

Bergtraun (gaga pit),<br />

Yang Ren (planter boxes),<br />

Joseph Belman (Berryman<br />

Path fence), and Michael<br />

Long (garden fence). To<br />

the left of the scouts is<br />

Debra Sagan Massey,<br />

director of education at<br />

<strong>Beth</strong> <strong>El</strong>; and on the far<br />

right, Norm Frankel,<br />

executive director of <strong>Beth</strong><br />

<strong>El</strong>, and an Eagle Scout.<br />

New Books in the Library<br />




Donations to the Aaron Plishner and Rabbi George<br />

Vida Funds make it possible to buy new children’s and<br />

adults’ books. Here are some new adult books:<br />

Scenes from Village Life is a newly<br />

translated novel by Amos Oz. The events<br />

occur in a century-old pioneer village, where<br />

the past – generations, war, farm tools,<br />

disused air-raid shelters, and the like –<br />

affects the present, and possibly the future.<br />

Imre Kertesz, the seventh Jew to be awarded<br />

the Nobel Prize for Literature, is little known<br />

here, because so little of his work has been<br />

translated. In The Holocaust as Culture, a short book,<br />

he reflects on his time as a teenager in the Auschwitz and<br />

Buchenwald camps, on being a writer under Communist rule,<br />

and on the culture of Holocaust stories.<br />

Hebrew Manuscripts: The Power of Scripture and<br />

Image by Ilana Tahan, Curator of Hebrew Collections at the<br />

British Library, has a color picture on every page of beautiful<br />

manuscripts spanning 900 years from the entire Diaspora. This<br />

lovely book is for art-lovers and text-lovers.<br />

Jews in Nazi Berlin from Kristallnacht to Liberation,<br />

ed. by Beate Meyer, et al., is a closely-examined history of its<br />

subject matter in all its aspects, written by 12 scholars deeply<br />

involved in that time and place, several now living in Berlin<br />

and associated with the New Synagogue Berlin.<br />

Jacob: Unexpected Patriarch by Yair<br />

Zakovitch, emeritus Otsuki Professor of Bible<br />

at Hebrew University, is the latest in a series<br />

of Jewish biographies published by Yale<br />

University, presenting not only this complex<br />

figure of the Bible but also reconstructing<br />

stories about Jacob suppressed in the Bible,<br />

through extraordinary literary archaeology.<br />

by Scott Spear, Library Chair<br />

Jon Levenson, List Professor<br />

of Jewish Studies at Harvard, who had<br />

been earlier awarded the National Jewish<br />

Book Award, has a new book, Inheriting<br />

Abraham: The Legacy of the Patriarch<br />

in Judaism, Christianity and Islam.<br />

Here, he subjects the story of Abraham in<br />

the Bible to careful analysis, then moves<br />

on to how three faiths have given unique<br />

interpretations to this story, often in mutually<br />

exclusive ways, differing sharply and showing signs of<br />

profound and enduring divergences, alongside commonalities,<br />

asking finally: Are there three Abrahams, or one<br />

www.bethelberkeley.org 21


by Rabbi Reuben Zellman<br />

News of <strong>Beth</strong> <strong>El</strong>’s MUSIC ProgrAM<br />

I hope you’ll join us for some of the musical happenings at <strong>Beth</strong><br />

<strong>El</strong>! If you have questions or want to join in, contact me any time:<br />

RabbiRZ@bethelberkeley.org, or 848 3988, ext 228.<br />

YISM’chu Chanting SerVICE<br />

Come on the third Friday of every month at 6:15 pm. Upcoming<br />

chanting services are <strong>April</strong> 19, <strong>May</strong> 10 (2nd Friday) and June 21.<br />

Join us for meditative song and chant to welcome in Shabbat<br />

and bring your harmonies and your spirit to share. There’s<br />

hardly any talking in this service, just music: sacred words and<br />

wordless melodies from many corners of the Jewish world,<br />

with spontaneous harmony and gentle drumming. You are<br />

enthusiastically welcomed whether or not you think you can sing.<br />

The service lasts one hour and will include the Sh’ma, Mourner’s<br />

Kaddish and quiet time for the Amidah or reflection. Begin your<br />

Shabbat with music for your soul!<br />

CoME hEAr the BAnd…<br />

Mark your calendars for our Yom haAtzmaut celebration<br />

Tuesday, <strong>April</strong> 16, roughly 5:30 – 7:00 pm and our Celebration<br />

of Education Shabbat, Friday, <strong>May</strong> 17 at 7:30 pm.<br />

Band rehearsals for adults and teens are usually on the fourth<br />

Thursday of every month, from 6:00 – 8:00 pm, and at 6:15 pm<br />

before each Band Shabbat. The teen band is open to musicians<br />

in 8th grade and above. A full band schedule is available on<br />

the website. Visit www.bethelberkeley.org/learning/teen-band.<br />

For more information, contact Rebecca DePalma: rebecca@<br />

bethelberkeley.org.<br />

Sing WIth the ChorUS<br />

The chorus is always open to new singers, and musical<br />

background is not necessary — all <strong>Beth</strong> <strong>El</strong> members who love<br />

to sing are encouraged to come check it out! Upcoming Chorus<br />

activities this year include representing <strong>Beth</strong> <strong>El</strong> at Berkeley’s<br />

