Filter Design

Filter Design

Filter Design


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Circuits 212 Lab<br />

Lab #6<br />

<strong>Filter</strong> <strong>Design</strong><br />

The purpose of this lab is multifold. This is a three-week experiment. You are required to<br />

design a High / Low Pass filter using the LM318 OP AMP. In this lab, you’ll follow the<br />

process of building any system: The three major steps being:<br />

1. <strong>Design</strong><br />

2. Simulation<br />

3. Testing<br />

That is the broad overview of the three weeks of this lab.<br />

The aim of this experiment<br />

1. To design a First Order Low Pass OR a High Pass <strong>Filter</strong> using an Op-Amp and a<br />

designated capacitor as the frequency determining component.<br />

2. Build the low-pass or high-pass filter of your design and check its frequency<br />

response. Drive the circuit with a sine wave and record input (constant) and output<br />

voltage for different frequencies.<br />

Introductions:<br />

In this experiment you will design, build, and test the filters. The configurations you build<br />

are:<br />

Active Low Pass <strong>Filter</strong> / Active High Pass <strong>Filter</strong><br />

For the configurations you will<br />

<strong>Design</strong> the filter for a specified Cut-off Frequency & Gain (your TA will designate<br />

cutoff frequency (between 1 kHz and 10 kHz) and gain (5V/V, 10V/V or 15V/V) for<br />

each team)<br />

Simulate the design using PSpice.<br />

Layout the board using PCB Editor.<br />

Construct the circuit on the PCB<br />

Test and characterize the designed circuit.<br />

Frequency Response of <strong>Filter</strong>s:<br />

The most common filters are:<br />

1. Low Pass <strong>Filter</strong>s (LPF)<br />

2. High Pass <strong>Filter</strong>s (HPF)<br />

3. Band Pass <strong>Filter</strong>s (BPF)<br />

4. Band Reject <strong>Filter</strong>s (also called Band Stop <strong>Filter</strong>s BSF)<br />

You’ll be building either an LPF or an HPF in this lab. The typical Frequency response of<br />

these filters is as shown below:<br />

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Components Required for the Lab:<br />

These are your design constraints for this Lab: You are required to use the LM318<br />

Operational Amplifier, and the 0.22uF capacitor as one of the two frequency determining<br />

components. All other resistor & capacitor values are determined by your design<br />

calculations, but you may only use standard value components in the EECS Shop.<br />

Standard Values will be discussed in the lab.<br />

Circuit Diagram:<br />

Your circuit configuration looks something like this:<br />

Low Pass<br />

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Note that the op-amp is used in its non-inverting mode (the input is connected to pin 3).<br />

The resistor-capacitor configuration between the input and the op-amp's non-inverting<br />

input provides the desired filtering.<br />

Procedure:<br />

Week 1:<br />

1. <strong>Design</strong> a <strong>Filter</strong> for the given Cut-off Frequency and Gain. The Relevant Equations<br />

for both Low pass & High pass circuits are:<br />

Gain: = 1 + R F / R G<br />

Cut off Frequency = 1 / (2 π RC)<br />

Note: Use C = 0.22uF for the capacitor in the filter network.<br />

Select R F and R G between 1 [k] and 50 [k]. If R F and R G are less than 100<br />

[] (chosen to be 1 [k] or greater for a safety margin) too much current will flow<br />

through the feedback loop, and the LM 318 will be damaged. If R F and R G are<br />

greater than 50 [k] not enough current will flow through the feedback loop, and<br />

will invalidate some of the other practical assumptions of the LM 318.<br />

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2. Simulate the circuit that you designed in PSpice. Use appropriate standard values<br />

of resistors. Be careful to only pick values available in the EECS shop. Determine<br />

the power supply filter capacitors by looking at the LM 318 datasheet on the lab<br />

website. Follow the steps below to create the circuit simulation. If you do not<br />

follow the steps below the simulation will work, but the circuit will not<br />

transfer to PCB Editor correctly.<br />

Creating your Circuit Schematic in Allegro <strong>Design</strong> Entry CIS (PSpice) so it is<br />

compatible with PCB Editor<br />

a. Create a new “Analog or Mixed A/D” blank project.<br />

b. Select and delete all libraries currently in the “Libraries” field. The only library<br />

left will be the <strong>Design</strong> Cache (because it may not be deleted), but do not use<br />

any of its parts.<br />

→<br />

c. Add the libraries located in the following folder:<br />

P:\Cadence\SPB_16.3\tools\capture\library\pspice\EECS libs<br />

→<br />

d. Create your schematic for simulation using the components in this folder.<br />

