May-June 2010 - Congregation Beth El

May-June 2010 - Congregation Beth El

May-June 2010 - Congregation Beth El


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4religious schoolBuilding a Warm andWelcoming <strong>Beth</strong> <strong>El</strong>Community TogetherThe Hebrew term for synagogue is “beitknesset” or “house of gathering.” Nowhere inthis definition does it imply worship. Nor dues.Nor learning. The synagogue is defined by itbeing a place for people to gather and create community. Thatis the core of what we hope <strong>Beth</strong> <strong>El</strong> is for its members - a placeto come to and be welcomed.Feeling at home doesn’t necessarily happen automatically;it takes an investment of energy and time. Luckily, there aresome carved out opportunities for members to come and buildcommunity.• Shabbat Services - The most accessible, the mostaffordable and the most predictable way for anyone tofeel at home is to attend any of the multiple Shabbatservices that <strong>Beth</strong> <strong>El</strong> offers. Perhaps it’s the morningminyan on Saturday, perhaps it’s Shabbat Unplugged onFriday night, or perhaps it’s the main Shabbat MorningService every week at 10:15. No matter which oneyou choose, you will find community, ritual, food andwelcoming faces. Please join us!• <strong>Congregation</strong>al Retreat - This year from <strong>May</strong> 21-23,many <strong>Beth</strong> <strong>El</strong> members will be gathering at WalkerCreek Ranch in Marin for the 3rd annual Retreat. Thisgetaway is a fabulous way for members to get to knoweach other and to take time out for themselves. Nestledin the Marin foothills, this idyllic ranch setting helps ustruly celebrate Shabbat by “hitting the pause button” onour everyday activities. Take a hike, go for a bike ride,join the knitting circle, play a board game, go for a swim,be challenged by the ropes course, or sleep. Whateveractivities you choose to enjoy over the weekend, you willdo so surrounded by the <strong>Beth</strong> <strong>El</strong> community. Registrationis filling up...don’t miss out on this annual communitybuildingactivity! Visit www.bethelberkeley.org for moreinformation.• <strong>Beth</strong> <strong>El</strong>’s Multi-Generational Israel Trip - Summer2011 - Its official! <strong>Beth</strong> <strong>El</strong> will be traveling to Israelnext summer and we want you (and your parents/kids!)to join us! This unique opportunity to travel to Israeland see the country as a multi-generational group willbe truly memorable. Our tour operator will be Keshet:The Center for Educational Tourism in Israel. They areexperts in creating an experience that is engaging for allages and employing both guides and youth counselorson the trip. This enables both the adults and kids to beengaged in parallel learning at sites, while enabling thegroup to travel and play together. The trip will beginin Israel on <strong>June</strong> 19 - July 1, 2011. We will be holdingReligious School Calendarmay <strong>2010</strong>Saturday, <strong>May</strong> 1Open House for Chug Mishpacha(Shabbat Family School) 9:30 - 11:45 amThursday, <strong>May</strong> 6Last day of Midweek Religious SchoolTuesday, <strong>May</strong> 11Current 6th Grade Family Program6:00 - 8:00 pm, including dinnerFriday, <strong>May</strong> 147th Grade Service and Shabbat Unplugged!6:00 pm - dinner / 6:45 pm - serviceSaturday, <strong>May</strong> 15Last Day of Chug Mishpacha<strong>May</strong> 21 - 23<strong>Beth</strong> <strong>El</strong> <strong>Congregation</strong>al Retreat (see page 11)june <strong>2010</strong>Friday, <strong>June</strong> 4Shabbat Service Honoring Marlene Getzseats on a group flight, or you can use your frequentflyer miles and meet us there. Please look at ouritinerary online at www.bethelberkeley.org and considerjoining us for this unique community building event!Of course, there are many more ways one can connect to othersat <strong>Beth</strong> <strong>El</strong>. The diverse chavurot that are now forming, theclasses that are offered, the social action opportunities...theopen doors are endless. As the school year is winding down,I encourage you to commit to one of these ways to connectagain to your <strong>Beth</strong> <strong>El</strong> community. We look forward to seeingyou soon!L’shalom,Debra MasseyDirector of Education