Multi-Faith Thanksgiving celebration and singing in a unique<br />

concert series featuring Jewish music of the Renaissance period<br />

(see announcement following). Rehearsals are weekly on<br />

Wednesdays. Contact Rabbi Zellman, RabbiRZ@bethelberkeley.<br />

org, with questions or to join in.<br />

JEWISh Choral MUSIC of the rEnAISSAnCE and<br />

BaroqUE To Begin thIS fAll<br />

<strong>Beth</strong> <strong>El</strong> is fortunate to host a rare and beautiful concert series,<br />

focused entirely on Jewish choral and vocal music of the<br />

Renaissance and Baroque periods. The <strong>Beth</strong> <strong>El</strong> Chorus and<br />

other area musicians will collaborate with the professional San<br />

Francisco Renaissance Voices and Baroque chamber musicians.<br />

We encourage you to sing with the Chorus for this unique<br />

opportunity! The first set of rehearsals for this concert series will<br />

be weekly on Wednesday evenings, <strong>April</strong> 3 to June 12. The first<br />

performances will be music for the end of Sukkot, at the very end<br />

of September or beginning of October. Full details coming soon!<br />

Leading SErVICES or chanting Torah or<br />

hAftarah<br />

These fun, important and much-appreciated musical mitzvot are<br />

available all year ‘round. Slots are available almost every week.<br />

If you know how to chant Torah or lead prayers — or would like<br />

to learn — please contact Rabbi Zellman and he will be very<br />

happy to sign you up!<br />

How to Chant Torah: Adult Education Class begins in <strong>May</strong><br />

6 sessions: Thursdays <strong>May</strong> 16 – June 20, 7:00-9:00 pm.<br />

The system of chanting Torah is ancient, beautiful, fun and<br />

totally learnable. No musical background or previous familiarity<br />

is required; all are welcome. Join Rabbi Zellman and fellow<br />

community members to learn how to perform this mitzvah.<br />

For more information, contact Rabbi Zellman, RabbiRZ@<br />

bethelberkeley.org.<br />

PerforMAnCE of Ludus Danielis (the MEdIEVAl<br />

PlAY of dAnI<strong>El</strong>)<br />

The students of Beauvais Cathedral in Northern France<br />

composed one of the earliest music dramas ever found in<br />

1140: a proto-opera based on the Book of Daniel. We are<br />

delighted to host a production by the professional ensemble<br />

San Francisco Renaissance Voices, including our own Rabbi<br />

Zellman on Saturday, June 30, 4:00 pm in <strong>Beth</strong> <strong>El</strong>’s sanctuary.<br />

