Bible Readings for the Home Circle—1914 - A New You Ministry

Bible Readings for the Home Circle—1914 - A New You Ministry

Bible Readings for the Home Circle—1914 - A New You Ministry


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ing him to select a wife <strong>for</strong> his son Isaac<br />

“Thou shalt take a wife <strong>for</strong> my son of my kindred, and of my fa<strong>the</strong>r’s<br />

house.” Gen. 24:40.<br />

NOTE.— This passage indicates that in early <strong>Bible</strong> times parents generally<br />

had more to do in <strong>the</strong> selection of life companions <strong>for</strong> <strong>the</strong>ir children<br />

than <strong>the</strong>y commonly have now. <strong>You</strong>ng people who are wise will seek <strong>the</strong><br />

advice and counsel of <strong>the</strong>ir parents, and above all, will seek to know <strong>the</strong><br />

will of God, be<strong>for</strong>e entering upon this important relationship, with its<br />

grave responsibilities and its momentous consequences.<br />

15. For how long does marriage bind <strong>the</strong> contracting parties<br />

“For <strong>the</strong> woman which hath an husband is bound by <strong>the</strong> law to her<br />

husband so long as he liveth.” Rom. 7:2. See 1 Cor. 7:39.<br />

16. What only does Christ recognize as proper ground <strong>for</strong> dissolving<br />

<strong>the</strong> marriage relationship<br />

“Whosoever shall put away his wife, except it be <strong>for</strong> <strong>for</strong>nication, and<br />

shall marry ano<strong>the</strong>r, committeth adultery.” Matt. 19:9.<br />

NOTE.— Civil laws recognize o<strong>the</strong>r reasons as justifiable causes <strong>for</strong><br />

separation, such as extreme cruelty, habitual drunkenness, or o<strong>the</strong>r<br />

like gross offenses; but only one offense, according to Christ, warrants<br />

<strong>the</strong> complete annulment of <strong>the</strong> marriage tie.<br />

THERE is a bliss beyond all that <strong>the</strong> minstrel has told,<br />

When two that are linked in one heavenly tie,<br />

With heart never changing and brow never cold,<br />

Love on through all ills, and love on till <strong>the</strong>y die.<br />

MOORE.<br />


{709<br />

709}<br />

1. WHERE and by whom were <strong>the</strong> foundations of home laid<br />

“And <strong>the</strong> Lord God planted a garden eastward in Eden; and <strong>the</strong>re He<br />

put <strong>the</strong> man whom He had <strong>for</strong>med.” Gen. 2:8.<br />

2. In making this home, what besides man was needed<br />

“And <strong>the</strong> Lord God said, It is not good that <strong>the</strong> man should be alone; I<br />

will make him an help meet [one adapted, or suitable] <strong>for</strong> him.” Verse 18.<br />

3. After creating Adam and Eve, what did God say to <strong>the</strong>m<br />

“And God blessed <strong>the</strong>m, and God said unto <strong>the</strong>m, Be fruitful, and<br />

multiply, and replenish <strong>the</strong> earth.” Gen. 1:28.<br />

4. To what are <strong>the</strong> wife and children of <strong>the</strong> man who fears <strong>the</strong> Lord<br />


likened<br />

“Happy shalt thou be, and it shall be well with <strong>the</strong>e. Thy wife shall be<br />

as a fruitful vine by <strong>the</strong> sides of thine house: thy children like olive-plants<br />

round about thy table.” Ps. 128:2, 3.<br />

5. What are children declared to be<br />

“Lo, children are an heritage of <strong>the</strong> Lord.” Ps. 127:3. “Children’s children<br />

are <strong>the</strong> crown of old men; and <strong>the</strong> glory of children are <strong>the</strong>ir fa<strong>the</strong>rs.”<br />

Prov. 17:6.<br />

6. How should <strong>the</strong> wife relate herself to her husband {710<br />

710}<br />

“Wives, submit yourselves unto your own husbands, as unto <strong>the</strong> Lord.<br />

For <strong>the</strong> husband is <strong>the</strong> head of <strong>the</strong> wife, even as Christ is <strong>the</strong> head of <strong>the</strong><br />

church.” Eph. 5:22, 23.<br />

7. And how should husbands regard <strong>the</strong>ir wives<br />

“Husbands, love your wives, even as Christ also loved <strong>the</strong> church, and<br />

gave Himself <strong>for</strong> it. . . . So ought men to love <strong>the</strong>ir wives as <strong>the</strong>ir own<br />

bodies. He that loveth his wife loveth himself. . . . Let every one of you in<br />

particular so love his wife even as himself; and <strong>the</strong> wife see that she reverence<br />

her husband.” Verses 25–33.<br />

8. Against what are husbands cautioned<br />

“Husbands, love your wives, and be not bitter against <strong>the</strong>m.” Col. 3:19.<br />

9. Why should wives be in subjection to <strong>the</strong>ir husbands<br />

“Likewise, ye wives, be in subjection to your own husbands; that, if<br />

any obey not <strong>the</strong> word, <strong>the</strong>y also may without <strong>the</strong> word be won by <strong>the</strong><br />

conversation [manner of life] of <strong>the</strong> wives.” 1 Peter 3:1.<br />

10. Why should husbands be considerate of <strong>the</strong>ir wives<br />

“Likewise, ye husbands, dwell with <strong>the</strong>m according to knowledge,<br />

giving honor unto <strong>the</strong> wife, as unto <strong>the</strong> weaker vessel, and as being heirs<br />

toge<strong>the</strong>r of <strong>the</strong> grace of life; that your prayers be not hindered.” Verse 7.<br />

11. Why should children obey <strong>the</strong>ir parents<br />

“Children, obey your parents in <strong>the</strong> Lord: <strong>for</strong> this is right.” Eph. 6:1.<br />

12. How should parents bring up <strong>the</strong>ir children<br />

“And, ye fa<strong>the</strong>rs, provoke not your children to wrath: but bring <strong>the</strong>m<br />

up in <strong>the</strong> nurture and admonition of <strong>the</strong> Lord.” Verse 4.<br />

13. Why should fa<strong>the</strong>rs not provoke <strong>the</strong>ir children to anger<br />

“Fa<strong>the</strong>rs, provoke not your children to anger, lest <strong>the</strong>y be discouraged.”<br />

Col. 3:21.<br />

14. By what means may <strong>the</strong> mo<strong>the</strong>r bind <strong>the</strong> hearts of <strong>the</strong> loved ones<br />

at home toge<strong>the</strong>r<br />

“She openeth her mouth with wisdom; and in her tongue is <strong>the</strong> law of

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