nursery school 5end of the year fun!The last months of the school year are busyat <strong>Beth</strong> <strong>El</strong> Nursery School. The childrencelebrated Israel’s birthday in April. Wemade and ate Israeli foods in preparation forthe birthday on April 20. Of course we hadbirthday cakes and sang happy birthday toIsrael in Hebrew and English. Now we willprepare for the holiday of Shavuot with yet another compellingstory, some very concrete symbols and commandments, andyummy cheese blintzes.As we approach the end of our school year, we also have a fewmore special events. We are planning our first Yom Mishpachafor Friday, <strong>May</strong> 14. Each child will invite a special relative orfriend to spend time together at school. Our annual NurserySchool Family BBQ Picnic for current families is Sunday, <strong>May</strong>16. Finally our Bet Class Graduation and Nursery School GoodbyeParty are on our last day, Wednesday, <strong>June</strong> 18. Then oursummer sessions begin the very next Monday, <strong>June</strong> 21. We lookforward to a fun filled summer at Club BENS.I want to express my very special thanks and appreciation to ourfantastic teachers. Brook, Dana, <strong>El</strong>aine, Hannah, Jodi, Marlene,Nicole, Nurit, Stacey, Wendy and our music and yoga specialists,Melita and Javanne, are all wonderfully talented and dedicatedprofessionals.Thank you also to Juliette Fershtman and Dana Zell our NurserySchool Committee co-chairs. Their many hours of hard work andsupport were greatly appreciated. Juliette graduates this yearwith her daughter Siena, and Dana will return as a committeeco-chair next year. Thanks to all of our committee members whohave served the Nursery School with their strong commitment oftime and energy. And of course, thank you to all of our parentsfor their support, trust and commitment. It does indeed take avillage.Todah rabah to everyone! <strong>Beth</strong> <strong>El</strong> Nursery School is truly veryspecial.Barbara KanterNursery School DirectorEnd of YearShabbatUnpluggedHonoring our7th Grade classFriday, <strong>May</strong> 14thCome and join us for our last ShabbatUnplugged Service of the year and honorour 7th grade class! Josh Miller will besongleading, and there will be specialappearances by Rav Yankel and Chaya.We will mark our 7th graders moving on toMidrasha as we celebrate Shabbat together.We will enjoy a potluck dinner together at6:00 pm, then our service will begin at 6:45 pm,followed by a special festive Oneg. Everyoneis encouraged to come and celebrate thelearning we shared this year.Veggie/Dairy potluck by the first letter ofyour LAST NAME. Please bring a dish toserve 12-15 people:A-K: Main DishL-Z: Side dish, Salad or Fruit<strong>Beth</strong> <strong>El</strong> Youth and Family Education ProgramsRegistration is Now Open!!!This year, our religious school registration will all be online!Visit www.bethelberkeley.org to downloadour NEW BROCHURE and register online!Early Bird Prices run now through July 1st, <strong>2010</strong>. Don’t miss out!

6camp kee tovCamp Kee Toventers the SocialNetworking GameA long, long time ago, when gas cost $1.25a gallon, guys still wore baggy jeans and theBay Area had professional sports teams thatwere good, Facebook -- heard of it?! -- wasonly for young adults with an .edu at the end of their emailaddress. Times change. And Camp Kee Tov is here to seize themoment!Facebook, and other social networking sites, have become agreat way to keep the Kee Tov buzz going year-round.When I log on to the site and see “status” updates from KeeTov staff and campers like, “Going to Chal first session!” or“Had animal crackers for today. Not as good as the Kee Tovones” it registers how excited people are about Camp Kee Tov.And Facebook helps Kee Tovers of all ages keep that excitementand ruach going during the off-season.Kee Tov is doing its part, too. Our Facebook, “Have you got thatruach?!” campaign is rocking every Monday, Wednesday andFriday with updates to the Camper & Parent Facebook group(http://www.facebook.com/group.php?gid=161823078771)with the following:Mondays: Question of the Week, songs, trivia, etc.Wednesdays: News itemsFridays: Fun with Camp Kee Tov photosOf course, your contributions to the Facebook pages are highlyencouraged! Its fun for all ages!The more involved people are, the stronger the Kee Tovcommunity gets -- even if that community is online.With ruach,Zach Landres-SchnurCamp Kee Tov DirectorCHAI lunch forumsSecond Thursday of each month• 12:00 to 1:30 pm •<strong>May</strong> 13Emma Goldman Lives-Reflections on a Life ofSocial Justice, a discussion led by Candace Falk,Editor and Director of the Emma Goldman PapersThese monthly forums are open to the entirecongregation and community. A light lunch willbe provided for all attendees. If you would liketo contribute to or sponsor a lunch please emailJonathan Simon at jsimon@law.berkeley.eduor call 510-292-7030.HonoringMarlene GetzFriday, <strong>June</strong> 4th • 6:15 pmFor the past 32 years, Marlene has been aninspiration to our children. Having taught both inour religious school and our preschool, Marlenewill be retiring this year. Her energy, passionand warmth that she has been sharing with thechildren for these years will be sorely missed.Please join the greater <strong>Beth</strong> <strong>El</strong> community as wewill be honoring Marlene with a special Shabbaton Friday, <strong>June</strong> 4th at 6:15.Please help us communicate this event toall of Marlene’s past students by passing thisinformation on to others. Thank You!Find us on Facebook:Marlene Getz’s Retirement Celebration

8UPCOMING EVENTSTikkun LeylShavuotA community-wide celebration and night of study22nd AnnualTuesday, <strong>May</strong> 18, <strong>2010</strong> 6:30 p.m.through dawn on Wednesday, <strong>May</strong> 19Jewish Community Center of the East Bay, 1414 Walnut St., BerkeleyA unique community-wide celebration and night of Torah study, a spiritual journey bringing togetherJews with varied perspectives and affiliations. Stay for an hour--or stay until dawn. We will be led instudy by teachers from our diverse Jewish community. Celebrate Shavuot!New this YearFamily Programmingis year family programming will be offered in the early evening. Children must be accompaniedby at least one parent. No pre-registration will be required. Sessions include ages 2-5, grades K-2and grades 3-6.ChildcareFollowing Family programming there will be FREE childcare/sleeping room, (ages 2 and up)until the end of the Tikkun allowing parents to participate in the sessions without their childrenin tow. Parents must pre-register their children and provide bedding. Parents may not leave theJCC while their children are in childcare.Morning Torah ServicesIn addition to the two morning services at the JCC where the 10 Commandments will be readfrom the Torah at dawn (One Orthodox Service and One Combined Egalitarian Service), therewill be an opportunity to join with Wilderness Torah and hear the 10 Commandments read onthe top of Mount Tamalpais.Sponsoring Organizations: Aquarian Minyan, Be’chol Lashon, UC Berkeley Hillel, Berkeley Midrasha, Beit Midrash Ohr Hachaim, e Centerfor Jewish Mystical Studies, Chochmat Halev, <strong>Congregation</strong> <strong>Beth</strong> <strong>El</strong>, <strong>Congregation</strong> <strong>Beth</strong> Israel, <strong>Congregation</strong> Netivot Shalom, e East BayMinyan, EchoJews of the Bay, Hazon, Jewish Community Center of the East Bay, Jewish Community High School of the Bay, Jewish Gateways,Jewish Mosaic, e Jewish Music Festival, Kehilla Community Synagogue, KlezCalifornia, Moishe House, Nehirim, Nishmat Shalom, Or Zarua,Progressive Jewish Alliance, Richard S. Dinner Center for Jewish Studies of the Graduate eological Union (GTU), Shalom Bayit, Temple <strong>Beth</strong>Hillel, Wilderness Torah, Yeashore Community.For more information, contact Robin Braverman 925.979.1998 or email tikkun@jfed.org.Center forJewish Livingand LearningTogether we are stronger