The libretto has been slightly modernized to eliminate the anti-<br />

Jewish sentiment of the medieval period…and otherwise, you’ll<br />

see the Play of Daniel as it was written nine hundred years ago.<br />

See Daniel in the lions’ den saved by God from the furnace, and<br />

defending the Jewish people before the King of Babylon, set in<br />

the style of Gregorian chant, with costumes, choir and inventive<br />

staging. Rabbi Zellman will give a short pre-concert talk on the<br />

ever-mysterious, fiery Book of Daniel. Don’t miss it!<br />

22<br />

The Builder: <strong>April</strong> & <strong>May</strong> <strong>2013</strong>


APRIL<br />

<strong>April</strong> 6<br />

Parashat Shmini<br />

Leviticus 9:1-11:47<br />

Naomi Janowitz<br />

<strong>April</strong> 13<br />

Parashat Tazria-Metzora<br />

Leviticus 12:1-15:33<br />

Alison Bernstein<br />

<strong>April</strong> 20<br />

Parashat Achrei Mot-Kedoshim<br />

Leviticus 16:1-20:27<br />

Barry Levine<br />

<strong>April</strong> 27<br />

Parashat Emor<br />

Leviticus 21:1-24:23<br />

Rabbi Yoel Kahn<br />

MAY<br />

<strong>May</strong> 4<br />

Parashat Behar-Bechukotai<br />

Leviticus 25:1-27:34<br />

Leigh & Amy Marymor<br />

<strong>May</strong> 11<br />

Parashat Bemidbar<br />

Numbers 1:1-4:20<br />

Robert Brandfon<br />

<strong>May</strong> 18<br />

Parashat Nasso<br />

Numbers 4:21-7:89<br />

Jerry Weintraub<br />

<strong>May</strong> 25<br />

Parashat Beha-alotcha<br />

Numbers 8:1-12:16<br />

Alisa Einwohner<br />


Allan and Tybil Smith Kahn Scholar-in-<br />

Residence Fund<br />

Ralph & Gail Bernstein<br />

Lisa Feldman<br />

Steve Kurzman & Kim Nies<br />

Dan & Robinn Magid<br />

Miriam & Stanley Schiffman<br />

Cathy Stevens<br />

Phyllis Zisman in memory of Dorothy Scherr Wollins<br />

Annual Appeal<br />

Maria & Alfred Barzoloski<br />

Daniel Berko<br />

Stuart & Judy Berman<br />

Ralph & Gail Bernstein<br />

Steven Branoff & <strong>El</strong>izabeth Friedman Branoff<br />

Judy Chess<br />

Brian & Juliette Fershtman<br />

<strong>El</strong>len Goldstein & Jack Holleman<br />

Susan Goldstein & Andy Kivel<br />

Kenneth & Kathie Goode<br />

Avrum Gratch & Beverly Cheney<br />

Anthony Hecht & Michelle Wolfson<br />

Esther & Mark Hudes<br />

Naomi Janowitz & Andrew Lazarus<br />

Seth Kaufman & Tatiana Roegiers<br />

Denise & Cary Lapidus<br />

David Lieberman & Carol Brownstein<br />

Michael & Barbara Liepman<br />

Debra & Oren Massey<br />

Adam & Lauran Mizock<br />

Alisa & Calvin Morrill<br />

David & Gail Offen-Brown<br />

Douglas & Lori Perlstadt<br />

Andrew Pollack & Deborah Jordan<br />

Harry Pollack & Joanne Backman<br />

Daniel Portnoy<br />

PJ & Marty Rosenthal<br />

Isaiah Roter & Trina Ostrander<br />

David Rothenberg & Lorraine Sandoval<br />

Alan Siegel & Tracy Green<br />

Shelley & Steven Simrin<br />

Paul & Susan Sugarman<br />

Zimra & David Vigoda<br />

Paul & Jodi Warner<br />

Niloufar & Jahandar Yadegar<br />

B’nei Mitzvah Tzedakah Fund<br />

Jim Ferlin, Mari Ferlin & Phyllis Steiber in honor of<br />

rabbi Kahn & Rabbi Zellman<br />

Ben Gilbert, Susan Orbuch & Jim Gilbert<br />

Mogill family<br />

The Builder newsletter<br />

Anonymous<br />

Building Fund<br />

Anna Mantell & Robert Goldstein in honor of<br />

Jayden Maxwell’s birth<br />

David & Judith Tabb<br />

Nancy Turak & Marc Davis in memory of Henry Weil<br />

Camp Kee TOV Scholarship Fund<br />

Annette Delarosa<br />

DAVID Cotton Memorial Swig Fund<br />

Alfred & Anita Cotton in memory of David Sol Cotton<br />

Endowment Fund<br />

Edythe Heda in memory of Dr. Burton Heda<br />

Gala<br />

Denise & Steven Baker<br />

Mona Cain<br />

Sara & Robert Kupor<br />

Marilyn & Harry Margulius<br />

Continued on p.24<br />

www.bethelberkeley.org 23


TzedAKAh, ContinUEd from Page 23<br />

24<br />

Jonathan Simon & Christina Spaulding<br />

Paul & Jodi Warner<br />

Pearl Wolffs<br />

Andrew & Lauren Ganes<br />

General Fund<br />

Alisa Einwohner in memory of Hada Korc<br />

Alisa Einwohner in memory of Abraham Rosaner<br />

Alisa Einwohner in memory of Marian Magid<br />

Dan Fendel<br />

Jean Henderson in memory of Joan Langley<br />

