hIghlIghts - Congregation Beth El

hIghlIghts - Congregation Beth El

hIghlIghts - Congregation Beth El

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FROM THE PRESIDENTScience Finally In Tune WithAncient Jewish WisdomA 2011 article in the New York Timesentitled, “How Meditation May Change theBrain,” by Sindya Bhanoo was one of manyrecent articles that discussed scientific studies revealing thephysical and mental benefits provided by meditation. Accordingto this story, people who meditated for 30 minutes per day “hadmeasurable changes in gray matter density in parts of the brainassociated with memory, sense of self, empathy and stress.”Other studies have shown that meditation can reduce stress andlower blood pressure. In an article from the Mayo Clinic, “prayeris the most widely practiced example of meditation.” The MayoClinic article also identifies focused attention as one of the mostimportant elements of meditation. Focus can be on a specificobject, an image, a mantra or breathing.”For over 2,000 years, Jews have been practicing exactly thatkind of meditation. It is the morning ritual of putting on tefillinand saying the morning prayers. January 1, 2013 was the 10thanniversary of my decision to observe the commandment ofputting on tefillin. Every morning for the past decade I haveawakened early to wrap my arm in the leather straps of thetefillin and to wear the leather box on my forehead. I haveput tefillin on in shul, at the Western Wall in Jerusalem, athome, in hotel rooms, in airport gates—even on the side of theroad when I had to leave on a car trip before the halachicallyappropriate time for the mitzvah arrived.The mitzvah of tefillin is another one of the wonderful gifts ofour tradition. For me, putting on tefillin is a regular opportunityto clear my mind of all the stresses of daily life and work andsimply reflect on who I am, how I am blessed and the purposeChildren’s Outerwear Still Neededby Mary JacobsMany thanks to those who donated children’scoats and outerwear for the Berkeley Drop-InCenter. They were thrilled to receive them!Please remember:The Center only wants CHILDREN’SOUTERWEAR.... COATS, RAINCOATS,JACKETS, SWEATERS! Please leave themin the special Children’s bin in the upstairseducation wing of <strong>Beth</strong> <strong>El</strong>.Questions? Contact me atmaryjacobs7@comcast.netof my life in the world.The physical process of wrapping the straps of the tefillin shelyad (of the hand) around your arm and placing the tefillin shelrosh (of the head) on your head creates the perfect opportunityto focus your mind while experiencing the physical sensations ofthe object of your meditation. As you put on the tefillin, you canfocus on the contents of the tefillin’s leather boxes. They containthe first and second paragraphs of the Shema, a remembranceof the Exodus as well as the commandment regarding thewearing of tefillin. These are all reminders of what it means tobe a Jew.The commandment to put on tefillin appears four times in theTorah. Since the Torah never repeats anything unnecessarily, themitzvah of tefillin must be very important. The first occurrenceis immediately upon our exit from Egypt – just after we havedeclared our separation from the Egyptians by putting the bloodof the sacrificial lambs on our doorposts. We are told: “And itshall be for you a sign on your arm and a reminder betweenyour eyes – so that G-d’s Torah may be in your mouth – forwith a strong hand G-d brought you out of Egypt” (Exodus13:9). Tefillin are a reminder of the moment the Jews became apeople, and the mission of the people is to serve G-d and keepthe Torah.Like all Jewish rituals, the process for putting on tefillin hasspecific rules regarding its observance. We wrap tefillin on ourarm – the implement of our activities – to show that our actionsare bound to the mitzvot. The leather box of the tefillin shel yadis placed on the inside of our arm so it ends up pointing towardsour heart. This symbolizes our commitment to direct our passionand our emotions towards divine service. The tefillin shel rosh isplaced on our head to indicate that our minds are focused in thesame way.We “wrap up” the process of putting on tefillin by tying thestraps around our fingers in a symbolic ring while reciting thesebeautiful words from the prophet Hosea: “I will betroth you toMe forever; I will betroth you to Me in righteousness and justice,loving kindness and compassion; I will betroth you to Me infaithfulness; and you shall know HaShem.”These words are meant to symbolize the fundamental tenetsof the relationship between G-d and Israel. It is a relationshipof loving kindness, justice, compassion and righteousness. Isometimes wonder how the world might be different if everyonestarted their day experiencing and focusing on that relationshipfor just a few minutes of mindful meditation. We might all behappier, healthier and less stressed out.If you would like to learn more about the mitzvah of tefillin, or ifyou would like to try it sometime, please let me know!Dan MagidPresident, Board of Directors4 The Builder: February & March 2013

Staff Profile<strong>Beth</strong> <strong>El</strong>’s Very Own Music Manby <strong>El</strong>isabeth WechslerHe could have been a Renaissance music tenor. He could havebeen a choral conductor. He could have been a cantor....Butinstead, Reuben Zellman chose to become a musical rabbi.With a deep love for all kinds of music, Rabbi Zellman hasexpanded the music program at <strong>Congregation</strong> <strong>Beth</strong> <strong>El</strong> bystarting the adult and teen bands, enhancing the synagogue’schorus and, in the fall, will be bringing aRenaissance and Baroque concert seriesto <strong>Beth</strong> <strong>El</strong> – all to expand the Jewishexperience here.“At <strong>Beth</strong> <strong>El</strong> music is an opportunity formembers to engage in an Jewish artform – singing, playing an instrument,chanting trope – and also to contributeto the life of the community,” hecontinued, adding that his role is toidentify enthusiasm and talent in themembership and nurture it by trainingvolunteers to lead services and chantTorah, as well as to support and lead theband and chorus.With the chorus, a wide repertoire ofmusic from other communities, eras andlanguages has provided a diverse rangefrom which to choose. “We use music tointentionally engage in diverse Jewishcultures that we may not encounterin other ways as a community,” heexplained.As assistant rabbi and music directorat <strong>Beth</strong> <strong>El</strong>, he acknowledged that Cantor Brian Reich, whoserved for more than 20 years, established music as a part ofsynagogue life. “That music is still with us,” Rabbi Zellman said.He confessed that from his arrival at <strong>Beth</strong> <strong>El</strong> in 2009 as arabbinic intern, he has been compiling a list of members whoplay instruments. This list helped him launch the adult and teenbands. As for the chorus, it began as a one-time experimentto enhance High Holy Day services in 2009. The membershipreacted enthusiastically and the chorus was soon established asan integral part of <strong>Beth</strong> <strong>El</strong>’s cultural and religious life.Rabbi Zellman’s path is an intricate one. Born and raisedin Los Angeles (with strong connections to his grandparentsin Berkeley) in a Reform, not particularly observant family,his musical experience was initially thin. He did sing in hishigh school chorus and at UC Berkeley, as a member of theUniversity Chorus.“There is a natural link between the study of language andsinging,” he observed, adding that his undergraduate degree inlinguistics has been “enormously helpful” as he pursued a post-Baccalaureate degree in classical voice at San Francisco StateUniversity (SFSU).While he was out of school for three years, he worked onproviding disability services and advocacy at the UC Berkeley8 The Builder: February & March 2013Disabled Students Program. In the summer of 2003, RabbiZellman began rabbinic studies at Hebrew Union College(HUC), initially on its Jerusalem campus, then for two years inNew York City, followed by three more years in L.A. to completehis smicha, or rabbinic ordination.However, the cantorial program of HUC in Jerusalem andNew York allowed him to simultaneouslyparticipate in any aspect of that programand he was fortunate to take many classesin Jewish cantorial music. He is now enrolledin a Master’s degree program in choralconducting at SFSU.While Rabbi Zellman was completing hisHUC studies in L.A., he also served as anintern at the largely Lesbian, Gay, Bisexualand Transgender (LGBT) synagogue,Sha’ar Zahav, in San Francisco. He hadstruggled to find employment in New Yorkas a transgender person, so he focusedon working in the San Francisco Bay Area.“Opportunities for transgender peoplehave improved significantly since then,”he acknowledged, adding that “a lot ofdecisions were made because it was difficultfor me as a transgender student. It’s one ofthe main reasons I came back to California.”A personal reason to return to the Bay Areawas that both of his grandparents, Sydelland Ray Lemerman, had been active <strong>Beth</strong> <strong>El</strong>members in the 60s and 70s, giving him astrong connection to the Berkeley. His grandmother had beenOdette Blachman’s secretary at the synagogue, and she alsovolunteered in the gift shop.Rabbi Zellman is very much an advocate for LGBT causes inboth Jewish and non-Jewish organizations. For example, hesat on the first community advisory board of the TransgenderEconomic Empowerment Initiative, which helps transgenderpeople find safe, good jobs – “a difficult task in this tighteconomic climate,” he said. He also speaks out against violenceagainst gay and transgender people, working in differentsegments of society. He appreciates the changes in the Jewishcommunity that make it more welcoming to LGBT persons butrecognizes that more work must be done.“Advocacy is a big part of what I do,” he said, addingthat his activism profoundly affects his role at <strong>Beth</strong> <strong>El</strong>. “Forexample, what are the values of this community and are wecommunicating and acting on those values in the best andbravest way that we can?” he asked, realizing that anotherconversation could focus on that subject.“It is often difficult to live as a transgender person, because oursociety overall has a very rigid understanding of how genderworks. Our current world frequently doesn’t make room forContinued on page 9

