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PDF - Royal and Sun Alliance

PDF - Royal and Sun Alliance


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The table below sets out the key movements in the investment portfolio over 2008:<br />

Value Foreign Mark to Other Value<br />

31/12/2007 Exchange Market Movements 31/12/08<br />

£m £m £m £m £m<br />

Government Bonds 5,333 743 261 (326) 6,011<br />

Non Government Bonds 4,248 604 43 736 5,631<br />

Cash 1,509 167 - (62) 1,614<br />

Equities 1,132 32 (363) (21) 780<br />

Property 429 27 (98) 7 365<br />

Prefs & CIVs 355 21 (78) (138) 160<br />

Other 272 17 2 (125) 166<br />

Total 13,278 1,611 (233) 71 14,727<br />

The investment portfolio increased by 11% to £14,727m over the year, with foreign exchange gains of £1,611m <strong>and</strong> other<br />

positive movements of £71m offset by mark to market movements of £233m. The foreign exchange benefit reflects the<br />

appreciation of the Canadian Dollar, the Euro, the Danish Krone <strong>and</strong> the Swedish Krona against Sterling. The mark to<br />

market movement on the bond portfolio is a positive £304m, <strong>and</strong> the movement on equities a negative £363m. The<br />

movement on equities is partially offset by the £141m gain on the equity hedges, which is recognised in total gains.<br />

90% of the total investment portfolio is invested in high quality fixed income <strong>and</strong> cash assets. The fixed interest portfolio<br />

remains concentrated on high quality short dated assets, with 99% of the bond portfolio investment grade, <strong>and</strong> 83% rated<br />

AA or above. The bond holdings are well diversified, with 74% invested in currencies other than Sterling, <strong>and</strong> 48%<br />

invested in non government bonds (2007: 45% invested in non government bonds). The average duration is 2.7 years for<br />

the Group, <strong>and</strong> 2.0 years in the UK.<br />

The non government bond portfolio of £5.6bn comprises £1.8bn of Sc<strong>and</strong>inavian Mortgage Bonds, £2.2bn of other<br />

financials <strong>and</strong> £1.6bn of non financials. The Sc<strong>and</strong>inavian Mortgage Bonds portfolio comprises £1.2bn of Swedish bonds,<br />

which are all rated AAA, <strong>and</strong> £0.6bn of Danish bonds, which are principally rated Aaa. The average duration on the<br />

Sc<strong>and</strong>inavian Mortgage Bond portfolio is 2.6 years with an average LTV of 50-60%. Total holdings have increased by<br />

£0.4bn since 30 September 2008, primarily reflecting foreign exchange <strong>and</strong> positive valuation movements. Within the<br />

£2.2bn of other financial exposure, £0.6bn is in supranational <strong>and</strong> sovereign backed entities, £0.3bn in other non bank<br />

financials <strong>and</strong> £1.3bn in banks. Of the £1.3bn in banks, just £320m of this is subordinated debt <strong>and</strong> only £90m is Tier 1,<br />

the vast majority of which is in Canadian banks, with only £10m in the UK.<br />

At the year end, equities (excluding preference shares <strong>and</strong> Collective Investment Vehicles backed by fixed income <strong>and</strong><br />

cash) comprised 5% of the portfolio. We have hedged our equity exposure for the past 4 years <strong>and</strong> around 75% of this<br />

exposure remains hedged with a rolling programme of put <strong>and</strong> call options, providing protection down to a FTSE level of<br />

2825.<br />

The commercial property portfolio is only 2% of investment assets <strong>and</strong> comprises high quality commercial properties <strong>and</strong><br />

does not include any development properties. The Group’s CDO exposure is £81m, <strong>and</strong> includes £76m of CLOs which<br />

have experienced no downgrades.<br />

At 31 December 2008, unrealised gains on the balance sheet were £263m (31 December 2007: £461m).<br />


Capital position<br />

The regulatory capital position of the Group under the Insurance Groups Directive (IGD) is set out below:<br />

31 December 31 December 31 December<br />

2008 2008 2007<br />

Requirement Surplus Surplus<br />

£bn £bn £bn<br />

Insurance Groups Directive 1.1 1.7 1.5<br />

The IGD surplus was £1.7bn compared with £1.5bn at 31 December 2007 <strong>and</strong> coverage over the IGD requirement is 2.5<br />

times (31 December 2007: 2.5 times). The improvement in IGD surplus is mainly attributable to the profits for the year<br />

<strong>and</strong> positive foreign exchange movements, offset by the dividend, unrealised investment losses <strong>and</strong> an increase in the<br />

capital requirement in line with business growth. A 30% fall in the FTSE from the year end level of around 4,400 would<br />

reduce the IGD surplus by an estimated £0.2bn.<br />

8 Ι RSA Ι 2008 Year End Results Ι 26 February 2009

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