Jean Henderson in memory of Sarah Blacker<br />

Harold Hoffman<br />

Edward Holly<br />

Mark & Esther Hudes in memory of Sala Hudes<br />

Spencer Klein & Ruth Ehrenkrantz in memory of Sidney Klein<br />

Melvin & Dorothy Lemberger<br />

Ann Manheimer & Arthur Swislocki in memory of Paul Lasoff<br />

Ann Manheimer & Arthur Swislocki in memory of<br />

Zola Manheimer<br />

Ann Manheimer & Arthur Swislocki in memory of<br />

betty Manheimer<br />

Julie Matlof Kennedy & Patrick Kennedy in memory of<br />

June Gallop & Genevieve Matlof<br />

Rosa <strong>May</strong>eri<br />

Alice Meerson<br />

Marvin Pearlstein in memory of Aaron Greenberg<br />

James & Jovanne Reilly in honor of Mark & Estie Hudes<br />

John Scott & Ann Gonski in honor of Cathy Stevens<br />

John Scott & Ann Gonski in memory of Jordan Duty<br />

Lloyd & Lassie Ulman in memory of Dr. Harry Finck<br />

Vadjiheh Yadegar in memory of Aziz Olah Benlevi<br />

Vadjiheh Yadegar in memory of Benjamin Benlevi &<br />

Jahangir Yadegar<br />

Phyllis Zisman in honor of Lina Swislocki’s engagement<br />

Martin & Jill Dodd<br />

Karen & Stuart Gansky in honor of Bonnie & Max Cooperstein<br />

on their 59th wedding anniversary<br />

Homeless Meal Program<br />

Mark Aaronson & Majorie Gelb in memory of<br />

Peregrine <strong>El</strong>an Gardner<br />

Adele Amodeo in memory of Peregrine <strong>El</strong>an Gardner<br />

Diane & Edwin Bernbaum in memory of Peregrine <strong>El</strong>an Gardner<br />

Odette Blachman in memory of Peregrine <strong>El</strong>an Gardner<br />

Jay Boekelheide & <strong>Beth</strong> Goldman in memory of<br />

Peregrine <strong>El</strong>an Gardner<br />

Mary Jane & George Brimhall in memory of<br />

Peregrine <strong>El</strong>an Gardner<br />

Richard & Linda Clymer<br />

Bonnie & Max Cooperstein in memory of<br />

Peregrine <strong>El</strong>an Gardner<br />

Janaki & Heine Costello in memory of Peregrine <strong>El</strong>an Gardner<br />

Clarke & Maria Daniels<br />

Rebecca DePalma & Sam Lockhart in memory of<br />

Peregrine <strong>El</strong>an Gardner<br />

Beverly & Richard Eigner in memory of Peregrine <strong>El</strong>an Gardner<br />

Tamar & Joe Fendel in memory of Peregrine <strong>El</strong>an Gardner<br />

Barbara Fierer & Robert Brandfon in memory of<br />

benjamin Anani Gershon Feinstein<br />

Norman & Jan Frankel in memory of Peregrine <strong>El</strong>an Gardner<br />

Juliet & Peter Spear Gardner in honor of <strong>Beth</strong> <strong>El</strong> Staff<br />

Linda Gerson in memory of Peregrine <strong>El</strong>an Gardner<br />

Marlene Getz & Robert Gilden in memory of<br />

Peregrine <strong>El</strong>an Gardner<br />

The Builder: <strong>April</strong> & <strong>May</strong> <strong>2013</strong><br />

<strong>El</strong>io Gizzi & Valerie Gutwirth in honor of Lillian Leavitt<br />

Arthur & Carol Goldman in memory of Peregrine <strong>El</strong>an Gardner<br />

<strong>El</strong>eanor Goldstein-Erickson in memory of Peregrine <strong>El</strong>an<br />

Gardner<br />

Lisa Hillman in memory of Peregrine <strong>El</strong>an Gardner<br />

Esther & Mark Hudes in memory of Tauby Hudes<br />

Esther & Mark Hudes in memory of Malka Celick Stern<br />

Esther & Mark Hudes in memory of Peregrine <strong>El</strong>an Gardner<br />

Steven Joseph & Corey Hansen-Joseph in memory of<br />

Peregrine <strong>El</strong>an Gardner<br />

Barbara Kanter in memory of Peregrine <strong>El</strong>an Gardner<br />

Allen & Hannah King in memory of Harvey Bailey<br />

Spencer Klein & Ruth Ehrenkrantz in memory of<br />

Peregrine <strong>El</strong>an Gardner<br />

Steven Kurzman & Kim Nies in memory of<br />

Peregrine <strong>El</strong>an Gardner<br />

Jennifer & Richard Larson in memory of Peregrine <strong>El</strong>an Gardner<br />

Debbie & Jeff Leon in honor of Ruth Spear, Adele Amodeo &<br />

<strong>El</strong>lie Goldstein-Erickson’s many years of service<br />

Sharon Levy & Marvin Sternberg in memory of Ruthie Levy<br />

Florence & John Lewis in memory of Peregrine <strong>El</strong>an Gardner<br />

Anna Mantell & Robert Goldstein in memory of Peregrine <strong>El</strong>an<br />