y Todd PerlmanFostering Jewish Identity50% of the Time: The ChallengeMy 4th-grade son, Ben, can rattle off the names of almost everyJewish baseball player in the Major Leagues. He and somefriends—fueled by a passion for baseball, another Giants WorldSeries victory, and big dreams—thought it would be fun to lookthem up online. They found some Jewishfootball players, too.We recently watched the documentary “Jewsand Baseball: An American Love Story,” whichcelebrates the contributions of Jewish players.Ben was riveted by the story of Dodger SandyKoufax, considered by many the greatestJewish ballplayer, and perhaps the greatestpitcher, ever. Ben, an avowed Dodger hater,identified with Koufax in a way I hadn’t seenbefore.At nine, Ben is beginning to form a Jewishidentity. I find this remarkable because he onlylives with me half the time, and I don’t considermyself particularly devout. He spends the other50 percent with his mom, who is not Jewish.A few years ago, when Ben was five or six, Ioverheard him telling a friend that he is “half” Jewish. At thetime, he hadn’t started attending Kadima at <strong>Beth</strong> <strong>El</strong>, and hisexposure to religion came in small doses. So I’ve been thinking:How do I instill a Jewish identity, and Jewish values, in my childwhen one of his two households is not Jewish? It takes theconundrum of the interfaith family to a different level.I asked Debra Sagan Massey, director of education at <strong>Beth</strong><strong>El</strong>, for some thoughts. Over Shabbat lunch at her home, wetalked about what it means to be Jewish, patrilineal descent,connection, education. We discussed the beauty of ReformJudaism as less dogmatic than other religions, and how thereare so many facets to Judaism that you canreally find something that resonates, and latchon to it.More than anything, I took away this nugget:It’s so important that kids in Ben’s situation,or any interfaith family, know that they are100 percent Jewish, and that they are alwaysJewish. They need community, and to knowthat they’re “normal.” Simple and obvious, yes,but easy to overlook.I’m fortunate in that Ben’s mom supportshis attendance at Kadima, even though shehas no other connection to <strong>Beth</strong> <strong>El</strong>; she evenparticipates in a carpool on her custody days.So many of Ben’s school friends attend that it’salmost an extension of his regular days.Will he ever skip playing in a World Seriesgame because it’s Yom Kippur, as Koufax famously did? Notlikely. But he does feel as though he belongs.Todd Perlman is former editor of the West County Times. Helives in <strong>El</strong> Cerrito with his son, Ben, and his wife, Diane. Toddand Diane have a daughter, Tessa, who is 2. They have beenmembers of <strong>Beth</strong> <strong>El</strong> since 2009.Member CornerJD degree from its law school. Asked what attracted the Papas-Leach family to <strong>Congregation</strong> <strong>Beth</strong> <strong>El</strong>, Josh said, “We haveattended services and summer camp at <strong>Beth</strong> <strong>El</strong> and really love thecommunity feeling and energy of the congregation.” DaughterAmelia (9) loves sports (currently basketball) and art; daughterRebecca (6) also loves art and “is currently very interested inspiders for some reason.” These days the parents just try to keepup with the kids and work. Both are lawyers. “Caroline works fora software company and I work for a law firm doing commerciallitigation,” Josh said, adding that they “would love to be involvedin helping the poor and/or homeless.”Samantha Lekus & Joshua LachsThe Lekus-Lachs family moved from Oakland to Berkeleyabout eight years ago and have lived in the Bay Area for muchlonger. They are originally from Southern California. Whatattracted them to <strong>Congregation</strong> <strong>Beth</strong> <strong>El</strong> was “the people andthe kids’ programs, especially Kadima and Camp Kee Tov.” Thefamily’s interests and activities include travel, food, books, moviesand sports – “go Lakers!”. Professionally, Josh works for GoodwillIndustries of San Francisco and Samantha is a consultant fornonprofits. Both Samantha and Josh have experience in fund-raising, event planning and kids’ programs, and hope tocontribute their skills to <strong>Beth</strong> <strong>El</strong> once they get settled.ClarA LeonClara Leon grew up in Orinda and went to University ofOregon as a double major in French and comparative literature.She then lived in France for three years, first in Lyon for aMasters in history, and then at the Ecole des Hautes Etudes inParis. She also taught English as a foreign language. Clarareturned to <strong>El</strong> Cerrito from France in July, 2012 and is enrolledat UC Berkeley for a PhD in history. Her parents, Debbie andJeff Leon, are long-time members of <strong>Congregation</strong> <strong>Beth</strong> <strong>El</strong>. “I’dalways been involved [in <strong>Beth</strong> <strong>El</strong>] growing up so I wanted to joinand continue to be involved as an adult,” she said. In her sparetime, Clara loves travel, world music and cooking. She plansto join the chorus, as well as the Pantry Chug, which is chairedby her mother. Clara has also led services with Debbie severaltimes and hopes to do so in the future.We also welcome Nicole Harris and McGill Hort as newmembers. They live in Albany, and have a son, Theodore (2).www.bethelberkeley.org 11

