1917 Watchtower Bible Student Schism - A2Z.org

1917 Watchtower Bible Student Schism - A2Z.org

1917 Watchtower Bible Student Schism - A2Z.org


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t o ~ r o b ~ t h h u t r o ~ a ~ To ~ prevent, ~ ) prohibir ~ k ond rrsttuin l k o Fnr<br />

harc<br />

of lhb Society frola pawl put fun* rrr*bt t) ~h .<br />

Brotbtr Hlnh o&d to ritbdnw hb stat&eab eoti.fent ad under #he dwrctwn of thu Board.<br />

U laa md tb4 otbar m ced back 8. To take ruch action u r q be ~ necCdsW ~ to.<br />

eL*-T 'ltmdd them Inth... .& nor on rutrun my offieu of tlus Soaety from rctlng Lo<br />

bdq on tha Bod, which would result in immediate dis- excar of the owers conferred upon him by the<br />

mphod of the work at Bethel md the Tabernacle, because Charter and b y L of tLir Society ad by lay.<br />

the tnajority of the workers wpdd decline to work under 4. :To take ruch adon as may be necessary to<br />

their -anent Will the urtuesta of the Souety be rev- rohibi; ad restrain any offi~ of this<br />

ufer la thar ha& or do thq eel< honor and preferment Lety horn dm mg of ita records, boob ..nd<br />

When I dc+ed Broth- Brrh'r pro iti0.n to place paperrexcept witL conscat and ader the<br />

hie~f and ~u co~ealres on the ~oarropon the con- tion of this Board<br />

'<br />

dition that he go to Philadelphia and "make it more +an 6.. To .take. ruch action a! my be necessary to<br />

right," he at once tqk the opposite courre; went to Ph+- revent, prohrbit; and rutram y officer of thu<br />

delphia and made hu statement before the congrcgatron Society from. pa+g out funds o this S~CQ to<br />

even worse thy he had made it at first, and when I tld the Peo la Pulptt Aso&tion urce~t upon the conthat<br />

congrcgataon of offer to .nd make it right with sat *&', the 6uectiy of tlp Board.,<br />

them upon the conditraa that be and the others be put on The reasoa.,yvhy a rped .meetmg of a s Board .-<br />

the Board, he did not d it Were these five brethren is Wig cal1ed.h~ the undersigned is that the Presithen<br />

reeking the wrtfve2 the Society and ita work, or dent of the Society has undertaken, without ioj<br />

did they hare rome other motive .<br />

warrant, to consider that the affairs pf the Sodetg<br />

The opposers have never ointed out a ringle instance are under the ucclusive control of hunsdf md of<br />

wherein I have mismanagel the affairs of the Society. certain 0th- gentlemen who do not compose the<br />

They have not ruggeated a single improvement in the Board of DireZtorr.<br />

management peir polic~r clearly is a desire for honor<br />

Yomr, etc, '<br />

D. WIUGHT.<br />

and "rule or rum"<br />

I: F. HOSHNS<br />

& cqnclusive proof that these conspirators, following<br />

. A. L Rrrcan<br />

the example ret by Brother Johnson in England, intended<br />

R H. ma.<br />

to urry out the threat made by one of them to Brother<br />

Wisdom, namely. to rssort to the civil courts in their Brother Ritchie said "Had I ken elected to any office at<br />

attempt to get control of the Society and'to tie up the Pittsburgh I would havewco~sidered myself a member of<br />

money of the Society ro Qat the work would be hindered, the Great Company class. bee he is rtrivhg now to get<br />

we append the following notice r m d upon Brothers the management of the Society in his boo&, u he reeking<br />