Gardner<br />

Marilyn & Harry Margulius in memory of<br />

Peregrine <strong>El</strong>an Gardner<br />

Lloyd Morgan in memory of Peregrine <strong>El</strong>an Gardner<br />

Rose <strong>El</strong>len Morrell<br />

Herbert & Sondra Napell<br />

Emily Norzick & Robert Graup in memory of Peregrine <strong>El</strong>an<br />

Gardner<br />

<strong>El</strong>isha & Ilana Novak in memory of Peregrine <strong>El</strong>an Gardner<br />

Joan & Steven Ominsky in memory of Peregrine <strong>El</strong>an Gardner<br />

Lon Poole & Karin Bliman in memory of Peregrine <strong>El</strong>an Gardner<br />

Wilma & Stephen Rader in memory of Peregrine <strong>El</strong>an Gardner<br />

Rabbi Ferenc & Paula Raj in memory of Peregrine <strong>El</strong>an Gardner<br />

Jennifer & Michael Robinson in memory of<br />

Peregrine <strong>El</strong>an Gardner<br />

Emily Schnitzer in memory of Peregrine <strong>El</strong>an Gardner<br />

<strong>El</strong>isabeth Schwartz in memory of Peregrine <strong>El</strong>an Gardner<br />

Betty & Thomas Seaton in memory of Peregrine <strong>El</strong>an Gardner<br />

Steven & Barbara Segal in memory of Peregrine <strong>El</strong>an Gardner<br />

Stacy Shulman & Alan Spector in memory of<br />

Peregrine <strong>El</strong>an Gardner<br />

Guy & Laura Spear in memory of Peregrine <strong>El</strong>an Gardner<br />

Cathy Stevens in memory of Peregrine <strong>El</strong>an Gardner<br />

Paul & Kathy Terrell in honor of Peregrine <strong>El</strong>an Gardener<br />

Amy Tick<br />

Nancy Turak & Marc Davis in memory of Peregrine <strong>El</strong>an<br />

Gardner<br />

Jason & Laura Turbow in memory of Peregrine <strong>El</strong>an Gardner<br />

Claire Ungar & George Lavender in memory of<br />

Peregrine <strong>El</strong>an Gardner<br />

Linda & Robert Walker in memory of Peregrine <strong>El</strong>an Gardner<br />

Ashley & Jamie Warner Costello in memory of<br />

Peregrine <strong>El</strong>an Gardner<br />

<strong>El</strong>isabeth Wechsler & Jeffrey Seideman in memory of<br />

Peregrine <strong>El</strong>an Gardner<br />

Leah Witus<br />

Vadjiheh Yadegar in memory of Sinoor Yadegar<br />

Vadjiheh Yadegar in memory of Benjamin Benlevi &<br />

Jahangir Yadegar<br />

Sasha Zeldin in memory of Peregrine <strong>El</strong>an Gardner<br />

Phyllis Zisman in memory of Peregrine <strong>El</strong>an Gardner<br />

Susan & Bill Zarchy in memory of Peregrine <strong>El</strong>an Gardner


Legacy Campaign<br />

Iren Suhami<br />

Bar Lev Landscaping Fund<br />

Jill Cooper & Clyde Murley in memory of<br />

Peregrine <strong>El</strong>an Gardner<br />

Eileen Crumm & Dave Glasser in honor of<br />

Peregrine <strong>El</strong>an Gardener<br />

Deb Hummel & Judy Fendell in memory of<br />

Peregrine <strong>El</strong>an Gardner<br />

Robinn & Daniel Magid in memory of Marian Magid<br />

Alisa & Calvin Morrill in memory of Peregrine <strong>El</strong>an Gardner<br />

Ruth & Scott Spear<br />

Anna Portnoy in memory of Peregrine <strong>El</strong>an Gardner<br />

Jacob Sarasohn, Sara Sarasohn & <strong>El</strong>len Evangeliste in memory<br />

of Peregrine <strong>El</strong>an Gardner<br />

Daniel & Herschel Portnoy in memory of Peregrine <strong>El</strong>an Gardner<br />

