The Hill, 2008 - Hoover Library - McDaniel College

The Hill, 2008 - Hoover Library - McDaniel College

The Hill, 2008 - Hoover Library - McDaniel College


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Bill's condition ashe struggles with cancer,<br />

BlIl enjoys the news Bob brings him ofWMC<br />

classmates and would love to hear from<br />

many<br />

of you<br />

DianeGardnerBiddingerwith husband Bob<br />

did an Aegean Odyssey for 13 nights in Sep<br />

tember '07. While aboard a 48·passenger<br />

sailing yacht, they visited Ephesus, Turkey<br />

and the island of Patmos. <strong>The</strong> Biddinger's<br />

fifth grandchild arrived on Dec, 23. Derek<br />

Oliver Jones is the son of Bill and [ulie Biddinger'goloneli.<br />

Derek joins sisters Maddie<br />

and Angie Jones and cousins Kathleen and<br />

Rachel<br />

Biddinger<br />

ludy MeredrthReichard spent an extremely<br />

bUSYlodaysinJuneattendingherlol'yearold<br />

mother·in·law's funeral in Denver, her<br />

daughter's wedding in California, and hosting<br />

a high school graduation party for her<br />

grandson in Annapolis. Judy is enjoying re<br />

tirement but still works part time at several<br />

jobs that she can schedule when she wants to<br />

workOneisforthecountyschoolasahealth<br />

assistant and another is as a senior movemanagement<br />

specialist, She also volunteers<br />

at a local senior center and d0C5 some acting<br />

in the local area. Recently Judy had lunch<br />

with Carolyn Powell WalkJing '61, Peg Herring<br />

Goldring'61,AnnabeIWrightKaufman'6tand<br />

Miriam Gaskill Stem '6t, <strong>The</strong>y had fun and a<br />

bunch of laughs. This summer Judy is plan.<br />

ningatriplONorwaytovisilafellowwhowas<br />

her AFs foreign exchange student in high<br />

school<br />

Katherine Schwabeland McDonald and her<br />

hnsbandTom have been living in North Carolina<br />

for the past six years. Mler 14yearsasa<br />

newspaper journalist in California and<br />

North Carolina, Katherine is now the staff<br />

wrilerforthemarketingdepartmentatCentral<br />

Carolina Community <strong>College</strong> which<br />

serves residents of three counties. Katherine<br />

keeps busy with home, work, and church<br />

<strong>The</strong> McDonalds' two daughters and their<br />

families live in California and their son isa<br />

serucr at North Carolina State<br />

CarnlineMi!cheli Soxwell writes that she is<br />

keeping busy with gardening, reading, and<br />

"spolling a good walk whacking at awhile<br />

ball." She enjoyed seeing everyone at the<br />

4Sth reunion and looks forward to our soth<br />

Carleen Ritter Minor is still enjoying her<br />

home on the Oregon coast where she is busy<br />

~eaching music, managing rcntals and .see·<br />

,ng her grandchildren as often as possIble<br />

She volunteers and tutors and is involved<br />

with her church. Carleen is planning an<br />

Amtrak trip to the East Coast this summer.<br />

Asl write this column, I am in Salt Lake<br />

City visiting with my older daughter, Holly,<br />

and my son.in.lawand twograndsons,7and<br />

5· Between traveling to Salt Lake City and<br />

visiting my younger daughter, Wendy, a~d<br />

her husband and twO little ones, 4 and 2,1l1<br />

Richmond, Va., I stay busy. I have joined a<br />

group called 72 Pannerson the Road,anout·<br />

reacbprogram that is parl of the Lutheran<br />

Church Missouri Synod, In this ministry I<br />

visit Lutheran churches around the country,<br />

spending three or four weeks belping to set<br />

up outreach programs for the congregation.<br />

Recent assignments have taken me to St<br />

Louis and Nashville, Like many of you, I<br />

wonder howl had time to teach. Retirement<br />

is certainly not an idle time. I spent a pleas·<br />

ant afternoon recently having a roommate<br />

mini-reunion with Suzanne Fossell Browning,<br />

ludy King Cole and Ann MedingGiliespie. <strong>The</strong><br />

three of uS had not been together in almost<br />

40 years. After many laughs over the "pink<br />

and greens" and the happy years in Blanche<br />

ward.we were able to catch upon our famllies.<br />

Suzanne and husband Bob Browning '61<br />

spend a good deal of time lraveling to Cen·<br />

tral America on mission trips with the Meth·<br />

cdtsr church. <strong>The</strong>y were leaving for Nlcarague<br />

the day after our luncheon. Bob and<br />

Suzanne also spend time with their children<br />

and grandchildren who all live in the D.C.<br />

area. Sons Bobby and David nre in the mllitary<br />

and are stationed at Bethesda Naval<br />

Hospital and Andrews Air Force Base.<br />