youth groups 9youth groupnews!Our youth groups continue toflourish as we finish the 5770school year. Sababa celebratedShabbat on the Santa CruzBeach Boardwalk with servicesand a relaxing day at thebeach. Ruach celebrated YomHa’atzmaut playing amid thewonderful event at <strong>Beth</strong> <strong>El</strong>. Thank you to everyone who madethese activities fantastic! Our main upcoming events are theelections for next year’s youth group boards and a fantastic endof year celebration.Our youth group boards decide what events we will have eachyear. For instance this year the youth group boards chose tohave a ski trip, a fundraiser for Nothing But Nets, BBQs, a trip toa Cal Basketball game, a Purim overnight, holiday celebrationsand a trip to the Santa Cruz Beach Boardwalk.Students in grades 5-7 will be able to run for positions and voteat the Sababa elections on <strong>May</strong> 14th; and students in grades8-11 will be able to run for positions and vote in the BEY electionson <strong>May</strong> 16th. Positions available for each youth group includePresident, Programming Vice-President, Religious & CulturalVice-President, Social Action Vice-President, Membership Vice-President, and Grade representatives. If you are interested inrunning for a youth group board position, then please contactRebecca to nominate yourself and/or to find out more about thepositions.Thank you so much to our youth group boards this year for theirhard work! We acknowledge, Milo Dubinsky, Lauren Hoffman,Simona Ruzer, Ben Kolligs, Aaron Magid, Shane Schiff, OliviaLevine-Gorelick, Jessica Gorovitz & Michelle Schiff for their vitalcontributions this year. Mazal tov on jobs well done!Rebecca DePalmaYouth Group AdvisorYouth Group CalendarSababa Pizza Party & <strong>El</strong>ectionFriday, <strong>May</strong> 14th @ 5:00 pmBEY Pancake Brunch & <strong>El</strong>ectionSunday, <strong>May</strong> 16th @ 12:30 pmLast Event of the Year!All 4th - 12th graders are invited!Sunday, <strong>June</strong> 6th @ 12:30 pm at:Boomers! Laser Tag, Go Karts, Bumper Boats & More!Drop off & Pick up at <strong>Beth</strong> <strong>El</strong> - Parent Drivers areneeded to make this event a success.Come celebrate a great year with us.http://www.boomersparks.com/site/livermore/From the Gift ShopWe have recently reconnected with one of our favoritevendors who represents a number of Israeli artists. Itmeans that we have a new selection of Israeli craftsto tempt you! Among the beautiful, and sometimesunusual, designs that we are now featuring, you’ll find:• Modern besamim (spice boxes) by Agayev madeof anodized aluminum with a laser-cut blessing.• Sparkling tallit clips from Adaya, and others inbeautifully designed sterling silver.• A selection of Torah yads (pointers)... some veryup-to-date in colorful anodized aluminum, others invarious metals including sterling.• Star of David, Hamsa, and little heart pendantsmeticulously beaded by Adaya.• Delicate red leather bracelets trimmed with amultifiori charm.Most of these items are perfect for B’nai Mitzvah gifts orfor any other festive occasion. Our tallit selection keepsgrowing. A reminder that each B’nai Mitzvah studentis eligible for a 15% discount on the purchase of a newtallit.With Mothers’ Day, <strong>June</strong> weddings, showers, andgraduations coming very soon, we have stocked ourdisplays with many appropriate gifts. We are openMonday through Friday during office hours. When avolunteer is not available, our knowledgeable officestaff is always glad to help. You can also make anappointment for a time that is convenient for you withOdette by phoning: 526-4917. We will do our best toaccommodate you, and we thank you for your loyalpatronage!Odette and Robinn

