The Hill, 2008 - Hoover Library - McDaniel College

The Hill, 2008 - Hoover Library - McDaniel College

The Hill, 2008 - Hoover Library - McDaniel College


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oth enjoy their daughters, one of whom resides<br />

in Colorndo,<br />

Pal lambert McEliroy and Robert still live<br />

in Bendersville, Pa, She is still dOing church<br />

music and Bob serves three Lutheran ceogregations<br />

in the apple and fruit orchard<br />

area of Adams County. She is the director of<br />

music for the parish, organist and choirdi<br />

rector. <strong>The</strong>y have five grandchildren and a<br />

new one about to arrive, Traveling to Wil·<br />

liamsburgand Myrtle Beach are favorite V3'<br />

cations.<br />

King Smith just refuses to retire. He prom·<br />

ises tokeepgoingumil the body gives up, He<br />

remainsanoraJsurgeoninBelAirandisin<br />

his ninth year with the Maryland State Den·<br />

tal Board. He and Joyce enjoy their five<br />

grandchildren who live nearby. King states,<br />

"Although my time at WMC was short. joyce<br />

and I thoroughly enjoy our friends from<br />

there and look forward tOlhcsoth."<br />

Robert "Bob" Manthey is now in his fifth<br />

yearofretiremem3ndhappilyenjoyingeach<br />

day. This year he enjoyed a small reunion<br />

with loe Downey and Pal at thebomeofOtto<br />

and Ian Guenther in Sarasota, He reports life<br />

isgoodandhestaysbu~withgrandchildren.<br />

gardening,volumeeringatthehospitaJand<br />

local high school in Frederick. Md., and<br />

playing bridge.<br />

Geraldine "jeny" Hopkins sends regards<br />

fromAnnapoJis,Md.,andismoslhappytobe<br />

retired from the library there. She hasjusl re<br />

turned from China and sends her best toaJl.<br />

Among our favorite "missing" couples<br />

from the reunion were Roy and Helen Holmes<br />

'64 Terry. Even a personal call could not get<br />

them nor!hfrom Florida. Royistheprincipal<br />

of Palmetto Ridge HighSchool in Naples.Fla<br />

Helen retired last year from her job as guid.<br />

ance counselor, <strong>The</strong>ir son, Roy IV, isaMeth<br />

odist minister in Naples and their daughter. ,<br />

Kathy, is a math teacher married to an Air<br />

Force Colonel stationed in Wichita, Kan<br />

How many even remember that the Class<br />

of 1963 graduated the last of the hcme economics<br />

majors One of our own. Mary Lee<br />

Nuttle James, has just retired from a fuJI careerofteachingfamilysludiesat<br />

NonhHar·<br />

ford HighSchooL Her husband, Sam,aJw<br />

,etired,havingbeenaguidancecounse!or<br />

for many years. 1'hey haveason, Steve, close<br />

by in Aberdeen with his family. and a son.<br />

Tom, in California with his family, <strong>The</strong>y are<br />

busy buying and selling for their antiques<br />

bl.lsiness.AsMaryLeesays,"It'sagrealbusi.<br />

ness,anti'luessellinganti'lues."<br />

Mariam Evans Corbett is enjoying retired<br />

life in Laguna Woods, Calif. She has traveled<br />

with hergrandchiJdren,9and 16,lowmeof<br />

the most special SpolS in California. As welJ<br />

astravel,sheenjoysskelchingandexercise,<br />

Jerry and Sara Fran Richman have moved<br />

hack to their roots in Pikesville, Md,/erryi"<br />

among those classmates who keeps going<br />

strong and wiJl continue his practice of Jaw.<br />

<strong>The</strong>ir daughters are nOt too f.aT away and<br />

thetels a wedding on the hOTlwn./erry IS<br />

stiJlonthebikeregularlyandSaraFran,ever<br />

the health-conscious person, continues with<br />

exercise as well.<br />

Reporting in from the big state of Texall,<br />

San Antonio to be specific, Bill and Maureen<br />

filbey '62 sittet are enjoying life and many<br />

pursuits. He writes. "Glad you had such a<br />

successful reunion. Our lives remain very<br />

busyasIcontinuctoworkvery.veryfulltime<br />

as owner of our seven"person executfve<br />

search nrm, lordan-Sluer Associales. We<br />

specialize in esecutjve searchcs in the construction,<br />

mining and wind energy indus·<br />

tries,acro~stheU.S.Ourson.Chris.<br />

rs now<br />

in his nth yeJrwilh us and doinggreal. He<br />

and <strong>The</strong>resa produced our two grandkids,<br />

David, 14,andAbi. 13,andilisgreatlhatthey<br />

live nearby. Cassidy (formerly Cheryl) lives<br />

inSanDiego,issingleandaparalegalalalaw<br />

firm she really likes, Our ministry is now an<br />

official SOle3 rtot·for.pro~t organization,<br />

Debt Free Legacy. We provide Bible-based<br />

basic financial training to help people under·<br />

stand and practice Ihe principles God pro<br />

vided for all of us. That training includes<br />

spending plan deveJopmenl, Biblical giving<br />