MUSIC ROOMby Rabbi Reuben ZellmanHere in the Music Room you can keep up with the flourishingmusical life of our congregation. At <strong>Beth</strong> <strong>El</strong>, music is anopportunity for connection to community; a wonderful vehicle forengaging in Jewish language, history, ideas, culture and art; andone of many paths to G-d and spiritual experience.I hope you’ll join us for some of the musical happenings below.If you have questions or want to join in, contact me any time:RabbiRZ@bethelberkeley.org, or 848-3988 ext 228.Yismechu Chanting Service3rd Friday of every month, 6:15 pmUpcoming Chanting Services: February 15, March 15, April 19Join us for meditative song and chant to welcome in Shabbat.Bring your harmonies and your spirit to share. There’s hardlyany talking in this service, just music: sacred words andwordless melodies from many corners of the Jewish world,with spontaneous harmony and gentle drumming. You areenthusiastically welcome whether or not you think you can sing.The service lasts one hour and will include the Sh’ma, Mourner’sKaddish and quiet time for the Amidah or reflection. Begin yourShabbat with music for your soul!Purim Musicians Needed!If you’re interested in playing, singing, acting, or chantingMegillah, we want YOU to be part of this year’s Purimentertainment on Saturday night, February 23rd. To join in thefun, contact Rabbi Zellman. See all the details about <strong>Beth</strong> <strong>El</strong>’sPurim celebration on page 15.Join the Band!Bring your talents and creativity to <strong>Beth</strong> <strong>El</strong>! The bandsencompass many genres, from jazz and swing to classical, folkmusic and traditional Jewish genres like klezmer. The bandswelcome all instruments—folk, orchestral and traditional bandinstruments, both acoustic and electric. Whether you’re anamateur or a pro, bring your instrument and join in.The adult band rehearses monthly on Thursday evenings, andat 7:00 pm before each Band Shabbat. For more information,contact Rabbi Zellman. The teen band is open to musicians in8th grade and above. Rehearsals are on the fourth Thursday ofevery month with a few exceptions, from 6:00-8:00 pm. Referto: www.bethelberkeley.org/learning/teen-band. A full bandschedule is available on the website. For more information,contact Rebecca DePalma at rebecca@bethelberkeley.org.Sing with the Chorus:All Community Members Welcome!<strong>Beth</strong> <strong>El</strong>’s Chorus brings glorious harmonies to Shabbat servicesand High Holy Days, as well as community performances. Thechorus is always open to new singers, and musical backgroundis not necessary. All <strong>Beth</strong> <strong>El</strong> members who love to sing areencouraged to come check it out! Upcoming chorus activitiesin 2013 include preparing for the hilarious Purim musicalentertainment, representing <strong>Beth</strong> <strong>El</strong> at Berkeley’s multi-faithThanksgiving celebration, and singing in a unique concert seriesfeaturing Jewish music of the Renaissance period (see below.)Rehearsals are weekly on Wednesdays. Contact Rabbi Zellmanwith questions, or to join in.Jewish Choral Music of the Renaissance andBaroque: Concert Series Begins this FallBeginning in the fall of 2013, <strong>Beth</strong> <strong>El</strong> is fortunate to host anextremely unusual and exceptionally beautiful concert series,focused entirely on Jewish choral and vocal music of theRenaissance and Baroque periods: The <strong>Beth</strong> <strong>El</strong> Chorus andother area musicians will collaborate with the professional SanFrancisco Renaissance Voices and Baroque chamber orchestra.We encourage you to sing with the chorus for this uniqueopportunity! The first set of rehearsals for this concert series willbe weekly on Wednesday evenings, April 3 to June 5.Interested in leading services or chanting Torah orHaftarah? <strong>Beth</strong> <strong>El</strong> needs you!These fun, important and much-appreciated musical mitzvot areavailable all year round. Slots are available almost every singleweek. If you know how to chant Torah or lead prayers—orwould like to learn—please contact Rabbi Zellman and he willbe very happy to sign you up!How to Chant TorahAdult Education Class begins in May6 sessions: Thursdays, May 16 to June 20, 7:00-9:00 pmHave you ever wondered how Torah chanters know whatmelodies to use, and where to start and stop? Have you beenintrigued by the Torah’s more fabulous dots and squiggles?These symbols are called “trope,” and they give us the Torah’smelodies, as well as punctuation and pronunciation. The systemof chanting Torah is ancient, beautiful, fun and totally learnable.No musical background or previous familiarity is required; peopleof all backgrounds are welcome. Join Rabbi Reuben Zellman andfellow community members to learn how to do this mitzvah. Formore information, contact Rabbi Zellman (see above).Band Shabbats coming up!Mark your calendars for these upcoming Shabbat evenings tosing along and hear our bands play. All are Friday nights at7:30 p.m. February 8, March 8 and May 10.12The Builder: February & March 2013

The congregation is cordially invited toattend the service and kiddush followingto honor these B’nei Mitzvah candidates:B’NEI MITZVAHMia Talkovsky will be called to the Torahas a Bat Mitzvah on Saturday, February9 at 10:15 am. She is the daughter ofMichael Talkovsky.Yoav Vigoda will be called to the Torahas a Bar Mitzvah on Saturday, February 23at 10:15 am. He is the son of Zimra andDavid Vigoda, and the grandson of RabbiEmeritus Ference Raj and Paula Raj.Gideon Ze’ev Dale will be called to theTorah as a Bar Mitzvah on Saturday, March2 at 10:15 am. He is the son of Andy Dale.Adam Zheleznyak will be called tothe Torah as a Bar Mitzvah on Saturday,February 16 at 10:15 am. He is the son ofAlexander and Izabella Zheleznyak.Ruben Bergtraun will be called to theTorah as a Bar Mitzvah on Saturday, March23 at 10:15 am. He is the son of Alex andMichelle Bergtraun.New Books in the Libraryby Scott Spear, Library ChairPLEASE CHECK TO SEE IF YOU HAVE ANY LIBRARY BOOKSTHAT SHOULD BE RETURNED.Donations to the Aaron Plishner and Rabbi GeorgeVida Funds make it possible to buy new children’s andadult’s books. Here are some new adult books:Crisis and Creativity in the Sephardic World, 1391-1648, ed. by Benjamin Gampel, is a collection of studiesby outstanding scholars, such as Raymond Scheindlin, YosefYerushalmi, and Moshe Idel, about the Sephardic Diaspora:communal, intellectual, cultural, and political, and on poetry,philosophy and Kabbalah.The Fortune Teller’s Kiss is the memoir byBrenda Serotte of growing up, stricken withpolio, in a Sephardic family in the Bronx, 50years ago. The poet’s story is “passionate andengaging,” says Ilan Stavans. “Enthralling,bittersweet, funny, wryly intelligent,” saysPhillip Lopate.In 1946, David Boder, psychologist, wire-recorded interviewswith 130 Holocaust survivors, in nine languages, in DisplacedPersons camps, likely the earliest such interviews, before itwas called “Holocaust” or “Shoah,” before it was thematizedor defined. In The Wonder of Their Voices, Alan Rosen,teacher at Yad Vashem, chronicles and examines this project.<strong>El</strong>ie Wiesel praises this book.Nowolipie Street is the memoir by Jozef Henof growing up in Warsaw between the WorldWars, in a Jewish world forever lost. This is thefirst book translated into English by Hen, thoughhe is well-known in Poland. Timothy Snyder callsit “generously detailed and beautifully crafted.”The Vegetarian Shabbat Cookbook, byKalechofsky and Schiff, is vegan, so it has, interalia, eggless challah and macaroni and cheese without cheese.The unusually inventive recipes make this book, says TheJewish Advocate, “a must-have for all Jewish kitchens.”In The Book of Genesis: A Biography, Ronald Hendel,Dabby Professor of Hebrew Bible and Jewish Studies at UCBerkeley, relates the history of what Genesis has meant, how ithas been interpreted, over the millennia since its composition– its plain meaning, its apocalyptic interpretation, Platonic,figural, early modern and fundamentalist views, up throughKafka, Auerbach, and Mahfouz.In Jews and Words, Amos Oz and his daughter, Fania Oz-Salzberger, explore why words are so important to Jews, fromAbraham to modern Jewry, in such topics as continuity, women,timelessness, individualism, from Song of Songs, Talmud,Maimonides, Albert Einstein and Itzik Manger to Philip Rothand Groucho Marx.www.bethelberkeley.org 13