10libraryNew Books in the LibraryDonations to the Plishner and Rabbi Vida Funds are the solesource of Library books. Here are some new books:There were more than 50 kings of the Jews, in Israel and Judaea.How many can you name? In Kings of the Jews: The Originsof the Jewish Nation, Norman Gelb tells the stories of them all,telling the history of the two Jewish nations from the standpointof the monarchs, from David to Herod. He does not omit thequeens, one of whom was the real ruler in her time.We are called the People of the Book, but until the inventionof the printing press, very few Jews could own even one book.The first printed Hebrew book was in 1475, but not until the18th century was there a flood of books, making possible agreat flourishing of Jewish literacy and wide learning. Thismade Hasidism possible, since esoteric books became availableto many Jews, and it made possible the Haskalah––the JewishEnlightenment. This history is told in The Book in the JewishWorld 1700–1900, by Zeev Gries, Professor of Jewish Thoughtat the Ben Gurion University, where we can learn, for instance,what literature was popular among our forebears.In Haskalah and Hasidism in the Kingdom of Poland: A History ofConflict, Marcin Wodzinski tells the history of these two Jewishintellectual movements, one of modernity and one of religiosity,and of their intense conflict, followed by their integration, oneof the most important debates in Jewish society in central andeastern Europe and one with considerable resonance still.Czernowitz, the capital of the Bukovina, first in the Austrianempire, then in Romania, now in Ukraine, had for a long time arich German–speaking Jewish culture, producing a great poet,Paul Celan, a major novelist, Aharon Appelfeld, and many otherwriters and artists, as well as a thriving Jewish life. The story ofthis now gone but remembered culture is told in Ghosts of Home:the Afterlife of Czernowitz in Jewish Memory, by Marianne Hirschand Leo Spitzer (wife and husband, she a literature professor atColumbia, he a history professor at Dartmouth.)A summary of the history of Jewish mysticism, its themes andbackground, and all the major works from antiquity to the present,is provided in the fairly short compass of Jewish Mysticism: theInfinite Expression of Meaning, by Rachel <strong>El</strong>ior, Cohen Professorof Jewish Philosophy and Jewish Mystical Thought at HebrewUniversity, a book “overflowing with interesting insights.”In Maimonides: The Life and World of One of Civilization’sGreatest Minds, Joel Kraemer gives the social, cultural, historicaland geographical context of the life of Maimonides, along with hisbiography and explanations of all his works in Torah, philosophy,medicine, mathematics, astronomy, logic and ethics. The book is“lively, lucid, and engaging.”Yehuda Halevi, by Hillel Halkin, is another in the Schocken series,“Jewish Encounters.” Here is told the story of the great poetand philosopher of the Golden Age of medieval Spanish Jewry,evoking the world of 11th and 12th century Andalusian Spain.There is much poetry in the book, much cultural history, andanalysis of The Kuzari, Halevi’s elucidation of Judaism in dialogueform, a classic of our literature and of our self-understanding.A new journal called “Jewish Review of Books” is recommended.It has a special introductory rate of $19.95 a year (4 issues).One can subscribe on line at www.jewishreviewofbooks.comThe first issue is in the library.Scott SpearChairSanctuaryChairsThe new chairs for our sanctuary have been ordered andwe expect delivery in mid-<strong>June</strong>.It is still possible for you to name a chair in honor of animportant family event or in memory of a loved one. Yourgenerous donation of $5000 will enable us to continue tofulfill our mission.We have also created a number of new opportunities foryou to make a donation to help us honor members of ourcommunity. We are accepting donations towards thenaming of sanctuary chairs in honor of several importantevents in our communal life including the following:• Reuben Zellman: Honoring his ordination asa Reform Rabbi and installation as our AssistantRabbi and Music Director• Rabbi Kahn : Honoring his 25 years in theReform Rabbinate• Bev Eigner: Honoring her dedication to the weekly<strong>Beth</strong> <strong>El</strong> Torah Study• Marlene Getz: Honoring her years of dedicatedteaching the youth of <strong>Beth</strong> <strong>El</strong>• Odette Blackman: On the occasion of herreceiving the first annual Marian Magid Award forlong term volunteer service to our community.Please send your donation to the <strong>Beth</strong> <strong>El</strong> office. Yourgenerous contribution will enable us to honor theseindividuals dedication and commitment to the Jewishcommunity.

11<strong>Congregation</strong> <strong>Beth</strong> <strong>El</strong>Shabbat RetreatFriday, <strong>May</strong> 21 ~ Sunday, <strong>May</strong> 23, <strong>2010</strong>at Walker Creek Ranch in PetalumaAnother Gathering of the TribeThe Weekend Package is All Inclusive:• 2 Nights Lodging • 6 Healthy Kosher-Style Vegetarian Meals• Innovative Outdoor Services • Singing with Eric Schoen• Art-Nature Programs • Kids & Teens Program (ages 5 and up)• Childcare for all kids (including 0-4 years)(Saturday morning and Friday and Saturday evenings)• Workshops • Team Trivia Contest • Folk Dancing• Study Opportunities with Rabbi Yoel Kahn• Friday night & Saturday morning services and Havdallah led by Rabbi Kahn• Hiking • Swimming • Bicycles encouraged• Plus much, much, more!For more information or to sign up,visit www.bethelberkeley.org or pick up a brochure in the office.REGISTER TODAY!From the Rabbi (continued from front page)Midrasha GraduationSunday, <strong>May</strong> 23 - 11:00 amMidrasha, our community-wide Jewish high school program,has its 42nd annual graduation ceremony on Sunday morning,<strong>May</strong> 23 at <strong>Beth</strong> <strong>El</strong>. A highlight of Midrasha graduation are thestudent speeches. We congratulate Rebecca Aptaker, Avi Kingand Yasmin Louis on their graduation.Honoring Marlene Getz and All <strong>2010</strong> GraduatesFriday, <strong>June</strong> 4 - 6:15 pmFor more than thirty years, Marlene Getz has taught NurserySchool and Religious School students at <strong>Beth</strong> <strong>El</strong>. All of her formerstudents and their families are cordially invited to join us atShabbat services on Friday, <strong>June</strong> 4, to thank and honor Marleneas she begins her well-earned retirement. At this service, we willalso recognize all of our <strong>2010</strong> graduates – those graduating fromcollege or attaining professional degrees, high school graduatesand our middle school students who are entering high school. Ifthere is someone in your family who should receive an invitation,please let us know.Installation of Rabbi Reuben ZellmanFriday, <strong>June</strong> 18 - Service at 7:30 pmDessert and Champagne Oneg to follow.On <strong>May</strong> 16 in Los Angeles, Rabbinic Intern Reuben Zellmanwill be ordained as a Rabbi. At <strong>Beth</strong> <strong>El</strong>, we will celebrate hisordination and formally install Rabbi Zellman as our AssistantRabbi and Music Director at a festive Shabbat evening service onFriday, <strong>June</strong> 18th. (Editor’s note: Rabbi Kahn is also receivingan honorary doctorate in <strong>May</strong> on the occasion of his twentyfifthyear in the rabbinate. We will recognize this milestonethe same evening.) <strong>Beth</strong> <strong>El</strong>’s chorus, along with Rabbi MichaelBarenbaum, Rabbi Emeritus of <strong>Congregation</strong> Rodef Shalom inSan Rafael, and <strong>Beth</strong> <strong>El</strong> member Rabbi Jim Brandt, CEO of theJewish Federation of the East Bay, will participate in the service.A festive, champagne Oneg will follow.L’shalomRabbi Yoel Kahn

