Bible Readings for the Home Circle—1914 - A New You Ministry

Bible Readings for the Home Circle—1914 - A New You Ministry

Bible Readings for the Home Circle—1914 - A New You Ministry


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sin, that <strong>the</strong> promise by faith of Jesus Christ might be given to <strong>the</strong>m<br />

that believe. But be<strong>for</strong>e faith came, we were kept under <strong>the</strong> law, shut up<br />

unto <strong>the</strong> faith which should afterwards be revealed. Where<strong>for</strong>e <strong>the</strong> law<br />

was our schoolmaster to bring us unto Christ, that we might be justified<br />

by faith.’ I say you have deprived <strong>the</strong> gospel of its ablest auxiliary<br />

when you set aside <strong>the</strong> law. <strong>You</strong> have taken away from it <strong>the</strong> schoolmaster<br />

that is to bring men to Christ. They will never accept grace till<br />

<strong>the</strong>y tremble be<strong>for</strong>e a just and holy law. There<strong>for</strong>e <strong>the</strong> law serves a<br />

most necessary and blessed purpose, and it must not be removed from<br />

its place.” “The Perpetuity of <strong>the</strong> Law of God,” by C. H. Spurgeon,<br />

pages 10, 11.<br />

“And let it be observed that <strong>the</strong> law did not answer this end<br />

merely among <strong>the</strong> Jews, in <strong>the</strong> days of <strong>the</strong> apostles: it is just as necessary<br />

to <strong>the</strong> Gentiles, to <strong>the</strong> present hour. Nor do we find that true<br />

repentance takes place where <strong>the</strong> moral law is not preached and en<strong>for</strong>ced.<br />

Those who preach only <strong>the</strong> gospel to sinners, at best only heal<br />

<strong>the</strong> hurt of <strong>the</strong> daughter of My people slightly.” Dr. Adam Clarke, on<br />

Rom. 7:13 (edition 1860).<br />

Commenting on Gal. 3:23, Mr. Spurgeon, in his “Sermon Notes,”<br />

CCXII, says: “Here we have a condensed history of <strong>the</strong> world be<strong>for</strong>e<br />

<strong>the</strong> coming of our Lord Jesus. . . . The history of each saved soul is a<br />

miniature likeness of <strong>the</strong> story of <strong>the</strong> ages.” That is, in his experience,<br />

each individual that is saved is first in darkness; he <strong>the</strong>n comes to<br />

Sinai and learns that he is a sinner; this leads him to Calvary <strong>for</strong> <strong>the</strong><br />

pardon of his sins, and so to full and final salvation.<br />


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1. WHAT is <strong>the</strong> wages of sin<br />

“For <strong>the</strong> wages of sin is death.” Rom. 6:23.<br />

2. What did God tell Adam and Eve would be <strong>the</strong> result if <strong>the</strong>y transgressed,<br />

and partook of <strong>the</strong> <strong>for</strong>bidden fruit<br />

“But of <strong>the</strong> tree of <strong>the</strong> knowledge of good and evil, thou shalt not eat of<br />

it: <strong>for</strong> in <strong>the</strong> day that thou eatest <strong>the</strong>reof thou shalt surely die.” Gen. 2:17.<br />

3. Who does God say shall die<br />

“The soul that sinneth, it shall die.” Eze. 18:4.<br />

4. How did death enter <strong>the</strong> world<br />

“Where<strong>for</strong>e, as by one man sin entered into <strong>the</strong> world, and death by<br />

sin; and so death passed upon all men, <strong>for</strong> that all have sinned.” Rom. 5:12.<br />

5. Why did God destroy <strong>the</strong> antediluvian world<br />


“And God saw that <strong>the</strong> wickedness of man was great in <strong>the</strong> earth. . . .<br />

And <strong>the</strong> Lord said, I will destroy man whom I have created from <strong>the</strong> face<br />

of <strong>the</strong> earth.” Gen. 6:5–7.<br />

6. While God is merciful, does this clear <strong>the</strong> guilty {385<br />

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“The Lord is long-suffering, and of great mercy, <strong>for</strong>giving iniquity<br />

and transgression, and by no means clearing <strong>the</strong> guilty.” Num. 14:18. See<br />

also Ex. 34:5–7.<br />

7. What is <strong>the</strong> result of willful sin<br />

“For if we sin willfully after that we have received <strong>the</strong> knowledge of<br />

<strong>the</strong> truth, <strong>the</strong>re remaineth no more sacrifice <strong>for</strong> sins, but a certain fearful<br />

looking <strong>for</strong> of judgment and fiery indignation, which shall devour <strong>the</strong> adversaries.”<br />

Heb. 10:26, 27.<br />

8. Under <strong>the</strong> <strong>the</strong>ocracy, how were <strong>the</strong> rebellious or willful transgressors<br />

treated<br />

“He that despised Moses’ law died without mercy under two or three<br />

witnesses.” Verse 28.<br />

9. What awaits those who despise <strong>the</strong> means of grace<br />

“Of how much sorer punishment, suppose ye, shall he be thought worthy,<br />

who hath trodden underfoot <strong>the</strong> Son of God, and hath counted <strong>the</strong><br />

blood of <strong>the</strong> covenant, wherewith he was sanctified, an unholy thing, and<br />

hath done despite unto <strong>the</strong> Spirit of grace” Verse 29.<br />

10. Is it <strong>the</strong> duty of gospel ministers to execute vengeance<br />

“Now <strong>the</strong>n we are ambassadors <strong>for</strong> Christ, as though God did beseech<br />

you by us.” 2 Cor. 5:20. See 2 Tim. 2:24–26.<br />

11. To whom does vengeance belong<br />

“Vengeance is Mine; I will repay, saith <strong>the</strong> Lord.” Rom. 12:19.<br />

12. To whom has execution of judgment been committed<br />

“For as <strong>the</strong> Fa<strong>the</strong>r hath life in Himself; so hath He given to <strong>the</strong> Son to<br />

have life in Himself; and hath given Him authority to execute judgment<br />

also.” John 5:26, 27. See Jude 14, 15.<br />

13. Because evil is not punished immediately, what presumptuous<br />

course do many pursue<br />

“Because sentence against an evil work is not executed speedily, <strong>the</strong>re<strong>for</strong>e<br />

<strong>the</strong> heart of <strong>the</strong> sons of men is fully set in <strong>the</strong>m to do evil.” Eccl. 8:11.<br />

14. What message has God commissioned His ministers to bear to<br />

men<br />

“Say ye to <strong>the</strong> righteous, that it shall be well with him: <strong>for</strong> <strong>the</strong>y shall<br />

eat of <strong>the</strong> fruit of <strong>the</strong>ir doings. Woe unto <strong>the</strong> wicked! it shall be ill with him:<br />

<strong>for</strong> <strong>the</strong> reward of his hands shall be given him.” Isa. 3:10, 11.

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