ADULT EDUCATION’S&LEARNIn pursuit oflifelong learning2013All events are on the second Tuesday of the month, from noon to 1:30 pmBring a bag lunch. Dessert & beverages will be provided. Lunch & Learnevents are free and open to the entire communityFebruary 14NoonMarch 14NoonApril 11NoonMay 9NoonPersonal Observations and HistoricalPerspectives of the Romanian JewishCommunityPresented by Harry MarguliusThe Bamboo GardenHistorical novel centered on the 1923 Berkeley fire,incorporating themes of friendship, prejudice and couragePresented by Dr. Susan Austin, author and educatorThe Arab Bedouin Community of the NegevPresented by Zimra VigodaThe Finkler QuestionPresented by Rabbi Yoel KahnFor more information, contact Phyllis Zisman at 510-527-3298Donations can be made to <strong>Beth</strong> <strong>El</strong> Adult Education14The Builder: February & March 20131301 Oxford Street, Berkeley • 510-848-3988 • www.bethelberkeley.org"Honoring Tradition, Celebrating Diversity, and Building a Jewish Future"

EVENTSFriday, February 8 & March 8Adult and Teen Band Shabbat5:30 Young Family Shabbat Celebration6:15 pm Dinner, 7:30 pm ServiceFriday, February 15Yismechu Shabbat Service at 6:15 pmJoin us for meditative song and chant to welcome in Shabbatand bring your harmonies and your spirit to share. There’shardly any talking in this service, just music: sacred words andwordless melodies (niggunim) from many corners of the Jewishworld, with spontaneous harmony and gentle drumming. You areenthusiastically welcomed whether or not you think you can sing.Saturday, February 23Purim!Celebrate Purim with your<strong>Beth</strong> <strong>El</strong> family! Come join us ina joyful evening of celebration andcommunity. Come for the whole evening, or just onepart...but don’t miss out on the fun!The Multilingual Megillah returns for a second season:Readers are needed for all languages. Last year, weread the story of Esther in 25 languages and we’rehoping for even more this year. Both readings will beaccompanied by Purim songs, costumes, schnopps,snacks, antics and hilarity for the whole community. Ifyou are interested in participating—either as a chanter,reader or volunteer with other aspects of the evening’scelebration—contact Ruth Ehrenkrantz, chair of theRitual Committee, at ruthehren@comcast.net.Singers, Players and Comedians—sign up to join in thePurim entertainment!4:30 pm Octopretzel Purim Celebration for familieswith young children. Octopretzel will beperforming a Purim show with music,puppets and more! Come see our nurseryschool music specialist, Melita, withher band as they lead us in a musicalcelebration. Wear a costume, bring yourgraggers and get ready to have a blast!5:15 pm Festive potluck dinner for the wholecongregation5:45 pm Hebrew reading of the Megillah6:30 pm Multilingual Megillah reading. We willrevisit our popular reading of the Megillahfrom last year with new readers and newlanguages!To sing with the Purim Players, please contact RabbiZellman at: rabbirz@bethelberkeley.org.Israeli Reform Rabbi to Speak at <strong>Beth</strong> <strong>El</strong>Wednesday, March 13 at 7:30 pmMiri Gold, Rabbi of Kehilat Birket Shalom, based on KibbutzGezer, will be the first non-Orthodox rabbi to be paid by theState of Israel. She benefits from a ruling in May, 2012 by theattorney general, following a six-year fight by the Israel ReligiousAction Center in the Israeli Supreme Court.Rabbi Gold will speak at <strong>Beth</strong> <strong>El</strong> on Wednesday, March 13 at7:30 pm. Her trip to the U.S. is sponsored by ARZA, the Israelivoice of the Reform Movement in the U.S. The organizationseeks to “make Israel fundamental to the sacred lives and Jewishidentities of Reform Jews.” ARZA supports activities that helpbuild an “inclusive and democratic Israeli society.”People of the BookAll sessions are on the third Thursday of the month,7:00 pm to 8:30 pmFebruary 21: Max Cooperstein presents Achy Obejas’ Daysof AweMarch 21: Florence Lewis presents Matti Friedman’s TheAleppo CodexAdult B’nei MitzvahIt’s never too late to become a Bat or Bar Mitzvah• Study Hebrew and Torah chanting• Learn with a committed group of other adults• Work with our rabbis to develop an individual course ofstudy on a Jewish topic of your choice• Develop your skills in Torah interpretation and becomefamiliar with a range of Jewish traditions• Prepare to lead a Shabbat service• Celebrate as you are called to the Torah as a Bat or BarMitzvah!Another cycle of our Adult B’nei Mitzvah class will begin inJune. The group will be called to the Torah as B’nei Mitzvahin 2014. Whether you never became Bat or Bar Mitzvah as achild, chose Judaism as an adult, or just want to do it all again,we welcome you and hope you’ll consider joining us! We’ll helpyou structure a course of study that meets your intellectual andspiritual needs, talents and interests. If you’re interested or havequestions, please contact Rabbi Reuben Zellman at (510) 848-3988 ext. 228, or rabbirz@bethelberkeley.org.www.bethelberkeley.org 15