12tzedakahTzedakahAARON PLISHNER LIBRARY FUNDPhyllis Zisman in memory of Dorothy WollinsARJMAND MEMORIAL FUNDTowfig & Beryl Arjmand in memory of Jahangir YadegarANNUAL CAMPAIGN - STRENGTHEN OUR COMMUNITYHomayoun ArjmandRonald LoshinB’NAI MITZVAH FUNDIssy Steckel & Family in honor of Skylar Powell being called to theTorah as a Bar MitzvahThe Lombardi Family and The Spaulding/Simon Familyin honor of the <strong>2010</strong> B’nai Mitzvah Class:Leah MaddenSofia PeltzSkylar PowellSam LombardiBowen JohnsonLucas DrummondMicah FlammSolomon KleinMerav DaleJacob SindelIsabel SteckelMagi Lipner-SuwitraBryn Lewin-Offel Leah BercovitchEsther SimonAlejandra ZeigerSamuel Bernstein Jessica GorovitzRuby GizziHaley RichardsNoah RichardsRebecca LieberAnna SaldingerJulian GoldbergZeke Chapler<strong>El</strong>inor LewisNora StanleyEmma GoblerJulia BloomEthan ZeitmanEmily SuppleAlyssa AlishoevIndia DerewetzkyBUILDING FUNDMicah & Michele LiedekerAdele Amodeo in memory of Aron M. RosezweigAdele Amodeo in memory of Jahangir YadegarSteven & Joan Ominsky in honor of Bob Goldstein’s 70th BirthdayBarbara & Steve Segal in honor of Bob Goldstein’s 70th BirthdayMo Morris & Peter Steckel in appreciation of Rabbi Kahn &Reuben ZellmanCAMP KEE TOV FUNDGale Antokal & Neil Gozan in memory of Jack AntokalDAVID SOL COTTON MEMORIAL SWIG FUNDDiane & Ed Bernbaum in memory of David CottonGARDEN LANDSCAPING FUNDNeil Gozan & Gale Antokal in honor of Shirley & Irving BergerNeil Gozan & Gale Antokal in honor of the yahrzeit ofPheobe GozanGENERAL FUNDBetsy CohenMonty GarretsonEdward HollyMel LembergerLaszlo Tauber Family FoundationFran Alexander in memory of Ethel AlexanderGale Antokal & Neil Gozan in memory of Clem GreenbergJoanne Backman & Harry Pollack in honor of Bev EignerJoanne Backman & Harry Pollack in honor of Solomon Klein beingcalled to the Torah as a Bar MitzvahBarrett & Susan Baskin in honor of Bev EignerDiane & Ed Bernbaum in memory of Rabbi Tamas RajOdette Blachman in memory of Jahangir YadegarOdette Blachman in memory of Rabbi Tamas RajOdette Blachman in honor of Bev EignerBob Brandfon & Barbara Fierer in memory of Jacob BrandfonCarolyn & Curt Coleman in honor of Bev EignerAdam Eigner in honor of Bev EignerLeatrice Gutmann in honor of Bev EignerLouis Jacobson in memory of Selma JacobsonSteven Joseph & Corey Hansen-Joseph in honor of Bev EignerSteven Joseph & Corey Hansen-Joseph in memory ofRabbi Tamas RajJuliette Hassid in memory of Sol CalefJuliette Hassid in memory of Marguerite MizrahiEstelle Katz in memory of Robert KatzJulie & Patrick Kennedy in honor of Bev EignerJulie & Patrick Kennedy in honor of Odette BlachmanDante & Jennifer Lombardi in honor of their son Samuel Lombardibeing called to the Torah as a Bar MitzvahDante & Jennifer Lombardi in honor of Jacob Sindel being called tothe Torah as a Bar MitzvahRenee Lubin in honor of Bev EignerMarlene & Robert Mann in honor of Bev EignerGary & Lois Marcus in memory of Selma MarcusGary & Lois Marcus in memory of Sally WhiteMarilyn & Harry Margulius in honor of Solomon Klein being called tothe Torah as a Bar MitzvahMarilyn & Harry Margulius in honor of Bev Eigner’s specialcontributions to Torah StudyDavid & Donna Mendelsohn in honor of Bev EignerMarv Pearlstein in memory of Robert LitmanStan & Faye Samuels in honor of Bev EignerMo Morris & Peter Steckel in honor of Jacob Sindel being called tothe Torah as a Bar MitzvahIsabel & Herb Stusser in honor of Bev EignerMarilyn & William Sugar in honor of Bev EignerJerry Weintraub in memory of Jahangir YadegarJerry Weintraub in honor of Bev EignerKaren & Joel Zeldin in honor of Bev EignerPhyllis Zisman in memory of Rabbi Tamas RajHOMELESS MEAL PROGRAMClarke & Maria DanielsNeil Gozan & Gale Antokal in honor of the yahrzeit ofPheobe GozanTenzin Lhamo in memory of Sylvia SimonLinda Kay Marchena in honor of Mike KlaymanAnna Mantell & Bob Goldstein in honor of Jerry WeintraubMiriam Rabinovitz in honor of Phyllis Zisman being called to theTorah as a Bat MitzvahMiriam Rabinovitz in memory of Sidney KleinThom & Betty Seaton in honor of Bev EignerAmy Tick in honor of Karin BlimanVadjiheh Yadegar in memory of Ashraf Kashfi

