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V duhu vrednot demokracije in slovenskega predsedovanja Evropi<br />

v prvi polovici letošnjega leta Akademija za likovno umetnost in<br />

oblikovanje predstavlja razstavo medkulturnega dialoga med<br />

tremi evropskimi akademijami.<br />

Na njej se predstavljajo z deli študenti in njihov profesor Markus<br />

Huemer z Akademije za likovne umetnosti iz Prage, umetniška dela<br />

študentov in profesorice Ruth Schnell z Univerze za uporabne<br />

umetnosti na Dunaju, skupaj z deli podiplomskih študentov<br />

ljubljanske Akademije za likovno umetnost in oblikovanje, nastalih<br />

v povezavi s Fakulteto za računalništvo in informatiko, ter deli<br />

njihovega profesorja Sreča Dragana.<br />

V izboru so študenti, ki smo jih profesorji izbrali kot izjemno<br />

nadarjene in pronicljive ustvarjalce, kateri s svojimi deli odpirajo<br />

vsa relevantna vprašanja današnje umetnosti. Gre za interdisciplinarni<br />

projektni modul mreženja različnih pedagoško-raziskovalnoumetniških<br />

konceptov in povezav z izkušnjami, ki so jih razvile<br />

posamezne akademije, in tudi toleranco do robnih alternativnih<br />

praks v svojih okoljih.<br />

V duhu postmedijskega stanja, ki ga mlade, šolajoče se generacije<br />

živijo, so to umetniške vizije, ki imajo status integrirane umetnosti,<br />

saj združuje izkušnjo slikarstva, kiparstva, grafike, videa in interaktivne<br />

instalacije, s poudarkom na nenehnem eksperimentiranju, ki<br />

danes še edino dopušča ustvarjalno svobodo.<br />

Naslov Speculum Artium se nanaša na izjavo Petra Weibla, »da ima<br />

razvoj praks participacije v umetnosti preslikavo v razvoju participacije<br />

v demokraciji in da ta procesa vplivata drug na drugega,<br />

tako kot je pojav grškega kiparstva tesno povezan z vzponom<br />

demokracije v tistem času. Od takrat je umetnost nepogrešljiv<br />

pogoj za delovanje demokracije.«<br />

Upamo, da bo predstavitev v obliki razstave v realnem prostoru<br />

Mestne galerije v Ljubljani, v času od 22. do 24. maja 2008, ter v<br />

virtualnem prostoru interneta kot oblike direktnega prenosa<br />

dogajanja v delavnici ustvarjanja lastnega TV kanala treh likovnih<br />

akademij in Fakultete za računalništvo in informatiko iz Ljubljane, v<br />

povezavi z Grand Medio iz Beljaka iz Avstrije, uspešen in odmeven<br />

prispevek, tako za akademsko sfero kot za »med-kulturni dialog«<br />

umetnosti Evrope.<br />

Prof. Srečo Dragan, ALUO Ljubljana<br />

3×S<br />


UAK/W/A<br />

ARTIUM<br />

SPECULUM 08<br />

AVU/P/CZ<br />

3×P<br />

In the spirit of democratic values and of the Slovenian presidency of<br />

the European Union in the first half of 2008 the Academy of Fine Art<br />

and Design from Ljubljana presents an exhibition of the<br />

inter-cultural d<strong>ialogue</strong> between three European art academies.<br />

Professor Markus Huemer and his students from the Academy of<br />

Fine Arts from Prague present their artworks alongside the works by<br />

the students and by Prof Ruth Schnell from the University of<br />

Applied Arts Vienna and the projects by postgraduate students of<br />

the Ljubljana Academy of Fine Art and Design, produced in collaboration<br />

with the Faculty of Computer and Information Science UL,<br />

and the works by their professor Srečo Dragan.<br />

The selection includes the students chosen by the professors as the<br />

most sensitive ones, who in their works touch upon all the pertinent<br />

issues of our time. It is a networking module on the level of the<br />

interdisciplinary project connecting multiple pedagogic-researchartistic<br />

concepts and links with the experiences of different<br />

academic institutions and, in addition to that, also the tolerance<br />

towards the alternative social practices in their home environments.<br />

In the spirit of the postmedia condition, being the living environment<br />

of today’s student generations, we stand before artistic visions<br />

with the status of integrated art, which combines the know-how of<br />

painting, sculpture, graphics, video and interactive installation with<br />

the constant emphasis on experimentation that is the only place<br />

left today for the artistic freedom.<br />

The title Speculum Artium refers to Peter Weibel’s statement “that<br />

the development of participatory practices in the arts has its<br />

counterpart in the advancement of a participatory democracy and<br />

that these processes have a mutual effect on each other, just as the<br />

emergence of Greek sculpture was closely linked to the emergence<br />

of Greek democracy at that time. Since then, art has been an<br />

indispensable condition for a functioning democracy.”<br />

We hope that the exhibition in real space in the City Art Museum<br />

Ljubljana, 22 – 24 May 2008, and in the virtual space of the Internet<br />

in the form of an immediate broadcast of the events in a workshop<br />

of creating a new TV channel of the three academies and the Faculty<br />

of Computer and Information Science from Ljubljana, in association<br />

with Grand Media from Villach, Austria, a successful contribution<br />

with wide repercussions as well for the academic sphere as for the<br />

“inter-cultural d<strong>ialogue</strong>” of the European art.<br />

Prof Srečo Dragan, Academy of Fine Art and Design Ljubljana

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