1917 Watchtower Bible Student Schism - A2Z.org

1917 Watchtower Bible Student Schism - A2Z.org

1917 Watchtower Bible Student Schism - A2Z.org


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eceived numu- bnw fioja the congre tion at Lonauwer<br />

them % 1 therefore<br />

aak YOU in ny e f ; to he rQ!e to the Iandoq Congregation<br />

that u Prer~dcnt .of qe Soaetf I hartill disapprove<br />

of Brother JohnaoqDr !eon uthv kr maWg charger a-t<br />

the Mren or dsausslap them, .nd tbrt I attribute his<br />

action not to a wrongful condition of heart, but to a dirtrvbed<br />

mental condition; that YOU will plcaae uk the congregation<br />

to ruspend jydgmenf a@& 011 persona and to<br />

doa I have not * - to<br />

& and r$reneIy 8w.e the ducctron f the Lord, knowing<br />

that L due time H WEU -use rrr. thu tri.l tp work<br />

out for good to 31 who bave had the urpenence md who<br />

love HIm md hare bear alled according to Hi purpose,'<br />

"Of coune we have done that: we have left the election of<br />

the two brcthns in abeyance The oflice irutter doer not<br />

- apey concern ua. as a p+ ereept u we uid rome<br />

whle ago, &at it mlght prejudm the mud of the brethren<br />

kr dealing with ,the el+~oa ,However, we have left that,<br />

md we do leave it unbl we bur from the brethren on the<br />

other ride It ia r very loving letter that Brother Rutherford<br />

sen& and I don't how what more to my. It is another<br />

of what our dear Pastor ro often reminded us of,<br />

that rbaa approaching tin h e of the Memorial there are<br />

hid dmu for the Qurth. 'It anmr that the Lord allowed<br />

W 0 -'&-.to thr Church and the Lard'r people-at<br />

tbb dras kat, rr ro ofkn raid, nothing cur harm<br />

crr whik W c0nthuO to -it upon Him. Let ur do thag<br />

brethk ro that when we come back thia nat week on<br />

Thursday evening, we may come 'with clean hand8 md pure<br />

hearts, urd if there has been @ng of bitternus, malice,<br />

or evil rurmisiam, that we may take thia to the Lord and<br />

cleanse omelver. For my. own mind I fed aura that the<br />

Lard': hand hu ,been kr rlt thb for good in the Harvest<br />

Field. and to ouraelvu. There w certainly torneLhfng here<br />

in London that wa~ -in a atrain-I believe the Lord<br />

. rill ham. it removed I beteve r e aha11 enter fato fairer<br />

waters; M rhoU sail oa to rweeter prosperity. -I beliere the<br />

Lord is p aring us that the work may o on in the countrg<br />

more are%, that it may gather In the &t grab .of whu~<br />

Let nothing disturb you, brethrea Whatever rtrm e npor~<br />

you may hear, on4 thm have ken rtrange doin % all thir<br />

matter. Wle it to the Lord Don't talk about (Ti &nDt ask<br />

everybody you meet if they have heard the kM nmr.<br />

Take it to the Lord. .ad if there are arottetcr, cktive to the<br />

o&e to brinq before you, we will bh thu&a h<br />

due t- Stnce the 06ce !a wedddtd Be ~~clgtbe<br />

relationship ha to be taken mto account keep,^ souls<br />

in patience, and remember that the Lord ia our &qi&"<br />


-<br />

The course pursued in Great Britain. which almost disrupted<br />

the work there, has likewise been fouowed here.<br />

Brotha Johnson, .@he ableat brother in dl the land, has<br />

been dxe chief instrument in .this ud affair.<br />

Brother Johnson ret about, m Great Britain to take complete<br />

charge of all the work there, announcing himself<br />

as the Steward with all the powers possessed by Brother<br />

Russell, wd declared his intention of establishing 8 mew<br />

W A ~ Town X in that corntry.<br />

To 8ccompliQ this purpose he made charger .gainst<br />

a number of the brethren, that they were disloyal to<br />

Brotha Russell and the Society, aad that they were disregarding<br />

his expressed wisher Without right or<br />

anbority, he discharged two of the munagerr of the<br />

London office, who are members of tha council of the<br />

~ E U ~ A ~ O NBm.t A L S~PZN~ A~s~~MIMI, drove them<br />

from the London Betlie!, and attempted to drive out the<br />

Chfrd and only remainin one of the Mana<br />

weat rb~a the country & a~ ae ctus of ELiE:<br />

condition of affairs that he bad found and p~boning<br />

.their minds against there brethtea<br />

Whea hi8 European tour war cancelled rad be was<br />

rwed to Amcdu md r eommiuioa of 6ve brdrcn<br />