13Vadjiheh Yadegar in memory of Nosrat YadegarVadjiheh Yadegar in memory of Sinoor YadegarPhyllis Zisman in memory of Theodore MarxMARIAN MAGID FUNDBob Epstein & Amy Roth in memory of Theodore MarxBob Epstein & Amy Roth in memory of Jahangir YadegarBob Epstein & Amy Roth in memory of Robert LitmanMEN’S CLUBAnna Mantell & Bob Goldstein in honor of Bev EignerMUSIC FUNDBruce & Susan Carter in honor of Bev EignerBruce & Susan Carter in honor of Solomon Klein being calledto the Torah as a Bar MitzvahBruce & Susan Carter in honor of Rueben’s permanentappointment to <strong>Beth</strong> <strong>El</strong>Phyllis Zisman in memory of Dorothy HoffmanNURSERY SCHOOL FUNDSuzanne AlexanderCarol MecklerCheryl WeisenmillerBarbara Kanter in memory of Rabbi Tamas RajONEG/KIDDISH FUNDAlisa Einwohner in memory of Rabbi Tamas RajRABBI YOEL KAHN’S DISCRETIONARY FUNDMarilyn & Harry MarguliusThe Berger Families in appreciation of Rabbi KahnEdythe Heda in appreciation of Rabbi Kahn’s kindnessJonathan Laba in honor of <strong>El</strong>sa Goldstein’s baby namingPatricia Poilé in honor of Herb & Ruth Epstein’s 65th weddinganniversarySusie & John Prausnitz in honor of Bev EignerMarcel & Margrit Schurman in memory of Rafael KafkaBarbara Vautier in memory of Sylvia SimonRABBI EMERITUS’ DISCRETIONARY FUNDJerry Weintraub in memory of Rabbi Tamas RajRABBI VIDA LIBRARY FUNDSteven Joseph & Corey Hansen-Joseph in memory of Shirley BergerRuth & Scott Spear in memory of Shirley & Irving BergerRuth & Scott Spear in memory of Rabbi Tamas RajSOCIAL ACTION FUNDAnn Manheimer & Arthur Swislocki in memory of Adam SwislockiAnn Manheimer & Arthur Swislocki in memory of Betty &Zola ManheimerAnn Manheimer & Arthur Swislocki in memory of Paul LassoffStephen & Wilma Rader in memory of Joel MarshTORAH STUDYJoshua & Beryl Bar-Lev in honor of Bev EignerStu & Judy Berman in honor of Bev EignerDiane & Ed Bernbaum in honor of Bev EignerVivian Clayton in honor of Bev EignerAlfred & Anita Cotton in honor of Bev EignerStephen & Wilma Rader in honor of Bev EignerKatherine & Alan Sanstad in honor of Bev EignerRuth & Scott Spear in honor Bev EignerLaurie Swiadon in honor of Bev EignerYizkor on ShavuotThursday evening, <strong>May</strong> 20Yizkor Circle - 6:15 pm • Yizkor Service - 7:00 pmHavdalah - 7:30 pmAt each of our major festivals, we remember ourloved ones who have died, through the ritual of theYizkor memorial service. Whether your loss is recentor more distant, you are invited to join with others inour community to commemorate your loss and honorthe memory of those we have lost. The Yizkor serviceis preceded by a Yizkor circle, a facilitated discussionabout loss, grief, love and memory. We will close theYizkor service with the beautiful Havdalah ceremonythat ends Shavuot. All are welcome.Rabbi LiaisonCommitteeThe members of the Rabbi Liaison Committee areEmily Marthinsen, long-time <strong>Congregation</strong> member,510-528-1972; Larry Miller, Religious School parent,510-558-3138; Abby Rezneck, Nursery School parent,650-533-5349; and Mark Aaronson, long-time<strong>Congregation</strong> member, 510-655-5211.We meet regularly with Rabbi Kahn for candid andconfidential discussions. If you have concerns youwould rather not raise directly with him, please feelfree to telephone one of us. We will convey yourconcerns anonymously if that is your preference.

