MM unic AT i O n MMunicATiOn - Ontario Modern Language Teachers

MM unic AT i O n MMunicATiOn - Ontario Modern Language Teachers

MM unic AT i O n MMunicATiOn - Ontario Modern Language Teachers


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<strong>Language</strong>s Rock! Les langues, ça rock!<br />

A warm thank you to all the delegates, exhibitors, presenters and volunteers who helped make the conference a great success. We<br />

were also pleased that Jean-Benoît Nadeau was able to attend as our keynote speaker. His address was well-received, and he had<br />

the opportunity to speak to the largest crowd in his professional career.<br />

We have received very supportive comments about the move towards the use of less paper and plastic. Our preliminary program<br />

will once again be available on-line in 2009, and we are hopeful to be able to do on-line registration as well. Our ability to accept<br />

Visa and Mastercard has helped to make this possible! We will keep you posted!<br />

Please ensure that you maintain your membership in 2009! Your membership puts you on the mailing list for emails from the<br />

association, thus “keeping you in the loop”!<br />

Thank you also to the presenters who provided their handouts to us electronically. You may access these documents on our<br />

website, www.omlta.org, in the “Conferences” section. Many teachers have already found this to be very convenient.<br />

I extend an invitation to all of our delegates to consider offering a workshop, either at the Spring Conference, or at the Fall Conference (if you prefer a smaller venue<br />

for an inaugural presentation). <strong>Teachers</strong> say, again and again, that they appreciate hearing from colleagues during workshops. We especially invite teachers of Spanish,<br />

German and Italian to share their knowledge and expertise. Find a colleague, and give a workshop together, perhaps! Info is available on our website.<br />

Lastly, I would like to extend my personal thanks to the Planning Committee (Wanda West-Gerber, Heather Henke, Antoinette Minutillo, Brenda Lessard and our<br />

Administrative Assistant, Heidi Locher) for their diligence, generosity of time and effort, good counsel and collegiality. It is through the volunteer efforts of educators<br />

and the Board of Directors that this conference becomes a reality each year. Thanks also to Sandy Smith, Maureen Smith and Christine Roberts for their help.<br />

Susan Forrester, 2nd Vice-President of the OMLTA, will chair our conference in 2009. Please assist her and her team in making the 2009 conference a great success<br />

too!<br />

Linda Hendry<br />

Chair, 2008 OMLTA/AOPLV Spring Conference<br />


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