RecipesPesach Treats That Are Easy to Makeby Margie GelbMargie wrote and published, along with her daughterJosie Shapiro, a cookbook entitled The Lazy Gourmet: RealFood, Real Easy. Although she took cooking classes in Franceand in the Bay Area, most of her easy recipes were developedwhen she was a working mother and was determined to havewonderful meals using fresh ingredients that were also not tooonerous to prepare.Many thanks to Ruth Spear, who wrote this column for The Builderfor a number of years.Pickled SalmonThanks to chef and cookbook author, Joyce Goldstein, you neverhave to eat gefilte fish from a jar again. This beautiful pickledsalmon recipe takes the place of the classic, gelatinized gefilte,and can be thrown together in 10 minutes and made up to fivedays in advance.Ingredients1 ¼ cups distilled white vinegar1 cup water¼ cup sugar2 tablespoons kosher salt2 onions, sliced thin2 pounds salmon fillet, skin and bonesremoved, sliced into 1” x 2” pieces6 bay leaves2 tablespoons mixed pickling spicesInstructionsCombine the vinegar, water, sugar and salt in a saucepan andbring to a boil. Remove from heat and let cool completely.This can be done a day ahead of time or in the morning, soyou don’t have to wait. Place a layer of fish on the bottom of a2-quart ceramic or glass pot. Cover with 2 bay leaves, somepickling spices and a layer of onions. Arrange a second layerof salmon, spices and onions, and then a third, and continueuntil you have used up all the fish and spices. Pour the cooledpickling liquid over the fish. Cover the container with plasticwrap and refrigerate for 3 to 5 days. After 2 days, move thepieces around to make sure that all of the fish gets exposed tothe vinegar. Drain before serving. Serve the salmon with thepickled onions and matzo.French Flourless Chocolate CakeForget almond meal and macaroons that are too dry. ThisPesach, embrace flourless chocolate cake and imagine yourSeder is taking place in Paris – which is where I learned how tothrow together this four-ingredient wonder back in 1974.Ingredients6 oz. unsalted butter 1 cup sugar8 oz. bittersweet chocolate, 6 eggscut in 1-oz. piecesInstructionsPreheat oven to 325 degrees. Prepare a 9- or 8-inch cake panwith oil, butter or spray, cover the bottom with parchment, andgrease the parchment. Melt butter and chocolate together in alarge glass bowl in the microwave (5 minutes and 50% power).Cool a few minutes. With a whisk, beat in the sugar and theneggs, one at a time. Pour mixture into the prepared pan. Bakein a bain marie (place the cake pan in a larger pan that is filledwith hot water) for 50 minutes. Touch to make sure the cake isset. If not, you can cook it a little longer. Cool on a wire rackbefore unmolding.I serve it with raspberry sauce and whipped cream. Raspberrysauce: Melt 1/4 cup sugar with 2 T. water. Put 12 oz. frozenraspberries, thawed, in a food processor and add sugar mixture.Process and strain to remove seeds.Letters to the EditorYour thoughts and opinions are important to us. If you havea subject of interest to the <strong>Congregation</strong>, write a letter oressay of a maximum of 500 words and submit it to:Editor, The Builder, emwechsler@earthlink.net byMarch 1, 2012 for the April-May issue.Letters and essays may be edited for length and at thediscretion of the Editorial Advisory Board.No anonymous submissions will be accepted.Editorial Staff of The Builder<strong>El</strong>isabeth Wechsler, EditorJennifer Robinson, Layout Design and ProductionMargee Burch, CoordinatorThe Editorial Advisory Board has been merged withthe Marketing and Communications Committee.The members of that committee will offer guidance andsuggestions for future issues of The Builder.16The Builder: February & March 2013

ChanukahBazaar Wrap Upby Robinn Magid and Odette BlachmanWe owe the success of this year’s Chanukah Bazaar to alarge group of volunteers who made it all possible. Manyof these people volunteer their long hours year after year,and for that we are truly grateful! Several brand newvolunteers stepped up to the plate as well, and we areequally excited to thank them for their selflessness! (Andhope to see your smiling faces at the next bazaar too!)Our latke cooks: Ron Blachman, Joel Blumenfeld, AlexBergtraun and the Bergstrauns’ Norwegian exchangestudent, Vegard Dalen. The latke lunch crew headed byEvie Groch and Barbara Segal aided by Adele Amodeoand Caroline Lehman. Our popular coffee barristas, <strong>Beth</strong><strong>El</strong> President Dan Magid and Jim Offel. Our deliciouscookies baked by Lauren Ganes, Sandy Bacskai, MerleFajans and Nancy Lewin. Our faithful deli cashier wasJerry Weintraub, and his early morning assistance wasinvaluable. Thanks!The stylish set up in the Social Hall was designed andexecuted by Robinn Magid, Emily Marthinsen andDaniella Vered. Our shlepper crew directed by OdetteBlachman included many hands: Susan Camel and sonsNoah and Jacob, Kim Zvik, Claire Ungar, Lori Perlstadt,and Ron and Jim Blachman. Assisting in sales wereBarbara Schmidt, Debra Jacobs and Miriam Schiffman.Cashiers were Bob Goldstein, Anna Mantell, StanSchiffman and Barbara Blachman, plus general helpersJoanne Backman and Michael Fajans. Andy Ganesconscientiously took care of the receipts and WendyLukas fulfilled her longtime job of bookkeeper. <strong>El</strong>isabethWechsler and Lori Perlstadt helped with publicity andseveral volunteers tended the shop during the week:Barbara Segal, Miriam Schiffman, Bonnie Cooperstein,Merle Fajans and Nancy Turak. The clean up crew whohelped Robinn reorganize the entire gift shop includedCaroline and Steve Lehman, Debra Jacobs, Lori Perlstadt,Miriam Schiffman, and Susan Goldstein. Thank youeverybody for your long hours and cheerful dispositions!Our office staff Margee, Emily and Juliet deserve abig thank you for always being available to fill in thegaps and make sales during additional gift shop hours.Thank you to Norm Frankel for always looking over ourshoulder and helping with technical logistics. Also thanksto our loyal custodians always willing to do any job askedof them. Last, but not least, we appreciate our customerswho make it worth the effort. We spread a little holidaycheer, made some kids happy for Chanukah, and eventopped last year’s sales by $1,000 to $6,642.You can always contact us at oblachman@sbcglobal.net.Latkefest a Big SuccessMany thanks to ourskilled and dedicatedlatke team fromthe <strong>Beth</strong> <strong>El</strong> Men’sClub! On Fridaynight, December 13,hundreds of deliciouslatkes were made forthe congregation’senjoyment. Manyattendees remarked that these were the best latkes they hadtasted! Thank you to Joe Schlessinger for coordinating thisfabulous team, and for all the latke flippers: Jason and TaliaBrand, Victor Bluestone, Bruce Carter, Michael Fajans, AndyGanes, Arthur Goldman, Lee Horowitz, Stan Schiffman, AllanSobel, David Tabb, Mike Talkovsky and Bob Walker!www.bethelberkeley.org 17