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midrasha 15GRADUationIt’s coming. My favorite day of the Midrashayear….graduation. No, it’s not my favorite daybecause it marks the end of the school yearand I can finally sleep a little later or haveguests for brunch on Sundays. It my favoritebecause when I hear each graduate speakabout what Midrasha and their 18 years ofJewish education have meant to them, I am overwhelmed withpride and have absolutely not a worry in the world about “Jewishcontinuity.” All the early mornings, late nights, long work days,and worry about program details all go out the window and Irealize that I have chosen the right profession and the right job.If you’d like to be similarly filled with nachas (You don’t have tobe the school director or be related to Midrasha in any way totake pride in these kids. Just living in our community will do!),please join us for graduation. It is Sunday, <strong>May</strong> 23 at 10:45 a.m.in the <strong>Congregation</strong> <strong>Beth</strong> <strong>El</strong> sanctuary, 1301 Oxford Street inBerkeley. The graduation epitomizes the pluralistic nature of ourMidrasha community. We have 17 graduates. They come from6 different synagogues, 3 different denominations and includeunaffiliated students as well. We are truly a community school.Mazel tov to the following students and their families: RebeccaAptaker, Geoffrey Class, Stefan Feurst, Sara Geliebter, AlidaJekabson, David Joseph-Goteiner, Rachel Kane, Theresa Kaplan,Ariel Karwat, Avi King, Yasmin Louie, Jordan Marshak, EmilyPascal, Ziva Sholin, Nils Skudra, Samantha Strimling and AbbyWurtele.See you on <strong>May</strong> 23th at 10:45 at graduation.Diane BernbaumDirectorTORAH STUDYMeets Shabbat Morning (Saturday)in the Beit Midrash at 9:15am<strong>May</strong> 1, <strong>2010</strong>Parshat EmorLeviticus 21:1-24:23Led by Sara Kupor<strong>May</strong> 8, <strong>2010</strong>Parashat Behar-BechukotaiLeviticus 25:1-27:34Led by Rabbi Yoel Kahn<strong>May</strong> 15, <strong>2010</strong>Parashat BamidbarNumbers 1:1-4:20Led by Barbara Cohn<strong>May</strong> 22, <strong>2010</strong>Parashat NassoNumbers 4:21-7:89Led by Lisa Feldman<strong>May</strong> 29, <strong>2010</strong>Shavuot - RuthNumbers 8:1-12:16Led by Bill Schnechner<strong>June</strong> 5, <strong>2010</strong>Parashat Sh’lachNumbers 13:1-15:41Led by Rose Falanga & Cy Silver<strong>June</strong> 12, <strong>2010</strong>Parashat KorachNumbers 16:1-18:32Led by Sue Reinhold<strong>June</strong> 19, <strong>2010</strong>Parashat ChukatNumbers 19:1-22:1Led by Bob Goldstein<strong>June</strong> 26, <strong>2010</strong>Parashat BalakNumbers 22:2-25:9Led by Rabbi Yoel Kahn

16contributionsCONGREGATION BETH EL Fund ContributionsThis contribution of $_________ is □ in Memory of* □ in Honor of**It is a Jewish tradition to give Tzedakah to commemorate life cycle events and other occasions. Are you celebratinga birthday, engagement, anniversary, baby naming, Bat/Bar Mitzvah or a recovery from illness? These are just afew ideas of appropriate times to commemorate with a donation to <strong>Beth</strong> <strong>El</strong>. These tax-deductible donations aregreatly appreciated and are a vital financial supplement to support the wonderful variety of programs and activitiesthat we offer at <strong>Congregation</strong> <strong>Beth</strong> <strong>El</strong>. Thank you for your support.Please credit the fund checked below:ContributionFrom:Address□□General Fund - Use Where Most NeededAaron Plishner Children Library□ Adult Education Fund□□□□□□□□□□□□□Arjmand Memorial FundBlachman Emergency FundBuilding FundCamp Kee Tov ScholarshipsChevra KadishaDavid Cotton Memorial Swig Fund<strong>El</strong>len Meyer Childcare FundEndowment FundFreed Flower FundHomeless Meal ProgramHumanitarian Aid FundIsrael Scholarship FundLandscape FundAcknowledgeTo:Address□ Marian Magid Memorial Fund□ Men’s Club□ Mitzvah Committee□ Music Fund□ Nursery School Fund□ Oneg/Kiddush Fund□ Outreach Fund□ Prayerbook Fund□ Rabbi’s Discretionary Fund□ Rabbi Emeritus’ Discretionary Fund□ Rabbi Vida Library Fund□ Religious School Fund□ Ruth Fischer Trustees Discretionary Fund□ Social Action Fund□ YOZMA Fund – Israel Sister <strong>Congregation</strong>□ _________________________________________Thank you for your generosity. Please make checks payable to <strong>Congregation</strong> <strong>Beth</strong> <strong>El</strong>and mail to 1301 Oxford Street, Berkeley, CA 94709The Builder is now electronic!Members will be able to view and download their Builder from thee-update and website. Print copies will be available for pick up at<strong>Beth</strong> <strong>El</strong> or upon request. To request your copy of the Builderbe mailed to you, please complete the form below and mail to:<strong>Congregation</strong> <strong>Beth</strong> <strong>El</strong> - Builder Mail Request1301 Oxford Street - Berkeley, CA 94709Name:Address:YES! I/We would like to continue to receive theBuilder in the mail.________________________________________________________________________________________________________________You may also respond by emailing builder@bethelberkeley.orgwith “Please send my Builder by mail” in the Subject line orcalling the <strong>Beth</strong> <strong>El</strong> main office at 510.848.3988.City, State, Zip: __________________________________________________