Sharon, Miles & Michael King in memory of<br />

Peregrine <strong>El</strong>an Gardner<br />

Jena, Jon, Zach & <strong>El</strong>iza Loran-Resner in memory of<br />

Peregrine <strong>El</strong>an Gardner<br />

Phyllis, Jim & Mari Steiber-Ferlin in memory of<br />

Peregrine <strong>El</strong>an Gardner<br />

Alan, Katherine, Isaac & Aaron Sanstad in memory of<br />

Peregrine <strong>El</strong>an Gardner<br />

Brad Glasser & Sharon Goldfarb in memory of<br />

Peregrine <strong>El</strong>an Gardner<br />

Joshua & Ruth Simon in memory of Peregrine <strong>El</strong>an Gardner<br />

Ma Tovu<br />

Marc Derewetzky & Jennifer Kawar<br />

<strong>El</strong>io Gizzi & Valerie Gutwirth<br />

Rabbi Yoel Kahn and Dan Bellm<br />

Joshua Langenthal & Diane Halberg<br />

Thomas & Amy Lurquin<br />

Dan & Robinn Magid in memory of Marian Magid<br />

Jim Offel & Nancy Lewin<br />

Julie Matlof Kennedy & Patrick Kennedy<br />

Harry Pollack & Joanne Backman<br />

<strong>El</strong>len Singer-Vine & Edward Vine<br />

Alan & Paula Statman<br />

Paul & Susan Sugarman<br />

Martin & Jill Dodd<br />

Marian Magid Memorial Fund<br />

Susan Goldstein & Victor Herbert in honor of<br />

Albert Magid’s birthday<br />

Jean Henderson in memory of Marilyn Hemmings<br />

Jean Henderson in memory of Robert Hemmings<br />

Jean Henderson in memory of Sylvia Gross<br />

Daniel & Robinn Magid in memory of Marian Magid<br />

Cathy Stevens in honor of Dan Magid<br />

Mitzvah Committee<br />

Barbara Fierer & Robert Brandfon in memory of Leon Fierer<br />

Sandy & Vivian Golden in memory of Vernon Heyman<br />

Music Fund<br />

Alex & Michelle Bergtraun<br />

Marc Breindel in memory of Samuel and Betty Breindel<br />

Juliet & Peter Spear Gardner in honor of Rabbi Zellman<br />

Moshe Maler & Susan Frankel<br />

Ruth & Scott Spear<br />

Zimra & David Vigoda<br />

<strong>Beth</strong> Zeitman in honor of the 2012 adult b’nei mitzvah class<br />

Nancy Turak & Marc Davis in honor of Rabbi Zellman & the<br />

chorus’s Purim shpiel<br />

Nursery School Fund<br />

Lisa & Deirdre Joy Bernard-Pearl in memory of<br />

Benjamin Anani Gershon Feinstein<br />

Gene & Ann Clements in memory of<br />

Benjamin Anani Gershon Feinstein<br />

Mimi & Bob Epstein in memory of<br />

Benjamin Anani Gershon Feinstein<br />

Juliet & Peter Spear Gardner in memory of<br />

Benjamin Anani Gershon Feinstein<br />

<strong>El</strong>la & Neal Krucoff in memory of<br />

Benjamin Anani Gershon Feinstein<br />

Joe & Carrie Regenstein in memory of<br />

Benjamin Anani Gershon Feinstein<br />

Gladys Sharnoff in memory of<br />

Benjamin Anani Gershon Feinstein<br />

Jean & Cushing Strout in memory of<br />

Benjamin Anani Gershon Feinstein<br />

Nancy Turak & Marc Davis in memory of<br />

Benjamin Anani Gershon Feinstein<br />

Susan & Marvin Adleman in memory of<br />

Benjamin Anani Gershon Feinstein<br />

Oneg/Kiddush Fund<br />

Steven Joseph & Corey Hansen-Joseph in memory of<br />

Belle Rosenstein Joseph<br />

Prayerbook Fund<br />

Donna Breger Stanton & Llewellyn Stanton in memory of<br />

Samuel Breger<br />

Rabbi Vida Library Fund<br />

Merle & Michael Fajans in memory of Peregrine <strong>El</strong>an Gardner<br />

