1917 Watchtower Bible Student Schism - A2Z.org

1917 Watchtower Bible Student Schism - A2Z.org

1917 Watchtower Bible Student Schism - A2Z.org


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H'ARVEST<br />

sioned apeechar on the part of Brothers Wrsh and Hoskina.<br />

In the course of his remarks, Brother Hhh atltcd that the<br />

intantion of the four wu to put Brother Maanillan out of<br />

the position where Brother Russell had p , M hb; that they<br />

thought he should be punished. Finding nothing aeriow &at<br />

he could charge me with, Brother Hirsh there, for the tirst<br />

time, charged that I had gotten my uticlet In Tar WATCE<br />

Tom instead of artidu written by Brother &uaseU To<br />

rhow that hir statun&~t wu unfair, I asked him publicly<br />

who wu in possusiolr of the manuscript that Brother Rur-<br />

'sell left, and he answered that he was, which was .hc It<br />

was p&ed in his possorion shod after he becoma a member<br />

of the Epitori.1 Cacp+ttee, I have never at any the<br />

interfered wrth the pubtabon of of it On the contrary,<br />

I prepared three uticlu .on faith, ho e and love, and it was<br />

at the urgent request of Brother drsh that $wo of these<br />

have been published and that the othu ma be published. I<br />

have not asked that there be priblished. In fact, there has<br />

never kta a disagreement between the Editorial Committee<br />

u M rbt ahall go in, and no one member has .attempted to<br />

dicta& but the committea hu left it largely to Brother Hirsh<br />

to aeW the copy and rubmit it to the others for approvaL<br />

He made 4 aimilar charge with reference to Tar BISU.STIJ-<br />

DEN^ Moma~~-'Why DO the Nations War" I desire here<br />

to state what I stated before the family, that it wu at the<br />

urgent request of Brother Hish, supplemented by the requests<br />

of Brothers Van Amburgh md Shugton, that I consented<br />

that this volunteer issue be out 1 in no wise rcquerted<br />

it myself.<br />

ABOUT <strong>1917</strong> VOLUNTEEIR MATTER<br />

In support of this I append hereto an dlidavit of Brother<br />

Hudginp who h a charge of dl the printing' for the Society,<br />

and whch he prepared wholly without my knowledge or<br />

request:<br />

"I. William F. Hndgings, hereby certify under oath<br />

to fie following factr known to me personally to be<br />

cop3 and true:<br />

(1) .That dl matter appearing in the -&t volunteer<br />

issue of Tar Bnus S~VD~~TS MONTHLY, VoL<br />

9, No. 5, was selected and arranged for publication by<br />

Brother Robert H. #itah; that he ve<br />

u' ed the publiatfoa of two of Brother<br />

2ord'a sermons thaein, entitled W'hy<br />

tiw Wu' and 'Why the Clu Attack Pastor<br />

RfureUY* that Brother ~utherforEook little or no<br />

pera-I herest in the issuance of this volunteer number,<br />

that no instmetiens, written or oral, were given<br />

by him to the Society's Printing Department relative<br />

thereto, and that he was away on a lecture trip at the<br />

time the matter wu wt up and arranged into pages;<br />

that Brother R H. Hirsh attended to such armngemeat<br />

of pages, captions, halftone$, etc, on his own<br />

initiative, and that Brother Rutherford did not see<br />

proofs of the final composition until after the plates<br />

had been made and put on press and a quantity had<br />

been printed; that the said R. H. Hirsh voluntaril<br />

declared to me perAonilly that he believed said vol<br />

unteer usue to be the bat number ever published by<br />

our Society, and that he would not suggest an ditfuent<br />

matter or amgement of the matter wkntsoev,er.<br />

(2) That Brother R H. Hirsh suggested and<br />

corn osed the article, and caption thereof, ap caring<br />

on &e rear pages of the Second Edition of Je Me-<br />

morial Number of TEE Wmcg TO- entitledo'Pastor<br />

Russell's Successor, Judge Joseph F. Rutherford';<br />

that he insistently urged the publication thereof<br />