(tubes, offerings and aims), and spiritual<br />

warfare, We have been blessed 10 now see<br />

hundreds and hundreds of folks get on the<br />

road to true prosperity "having all the re·<br />

sources needed to accomplish the destiny<br />

God has for them. - time, money, skills, relauonshtps.etc,"<br />

<strong>The</strong>y do some local Christian TV and conduct<br />

city"wide seminars and tbelr vclunteer<br />

leaders lead seven-week small groups using<br />

our workbook: "Financial Freedom in Seven<br />

Weeks Plus." In addition. when he's not rraveling(aboUl<br />

100,000 mi!espcryear) he enjoys<br />

golf. Maureen and Bill celebrated 46<br />

years back in February. <strong>The</strong>y enjoy their<br />

stoneandloghomeandtheprivacyof5·plus<br />

acres of their "cactus farm"<br />

Previously mentioned in the travel news<br />

from the Cases, Charlie alld Mara Dilson'64<br />

Walter have wonderful news. <strong>The</strong>ir first<br />

grandchild. Mamie, was born in May, and<br />

best of all she llves very close 10 them in Har·<br />

ford County, Md, Son and daughter-in-law,<br />

Hugh and/enny Walter, are active commu·<br />

nity l11embers. <strong>The</strong> Walter family seems to<br />

be a Harford County institution and the Ira<br />

dilions will continue. <strong>The</strong> Hobarts and Wal·<br />

tcrscan be seen at Camden Yard frequently<br />

during theseason,Also,daughtcr sarahWalter'94<br />

has relocated to Florida and enjoys<br />

her job all a Net Jets flight attendant. Her<br />

tales of the occn.sional celebrity passengers<br />

keep usalJ intrigued<br />

AluandJanEngleMEd'710berhavehada<br />

wonderful year. especially Alex. After de<br />

cades of dedication to our alma mater, Alex<br />

retired, well at least partially. He will still<br />

continue in apart-time position on campus<br />

but will enjoy a little more free time. Hisre·<br />

rirementdinner was attended by many of<br />

ourclassmatet;,abig~urprisetohim.<br />

Room<br />

mate DickYobd made the trek from the East·<br />

em Shore and maroy memories were shared,<br />

It was a family and friends night witlla bit of<br />

nostalgia and roasting from speakers Dick<br />

Clower 'So and Sam Case. Of course, Alexis<br />

now in the pcsruco of completing those<br />

honey·do lists as/an is slill teaching and<br />

shows no signs of slowing down. <strong>The</strong>y arc to<br />

be seen every day,walkitlgthe roads of Car·<br />

roll County, keeping in shape and training<br />

for the Colorado River trip, In addition to<br />

Sam and Susan Snodgrass '6s Case and Oick<br />

Yobst, other members of our class and "spice"<br />

who attended Alex's dinner were Ned'Ba and<br />

Trinka McGibbeny Cueman. Bill and Joan<br />

Humphrys '66 MacDonald. Pris Ord, John and<br />

lanet Pricer '62 Warman, and Don Hobart '62,<br />

who returned home for I,is camera to record<br />

the event for posterity, and yours truly.<br />

SpeakingofPrisOrd,she is still teaching<br />

both itllroduction to college composition<br />

and huroductlon to college writing to freshmen<br />

at <strong>McDaniel</strong>. and she continues her<br />

veryac!iveparticipationinseveralilllerna.<br />

tjonal. academic organi1.ations. <strong>The</strong>se in·<br />

dude the Children's Lirernture Assoclation:<br />

the American Folklore Society as secretaryl<br />

treasurer of the Children's Folklore Section,<br />

and the American Name Society, where. hav·<br />

lng served as its vice president for the pasl<br />

four years, she will beccme presfdcm of the<br />

societyalitsannualm~tingin/anuary<br />

Robert ~Bob· Berrett had a great time at<br />

the reunion and has delved into his archives<br />

giving books and memorabilia to some dass·<br />

mates. An avid reader he has shared some of<br />

his classics. He has retired from his plumbing<br />

business but keeps very busy in the Karaokebusiness<br />

Peggy lacharias Cole sent us greetings for<br />

the night of the reunion and also this news<br />

"My mother died somewhat unexpectedly in<br />

/anuaryat rhe age of qa. She had been quite<br />

activeuntilafewweeksbeforeshedied,She<br />

hadveryfondmemoriesofmanyofstudems<br />

at WMC, and of their parents. My life is now<br />

filled almost entirely with activities related<br />

10 my being on the City Council (since No·<br />

vember). J spend much time preparing fOTor<br />

euendtng City Council meetings, attending<br />

meetings of boards and commissions for<br />

which lamtheCilyCouncilliaison,serving<br />

on committ~s (I served on the sllbcommit<br />

tee that le

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