Ruth & Scott Spear in honor of the bar mitzvah of Yoav Vigoda<br />

Rabbi Kahn’s Discretionary Fund<br />

Michael & Susan Austin in memory of Kurt M. Austin<br />

Juliet & Peter Spear Gardner in memory of<br />

Peregrine <strong>El</strong>an Gardner<br />

Nicole Harris & Rattanoch Hort<br />

Rabbi Yoel Kahn & Dan Bellm<br />

Allen & Hannah King in memory of Ruth Guthartz<br />

Lloyd Morgan in memory of Lawrence Morgan<br />

Norman Postone & Lisa Fruchtman in memory of<br />

Rabbi Abraham Postone<br />

Rabbi Ferenc & Paula Raj<br />

Marty & PJ Rosenthal in memory of Arnold Rosenthal<br />

<strong>El</strong>aine & Allen Sobel in memory of Benjamin Sobel<br />

Ruth & Scott Spear<br />

Nancy Turak & Marc Davis in memory of Romi Turak<br />

Zimra & David Vigoda<br />

William & Susan Zarchy in memory of Jeanette Tulman Zarchy<br />

Youth and Family Education Fund<br />

Jewish Community Federation<br />

Steven Kurzman & Kim Nies<br />

Herschel & Judith Langenthal in honor of Urban Adamah<br />

Herschel & Judith Langenthal<br />

Albert Magid<br />

Nancy Turak & Marc Davis in honor of Dana Zell, Jen Brand &<br />

the <strong>2013</strong> Gala Committee<br />

www.bethelberkeley.org 25

calendar<br />

<strong>April</strong> <strong>2013</strong> / Nisan - Iyyar 5773<br />

Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday<br />

1<br />

7th Day Pesach<br />

No BENS<br />

6:00 pm Yizkor Circle<br />

7:00 pm Pesach Yizkor<br />

Service<br />

2<br />

8th Day Pesach<br />

No BENS<br />

No Kadima<br />

3<br />

7:00 pm Chorus<br />

Rehearsal<br />

7:30 pm Midrasha<br />

Board<br />

4<br />

No Kadima<br />

7:00 pm Israel<br />

Committee<br />

7:30 pm Ritual<br />

Committee<br />

5<br />

6:15 pm Shabbat<br />

Service<br />

6<br />

Erev Yom HaShoah<br />

No Chug Mishpacha<br />

8:30 am Early Minyan<br />

9:15 am Torah Study<br />

10:15 am Gefen<br />

Gladstone bar<br />

mitzvah<br />

7<br />

Yom HaShoah<br />

No Midrasha<br />

9:45 Men’s Club Hikemeeting<br />

time<br />

7:00 pm Yom<br />

HaShoah service<br />

(offsite)<br />

8<br />

9:30 am Parent-Child<br />

Play Group<br />

9<br />

Oakland Community<br />

Yom HaShoah<br />

6:15 pm Scribes of<br />

<strong>Beth</strong> <strong>El</strong><br />

7:30 pm Executive<br />

Committee<br />

10<br />

Israel Trip begins<br />

(Wed <strong>April</strong> 10, <strong>2013</strong> to<br />

<strong>April</strong> 19)<br />

7:00 pm Chorus<br />

Rehearsal<br />

11<br />

Noon Lunch & Learn:<br />

Zimra Vigoda<br />

12<br />

5:30 pm BENS Shabbat<br />

6:15 pm Shabbat<br />

Service<br />

13<br />

9:00 am Shabbat<br />

B’Yachad<br />

10:00 am Learner’s<br />

service<br />

6:00 pm Supper and<br />

Schmooze<br />

14<br />

Erev Yom<br />

haZikaron<br />

2:00 pm Ruach’s Israel<br />

Adventure<br />

3:00 pm Ashby Village<br />

Presentation<br />

15<br />

Erev Yom<br />

haAtzmaut, Israel<br />

Independence Day<br />

Yom HaZikaron<br />

9:30 am Parent-Child<br />

Play Group<br />

16<br />

Yom haAtzmaut<br />

5:00 pm Yom<br />

HaAtzmaut, Israel<br />

Independence Day<br />

7:00 pm Program<br />

Council<br />

17<br />

6:00 pm Ma Tovu<br />

Campaign<br />

7:00 pm Chorus<br />

Rehearsal<br />

18<br />

6:15 pm Sababa &<br />

Call Party<br />

7:00 pm People of the<br />

Book<br />

19<br />

Israel Trip ends<br />

6:15 pm Yismechu<br />

Shabbat<br />

20<br />

8:30 am Early Minyan<br />

9:15 am Torah Study<br />

10:15 am Aliyah Ross<br />

bat mitzvah<br />

4:15 pm WBE:<br />

Havdalah in the Hills<br />

21<br />

2:00 pm Homeless<br />

Meal-Medical Clinic<br />

5:00 pm Homeless<br />

Meal<br />

22<br />

9:30 am Parent-Child<br />

Play Group<br />

23<br />

6:15 pm Scribes of<br />

<strong>Beth</strong> <strong>El</strong><br />

24<br />

7:00 pm Chorus<br />

Rehearsal<br />

25<br />

6:00 pm Teen Band<br />

Rehearsal<br />

7:30 pm Zionism: Part I<br />

26<br />

Midrasha Retreat<br />

6:15 pm Shabbat<br />

Service<br />

27<br />

Midrasha Retreat<br />

Erev Lag baOmer<br />