TZEDAKAH18Aaron Plishner Children’s LibraryMarc Davis & Nancy Turak in memory of Jordan DutyJoel & Karen ZeldinAllan & Tybil Smith-Kahn FundBeverly & Richard EignerRuth Ehrenkrantz & Spencer KleinEdythe Heda in memory of Tybil Smith KahnRabbi Reuben Zellman & Erika KatskeAnnual CampaignFrances AlexanderDaniel AltmanAdele AmodeoRichard & Christine AptakerThe Arima FamilyStuart Berg & <strong>El</strong>len ShandaloveJoel & Rochelle BlumenfeldAngela Botelho & Barry SilverblattBarbara Brenner BuderJanet ByronKaren Century & Aidan DunneMichael & Pamela CraneMarc Davis & Nancy TurakMartin & Jill Dodd in honor of James & Marcia Emery’s30th wedding anniversaryDana & Keith DubinskyRuth Ehrenkrantz & Spencer KleinBeverly & Richard EignerAdam Eigner & Evelyn HerreraMichael & Merle Fajans<strong>El</strong>izabeth Fishel & Robert Houghteling in memory ofRuth Nobel GuthartzAlison Fisher & Matthew OshrySusan Frankel & Moshe MalerJames Gilbert & Susan OrbuchSandy & Vivan GoldenNancy Gordon & Ken KirschPauline HaleLaura Harnish & Jed WaldmanNaomi Janowitz & Andrew LazarusLaurie Isenberg & Martin La PlacaPeter Kane & Barbara GordonPatricia Kates & Henry BradySara & Robert KuporSharon Levy & Marv SternbergJohn & Florence LewisRonald LoshinBrian & Wendy LukasSusan Marcus & Ross LibensonEmily & William MarthinsenDonna & Gadi MeirJoanna Moss & Robert SondereggerJim Offel & Nancy LewinRabbi Ferenc & Paula RajJulie & Thomas PledgerZena RatnerLeslie Reckler, Mac Moore & familyKatherine & Alan SanstadSara Sarasohn & <strong>El</strong>len EvangelisteJoan Sarnat & David HoffmanStacey ShulmanPaul Steckel & Marlene MorrisLassie & Lloyd UlmanBenjamin WolfeThe Builder: February & March 2013Arjmand Adult Education FundMarc Davis & Nancy Turak in memory ofRuth Nobel GuthartzLinda Gerson in memory of Ruth Nobel GuthartzToni & William Link in memory of Ruth Nobel GuthartzMarilyn & Harry Margulius in memory of Jordan DutyMiriam & Stanley Schiffman in memory ofRuth Nobel GuthartzB’nei Mitzvah Tzedakah FundJanet Byron in honor of the Bar Mitzvah of Jacob SarasohnCamp Kee Tov Scholarship FundSara & Robert Kupor in honor of Daniella KuporSara & Robert Kupor in memory of Ruth Nobel GuthartzHerbert & Sondra Napell in memory of Pauline Matkowsky& Kate NapellShoey Sindel & David Newdorf in honor of the b’neimitzvah of Benyamin Hellwani, Noah Gorovitz, DanielKivel-Goldstein, Matthew Harband and Aaron MorrillGeneral FundAngela Botelho & Barry SilverblattSusan & Jeff Brand in memory of Harvey BaileyThe Cardiff-Mueller-Springhart family in memory ofRuth Nobel GuthartzKaren Century & Aidan DunneMartin & Jill Dodd in memory of Ruth Nobel Guthartz &Jordan DutyAlisa Einwohner for her donation of a bookshelfBill Falik & Diana CohenDavid & Nurit Garner in memory of Johnny GarnerJuliette Hassid in memory of Nessim Graziani &Joseph HassidEdward HollyJill Houghton in memory of Ruth Nobel GuthartzSteven Joseph & Corey Hansen-Joseph in memory ofHarvey BaileySteven Joseph & Corey Hansen-Joseph in memory ofRuth Nobel GuthartzSteven Joseph & Corey Hansen-Joseph in memory of Ivan RossPeter Kane & Barbara GordonPeggy & Michael Lipson in memory of Ben LipsonRonald LoshinJulie Matloff Kennedy & Patrick Kennedy in memory ofJordan Duty & Carl GallopMark Mogill memory of Minnette MogillAnn Murphy in memory of Maurice OsterAnn Murphy in memory of Ruth Nobel GuthartzLarry Parks in memory of Ruth Nobel GuthartzMarv Pearlstein in honor of the birthday of Gwen GoldMarv Pearlstein in honor of the birthday of Randy PearlsteinMarv Pearlstein for the return of good health toWill & Leslie ThompsonLon Poole & Karin BlimanMiriam Rabinovitz in memory of Jordan DutySteven & Katherine Resnik in memory of Selma ResnikMinnie Ruth in memory of Rose RutchkeSharon Caplow ToddKatherine Weinstein in memory of Ruth Nobel GuthartzHomeless Meal FundAdele Amodeo in honor of the Bar Mitzvah of NoahGorovitzAdele Amodeo in memory of Ivan RossStuart & Judy BermanDiane & Edwin Bernbaum in memory of Clifton EricksonJeffrey & Susan BrandLinda Cohn in honor of the Bar Mitzvah of Jacob SarasohnMarc Davis & Nancy Turak in honor of James & MarciaEmery’s 30th anniversary

TZEDAKAHMarc Davis & Nancy Turak in memory of Clifton EricksonRobert Epstein & Amy RothMichael & Merle Fajans in honor of Jim & Marcia Emery’s30th anniversary and in memory of Clifton EricksonBarbara Fierer in memory of Osna Kuby FiererRobert Goldstein & Anna Mantell in memory ofClifton EricksonRobert Goldstein & Anna Mantell in memory ofRuth Nobel GuthartzSteven Goode in honor of Barry & Erica GoodeJohn Hartog & Margaret HandGeorge Lavender & Claire UngarDebbie & Jeff Leon in memory of Clifton EricksonNeil & Jane Levy in honor of Ruth SpearAlbert MagidHerbert & Sondra Napell in memory of Pauline Matkowsky& Kate NapellGerald Weintraub in memory of Ruth Nobel GuthartzPhyllis Zisman in memory of Clifton EricksonMa Tovu CampaignThank you to everyonewho donated to the Ma Tovu campaign.This campaign helps us sustain and continue to buildon the incredible foundation – both physical andcommunal – that <strong>Beth</strong> <strong>El</strong> now enjoys.Barry & Erica GoodeBarbara BuderMarc Davis & Nancy TurakMartin & Jill DoddRuth Ehrenkrantz & Spencer KleinMichael & Merle Fajans<strong>El</strong>isabeth FeldmanJohn Hartog & Margaret HandCecile Isaacs & Norman SchneiderJulie Matlof Kennedy & Patrick KennedyJeff & Debbie LeonBrian & Wendy LukasAlbert Magid in memory of Marian MagidEugene & Robin MillsteinJim Offel & Nancy LewinMarv PearlsteinAmy Resner & William LeeBonnie RodittiJoan Sarnat & David Hoffman in memory ofBernard G. SarnatDebra Schoenberg & Karen FiererRichard & Susan Seeley<strong>El</strong>isabeth Wechsler & Jeffrey SeidemanRuth & Scott SpearBuddy & Jodi Warner in honor of the engagement ofLeah Warner and Jonah Charney-SirottMarian Magid Memorial FundGerald WeintraubPhyllis Zisman in memory of Jordan DutyMen’s ClubRobert Goldstein & Anna MantellAllan & <strong>El</strong>aine Sobel in honor of Anna Mantell &Robert GoldsteinMitzvah CommitteeMarc Davis & Nancy Turak for the return of good health toLaurie JuengertMusic FundIgor & Olga Barer in memory of Ninel BarerNancy Gordon & Ken Kirsch in memory of Samuel GordonEsther Homer in memory of Murray Krane, Edna Krane,Kip, Millie & Frederick HomerNursery School FundJim Joseph FoundationJessica Wolin & Matt Rosen in memory of SamuelMenachem Wolin RosenOneg/Kiddush FundMarc Davis & Nancy Turak in honor of OrawanTechachoocherd & Mickey EstesSteven Joseph & Corey Hansen-Joseph in memory ofSol JosephAnn Murphy in memory of Maggie SontagMarcel & Margrit Schurman in memory of AnneEdwardsonRabbi Vida Library FundOdette BlachmanRuth & Scott Spear in memory of Ruth Nobel Guthartz &Jordan DutyRabbi Kahn’s Discretionary FundAdele AmodeoIgor & Olga BarerMarc Davis & Nancy Turak in memory ofSadie Berin Turak, Alex Turak & Frederick WeilMarcia & James EmeryEdythe HedaSharon Levy & Marv Sternberg in memory ofAaron ZiegmanRobinn & Daniel MagidGary & Lois Marcus in memory of Mose L. MarcusMiriam RabinovitzJames & Judith SandersMiriam & Stanley Schiffman in honor of the 30th weddinganniversary of James & Marcia EmeryMarcel & Margrit Schurman in memory of Mina Turkavka<strong>El</strong>len Singer-Vine & Edward VineGerald Weintraub in honor of the Bar Mitzvah ofJacob SarasohnSocial Action FundHarry & Marilyn Margulius in memory of Clara MarguliusYouth And Family EducationFrances Alexander in memory of Ernest Alexander<strong>El</strong>aine & Allan Sobel in memory of David BiatchYouth Group FundJed Waldman & Laura HarnishWould You Like aPrinted Copy of The Builder?If you would prefer to read The Builder in aprinted format, please contact Margee at the<strong>Beth</strong> <strong>El</strong> front office. She will put your name on thelist to mail you a hard copy.Email margee@bethelberkeley.orgor phone 848-3988, ext. 211.www.bethelberkeley.org 19