The recommended components are:<br />

Resistor – R/ANALOG<br />

Capacitor – C disc/ANALOG<br />

OP Amp – LM318<br />

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3. Bias the op-amp with a ±12 V supply. Apply an AC signal of 1Vpp to the Input.<br />

4. Obtain the Frequency Response (the Bode Plot – magnitude and phase) of the<br />

filter using PSpice.<br />

5. After you have completed steps 1 through 5 and you have been approved by your<br />

TA order your components from the EECS shop. YOU ARE REQUIRED TO<br />


THE LAB REPORT. Once you have ordered your components you may pick up<br />

the components next week before lab, or whenever the EECS shop has them<br />

finished (The EECS shop will probably not have your order finished the same day<br />

you submit the order).<br />

6. Once the circuit has been analyzed using PSpice, the schematic must be modified<br />

for fabrication before proceeding to PCB Editor. Test Points need to be inserted at<br />

the input, output and at the two supply voltage pins. These test points allow a<br />

convenient point to attach probes for sources and test measurement. TPs are<br />

available in the connector library. Below is an illustration of using test points on<br />

an “example” circuit.<br />

**Note that the above circuit is just an example.<br />

**<br />

Vac_+<br />

V_DC_Supply _5Vdc_+<br />

1Vac<br />

0Vdc<br />

1<br />


1<br />


5Vdc<br />

1<br />

1<br />



V_DC_Supply _5Vdc_-<br />

Vac_-<br />

7. After your simulation circuit has been modified with test points, create the PCB<br />

Layout using the LP/HP filter circuit you have already developed in PSpice. Refer<br />

to the Circuit Board Fabrication Tutorial for 212 Lab handout to create the PCB<br />

Layout of the circuit. This must be completed before the start of Week 2.<br />

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Week 2:<br />

1. Once trace routing is completed, print your circuit onto the Toner Transfer<br />

Paper (without the SST layer) and transfer it on to the circuit board using the<br />

fuser.<br />

**<br />

**Note the board layout above is a depiction of the previous example circuit.<br />

2. Etch the boards in the Sodium Persulphate tank to remove excess copper,<br />

leaving the desired traces.<br />

3. Remove any excess toner left on traces and pads. Carefully drill holes<br />

wherever required. Use safety glasses when drilling.<br />

4. You are advised, but not required to build your circuit on a breadboard before<br />

you solder your components, and test its characteristics.<br />

5. If you finish Week 2 early you are highly advised to start Week 3.<br />

Week 3:<br />

1. Solder the components on your PCB to build your circuit.<br />

2. Apply an input sine wave of 1 KHz, 1Vpp to the input and plot the output signal.<br />

3. Measure the frequency response of the amplifier from 100 Hz to 100 kHz by<br />

measuring the output amplitude for different frequencies of the input sine wave.<br />

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Observations<br />

Table: <strong>Filter</strong> gain versus frequency<br />

Frequency<br />

[kHz]<br />

Vin<br />

[V]<br />

Vout<br />

[V]<br />

0.1<br />

0.2<br />

0.5<br />

0.75<br />

1<br />

2<br />

3<br />

4<br />

5<br />

6<br />

7<br />

8<br />

9<br />

10<br />

15<br />

20<br />

50<br />

100<br />

Gain<br />

[V/V]<br />

Gain [dB] =<br />

20log 10 |Vout/Vin|<br />

1. Use your experimentally measured values to plot the magnitude of the Gain [dB]<br />

( | |) of the frequency response (the Bode plot) with Excel. Plot the<br />

magnitude (on a linear scale) on the ordinate axis and frequency (on a log scale) on<br />

the abscissa axis. This is the magnitude portion of the Bode plot.<br />

2. Use your experimentally measured values to plot the Gain [V/V] ( ) with Excel.<br />

Plot the magnitude (on a log scale) on the ordinate axis and frequency (on a log<br />

scale) on the abscissa axis.<br />

3. Compare the plot of of your experimentally measured values to your PSpice<br />

simulation of of the circuit. Or, you may compare the plot of | | of<br />

your experimentally measured values to your PSpice simulation of | |.<br />

4. You are required to include the following PSpice plots:<br />

a) (log scale) vs. frequency (log scale)<br />

b) | | (linear scale) vs. frequency (log scale)<br />

i. Consult Prelab 5 for how to plot | | in PSpice.<br />

5. Determine the cut off frequency from the plot of | | (linear scale) vs.<br />

frequency (log scale) and compare it to the theoretical value.<br />

6. Compare the actual and theoretical 20 Log (1 + R F /R G ) pass band gains.<br />

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