appointed to cscertaio the fa& mb. re rt, be thm rrpudiated<br />

the election d tha lode&% gaidafit and appealed<br />

to the Board' through Brother Ritehie; ignored<br />

the commisrion, and refused to appear before it.<br />

In :his winning manner, and by the wrongfrrt application<br />

of much of t Old Testament, he indued rome of the<br />

rncmbtn of 8 e London Bethel to r u m him. He did<br />

not rnit for instructions from Ameri but with m ac-<br />

-ke he obtained ponersbn of tho%%ce key& forcibly<br />

to6k porrarrioa of dl the mil, the office md m i n g<br />

in it, and took a large ~ o of money ~ out t of the rafe<br />

and artid it away, .<br />

Fiilmp to lnieaca &a eorndarbncn before they met,<br />

.,-. . .ad reung that hir der were faing, he took all -the<br />

money he could la Lir 's: a& 0% 8omc of. it belonging<br />

to the Society rndrome a rpeeial fund that had been<br />

raised to h,elp the oor brethren in their defense a inst<br />

the Military AcL &,hen he employ$ lawyer, pairhim<br />

$200 of the Society's money, and lnstrtuted a lawsuit in<br />

the name of the Society and himself as Special Representative,<br />

against'the London managers and against the<br />

b*k, and tied up tbe SocieWs funds and stopping the work<br />

there until the suit auld be finally determined.<br />

Seeing the Court had decided this aura adversely to<br />

him, and that his fat desperate attempt had failed, he<br />

left the London Bethel by letting .himself down from the<br />

roof mud concealing himself about London until he railed<br />

for America.<br />



At ~roobyn, Brother Johnson h;d two hurin before<br />

the Board and other brethren, accupying four gurs, at<br />

the conclusion of which a11 present agreed that Brother<br />

Johnson was laboring under some mental delurioa<br />

We refrained from telling even the Bethel family about<br />

these things, desiring to protect him. He remained quiet<br />

in the Bethel for about two months. T.hen he came to<br />

me and raid he was ready to return - to Great Britain.<br />

When told that he could not return, that there war nothing<br />

there fqr him to do, md +t the Bririrb ksthrur. did<br />

not wa~t him, he became exerted and dtclarld Ire would<br />

rpped to the Board of Directors.. He demmded that I<br />

call 8 meeting of tbt Board, which I declicked to do. Why<br />

did he want a mwhg of the Board Wt mrwer-He<br />

hoped that the Beard wmtd overrula the President and<br />

rend Brother Johnson back to Great Britafa .Notwithstanding<br />

thefatt thmt Brothera Hirrh, HoakInr, Wright<br />

and Ritchie had knowledgo of his exgbitr h Great Britain,<br />

they Listenad to h h ard at his tcqutst algned r dcmand<br />

upon me to all a meeting of tho Baud of Direc-<br />

ton !o hear him. Wby &bald thy lirtea to hir appeal<br />

in. thls behalf<br />

Brother Rusell had 8p-tsd Brobhei Maahillan to<br />

the ,posihon of Regrwaatadw of md Assistant t0.h<br />

Presrdent, with full u overseer of the entire work<br />

and had removd tothct Wttthie u Manager of tho<br />

office and Brother HoJlbu fmm the Qlporttur d-.I<br />

ment. The IhmttM Committee .appointed Brothcr<br />

Maemillan to tho 8-0 place. When I became President<br />

I continued Brother M~crnillaa In that position. Br0the.r<br />

Hoskinr, Hirrh ad blitdde .were displeased with Brother<br />

Macmfllm's appointmoat by . BroW Russell, and with<br />

what he had done a d uld to them. T,hey wanted, 'to<br />

deprive him of his pork8 rod hb . ower. Each one<br />

of them &ad rplr.. me against ~rot%er Macmillan md<br />

I had de.&>d in hk absecce to heed their .rpeech.<br />

Brother btchie had not fdt krndly about the management<br />

of the Society rince he failed of election at Pittsburgh.<br />

Brother Johnson, in his persuasive manner, induced<br />

these breth-ren to believe that I as President was usurping<br />

power which they should exercise. "Usurpation of powef'<br />

a a favorite charge of 'Brother Johnson's +winst his<br />

brethren. See his letters hereinbefore set out (page 4). .If he<br />

could induce ,the Board to take charge of .the mmagement,<br />

then his hope was that he would.be exonerated in<br />

his courre in Great Britain- and reat back' to that countrg.<br />

It was :easy to'ree that if there four brethren could take

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