Daughter Becky lives dose by. Judy has re<br />

tired from teaching. You can read about her<br />

activities in this column. Ann, who is wid·<br />

owed.Hvesin Maryland and stays busy golf.<br />

ing, gardening, and playing tennis as well as<br />

visiting her son, daughter-In-law and two<br />

grandchildren in Florida. Son Kevin.whois<br />

involved in a drawn-our worker's compensation<br />

disability case, is living with Ann at this<br />

time. j am involved in a uumbcr of church<br />

activities and am vice·chair of the board of<br />

friends of the University of Mary Washington/Community<br />

Symphony Orchestra, I also<br />

work part time at Belmont, the home and<br />

studio of Gari Melchers, an American impresstontst<br />

anist.<br />

Thank you to the many classmates that replied.<br />

As we enjoy our «nh highschool re<br />

unions this year, don't forget that our goth<br />

WMC reunion is right around the corner. I<br />

look forward to seeing you thell,if not hefore,<br />

Let's hope we can recognize each other<br />

and remember our own names as well as<br />

each<br />

other's!<br />

MarianEdwardsPar~er<br />

1212KenmoreAvenue<br />

Freaericksburg,VA 2240J<br />

H: (540)371'4663 C: (540) 84S-423S<br />

c·rnni!:meparkerJ@eartlilink.net<br />

a,63<br />

Thanks to all who took the time to catch us<br />

upon good timcsandsometimes not so good<br />

in their lives. <strong>The</strong>e-mail.,are wonderful and<br />

I encourage you to keep them coming, I will<br />

start the next column and look forward to<br />

updates. As always the Class of t963 is made<br />

up of movers and shakers, which does not<br />

seem to change as we have received our<br />

Medicare cards and are gaining speed as we<br />

approach the lute sixties. <strong>The</strong> overriding<br />

theme of our 4Stn reunion wastbis just can·<br />

not be happening;<br />

we are way too young.<br />

loan Meyer Goudy was among those dassmateswhohadagreatlOXcusefornotmaking<br />

it back to the <strong>Hill</strong> in May. She writes that she<br />

is sorry she missed the fun but, "] was celebrating<br />

my grandson, Caeltn's, second birthday<br />

in Littleton, Colo. It's great having grand.<br />

children. I also have a granddaughter,<br />

Nathalie,14,whoisaspiringtobeinthethe_<br />

atre, I retired two years ago from Ba!timore<br />

County (teaching 10 years and a center connection<br />

specialist for 17 years, where [<br />

worked with the frail cJderly in a senior center).llovebeingretiredandfinallyhavetime<br />

wenjoy the fruits of my labor. I travelalot<br />

Jndamnowthetreaslirerofourcommunity<br />

association in Catonsville, Md., volu!)teerat<br />

St.Leo's Church in Little Italy, and amspending<br />

some time cleaning closets, the garage,<br />

etc .. at home. How exciting. My husband,<br />

George, died seven years ago of pancreatic<br />

cancer. Whnr a loss. Take care and God bless"<br />

ElienWheedletonBel1 writes, "Life on the<br />

Eastern Shore ls good, Myhusband,Jerry,<br />

and [take our greatest pleasures from the<br />

joys and successes of our combined family.<br />

Among our offspring and their families we<br />

count a few environmentalists, a conscrva·<br />

tionist, a wildlife biologist, e vercnoarran, a<br />

TV journalist, avideographer, a physical therapist,acoumyplanner,asoftwaremarketing<br />

manager, three college students, a firstgrader,<br />

toddler Iwins, a baseball player,sev_<br />

eralfootball players, lots of humcrs and fishermen/wOmcn,<br />

and one Renaissance man,<br />

Since they are all scattered to the winds we<br />

have ample opponunity to plan our travels<br />

around visits with them, Thanks to my<br />

French classes at WMC I've become a self·<br />

professed Francophile,andltrytomakesure<br />

that wherever we go the itinerary includes at<br />

leastamomentortwoinFrance.Afriendand<br />

I recelltly made a very special 'sentimental'<br />

journey to Parts where our friendship began<br />

when we were students there fresh out of college.<br />

It washer fir"t time back, and ween.<br />

joyed visiting some of our old haunts and<br />

staying in the hotel whcrewe had lived back<br />

in tile day. You can go back! j've also caught<br />

thequiltingbug,andonlyanotherquilterora<br />

longsufferinghusbandcanappreciateonc's<br />

fascination with tiny scraps of fabric. Life<br />

presents us challenges; parentaleldcrcare Issues,<br />

orthopedic problems, wrinkles, higb<br />

gas prices. But.allin all.we're very blessed"<br />

Highlights of lad~on Day's latest adventllres<br />

are ns fo!lows: "Jun

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