<strong>May</strong> <strong>2010</strong>/ Iyar - Sivan 5770calendar 17Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday18:30a Early MinyanNS -Nursery School9:15a Torah StudyRS -Religious School10:15a ShabbatMorning ServiceBat Mitzvah -Esther Simon211:00a AnnualMeeting & VolunteerRecognition Day39:30a BabyPlaygroup47:00p Board Meeting57:00p NS ParentWorkshop7:00p Lehrhaus/Reinventing Ritual7:00p Lehrhaus/Int.Modern Hebrew8:25p Lehrhaus/Adv.Modern Hebrew67:00p Talmud Class76:30p ConfirmationDinner8:00p ConfirmationService88:30a Early Minyan9:15a Torah Study10:15a ShabbatMorning ServiceBat Mitzvah -Alejandra Zeiger9MOTHER’S DAY109:30a BabyPlaygroup117:00p NurserySchool Committee7:30p RitualCommittee121312:00p Chai GroupLuncheon7:00p Talmud Class145:00p Sababa PizzaPary & <strong>El</strong>ections6:00p ShabbatUnplugged Dinner6:15p ShabbatEvening Service6:45p ShabbatUnplugged Service158:30a Early Minyan9:15a Torah Study10:15a ShabbatMorning ServiceBar Mitzvah -Samuel Bernstein1612:30p BEY -Pancake Brunch& <strong>El</strong>ections2:00p HomelessMeal - MedicalClinic5:00p HomelessMeal179:30a BabyPlaygroup7:30p SeymourFromer Memorial18EREV SHAVUOT6:30p Tikkun LeylShavuot8:00p ReligiousSchool Committee19SHAVUOTOffices & SchoolsClosed206:15p Yizkor Circle6:45p Yizkor Service7:00p Conv. Yiddish7:00p Talmud Class21<strong>Congregation</strong>alRetreat6:15p ShabbatEvening Service22<strong>Congregation</strong>alRetreat8:30a Early Minyan9:15a Torah Study10:15a ShabbatMorning Service23<strong>Congregation</strong>alRetreat9:30a MidrashaGraduation30249:30a BabyPlaygroupMEMORIAL DAYOffices & SchoolsClosed3125267:00p ChorusRehearsal277:00p Talmud Class286:15p ShabbatEvening Service298:30a Early Minyan9:15a Torah Study10:15a ShabbatMorning ServiceBat Mitzvah -Jessica Gorovitz

18directory<strong>Congregation</strong> <strong>Beth</strong> <strong>El</strong>1301 Oxford St • Berkeley, CA 94709-1424Main Phone Number (510) 848-3988 *** Fax (510) 848-2707Religious School Office Direct Line (510) 848-2122Nursery School Office Direct Line (510) 848-9428Camp Kee Tov Office Direct Line (510) 848-2372Midrasha Direct Line (510) 843-4667Clergy & Staff Ext. Direct Line Email AddressRabbi Yoel H. Kahn 215 rabbikahn@bethelberkeley.orgNorm Frankel, Executive Director 212 norm@bethelberkeley.orgDebra Sagan Massey, Director of Education 213 848-2122 debra@bethelberkeley.orgBarbara Kanter, Nursery School Director 219 848-9428 barbara@bethelberkeley.orgZach Landres-Schnur, Camp Kee Tov Director 217 848-2372 zach@bethelberkeley.orgSuzanne Alexander, Accounting 210 suzanne@bethelberkeley.orgDiane Bernbaum, Midrasha Director 843-4667 diane@midrasha.orgOdette Blachman, Gift Shop 240 oblachman@sbcglobal.netRebecca DePalma, RS Admin. Coordinator 214 848-2122 rebecca@bethelberkeley.orgLenora O’Keith, Main Office 211 lenora@bethelberkeley.orgStephanie Pollick, Kee Tov Admin. Coordinator 223 848-2372 stephanie@bethelberkeley.orgCharlie Radin, Admin. Coordinator 225 charlie@bethelberkeley.orgRabbi Ferenc Raj, Rabbi Emeritusferenc@bethelberkeley.orgReuben Zellman, Rabbinic Intern 228 reuben@bethelberkeley.orgAdvertise in the Builder!Email builder@bethelberkeley.orgfor more infomation.The BuilderIssue No. 121<strong>Congregation</strong> <strong>Beth</strong> <strong>El</strong> is a member ofThe Union for Reform Judaism1301 Oxford Street, Berkeley CA 94709-1424510-848-3988www.bethelberkeley.org

<strong>June</strong> <strong>2010</strong>/ Sivan - Tammuz 5770calendar 19Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday SaturdayNS -Nursery SchoolRS -Religious School17:00p Board Meeting27:00p ChorusRehearsal35:30p Camp KeeTov - CIT Traning7:00p Talmud Class46:15p ShabbatEvening ServiceHonoringMarlene Getz andall our Graduates58:30a Early Minyan9:15a Torah Study10:15a ShabbatMorning ServiceBat Mitzvah -Ruby Gizzi612:30p Youth GroupEvent at Boomers!(4th - 12th Grade)787:00p NurserySchool Committee7:30p RitualCommittee97:00p ChorusRehearsal107:00p Talmud Class116:15p ShabbatEvening Service128:30a Early Minyan9:15a Torah Study10:15a ShabbatMorning ServiceB;nai Mitzvah -Haley & NoahRichards13141516LAST DAY OFNURSERY SCHOOL7:00p ChorusRehearsal177:00p Conv. Yiddish187:30p ShabbatEvening ServiceHonoring RabbiReuben Zellman &Rabbi Yoel Kahn198:30a Early Minyan9:15a Torah Study10:15a ShabbatMorning ServiceBat Mitzvah -Anna Saldinger20FATHER’S DAY2:00p HomelessMeal - MedicalClinic5:00p HomelessMeal21226:30p Board &Program Council24256:15p ShabbatEvening Service268:30a Early Minyan9:15a Torah Study10:15a ShabbatMorning ServiceBat Mitzvah -Rebecca Lieber273:00p Camp KeeTov Orientation- Session I28FIRST DAY OF CAMPKEE TOV - Session I2930

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