1917 Watchtower Bible Student Schism - A2Z.org

1917 Watchtower Bible Student Schism - A2Z.org

1917 Watchtower Bible Student Schism - A2Z.org


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(referring to the above four) are set, therefore, upon brcaking<br />

you, and say emphatically that nothing will brcak their<br />

urpose nve the death of one of their members of thc<br />

board." Brother Wisdom further said, "I tried to reason<br />

with thu poor Fother, but reason seems to have gone from<br />

him altoper Further Brother Wiadom aaid to me: "I<br />

lamed rom them that they are determined to oust Brother<br />

Maanillan and permit you to continue m President without<br />

pow- and that they are to run things, you to give your<br />

approval, pur wnsurt t not to be asked for." Brother<br />

Widom further said that Brother Hirsh stated to him that<br />

if they could not get control by peaceful methods then their<br />

yrpae ia to invoke the law of nun, tie up the money of the<br />

oc~ety, in the B d so no one could draw it except themselves.<br />

He further said, "Then if you will not bow before<br />

them it will prove that JOU are rebellious." Th further<br />

mid to Brother Wisdom If ruin follows in the w&, it will<br />

be the 'Judge' (referring to myself) who will be responsible<br />

altogetha."<br />


A few days later, Brother Wisdom wrote me the following<br />

letter:<br />


"In view of the trying experiences through which<br />

you and your associatea ue pusing it seems proper<br />

that I should give you in writing a brief aummary<br />

of what I utd to ou in person while in Chiago.<br />

"The rucnce oTthe charges made against you by.<br />

the 'Board Member,' who apparently usumed to<br />

8p.d for the other three with whom he is in league,<br />

mlght be comprehended in one sentence: You'are<br />

a wlrrpcr of authority. But to particularite briefly:<br />

You have over-ridden the Charter of the Society, set<br />

aside itr By-laws and ignored the Will of the Founder.<br />

In short that you are running everywhere with a high<br />

hand. without regard to the kw of God or man<br />

"The 'sore spot' s e a to be that you have not 'consulted'<br />

what some one hu dubbed the 'Big Fouf<br />

in every little detail pertaining to the managanent<br />

of affairtin other and plainer words that they would<br />

and lhorrld be the Red directors of things.<br />

"It is openly charged-and this was reputedly<br />

stated to me, that you are aet upon rusntng the Society<br />

if you annot run thing your own war, in<br />

other words, you are actuated altogether by a Rule<br />

or Ruin Spirit Quoting the words of our victorious<br />

Pastor, 'They seem to be guilty of the very things<br />

they charge against you! (This from a letter written<br />

just a short time before his death, a copy of<br />

which ia fn my paucrsion.) They say they are regarded<br />

u but Zkrmmica,' and apparently they would<br />

make of you r 'Figurehead.' This seems to be their<br />

real purpose40 take all power out of your hands<br />

save what they are willing that you should exercise.<br />

"It ia freely charged that you have set aside Brother<br />

Rwrelrs rrnngements in the conduct of affairs at<br />

headdquuten. They specialize in this the contract<br />

of aale of the Drama, the 'throwing out,' as they<br />

expressed it, of the Anglophone, and changing the<br />

methods of conducting the Pastoral Work. Then<br />

you have set Brother Maanillan over everybody and<br />

everything, one whom they brand as a Czar and<br />

scoundrel. They seem to think no more of 'evil<br />

speaking' than of the anticipated pleasure of sitting<br />

down and eating a good dinner. I could not repeat<br />

the awful things they said to me about dear brother<br />

Mac-not merely the case of a wrong head but<br />

wrong kcart, that in effect he is a disgrace to the<br />

brd's cause. I listened to all this without remonstrance<br />

for I wanted to see how far they would<br />

go and how much of the Spirit of the Adverrorp<br />

they would manifest, besides I well knew<br />

that rrprooft would be worse than useless, a waste<br />

of aery. I feel sure that this was but theworkof<br />

the Dtor From certain other information that came<br />

to me, I believe I would be marranted in surmising<br />

tkt tfiii 'evil rpenki is being freely indulged in<br />

these poor &6a r Brethren. I pity them from<br />

R<br />

e battam of heart, for I love them all.<br />

"So this is r h kind of a man you have chosen<br />

for your Ucotcnrnt and they re resolved that 'this<br />

