Untitled - Victory Point Games

Untitled - Victory Point Games

Untitled - Victory Point Games


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10 The African Wars Exclusive Game Rules v1.0<br />

Advance After Combat, make Momentum<br />

Attacks, etc.) until a Tanzanian unit<br />

occupies or passes through a Town or City<br />

hex in Uganda.<br />

Once this has occurred, all Ugandancontrolled<br />

units are free to move normally<br />

for the rest of the game.<br />

[9.0] COMBAT STEP<br />

[9.5] Assigning Hits: Generally, each Hit<br />

is applied as a unit elimination (i.e., that<br />

unit is permanently removed from play). In<br />

The Last King of Scotland, the<br />

following units, as denoted by a black<br />

outline around their Movement Allowance,<br />

can Retreat to satisfy a Hit:<br />

If either of the Revolutionary Suicide<br />

Force (RSF) units or the Simba unit<br />

receives a Hit, the Ugandan Player can<br />

choose to negate that Hit by Retreating<br />

(8.4) that unit two hexes. It must retreat<br />

away from the enemy unit(s) inflicting that<br />

Hit, and it cannot retreat across prohibited<br />

hexsides or into prohibited hexes (i.e., ones<br />

which it could normally not move through<br />

or into).<br />

Only one such Retreat per unit is allowed<br />

per Battle Sequence, and a second Hit<br />

applied to that unit during the same Battle<br />

Sequence eliminates it.<br />

Example: The Ugandan RSF battalion is<br />

defending against the Tanzanian 207th<br />

Armored unit. The 207th rolls a 5 and a 6,<br />

scoring two Hits. The Ugandan Player chooses<br />

to apply the first Hit as a Retreat, falling back<br />

with this unit two hexes. However, there is a<br />

second Hit to assign, and with no other<br />

Ugandan unit available to absorb it, the RSF<br />

battalion is eliminated.<br />


[10.1] Units That Can Retreat:<br />

Per 9.5 above, the Ugandan<br />

Simba and RSF units can negate<br />

Hits against them by retreating.<br />

[10.2] Engineer Units: The Tanzanian 1st<br />

and 20th infantry units have an “Engineer”<br />

designation as shown here. At any Battle in<br />

which they are involved, these units can<br />

negate one Combat Terrain Effect (total,<br />

not each) for any single set of attack or<br />

defense die rolls. This Engineer effect is<br />

applicable up to once per Battle Sequence.<br />

[10.3] Idi Amin: The removal of the Idi<br />

Amin counter creates some special effects.<br />

Once the Tanzanian Player<br />

occupies Kampala with the<br />

UNLA Guerrilla unit, and for as<br />

long as it remains there, the<br />

Ugandan Player rolls a die at the<br />

beginning of each turn following<br />

the occupation of that hex. On a<br />

die roll of 5 or 6, Idi Amin<br />

flees the country and the Idi Amin unit is<br />

removed from play (i.e., eliminated for all<br />

game purposes).<br />

Effect: At the beginning of each Ugandan<br />

Supply Step turn after Idi Amin is<br />

eliminated (for whatever reason), the<br />

Ugandan Player rolls one die and removes<br />

(eliminates) that number of units from the<br />

map. These “fleeing” units can be<br />

Ugandan, Libyan, and/or PLA.<br />

[10.4] Guerrilla Units: The three<br />

Guerrilla units in the game (the PLA,<br />

UNLA, and KM Sperforce units with the<br />

dark green icons) are always in supply for<br />

movement and combat (6.3).<br />

[10.5] Air Units: If you choose to play<br />

with the Air Game variant (12.1), use the<br />

following instructions:<br />

Systems Development by Bryan Armor with Alan Emrich

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