under the direct protest of both Brothers Rutherford<br />

and Van Amburgh. that-the rinting of this<br />

Second Edition of raid dernord drnber war delayed<br />

for more than two we& at Brother R. H.<br />

Hirsh's request, he explaining to the undersigned that<br />

he desired time to communicate again with Brother<br />

Rutherford (whq was then out of the city) to see if<br />

he could not ultimately persuade him to consent to<br />

the insertion of this sad article which Brothu Hirsh<br />

had written with his own hmd; that the rtnib<br />

and sub-titles thereto, in 9e afomcnt1d~c,<br />

w$;e rug ested and amgod b R X. Hinh.<br />

(3) $hat the fore tnq lrtr were freely discussed<br />

by Brother R $HY*$ and he nderrimed,<br />

in full faith and confideaae prior to the time the former's<br />

attitude towards Brother Rutherford underwent<br />

a chagw; tht ,any astertiom or insintlotiom contrary<br />

to this depos~tion ue opposed to the facts as I persop11<br />

know thern to exit<br />

(4J %t this adov~t IS m~do wholly of my<br />

own will and volition, without even a suggestion or<br />

the Iuiowledge.of anybody else, and entirely from a<br />

personal desire for truth and justice concerning matters<br />

which have been improperly construed.<br />


"Subrcribed and rworn to before me thb 24th day<br />

of July. <strong>1917</strong>.<br />

;Eb&MD S ~ S O N ,<br />

"Notarf Public, Kiap Co., N. Y.<br />

"(My commission utpvu Mch. 30, 1918.)"<br />


To ,how that the office force and members of the family<br />

are in accord with me, I append hereto a statement, repared<br />

and signed by them without my knowledge, ad, o! COW*<br />

without my requut:<br />

"July 18, <strong>1917</strong>.<br />

'To W~tox IT MAY CONQPN:<br />

'We the workers of the Tabernacle wish to express<br />

our appreciation of our President as the Manager of<br />

the work as directed in the office of which we are<br />

servants, to the effect that not once was. an unkind<br />

word uttered to any of us during office hours, or at<br />

any other timc We have observed improvaentr<br />

and cKcieacg in the Office which has been gratifying.<br />

Never hzs the President (Brother Rutherford) ever<br />

showed ariy desire to domineer or boss the work<br />

Very few timer has he visited the Tabernacle, or in<br />

any way put himself forward. We wish to o urly<br />

state that it is our duke to faithfully aerve the%rd<br />

and His people under the direction of the present<br />

management, as we believe the Lord L blessing this<br />

amngaent We have not one fault to find, but can<br />

truthfully say that it is a pleasure to work in the<br />

Office as it hu been directed since the Election of<br />

Brother Rutherford.<br />

W. T. Hoo~sn "N. GUZZEITA<br />

"S. Levrm<br />

"HAPBIFP B ~ E . P<br />

"J. A B-w<br />


"UY U. Wwolrps *ABNBL J. ESEIEILBMAN<br />


"J. k Mmson<br />

"A. S. ESELEMAN<br />


"GOWN Smieou 'W. H. BAJLIJE~LPN<br />


"W.. Bau Lusr<br />

"W. E. VAN AMBURGS<br />


"IDA W ~SON<br />

"WM. F. HWDGINW<br />


"A S. ZAXCIAN<br />

"PURL ELUS<br />

"Sa M. E WOODLEY<br />

"M. E. Wooow<br />

"F. G. MASON<br />

"J. Ds CFZCA<br />



%am. A. RUSSZLL "A. DONALD<br />

"J. L. MA^ "R J. A ~ ~ I N . "<br />

"G. S. M m<br />

A similar statement was huded me by the workers in the<br />

Bethel :<br />

"fulY 18, <strong>1917</strong>.<br />

"Dm BRCYTXX Rvr~~aro~o :<br />

"Realizing that you are under a great strain at the<br />

present time as a result of the false accusations that<br />

have been made against you,-we the undersigned<br />

desire to express our love .and appreciation to you<br />

for your faithfulness in the Lord's service, and by the<br />

Lord's grace and help we will stand by you through<br />

thick and thin unto the end.<br />

"A. C SON<br />

'W- T. Baw<br />


"C. TOMLINS<br />

"V. FRANCE<br />


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