mm shall not rult Ovar them. They are set therefate<br />

upon 'brsrkh ye*' and say emphatically that<br />

nothing will change their purpose, save the death of<br />

one of their members of the Board-the officers are<br />

not co~isjdercd as members-THEY are THE Board<br />

of Directors.<br />

"For some reason the Lord seems to have purposed<br />

that I should have become possessed of these facts.<br />

for I really tried to evade what came to mc (The<br />

manner I have already urphined to you;) I tried<br />

to reason with this poor Brother but reason aeems<br />

to have gone from him altogether. I then warned<br />

him of .what the results would be if they pursued<br />

the course outlined to me-that it would surely wreck<br />

the work of the Society. He free1 admitted that he<br />

too saw this. but there is a GAT Principle at<br />

stake which to forsake would mean the loss of his<br />

crown, the Prize. Therefore to my warnin he was<br />

immune I then pleaded with him to let 8roUaerly<br />

Love continue. to controt He Profes~ed deep Love for<br />

you, but protested that he .must be faithful to his<br />

stewardship or lose the Crown promised to the faithful<br />

stewards. He just had to do what he did not like<br />

to do, etc So all my efforts were in vain. I mode<br />

no impression whatevcr, though we continued this<br />

talk from a little after eight o'clock till a quarter of<br />

one A M.<br />

The gist of their purpose being to oust Brother<br />

Mac, and permit you to continue as President without<br />

power-what they all 'The Board,' the 'Big Four,'<br />

are to run things, you to give your approval, your<br />

consent is not to be asked for. If Fey cannot get<br />

control by eaceful methods then thew purpose is to<br />

invoke the Lw of man, tie up the money in the Bank<br />

so no one but these of their designat~on a n draw.<br />

They protest however that this would not be a pealing<br />

to Caesar, but I would like to know what erse it in<br />

reality is, as I said to the brother. Then if you<br />

wit1 not 'bow to them,' it wonld 'prove that you<br />

are rebellious,' ctc What next they would do was<br />

not explained. but if ruin follows in the wake of such<br />

course it would be the 'Judge' who would be responsible<br />

nltogether. You are not spoken of as Brother<br />

by these, it seems.<br />

"There may be other points I touched upon ia my<br />

talk with you which I have omitted; if ro, it Ia ruerely<br />

because they have st~ped from my mind for the mament<br />

However, if you ted any points whldr m<br />

your opinbn woald be of service to mu, then ref+<br />

my mind please.<br />

"In closing, 1 think I thoukl say that if I did not<br />

finnly believe you and your a-laboras to be In the<br />

absolute right in this aonrroverg, I wodd 81 so jwt<br />

as freely u I rr~&<br />

ha statemcats kreln. am not<br />

thinking or considering rnna's approval I ~tand for<br />

what I believe to be the Lsrd'r armnpcment The<br />

Lord put ou Brathrrn where you are, not man.<br />

It is hard tLefare for me to believe that ahould<br />

put you out .But Nu win be done.<br />

"In sincerest love and s~mmthv.<br />

Your brother by If is ' Gmch<br />

"W. M. WIW."<br />

Learning that It waa the determination of there brothers<br />

to take charge ot the Soeicty md run it or wreck it which<br />

in my opinbn would b. he #.re result if $cy 616 tah<br />

charge) and knowing that thq had no legal rig t to do so, I<br />

considered ~uiousty what rn step8 should be. I consulted<br />

some prominent and wire brdren as to my course. I asked,<br />

"Shall I resign .aa Presideat and let these opposing ones take<br />

charge" Each .one of the brethren replied, "Brother, the<br />

Lord put you where you are;and to reslgn or quit would be<br />

disloyal to the Lord."<br />


I left Chicago on the night of the 11th and went to Pittsburgh,<br />

and there took legal action to have a proper and legal<br />

Board constitutcd as hcreinafter explained. I did this as a<br />

last resort. On Friday, the 13th, I arrived at Brooklyn, and<br />

that day I had a conversation with Brother Ritchie and<br />

stated to him that I probably would have to be away the<br />

latter part of the week and sug ested that we meet as a<br />

Board on Tuesday, the 17th of fuly. He replied, "I think<br />

that will suit us better." 1 thereupon sent notice to Brother<br />

Pierson, and served notice on each of the brethren above<br />

named, calling the meeting for Tuesday, July 17th. The next

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