8:30 am Early Minyan<br />

9:15 am Torah Study<br />

10:15 am Shabbat<br />

Service<br />

11;00 am Tot Shabbat<br />

28<br />

Lag baOmer<br />

No Midrasha: Retreat<br />

8:00 am Sababa<br />

Santa Cruz Trip<br />

29<br />

9:30 am Parent-Child<br />

Play Group<br />

30<br />

7:00 pm Board of<br />

Directors<br />

27 28<br />

7:00 pm Perspectives<br />

on Israel<br />

3:00 pm WBE: Israeli<br />

Dancing & Potluck<br />

26<br />

The Builder: <strong>April</strong> & <strong>May</strong> <strong>2013</strong>

calendar<br />

<strong>May</strong> <strong>2013</strong> / Iyyar - Sivan 5773<br />

Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday<br />

1<br />

No BENS-Parent-<br />

Teacher Conferences<br />

7:00 pm Chorus<br />

Rehearsal<br />

7:30 pm Midrasha<br />

Board<br />

2<br />

7:30 pm Ritual<br />

Committee<br />

7:30 pm Zionism:<br />

Part II<br />

3<br />

6:15 pm Shabbat<br />

Service<br />

4<br />

8:30 am Early Minyan<br />

9:15 am Torah Study<br />

10:15 am Sarah Graup<br />

bat mitzvah<br />

5<br />

10:00 am<br />

<strong>Congregation</strong> Annual<br />

Meeting<br />

1:30 pm Mental<br />

Health Task Force<br />

6<br />

9:30 am Parent-Child<br />

Play Group<br />

7<br />

6:15 pm Scribes of<br />

<strong>Beth</strong> <strong>El</strong><br />

7:30 pm Executive<br />

Committee<br />

8<br />

7:00 pm Chorus<br />

Rehearsal<br />

9<br />

Noon Lunch & Learn:<br />

Rabbi Yoel Kahn<br />

6:15 pm Sababa<br />

7:00 pm People of the<br />

Book<br />

10<br />

5:30 pm Tot Shabbat<br />

6:15 pm Yismechu<br />

Shabbat Service<br />

11<br />

8:30 am Early Minyan<br />

9:15 am Torah Study<br />

10:00 am<br />

AJ Ingberman<br />

bar mitzvah<br />

7:30 pm Zionism:<br />

Part III<br />

11:00 am ShabbaTot<br />

5:00 pm CKT Reunion<br />

12<br />

13<br />

9:30 am Parent-Child<br />

Play Group<br />

14<br />

Erev Shavuot<br />

4:00 pm Kadima-last<br />

b’nei mitzvah class<br />

7:00 pm All-Night<br />

Study for Shavuot<br />

(Offsite)<br />

15<br />

Shavuot<br />

Office Closed<br />

No BENS<br />

6:00 pm Ma Tovu<br />

Campaign<br />

7:00 pm Chorus<br />

Rehearsal<br />

16<br />

4:00 pm Last day of<br />

Kadima<br />

7:00 pm Adult Ed: How<br />

to Chant Torah class<br />

7:00 pm Gun Control<br />

and Gun Violence<br />

Organizing Meeting<br />

(offsite)<br />

17<br />

7:30 pm Shabbat<br />

Service: Education &<br />

Confirmation<br />

18<br />

BENS Camping Trip<br />

Chug Mishpacha<br />

Camping Trip<br />

8:30 am Early Minyan<br />

9:15 am Torah Study<br />

10:15 am Ben Gilbert<br />

bar mitzvah<br />

19<br />

BENS Camping Trip &<br />

Family Picnic<br />

Chug Mishpacha<br />

Camping Trip<br />

9:30 am Midrasha<br />

Graduation<br />

20<br />

9:30 am Parent-Child<br />

Play Group<br />

21<br />

6:15 pm Scribes of<br />

<strong>Beth</strong> <strong>El</strong><br />

7:30 pm Israel Consul<br />

General<br />

22<br />

7:00 pm Chorus<br />

Rehearsal<br />

23<br />

4:00 pm Ruach Endof-Year<br />

Celebration<br />

7:00 pm Preparing for<br />

Fathers Day for Dads<br />

24<br />

6:15 pm Shabbat<br />

Service<br />

25<br />

8:30 am Early Minyan<br />

9:15 am Torah Study<br />

10:15 am Noah<br />

Winkelman bar<br />

mitzvah<br />

2:00 pm Homeless<br />

Meal-Medical Clinic<br />

5:00 pm Homeless<br />

Meal<br />

26<br />

27<br />

Memorial Day-<br />

Office Closed<br />

1:00 pm Men’s Club at<br />

the A’s<br />

28<br />

7:00 pm Board of<br />

Directors<br />

29<br />

7:00 pm Chorus<br />

Rehearsal<br />

30 31<br />

6:15 pm Shabbat<br />

Service: Board<br />

Installation &<br />

Volunteer Recognition<br />

www.bethelberkeley.org 27

congregation beth el<br />

1301 Oxford Street<br />

Berkeley, CA 94709-1424<br />

Camp Kee Tov <strong>2013</strong><br />

Session 1: June 24 - July 19<br />

Session 2: July 29 - August 23<br />

Limited spots available. Sign up soon!<br />

Visit www.campkeetov.org for more info!

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