TORAH STUDYFebruaryFebruary 2Parashat YitroExodus 18:1-20:23Marilyn MarguliusFebruary 9Parashat MishpatimExodus 21:1-24:18Jerry WeintraubFebruary 16Parashat TerumahExodus 25:1-27:19Barry SilverblattFebruary 23Parashat TetzavehMegillat EstherCathy StevensMarchMarch 2Parashat Ki TisaEzodus 30:11-34:35Debra Sagan MasseyMarch 9Parashat Vayekhel-PekudeiExodus 35:1-40:38Rabbi Yoel KahnMarch 16Parashat VayikraLeviticus 1:1-5:26Jeff SeidemanMarch 23Parashat TzavLeviticus 6:1-8:36Stu BermanMarch 30PesachSong of SongsExodus 33:12-34:26Max CoopersteinDONATE TO BETH EL!Please make checks payable to <strong>Congregation</strong> <strong>Beth</strong> <strong>El</strong> andmail to 1301 Oxford Street, Berkeley, CA 94709CONGREGATION BETH EL Fund ContributionsThis contribution of $_________ is * in Memory of* * in Honor of**Please credit the fund checked at the right:Contribution___________________________________________________________Acknowledge__________________________________________________________From__________________________________________________________________To____________________________________________________________________Address 1_____________________________________________________________Address 2_____________________________________________________________It is a Jewish tradition to give Tzedakah to commemorate life cycle eventsand other occasions. Are you celebrating a birthday, engagement,anniversary, baby naming, Bat/Bar Mitzvah or recovery from anillness? These are just a few ideas of appropriate times to commemoratewith a donation to <strong>Beth</strong> <strong>El</strong>. These tax-deductible donations are greatlyappreciated and are a vital financial supplement to support the wonderfulvariety of programs and activities that we offer at <strong>Congregation</strong> <strong>Beth</strong> <strong>El</strong>.Thank you for your support.General Fund - Use Where Most NeededAaron Plishner Children’s LibraryAllan and Tybil Smith Kahn Memorial FundArjmand Adult Education FundBuilding FundCamp Kee Tov Scholarship FundChevra Kadisha FundDavid Cotton Memorial Swig Fund<strong>El</strong>len Meyer Childcare FundEndowment FundFreed Flower FundHomeless Meal ProgramIsrael Scholarship FundBar Lev Landscape FundMarian Magid Memorial FundMen’s ClubMitzvah CommitteeMusic FundNursery School FundOneg/Kiddush FundPrayerbook FundRabbis Kahn’s Discretionary FundRabbi Emeritus Raj’s Discretionary FundRabbi Vida Library FundSocial Action FundYouth and Family Education Fund* Youth Groups Fund20The Builder: February & March 2013

Midrasha Reprises ItsOfferingsby Diane BernbaumMidrashaMidrasha in Berkeley has taken overthe retreats, a beloved 25-year-oldtradition, from the Jewish Federation. However, we found thatthis has been far more costly than we had anticipated. Weare grateful to those who have given but we need even morefunding if we are going to be able to sustain our program. Ifyou haven’t sent in a contribution, please do so to 1301 OxfordStreet, Berkeley, 94709.Last semester, we not only had our first 9th-12th grade retreat atWalker Creek Ranch in October, attended by nearly 100 teensfrom all four Midrasha campuses, but we also had an 8th grademini-retreat in December and a backpack trip in November. Wehosted a panel discussion for 11th and 12th grade families onlife after Midrasha (with representatives from Hillel and gapyear-in-Israelprograms). We held special 8th grade programson homelessness and disabilities. One of our Talmud classeshad 26 students in it! And our advanced conversational Hebrewclass speaks only Hebrew and is nearly as large. Our Torahclass with David Henkin is twice as large as last year’s. Thedrum circle class exudes energy. And the class in relating HarryPotter to Judaism has demanded to continue for a secondsemester. Same with the class in Jewish foods and another onJews in the movies.Job Search Services OfferedMonday-Wednesday9:00 am - 5:00 pmJFCS East Bay(2484 Shattuck Avenue, Suite 210, Berkeley)JVS (Jewish Vocational Service) is happy to offer jobsearch services in the East Bay. Employment SpecialistLaurie Nelson offers one-on-one appointments andgroup services for clients looking to better managetheir job search. She can help job seekers in targetingtheir resume to a desired job goal, finding ways tonetwork more strategically and communicate careeraccomplishments effectively.For more information, please contact Laurie Nelsonat laurien@jvs.org and: 1) state your job goal and 2)where you are in your job search.Remember, one can always register at Midrasha. No one shouldthink they’ve missed out because they weren’t here in September.The new semester (which began on January 13) will have twomore retreats for 8-12th graders in February and April. Girl Talk(8th and 9th grade) and Teen Talk (10-12th grade) will enableteens to spend an hour talking about concerns and stress aroundrelationships, school, social life and self-esteem. The popularnovel Hunger Games will get tied into a class over Pesach. JewishHumor will tickle the fancy of other students and those that liketo do Israeli dancing will have a chance, as well. There was arequest for Jews in the News, and we’re bringing back other oldfavorites: Jewish Jedi Training and Meditation; Pop-Jewry: Musicto the Jewish Ear; and Jewish Poetry.Mark your calendar for Sunday, March 10 for our Midra-Shabang fund-raising dinner. It will be more fun than ever thisyear and we’re determined to attract a large crowd. Pleasemake sure you are part of it.Chai NoonSaturday, February 2, 6:00 pm - 10:00 pmDon’t miss out on theevent of the year!Join us for our annual Gala, which raisesfunds to offer scholarships for all of ourYouth and Family Education programs,including Camp Kee Tov, <strong>Beth</strong> <strong>El</strong> NurserySchool, Kadima, Chug Mishpachah,youth group programs and the annualShabbaton. The evening is sure to bememorable: music by the Swinging Doors,dinner by Jasmine Catering, dancing(including line dancing!), silent auctionand more!If you are unable to come, please purchaseraffle tickets and enter for your chance towin a San Francisco “staycation,” theatertickets to Jersey Boys or dinner for two atChez Panisse!www.bethelberkeley.org 21

