C# 4 and .NET 4

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hosting – ilistsource, DataGridView control<br />

hosting (continued)<br />

Workflow Designer, 1332–1337<br />

workflows, 1327–1332<br />

HostProtectionAttribute, 956<br />

HTML (Hypertext Markup Language), 1219<br />

HTML page output (WebBrowser control), 643<br />

HTML server controls (ASP.<strong>NET</strong>), 1155<br />

http: identifier, 638<br />

HTTP client application (Data Services), 891–893<br />

HTTP protocol, 637, 638, 640, 641, 642, 652, 656,<br />

657, 658<br />

https: identifier, 638<br />

HTTPS protocol, 653<br />

HttpWebRequest, 495, 641, 652, 891, 895, 1109<br />

HttpWebResponse, 641, 652, 891<br />

Hungarian notation, 60, 102<br />

Hyperlink control, 1160<br />

Hypertext Markup Language. See HTML<br />

i<br />

IAccount interface, 125, 126<br />

IANA (Internet Assigned Numbers Authority), 658<br />

IAsyncResult, 493, 494, 495, 642, 643, 1312<br />

IBankAccount, 101–102, 103, 104<br />

ICalculator interface, 749, 750, 751, 759, 762, 764, 765<br />

ICalculatorExtension, 754, 757, 758, 763, 765, 767<br />

ICloneable, 135<br />

ICollection‹T›, 118, 226, 232, 236, 255<br />

IComparable interface, 118, 136, 137, 138,<br />

139, 149, 234<br />

IComparable‹Racer›, 268<br />

IComparable‹T›, 118, 227, 234<br />

IComparer interface, 137, 138, 139, 149<br />

IComparer‹T›, 137, 226, 234<br />

ICompletedEvents, 701, 710, 711<br />

IConnectionPoint, 701, 713<br />

IConnectionPointContainer, 701, 711, 713<br />

identifiers<br />

case sensitivity of, 58<br />

keywords as, 58–59<br />

rules for, 58–59<br />

identity, principal <strong>and</strong>, 545–547<br />

IDENTITY columns, 857, 858<br />

IdentityReference, 559<br />

IDictionary‹TKey, TValue›, 226<br />

IDispatch, 697, 698, 705, 707, 709, 721<br />

IDisplay‹T›, 121<br />

IDisposable (System.IDisposable), 100, 101, 313,<br />

314–315<br />

database connections <strong>and</strong>, 823, 824, 860<br />

destructors <strong>and</strong>, 315–317<br />

freeing unmanaged resources with, 314–317<br />

IDL (Interface Definition Language)<br />

attributes <strong>and</strong>, 13<br />

COMServer.idl, 696<br />

files, 696, 703, 705, 714<br />

IEnlistmentNotification, 626–627, 636<br />

IEntityWithChangeTracker, 870, 871<br />

IEntityWithKey, 870, 871, 873, 881<br />

IEntityWithRelationships, 870, 871, 875, 876<br />

IEnumerable, 43, 112, 140–141<br />

IEnumerable‹out T›, 117, 118<br />

IEnumerable‹T›, 112, 125, 226<br />

IEnumerable‹TSource›, 270, 273, 279, 280, 289, 294<br />

IEnumeration‹T›, 761<br />

IEnumerator, 112, 131, 140–141<br />

IEnumerator‹out T›, 118<br />

IEnumerator‹T›, 112, 141<br />

IEqualityComparer, 148, 149<br />

IEqualityComparer‹T›, 148, 226, 250, 284<br />

IExtensibleObject‹T›, 118<br />

#if, 56–57. See also Conditional attribute<br />

If activity, 1312–1313<br />

if statements, 37–39<br />

if...else construction, 37, 154. See also conditional<br />

operator<br />

IFormattable interface, 84, 207, 212, 214, 215, 216,<br />

227, 231, 268, 339, 349<br />

IgnoreCase, 220<br />

IgnorePatternWhitespace, 220<br />

IIdentity interface, 546, 568<br />

IIndex‹T›, 120<br />

IIS (Internet Information Server)<br />

Administrator tool, 411, 419<br />

ASP.<strong>NET</strong> <strong>and</strong>, 409, 1150, 1152, 1157<br />

properties, 418, 419<br />

WCF hosting <strong>and</strong>, 1302, 1303<br />

World Wide Web Publishing Service, 668<br />

IJW (It Just Works), 726<br />

IKernelTransaction, 633, 634<br />

IL (Microsoft Intermediate Language), 4, 6–13<br />

advantages of, 4<br />

case sensitivity, 9<br />

dynamic type <strong>and</strong>, 297–299<br />

features of, 6–13<br />

generics <strong>and</strong>, 107<br />

interfaces <strong>and</strong>, 7<br />

Java byte code v., 4<br />

language interoperability <strong>and</strong>, 5–6, 7–8<br />

.<strong>NET</strong> Framework <strong>and</strong>, 6<br />

object-oriented programming <strong>and</strong>, 7<br />

performance improvement <strong>and</strong>, 4–5<br />

platform independence <strong>and</strong>, 4<br />

strong data typing <strong>and</strong>, 8–13, 157<br />

type safety <strong>and</strong>, 11, 12<br />

ildasm tool, 14, 297, 434, 435, 448, 449, 581, 588<br />

IList, 226, 230, 276<br />

DataGridView control <strong>and</strong>, 1134<br />

IListSource, DataGridView control <strong>and</strong>, 1134<br />

1440<br />


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