C# 4 and .NET 4

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esource Management ❘ OC181<br />

}<br />

' Visual Basic<br />

Using r As New Resource<br />

r.Foo()<br />

End Using<br />

// F# use binding<br />

let rs =<br />

use r = new Resource()<br />

r.Foo()<br />

// r.Dispose called implicitly<br />

// F# using expression<br />

let bar (r : Resource) =<br />

r.Foo()<br />

using (new Resource()) bar<br />

override finalize<br />

If a class contains native resources that must be freed, the class must override the Finalize() method from<br />

the Object class. With <strong>C#</strong>, this is done by writing a destructor. C++/CLI has a special syntax with the !<br />

prefi x to defi ne a fi nalizer. Within a fi nalizer, you cannot dispose contained objects that have a fi nalizer<br />

as well because the order of fi nalization is not guaranteed. That ’ s why the Dispose pattern defi nes an<br />

additional Dispose() method with a Boolean parameter. With C++/CLI, it is not necessary to implement<br />

this pattern in the code because this is done by the compiler. The C++/CLI destructor implements both<br />

Dispose() methods. With Visual Basic, both Dispose() <strong>and</strong> the fi nalizer must be implemented manually.<br />

However, most Visual Basic classes do not use native resources directly, just with the help of other classes.<br />

With Visual Basic, usually it is not necessary to override the Finalize() method, but an implementation of<br />

the Dispose() method is often required.<br />

Writing a destructor with <strong>C#</strong> overrides the Finalize() method of the base class. A<br />

C++/CLI destructor implements the IDisposable interface.<br />

// <strong>C#</strong><br />

public class Resource: IDisposable<br />

{<br />

~Resource // override Finalize<br />

{<br />

Dispose(false);<br />

}<br />

protected virtual void Dispose(bool disposing)<br />

{<br />

if (disposing) // dispose embedded members<br />

{<br />

}<br />

// release resources of this class<br />

GC.SuppressFinalize(this);<br />

}<br />

public void Dispose()<br />

{<br />

Dispose(true);<br />

}<br />

}<br />

code snippet CSharp/Resource.cs<br />


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