calendarFebruary 2013 / Shevat - Adar 5773Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday16:15 pm ShabbatService28:30 am Early Minyan9:15 am Torah Study9:30 am ChugMishpachah10:15 am ShabbatService5:00 pm SababaMovie Night6:00 pm <strong>Beth</strong> <strong>El</strong> Gala39:30 am Midrasha10:00 am Roots andBranches1:00 pm Women of<strong>Beth</strong> <strong>El</strong>5:30 pm Rabbi’s Tisch(offsite)42:30 pm <strong>Beth</strong> <strong>El</strong>ders567:00 pm MarcomMeeting7:30 pm MidrashaBoard76:00 pm 5th GradeDate Selection7:30 pm Perspectiveson Israel: Orli Bein7:30 pm RitualCommittee85:30 pm Young FamilyShabbat6:15 Dinner7:30 pm BandShabbat98:30 am Early Minyan9:15 am Torah Study9:30 am ChugMishpachah10:15 am MiaTalkovsky Bat Mitzvah10No Midrasha: SecondRetreat1:00 pm Women of<strong>Beth</strong> <strong>El</strong> Crafting112:30 pm <strong>Beth</strong> <strong>El</strong>ders127:30 pm ExecutiveCommittee1314Noon Lunch & Learn:Harry Margulius6:15 pm SababaMeeting & Call Party15NO BENS6:15 pm YismechuShabbat Service16No Chug Mishpachah8:30 am Early Minyan9:15 am Torah Study2:00 pm People of theBook: Maggie Anton10:15 am ShabbatService7:15 pm KevaMother’s Group17No Midrasha2:00 pm HomelessMedical Clinic5:00 pm HomelessMeal18Presidents’ Day -CLOSED2:30 pm <strong>Beth</strong> <strong>El</strong>ders(Offsite)197:00 pm ProgramCouncil206:00 pm Ma TovuCampaign Meeting214:00 pm Purim FamilyCelebration7:00 pm People of theBook: Days of Awe7:30 pm Perspectiveson Israel: Rabbi PamFrydman226:15 pm ShabbatService23 Purim!8:30 am Early Minyan9:15 am Torah Study10:15 am Yoav VigodaBar Mitzvah4:30 pm OctopretzelPurim Celebration(including ChugMishpachah)5:00 pm Ruach PurimCostume Party5:15 pm Purim PotluckDinner5:45 pm HebrewMegillah Reading6:30 pm MultilingualMegillah Reading24Purim!10:00 am Roots andBranches252:30 pm <strong>Beth</strong> <strong>El</strong>ders267:00 pm Board ofDirectors27 2827 286:00 pm Teen BandRehearsal7:00 pm Perspectiveson Israel22The Builder: February & March 2013

calendarMarch 2013 / Adar - Nissan 5773Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday18:00 pm Men’s ClubShabbat28:30 am Early Minyan9:15 am Torah StudyNo Chug Mishpachah10:15 am Ze’ev DaleBar Mitzvah3456:00 pm MidrashimTraining67:30 pm MidrashaBoard77:30 pm RitualCommittee8:00 pm Women of<strong>Beth</strong> <strong>El</strong> concert atFreight and SalvageCoffeehouse85:30 pm Young FamilyShabbat6:15 Dinner7:30 pm BandShabbat98:30 am Early Minyan9:15 am Torah Study9:30 am ChugMishpachah10:15 am ShabbatService: Pray-ers6:00 pm Sacred andProfane Concert1010:00 am Roots andBranches1:00 pm Women of<strong>Beth</strong> <strong>El</strong> Crafting5:00 pm Midrashabang5:30 pm Rabbi’s Tisch(offsite)11127:30 pm ExecutiveCommittee137:30 pm Rabbi MiriGold: speaker14Noon Lunch & Learn:Dr. Susan Austin15Confirmation Trip6:15 pm YismechuShabbat Service168:30 am Early Minyan9:15 am Torah Study9:30 am ChugMishpachah10:15 am ShabbatService7:15 pm KevaMother’s Group172:00 pm HomelessMedical Clinic5:00 pm HomelessMeal18 197:00 pm Board ofDirectors7:00 pm ProgramCouncil206:00 pm Ma TovuCampaign meeting216:00 pm Teen BandRehearsal7:00 pm People ofthe Book: The AleppoCodex226:15 pm ShabbatService238:30 am Early Minyan9:15 am Torah Study9:30 ChugMishpachah10:15 am ShabbatService2410:00 am Roots andBranches25Pesach: 1st NightSederOffice Closes at1:00 pm261st Day Pesach -Office CLOSED4:00 pm No Kadima6:00 pm<strong>Congregation</strong>al Seder272nd Day Pesach –Office CLOSEDBENS Spring Camp28No KadimaBENS Spring Camp29BENS Spring Camp6:15 pm ShabbatService30No Chug Mishpachah8:30 am Early Minyan9:15 am Torah Study10:15 am ShabbatService31No Midrashawww.bethelberkeley.org 23

congregation beth el1301 Oxford StreetBerkeley, CA 94709-1424A Bit of Historyby Odette Blachman and Robinn MagidFROM THE GIFT SHOPThe <strong>Beth</strong> <strong>El</strong> Gift Shop began over 50 years ago as a small glasscase displayed in a corner of the social hall. In about 1958 itwas moved to a small room the size of a large closet adjoiningthe main office at Arch and Vine streets. The room was keptlocked and sales mainly occurred on Sunday mornings duringreligious school and by appointment. In turn, a series of dedicatedvolunteers took charge including Sydel Lemmerman (RabbiZellman’s grandmother), Odette Blachman, Fran Alexander, LoisMarcus, Gail Bernstein, Lori Ferguson and others.As <strong>Beth</strong> <strong>El</strong>’s membership grew and space was needed, theGift Shop’s small room was converted into two cramped officecubicles for the Midrasha and nursery school directors. The shopwas relegated to two glass showcases in the hallway just insidethe synagogue’s Arch Streetentrance. It was 16 years agowhen Robinn and Odettewere asked to step in andmanage the shop. Beforelong, the inventory grew andJim Emery constructed someshelves down the hall to giveus more display space. Whatwe discovered to our surprisewas that giving up the little room was a blessing in disguise. Theshop was more visible and sales doubled, then tripled.Keeping this experience in mind, we planned the space in theOxford building for the reception and office lobby area. Wecould not manage to supply volunteers around the clock andthe office staff was able to fill in to make sales when needed.This has been a good decision. We steadily built the businessand had our best year in 2007; not surprisingly, we weresubsequently affected by the recession. We are slowly recoveringand will end this year doing better than last year.We took in $6,642, at the Chanukah Bazaar, just about $1,000more than last year. We probably sold an estimated $2,500 inthe following week. So far, we have contributed approximately$12,500 in 2012 to the synagogue.For the future, we look forward to providing a convenient placeto shop for gifts and tasteful Judaica not just for our members,but to the broader Jewish community. Thank you for yourcontinued support of the Gift Shop during this holiday seasonand throughout the year. We hope to offer you new great itemsin the new year as we help raise revenue for <strong>Beth</strong> <strong>El</strong>.For a special appointment to browse the Gift Shop, contactOdette at oblachman@sbcglobal.net.

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