Vur Amburgh, Pierson and myself:<br />

to get into the Great CornDany class<br />

Thiu whole affair has been a sad one. - It has been a<br />

Sd *<br />

trial u on the Bethel family. It has greatly incurrptef%<br />

PLEME TAKE NOTICE, That the under- work krc We have wondrd why the Lord pumirted it<br />

ri ed, being a majority of the Board of Directors<br />


hereby call a special meeting of the Board of<br />

Directors of the raid Society, to be held at the<br />

St. Ge<strong>org</strong>e Hotel, Brooklyn, New York City, on<br />

Saturday. July 38, <strong>1917</strong>, at 3 o'clock in the afternoon<br />

of raid day, for the purpore of transacting<br />

the following -business:<br />

f To take rach action as may be necessary<br />

to revent, prohibit and rertrrin the persons now<br />

rtylng themselvu a Board of Dkectors of this<br />

Society from undertaking to interfere in or control<br />

the management of its affairs u Directors.<br />

.<br />


We, the undersigned, having urefully read<br />

the foregoing md having rompared the lettern<br />

with the ongin4 md being personally acquainted<br />

with the faeta, desire to express our<br />

approval and endorsement of the actions of<br />

Brother Rutherford in his official capacity as<br />

President of the Watch Tower <strong>Bible</strong> and Tract<br />

Society aa herein stated.<br />

We believe that the evidence hereiq produced<br />

has been uranged by the Lord for the porpose<br />

of acquainting His dear onea with the<br />

rubtla manner by which the Adversary has<br />

endeavored to overthrow the work which we<br />

ro dearly love and which k caushg the rapid<br />

overthrow of his empire. 'Surely he has great<br />

wrath, for he lees his timc k short Tho Lord<br />

is for us, who can be agrirut url . .<br />

W. E.' VAN AMBURGH<br />


W. F. HUDGINGS<br />

Of Brooklyn Tabmocl8 and Bqhtl<br />

D.' J. COHEN<br />

Elder Brookfyr Co*grtgorbn<br />

to come. He knows. This ir tlba h e of fiery trial. In<br />

this connetion we strong15 m a d 8 r,ereadii of the<br />

artide, Tar Horn or rafr~n9#r" rntten md published<br />

by Brother Russell just before his death.. His <br />

pressiotu there seem to be prophetac, and ue now hanag<br />

fulfillment Beloved in the Lord, let us keep our hearts,<br />

watching diligently and reein that no rodt of bittunerr<br />

springs up against an one. fet us keep ourselves in the<br />

lore of God, and whi< the fire burns fierce, how thar Hts<br />

cverlas.$ng are beneath or and He will ruatah us a$,<br />

He wdl brma through this $cry trlal everyone who is<br />

properb exerc~scd thereby. -- purified - and made more fit for<br />

ihe'M&tu's use.<br />

My hurt bleeds for these brethren. I wodd that I might<br />

help thm But they are in the handa of. the Lord, and I<br />

my He may ded mercifully with them and that they may<br />

ie fnlly recovered if that be Xis holy will.<br />

And now, dear brethren, I have laced before you the facts.<br />

I om coasdoua' of the fact that ! have done right Others<br />

may disagree with me. I am raninded that it b only five<br />

months until my term of office expires. I pledge p~, b the<br />

ce of that I wi11 strive to hqld (be a~rin 01<br />

cciety together and tee that no ambltxous pmn mdrr a<br />

within that five months. At that time I feel sure that the<br />

Lord will direct his dear people what course to take. I have<br />

no ambition except to luse the Lord I have had the<br />

blessed privilege of a lit& part in placing before the Church<br />

Brother Russell's laat work, the Seventh Vplume of Smm<br />

m TEE Saamvurs. I have tried' to be futhful. The Lord<br />

is my jadgc Eddy reputation counts nothiig and this life<br />

is not dear unto me. This has been a reason of extremely<br />

fiery trial, but I count it a privilege to mier my hater<br />

in doing what I beli~e to be the right &fag.<br />

h<br />

Let ec judge mercrfully, seeinq that no bitterness is in<br />

our hearts. Let us be of sober mind and watch unto pn r.<br />

The end is at hand. Above all things. let us put on Eve<br />

which is the bond of completeness.<br />

Praying the Lord'a blasings upon every one of you, and<br />

uking.pour prayers in m behalf, that I may be given wisdom<br />

and grace from on Hi K and more of the Lord's apirit to<br />

perform Ule duties that ke has p~ced in my hand* in a faihful<br />

Fanner. until finished, and with' much love, I beg to<br />

remain,<br />

Your brother and servant by His grace,<br />


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