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Jaroslav Hrdlicka: Avatar Video, PAL (720x480), brez zvoka/no sound, 5'40", 2008.<br />

Beseda avatar prvič nastopi v hinduizmu, kjer pomeni inkarnacijo božanstva z določenim namenom. V kontekstu računalništva in posebej interneta se beseda avatar uporablja za poimenovanje podobe uporabnika v virtualnem svetu. Poskusil sem<br />

zgraditi avatarja s pomočjo plesalke, to pomeni, da sem uporabil podobo človeka. Pri tem postane nejasno, ali je to podoba človeka ali pa zgolj nosilca podobe.<br />

The term avatár (originally avatára) first appears in the Hinduism. The meaning of the word in sanskrt is a descent or, metaphorically spoken, the incarnation - usually a divine being incarnates into the physical body on special purpose. A word avatár or<br />

avatar is being used in the context of computers and internet for the self presentation of the user in the virtual world. I tried to search for the actual bearer with help of a professional danseuse. Thus, I employed visualisation of a human model. As for the<br />

human model it is uncertain, if it is a being or a bearer.<br />


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